IIWES & ^lATIPTOlf, Pub’s. A: Pro’s “The Old Aorlh State Forever.”— Siiig^le Copies Five Cents V >T.. I SALISBURY, N. C,. TUESDAY EYINING, AUG. 21, 1866. NUMBER 93 THE OLD NORTH STATE. rrJH-WEEKl.V.J Zicwis Hanes dc John S. Hampton. 1‘Uin.ISHKUS A I'UOl'UIKTOUS. LEWIS HANKS, Fdit-r f j" IIATKS OF .SUIFSCUIPTIOX. 43 TKIt.nJS—CASH IN ADVANCE. Tri-Weekly, (iie Vciir “ Six Moiitlis, *■ One -Mouth, 3.00. To ets. [WEEKLY ] Wee kly paper. One Year, - - - S 3.(M) *• “ Six ui)iiths. - - 1..50 “ “ Ti-ii copii's One Year, • 22.00 “ “ Tw'eu:y copies. One Year. 40.00 , .\ cross X oil t!ie paper iiulicates the e.xpiratioii o1 i the siih.-eription. The tyiie on wliieh tlie “ Oi.n Nokth State.” is, printe,! i entireh’ new. No pains will he spared to | make it a welcoiiie visitor to every family. In order : to ilo thi-i we have eniia'/ed the servii;es of able and | aeconiplistied literary contrihiitor.s. ADVERTISING- RATES. TU.tXSIKNT K.VTL.S For all jHiriods less than one month »ne Spiare. Fir-t iii.-erlion §1.00 Faeh Mih'ec|iieut insertion 50 oiiirai t rates for [a-riods of one to four months. V 1 .MO. 2 Mii.S. 3 MOS. 4 M(1S. 1 .8(|nan‘, 3 (10 4 .50 i; (III 8 00 2 .S(prrs, 4 DO li (III 8 III) 12 00 li 5 DO 7 .5(1 III .5(1 13 00 1 (i Dll 9 (III 12 III) 15 00 Coliii’n 8 DO 12 Dll Di (III ‘20 00 i “ ID Dll 1.5 (III •2(1 (10 •25 00 1 1.5 (III 22 .5(1 •28 (10 35 00 Special ('(jiitr.ii’t.-i w 1! be made witli tbose who lesire to adv(*rtise fora loiiyer term than foiirmoiiths. Court Notices and .Vdvertisenients will he eharjred at the usual rates, j Ten line - d'solid minion type, or ahont one ; ineli lenjithwi.se of the colninn, constitute a siinare. j * 1 Special Notices, in leaded minion, will he con tracted for at the (dliee, at md less thanduiihlc the rate id'ordinary advertiseni-n's. I n-erted a-readiiifr matter, v. itii approval of the. ' nr,, lifty cents jier line. \.lv erii-ements inserted irrefriilarly, or at inter- | \ii, . J.i p.-r cent, additional. I . . iiJ.w nrniNwl Hri» V»r e/'c- ; ^ I .1, 111 ■ w o si|uares, ehaneeable at discretion,! 1.1 , -. I e- 1 athlil ional. 1 A1 ore 'o.i.i i wo sijiiares, ehanircaldn at discre-| n. per Mpiare oi ten hnes, tor every chanjrc, j wcnty-livi- cents l-'ive .-.piares estiina’.e.i as a quarter eolnm",. I ml ten si|u;cii-.' as a liali eolnmn. Dills 1..; ad- ■ vcrtisiiiLT. wheihi'V i.y tin- day or year, wdl tie on.-idereii du.'and colleelahh* o . p.-n-- ' •..•dam the Women of the South. j 'rill- fiiti \\ c jiriijM),sf is the can.se id the ■ .Sonlli. It Im.s neither [larty, nor .scciion, nor division. 'The olilieali'»ii.s of the .sur vivors to the tiicinory ot ihc, inartvr.s of tile war address the South a.s one fainilv, i wiieivin, lhoup,h there Le dejrree.s (d .-itliie- ■ lion and hareavenient, none arc without isnrrow and .^rief. It is not, however, to ; Inairt.s criislied hy jtersonal sorrows so ' linich ;ls to the ^r.ilitiide cherished lor no- i Me deeds hy nolde nieii, we apjieal. With this the southern heart tlirohs witli one iinjnilse, ;unl is reaily to testily its inex tin is liable syinjtathy. It shall he our endeavor to rt'seue from the oldivion to which they are passin}; tin; j graves of the ;reat host which perished in j ihe war and sleep undistin*riiished in our j cemetery. 'I'lieir memory history will , transmit from ajre to age, jirojiounding I without number iilustrions exanudes from ' which tin* noblest id' evi'ry age may catch ‘ new ins[iiration. We pnqiosi* the Immh- , ler trihiite, yet the more touching to rela- ' tives and friends, and 'ven to the general he.art,—that of idi-ntifying with durable inonnmcnts the ground where slet'p the honored dead—tempting thither hy its be coming habitude the countless throng, who would do homage to such dead. Our des- , ignation is “Hollywood .Memoiial Associa | tion of Richmond”—pledged to ap]dy the j means which may he jirovided to the per- j nianent protection and adornnu'iit of the ' lloilywood A'eiuetery. 'I'liose coiitribut-' Jug .to the Association will he enrolled as i iiiemhers ; and contrihution.s may be re- ■ knitted to the 'rreasun r, 3lrs. Dr. 13A1\N- KV : and h-tters addressed to the Corres- ^londintr Secretavv. Mrs. Dr. BOLTON.' Jnforiyation will he furnished at all times ' Ly tin* J*'resident and hy any member of j tin* Memorial Committee. i Mrs. Win. II. MrFABJ.AND, Brest. ' Mrs. .lA.MES K. CASK IE, Mrs. Dr. BARNEY, Mrs. C. MAtJUTDER, Mrs. .l AMES LYONS, Mrs. BlDlK X )D, Mrs. DABNEY, Mrs. BARKSDALE, Mrs. Dr. CELLEN, Mrs. COWARDIN, Mrs. Dr. IIAXALL. STOP THE THIEF. JOHN tlOFKlXS liaviiip abscondeij ffom iny plan tation in l>avit* (’ouiity. with a larif.. Iron (trey Horse 1 will ^Mvea lilieral reward for the horse and .such information aai will liead to the apprehen.sion of said Hopkins. I'ETKU W. HAIUSTOX, July *.*2,'G6. THE POSTAGE LAW. For the convenience of our readers, many of whom are uninformed as to the pre.sent postal rates, we extract and pn*par(* the following from the existing regulations as publi-shed in the Uni ted States Atail: LKTTKU PO.ST.VOE.—PREPAYMENT. The law require.s tJie post.ajrc on alt letters to lx* prepaid by stamp for stamped envelopes—pav- ment in money being prohihit(*d. All drop let ters must ahso he prepaid. The only letters on which paym(*nt is not demand(*d, arc those ad- dn*ssed to the Pn,*sident, or Vice-President or members of Congress, and letters on official husi ness to the chiefs of the Kxecutive D(*i)artments ol the (iiveninH.*ns, the heads of bureaus, and chief (•h*rks, and others invested with the frank ing privilege. RATE .S. The rates of latter postage is three cents pci halfoiinci*, throiigliout the Unit(*d States; and tliree cents for(*ach additional Iialf ounce or frac tion thereof. The ten cent Pacilic rate is abol ished. The rate of po.stagi* on drop letters is two cents l)(*r half ounce or fraction thereof, at all offices wiicn; free d(*Iiv(*rv hy earner is estahlish(*d. wiien; siu-h free delivery is not estaijli.shed, the rate is one cent. N EWSPAPER PO.ST.VtJ E. The following is the postage on newspapers, wlien sent from the othce of publication, to regu lar suhscrihers: Postage on Daily papers to suh.scrihers when ]ircpaid (juartcrly or yearly in advance, either at the mailing office or oliici; *f delivery, per quarter, (three month a) 3.5 ets. Six tim(*s per week, per quarter, 30 “ For Tri-Weeklv, “ if) “ Foi S(*iiii-\YeeKU, “ Kj “ For Weekly, “ 5 o Weekly Xewspap(*rs (one copy only) sent hy tin* jmhiisher to actual subscribers within the county where jirintcd and ])al)Iish(;d, free, ql A RTERLY PA V.MENT.S. ()nart(*rly po,-;tage cannot lu* paid for less than thr(*i* moiitli.'^. |f;i suliscription begins at anv oilier time than the (•onimeneein(*nt of an officiiil (jiiarter, tlie postage r(*e(*ived hy the Post Master, iiuist still he entered in his account for that quar- t(‘r. Sni'serihers for s’lort term.s—t*xceeding three month.-;, s.iy four or live inontlis—can pay (juar tcrly po.- tage ldrt:;c *ci uai rcrin of their siihscrip- tioii.s—that i.-;, for ■; i.'; U iitcr and a third, one (juarter and two tliir(D, Ac. The law only rc(]iiires that at h*ast oin* (juartcr’s jiosfage .ffiull he pre- jiaid, and not more than one year’s jiostage. Anv term lictwccn one i|!iartc'.'and one year canthere- fon* he pr(*paid at projioniouau* rides. Snh.-:cri- h(*rs can jiay tlx* po.dage for a fraction of a qnar- h'r, at tin* same rates for a whole quarter, hv in cluding the fraction with tin* next wliole quarter, and paying for both at the same time. J-fCI » I I.KtiK.'f -J'O 1-(I|-1.I.NIIKK.S. Puhlishers of X(*wsj)apers and Periodicals mav nd to (*ach otlicr from tlieir r(*spcctive offices ("it l»!il)lication, free ot postage oin* copy of each pnh- licatioii, and may also .-.cuil :o each a(*tnal suh- ■criher. iiicloscd in their juiniicatious, hills and reccii);- lor the same, fr{-(mu'postage. They may :tlM.:; ite oil their iv.qi(*ciivc juihlicatioiis, the (lau,- acn the subscription c.ypires. to lie writcii 1. ' ed. .SM.M.L PAPKES. (.-.•i.gions, Ikincatioiia! aui; .'.gricnltnral Xew.s- pap •'s oi siuai! i/c. i-.-i;c(i ir.^s frequently than o!ic(‘ a Week, may lie scut in jiacKages to one ad 'Ire-', .i! li;e rale oi one eeid for eaeli package not e weeiling tour ounces- in weight, and an addition al cnarge of one cent is made for each additional four ouiicfsor I'raelion tiiereof, the postage to be paid (piarterly or yearly, in advance. NEWS HEALERS. Xews dealers may send ncw.spapors and peri odicals to regular snh.scrihers at the quart(*r]v rates, in tlx* same manner as ]mhli.s]x*rs, and may idso n*ceiv(* them from puhlishers at sultscriliers rates. In Iioth cases tlie postage to lie pr(*paid, eith(*r at tlx* mailing or (h*livt*ry office. POSTAGE ON TRANSIENT M.U'TKR—ROOK.S AND CIRCfLARS. Books, not over 4 ounces in weight, to one ad dress, 3 cents; over 4 ounces, and not over8 ounces, 8 cents; over 8 ounces, and not over }'? ounces, 12 cents; over 12 ounces, and not over 16 ounces, 16 cents. t’ircniars, not exc(*('ding tliiTO in nunilier, to oix* addrt*ss, *2 c(‘nts ; ()V(*r thrt*(*, and not over six 4 cents ; over six, and not ovt*r nine, 6 cents ; over hand not exceeding twelve*, 8 ci'iit.s. .MISC’ELLANEOrS. On misc(*llaneous mailable matter embracing all pamphlets, occasional puhlications, tran.sicn newspapers, hand-hills and posters, hook maim .scripisaiul proof-sheets, wheth(*rcon-(*ctt*d or not maps and prints, engravings, sheet music, blanks llexible patti*rns, sainph*s and sample cards, pho tographic pap(*r, h*tterenveloj)c*s, postal envelopes or wrappt*rs,cards, jiaper ./aji or ornamental, photograiihie repr(*sentations ,if different tvpes, .seeds, cultings, luillis, roots, and scions, tlx* post age to lu* prepaid hy stamps, is on one package to one addn*ss not over 4 ounces in weight, 2 eeuts; over 4 ounces, and not over 8 ounces, 4 cents, ov er 9 ounces and not ov(*r 12 ounces, 6 eeuts ; over 2 ounces, and not over 16 ounces, 8 cents. UOW TO BE WR.VPPED. All mail matter not sent at lt*tter rates of post age, embracing books, book niauusei-intfl, prool otAxor tvnci a.11 mail nvitter, except seeds, must he so wrapped or enveloped with open sides or ends as to enable the postma.st»*r to examine the package without de stroying flu* wrapper; t»th(*rwise such packages must he rated with letter postage. No communi cation, whether in writing or in print, can he sent with any seeds, roots, cuttings or scions, maps, engravings or other matter not printed, except upon the separate matter, at the establi.shed rates. CLrB.S. "Where packages of newsjiapers or periodicals are received at any post office directed to one ad- dressand the names of the club of subscribers to which tlx*y lielong, with the postage for a quar ter in advance shall he hand(*d to the postmaster, he .shall deliver the same to their re.sp(*ctiv(* own ers. But tills does not apply to weekly new.spa- iu*rs. whicii circulate free in the county where [irintcd and imbli-^hcd. PRE-PAVMKNT ItF TRAN.SIENT MATTER. All tran.sieut matter must he prepaid h}’ stamps. But if it comes to tin* office of delivery without pre-]»avment, or short paid, the unpaid jiostage must be eolle.cted on delivery at double the pre paid rate. Breat neglect exists in tlie strict quarterly pre- payiiieiit of postagi* on priiiti*d matter sent to reg ular siihserihers. No sueli paper should be de livered unless it is either jire-paid at the mailing office, oral tlie delivery office, for at least a quar ter. If not so prepaid, po.stiiiasters must collect postage on each copy as on transient matter. It they fail thej* will be charged with the full due, and in clear cases removed from office '-’b loot. WRITING ON NEWSPAPER.S. To inclose or conceal a letter, or othpr thing (except bills and receipts for subscription)or to write or print anything, after its publicatiou an^- newspaper, pamphlet, magazine, or other printed matter, is illejral and subjects printed matter, and the entire package of which it is a part, to letter postage. Any word or commuuie4ition, whether by print ing, marks or signs, upon the cover or wrapper oi a newspaper, pamphlet, magazine or other than the name and address of the persons to w'hoiii it is to he sent, and the date when suhseriiitiou expires, subject the package to letter postage. Railroad Advertisements. N. C. R. R. Company. ENG. & SEP’TS. OFFICE, Company Snop.s, June 7th, 1866. CHANGE OF TIME. On and after June lOtli, 1S6G, Trains U'dl run as folloics : ooiire WEST. MAIL TRAIN. Leave Goldsboro’, 12 30 p. m. “ Raleigh, 3 4o “ “ Hillsboro’, 5 28 “ “ Greensboro’, 7 40 “ “ Salisbury, 10 10 ‘ Arrive at Charlotte 12-‘35 a m FREIGHT AND ACCOMMODATION. Leave Goldsboro’, 12 00 p. m. “ Raleigh, 4 50 a. m ‘* Hillsboro’, 8 27 “ “ Greensboro’, I 00 p. m. “ Salisbury, 5 30 “ Arrive at Charlotte, 0 00 “ GOIir G* EAST. MAIL TRAIN. Leave Charlotte, 11 15 p. m. “ Salisbury, 120a.m. “ Greensboro’, 4 10 “ “ Hillsboro’, 0 31 “ “ Raleigh, 8-‘30 “ Arrive at Goldsboio’, 11 20 “ FREIGHT AND ACCOMMODATION. Leave Charlotte, 4 -‘lO A. m. “ Salisbury, 8 55 “ “ Greensboro’, 1 10 p. m. “ Hillsboro’, .5 2.5 “ “ Raleigh 0 45 *‘ Arrive at Goldsboro’, 2 15 a. m. .Mail Train connects at R.-vlei^li with Raieiph. Gaston Trains for the North. At Golds boro’, with Wilmington and Weldon, and At lantic A: N. C. Trains. Accouiinodatiou Train runs daily, (Sundays excejited.) connecting with Wiluiiiigton \Veldon 'J'rains. There is no Snndat I'rnin going Xovtlifrom W (*ldou to Bortsmouth ; passengers arriving at Weldon on that day can go iuiniediately through riV/Petersburg and Riclimoml. E. WILKES. June, 9, ’GG-dtf dJug. d'- SiqiL NOTICE to the MERCHAi^TS AAB FARtlER^ OF .\0liTII .\.\D SeiTll (l\l!0LII\ Court Advertisements. July Petition for Rale of Real Ei^tate. ^ State of Horth Carolina, WATAUGA COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Term, 1866. James C. Harper, adm’r. j ofL. D. Hagler, dec’d. ] vs. [ The heirs at T.aw of I L. 1). Hagler J Tn this case it appearing to the satisfiiction of the court tiiat Walter Hagler, John Hagler, Green Hagler, Wiley Hagler, William and Mary Tucker, and the GiildVen of a sister Delphia Howard, are non-residents oi this State, it is therefore ordered by the court that advertisement be made in *‘The Old North State.” a newspajier published in the town of Salisbury, N. C., for six weeks to the end tliat tlie said detendants ap pear at the next term of this court on the 2d .Monday after the 4tli Monday in September next, and show cause again.-;! the prayer of tlie petitioner or it will be taben pro eonre.s.sa as to them. Witness .Joe H. Todd Clerk of onr said Court at office in Boone the 2nd. ^loiiday after the 4th Monday in .June. .-^.1). 1866, and'in the 91st year of our Independence. J.B. TODD,Clerk. Aug. 3,’66. [prfeeSlO] w-6w. The iSeaboard and Roanoke RAILROAD, Is now in thorough operation, A ND FORMS BY ITS CONNECTIONSTITH the Raleigh and (laston Rond, the Western Xorth Carolina Railroad, and the Charlotte and Columbia Railroad, the Cheapest, Quickest 6l ZVZost Direct Throiig^h Freig-ht Fine from all places in North Carolina and TYesteni South Carolina to PORTSMOUTH, NORFOLK, BALTIMORE, BHILADELPIIIA, NEW YORK, AND BOSTON. To take advantage of this great through line, be careful to consign j’our Freight to care of Rail- ri>ad Portsiiioutli, a.nl clirnet y»ur- uOrres- IxmilentH iu N'ew York aiacl I’Hiludc^lubin tHo same, and from Baltimore he careful to have your freiglit sent hy OLD BAY LIXE STEAMERS WHICH ARE THE ONLY STEAMERS BY WHICH THROT^GH FREIGHT ARRANGEMENTS HAVE BEEN MADE. Take notice, that h\- this route yon can coiLsign your Freight (lireetly to its destination, as iill eharg(*s and Gfivernmeut duties are jiaid hv the Kail Road Ag(*nt at Portsmouth, and lonriirdi.'d to he eullected at the destination of the Freight. E. G. GHIO. Agent. apr 13’6>-l.lia Portsmouth. \'a. North Carolina, Davidson County. Court of rica.s and Quarter Sessioins, May Term, 1866. John W. Payne Adm’r., De boniiis uon v.s. Asa Jones, and wdfe Elizabeth, and others. Petition to sell laud to pay debts. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that G. C. Payne, B. A. Payne, Martha Payne, jMary Payne, and Erasmus Payne, defendants in this case, reside be yond the limits of this State. It is there fore ordered hy the Court, that publication he made for six -weeks in the “Old North State,” a ueivspaper published in Salis bury, N. C. notifying said absent defend ants to appear at the next Court ol Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to he held for the County of Davidson, at the Court House, in Lexington, on the second 3[onday in August next, then and there to plead, an swer or demur to the petition, or the same ivill be taken pro-confesso and heard ex parte, as to them. Witness I.K. Perryman, Clerk of said Court at oiiice in Lexington, the second Monday of ^lay, A. D. 1866. " 1. K. PERKYMxVN, C. C. C. Jiiiif 1-l/GG. iio64 State of ^'ortli Carolina, ROWAN COUNTY Court of Eijuity, S])ring Term, 1866. Equity Sale of the richest GOLD MINE in North Cakulina. Samuel Woodruff' and Henry 13. Beach to the use ot Julius R. Brockelmaii, vs. The Gold Hill '.lining Company. By virtue of a Decree of tin* Court of Equity of Rowan County, made in the above named cause at this 'I’erm, I -vvill sell at the Court House door in Salisbury oil Saturday the 18th day of August next, at 11 o’clock, A. M., all tiie legal and equi table estate and interest of the Gold Hill Mining Company, in all real and personal estate conveyed to Isaac H. Smitli, by M. L. Holmes, and others, by Deed bearing date July 9th, 1855, and registered in Book 40, page 432 of the R-egister’s Office of Rowan County ; and in that conveyed to the President and Directors of the Gold Hill Mining Company, by Edivard B. Rice by Deed dated September 29th, 1853, and registered iu Book 40, page 88 of the Reg ister’s Office of Ro-wan County, -wherein the same may he found particularly set forth and described. Also, any and all legal and equitable estate and interest of said Company, of or in any real or pef- sonal estate situated at or near Gold Hill, in Rowan County. Terms of sah*. Cash, and the titles retained to await the furth er direction of the Court. LUKE BLACKMER, C. M. E. June 14,’66. [prfee$25j uo64tw&wtds In the SSidst of Xcife we are in Death. TilEllEFOilE l.\S! RE YUlil LIFE IN THE North Carolina Mutual Life irvfcil ritAlVOl-J M'HEIIE THF. WELL KXntVN CHARArTER of Hie Managers is a guarantee of the character ofthe conqiaiiy. Insure td Home. Keep the money at home. Thi-; ('oiiqiany insures tiie lives of all lieaRliy ju-r- sons I'nxn 1» lo 60 years of age- -.securing the auioi.nt iiisiireil lo tiie wife and cliildreu, again.st t!ie chiiiiis ot all creditors. .J. K. Bi'RKK. Agent iu Saiishurv. M. WniTEHE.VD, M. D. C. A. nE.NDERSOX. M. P l)rs. AVliiteliead JL- Henderson. gave associated themselves in the aud offer their professional services to the citizens of Salisbury and vicinity. Office Next door to Oicen, Sofietd d> Co's. Store, April 20, 1866, jy Or, “ A.5 Accidenf.s will happen in the lest of Earn Hies,” msxrsiD szss Southern Accident Insuraace COMPANY. TJiC Pioneer Company of the South. Authorized Capital, $1,000,000. Insures against all accidents to life and limb, (iiv- ins the holder an annual policy for tlie full amount insured in case of dealli. and compensation at the rate of jK-r week for each Si .000 if disabled. ' Not exceeding Tuenty-Six ivechs. Short Time Pidicies {for Truretlers.) may he had from one day to one year and from 8500 to 810.000. Call at the Book .Store before taking a trip and se cure tickets of J. K. BURKE. Agent .Southern Accident Ins. Co. June 28, 1S66.—tw2ni* Court Advertisements. State of North Carolina, Rom'an County. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, May Term, A. D. 1866. Elizabeth Biingle vs. Lawrence A. Bring- le, J ohii Briugle and Lavima Briugle, Petition for Dower. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Lavinia Bringle, oue of the de fendants iu tliis case, is a non-resident of this State, it is therefore, ordered by the Court that publication bo made for six con secutive weeks in The Old North State, notifying said defendant of the tiling of this petition aud that unless she appears at the next term of this Court to he held for the County of Rowan at the Court House iu Salisbury, on tlx; 1st Momhiy in August next, and pleads, answers or d(*mui-s, the same -will be heard ex parte and judgment rendered pro confesso as to her. Witn(*ss, Obadiah Woodson, Ch rk of our said Court, at Office*, the 1st Mon- diiv in Mav, A. D. 1866, ;iiid in the 90ii' venr of our Ind(*[»endence. (; UADI AH WOODSON, Clerk. June 16,’66. [pifee-810j 64 6w State of North Carolina, Davie County. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. Thomas N. B. (Uasscock. Nathan8. (-haffiii aud wife Elvira. Kausoiu R. Booe aixl wife Eiiieliiic. Martha Clutts, .John (Masscock aud James (iiass- cock, vs. James White, B. 11. aud Pinkuey Cald well. Petition for Partition of Real E.state. Nathaniels. Bhaffin, one ot the petitionera in tliis ca.se, liaviiig come before me. and made affidavit that Pinkney Caldwell, one of the parties made Defend ant, is a non-resident of the State of Noitli Carolina, it is therefore ordered in accordance with the provis ions of the Act of .•ts.sembly, that publication be made iu the Weekly Dlp North State, for tlie term of six weeks, notifying the said Pinkney Caldwell of the Oling of this petition—and that, unless he ajijiears at the next term of this Court, to lie held at the court-house in the town of .Mocksville, on the .second Monday iu September next, and answer the petition, the same will be taken pro coufes.so and lieard ex parte as to him. Witness. Eph. Gaither, Clerk of said Court, at office in MocEsville, the 10th day of July, A. D, 1866, EPH. GA1T1H:R, Clerk. July 20—15 [Prs fee $10] w Ow State of North Carolina, Rowan County. Superior Court of Law, Spring Term, A. D. 1866. The Atlantic Bank of New York vs. Si meon Erankford. ATTACHMENT. It appearing to tlie satisfaction ofthe Court that the defeudant, Simeon Fraiikford, is a non-resident of the State, it is, therefore, ordered aud adjudged that publi cation be made lor six succe.ssive weeks iu **The Old North State,” notifying him to be and appear before tlie Judge of our Superior Court of Law, at the next Court to be held for the Countj'of Rowan, at the Court Hou.-;e in Salisbury on the 12lh Monday after the 4th Monday in August ne.xt, tlien and there to jilead or re plevy, and .show cause, ifaii}* lie has, why the plaiiitifl sliould not liave judgment again.-it him, and the House and Lot levied upon lie sold to satisfy the same. Witness, Obadiali Wood.son, Deputy Clerk and ex- officio, acting Clerk of onr said t'ourt, at Office, tlie 12th Monday after the lust Monday in February, A. D. 1866. and iutheDOtli year of onr Indejiendeiice. OBADiAH WOODSON. Dcqmly and acting Clerk. June 18,’66. [Prfee$10] uo65 6w. iVew Southern Hiii^ie Book. JUST PUBLISHED TABOR ; OR, THK Eichmond J^ollection of Sacred Music: By K. M. McIXTUSlI, of Virginia. Esseutiiilly Soutliern in its main features, Tabor nevertliele.ss omittiins a choice selection of the best Northern copy-right !Music. Its author, for four years an officer of the Confed erate army, coinposed many stirring pi(*ces in moments snatched during its marchings and counter-marchings iu Virginia. The dirge ns(*d at tlie funeral of Gen. T. J. Jackson, (Stonewall,) May 17, 1863, was from hi.s pen is included iu this coliectiou. ‘•Mr. McIntosh,” says the Richmond Whig “is well known throughout the South as an author and teacher of finished excellence, with a musical reputation rarely attained hy any man of his age in this couutrv. In the South he stands at the very head ofchureh music, no one disjmtiiig the position with him.” The book eiiil>rrt-«‘.s everytliin^? of v;ilue of ooAitlxox'rA or origin, uiuofl »f wliich is now for tlx* first time redix*ed to a writt(*u form. Its varit*ty is great—enihracirig all metres in use, in every key and every va- rit*ty of measur*—with a full elementary de- [•artnient aixl tine colh-ction of new antiienis. set pieces and seiiteijces. It contains nearly .3DD closely printetl pages, iieatlv sud tastefuf- Iv gott(*n up, Well printed and hound. Pnee, reiuit 81.33, -812 per dozen. ! (’an he obtained through all hooksellers, or will he mailed hy the Pnhlisher.-to an v part of the I nited State.s, post irt-i*. on reC'*ipt of ri*- tail pri*e Single cojiie.s for examination and Intro.iuc- tioii. •■'‘■nt to any address, postage paid, on re- ceij't of one dollar. F. J. IIUNTINC'I’GN A Co. I’lihlishi'i's ami Hoo;,^1 1 lers. july31—tf 4.5D llroome -t.. N. y. AYE Just received and opened at No. 2, Mur- ■ phy’s Granite building, a ne-w and Splendid Stock of Staple and * Mercantile Advertisements. NEW FIRM IN SALISBURY J. W. GRAY, & CO. H- uk FANCY DRY GOODS, which they will stffi for cath or barter, only, u follows, A large and beautiful assortment of LADIES DRESS GOODS, embracing the newest and leading styles of the season. A largo assortment of Gentlemen’s, Youth’s aud Hoy’s Goods, Ladies Summer Wrappings. Ladies’ Misses, aud Ohildrou’s Trimmed Hats, new shapes, Ladies, Misses and Childrens, Hoop Skirts, Ladies, Misses and Childrens, Balmoral Shoes, aud Gaiters, Bonnets, Ribbons, Gloves, Hosiery, &c., &c. Gents and Boys Shoes of every Description, Gents, Boys aud Childrens Hats, of every variety for summer wear, Crockery and Glassware, Wood aud willow ware. Also, Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and Dye Stuffs, of all kinds. They an* prepared to fill all orders, of Physi cians, for Drugs and Medicines, at the shortes notice. The linig (h'jiartment -will he under the charge of a n*gular Phy.-iiciiui. They also have a branch of their business at County Line, Davie County, where all ol' the above named articles, may like wise he obtained on the same terms. The uhove stock of Goods, having been pur- chasc'd since the late heavy decline of prices in thi; Noi-tlx*rn CHties, will he sold as LOW as they can possibly he bought in this market. P. K. MaJtin. invites bis old friends of Davie County espociivUy, to give him a call -when viatllng this market. J. W. GRAY, P. R. MARTIN, J.McGUIRE. Salisbury, N. C., April 2, ’66. tf-nol. B. P. WILLIAMSON & Co., Commission Iflercliants, RAIaEJGH, n. c. S ELL ou Commission Cotton Yams, Shecting.s, Bacon, Flour, Lard, Dried Fruits, Whiskey, Brandy, and all kinds of country produce. Thej' also keep constantly on hand for sale, Plows, Hoes, Axes, Shovels, Spades, Com Shel Icrs, and all kinds of Agricultural Implements, Hardware, Tin Ware, and Groceries of every de scription. They respectfully .solicit consignments from Fanners and others, in the western part of the State, and i)l(*dge themselves to give their best attention to all orders aud consignments eutm.st- ed to them. Heg to refer to McCuhbin Foster t Co., Sftlla- hiiry, Tod. R. Caldwell, Pres’t, N. C. li. K. Mor- gauton, J. A. Ko.sehro, Statesville, april 1 ,’66. t nol tf THE WEEKLY ‘‘OLD NOETH STATE” PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY, AT SAL ISBURY, N. C , BY HANES & HANIPTON, CONTAINS All tlie latest News, REVIEW OF THE NTARiiETSy ETC, ETC., AND PRINTED IN THE RBST STYLE. PERSONS LIVING IN THE COUN TRY WILL BE KEPT POSTED ALL THE NEWS OF THE DAY HY sUBSt'KlBING TO THK WEEKLY t i OLD NORTH STATE. Tl R.VIJ,--CASH IN ^liTtNCB. ONE YEAR, .SIX MONTHS, 83 00 1 50 I,F\VI8 JOHN 8 H.\NF8. ) H.\MI*TON, S HANES A HAMPTON TabHihers A Proprittort march 30— Dissolved Copartnership! T he Copartnership lieretoforeexisting un- .frr tlx* name of Gwen, Sofield dc Co., ia tiii.s day (lissolvfd hy mutual consent. G. li. .-'iivdani and Delavau Hates will sign Dr. A. M. Nesbitt, C)fit*rshis profos.-^ional servicfs to iIi*. Citi zens of Salishiiry and tlx* suri-ounding Coun try. He can he found at liis ilcs'.dt'ueo on Jackson Street, iu rear of the I’reslivtt-rian Church. July 27,’66. 6iu. in li(Uid;it'.oU. J.J. OWEN, C. 11. .SOFIELD, J». BATES, G. H SUVDA.M. 'I’lie undersigned will cout.nue the business .at the »dd stand under tlie firm name of Snvdam and Hates. G.H. SUYDAM, I D- HATE.S. I Jiilv27,’()6

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