coitainlv ,Io not jiiMify tl.o ao'ion „f tho firato oliko, without .listioctio.i or the au- ja op c o lu uiMi. (lit a, jut no i llioriry to iiuiko iliatiiictiou ainoii" tin just or pMu rous lumd will i-lMusc- to tlicin ' l o- ;uiv ivas VtTV ciiiisidoralilr \\'e;t|;ht in d*Mcrininiiig I lie lino if coiuliu't wliicli tlic (-1 .'.vcninirut lit till.* I'liiU'il Slates sh.iiil'l to- tli'-in. 'I'liey uccejir, if noit witli alacrity, certainly withont siillea I'-s-ai;- ment, the defeat and ovei th.ow tliev h ive snstiiined. 'I'liey acUnowle ig,- and acij ii- esec ill the re.-iiuit, tu tlieud-elves and the ‘til isoii or iijioii any grounds what ever. And, in the"—so eaii ful is lin* eon.stitu'.ioii to secure to evi ry State this rigiit of representation—it is exjires-iy provip •(! that ‘‘ Xo State sliall, without Its eonsent. he depriked of its (•(jiml su!‘- advise the editor of 2'he St indard to revi-'*^ his files, and see if, according to the st:i-C- iiieiits tliev contain, Gen. Dockery is a ef JIISCELLAXEO US Al) F TS. cc and proper uiaii to elevate to the otii (Governor of the state.—Greensboro or. tVage in that hod\', i \ e.i i, ineut ol ih - consliluti'ai its If ail annaiil- Wln-n, from th'-r. fc ore anv .State jc e.\ chid I'd I aiou. 'i'liey no ''tale, -I I ui'-giance jiiua- :i IS due to t!ie general couulry, whiol, lluit lh■f,■.y„volv...s. Tiioy no,., „.p,v,.,.„i oolv no l„i,oor chun, lor any tin; ,ight li-hl „l'rlu- So.le .h.„i,-,l. hut ill- cmslilu- onger tioii:;i integrity of the S mate is iinpiired and the valiuiiy ol the go*.'- rnnj nit its.'If hrought ill (question. Ihit f.'ongress, a.t the jnesi nt inonient, thus excludes ironi 1 npie..-iiiitatio,i in hoth !na dies of t oti- gH'S.s ten States ot (he L aion, denvi.ig them all sh ire in the ehaelment of haws hv "iiieli they are to be g'-verned, and all participaiioii in the i leetion ot the ruh-rs hy which those l.iws are to be enforced.— 111 other words, a (Congress in which only twenty-six States arc represented, asserts .'^eeede fioiii tin assert, for any mount to that v, Ii government ‘I'liey havt slaverv and ‘on.'I;in'i '.as Stites accep'i'd th“ de.strnetio’.i i f ahol sh -d it hy their .State and concurred with the ot i he u h le L nion in LATESiNEWS. The Soldier’s Goavention. V»'AsnxGTux, Aug. :> '• The Soluicr’s C’oiiventiou at Chicago will be rX- ciu ivfly of Tnioa soldi-rs, who eiidur.-e I’icsidciiL. It is pru]io-cd, h.'jwcver, at a day. to have a cuuvciitiuncon’.po'cd of soluie-■ bo.h aniiies. iin people jirohihiting its exi.-te.ic- fo.iever, soil'or witl'.iii the jmisdietioii of the I’ni- Jed States, 'i'liey i.idiiMte and evince tlieir purjiose just so fast as may he possible and safe to adapt their domestie laws to the right to govern, ab.^olutelv, and in ins the cliangcd eon litioii of tlmir society; own di.wretiou, all the ihirty-six States and to secure hy the law and its trihuiials which composi; the Union; to' make their ‘( and impartial justice to all classes of laws and choose their rulers, and to c.\- their i’lb.ihitants. 'i'liey adm.t the inva- elude the ofJier f‘ii from all sliare hi tlu-ii- iidity of all the m-ts of ri sist i,‘-e to the own governin nit uiitii it sees lit to admit ** *^*^,*' natienal aiilhoiity, and of all deht.t incur- them llu'reto. What is there to distinguish ' overthrow, 'i hey the power thus asserted and exercised to share the bur- , irom the most ahsolute and intolerable ty- (piarantiue. lens and disch.irgc all the diilie.s and obli- ' ranny I Nor do these extravagant and uu- Cixcixxati, Aag. '.iO. gallon-: w hich re.-t njion »hcni in coiuiiioii Ju.-i claims on the part of Congress to pow- Sixty-nine death: from cholera ou Satunlav wi'h other .'''tales olhei' sections of the ers and authority iK'ver conferri'd upon tliii aui; o4 yesterday, l iiion ; and the. ;enew’, through their re- goverunieiit hy the eoiistiluiiaii find any pn seiitati\'es ill this com enlioii, hy all u. .ant in the argument their jmhlic (‘ondnet in every w.iy, and hy | o i their helialf. it is alleged : {Coitcladed in oar nf'.rt.) n^ioii llie red in attempting it avow their willingm unn. MVliUS. MYERS & BROTHER, (LATE OF SAI.ISBLIIV, X. C.) Successors to Bridg-ford 6l layers, AUCTIONEERS, G E X E r. A L Commission and Forwarding MEKCMAMS, Dock and Seventeenth Streets, rtlCIIWOND VIRGINIA. I Ppci-ial attention given to the sa’e of Totton. j Tobacco, W'licat. 'i’i‘.ra>, and all kinds id'Coiiuti v ; Pro'lnce. Al.'O. iieiMinal ..‘.tciitnin irivcn to ti.e p: r- clia.-e of all kind.- of (bind- lor jlercliants, .Mai.uiac- i tnvers. Farmers and others. i V.'e re.-jiecttuliy solicit your con.signiiients and or- ! ders. ' July26T)6. tw-2ia. | A BSA^J TO i liESTOllE THE .UTIL SEliVlfEI Of' TOE SOJ'Tai. T o tSie l^eople of* Virs^inia, Xorth Carolina, Soullt CaroUmi Geor- Thcre were 100 deaths iVoiu cholera here last j [)ia, Alabama, Mississippi. Louisiana, Tennes- I .see, Arl:a)i'as. Missouri, Flarida, and Te'us : I Having reccntlv returned iVcim the ."^outh, 1 I am well aware ef the great ineinivenieiice to wliich the Smitlierii peojile are suhjeeted on ADVEB.TISEaaai’O'T^. YV tl Tl A N T T -t D Great ivire ia 'ersey City—Gaclera. New Y'oijk, Aug. -J'- The lu.-s hy the lire in Jersey City, ye-terhO'. reacheii nearly S'diOOthUiiO. Ten or twelve were hxt I'uiirtecii ve.s>els, '2(1,000 bbl-. oil.imd a large amount of cotton and tobacco were troyed. Most of the cotton belonged to the IW-' ian government. roiu'teen new ca-:es of cholera ye.sterd.ay i- N. York and 14 in Drooklvn. DRY GOODS, GRiHLERIES^ New Aniva^ ^ X V ADDITION T’O OUJl LARG^ J_ and carefully selected Stock of ^MuuiM iMMii: ituUMm* null I u - t«G GOLD & biXiVEH, I'.o highest cash price p.'.'J for old .Sliver and Gold j I-- M. DAV S ir CO. ni75lwi\v 3m or xcuse ■ urged the most solemn acts hv which .states and Societies can jdedgi- their fiiih, their en- g.igem lit to hear true liiith and allegiance through all time to come to the eonstitu- tion (if the l.’niled States, and to al) laws that III IV he made in jmrsuanei thereoi’. I'elluw-country men, we call uyoii yon, in full reliance upon your iiiteliigenee and your p,itrio;i';m, to accept with gein.-rous and uiigruding eoiitidenei^ this I'lill surren der on tlie p.irt of those latelv in arms ag.iin. t your authority, and to .share with them the honor and renown that await thesi; w ho hriiig hack peace and d iicord to j uaiiig .States. The war just closed—with all its sor- >-7MHPraaBm.v3aK(gs:3r.aagt»,:aa..rj>yr.r.^^ TU id OLD NORTH^^bTATE Tuesday Evening, Aug. 16, 1865. LEWLS liAXE.S AJ. S. JI.VMPTuX. ri'iii-i.snEu.s A pp.ontiiyroK.s. ( s rv i K ! i's:3is. By the Atlantic Cable. London, Aug. 17. Final negotiations for the establishnient of | peace between Prus.sia, Austria and Italy are in progress, and peace is regarded a.s certain. LicerpooJ, Aiig. 17. The sales of cotton for the week reached s6,- 00(.) bales. Tlie improvement of prices on the week's transactions was Rl.; middling uplaads KHd. ^EW ADYEIiTISEMENTS. Fire. About 3 o’clock, A. 31., ou iSuiiday moniiiig, a frame hiiilding, near the Court rows and di.- rci-r of glory n » AQUA'S- to the -has ojiriioil a new ca- natioii it has House, and immediately South of .St. Luke’s Church, belonging to John 1. Shaver, Es(p, at the C'ou.rt House, at 11 o’clock, Po.stponein3nt of Sale.—- The Sale of the (.Told Hill Alining Ihoper- ty and interest, advertised for to day, is postjioiied uiiiil Friday next, the 24tli of August.—'I'lie Sah* will thou take jilace upon It h: IS -W i- I't awav the hostilities of senti- ; hut occupied hv Mr. Aldrich as a dwelling heretotore puhhshed. incnl and of intcre.-L which were a stand ing menace to its peace. It has destroyed the insliliuioii of si,i\n rv, always a cause ol agiiation ami strife, and has opened to onr ciiiintry the w .iv to unity ol inti'rcst, ot principle, and of .iction through all time to ciinm. It ha.: di \-(dop"d in hoili si'ctions a military caji.iciiy .aiMl apt!Hide f h- achick'e- JMeiits ol, ho;h hy .-ea and bind, before and (h still, d 11!, k iio w 11 evi-n to (Mirsclvi to eX'T.'i.iU, h rcaflcr, under united coun cil.-. an inijiiiiMilt iniluence npo.i the char acter and (h'-iinv ot the conti.m.d and the woild And whih* it li is thn- revealed, (ii.'cijilined .lod coinjincted on power, it ha.-: proved lo ns, beyond i‘onl. .ivers v or • ^ * 14 i'/'** • /»f »!•--» JI •# J >%»-..*-« J« )»,»/!* contciioieg sections liv t(j;cig.i powers, tiial w • nii..'l he ih ‘ gu irdians of our own imi. pciiiieiiv', and that the priiicijde' of rcpnldican I'lecdoiii we .. presciit can iind anio.ig ill • ...itim.s oi th ■ c.ulh no Iriei.d:- or (h i ndcis hiii ourselves. W’e c lil iijnei \'III. ilierefoi , h'.' every ron.-.d'T.itiiei td' viiur o'wn dig.;iiy ai.d saf ■- tv. ami in llie mini ' id liherly I'ltoughout the woild, to complete the Work of restor- j house, was discovered to be on fire. The Imildiiig, with a small out-house, was en- tirclv coiisuiui'd. Scarcely anything was i saved from the huilding, and 31r. Aldrich j and family were left with a very scanty ; supply of wearing apparel. I Verily iSalishiiry seems to he a doomed ' city, 'i'liis is the third lire which has oc- j eiirred here since our short residenec in I the phice, and yet no stejis have been t:i- j , k' u to procure an (‘iigiiie or organisi* a lire Was such negligence ever heard ' ore .t The most formidahle opjiosi- j C' an pany. O; I., ,./F. .1 . /I. . 7i, Ii ea ! e oft'ered w dh water e.irried by hand ! w Inch tie Ihesideal (d' tin -o we 11 I icgun and atioii and pe.icc I lilted .'''tiles Ills which the jiolicy .idoptcd aad the priiici- jih s asserted hy ilii' jircs ‘lit ‘ 'oagress alone (di-iruct. 'Flic iiiiic IS close ,it hand wlmn mnnui IS ol’a ne’.v f'.ingics.-arc to h ‘ elec- c. toil. If Uoiigii ss shall pcrpeiinitt* thi.“ iiolicv, and hv rxclnding »Statcs and people from r •nr-sent ition in its halls, sh ill eoiilluiic tin-n-trai i:: ii. hv whicli tin I ve LUKE RLACK31FR, C. 31 E. Aug. 18th, 1866. Collector’s Office, U. S. Internal Be venue, 6th DLSTKll r, X0UT!1C.V1{GL1N'.\. yALisia i.Y. N. Aug. 13, ’66. •Ml pei'sons against wliom .td-essnieuts have been Ilia ie ami whose t'a.xes vemaiii utipAiil. will meet nie pu'p.ireil to pay liie.r Taxes at the piace.s and outlie day.s a.s Ibllows: baiisbuiy, Gnl and 4th Fe])tembcr, (.'oiieonl .otii and 6tli September, Monroe, TtiiaodHtli .'Seiiteiubtr, Gliarlotte. KItli and 1'lii .-^eiitemlier, Ii.ilias, 12th ann IStli .Septeiiiber. Linco.ntoii 1 itli and loth tw'ptembcr, y’liketboro’ iatli ami lotii -eptem’oer, Moi'ksvnie 17 i ami 18th .'epiember. JT'tates\'iile Sl-t itiiG ' vj.»iy*iiiOcr, Newton 21*'i .uid 2.''iii epteinber,'.ie 2s!li Septembe:. in a c-.miinou bucket and drawn from a well sa ml'KLII. Wi iJ-iV f’olle'tor. . , , . 1 • n 1 11 Gha'-Iotte Demoi'iMt and : t itesville .'iinerioan. With cli iin aiui wiiuliass. It really seems inseit 3 t ines and send bills ami eojiy of inpi-r to i oi ls if mil citizens have hceom ■ so indiftei- *(tctoi will -e. a^l l ***>• 3t ...,l i„ r. gai J l„ the cti.m of lll-i.', AND FHO.M THE NOSTIIT \:\A6 Alid tlifir piopcrty lli'*}' have (U^- i to / il t I tc L .ill Iq* .A.\. 11 tl it Through Freight Air Lino! ihey invite them ih -y may expect them to come. Was ever the people of any other city so demented I Gan nothing arouse them from their uiiaecountahle iithargy ?—- Wdl they procrastinate the day of atio.i until the whole city is laid in aslms. An tliev ult('rly regardless of llieir sacred duty lo ihemselves and to one another.? YFc need not suggest to them what steps to take. If we can only succeed in arous- sense will direct tin in aright. 3Ve would, how- the town commissioners ! the propriety of levying a tax ou real es account of Iac!i of mail facilities. 'I'liis i,- a very great extent owing to tlie oath with wliicli contractors are rcipiin'd to comply, there I Iteiiig hut few men in the 8outh wlio can taki' it. Having conferred with the proiier authori- • ties, (and olitained their approval. 1 find tha’ this diiliciiUy c tu he olivialed and llie mails es- talilisheil upon every roiito at the South, ain’l I at the liigiiest rates admissiide lor the pi'iipif of either North or South. Being a National ; ^ Uiiionnian, (late of North Carolina.) by which I ^ I mean one that is alike opposed to tiie liere- ' sies of the Extremists North and .Smitii, I can take this oatl; and thins form the connecting link h(*tw’eeu the Soatheru pi'ojde and tlie Uni ted States Coverinnent. 'rhis I jiroposelod and to estahli.-:!! mails on every route at the South now destitute of them, as follows : Aiiv tiers.Ill who is desirous ol becoming a contractor will address meat mice, stating the route or routes for wliich he wishes to heeome contractor, (stating the extreme ])oiiits to he connected, which of course, should he ou some route heretofore establislied.) I will then con tract for sucli route or routes in my own name, and let the [larties have them at a discount ol 24 jier cent-, on the annual amount for carry ing the mails mi said route or routes; 'I'liis arrangement will secure the route to the siih- cmitractor substantially the same as il it wei'e his own contract, and fre([ueuily at a hctt(*r jirice tliau could he obtained in the usual way where there is so much cmnpetiliou. 31y percentage or mileage as above, will not be reipiired imtii tin* (*iid of the lirst ([uarter. 'i'he iirst ajiplicant for a route or routes, juiLging l.iy tin* post-mark on tlui letter of ap plication. will ha ve the preference, other tiiings beiiig eipial. i’ei'soiis wliea making application should send a guaranty signed by at least two guar antors.* 'Fin* guaranty sinuild he certifii'd to bv a postmaster or a nf a court of rec- 1.+ A uiiiie.iiuts i-iiii. if they de.-in,.. olitiiin ilv for GOODS, M'F HAVE JUST rJA'ElVED A NEW SO . PLY (.IF Ladies’ & Gentlemen’s Wear. CON.-ilSFlNG OP Fancy and Maaioiiny Prints, Bleaehedf un i Ptnuen Muslins, Ginylaini.s, and Jael.-nnef'--, Sdk Ras/ae, Lace diliOillcs, a)>d Prints, Sam- tner Sltaa ls. do. Mosem- beqars. Pen os, JRack Stlks, i IIooi> Skirts. Boots. Slioes. S;C. A I.AltGK AXO F.XrP.Ll.EXT AS.SORTMEXT OP Ke:)(ly-.llade Clothing, GBOCERIES, & HABDWARB, I XV «• also havo .i\» Itatai iiiaiiy OchhIs tVi»t we s!i to st‘ll off in order to make room for our Fall .8tock, and will do so at greatly reduced prices. P.RAD.8HA3V, BR033^X & CO. Juiu* IL 186i). 60-dtf Just Received At tli8 store of VIA And its Connecting Lines. B YTHROUGHI freight arraiigement.s. tliroiigli rei-eijits are given from (’harlotte and all points on tlie .Nortli Cai'oiina Kail Road lo Xew York, bus- ton. I’iiiladeiiiliia, baitiiunro, I’.e.tsmontii, Norioik. Petersburg, and City Point, at e.xceedingiy Low Rates. jiriiite l by tiie Lloveniment, Uy (‘ver, suggest to j Lower, with more dispatch and with less in- j sarance than any other Line, .‘-'cc-tgents and ship yonr goods by the f'o!Io(ring I liiie.s, and no other, care of Rail Road .\gent, Ports- I month, \'a., or City Point. , • ■ .1 rate suliicieiit to raise the necessary fumbs. ' From New Yoru—Atlantic Coast JIail Steainsliii) L nimi 1.- Hills company. LlVlN’tiSTUN. P(IX A CO., agents; odi e 'i'he real estate owuci'.s are the class most No. 88 Libe;ty street. Shipping Point, Pier No. 36 and North River, N. Y pi)v til goveri.iui'iit are now cxi'i ci.' il, cmanioa pi lulcnce emiipcls big thi'in to action, their own good us tu aiiticiji.itc aiigiimnlcd diseonteiH, a sullen w tVmn the duties and ohli- g ii'iiu.s ()! the Fi giivcrnmciit ; iiii- gus.sDu-' '’i" character, ind cd the very ex- isti-ncc m GmigrcfS and the made di jicndcnl solely and entindy upon lib* party aud scclimi.d cxigciicie.s and for- to be beiieiitted by the measures, and we j boston-boston and Norfolk .Steamshipcom- bcaraiiccs ot the hour. doubt not tltey will cheerfully submit to pioiy, A. Sampson, agent, end of Central Wharf. YVi* need nut stoi) to show such ac- , ^ ^ i boston. t,, • , x- ,• . 1 i- 1 ‘ .1 the necessary tax. From Philadelphia—Pluladelphia and Norfolk turn not only iinds no v arrant iii the eon- , c i . . ‘ n r ...l ■ ^^teamsliip Comiian}’, W. P. CLYDE &co., agents, slilutimi, hut is at war Avilli cverv priiiei- : uiulay monuiig is goncial- j Xurth Delaware avenue Philade'piiia. iilc of our govei ument, and wi:h the very ly thought to have been ilie work ot an in- i Fnim Laltimorc--Laltiiuore steani Packet coiiipa- exisl •■'•e ot tree mstilutions. It is, indeed, eendiary, 'I'hcre happi’iicd to be a dead ion Dock, and by biundt's Line. the practice which h as rendered i . .,t tl... ttno. ntl.ovwUo n ! niecs more despatch than aiuj fruilless all altc And nniintain tV and the St itcs of South America. House and the Episcopal Church must I’ lriy m ccssiiics assert themselves a su- have been destroyed, periof to the fuudain iital law, which is set ‘ a.'iile in reckless obedience to their behests. I raclicc wliich h is rciidi'rcd i , -i- . .i ; ... i OT This Line (lives more despatch titan ami rinjvls liiili.Ttii to (..l aiH-l, I”'’’''" t I‘U-imss Comimny, mut al about OHC-Jourth tliv ir..,. Kov, nn.u m in .Mc.vico l““■' »*' '■>n"(i"S tl'O Cmnt j coot. 3Ii'. Aldrich is one of our most esteemi d Ang. 16 1866. E. 3YILKES, Eny. (0 Sajlf. twlm St.iliilit v, win t ii 1 i i the exercise of power i ^ .0.1 worlhv a„a he a.,a la. idministralimi ol govi riiiuciit, or in tunate family have the sy mpatliy ot all m . 4 FIXE CFl’Y CARRIAGE r>LTLT ON at this office, or to 31. A. lUHNGLE. ni ('ll IJiri* III#* ; ,, , » .-x. Professor Kerr. This distinguished Gentleman, who is the Salisbiii'v, N. C., June 30, 1866 ’ll $1,500 Per Year ! we want aget t everywhere to sell our impr.ived ill tin till* enjoyment ot rights, heemnes iiupossi- their distress xler g()V(*rnmcnts, are tlie j conditions and means nt jiolitieal progress, ; are merged iu the coiitliels of our arms, to State's Geologist, delivered a most interesting which tiicv directiv and iiu'vitahly tend. i lecture to a number of our Citizens at the Gi lt was against this peril, so conspicuous ty Hall last night mi the subject of •'Petrol- anil so fatal to till liei* governments, that | tium.” Professor Kerr, who is a good leetu- our constitution was intended saeci.dly 1*^ | rt.r, jg making a tour in YYesteru Caroli- provide. Not only the stahility but the ju'osecutioii of his survey of the ! in United States for less tlian .840, which are j very cxistcnee o; the govenin is mat i*, Jeliver a lecture hereon his'./»% licensed by Howe, Wheder T irTsoii I hv Us jirovisious, to dcpt'iid upon the iiglit , i -n • . i, t.a'.rni-i Grover d’ Baker, Sinqer d' Poland Badietdi'r • , Tb.Won return, in which he will impart such luiorma- ^ ' -*- cLiaia.i and the Lift ot rcprcsciitattoii. 1 lie L ou- . . , ^ , x, upon which is conferred the legisla- relation to the Geology of the Moun- aildressiiig cltlier the undersigned or tin ■ v.^-istaiit Postmaster General, Geo. W. 3Ic- i'lidlan, who will take pleasare in giving ali the information that may be desired. A.s I am |■ccognl;’.e(l as jiriiicijial in this mat ter. j'ayincnt must necessarily come tlir.mgli me. 1 can, however give the ]iarties ibal'tsou tin* sixth Auditor of the United States 'I'l-easu- ry for all the (juarter for whicli the contract may have bi'eu awarded, aud tliese can be pre sented one at a time as th(*y fall due, and tin* money drawn substantially the same as if the parties were bona fide contractors. In this case the ex])enses p-.'.-o and half jier cent] should be paid by or hofore tlie exjiiration of the first quarter after the commencement of service ; otherwise jiaynieiit for this qiiaiter will be drawn by the undersigned, expenses deducted, and the residue, with drafts for the remaining (piarters, forwarded to the parties carrying the mails. If p(‘rso.;s jirefer, 1 will draw and for ward tlp'ir money at the end of every ([iiarter. without extra charge. I would however pre fer tliat t'.iey accept t .e drafts, in order tiuit they may Icive the matter in their hands. It would lie a Source of mucli gratification to me if I be the means of e-xtending mail fa cilities to tlie Southern peoj'le. 'I’heir atten tion is therefore ri'spectfiilly called to this matter. As 1 am not re'piired to cut down, Hiroiigh coiiqietitiou, it would doubtless he to nieir interest to make speedy application, be fore any moditicatiou is made in the test oath in ord(.*r that they may ulitain these routes at the highest rates admissible. Persons confiding to my care may rely up on fair dealing. All accejited bids will lie eu- ti'i'ed upon the hooks of the Post (tiiice De partment, where they will be open tor iiisiiec- tion. tioii. Al! letters n.datlve to the foregoing should contain a itamp for aii.-wer. ainl addressed to BRYAN 'rY80N, Pox 1000, Washinton, D. C. P.EFEREXCES, [by pi'i'inissioii:] — G. W . Sanson, 1). 1).,L. L. D., Presiih'iit Uuliimoia GoHeg(*; Hon. Ghas. 31a.son, Ih-esideiit Na tional Democratic Executive Gominiltee. Mrs. J. C. GARNCRvS i. Has removed to Bui.s’ building nearly oppo site tin* -Market, ou .Main Street, where she i- (‘iiiistautly receiving from tiie Northern Gitii*- t!ie newest and liandsnnie.'t styles of fancy (iiiods. for Lailie.s’ and (.Teiitlenien. Gall aim ex.imine her tine ass.irtnient. Salisbury, .May 18, ’66. dtf no43 .lAmES W. OStVlRXE. RUFl'S B.VKRIXllER, at saw, GllABLOlTE. N. G. 3VILTj practice in tin* couuti(*s of Rowan. Cabarrus. Union. In'dnll, Meckiengbui'g. 8tanly, Lincoln and Gaston ; also iu the fcu- preine and I'edcral Giuirts of th*' SUite. ill tile* Itric'.lt liniltliuK near tin* Court House, np scairs. may 0, ’(iu-tf. 3'.\.RnS of boautiful new style Prints, als.ia low heau- tifiil jiatterus of ladies’ dress goods. vi e have on hand a handsome selection of Host every (.lescrijition of ladies’ Tress Goods, 'A lute Goods. Linens, Rihhons, Laces, Hosi- ■ry, D .ess 'rrimmings. Hats, Bonnets, &c., Arc. For Gentlemens wear, we have a large .issvU'tment of Gassinieres, Linen Goods aud Ready Made Clothing. I'.i'l assortin ‘iit of .8]ioes, of every description, .lardw.iie, (trocei'ies and Crockery. .Vll o I which we olTer at as reasonable ad vances as any house can sell them. A. J. Mock & Co. Salisbury. X. G., May 18, ’66. dtf no43 THOMASVILLE n ■ aiu r oliege. •form of a »l*AKAXTY. The undersigned, residing at 'I'lIE Bnildings and lands of'‘■Glenn Anno Feimde Seminary,'’ liave he(*n jmrcliased, and tiie sciiool has lieeii reorganized With a Board of 'Pmstees and a comjietent corps of 'I'each- ei's, under the nuiiie and style of— Tlioiiiasyillo Female College. Xv) town in the State aiTords better advan tages in every piuticular for a college of higli grade than 'riiomasville. situatial as it is, on the Xorth Carolina Rail Road, ia a region of country unsurpassed in iiealth, good morals, and guild soeiiCy^ It is t/ic place for a (‘ollege for Ceiitriil and Wi'Stern No,tli C’;irolina, and it is our set }iur['.ose to inalce it e(pial to the (L'lnands of this noiTi'.iu of t’le State, both as to chartered md vlL’ges aud Imildings. ' p 1': R :>i vS: BOARD—includingali but lights, $15, per mouth : 'i'UITION—in Preparatory Department. $16, to sl’doO jier session: 'riTTiU3\—ill Coilege Department $15, to •t'l/ .50 : Music on Piano, or Guitar .822.50; Oil Painting .$'20 : Drawing .$10 ; French, Latin and German $5 (‘ach. Incidental expenses $1. 'I’he First .Ses.-ioii will open the 7th Aug ust, 1866, and continue '20 weeks. Payment to be made in ciirn'iicy—one halt in advanc“. anil the balance at the close ot the soisiou. For furtlier particulars addros-S, REV. D. K. BRU'l'oN, President, or Rev. X. F. REID. D. D. Visitor. Thoniasvilk, X. C. .Julv '2iJ.’66. tw3t. TAILORING Establishment. PA TENT MEDICINES. A BOOX TO THE SJCK AND •I?lie X*igli-t of -tlae "Worl^L DE. tlAUilEL'S and Salve. Tlie-e L;f.‘-giving rciiieiliesare now, given publicly otiu; wurlil. t'or over a ijum ter of a century of pr . ate practii-e tlie ingre l.eiit- in tlie-e LIFE-GL1LNG PILLS, Have been iiseil with the greate-t snecesa. Their iiii.S3ioners not only to prexeiit ili.-tM-e. but to cure.— ihey seai'eh out tlie v.irams maholies bv which the iiat.eiit issiilleriiig. ami revigorates the failing sy-tein. i'o the aged ami inlirm a few do-es i>l these vuluablt (lills will prove to be A VEJIY FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH. I i-’or in every case they add m-w life and vitality, and .'•e-tore the waniiiie energies to their state. To the young ami middle ageii. iiiej, prove moat in valuable. as a ready, siieeiii'-. and -terniig medieine. Here is a dre iiu realized, that I’om'-de-Leoa sough iiir three luimlred years ago. and never found. He bioked for a fountain tlnil would re.-tore the old to the vigor aud make youth ever yLV ETERNAL SPRING ! It was left for this day ami hour to realize the dream amlsho'.v iu one glorious fact, the magic that made i air. THESE FAMOUS REMEDIES t'annot stay the ilight olye.irs. but they eaii force back uid hold aloof, di.sea.-e-that miirlit ti iumpli over the igedami young. Let none hesitate then but seize the favoraliie opportiiuity that oilers. When take® ae [ire.-i'i’died— FUR nr ELIO US disorders Votliing l an be mure productive ot cure than tliese i’dls. Tlie.r alwo-t magic inliiiem e is felt at once, indthe usual coim omitant- of this most distressing 1 -c.i-e are removed. Tlie-e remedies are made from Die piiri-t VEGETABLE COMPOUNDS. riiey will not harm tiie most de ii-ate female, andean le given with good e.fect iu de-rriljed dose* to the .omigest balie. For cutaneous disorders Hid all eriipt'oMs of the -kin. tlie saae is most inval uilile. It does not heal externally alone, but pene i.iteswitli the mo-t searching elfeets to the very root PILIiS Invariably cure the follovv Stat(' ,,f . nmkrtakc that if the bid for carry-I 5 ; .. -vi ir.g the mail on the route No. . [if tin* ^ JL pf'Ctiully iiiairia 1 .le cuiz ms ui 8AJ.- NiT he not iriveii it i.s not essential.] h* accept- j 1.8bUiaY and vicinity, that he has opciicu cd hv the Postmaster General, the bidder shall | a SUlbSCRIBKR 3V()UL1) RKS- $20 Sewing 3Iechines. Three new kinds.— j tmtei’into the re([uired obligation, or contract, ; b nder and ujiper feed. Sent on trial. M ar-i ^.^,^tract witii good aud tulii-j cieiit sureties. j ranted live vears. Above salary or lartri* commissions jiaid. The only machines sold Dated : in t owan TAILOR 8HOP 3Iain Street, Sion*, wlu-rc* In. gre.., . , , live powei'of tin* national govennni'nt, con- tain region as he may be able toobtain. M e Fists ot two hranebes, the Senate and would advise all of onr Gitizens to hear him Houso of Kepresoiitali ves, whose joint con- on that occasion. currcuci' or assent is (*.':soiitial to the valid- ; ^ • ity of any law. ()f these, “ the House of Gen. Dockery.— The Standard is nia- Represen'tatives”—sav the constitution, ar- hing etlorts to hring ou'l Gen. Alfred Dock- tide 1, section 2—''shall be composed of as a candidate for (lovernor. We believe members chosen every second ye;ir by the j Gen. Dockery was once a candidate ior All other cheap machines are infrinqements aud the seller or user are liable to arrest, tine and imprisonment. Illustrated circulars sen fFOP.M FOR certificate. The uudersigned, postmasti*!' at State of— ' certilies under hi.s o.i;.i of PRICK ROW ippositc Sprague Proa’ will be found at all times, ready to wait on all who may fivor him with their }):itron- age. and liop(*s hv strict attention to hiis:- ne-ss to merit and receive a liberal share ot free. Address, or call on Shaw A Glark at Biddeford. Maine, or Ghicago, Ill. may ‘28-dAw 6m Turner's Almanac for 1867 3Y1LL BE READY' ABOUT THE 1ST OF j Editors throuahout the South will give September. Those wanting advertising pag''s ' tin* foregoing two insertions and f irwanl hill office that he is acquainted with the above guarantors and knows them to be men of pro- : Uie ]i(*rrvand aide to maiie good liieii g'tarantv. { j.-, * e*T' ^ Dbted: ^8l»-4t I PLoLIt. I.vI.UJNAGL. IN" If it is not convenient for an acting 1 stmasterto fill out the certificate, an old one • All work done by tlie sub.scnbcr waimant- ed to be }int uj) in the L.V 11..'^'!' S I’Y LK, and iu a gooil and workmanlike mannei and waiTaiited to iit. J D. 3VILLIA3rS. Aug. 9,’66. It Will ansuer. , „ , . • -11. 1 Tx 1 1 ±. 8—Each paper hi the State will please copy duty of choosing representatives is impos- , campaign ol Bragg and Dockery he con- of .s-j.w, and fonvard bills to [he , ted upou the people of each and every , aiders reliable. This being the case, we Euterprise Otliee, Raleigh, X. C. j For Sale at the North State Office. JOB PRINTING NEATLY AND EXPEDUriOU.SLY EXECUTED AT THIS OEEICi:. ■Vs-tlima, Bowel Gnmplaiuts, Goug’ut, Gold.'*. DiseaseJ, Gostiveues.s, Dy.'^pepsia, Diarrhoea, Droosy, Debility, Fever and Ague, F(»iale GumplaintsJ i Headache, Indigostion, lulluenza, Iiitlaination, lu'waid weakness. Liver Goinplaint. L"Wih‘Ss of S| Riiigworni. Rlieunii.tism, Salt Rheiiin, Scalds, Skin Di-seasee, te. ■ >1” NOTICE.—None crenuine without the vc'l trail ‘-mark aroiimi eacli potor ho.x. signeH by .1. M oa; Ki. 43 Fultoii street, New York, to counterfiit soill'Vv all r-'sjx'vtabh' Dealers in Medicine# throi^lioiit the'Ciiitcil state.s and Canadas—at26ct# ner box or jiut. - , For sale at J. H. Enmss Drug Store, Salisbiuy, X. C- ^vA-439

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