Alt Wm ' 2 HAlPTtN, PbB. PrV "The Old North itote Fver.M (fcwfo Ir Copies Five CemU i - i m - M . li VOK I . SALISBURY, IN. C. TUURSDAY KVENING, AUG. 23, 1866. NUMBER 94 . - . THIS OLD NORTH STATE. ITRI-WKEKL.Y.) ' t A. 1'ltt H'ltl ET Ills. LI WIS PdU-.r HA TEH or SUBSCRIPTION. .& TUUn-CAM IN ARVANCB. Trl-VYesMy One Year Six Month. UM Aluuth, 6.00 a.ov. 76 cU. WEEKLY Was tlj paper, Yaw. Mix month. 3.00 1.60 33.00 m Ten copies On Year, Tareuiv coniaa. One IMF 40.00 A cram X on the paper indicate tbe expiration of the subscription. Tbe type on which tbe "Old Noth State, ia printed la entirely new. No pain will be soared to make it a welcome viaitor to every family. In order to do thi we hare enfrajreil the xerrioe of able nod accompliabed literary contributor. ADVERTISING RATES TttAJfSIKXT BATES Far all period Isssthsa one month One Square. Klrst insertion 1 -00 Each subsmpient insertion Contract rale tor period of one to four month. 1 MO. 2 MOB. 3 M08. 4 M08. 3 00 4 50 6 00 4 00 4 00 fl 00 8 00 " 40 00 5 00 7 W 10 50 li 00 6 00 0 00 12 00 15 00 8 00 12 00 10 00 20 00 10 00 15 00 20 00 25 00 15 00 22 50 28 00 &5 00 I Square, i Squ'r. 3 " 4 " 1 Colui'n " 1 " Special Contract will be made with those who deire ts ad vert ie tor longer term than tour muniu. Court Notice and Advertisement will be cbarged at the unal rates. Ten line of solid minion type, or about one inch lengthwise of the column, constitute a annate SjwisJ Notices, in leaded minimi, will be eon Uacted lor at the office, at not less than double i h rule of ordinary advertisements." Inserted a reading matter, with approval o th editor, fiftr cents per line Advertisement inserted irregularly, or at inter vals, 85 per cent additional. The rate above printed ore for standing sdver tise incuts. One or two squares, changeable at discretion, 10 per cent additional. lloi e than two square',' changeable at dicre ii. per square of ten lines, fir every change, a cuU-livc cents Five aquares estimated an a quarter column, nd ten square as a half column. Bill for ad vertising, whether by the day or year, will be Considered due and collectable on presentation The Old Printer. -y - BY CHBI.EY W. M'CLBCB. . A printer stood at his case one night, In his office dark and drear, And hi weary sight was as dim aa the light Of the mouldy lamp hung near ; The wild wintry winds were howling with out, And the snow falling thick and 4j st, But the Printer. I trow, shook bis locks of snow. And laughed at the shrieking blast ; He watched the hands of the clock creep ing round. Keeping time with its small like tick, As he gathered tbe type, with a weary click, In his old rust-eaten stick. His hairs were as white as die falling snow, And silently, day by day, He beheld them wiib grief, like tbe au tumn One by one "passing away." Time had cut with his plow furrows deep in hi brow, His cheek was fevered and mm, f And his long Roman nose could almost re- - pose Iu bead on his gray-bearded chin ; Aud with fingers long, as tbe hours-stole on, Keeping time .with the clock's dull tick, He gathered tbe type, with a weary click, . i , i . -i . - in tne oiu i upi-r.uni fw , For many long yesrs, through joys i through tears, That old Printer's time-ooMsredflk. So ghostly and lean, night and morn has been seen, Earnestly bent o'er his ease la a few years more Death will lock up his form And put it to press in the mold, And a stone o'er the spot where they lay him to rot, Will tell mi hi name, and how old: And bis comrade will light that old lamp by bis case ; And list to the dock's dull tick, As they set mp hi death, with a solemn click, la bis old rust -eaten stick. THE PAMTAliK LAW. they Mil thc.v wm iH-.-iuiripti wtih the mil ix.xtmd Gonrt Advertisements, otmi MnruHnnu. Mercantile jaaverusemenia. Pur the convenience of our reader, many ot whom are uninfonm-d a to th pr ni posts, rates, we extra and prepare tbe following fruui the existing regulation a published iu tbe Uni ted Slate Mail : I.KTTKS l-OBTAdg. PKKr-AYMKXT ti.. Uy Mqnire the puata-e on all letUra Ui lie prepaid by atiunp for stainpod n elope pay ment iu luouey lieiwr prohibited. All drop let ter iuut alao bu prepaid. Tlfe only letters on wbieh payment i not demanded, are those ad dreea to the PreMilcnt. or Vice-frcNideiit i memtier of Congress, d letter uu ollieial bui ue to the chiefs of the Executive Depart meiit of the Oovernmen. the head or 'bureaus, mid chief clerk, and other Invested? with tie frui.k ins; privilege. 1 1 T 1 1. The rate of loiter postage i three cent pet half ounce, throughout the United States ; and three cent for each additkmsl half ounce or frac tion thereof. The ten cent Pacific rate is abol ished. The rate of postage on drop letter is two rent per half ounce or traction thereof, at all office where free delivery by carrier is established. Where such free delivery is not established, the fate i- on,- cent. MXWSPAPBB POHTAOI. The following is the postage on newspapers, wnen sent rrom tne otnee ol publication, to rogu lor subscriber : Postage on Daily papers to subscribers when prepaid quarterly "r yearly in advance, either at llicr mailing ottice or office 'f delivery, per quarter, (three month.) Six time per week, per quarter. IV ets :w " 15 " W" i-or in-weekly , v'ot SenriTYeeary, - i or w cehJy, V 5 " Weekly Newspaper (one copy only) sent by the publisher to actual subscnlier within the comity where printed and published, free. QIWKTKHLY l'.H)ll.M Quarterly postage cannot be paid for less than three mouths. If a subscription . begin ut any other time than the commencement of an official quartCT, the prwragfr received by the Post kiaster, must still be entered in hi account for that quar ter. Subscribers lor short term exceeding Uiree months, say four or live months can pay quar terly postage tor t .o c uul term ol" t heir subscrip tions -that i, for 'cm uarter and a third, one quarter and t wo thirds, J r. The law only requires that at least one quarter's postage shall be pre paid, and not more than one rear" postage. Any term between oue quarter and one year can there fore be prepaid at proportionate rate. Subscri bers can pay the postage for a iractfou of a quar ter, at the same rati: for a whole qunrter, bv in cluding the fraction u ith the next whole qnarter, and paying for both at the same time. PRIVILROKS TO PCFLISllKH. Publishers of Newspapers and Periodicals may send to each other from thcirrespective offices ol publication, free of postage ouccopy of each pub lication, and may ajso send to each actual sub scriber, Inclosed iu their publications, bill and receipts for the same, tree of postage. They may also state on their respective publication, the date when the subscription expires, to be writen or printed. SMALL e v ei ns llel igioi i s. Educational and Agricultural News papers of small sue, issued less frcquedtly'thun once a week, mat' be sent in packages to one ad dress at the rate of one cent for earn package not exceeding four onncea in weight, aud an addition al charge of one cent i made for each additional four ounce or fraction thereof, the postage to be paid quarterly or yearly, in advance. KKWS I'K W.KUS. News dealer may send newspaper and peri odical to regular subscriber aSHhe -quarterly rates, in the same manner as publishers, and uiay also receive them from publishers 1 at subscribers rate. In both cases t he postage to be prepaid, eitner at tne mailing or delivery otnee. POSfAOB ON TRANSIENT MATTER BOOKS AND CIRCULARS. Books, not over 4 ounces in weight, to one ad dress, 3 cent ; over 4 ounces, and not qver -ounces, 8 cents ; over 8 ounces, and not over I" ounces, 12 cents ; over 12 ounces, and not over 16 ounces, 16 cents. Circulars, not exceeding three in number, to one address, t cent ; over three, and not over six 4 cent ; over six, and not over nine, 6 cento ; over 9 and not exceeding twelve, 8 cents. I MISCBLLANBOPS. On miscellaneous mailable matter embracing all pamphlets, occasional publications, transien newspapers, hand-bills ana posters, book inarm scripts and proof-sheet, whether corrected or not maps and prints, engravings, sheet music, blanks flexible patterns, samples and sample cards, pho tographic paper, letter envelopes, postal envelopes or wrappers, cards, pa . n or ornamental, photographic reorefcentatioua f different types, seeds, cuttings, bulbs, roots, and scions, the puU age to be prepaid by stamps, ia on one package to one address not over 4 ounce in weight, 'i cents ; over 4 ounce, and not over 8 ounces, 4 cents, ov- er it ounce and not over 12 ounces, 6 cunts ; over not over lti ounces. cents. HOW TO B WRAPpVn All mail matter not sent at letter rates of post age, embracing book, book manuscripts, pnsd sheets, and other printed matter, and all other mail matter, except seeds, inust lie so wrapped or envidnped withopcusides or en3 as toenable the postmaster Ho examine the package without de,' streyiug the wrapper otherwise such packages must berated wiOi loiter piilge." Ive-Tftimmtrinv cation, whether in writing or in. print, can be sent with anv seed, root, cut ting: or scions, mans, engraving- or cither matter Bet printed, except ' upon the separate natter, at the established rate. Where package of newspaper or periodicals are received at any post office directed to one ad dress and tbe names of the club of subscribers to which they belo.ig, with the postage ;or ((iiar ter in advance shall le banded to the postmaster, J he shall deliver the same to then rep,!t tive own- j ers. nui mis oie not appiy i wrei nf w- per, which circulate free in the county where printed and putdiahed. PBE-PAYME.N'T OP TEAN8IEHT BtATTEB. AR transient matter must be prepaid by stamp. But if it comes to the office of delivery without pre-parinent, or short paid, the unpaid postage must tw collected on deb very at double the pre paid rate. Great neclect exist in the strict quarterly pre payment of po-Mp on printed matter sent to re, ular subscriber. No such paper should be de livered unless it i either prepaid at taw maibn office, or at the delivery . tor st least a quar- If not so prepaid. poMiinuaSSS must c-ollect copy a on transient sastter If they fail tbev will be charfraasriUi the lull itos due, aud in clear cases removed from office for ue? lect WRrTTKO OM NEWRI'APF.KB. 1 Toinclosi'iir conceal a letter, or other thit (except hills and receipt for subscription.) iu write or print anything, alter its publication l uy now -paper, pampiiiet. -rrrina .SI printed innller, ts illegal and subject such matter, and the entire package of which it in a part, to letter postage. Any wool or communication, wbisther by print ing, mark or signs, upon the envctor wrapper ot a newspaper, pamphlet, iliagasins or other thim the name and ad, lie of the persoi to whom it . to lie sent, and the date when sitbseription expi's, subject the package to letter postage. ; Xjtilroad AdreVtisetnents. N. C. R. R. Company. ma HJP'TI. OFFK'K, Company shops, June Ut, 1868. CHANGE OF TI3IE. On and after June 10th, 1866, Tr-i, .rill run as Joltotcs : OOINO was MAIL TRAIN. Leave floldslHiro' 12 .K) i&leigh,... 3 45 r " Ilillsboro',. ............. 5 2S I" " Ureensboro', 7 40 " Salisbury, 1010 1 Arrive at Charlotte, ..... TT. 12 'K a m FREIGHT AND ACC0IM0DATI0.V. Iave Ooldsboro' 12 00 p, M. ' " Ualeigh 4 50 A. M ' Ilillsboro' 8 27 " " Ureeusboro', . r;-, . . . . 1 00 p. m. " Salisbury 530 " Arrive at Charlotte, 0 00 " GOING EAST. MAIL TRAIN. Leave Charlotte 11 15 p. M. M. " Salisbury, . . 1 26 a " Greeusboro' 4 10 " Hillboro' 6 31 " Raleigh,...: 8 30 Arrive at (ioldsboro, 1 1 20 1 FREIGHT ANU ACC0VM0DATI0.V. Leave Charlotte, .v. " Salisbury,' " Greensboro', ' HUUboro',..: . ...430a. m. ...8 55 ...I 10 p. m . ...5 25. ...0 45 .2 15 A M. Bell Uli Anive at Ooldsboro' Mail Train connects at Raleigh with Raleigh 6l Gaston Trains for the North. At Golas boro', with Wilmington and Weldon, and At lantic & N C. Trains. Accommodation Train runs daily, (Sundays eseepted,) connecting with Wiltningtou . Weldon Trains. There is no Sunday Train going North 'rotn Weldon to Portsmouth ; passengers arriving at Weldon on day can go iinfnedLitoly through via Petersburg and Richmond. E. -WILKES. June, 9. '66-dtf Eng. d Suj NOTICE to the MERCHANTS AND FARMERS OF NORTH .WD Sill Til CABOLLV The Seaboard and Roanolir RAILROAD, Is now in thorough operation, A XD FORMS DiT ITS CONNECTIONS ttH tbe Raleigh and Gwtto Road, the II 'Stem North Carolina Rmlroad, and the CharUtieund Columbia Kauroaa, the Cheapest, Quickest & Most Direct Throuf Freight Line from all place in North Carolina and Wubturn S,,iill, CiinJInii l, . i is. PORTSMOUTH. NORFOLK, LTImORE. VII rr A TlVT TUT l JS&W I Villi . AND BOSTON. '- '- lie cajnful totsmsigu roar FnTgnt fi enre of Kau- road Agent, Portsmouth, and direct-your corres pondent in Ne York and Philadelphia to do the same, and from Baltimore be careful U hare your freight sent by . OLDBAYLITVESTEA wh icif areTthS OSLT fMMIRS BY WltKfii oh MFIS0T ASACSaatXXt HAVE BEEN MADE. Take notice, that lv thi route roucancmiaiam your Freight directly to its destination, M gjl chirjre and Government duties are paid by the j-il Boad Air-nt at Portsmouth, and fi n.-Lnll t,, M. collected at tut I tbe detination of the Fri-isrht. i. u. iiMiu. Anrr. spr 1366-d3m Portsmouth. Va m. wamaRaa. m. a. c. a. nxMssox, . d Drs. Whitehecd i Honderson, Qw associated themselves in the FRAOTXOS 072OSXdZSTa. ' and offer their professional services to the eitiseas of Salisbury and vicinity. OSes Next door to Owen, SofieU d- Co t, Store. ir a April 20, ia!. ly tat of Worth Carolina, WATAUGA COUNTY. Plea and Qnarter Scutiena, Ttrm, Iroio. m H James ( '. Harper, adm'r. 1 ft,. 1- HngWr, OetU. I n'tloa fbr KUa L. I. Hagler J In this case it appearing te the satiafiietion of the court tint Walter llagler. John Hagler, Creen Hagler, Wiley Hagle'. William and Mary Tucker, and the children ot a stater Delpliia Howard, are non-resident f this Stale, it ia tl.e-elore oi tiered by the eourt that adveiliwuieiit be made in "The Old North State," a newHpaprr published In the town of Salisbury, N . C., for ix week to the end that tbe said deleiidanta ap pear at the' next term of this court on the 3d Monday alter tne 4tn Mommy in rMpiciiii-r next, sou uiuw cauae agatnattbe prayeref tile leUttsOSf or it will be tabao pro confessa as to theia . Witaes Joe B. Todd Clerkof our said Court at office in llooiie the .ud. Monduv alter the 4th Monday in June, A. I. IH, uud in the 9lt year of our liidcieudvnce. J. B TODD, I'LKRK Adg.i.'flo. prfcetlO w-6w. State of North Carolina, KOWAX COUNTY i Court of Equity, Spring Term, 1866. Equity Sale of the richest GOLD MINE in Nobth Cakolixa. Samuel WoodrutT and Henry B. Beach to the use oi Julius It. Brockclnriu, vs. , The Gold Hill Mining Company; By virtue of a Decree of the Court of Equity ot Ilowan County, made in tin.' above named cause at this Term, I will sell at the, Court House door iu Salisbury on Saturday the 18th day of August next, at II o'clock, A. M., all the legal and equi table estate and interest of the Gold Hill Mining Company, iu all real and personal estate conveyed to Isaac 1. smith,. Dy -ai. L. Holmes, and others, by Vena bearing date Julv 9th. 1855, and reeistered in Book 40, page 432 of the Register's Office of Uowau County ;. and in that conveyed to the President and Directors of the Gold Hill Mining Company; by Edward B. Rice by Dcod dated September 29th, 1853ranrL registered iu Book 40, page 88of4he-fieg iatcr's (ffice rf Rowan County, whereiu the same may be found particularly set forth and described. Also, any and all legal and equitable estate and interest of BHtO Company, of or in nay "real or per sonal estate situated at or near Gold Hill, in Uo .in County. Terms of sale, Cash, and the titles retained to await the furth er direction of the Court. LUKE BLACKMER, C. M. E. June 14,'66. prfec25 iio64tw&w tds In the Iklids t ofltife we are in Death. mWM LVSi&T TNI LIFE ' IN THE North Carolina Mutual Life W&Vll aiCE COMPANY, tVHEKB THE WELL KNOWN CHARACTER of tbe Manager ia guarantee of the character of the company. . Insure at Uotne. Keep the moneat home. . Xb1 Company Insures the lives of all healthy par sons Iriiifi j l. to 60 year of age - securing the amount inSured'to the wife aud children, agamsttlie csUim of all oteditor. W' J.. K. BURKE. Agent in Salisbury. Or, " As Accidents will happen in tlte best ' - Families," . . Southern Accident Insurance OOMP AN Y. Tlte Pioneer Company of the South. Authorized Capital, 01.000.000. Insure against all accident to life and limb. Oiv- ing the holder an annual policy for the full araonnt ; 1 ... ........ . . I .1..-, a I , .....I ....m.u.naotinn a ill. nil. i insuivd in case of death, and comiiensation at the rate of $6.00 per week lor each 91.000 if disabled. Not exceeding Tuenty-Six weeks. Short Time Policies (for Travellers,) may be had from oue day to one year and from "$590 to 10.000. Call at the Book Store before taking a trip and se cure' tickets of J. K BL'KKK, Agent 'southern Accident las. Co. laW.J.Ti" NEW TAILORING Fstablishment. T'HE SUBSCRIBER WOULD RES pectfullT inform the citizen of SAL ISBURY mi vicinity, that be baa opened TAILOR IIOI in Cowan's BR IO K IMW, Maiu Street opjositi! - rmrsgar. """'i no,, o. isr - m i -I- tr tn .17 An T Will DO BUS al I' f imnj vu " all -alio inrtv f.tyor htui with their patron age, and hope by strict attention to Imsi nees to merit and receive a liberal share of the TUBLIC PATRONAGE. All work-done by tlie snbscrilier warrant ed to be put up in the LATEST STYLE, sjasj in a good and workmanlike mannii and warranted to fit. J V. WILLIAMS. Aug. 9,SC6. . -If- Carriage for Sale. a FIXE CITY CARRIAGE BUILT ON A the Pheatoa style, for sale cheap, apply I ST A tltlIVT1 fr" las at this s iiBice. or to si. a. umwui, i -ishury, S. C, J una 30, um a '---" WATAUGA COUNTY. i H a f r f . i . t ----- htiu I SalUHnry State of North Carolina, ' Cabakrls County. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Jul Term, A. D. 1866. John 11. Vaupclt and wife Haldah, aud Wm. A. iM'tiinn iu uiol of iiiature are. ,, irni'Mciik... , , v.. ,. e. and Man .odnigbt , 1cT ght, VaacGKMluight,W". tor tiuodiiiirlit. Uooduightand Houston (tiKHliilglil minor hein of J. H. Uoodidght. Petition for Partition mf Land. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that X aiicy Pot u is not an inhabitant of thi State, it is therefore ordeied bv the Court that publication be made in the Old North Utatr, for six week no tifying the defendant. Nancy Potts, to be aud ap pear at the next County court to be held for the county ot 'a harms, at the court house iu Concord on the 3d Monday of October next, and then and there shew cause if any she hath why tbe progun of the petitioner shall not be granted. I i nkss. John O. Wallace, Clerk of our said court at office, iu Concord, this 3d Monday in July A. D. I -oii. JOHN O. WALLACE. Aug 4M, '66. 6w Pr.feeflo Clerk. State of North Carolina, Davib County. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. Thomas X . B. (ilaascock, Nathan S. ChaOn and Wife Llvira, Ransom P. Booe and wife Emeliur, Martha Clulta, John (ilaaacock and Jams Claaa cock, v. James Whits, B; it; and Piukney Cald well. Pititiok for Partition or Me sl Estatk. Nathaniels. Bhalnn, one of the petitioner in thi case, having come before me, aud made affidavit that Pmkiiey Caldwell, one ol the parties- made Defend ant, is a non-resident of the State of North Carolina, it i therefore ordered in accordance with the provis ion of tbe Act of Aawmblr. that publication be made in tbe Weekly ' u.n North HtatR, for tbe term of six week, notifying the uld Pinkney Caldwell of the Oling of thi jhh.ii and that, antes la) appear at tbe next term ol this court, to he held at the ceurt-houae in the to u of Mocksville, on the second Monday in Septeniber next, and asatwar the petition, the name will be taken pro ooufesao and heard ex parte a to binr. Witness, Eph. Oaither, Clerk ofaaid Court, at office in Mocksville. the 10th day or July, A. I). 1866. i-I'll, c A n il Hi. Clerk. July 30 15 Pre fee 10 w6w State of North Carolina, . -.jfrjr (Jounty, - Superior Court of Law, Spring Term, A. D. 1866. . The Atlantic Bank of New York vs. Si meon Fratikford. ATTACHMENT. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the defendant, Simeon Eraukford, is a noB-resident of tbe State, it is. therefore, ordered and adjudged that publi cation be made for ix successive week in "The Old North State." notifying him to be and apjiear before th Judge of our superior Court of l.. at the next Court to be hed farthe Countyof Rowan, at tbeCourt House in Salisbury on the 13th Monday alter tbe 4th Monday in August next, then and there to plead or re plevy, and show cause, ifauy be hag, why the plaiutifl should not have judgnient against him, and the House and Lot levied upon tie sold to satisfy tbe s - me. Witness, Obadiah Woodson. Deputy' Clerk and ex-' officio, actiug Clerk ol our aul I ourt, at timce, me 13th Monday after the last Vondav in February, A i). 1H06. and in the !m h year of our Independence. oltAlu All WOODSON, Deputy Sndactiiig Clerk. June 18, '66. ;Prfee10 no65 6w v Southern lni- Jotk JUST PUBLISH? D TABOR ; OK, Tin; . Richmond noU ction of Sacred "mic: 1 I ! -M MjcINTCWH, of Virginia. Essentially Southern in its main features, Tabor nevertheless contains a choice selection of the best Northern copy-right Music. Its author, for four years an officer of the Confedr erate army, composed many stirring pieces in moments snatched during its marchings and counter-marchings in Virginia. The dirge used at the funeral of (ieu. .1. J. Jackson, (stonewall,! May 17, 1863, Was from his pen . - w . . is included in this collection "Mr. Mcintosh," says the Richmond Whig "is well known throughout the South as an author and teacher of finished excellence, with a musical reputation rarely attained by any man of his age iu this country. In the South he stands at the very head of ehurcfr music, no one disputing the position with him." The nook embraces everything of value of southern or south-western origin, much of which is now for the ' first time reduced to-a written fonn. It Variety is great embracing all metres in use, in every key and every va riety of measure with a full elementarv de Siawalssaaaa 1rn uuuMmi - ! set pieces and sentences, It contains nearly '300 closely printed pages, neatly snd tasteful ly (jut ten up, well printed and bound. f reJatT$X3, per doeen. Can be obtained through all bookst-llers, or will he mailed by the Publishers to any part of J " "SMM SlaWli peel fcea, roeoipt ola- ?. sAsdcuiriaBfWeminata-aiut skialc riinies fur esaminatiiiuaad tt.n, sent to any address, ostage paid, on re ceipt of ouedullar- -. FT J. nr N'T I S ( T( IN A ( rt. v - T - . . . r. Publishers snd Booksellers. july31 tf 450 Bnwme st., X. Y- Dr. A. M. Nesbitt, Offer his professional services to the Cit? sens of Salisbury ahd the surroutnling C'oun Jtrrr He can be found at hi Residence on Jaeksoa Strevt, in rear of the Presbyterian Church. - . , .. Jty27,'L ; STOP THE JOHN HPK1N" hai Nnon.Ie.l (Tool ajv nlan- tatlon ia lar I 'oooty. a itb a larpe to'" f;rey lion Will ajv a liberal rewara sir ssa fcari aa aa aaiioa aa w ,11 lead to the apprehenaroa of asM f. HAUST05, iSJEW FIUA-fcS SA IJSIMJRY J. W. (iBAY, 4 CO. TTAVH Just rsestred sad oseusdat No. t, Ms, l"7 ttramte t.ntwitf, a new I '"W" Of SHafMiauSl riwrv nPV FANCY DRY GOOD which they will sell for oath or bartor, only, as follows, A large and beautiful assortment f LADIES DRESS GOODS, embracing the newest and leading styles of Us season. A large assortment of Gentlemen', Youths and Itoy"a Goods, Ladies Summer Wrappings. Ladies' Misses, and Children's Trimmed Hate, new shapes. Ladies, Misses and Children. Hoop Skirts, Ladies, Misses and Children, Balmoral Shoes, and Gaiters, Bonnets, Ribbons, i Gloves, Hosiery, Ac., 4c r. . ' , f l e I...:..., uents auu LMys ouoes oi ocrjr achvujiuuu, Gent. Boy and Children Hats, of every variety for summer wear, Croakery and Glassware, Wood and willow ware. Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and Dye Stuffs, of all kinds. They are prepared to fill all orders, of Physl cians, for Drug and Medicines, st the shortes notice. The Drug department will ha aader the charge of a regular Physician. They also have a branch of their business at County Line, Davie County. where all of the above named articles, may uke wise be obtained on the same terms. The above stock of Goods, having been pur chased since the late heavy decline ofprices in the Northern Cities, will be sold si LOW as they can possibly be bought in this market. P. R. Maitin. invites his old friends of Davie County especially, to giro him a call whepistUng tkla wturket. J. W. GRAY. P. R. MARTIN, J. Met; C IKE. Salisbury, NY C, April 2, '66. tf-nol. B. P. WILLIAMSON & Co., a OIIIIIiimaimii fi-r iiniii, RALEIGH, N. C. SELL on Commission Cotton Yams, Sheetings, Bacon, Flour, Lard, Dried Fruits, whiskey , Brandy, and all kind of country produce. They also keep constantly on hand for sate. Blows, 11 oes, Axes, Shovels, Spades, Corn 8hel (era, and iall kind of Agricultural Implements, Hardware, Tin Ware, and Groceries of every de gcription. They respectfully solicit consignments from Farmer and others, in the western part of tho State, and pledge themselves to give their best ,ii iei. i ion to alForders and consignments entrust- ed to them. . ' - Beg to refer to McCubbin Foster A Co., Salis bury, Tod. B. Caldwell, Pres't, N . C. li. K. Mor gnnton, J. A. Rosebro, Stotosville. aprill,'66. nol tf THE WEEKLY "0U) NORTH STATE." PUBLISHED EVERY FBI DAT, AT 8 AL II C. IT HAJIPTSM, IARII CONTAINS All the Latest W RKVIKW OF THE WAR KTC, atTC, .f5''-' t ' I - ARK PRINTED IN TUB BEST STYLE. PERSONS LIVING IN THE COUN TRY WILL BE KEPT POSTED W AID Till DAY IT OUBSCKIBINQ TO TUB WEEKLY - an vi OLD NORTH STATE. TtnH.t 'AH1N "ONE ' TEAR "7" - xS)nii-n--: MONTHS, - 1 66 i Pnkli.hsr PrODriatar. LEWIS 11 NFP 1 . . Jull.N 8. HAMPTON, march 30- Dissolved Copartnersuip 1 THE Copartnership heretofore existing aa der the name of Owes, So field Sc Co., is tliis day dissolved by mutual consent. G. H. Snydam and Delaran Bates will sign in liquidation. J. J OWEN. C. H. SOFIELD, D. BATES, . G. H. SUYDA1L s. ews, Tf ie undersigned will continue the business at ihe ' old stand under the firm name of Snydam and Bate. G- U 8UYDAM. P BATE1. Jttly, I. Ala -y - 1 J - J --7- - - -o- I . ... - Ti'- f -. r .... - - - -

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