I AMES UAffPTON tSfe P'a . "Tfce Old .Will FaMLflL. Taili Tllili riri ViSr' a. 1 1, 1 1 .- i iiii , . j i. w l i i i . - MsMjseasanansi VOL, I SAUSltfgiY, IS. '('.. TUKSDA y, 8 KPT. 11, JSGG. NUMWsKjS m iNTiM)U iiuN Blfjid Advertisements. I Oenrt AdwwiH i.uU. ! . KlhtfCATloXAL. I KDVXJL TlOIfA L, OLlD WORTM i ATifi. fTRI-WKKKf,Y.h- John S. rrui.iHHKiuj rRurniKToMa. LKWH. !. 1M rf- BAT88 or 81 TKHM ( IHI TW-Weakly in AftY.tttCB. One Tear " Sn.on Htx Month. S.UU e ( Mouth, 71 ot Weaklv UHneiT One Vear. 3. .. . six month, 1.60 m Ten copies One ym 93.00 ' Twenty come One i'er. 40.00 A om on the paper indicates the expiration of tlii' subscription. The typo on which tiie "OLS Hosts iat," i printed! entirely Dew. No pain will !.iiarcil to nuke it a welcome vhritor to every lami!y In order to do thiii we hare engaged the sen ice. of able and agrrjKtrM ADVERTISING RATES. TRAXSIIXTT ItATKU For all periods lean than one month One Hqaare, Ktretlii urtiwM r Sl.W Bach sobseqsent insertion 60 Contract rate for erloi of one to four month 1 Square, Squ'ra, 3 " 4 . i Colui'n t " 1 " . 1 MO. 5 00 750 10 00 12 00 13 00 20 00 :i ixi 2 MOM. '! Mi is. 4 MOH. 7 00 10 00 15 00 10 00 14 00 Irf 00 14 50 I - Wi 20 00 17 00 20 00 22 00 18 00 22 00 24 00 23 00 25 (10 27 00 4o oo so oo m 00 On UTI moroaiNU AH AMBNomaT TO l 11 .OF TSB 1'Nltr.ll STATE Remieedby tits Smalt and Mouse of lirtresi ntatices the Untied States ;' America in Congress assttebled, (two-thirdn of both linusc concurring.) That the fol- lowiiiK article ho imiMMflnt to the It iriala- Imm ef the sevarsdAflptlti, as an amen went to tk jConeiruOuj the, UisflHNRj Mates, wnicn, wlii ii ratified by three-fourths of said (ogislaturoe, shall be valid a part of the Ooiifttitutiou, muni ly: aktici.k 14. Section 1. All persons born or tiatutajik wi in tlin United States, and subject in the juriaaiciiou tut root, are citizen- oi n United States and of the State win -rein they reside. No State idia.ll make or en- N. $ R. R. Company. Ku. a hipts. orriel, CoitPASY Huopa, J une 7th, ItWB. CIIAIWE t)F TIME. after Juhs-1 a ill ran as O0X1YO VII MAIL TK.VIN ...1230 p. ,.. 345 .. 52ri ..7 40 ..1010 . . It St a Special Contractu will ! uiailr K-.thtlmse ho ihiiv to id vert foraloatrer term tliail lourwonths. DmM SSticea and AdvertUemeuta will bu charged at the ttjoatraw. Tun line of aalid minion type, or almnt oni inch, lengthwise of the coluinu, eun-ititute u aqra Spncial Xoticen, in-lealtd million, will be coti trneted for at the aAee, at not lemt than douhlu the rate of ordinary adrortixementM. Incited an ri'iiiliiiR matter, with Approval o the editor, fifty cent m-r line. Advertinemeiit inxurteil irrefrularly, or at inter- 2u ixw cent iKlilttnuial. I'divc prtmtalnmxY (br RtanrtinKadraiv tieinent. One or two snaarpn, chaugpahle at diKcretion, 10 per pent additional. More than two uuare, changeable at diftcre- n. per nquare of ten line, for every change, wt'iity-five cent. Five uijuaren ertimntel ni ft quarter -column, and ton quaniiaa huif coIuiuil Hill for ad verUidnff, whether by the day or year, will ! eouitlero(l due and eollivtulile on pruuiitittioti force any law which nhall abridge the priv ilegCB or immuuitieu of citizen of the Uni ted States ; nor shall any State deprive any person ot lito, Jtberty, or property without due procees of law, nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. Sec. 2. Representatives shall be appor tioned among the several States according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each State, ex cluding Indians not taxed. Hut when the right to it e at any election for the .choice of electors for l'reaident and Vice-President of the Uutted States, representatives hi Congress, the executive and judicial of ficers of a State, or the members of the legislating thereof, is denied to uuy of the inkle inhabitants of such State, being twen ty -oui years of age and citizens of the Uni ted States, or in any way abridged, except for participutiou in rebellion or other crime, the uasis of representation therein -shall be reduced in the proportion which the num ber of such, male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens tweuty-one years of age in such State. cc. 3. No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or Uudcr any"State, who, having previously taken an oath as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United in Significant. Mr Charles Gibbous pre sented the notorious General 'UaiiUltou eith a historic gavel, to be used in the "Loyalist" Convention. It was the iden tical gavel used at the Charleston Conven tion in 1860, which, by rending the Demo cratic party, sought to rend the Union. It is to be user! in A : cortenthft wivicb, by abandoning the policy of the Admiiiistra- t inn, would perpetuate disunion dy keeping States from the exercise of the right of the American citizen to be represented in the American Congress. The first tsonven tion was controlled by a vowed secessionists, with whom General Butler cooperated. The last convention is held by pretended Unionists, who would keep ten States out of the Union, Gcncpd Butler still coopera ting. The first convention interpreted the Constitution in their own way, and tlireat r cadod civil war if their doctrine was rejec ted. The last would amend the Consti tution to suit themselves, ii id r threat - of perpetual anarchy. The first claimed, in the interest of the . black man, to be con ten ding for the sacred right of property. The last also claims, in the interest of the negro, to be upholding the sacred right of suf frage. Ultraism destroyed .oue ; fanaticsin will ruin the other. The patriotism and unshaken loyalty, of like Anie.v ; people. to the ( onsiitution aud bm Uuhw iviiJcou- sign them to a common i doom. SatioucU liifeUigencer. The Cincinnati Enquirer, in alluding to the Chicago Tribune's estimate of the late elections this fall, says : "We can only judge of its reliability fhl" the figures on. y hio, which it puts down at 35,000 for the Radicals, who are to caxry ail the - A 'ongjreHHiuiiit excepttwo or three. 1 bis convinces us that tin i nb- maii has no knowledge of What rim losses at in any of the States. The best informed in political matags in Ohio ob serve the same sign that pjreecd ed the elec tion in 1862, when the Republicans carried five members to the Democrats fourteen. The quarrel between the President's friends aud too military leaders at that time crea t he a feeling that entirely destroyed the Republicans and the Republican Congress. There is the same general want of confi dence now in those who have been trying to regulate affairs. The RcpnbhVan will we presume, carry the thm Congressional districts in the Western Reserve. If thej carry any Congresmeu outside of that ter ritory, it will be after the closest contest, and by their good luck." tttaiee, or w member if any titate lngtai lature, or as an ext'cntivc or'judiciar officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the. U nited States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the Same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies there of. Hut Congresmay, by a vote of two- thirds of each House, remove such disabil i:y. . See. 4. The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for the payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be' questioned. But neither tBe Rai ted States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or-obligation iucurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the Uni ted States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; but alt stteh debts, obligations, and cldihlsj shall be held illegal and void. Sec. 5. The Congress shall have power to ehforee, by appropriate legislation, the provisions oi uus arucie SCHUYLER COLFAX, Speaker House of Rep LAFAYETTK S. FOSTER, Pres. Senate, pro tent Attest: Edwaro McPhkiison, Clerk House of Rep. ; : JtJW. Fobnkv, Secretary of Senate. ZsXisceilaneoas Advertisements. m H. McCrary & Co, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, UAVJvFiJlt SALE IN LOTS TO SUIT, 100 JLvnn So. 1 Per avian Guano. " iSoiabh i'acijic (Juuho. 60i) Hacks Lictrol Salt. lave Qolmbunj " Kaieigh " llillslxiro',. . . . ' i-l. '. - Salisbury, Arri ve at Cliurfotte.. . FKEraBT A.M ACCOMMODATION. Leave (ioldtboro', f . . . . .12 00 p. m Ralshrl 4 50 a. u ' HiUsbW, 8 27 " v " Greenslioro', I 00 p. m i " Salisbury 5 30 " Arrive at Charl..tte,. 9 00 . 1 OOINO EAST. . MAIL TRAIN. Leave Charlotte, 11 15 P. M " Salisbury, 1 20 A. M " Greeuslfcro', 4 ID " " HillslHiro' , 6 31 " " Raleigh .1 8 30 " Arrive at Goldsboru',. .' 11 20 " FUBIGUT ami ACCOMMODATION. . Ieave Charlotte,.. 4 30 a. m. " .Salisbury, 8 55 " " Greeusboro' 1 10 P. M. " HiUsbon)' , 5 25 " Raleigh..... 9 45 " Arrive at Goldsboro', -. 2 15 A. M. Mail Train conned at Raleigh with Raleigh dc Gaston Trains for the North.' At Golds boro', with Wilmington and VVeldon, and At lantic & N. ('. Trains. Accommodation Train runs daily. (Sunday ejceepteil, V enuTieetuig with Wftmrngton A; f VV eUloii Trains. There is no Siiuilay Train goiug North ftjm Wed n to Portsmouth ; passengers arriving at Weldou ou that day can gu immediately through r Petersburg and Hichinon.d. E. WILKES. .Tune9. 'OG-dtf f-tfj TO AXD FROM T rn i i -w inrousrn j?TeieinB . MF ... . sw " VIA N. C. Rail Roa And its Connecting Lines. DT THROUGH FREIGHT arrangement, . Oirough O receiptH are-jiven from (Hiarlotte and all point on tlifl North Ciiroliim Rail Road, to New York, Bos ton, Philadelphia, Baltimore-, l'ortamoutli, Norfolk, i'eraburg, and City 1'oiut, at exceeiiingly Low Rates. JjOjfcr, with moix dispatgmthless in surance than any other Litis. See Agent and ship your good by the following line.-, anil no other, eare ot Kail lioaa -igeut, 1'ons- luoutli, Va., or City l'oint. Prom Nevy york Atlantic (Joast Mail Kteamiiliip e-onilNnyvjui i.vj,aiu-, ru. iw ngeiits: omec No. sh l.ibeiU street, .Shipping l'oint,' Fier No. 36, -ortn Kim, s . v . From Boston Ronton and Norfolk Pteamnhlpcom pany, A. mmi sun. agent, end of Central Wharf, Huston . From Philadelphia Philadelphia and Norfolk Steamship Company, W. P. CLYDE A oo., ageTTfe; No.-4 North Delaware avenue, Philadelphia. ' Prom Baltimore llaltimore Htoam Packet compa ny, fold Bay Line,) L. B. I'auk-. agent, foot of Un ion Dock, and by Brandt's Line. It fJtis JJe ijice more tlcsftatch than. any Express Company, ami at abont one-fourth tlie cost. ... - E. WILKES, 1 Eng. Sujf t. Aug. I. IHfifi. twlm State of North. Carol CiBftacs Coajrrvi rt M PieOS and Quarter Juty Term, A. D. 18G6. TaiipeH aa wile IfaMah. ami ' r wire Caroline, vc . minor hein of J. lI .Goodn Petition fitr HtrNtion of Land. It appearing to Oie satisfaction of tlie Court Unit N'uVr PtttU is not an inhabitant of this State, it is thiet'ore ordeied bv Uie Court that pubileuUun be piatii iatho ttltl Sorts StaU,tot aix weeks no- 1ie.!-lk . .... n . . . . . uy uigmu ueiuiiuuni. .Miiay roiia, to oe ami ap pear at file next County court to lie held for the county ofVuburnis, at the court house in (Vn-.inl oil the :(d Moiiditv of October uext, aud theu Ua-reshriW cause if uuy she hath wliy I lie proften lit Uie petitioners sluul not 1h- grautiil. V'l r.NKSs, ,Io!m O. Wallace, Clerk of onr court at orUee, in Concord, this :hl Monday ia J Sly A. D. lrkitl. JOHN O. WALLACE. Auk iM, Vi.- 4iw l'r.feeiu Clerk. State of North Carolina, Pavu Couxtt. Court of Pleas ami Quarter Sessions. 'TboiaaaN. H. Ulaaarook, .Nathan S. Chaffin aad lie 1 .1 vim. ltaimoui P. liooe and wife Emelinc, Martha CI nits. John tilasacock Wad Jamea GfeMB oek, n. J nine, While, U. 11. aad Piakaa Cald well. fariTion roa Pajwrrms or Raat, Evtatb. Natliaiiiel S. Rhaffin, one ot the petHiooen in tln casa, having come before me, and Bade aSMarttthat Itnkney Caldwell, one of the parties made Defend att, is a imu-n sideut of the State of North Carolina, it is therefore ordered hi accordance with the provi iris or the Act of AanatMy, that publlcaUoa be mtde in the Weekly Old Noara mail, for the term of si v weeks, notifying the laid Pinkney Caldwell of in uung ot tins pennon aad that, unless tie appear at the next term of this Court, to he held at tlie ctirt-hou.se ia tlie town of MockaviUe, on the second Uonday in September next, and answer the petitioa, t ie same will be taken pro confemo and heard ex I'.irie a to hint. WHnesa, Kph. tfaHber, Clerk of said Cwort, at iu HocksvUle, the lUth ilav of July. A. II. 1HW. KPH. OA n il Ki: . Clerk July 90 U (Pr fee SIU wfiw ELECT ENGLISH AP CLASSICAL elville, Alamance Co.. 5 MHe$ Wttisf sTJ sm fftr JT.(MmJUM Friiclykli: REV. ALEX. WILSON, D. A. JOIIX WILSON, Jr M. DL (Mrt'lnif.C) OAROLI Female Collect. SSI' eulam. i CrSasieal and SCHOOL, OXFORD. H. C TTHE next I Claariral a Oxford, X. C, August. Hoard per ; Tuition O x fort! , N. C, Js J. H. 1 State of North Carolina, Rowan County. Court of Law, Spring Term. A. D, 1806. - . of New Torkt?j. Si- jikford. rsWOaslKaislSai resJdent of the dged that pu bil ks la "The Old oetmasters oust appear before such havr-. ' eneIi iff" "P.'.'ffie 12th Monday after the 4th day in August next, then and there to plead orre- r, ami show' cause, if any he has, why toe plaintiO IU not liaie tinlu'iiieiit against linn. an. I tlie Ilou.-e w . . .. - . . . . ll.ot levied iiiKin be sold to satisfy the sime. itness. tinaiiiuii woooson, iiepnty c ler ana ex pm acting Clerk of our said court, at OnVe, tlie I. tli Monday' after the last Monday in rilWSMj. A. II. H and iu tlieflUth year of our Indipendenre. " OBAD1AU WOOlMON, Deputy and aetidg Clerk, ft. ne 18766. rPrfeetM no65 6w. Bingham School, Mebaneville, N. C. Reft r,to MeCubbiaa, Oyster A Co. Sept. 4, 1866. Suiisbary, N. C. tw 3m. E. t. II U.K. P. M . BAtiK. EDWARD J. HALE & SON, Late Editors of the Fayettevillo (N. C.) Observer, Publishers, Booksellers, and In the Midst of Life we are in Death. mum ifflE von life IN THE North Carolina Mutual Life INNITRaNCK tlOMPANV, WIIFRK TDK WELK KNOWN CHARACTER of tlie Manager is a guarantee of the character of the romp-iuy . Insure -at Home. Heep Ute money at Jtome, This i ompauy iDnrra llie lives of all fieallhy p"i - s'Os fiom U to fill yeam of ago - vcvuring the amount insured to tlie iv'fjand ulifbircn, against the claims of ail treditors. .J. K. BURN, Ageiin .Salisbury. Or, State of Worth Carolina, WATAUGA COUNTY. t arf of Pleas atttl Quarter Sessions, July Term, lsbb. J.aes 0. Harper, adm'r. '- off -P-VM' 1 Petition for Rale of ietieJatLawof ."&. L. I). Dagler J l,i i . it. utiotfArimr tn the Kiit infantum nf thm r urt that WalU'r Hngler, John Hagler. (ireen Haglet,' VBcy llagler, William aim Mary Tucker, and the I- llldren ol a sister llelpliia Howard, are non-residents o'this State, it ia tLeivfore odered by tlie court that alfertisement be made ia The Old North Htate," a ii'trspnper puhlwlietl in tlie town of Hatlsbtrry, S. C, i r si x week to the end that the said defendants ap r at the next term of this coort'on the 2d Monday i ftrr the 4th Monday in September next, and show otase against the prayer of tlie petitioner or it will be ntaen pro confess as to then. Vlness Joe B. Todil Clerk of onr said Conrt at office in limine tlie 2nd, Monday after the 4th Monday l in June, ft rtr. IttBtl, and in the 41st rear of ear I a a i r .1,1, A - IIHR'lK'IlHtMlCe, J.H. H'J'IM I.Kit h . rPmaWw-l,th. drf - - - Ssm - Ul Paaariawr. , Mm itoaUoaM BoM Satfto iliiaaii I W mM - -ft s. 1 1 v I . & m Ml sssdaf Trasteea. sZTSjlhj thatr Pririlmt e0.iniar,aaeatfay. Mot the Ism S sas. -isallii ia lbs frssli ilasM sSsssst I A new term will begia oa the SStk f July next. Far tk SRosBsaadatfissi f young men who CakasMM take course, an KngUsh and Cosasssnisl De- partineut has hem orgaauaed. Far sdswea ' COL. Wit. BINGHAM, In." THOMASVILLE - - Female College. IH'll prfeeflO w -6w. Equity Sale of Land. AH 8ATCRDAT, TUB T1: DAlLOF "AfC- L y tobcr next, l will oiler tor .-.ale at the Court latuso in .Salisbury, tlie land neloiignip to uie i---t.Ji! of Sophia Uust, deceased, conSstin(t f two t iete, one eontiiirtlng 135 JL03.HU, Tninr the tends of T. W. Havne, J. W. Fih- mil otliers. im which is an-cxcalleut-iicw two ttry dwcUing hue, p.uuU'd. with all, iumimmut uSt itailllil'IM iitid bliu'k- iiiith shop. Thisiilace I'ih alMiut six acres of fine ineiuiow IbtuI, alsuit lorty acres of ynol lnndand the balance in a good state of enltivation. It is :!l utile from rsilialiiii v. The. other truct eontauis 46 Broadway, Xcw Kt& Nearly Opposite St. Nicholas Uolel, WJU bje jflad to siiipiy Itooksollers ami MerchjuiU with oil articles in their Hue at as Tovur uhle eaah prices a can be had hi the city. At the omlg Stmthe-rm dealer in the pity, they solicit iM'rsoual calls or orders Of their frieuds anil the pbuiic. aagJU.'tib. 3t Am- Arriih'iiti irilt. 7iov in Hu fcr7.' A.G At Ual, - ..-;.......,,.:... .... ... i i ... .'I-..- i " -jootliii I '. iiiiiii..i'i in imi ii, I. W. i'isher iili t others. Fifteen acres of this trmd is fiv-di htuil hi a'hljrh stiito of . cultivation and the remainder is all heaiilv timlffrd. It is To Gas Consumers ! is ALL GAS CuSSl MKh WHO ARK Ileal an- iien-bv notificl tliat if Uk-v do not forward and settle their bills by the 10th orthbdkonth Uh gas will be Uiat off ftom tliem . . E. LLVtll.V, Saa't. Raltabury. N. C. Sept. 4. I8B8. "' St A M JV T H I A G k aN T A wante.1 for six entirelu nets article, iust out. AOdrea t . J. GUkJtKY. City lJiiildina-. Hiudefr.nL M. may 2r Afiw .rmi of Families,' IJTSUB.E IN THS Southern Accident -Insnranca W..&..ia..-.--.C?----:35 S.- -IH -Ti . : ri The Ptoneer Company of the SouUi. Insures aaalmit all accident to Dfe'aad limb. Civ ing Ute bolder an annual policy for the full amount trrsnreil m enw nf trenthi stiff i-imtpensUoil;ltl of 5.11 .-r week (or each Sl.llkl it disabled. Not ejcceetling Tuenty-Sit treats. Short Time I'olieies (for Tra tellers,) mau he hail from one day to one year and from 600 to UMNO. Call at the Book Store before taking a trip and si care tickcta of J. K. l.i i:K ' A ernt Southern Ae.-ident Ins. C. Jun.-!. Ii THE BoiUBacs Female Sewmmmrm," the school has of Trust w ai era, uak x the aaaae aasff stjie T! i urn as ville Female College. No town in the Slate ashed. tapes m eTetTpsJtfcsiarfcr a grade than TbomasnHn. the North CaroRaa KsH country unsurpaaarj ia aad coni aoriety. It a it taour set urn-ptee to aaake it eaaat to the; demands of Uus nurtcoa lie mm. Kuth to chartered prixnWies tsai haiUraat. TE RMS: BOABD-4aehtdiairaB hat Ihta. MS.er mourn : " TUITION ia Premiatrr 1 10. to flZM per miiiiat ,-, TUITION ia Oaihwe Departassaff tUwas Iz-.iO: Music n Piaais or Gakar jgs SB; OB Painting $30: Drawi Bar 10; $5 each. Incidental expeaaes $1. fn. dc a r -n i ne r its i rmu I80fi,aad to he aad (he i fc'or further JKEV. H- K. BiiUTON. vr Bev. N. F. KEUX D. D- Tinlki Thoinasrilk, N. C Jnlj 9S- USt. balaaee at the Haaa - lAartirahwe aaalreea. Concord Female COLLEGE. I'nsllici s well. TKMania ifilia,itlM injiuUla.fJtihXUth,, luterttst after si s months, lloiul and secunty. .I KK IILACKMKU. C. M. K. THE next Sessiai wiB first MoBtUyof Jkntcnhrr, the "21 st . IVwaht. Thexiwie sf TWi- leni ana msii nwnaar befneii HU ?H. Fiarttal laoJj:idlAiiAUt uill l- PTiwArteJ. g.-inf, l.w,.-, will to cirira lint an easdaad selnl Ills ilKllght.l IV Hi) V T; V II 0 ? ti.r..f .haw " " " ianHhMat-M Ihawiuc;- Ad.lr. J.M. M- CAIJtWEIX. HtV- :U X-C-.1,,'v Hi.-f-:. a?3tf Carriage for Sale. A rOOI CITY CAKU1 Ali K BIT LT ON the Pheatoa style, for aale eiitup, atnily at this "dice, or to M. A. BULNULE. Shhry X. C. June . ItW. -r S:v KU.l I. I'atnins of tbe ( .Hteord IVmaU- tolW-r have n-,,11 I my aid ia securing ii"l' J'lANOS ior their ike. This ' ladaeed me tn make arrange kmmiIs v, ;ih wHoe lb the best aanfacturrA, who I. enable nie In lurm-ii iusiniments of Uie FinsT ci. -at redoeed-priee. 1 ean suve each ttrehaser fh.wi 1 to IW. IVire nsts of tlie ni.innts'-terers will to ent to those no o.-o i litem, to aid thaai in tuaklag stir -lions. WIm?h selertiom shall have Inn made, the money mi I... sent to me. at my exact isr. hy lb Sotitfcera rAprewi, and a I'iaoe will to siiij'pisrto tiw lA-pot the I i ii.wrm.iy .losignate. Ji'iano soltt w ill ue Nh:iy warranted. Address me at Ub-vi!le V. C. J. M. M. CALlWKLL. July IS 7ft. ly . 002713TABLS WABJUiUTTB For Sak at the North ,.,aa." hsTStf Yadkin College, attwtfeea to ins toato j Stms to aeaaks a asMsassl sSsssJss awsaiksaar aaJaSaaraah- ssaejiawSBr vsnvsswswsBa SBBasaaB ssBSBBaaa anaa weawaav eaeT B. P. WILLIAMSON A Co., K A I. K I i II. N. C. d4s-LjiBBB43Bifc isMTaBnf. fedkfaJl IVel. I lhjMaataa SBMBBv fa tefesto- leMSaeMsV WmmA mmtJLmm r. . LWW sJtTlW. MfmmXTmS. C . a ..w ruraa...a. c. . SStoRJjEt BAJUtAWGER Urs. Whilehcad k HeBaJeisoi. 1 . . J. - .v. CHARLOTTE. N. C osjt . jja-ro assasciaT 1 WtU i ill i satsWi iMimsCBww. msA eSlsr Hs pi ial tewtoaafta the . Fadasal dsfta ef the Wtote. rfuaene 4 liMil mmwmm?- fFOfce ia rtre Brick BaiHag aear tk M4mwUasm,:Ssm Ch. Sme. cmsnlkmm,Wmkm Office. April 311. I ,'n2 .... rrr tastaUto ,ir5?5. ' .H imL- . , . ,-.-.t - --' dKW yd - H ' ' " " .aBjjjj a . fl i ' . - - . " - - - . -:' ' '-.iii-rr t . , . p 04 - t . wis ;" in wl ': w Lum " ' ' - ---- I '. ' " f - . ..r'-. g - 'V-

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