frtatr Forever." It) Snal lit SALISHI'KV. N C TUESDAY, NOYIvMliKK IB, 18(56. u m 129 -Tkr Old orll. NUMBER 1 " " VOL, 1 7ay 1 THE OLD NOItTII STATE. ITRI-VVKKKi.V.' ry unN or scrw -ruth in. -a TimHS-CAMI in rri-Wsekly. One T,sar ' Mm Ms My pspsr, Om TTsar, . . f .R Six months, M Dm so. Om Toss, " Trent wmmm, Um Vmi. A cress X Uw paper isdJestss (M si BMiwrtatlis. ratw,- a arialsd la retire) r lb entirely Mff Ks sabm wW be spared t ssk it a welcome some visitor la ererT wan. i srner theaerrteMrfsasa d Tramsirnt ilMMpBlilMil MM oi ewe i 1 HO. 2 VMS. I Square, 4 " tColm'u I " 500 750 10 00 12 00 13 00 20 00 30 00 700 10 00 14 50 17 00 18 00 23 00 40 00 flBscial Contracts will be made vita those wbo M as Teniae wr longer term man iur m Cswrt Settees ud Advertisement will at the sansl rates. Ten lines of solid minion t i.e. or inch length wine of thu C4luiuu, avuara. SpMhU yntioea, in leaded minion, will be for at the otfiee, at not U-ks thaa doable HU bf IlliUjen ndrertiseutetiU. Inrtd M readisf matter, with approval o the odrlora, fifty eenU per Kne. AdtrartuMuenta fawned irrwerulaHy.orat rnter tIm, 5 par oenL additional. The. rate above printed are for etaodiaff al ver- 0m or two equares, changeable at diecidjon. 10 per cent additioiuu. , - Mare than two squares, changeable at 1!-.t. -n. per square of tea lines for every &a;ie, - wenty-flve eent Viva aunares estinuited a-( a quarter eofjimn. ' considered due and ctdleetabje on present.: Kroai the New I Means the ols agnram. Count up your gaius froui day to day Toil on, 0 miserly iuau of clay, " 'Neath your tunleu of'shinlug ore. Yet, you travel a road "that leads todi'ath. A low uiore :i. uiida rat! liug Itreath, And tlii- ptklarvvill open the door. It will open full wide for jur soul and yourself. Hut not for the bug orduMy pelf , ' WhJcli youchtsp to your n-arfhl heart . For the tiuie draws near, and tstuie it wast " Ashes t aai's, and dust to dost," v W'he.i luck froui their idoLs part. Ths world is a baulde, dad life a span, Am) death is a u trrow gate, old man, - Vet jhe w holea ortd enters in, Itnt it never has happeuod. early or bite. That mortal has pnssid thmugh the n n i. gate. With the worth of a single piu. t on have joggiil aioiig t tb rough heat and -hl, Like the iss, weighed down with fagots of gold, I toa vi! wavwled your dusty ntund ; You've, ontpt your thistle and tottend akmg. ..Ajd the chink of gold was the only sotig. That a place in your heart was found. The ponr ywi have ised unheeded by. And a deiif ear t uj-ped to the orphan's "err, M'ithottt ever a thought or acne; You've fathered great heaps of 'gold tr Hut i e. er old uian in life have yua j Wiped away a siugle tear. Then opxR j-our heart to pity' sad plea, i Au!d give hut a lite of what s gieea to thee. And lighiau the hcai: of the isxir: For they t,-i'e1 n dh-al hud dismal mad. Who prkkod bjf want and poverty's pad Are driven friui door to door! Then oprayiior heart to your hratht-rnart. And jgire from your store while yet yon can. For the oil ol tile burns low. And all your gold cannot fill the lamp When once tu-re gathers the chilly damp Of death upon your brow. Bat no, yon will never unloose voxtrhsdd. On one bright diece of your yellow go id, Though the saints themselves should pray and Waal ana sorrow sbouiil watcli and Aad trembling knock at charity's gate. Which you've kept shut alway. But Mat, old man ! There cometh a King. , KiaJWnW tnmugn im air an an me en in is an iinatn i JUa abadow is dark, and tua visage gnm, r Ann toe ncn anu poor are etiai t.. That king Ob, he will pre your liver a twist, -And bold von fast by a pulseless wrist, AH weak and wan in yoax bed ; And your hand will clutcr si the specks that fly. Here and there in the mieta, 'frr the Of asm that is 0, ths world is a bauble, and life s i And Death is a narrow rate, old man I 1 aaaa I i IBM BSMkISS mTfif j -ww1- u....r . Tet the whole world enter ia ; Hut narar has it happened, early or late. That ssarsal has entered ths nit tie gats With the worth of one poor pin ALRABCHID. At R bane act to George Peahodr as Baltimore 72,000,000 are said to Rav been icpiMCBted. Tse yictMsS lasted no better to them bowercr, tlian to pw lulkr. MISCELLAXKOCS ADTEKTS I Furniture Rooms MPI KIOK PTIYmiE . "F " " FLOURHfG MILL to Rent A S AG EXT OP ort UBOl T. MASSES. I wriM M reM 1W CMMV i T. L Brown & Co., Till and COPPER SMITH. f Hi.aMaa. M. C r.'" TSa sHtant lam RTanw Dirlne mr TaaIimii cIawac . a au iwi auaaa xtoaavaaaaaaj Jtvrvj, ITEXII F EVEBY KT. . aBfaaaV-f i yairang aat pr iajtlT. and all order wind.1 saie aval evcal jpKtipcIy; CnVd. aKrri-scni i8 swiaii asRCwfTRa taken p -tnataawxM BHa. TVwr tcvasag arlacSt is tRnsfinr wiH do wtfl apriJ yX .. I tf - THE CWABTNEK I h3Mfi efiiiaM. aaxirr the. name and i HtUMS tatJbe hwdt aavt dkxr dnxnedl hy aaaRtaal eon- j Hur- ft Mcalt J- cownm or TU ad eawBy "j"y HM,I. C. AfL It MR t-3ss 10 00 ISO itllVa! 14 00 I 18 00 -Z7L7iRfT rtfa TlaMTnT ' IB to 3w . . . ; , SO 00 SS OR Tf. '.T" '.J. 22 00 24 00 Vla.TlaTiiltl! Rj " 50 00 0000 Tr I 1 W ehawaed toattaMfcwfc t lit I aanjBaanJ- M - w "1 tinn -f Itt :sr Burke at has awr sRaaxi iifeTin'i Brick ;-r,'ull"u tu ail oruers ana consigiuuciits eutru.t - D . , ed ti them. Ml ftTBKE & HABRIS4X. 1 Oct IX IraSs txr-B. ' T H B H SALISBURY BOOK STORE. TIE CHOI JL BOOKS. rritma; papers. WaHtxsfr- Whadui. Ate. sfMarsw ssaat Fnnryf' Arnrtety Sfaml Br's. K. Bl i BsskssBtr. aVc. Sil:iwj. X. C- Oct. lev Ms. SJa Turners 1867 GtunlSf Ximtk Etmn iwrXTAOfs STARP JUT. SCALE or At.'."!!!. 1 BSIIIBMl bj IS. oeae. tasdTMSsp jt ts.a sssasMI - V.- 3f .aKfc FARRAR. .wrc: A id r-. FW ssaV ss bar sipsssm. at nr Xew J . ' sas BasaWaat M .m. eMSaaaa aJsaMRs a. ie TiXJrZiLmlam tkm Wam POWER j Sasmsie j aeawwsfsasaSMeiV 'C 'sS-? Blacjkfawxm ft Holder, eon A Tl VP itkrti. w . 'FENDER THEIR aAAttRaTu THE CTI oot- A.ldrvse a tosa. BLtiinrirx a 'I.der. f- . O sa Miult y C. Saw eU ' L U KOflTV I EMITS. V t.4 IV KMrOK Ttl riu mm n-nil ti ucB itt-uiol eiprialiture of tlii- Tolcs-suo. me e that witft in its plat e the rt'il hue! i i I mm T "Council ot lM The WIN-k I dried M M tRtdnd fata separate yes' ly volumes I the OMM lifxrk Ktimils. Comi.nm .. aitd oim oluiiic lor the court etmrt of IVnliate, Ihvon e, ea- iter aMi mltiiirnlit.r. The report" f the cort ot ufalla appeal will be pap! and iinle.-d epar atey,paaaU hind into a volume wlu-n of cufi IJ..IW "Tl. .nil,- ml. x d m as to .nml into one Yolmnr lr Itir of the Master of tha Kidh-Md the Viet aani-llitr' (heiur Judren of co-onli nate anthontv.) wil be pajreil together itixl -p ' InK, niwTir vnliimKw 114 mnv hi found istli. renieut, and earb volume seiutratefy indexed, not areedinK. prohaldT, ww voinnw.H a year, T. A J. W. JOHXSOy A 00. Liwr BottkDrlim 4- Phhli.krr, If: 535 Chmmmt flt.. PMMAwpAea. OrVlO. IdM. tf Valuable Land for pfT&SCAiVT TO A DECREE BY THE t-'rt of Kjuity for the county of Iredell, at Fall Term I will tell at the Court House iu gtatesvilfci on Tuesday, the stRh af Korembar next, eoart vaafc,) the Mlowhta tracts of land, m: 4O0J ACRES, behaagtothe estate of Cel. MilUw Camphell, dee: oa the waters of Fourth Creek, well improved. Aban, 15 arren near the same wood Land. Also, I7W arms in the County of Alexander, known as the Fii aiding Caatpbefl place, upon a credit of m and two years. - Also, at the same time and place, two other Tim Is f fit acres earb, hekmrinr to the H ir sf Wat t' Juha isa, on the waters of iudle creek. as law i i album part of Iredell cuontv, to be WJJ a aeeait ot i'i mootas. Also, of 14 nenatha. Alan, 200 Acres, Wlonging; to the frtate of Jessae Cumniings upuu a ervdit of 6 mouths, with interest (rein . . ... wrrxrw. Jonn n JicittgrinTt, nprk and Mas. T-ri" at T. C Ti I . u v 'iRi ik t 23, w pr fee $10 v B. P. WILLIAMSON & Co., CnMnmitMion .HcrchantN, R A Is E.I (J II, N. C. i OELLsMttsttitiiiiisioii Cnttoti 'mv. Sheet togs, Baeon. nisir. Liird, Dried Fruits, Whiskey Jrayjr and all kinds of Country produce. Thev also keen itwistantlr on hiiniL for a.M Huh Khnvols ttmmJUm IWn lers, and all kinds of Agriralrurul Inwletiients. llaadaaia Tin Ware.suid iina-enM of vrv d scriptiun. They rwoectfuliy solurit consignments from Farmers and others, lu the westiMU part of the tate. aud pleJge themselves to give their best Uorv. Twl. tt l rddweil. Prest , N. C. K. K. Mor raatfauJ. A. hVoaehra, Stalearljle. apnl l,m . noltf ialiRbnry Brass Rand, AND ORCHESTRA. WERE HE-ESTAB- Uslied January ; ljPlr witii W. II. Neavb, Musical IHreetorr and "Eo. R. Xf.AVK, Leader. This will be a pennahent and first class Bawl for North Carolina, if properly (astefin ed aad enstaiuod. by beW eUffatfid at all in the Stt; on oecaaions where ater- shouhi be a marked feature. usie BMBRaajaj and arranged f..r any re- ' 'i aired number of lutrts for Brass Haiid.OrcIies- ! rral. Fartor or Chonil i,nr r.. to order. f aMr M PitM R. B. IhidwOrtli, Mos. ! I Kent. Botsfonl. of Xw York, warm p'rsimal j friaada nt Mr. Neave. "elect and ajradhim all ! the-magic fcr Piano that in new, when intriu I sieali y o.m1. as well as wiuuiut; and oulnr : I t'. -r bejriuners. medaiui player ami -advanced uiuaieHana. This carefully select and liiglily approve,! music, will ! sold as cheaply here. m the mixed article is retailed i..Xeyy. York. Tlie tar tamed Ihslworth Hand instruments ! mn La lKr..i..,li lr V.,11 ,-.. t ... t 1 .... ft" ' " " "Ti proved. Salisbury, N. C.; April 28. IrkJO. tf Le an norne. A Historical fttiHiauct of the VJik Criiturj By Pmil WooMJft. Esq. This ssssaaea, sssstsMsty announced as a. chaste BM&tftffi&'a Wbib the lajte m hidjesM by its tBJs. iaolvea. MSBiNSl hadtlVsl BAWMata i which by'ihe say are Mai Ass-stsSi lrssAshsMs R ia ftrauded spun s afsttBrnttnc in interest and shaorbinj; in the power and c&afBT isrib eolfbiaattdbii. Henry W. filler: dse'A aad atlier diatiasaisbed North Caroliaiasa. tig aswseoeaiaeatl; in thai story. Tit aatbsr at s seotleman eminent in letters end ta BBeRar witb all those things of Biaserj; society, scienee aad Basaao nature, wmcn wield Hie jrreat lever of I he of netton and mm re e aad we promise our that be baa ten untouched sotbinx that Aould re place fn nrt rlass performance. rhr price of tSe Fiblo atrn PnuratDB w 6.m for .rear: LUfersi luoatbs: t.S Surtbree months. coptaa csntaiaiasj tin portion of lvan Hoar will be arst on receipt or ten eelTH. A.M Wa. R . -u. t h A Co.. tu and 43, Fayetterilfe Street, sssarh. N. C, June. 66. nsfiUU. IVO.iTII! AGENTS aatexi nr tr rmmrrn mew arrtc. inst I O. T. UAKKY. fitv Itu;Wmc. t. - MT J-dJtw .mi . JOB PRINTING NEATLY AND EXPEDlTIf H SLY EXECUTED AttHfS OITlClt """" i'lin""-'''"1 rl step. vMM.r eonV.ten- SMBaMBBMBMBMKV- j.jmw wdlBrueu two en.-, I Aw Ma fc.... n .... uc ! The"; mm MMtlnVfln will be paavd nml in- I I 111 II MOM) (VA.) ADVEWT8. R.J.nrnkR iohVa. wiij'n eirn'i, t. rosTKn. sroara, wituN roarai, WholrNAle Cirorer "a.vd Commission Merchants, A O 1410 C.l 7 )' S THEUT. 'Krtrrrrixvt'Ai.LTtfK attktttox) f the Veerlianu af weatern Varth Oar-Hns tn nWr mm k r (inx-er iaa. watcb i arn ty Mat foMitt itiil'v or iw an any market, w ith onhr uvitflit (ritiH Northern markets aihted. LlHXM'luuMnle af the prndni'ta of North f 'aroli- Mml itea. irik-re laiUihi'lv mx uteu. Rii hUMad, Va. . Sept. lat. I in. t 3nil ' 1,1. A HUTCHISON, HOttOllI at Wholesale. IT. 1217 Main above 13A Street, K U 'hi id, Va. bant. 4, UM6. r e. a. aMWin, a. . bjull, w. n. mcvbiub C. A. Baldwin, Beall & Co., WHOLESALE Boot, Shoo and Hat House NO. 19, PEARL STREET. KH UMOm VA. OFK PUKCHA6B8 BKIXU MADE OF TUB Buuiuuetarer. we pledge purselvmto lunitxr CQUNTBY MERCHANTS, and the trade generally, law u they can be had her or in any of the Northern market. ' (7 We sell no goods at Retail. frf C. A. B., B. A cu. Sept. 1, ISM.' twba W HOLKS A f iK Importing Hardware House. Richmond, Va. UJE HAVE NOW TO HAND ONE OF THE id meat eoiuulete stocks of Karliali. ttarmao and i netting. Rape. Bolting Cloths Ac. Ac., to toiunl in any uonsein tu.a eonntrv m m-ku ii weUkenMlsama calling the .tu it.on ot the merchants) a .Virginia. North f'srolina and Tennessee, as ae are prepared to da as well lair them, as anv House in the trade. W. n. lHxMa. ) W. H. OOXNAR A CO. Joan AtHtn, s Sept- 4. 1S6 t n 3m. Bnrress. Powerg S Yaiwey. 1.W8 MA IN STREET, U I H'"'C'''DIIK m ' fJS AND Importers of White Groods. Fancv Um$ and Notions. TO TIIK MERCHANTS OF VIROINIA vNortli Caroliiei ami l'rane-e w e hiv pn-pansl to of- every indueeiueut. utir sto.-k will he kept full and complete throueh- out the season. An examination is invited. BL'UUEUH, IMWKUti A VANCET, Sept. 4, lHbti. twSm. - FALL 8 TOOK BOOTS, SHOES,! AND TRU WE tVOFLD 1N vile all in want of BOOTS. SHOKS aad TRUNKS, to can and examine beam buying aayWe, . W'a pur chase onr tJooils fiom the msnn'artnrers and we will sell tbeui as low as tbev ran he bought any where North, and we pay speetal attention tn larses ses. Ifynwwaatto buy good IkmmIs in oar line that witl sear w-o. route examine for yourselves: th'sis all wewsk; "' Pt'TNKY A W ATTS. ntmngle anl Betail I u ' - f - 7A. o ,f Trwai s. RiCHMONIk. VA. Sept. 1, 186. - twRm A.RUrRRTM.. WM HtlH MYERS & BROTHER, (LATE-OP SALISBURY, N. V.) giiAesr8 Ut Bridgibrd 4l Myers. A UC riONE ERS, G K N E R A L Commission and Forwanliug MERCHANTS. ". TBgni-isl sAtsutiaa;f(ien to the saW Cuttua, Tobacco Wheat. :nis.. sn.l all kimls of Country Produce. Also. peASomu stteatton yiven to the pur- chaw of sll kinswof h.hmI for Merchants, MnuuMc tureea. KsFiners and others. , We ntspectfuliy solicit your consignments and or dee. JuiyRS.IW. tw-Rni. MAXlTAGTVRED TOBACCO AD SNUFF. We are pn paTed to sell at Manafnctur er's prices, deliverable in Ricbuioatl or PefSTstmrp, the cefebratcil ' CAROLINA BELLE SM KP In afl ihe difH-rmt stvle of packairos. ATtANTK' I AIIT.E .ManiltactOTWt 1 0- - l" f. , Xolmceo. f HaawoKA Fe et'iir lornti t-o. STONE, WILSON Sc FOTER. Wfiob-sale (tencx-rs Com. UlHkatlta, oc't tw3n RichratiiKt, Va. I NKS PHILADELPHIA ADTEteTQ. FIELD, LAIWSTR0TH & CO. in. FOR K I ( ; X k I) 0M E ST I HARDWAT.E, CUTLERY, GUNS, etc NO. 440 MARKET ST. PHIL A DEL PHI A. Ue RT constantly reeelrlar ditioua to our stock from English. French. German 1, AMD American Manufacturers. Merchants viaitiug this city ara invited to examine our . , which will be offered m low ad any house in the country. V&'Orderi will receive prompt tmd careful 'k4 zSL1' attettitoH fH) BEN. FIEND , t T. P. LANfiSTROTH W. P. MAI SON. .S j.t. 21. lki, tw 2re If. D. VARRfS, WITH A1LE IT A BROTHEE, IMPOKTEKS AM) W SOLES A UE OK AIMS IN CHINA, GLASS k ftUEKASWABEt Nos. 23 k 26 South Fourth Street, (Between Market and Chestnut 9b.) PMlladelpIila. GKOjtomr AUaf, Um. U. AUXK. I'lTTSBt-ko (JiaM AOswcT.iObmioMii or by Q. F. PRITCH ARD, WITH PARHAMA WORK. I M-foKTKIIs ' n A M'r tCTC 1! KKS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Hats, Caps, furs Straw Goods, No. 5 North Third street, (Between Market and Arch.) PHIladelphia. VS. avrABBAS, RoltT. n. WOKE. I Sept. 1886. tw-m JAS. JSO. . lit! I. I K. SHKBMKMW t. r THKY SMITH. W. CALVIN Mookk. Riddle, Sherborne & Co., P inroBTKas AND WHOLESALE DEALERS I Foreign Se Domestie Dry Goods. 438 MARKET STREET, (Below Fifth. A 483 Merrhant Street. rttfladelphla. sejit. 30. 1866. 'l ' tw-lm i . ail tS s. mas, j, wi M. KOOERS, n. W. ell A M REUS, NO l I. K SMITH. Hess. Rogers & Chambers, rwmiersrM am jobbeks hp EOBX2A7, GrXfOVSC, Fancy, Goods, etc.. etc. Aw. 41 1 Market street, Pbliadrlphia. Nf'lO.JfkJlB0 tw-Bm' rSASi K. WOMSW, IttCE. At 1 1 rr rasviN. E.G. KLKIXTOV, CHARLE ; E. MORGAN & Co., IMP6RTERS AND JOBBERS OF DRY GOODS. !i 19 Market Sheet, oelow Sixth, PhlladelpliU. srpt 0. 1866. tw-3:n 'Rl WHSXiLEXl, 4)f X OUT 11 CAHOL1NA, WITH 4k, Co.r.- lit ;Li s A 1.1 . ajRU0(TCi', ' AM' i-t;. is LOILi, mm. GLASS. BTI-STl FFS. An. 439 JfarXrf $trcc', PHIL tDKLPHIl, pt 20 IB tw-S.n OF BToKES Co.. N. OV- WITII Hood, ttooiibrlKht A Co., wholes a 1.1: rrtLKits m Foreign & Domestic Dry Goods, No. 529 Market ttrtrt, ' (tnWCoMBterre st.) Ml I L I I) I I I' II It , stpi tHM.- ' t-6m Iting Cloths. v kceai coiisriiillv u ! iml Hie vciv best bands -mf BdUiV t! .:h.. - Mc4'I"UBIN. H RjTERUt C . Jtet-6 t2m j . . - eaa. i aeaU I OJiK A 1 ' VMmWmtMENTS. NEW I! i:KV VV. BEU fiJSff A C0 Wholesale Grocrs, AT f UK OLa) BTANBV and 30 Iteatle strmL Eat tw. w. a TOUM. ARCH, YOU NO. iAKBETTAOa, n AinrMajfwnBM as WHOLESALE DEALERS C L 0 TH I If 0 , S3 Warren and t9 fCsrMrof( Mew Yer seat 30, 180R A BAKaOS, - i removal r. W. A. RANSOM, ft (LATE J. M. RANSOM dt Mnaufaetarers and Wbsbmai Boots, Shoes, Leather, Ac., 38 and 386 Broadway, few lark. aept J8, 1866 tw-Aat jobs sDATis, 4 wMni BMawa, I aaaajai CASH HOU8E. DAVIS, RHODES, d CO., IMPoRTRRfl AHD UEAXKRS DRY GOODS , Nos. 93 Rati Q5 Frank mtrtet, (BstwMB Biwadway A Cbarah Sm. j - Mew Yeii, sept 90, 1886. tw-lm R. jr. HA LB. p. m. Vita. MIMI IPI EDWARD J. HALE 4 SOt Late Editors of th FayetUt viRe (N. C.)OCMfasr, Publishers, Booksellers, and STATroMERSa Nearly Opposite St. Nicholas Hotel, Will tie ftlad to supply Bookseller and Miinhwiti with all articles in their cine at As tsvotabte osah prices us etui be had in the city. As the only Soulier dealers in the city, they solicit personal calls or orderTRf' thetf Mentis and the pbuhc. angtMLMa a Read Brothers ft Co., ss aw' m at m am aw sa sssaVH : M IUR Ac WfOL MA , i . k .--sM &rv Tit 22, 24 and 26 Rxadr Street, 0pp. A. T. Stewart t Co. June 28. '6ft. PROFESSIONAL. OJ Dre. CALDWELL MORTON, - THIRD DOOB BELOW I US. WHITEHEAD AND HENDERSON, INNISS SALISBURY, 1C 0. Sept. rl,fi6. uolOOtf. 1 M. WHITEHEAD, M. D. C. A. HKXDKBSOK, M. D Drs. Whitehead k Henderson, JJrwr) as socia ted themaelrea la tha ??.A3Tioa oyswtiDianm and offer their profession serriees to tha citizens of Salisbury atnl vicinity. Office Next door to Owen, SofieU at Cot. 8mr. April 20. IfjfjB. tf DENTISTRY DR. 8. ANGLE, Oilers hw Professional services to the I citizens of l(.vuu ainl the tturrounding ! i 'hi.' lies. "j All ojMTations performed with uml riisp.iteli. IT L'hurpes raodcnito. Post Oil C'(mi) .iiiinS, Ireslell Co , X. V. Juueg.V66. no6Stf. ,. JAMI-8 JK-.' 0RS1 Kir I s BAWURUER. IIARIIINOEU. ClfAKltTi'E. N. C WII.-L. pract'ni; hi the counties of Rowan, Cabarrus, l.'iioti. Ir.-dell, MeekkrasrbaTg, Stuiilr, Lincl'i uml (Jaston : also fn tna Sa preme aiid Fcleral Courts of I f ititine in the llrisk Court IloajHS-np stairs. - , 4s - mav l. W tf. rMtBaT WHO WANTS A PIAaNO ? 8VEi! l. I'atrsasof the Cant ord Female Cas hare iv: -ted mw aid' in sernring Ov"l MAHOR for the r nse. Ttia ha Initneed Bat lei . .j-nu wit mr f the IssU etulilr m- to furnish instrument, of the. at n-lneedprli. " tan ave BtntatlOB. Prwv AM. ad IM1 aesA to tasas wM dssw. UVa, l aid 1 ' mt When Vleetions shH tares 1 raw '- vaV n BBS. St mr SXI I xpr- ,sd a Pan w-il atwavd to ana DapaVtas . L. MWTKR. 1 r nmnr. i reirrre - r 1B. H-srW''. fcB I'itM WIS WJH BS , fn:tr r-4.. Addna aw stASasSBas. ML. v a d. M. AV tAlJWJtt4s. Ja! 17- !' v-i V iCOA - . V ante 3Li- 4

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