Steele opir. Fire Cel "The Old North pjpite forever. - T - m ia NUMBER 134 AL18BURY, I. 8 ATI I . Ai PP 9 . ' W ' IP 1 i n KUAV, XOVEMHKK 2 TOL. I 1 ' P TUB NORTH STATE. IS tso -MO try, ar W e lZEI - . ,rwlv. nrimuanj.T.. r-irr- af tba lti rwhuBM. Bats fcwa4 tbtr r rear. -wHW PAIN KILLER ! jrf t balm FttatrEmrwocxi. MFJH4 IXEOF CHEAT ITCRIT AXP lTlE ! ITLLT AII PFJt M AS EST1.V ISTAMJSHED, Family Medicine of the Age. T-4A . V IXTEMXA ll t, it ccmes a 4Vi, ---IPk TAKES MXTEMXALLY, IT CCMES, 1 '2!!m, mi mm -amBm SSmmpv winter - - - - - M ane cm kHI a -fmeaa L Itai MM) Mm f If J - 1 SS am m i miii iri i it! : iSSlSSiSSISS ".a&aa a a. a iira ; - . ar ten phi mni' -a" a4 MiwkMmni ai! fW laThiiMi toid it tint mi h l iy torfin , .'fiT ""'r 1. (,"""kJf'!tjn A RPTBI- Mbmw aaaaa af Ffllh'ww haa to, J fcw it Oa- j4a call - . .,'. k Ejjfl'-' .4IPlP'1' "'" Ml ' ' 1f ,-. 1.1. itc in- fv-uciv. -- -. Jr. T., ...... - . 1 HaOBw mtm trj lkmm rmm . MrPif ztUL XT - T frnl4 Vt tnif -f meat. -THE lWELLIAti tiui st . 5. TT"- , Jto a, Ort-StV- tw tw. ibTX hwr w-4 it TA KW taw. pMHiBaw act. int. nB.rx.isii B. riH mi ii P "TS ptoee I tfce Praaeh Rank, of wOl m trmt am. iia aa rwni -Jfrttttihafa ,,, j. fcr aaja. gxranwa aching to faraala W mZm 1'""J irf" , in . -Bar I iTi ' ' P. ATpAVfck C-h r. Y -. .... "I T i : ...-...,,. ... K SAUSBfKY. jtf jrpr mmcki nxo axd ope- MERONEY 4 BRO., CLOTHING. uat rpetfully ia- Imy-xca. b..iutht wvrxaSJratl; toueve that a aabil v. call, we aeh a-scfetng for ISaaluca tak ta. x- ct is a. DR. EDWARD SILL, CMMpfavioa X-rrrhaat, (Vki runi i s w .-, i. . DCuS 1W lSr--i: HIS If ANT OLI rtiend. xa Cahmnim. ImMt Ow and the r-jEr-wc.!- . 3 trt -lortn r.ire. ( fiui luie una i r.1-. iMita. i U; ami althuudi be has i'J'irSJ iLTZ- in X icewT?.fce hrtaffj- rtve ikm n the mtr.0 mi Mtmii.x Be Mi 'XthllT:im MU wth-hepfca-eat., eu - . . . .... .T- r ; k.m i EDhT AKI .SILLI tw-tf " Til it riLPlBT V V It b-erwve Liwis , . . , ..j. i i moe vmi tZiit -j Uxsx 4c 11 t-mt, Fub Uv .i 1V nrfu.i Yj-r& StjMtr. m j faT-i4iiiiiTiir, il W matisal ein..nt xW tmw wif .femliai.ia aB the erei of the k in she hani f fj-win w. if aln- at&. rizeil t. suju in K- LEWIS HANKS. JOHN S. HAMPTON. h.UOL 3t THE CO-PART-n the tvB of Siiislm- rr, totwwB W--e. Itoaa rt W. e. eurter. ami A. BArR- A - i-K" La !ru'. i.- this day ili-- ..' fri tmamssr. fir tho tcpn- nt the am taw nm a: ereaic-' ! iae i.e t'.. iLnce.-r Jt ... ua.-.- tutie new tirui mf Ucrt A (."(. xbi anr fctw ailthorixed to i ii ii FiiPinliitiiiM " C. KOBERTS, " ', . W. C PKTKR. ' SMOC'HBS. A. F. ElL REL jfjs Tke Ss&wtAier otoraa h Hueere thanks : : .vaii.. -w' - jie" and the surnMinding srs" fiia Eltoralitr with Which they trnrn T w. f. KitbertH Jt JjTirt! Miartto a coatuiiianee f RufcertsaV Co Mr fri ami Cr..niUv known lmjRdt. will be the prin- W.C. ROBERTS. 5CXk Ifat wltlw IttSlltiZ THEIR $ER V It ES TO TO E eiHV anwaf -SUbharr th swmwitding eonn- nce in mi uu- ali otder aht (rive RLACEBrRN A HOLDER; X C, or Salem AGENTS Ol T. GAKEY. City Building. -THE NOTES ftfc hrin of Brown, of Luke frieni.- will j aml.niake -..nrs rums Jf H X D. BROWN. J. M- CFFIX. A. J- MOCK. - tar tf f onraty lt irttotcir eTJrttasjf Caflflnf- JL Bbia v. wvwnraHBintxii I to 'mm m mm- mmi msmmtmr .H LA W& EQUITY R EPOfi T S. f " .V . ISH COVMOX JAW IlKPOB TS having iacreaacd to nrh m extent a to be a serious item of expenditure to the ynunyrer mem bers of ill.- i i iU-h iiiu. tbe publishers purpose di n.utuiuiui.' that with the current Kcjtorter, ami inJa in ili place tha .- ri-. rn i-m I cnitimi'n-f.-tii in Kmrlaial umli rtht HUM-nuti-utli'iifc oftho "Couaeil oi l-w Keportiiift.'' U Tha work will Im uituW in two wrin, La 1 IIIHV . Jin! EM HIOIIMKTU III III""" " - The i-ominim law iwrto will nr pnzf .(veil --o ii fn Im in 1 into HcniintVr" 1 oiiiiiioii inw wrics n in if' i"( t . :ii I. ......... I , in- V-limTMH III &- t3k Am V irVMra Kritnrtt, Common (. M li.piotA, Hscto iaer Uettortt, ami one volume for the court of Prubat. bivon-e, Malriniuuial a ca and mluiinility. The report of the roart or cnminal appeal will lie paged and indexed wpar . K y.i -u lo hind mLo a volume when ot xulli The equity erie will be paged awl to bind into one volume fa the i ient tmlK. mdniil ) Hi court of appeal. .. Th. .I.-i iHion of the If it r of the K..IN and tha thre Vie-tVuwllori (Ix-iiij: Juditeii of Minli nato authority.) wilt be paired together aulaip arateti into a inanj volume a may 1m fimnd con-Yenu-fit, and eah volume aepanitefv indexed, nut pxeeiling, pnibalilr, two volume a vnar. TM two MrieH will moke about neveu complete voiumeit per annum. T. J w. jonxsox co. Jft. 535 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Oct. 13. IHfiB. tf Valuable Land for Bale. -prRSiANT to a decrkk by the i)oUrt of frinity for tha eit-nf-4mWt;at pmn Terni l-tio, 1 will nt-ll at the Court Uoue in I -iifocuville, on Tutlay. the th of Novftmb r i neit, (court week,) the following tract of land, viz : .fOW AfJKKSI, . , . n.. .w " t'" C-rt. well Improved. ... ...... ir ,1... w.H Ijind. Ali. Tn th Countv of Alexander, known a tbe1 FieaMitig CampU-fl place, UpOO a ewditof .T .tVhi 7a time atnl two other 1 Trots of 411 acre emJl, belonging to I be lleirs of V in (? Johliwtu.ou the waters m caudic erei-K ' in tbir mtheni part of Iredell county, to he m'A ' on a i -i-cii: t of I '-' month)). AUo, 200 Acres, L. belonging to uie tswe ot jeiwee iuiumi!igs utKn a crcuil Ol o uiouini, uu iuu-irai w I Ui -, Witwbwi, John H lleldtdghliu. Clerk and Mas ter in Eqaity, at office. Sd Ootober A D, leMi- JCiy.S U. all i i A I 1 1 1 1 I . I A . .dT. CAM E. Oct 23. 6w prTojC I0 B. PwWiTLlAl!5Sui Co., Coutiiiiion iltcrohants, RALEIG IL JV. t SELLon Commi-iwion Cotton yarn, Sheeting, Bueou. Elour, Litrd, Dried Fruita, Whiskey, Bnindv, and all kinds of country produce. They also keep constantly on iuuid for nale, Plows". Hoe, Axes, Shovels, Spaclee. Corn Shel lers. and all kinds of Agricultunil Implements, Hainan, Tin Ware, ana Urueetius.of every de scription. . They respertfttlly solicit consignments from Farmer and others, iu the western part of the State, aitd pledge themselves to give Ui,cir best attention to all orders and consignments ettru.-t-ed to them. Bg to refer to MeCubbin Foutertf T'd., Sali. bury. Tod. R. Caldwell, Fres't ,1..i'. K. R. Mor gantou. J. A. Uo-eliro. Stntcsville. (pril 1,'66. noltf VALTJABIiE PLANTATXOI'J for Sale. For sale a Fain Plantation Iviair on tlie'Yaitkitt l:ivr.' in Daviason Conntv, sev enteen mi:es,Nortiiwot froiwLexih&toli. tW fourtwn- miles Southweit from Salem, contains about d-Waere-i of lamt. Thi is a very valnable and desfrablr farm, lying immediately on the river which bounds it on the r-o .t:. ad- for nearly one mi!e. and contain shout nix ty acre of excellent bottoih, beside! a quantity of the beat nplahd in good state of cultivation. There is atweaatbe plaeeone f the best WA'l'ER POWERS to be net witliwn the Yadkin river, Uelaw tbe' Keun Shnalsl The improve mentii are good. - Ear further partidilMrs adore the editor of the Old XolqafBi-iTK Salinbury; H. C. octl6 tf Levan Homo, . A Historical Homance the V.Uh Century. Br I'll 1 1. Wooulf.v. Kq. This romttnee, confiilently announced as a chaste and !ant story -a n aster prod net Hia will lie i'nn. nnni.d in tk KiEU, Ann. Fiaasms July .!. ISfilS. While the tale, as indicated by JU title, involves nnmamii hntnrieal Httltoatt wabih try tip wy ire remleiad in vivid truthhilneait i foundeil uMin a piot thrilling in interest, and abanrliiug iu the ; .-r and charm of it co-nbination. Henry W. lliller. dec 'it. and ether dinthigaiabed North Carolinians, tig are prominently in thi story. The author is a gentleman eminent in letter a nil fa miiiai witli all thoiie thing of history, society, science and human nature; which wielu the great lever of the SSXSaatffenSS rTlaloactyiiotum g ThaTslToulol have place In Unit' claas performance. Tha price ofta Finn and Fikkshii is (6.00 for one year: 9.50 tat ix aaontbs; 1.95 fur three jnmitlis stanple copies containing first portion of " Eevan Home" a-itl bent on receipt of ten rant. Aitilre Wm. It. n. ih at Co., 40 and -U, Fayettevilie Street Ra!!gh. 9. C. June M. 'W. me t Furniture, Rooms ! S A LIS ft CRT N. (' 1 L-ivmcf mm 1 1 t-riti,.. aw - a . i i, Jlh i!f-v- ,aw in More a uue u. m run imc li iivm iti: CCMIaMTINa OF Bureaus, Wardrobes, Presses, H Wi Stands, Chairs, Tables, Cribs, rV. We will keep on hand ar make to order at art no tfcaanytJiiaf in tbe Furuitu-re lir.e. and nponMason h trrnrai. tfe Iiave now in treaevcel!entonal- ity r RniTIAD9, which we willsell allow a.csn W tMiUjiat iikahi city. CIIFFIXh. of every eeacrip tioa k.i.t on baud or aaithadjn an v stvl- ilesirrd. B:itvhKtiH:ABn mmsnM. e..Heat. II. IBM. Xw-Sm JOB PRINTING NEATLY AND EXI'EIM TIOC8LT EXECUTED AT THIS OFFICE. niCUMOSm VA .) AD V&Jl' TS. J... ---i. - ijtTi'ivia ' t" f Jl ' ShUbtukb. io!.wiuio, mcn'B. ronraa. non, woif a rpttna, Whole-ale uroeer AM) iiU Commission Merchants JV 0 If 10 CM it x 8 T n K B T, RWPWTKI' fir C I.I, Til K ATPBNTlOTtJ pt the MerehtdU of Wpntern North rMtna to their ar. 7" niiTnei, nun n i aiwa-f ei nuiiii j i " 1" iiui uiarkit, ini niiiv ir.-ijiii fruai Northern market mlih 'I. ty(inalgBmeiiU of the pro-tart of North t'arwtl D aotfciteil. Itrder fkithfMlrrxvuted. Uk h'mond, V., -ept. Int. IWW. t3mpl. run iifTTf'Hisr.lV " ' ll ; JH Q 1 1 O II at W ilOlesale, A'o. 1217 Jfttin aWe 13A Sree, Richmond, Y. dept. 4. is.. tivQm. C. . BALDWIN, M. C. CLL, w. k. Mevriou C. A. Baldwin, Beall & Co., WHOLESALE Boot, Shoe and Hat House V0. 10, PEARL STREET. - RICHMOND, VA. QCR PURCHASES BEING MADE OF THE ma u i.i i out. e pledge ouraelvesto furnish COUNTRY MERCUA"NT8, and the trade geiterally, low a Ibey can be had her or in any of the Nortberu market. Li? We sell no good) at If. tail. C. A. B., B. CO. Sept. 1, 1886. twin "WHOLESALE importing Hardware House. Kicninond, a. U K HAk NOW TO HAND ONE OF TnE ' largest and most complete itocks of English, (rmau and American Hanlware, Cutlery, tinns, Belting. Hope, Bolting Cloths, Ac, Ac. , to lie found in any houseia thi country, to which wc take plca-ure in calling the attention ot the merchant or irgtiua. Niirth Carolina and Teiinesseej, as we are pre(iared to h as well titrthem, a anr Hfnse in the trade. W. . Donsa, j W. jt. ItOXXAN CO. Joiin Asuxa. ) Sept. 4. ltloB. t3m. Burressi" Powers & Yancey. 130S MAIX STREET, Richmond Ta. IN AXI) Importer of White Goods, Fancy Goods and Notions. TO THE MERCBANT8 OF VIRtiTXIA Xorth Carolina and Tennessee, we are prepared to of fa y very inducement. Our stork will lie kept fnll ami complete through out the season. An examination is invited. BCBUESS, i'tiVViatti A VAXCEY, Seirt. 4, 1866.i ' twp. . FALL STOCK BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS. WE WOULD IK- vite all in want -of BOOTS, SHOES and TRUNKS, to call and examine before buying anywhere. e par iJiaae pur floods from thein9it,ctureis and we will sell them as low astliey can tie bought anv where Norm, and we payspei'ial attention to targesizes. iryon wamio buy good Cooda in our line that will nfttrwell, come examine for yourselves; thisis nil we ask. - PUTNEY A WATTS. Wholenale anrtHrtail Dialers i olemleana'SrtnU DraJersWn Sept. I,)8. tw3m A. JIVI UN MYERS & BROTHER, (LATE OF SALISBURY, N. C ) Successors to Bridgford tk Myers, AUS riONEE RS, GENE HAL ConuuiKsJon and Fonvardinar MERCHANTS, - Dock nnd Seventeenth Streets, BIOHMOXD viuoikIa. -t-Rii.ill n!entlonveii to the a1c of .Cotton: 1 T Timi.Tcco, " lie iv, i -i ' -' "" v I'nill li-. Also persoiljll niir:r:n.l i;i'cn w ... mi- rt.i uf all kinds ol ' I' L'T atcrcUants, Mamilc- tiirejs Farmer and otl em ileir July 26 IH) tw-2ra. .... ,, TOBACCO ASD SNUFF. We arc nreimivd to aeU at Maiiufactur- . r. " f.l:.. ' cT S tirlCCs, (icii vcraiuc m lucuimniu ui i , . t i . . . M l'l tcrslurp:. the celebrated , ' r CAROIXA 1SELLE SNUFF, . i. i i . w . . 1 .. . r .....A-...... u III 11 llil- llliil-ll lll fl lHT HI ll p. Atlaxtic Cable 3i4nufactuictT,T-uJ:j j baeen. Sl'BLIMK Fine Citl Tnnaceo. Oroxoea Fine Cat Tobacco, r STON E, W1LS(N A FOSTER, i Wbob-aale Oroc rf & Cora. Men hanta, ' oct Q tw3ra Richuoud. .V. f a. W intiririi . Vk llf' 1 fKIl' I 1 1 I I A I ' f I I It I .1 AiHr.H.M. MTWW M FIKLD. L NGSTEO'UIACOj F4R1IGN A DOMESTIC HARDWARE, " CUTLERY, GUNS, etc., Ar0. 440 MARKET ST. PHILADELPHIA. Uft are constant! rcceiwing from dition to our toe English, French. German AM American Manufacturers. Merchants visiting this elly aire Write! to examine our A6SOET2a27T 07 OO0Dt3, which will be offered as tow a any bouse in the ci hi nt ry - ty Order ififf receive prompt apt cartful attention BE. FIELD, T. F.LANG8TR0TH W. P. MAfSON. Sept. 21. im. tw 2m If. I. II It K IS. JX n tin M. k a v B.aa ., r n mm ' lar-oaTKK Attn wholesale nr alecs i CmXA, GLASS jl- QUEEXSWABE, Not. 23 k 2 South Fourth Street, (Between Mataataa4ChelaatSto.) Philadelphia. OKOSCJE X M.I.KN. THKO. M. AMJtX. 5J- PiTTsarao (Jlasr aoexct . ilaopen er by the I'aAage, at Manufacturer!. I'r ;m. ' sepC30-a. Q. F. PRITCHARD, WITH ' HrHttTIM, tAKl'FACTVagaaaXD WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Hats, Caps, Furs k Straw Goods. No. 51 Hforth Thjfd street,"" (Between Market and Arrh.) Philadelphia. HI. H . PARI! AH . 0T. . VOH. Sept. 90, 1866i , tw-ai JAR. W JNO. C . I'.IOOI I (. snEa BORNE, J . WTHET SMITH. W. CALVIJt HOOK. Riddle, Sherborne & Co, mrnavER as ( WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Forcip & Domestic Dry Goods.; 438 MARKET STREET, (Below Fifth, A 4S3 Merchant net. . ' Philadelphia. sept. 90. 1866. ' tw-l j. s. Hitsa, T. if. K08ER3, b. W. CHASSEB8. NOBLE SMIVH. Hess, Rogers & Chambers, IM roRTBKS AM JOBBERS OK scb:::.t, olovsb, ZZ gL a , iiv, -iti mm h ji"") Philadelphia. septaO.IHoS. CO AS. MORGAN, AUKKT rABVIN, B. O. ELEINTON. wm. r. nlVK. CH4RLE3 R MORGAN & Co, HfFoKTBRS AXD JOBBER'S Ot DRY GOODS. 519 Market Street, oelotc Surf, Philadelphia. eat 99-ISB6. , ' OF NORTH CAEOLIXA, WITII James Falmer x uo, W IIOISALE DRUGCHTTS, J AND PKALEBS IS OILS, PABU DYE-S Ol I 13 I I. A DKirHIl, sept 90 1H66 twm : - , .m t. T a L" 1,'S'i I 'M V - lllod, B-Baaftrlgat wn()L,'LE HSAJJi 4: Foreicrn Uomestic Dry No. 529 JfarL; , (i96 t'aaiarfK S ) PHuirB,1 . ept 90. tHRS. Boiling Cloths. . t'ie verv We .p UWBIB J rVT ' In-et band of IbdllUE t n m M Mrl'l-BBXS FOSTER & CO- ; T-r-rril ALTER! tBEMEA'rs. I HENRY W. BELCHER & CO., M IT! HSOJtH TO A CO., Wholesale Grocrs, Af mi OLD lft, 28 ami 30 Reatie afreet, Etui A'tlimm, JIEW VORK. tw-w l mm. c w. AMsrr, K TOl-M. , AliLlL VdLNU GUUlfiTT A CO. lHwacivmnt WHOLESALE DEALERS n CLOTHING, 33 Wwrtu nd 39 Mwrrmg street, Ntw York. m-X M. MM tw m w a unoa, t a r. a a soa. J REMOVAL. t I w. RANSOM, & CO., (LATE J. M. BAXSOM 4 CO.) and Wkslaaala Saalars in Boots, Shoes, Leather, Ac, 384 and 386 Broadwau, New Yark. ept 90, lf6 twJto JOHN G DA VI. tHKBaOX SUODES, I JXOAJ CA8TH005f. DAVIS, RHODES, A CO., iHForms ami is mmiS A25D D025SSTI'S DRY GOODS, Not. 93 and 95 Franklin street, (Between Broadway A church 8ta ) lfew YarkJ K. -1. BALK. mVM. p- M HALK. EDWARD J. SON, Late Editors of the Fayettoville (X. C.) Otmrrer, Publishers, Booksellers, and STATIONERS, 4N II road a y , o Vor k., Neartu Opposite St Nicholas Hotel, Will be triad to supply Booksellers and Merchants with all article in their line at as favorable cash prices as can be had in the city. A the omlf Southern dealers in the city, they .. .solicit personal calls or orders of their friends and the pbube. aug),T;. 3t Read Brothers A Co., STB. A w o o ons, p mm weoL ins 22, 34 and 26 Kkaof. .Street, Oop. A. T. Stewart & Co. June -jaW. noaa tf. PROFESSIONAL. Drs. CALDWELL A MORTON, . . THIRD JXXR BELOW DBS. Will ! HHEAt) .1X11 HENDERSON', INNISS STREET, SALISBURY, N. Sept. 8tK- nolOOtf. Drs. Whitehead Henderson, gave IM eHHd tatallawl In the ptlaotioii or MBBioara and offer their proieaaional aerrieea to the citizeus of Salisbury and vicinity. Ottiee Next door to Owen, Sofield Co Store. April aa lem. r ly DENTISTRY DR. 8. ANGLE, Offers bia .IVofraiiwnal atiriBea to the citnena of Kowan and the Burronnatng Con nt Sc.-. All operations performed with neatness and distMteh. - 5vTt oli-TC'inCT, Iredell Co., fN. C. Juiie2.5,66. pdK J IMFJ) W. ltWRNE. IMU S I1ARK1NUF.R, CISBOUM: & BARR1NGER. MIARLOTTE. N. C. WILL nractice in the cotiotie of rabarrns. 1'nioa. Inxlell. Mekl-nburg, stanlv. LiiicilttAml liaston ; alao in h So- v .... ;; e ... . u.i. in in.- a.ti ti .l r.U t 'iiris in rni- .-Mine. t .9T tlilir-i ia S Hr Wis ltul!iliii utar . the l.mrt II"Me. np ataira. . wno wilts A PIAXO ? 5 8FVKK.ll. ltroo of tbe ooeord Female Coller ! bavmed mr aid ia serarraK OU)D P1AX08 Inr thei mr. ThmAa induced aw to make arranaa uteau with assae to tie beat aaaaathetorcr. which enatiV me W taroh iastramento f tba rtaar CLAaa, t rclorrd ptlrea. I tan save each pon-haier from -Mf ta tea. . Price Mk of the maaahctoren will to aba iteurv turiu. U aid I ectiw.- . Wbea BeWt'-Mo all hre been made, tbe msaey it to seat t- me t mr xaene. hv the Sautlvwn ! mart alaao ui i- .li nneJta ta iee u Sm, mar atotoaato. Rcf Piam ld will to fay wartoaidrAdre i t -st-trsviMe. X. C. ' M, pV CLDWW L. t (-' e- 1 J- I. ; -"l-B.,1 K 1 'ST. ''

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