ma PoM-Oflffc Regulations VHOU AND AFTK THIS DATB THK A. UfcXCINI. iM'iuiiiiVW. tr CITY AND CrT ATE ITEMtf. 'frTr Ajiv Ca., will Mil A lot of ritock aod other valuable pmporty at Auction, Satardaj At a tneatinjr of iri.iti.iii Society, Iil OIoImT, lltnt . . ttle tltlll Imlil on' til 2(JtJi l Ml V I mint lay of No e appointed tmmmmM of tho Immigration Society, Aim) the rrmarka of Ttr. foard1 are crowded oat to-day! but ball appear in our ext. We (ire to-day the Memorial wWa the ttoeJety, throoarh m t.'oaimittrc, bare addreoaed to the Oeneral Assembly. Uvaw EJWBSTa. A now paper, bear ing the above name, will be issued in Grocnsborougli, X. C., in a few days by a publiahiiig Oaatpaoy. Wo have uot laaxn ed who is to be its -editor. Wo have re esdvod their prospectus, and placed the Mtfftkt apon our cxcli-uipi lUt. Superior Ootirt. Thto tribunal adjourned on yesterday. Every case oh the State docket, we learn, was disposed of. The capo of John Wat son, freed man, indicted for miliary in n tortng and abet met in g goods from twdaW fhig house or kitchen of Mr. tsoii,as rumored to another county. Jeff. Miller, freed maD, indicted for nrsan, in attempting to set fire to the dwelling of Muj. J, CJL Tarner in August List, waa acquitted on Tuesday, the counsel for fife State sabmlt- tfnj A verdict of hot guilty without argu- racut. The feeling against the priaoucr quite strong, and the issue of the oasn ample evidence that the negro can obtain justice in bur courts as readily a the white a rooitnirto to imiiMlif yonr body in (heir behalf, on the auhjeatiif the -enisssgKiaout of lininlgrntwm W One 'Si Mr fnn other Stales of this Uaioal ami ! ftoiii. Uaur eouaUrica. . Tho Society duns m dcm it nmaasry to go at any considerable length into tlic reasons whioh have jiroinjded them to a ouiirse they must be well known to every member of your honorable body. Bujncc it to as one of the results of the late disastmns civil war, our fttaAe has been loft deal ilnte of money Willi the Teat nuiie of onr people hurvly I" debt- that tho syaaem of labor by which our lauds went tilled before tint war has been In o- ken up and destroyed that innsh of mar best population was swept away and destmved by the iir T-ttuit aim the okf . T iln vinf much of our laboriug white population u it limit any sufficient cause, and, as th Society bene-, ngslnst their own best Interests, hav raiirrs, ted to other Stat. - that inneh of tho colored population, mow much ks to he relied ttpm as laborers than betora their laaaneipatNia, have also ilied or left the Suite, aud that, as a eonseouence, our State is now gratlv deficient both in capital ii ud laborcQsit wdatVa Imt lit tle left ns uxesnt oprfortile Usihxsm4ssaaau eral aud other natural , rowan cos without aiiy adequate means for their developement. Is ronittih-rativt of that fats tho .Societf would nsMU'allysiM(KNrt t your honoraldV body the propriety of xrauliint a dun tor for a company u vaJabiiah o line of direct oomiuu i.ieatioii le-twceu on or aiorv of the porta of tin- and Kuroiw, With a eaiaul atook of uot less thiut aavoa hundred and fifty tluasuuL dollars, for the purpose of hriugiuK iuuingt -am -lii her direst from that aojaetry Xk Society would further urge upon four houorablo body to Mibx-ri I N-. ia tiM) aauso of . thr Stat e two thirds of tho .mpital stok f said aoJupany. The Society, fur uuary raasisis whioh eaanot be stated hero, are ot opinion that, with pro per luaiiSKenioat, slloh u eaterprie would sustaiu itself, iT indeed. It Would uM aiy a hnudsonie dividend to t Jo- sftf kholdara. , The Sueb-ty, of course, contemplate t Itst the stoani- ers composing this line shall tvi uv atnployed iu tho ecpotl Ah import trade, as well us in the importation of emigrants. Hut if u dividends should lie derived from after about fifteen minute, Im-ui (ne KIMMHifiil of the 'Hiiia miliar every uuuul reliel was obulinil Applv hot appliestknu i. the eltn-uji k-S. IhsUV- the Sfstaah With Uie snth the IMis Killer elear, and rnh the rhtdw rtirhi out il the u-u retxvereit. TraJvToors, B. TKLeoan If attacked with dh' wdie.diaVt .Miifttmiwewroa lltr ' Mhrti ay wit I 4AAaj. ' ' Tile I'aill Killer In iohl hi all reMS -table drag irixtx UiroutrhiHit the 1'ilfeil sUteii ami loreijm oonirtries. ITwea r ettils, oesal. sad ft per bouls "i t a-AtwAje i If AVIXG SIX! BF-I THE SEKVI Il m at- Wn, m m IWrbac. and fcvd m slisjsssBMf tV MrMarfWaPfci 1 A . w a JTsT??ilI To idoh fU aaeasssof I m I Marriage Guide.- Yoi .;'s(.kat ritv.stiMaiirAi WORK, or Every one his own Doctor Being a PriroU' InstmcUir for Jlarrwd Porooua or- theso about to Marry, IsA Male and Female, in everything concern ing tho physiology and relntions of our Sexual System, anil the Production or Pre vention of f Iffspring, Including nil the new discoveries never before given in the Kng lish lautfuaire. bv W'v. Y(L"Ni. M. 1 This is really a valuabki and inn n-aiiug work. It is written iu tilain lan-'iutue f.u the general reader, and is illustrated with unvvads of onn hundrud ciHtravinga. X0t young uiarrhd people, or those contem plating marriage, and having the least im pediment to mnmed lifiy sbould read this nook. It discloses secret that ercrj our should 1m' luduaiutcd with. StiB it U a book t must be locked up, and not Li about tho. house. It will bo sent to any one on the ruogipt of Fifty Cents. Address Dr. Wm. Yors;, No. 4IG Sprue St, above Fourth, Philadelphia. Jue Ifi.'CO 64twA:wly. roacarwaf l ''' aVaar flaaw oaasansaaaaaai4aT me lw .wt. '.-Tti.Am-defc,iL..4.. rU FIKLD. LAN6STR0TH t CO. i t 1 -t 1W9 Ut XSttlsaT&O IS rOIEIVX A DOM EST It HARDWARE, GUNS, JTOL tU MARKET ST. Kl IT1' H 3d day of Ko ' for soke at the CUTLERY, etc., j nee. .tWearir WW win V rrroa.' ZT! P1III.ADKLPI1 I A 1 Ww an csjautaattr K t aaaaisaVsai. mmtf as j son frtt C m ' Sanaoas oar stuck dl. H. ElcSsrV ratravaV J fisliihssj. X- C. Saw. 3. IthSKL af roeeiateg hsfafaV frtao English, French, German NEW GOODS ! Al SUVDAM & Bite. ut oa. oma ra. STOCK OF 00D. LOWEST I'H.I KUs KW ADVERTISKMENTK. Tlie legislature, On yeoterilay , elected Hon. M. E. Manly, of Craven. tT. S. 8cn ator. Mr. Muily is a gentleman of char- r and t.deiit, aud, under other carcum- woukd la c been a vary good se Bat We hisve fallen upon exf in ordinary times, and our political net should be with referenaflfa tdc settbmtjut of our isoliticakdifficulues. Judge Manly waa sJesjttd as a reireeoi.f ii ve tmn of the cr- trrmr Sonfheni feeling, and his election under Use clrcumsfances, will great l v em barass the President. We arc no radical, aud therefore Wo were opposed to t J e elec tion of A mdiciil. Hut wo) thought, a d sfW thfjik, that souie matt of sonu'd con ervalivc views, whose record could not be objeciad to by the U. S. (overnuent and the Northern people, should hare been elected. We hare a tin ruber of such men Wf,'Tk,TTTW itiy laj tt. OTvJcn IivWiffvoas. iirfrems.'vcillt'vrirreiff tJIIBferlft1 a if SMBrMa. Tt4liice a line oi immi an be tuW v. ouralnWr-frmti other S.wiotypoti.uelmtitwill stop rtlrjlWph,1.t,Kdtuet atate,. I hot nl v tfrr, laTttilaaVeieti' bali: w ri i d Northern Stat-. " w y -mam i rtt .-ynfl tm ifMtt uiruiu taMTS vantage gratitMl I countries, the the laiuMtiou of i Ami kt rected hithor from the tbei'U capita), the socfet then seek investmoat m v tural and uiiueral atuas. Md employed in whi.Jl the. vast and . our State afford tb grea' result of all this, thu Soei rritly tni(rm-( unrsy build up fta otir jx-ojile a nnally to make our ill tended .-he glMtllht he- stateiof this Hnkint t'nSe aud the lsvge aiuoaot Oflnvehlt btoiifflit into, imil crented tlw cOoswKt-diitiiontSon em lipul.itl..u iniist, tlH' so(i arsullicient wiogiit able hodrt" eire the tion which its rrreK iio Ctincliisiou tl me m stitm ark e, wry agriculj 4 rarer (ir Tb5 ure. T, " and tjtbnjattnte UoSreuio. cousltaratioua I tlaiat be lie re: honor- sidera- ids. would again unre Auction! AUCTION! Anetion ! OhSatunktjf, htx. st, 1908. LlltfJR LOTT)F lions HOUSES. KfOO Pounds CoUou in Seed. Bed-Stead, Muttrnsses, Feather-Bcds, 1 Spriug MattrA, Cooking Stove, Tables, Ware, and a great many oth er articles, by RLACKWOOi & CO. JToV. 2?; 18G6. two: wit Uanuer copy It. Amancan M ana f ac tar era. Hn Koum viailinst thia city at iavhrd I.. . iraaatUMr uur AWKTRTlOCaT 07 9OOD8, i tyhirj srw rarwNsr ftmtmt awsf cawrrW 211 Acres 6f Und hrUopo- to the hrrrs at Law of Copt. 'wratofgacaJkawyT It v U dTiUiwo tracts, there Lriog a Mod tirsat Mai oa earn tract. Tlw Uod and hwiidrayj art good, aud there is plenty of Uaaher haaal It ia a good opfMwtaity far amy a to get a fine farm and a ftac raUL vtag bond with two or san-ties. The parr baser will be i to pay the ousts of leant an aaaa a U L. ULACKMER, C MJB. Oct. 3, 1866 6twpr adv. 10 SB! -H. SJ. BEX. FIELD, T Y LAKfiSTatOTH W. P. MA1SOX. tm 2m V IS, iui astsina is ClWAa LAS - Q r L" K X S V . R E . READY-MADE. CL0THV9C, Fomrtk Street, GREAT W4TCH SALE! Og TUK yliLAU OXF. PKICE PLAK, Giving eqerp Patron a Jlandartute nd Jit. iutWc Wutvfi Jor the Crnc 1'rwe tf Tern D6tlx l- .... , Without Regard to Value ! And not Ut be paidor unlesn jiera-tiy mi- -1 - v v v 4 : ROOTS, SHOES,. irirt nnisvi uciwera ivbi maa i BSHUatBB.J asssaaa aaaaa. mo. l iud. ryraaans Ci taa a at i GhHsapca srhy dM Parkatrc. t Manoairtaren Pnrss. rfl Tl r- GROCERIES, Thsry aaoat 01 "W aA Cmt ' C7f3. K rW: '.. a W nvBxl TUB JIM I niftirli A . sastoavrtr. I Md tin 'it in? Wat- hen . t.i f 7SS laaia Oaset lal WatcW n l. Ml I ...... IV- J L . , . .Mi ... .UII C.lit llimllii flu. ll'Ui... VJt ti. Hl Meut ! 1 i Welti Hun 2 before j.irMiajgag lai a awn. 1liy Sd! ifa 3 eklhnt dsek sVar to G. F. PRITCH ARD. WTTH tAXCdft WORK liaisoisaa, mwnnrms in WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Hats. Ctfs. Firs A Straw (roods. yt. 51 Sorik Third strftt, (Betwaen Rrfcctaad Arch.) Philadelphia. ra. O- rum. hoar. a. run. vVt. js nos. wam j. rt.rai sairu. W. CALTIK Biddle, Sheibotue St isarlanco 'Immm lllHltlllK I .11,'., -Il l.i Ml flanrlnc lnitrx W' l (iuld lluntinc A morn satkYalrli auo-ooi sj Cold Huiitinir ln:.lcx Walrlim ... .150 t JS) to 2'0 In cTinclusion the society it I ii hi vonr f.ivoi-aUc tonaiilwiirloii the inxiiVT" IN! ir..X , .S I- ' We have the honor to be, very respectfully iu the State Who would hare made goon j your ehejjM wrvimts Senators, and among t)u?m our distinguish ed townsman, Mr. Boylen, S.'F. Phillis, Ksq :, of (J ha pel Hill, am! seven I otbcrT; But moderate and conservative views, it aeetns, are not to prevail for the present. Neither of the two Radical extremes will now unite with the moderate men, who am the rrm? Conseyratires of the State. Bat dir; time, rc fear, is coming, and not fur off, when they will wish they had done so. Yet We hope -that oar fcar amy prove WM. M. BOBBINS, JAMES C. 8MYTHE, J.W.HALL, LEWIS IIANES, JAMES H. EXNISS, Committee M behalf of the. Jtou-un County " lmtttigration Society, li tl . " 5110 Silirr HuniiiiR Levari 500 Silver TTiintmir limlcve . Sal pet'ial it 'l,M.Wji Jftrtw rhtLuft Ninet the War in Aorta Carolina. Bjf Cornelia Phillip Spen- ". . ,( ..Ji.-fl.'l W. rr.ii il..' -1 "i .J ' We are indebted to MessiS. E. J. Hale & Son lata editor of tho J? ayetterille, (M. C.) Obtertxr Pnolmhort, Wholesale Booksellers and Stationers, 496 Broadway, Xew York, far a very handsome copy of this work. We hare Trot trad tltne to give tin? Vk4c itself a careful perusal, hut it is writtew in racdlat atada, aad ia narratiucr the facts preetti ted, The accomplished au thorcsa setfo iyested herself of every thie'Mta jprntsian or prejudice, and to have dorm equal justice toalltffe partie.- into great struggla m writer of this a0-, wi th ink, could bare written or can write a .of tb cssents which Read 1 ? MANIIAflWWi (eimrmrn : nay a litt le unnv a!m i(lur it a rery rahuibl it on hand. I hive tfBVol have hitoj in Kansas, judfj iiwitltntB. Itt-my iifn"ti4si the Adarie Cholera itilatlfl iimn Uwn any other nicilfi toe;, f Iona forhfiera in H.V.. with I Truly y(r, lere lemJ -1 .r .-a : i i r r 1: J : .i iraoapmaiiB JMrraj waswiafnc i X lMtthreeWMsottM Uelho. -is one df srreat interest to our people and Laid fin". fSim itf every household. It lias prfvailod hi Kw thelast t .! weeks, from ten tpitry or m - t y .fetal res Aaeh day haatiialiMliWl.'Tv in mlit that the Pain KITlet, sffit Mission Hoaas, has "teen usefritlftT!ttmiderlite sneeess dnriixJLbja teutonic. Lihtrjr reason is gcneraUr-istuiit tnVhi-ewlnji ttieMihSaM. Kkv. .raanw, Sholapare, hfM. I . ' I -.t t ,i ASIATIC CHOLERA IN CHIIt ALMOST EratrcUMJtCtHtlCD WITH 1H6R lit) to "Ml :" u IM ' 75 m aw I sou ;M iiat' wunMsti, ss mor (XX) ie.i.1 Hautinr l.eiiinm .! to 7 I OUI) MiverllnneouH Silver Wnti lien. 50 tu MSI 3 600 lluiititiK Biker WaUbes to 60 6 nun Amorted u uU bOKaJI MAd.., It' t to I3r Kvefy parro.i obtains a Watch hy this uirangeiiu'yt, coHting hut $10. while it may W rtirrii ?5rt- No mrdality shown, MeMnn. 3. Hkkling A-( a.. lRnsidway, Xew York City, wish to immediately dispose of the above maguifieout .-.tee,. ( i tili. tt -. naming Uie articles, are (ilaeeil in seaJed en velopes, and well mixed. Holders are entitled to the nrthdes uaineil on tltt-ir aertittoate, uimim jmymentrtfTift'I)ollars, whetherit ho a watch j worth tt7otor tme worth loss, iue rAtam of ony of our certificates nti ties you to the ar- j riuinuil il., ....... .. niiiMi iiviiii.iil i rr. i ...! ' ...... . , .v ....... Jye of i.ts worth, and as no article valued less than $10 is named on any certificate, it u ill ut , nuee he seen that this is no lottery, but a j .straight-mrwajd htgjtitnam transaction which may be partTcipatedin'eveu by the most fas- i tidious ! A sinele ci;rtificate will lie sent by mail ixart jwd, unua recoipt of 25 cts. ire far 1 eleven for $2, thirty-three and eleirant prein in mi for $5, sixty-six uml more valuablo pre mium for $10, one frfrftjir aud most silerb Watch for $15. To- agents or those Wishing employment this is a rare opxrtuuity. It is a legitimately conducted business, duly auth orized by the Government, and open to the most eAreftrt strotttiy, Try Mf."Mti' X IflTKUNa AtX)., Not 27-ia 14 Broadway, N Y wiia. aw mm raa muBTKBS AMB WHOLESALE DEALEBS T Forvijni i Oomestie Dry Goods. MARKET STREET, tw-lm i r-- n r. at- i , v. csinxu imu SMITH. T-hm f I ConntTj Tnidim of all Kuds. Hess Rogers A Chambers, himitih .xi imuM or SQ8X23.T, 9LC730 trtl Tmntm toaiMufc- nil.. ti ..So. 411 Market street, Philadelphia. a XT ATE OF 'Oimi CAKOUXA. Ituwaa Ooaarrr. Etmitjf "off Ten Caihariae DOlow. Mathia linser. Adatasistrataw will aniM ird of Jacob Uiliow Ia tin. Gewetal ami nraviled that the hsfejamam trrea of Michael IKUow, Joint Marr Barriacer. Catfaariaa' this State, they are hereby i pear at the next iota of the ty far Kowan Coamtr, to be ktld a the Court Howe in 8suahij, am the lMt 1886, than and there by a 8 simitar atadn? Coawt to plead, answer or demur to the complainant bill, or the eaae will be set for haaring and be heard ea jarrfa aa to th. m. LUKE BLACKMEB, OLE. oct 4 6w Ptiaton fed $10. J inSSl?' I AaSmwfmgaeHy. 1 a. . - - Osoasr, f 9 hawttsa of Aha osact ttat tBaa-ommai'a naMataHrHObaaami- tWt ha hsll farrnli John W. firsr, Ttoasaa Tt. Amm F. Gaiihsr, fVtry I Pwry Bays, one oftao oataaosat aoiatotniWfthiimr hist aM North! ear at the aext naaaaf ai uw i aart i jadaoaut art! he taken pso fu rtber lasun ttaai thasaao laEWaWatOaWJtAUrt.. A. I- J. U. JBCLil I.IIL1.1.I . M. E. Oct. . IW. (Tr. . aw Janes laVara, tww aoiBi. aaaai taisStaar: aabbratioa he id ra suae, OTY. Baa. ?LaaZ-B2IS. a. s. am. IN. Aum ram . IHIM " Ther rrtara liisiilhanl iAa lie ir naa faraca, a4 awtw ky smiat aebtm-, rrrjaiT V 2 V taTAPP A IT j4V On. tiou to biisim- In iiK-r.:i m -".o.-.:.: uaat - tftt XjUARLtXtJ JBa. XttUltljAIl Ot 1(0. same- Sept.. lft. l Y1 AM Jr UtTO. 1 NOTICE ! THEBnbscribers Admintsawtors- on the istateof Dri r. L. Payne, ,l-r'il. will sell at Pubik nil tioo, attha'ourt House Pnor, In tin- - Town of Lexington, on Shasesef On Leave N.tiB. GofHpuj. OOISCft Si MAIL TKAISL 9SSA- - ...Atm - 2 44 r- a ........ m Ill CjftWB(Sfa?aafaBtl Kragh.. PKEIdftTAXlt n . a m Bihiarh-. m.$.-.L. J 45 - tv a - - nnvaTias ajtd jobbess of DRY GOODS. 519 Market Street, oekm SMh, 09 50BT1 CABOUSAi WITH James Palmer & Co., WHOLESALE DBUGOlt'TS, -ana mun or m him GLASS. DYE-STIFFS. . Ao. 439 Market street, HI fa fast R rail A. (lie 17tli of December v in the .N i ' i til i aru ; ma Darti fTaaf .1 M 1 1 an nuau tu., iiliitji1ifti Mate, frhdOfMnbJlt tac4mViifJ(ra W send to us last jear. tte eonnng mi most I tlllli ' I 4seawhuuakapf)tearwtt e to send to ns last year snvod under God, by KV The cholera pra opn sflto lil)ajiBpjfet i to- me- ran Killer, nauiw'.aa uu i cholera. A list was kept of nlrfowBotn the Pain Ktflsrww pit en. nh'our'nnivs ik&tAlWKKW . of tho ClBKAT 1 ti" thnt ehrht out of eTeTC t.n f wfiorfl fl wax i CitilWab of 1861-65. m ,. j -rescrtfeeovimv U ha. tt l bs, fw-a sa- Mmm mM'ti wtea we have vnou.thcy rti .hroved .au. " 1 uu il. il id i. Iibn.-iiur t.. inn tilm i nf tiiur luuiii n better neqtumjiito.1 .n thia rerirm. OnrnhtfCe tirchehers on aliare. In the LaxingUm FEMALE ACADEMY, Several T.eaae on Valnabtc COPPER MTSfE? in ths rVoitity ef BarlAwn, twaoty sitares ia the - Capital shock or the Bank of Lexington. Said ''imMdfltosolit on a credit ofisiMtaortie with int4Mt' Rtta date, tin- pur, h.em Pe.tiiir Bonil with twoewil Sernrities. The Stock tran!er "f&relan4,fttJaM raao. - - IwiMI Hrtbe Asent tl. .N.. HfJI 1J1.V.N. w-Si. t aaaha with it, we may possibly give a juore ex tonded review of this Tery mtcrrsting 1 i 1 1 k vaduaae. Kewd youf ordri to E. J. Huh A Son, M firaodway, X. X. Utiee AlO An-: re 2. T. 200HS, or aroKjea t o., x. c. with Roonbr UIi t A aa i- a.xwd was. MAIL.TBAW I tG.Mr. ,-----ltV4- Ftxrifi Jk Dompstic Dry No. iH Market stoma, (SaSCaaawrre St) 'itaaatraia, Cti Goods, S E44 Arrive at ltohsfim,. . FRKIGBT A5TD A03mKHTX. LaaiwGsliikamV 23- I v. . - i ac saeiipa. aw a Mal Train ima dairy- I "Tlilfaa Train does rant m Saasi'. si-ta jrJth C-A- V aVJt-Bar v i;', C Ar tt E K. anal Also srinVtVe Yd tT.aaaTthalA A At. Bnv u am am aaaai LIGHT I LIGHT ! Light I navttsfacr ham taaa or Caadlaa ! VLml OIL T!HM iS.I'FHL A SrW SrPPLY Ol-hKR'SIXE OIL fjnWB nt fhinineyii. ytA n-eriveil awl fur sale at asaauiidiiiif v h' priiw at JrrttX n. fBStSrr . . Iri)f U ... copy, free of postage hlT TT-ieV h. isa -. l" "' Ohieaoo, Nor. 18. A fire occurred here thia morning which deatroyed eight stores .oa Lake and Month Water streets, involv ing a hm a MaaVOOO, upon which the tn asaaea in ifmjm. The oriein of the would be iuditfereiitlr dear Mrs. pnittjful .?nio r-eice ly aJMiJ.i i UiMay M li.m Ttsltere me, from Bar. It. Tnkonl, Uunomttrtt m t Arao. vhdtint: hi hoata hi Penntylraiua i WaaaiMiTox. Pa.. Jaaem rrrra Arn- J Sou, Pm ride ore. R. L Dear sirs : Durinjr a residence of sonic ten ream, NOTICE. THE XOTE8 AXD AOCOL'VTOF MESSRS Mi - Xeely a Voaaqr snd Mears. T.U ArVSaty and A - L Youux hare liti-n placed in our Itaud lui coTtecfmrr. Parties indebted wHI nVeaae tn rati unon our Mr. Bailey and aente. BOVOESABAII.EV aat n. IHKU A arc never wflfflg ijJl faWfttjsnWp fAdnfsions without a supply of the i'nin Killer It atm-s thjun Tu iir ill fhi. pvii, ..i th.. u iu.1. u,-.., . r..;i; i i im. i- .k. I nZaOX.tfTIOaV. -Til F. COI' V UTX Kf! I IU1U Ut--lUllr r.J-OIi Uli.ll I UJe ll.nn. mawm nnn of diKKR cs M.t khismn id the nn Hiness, L this da dissolved by mutual eow aent. All pensrms owing th said llurke snd flar ri.w are reiiectfniry requested to call J. K. Hnrke at his new stand in Cowan's Brick row, oinite Spntgue Bma.. aud settler dp. HI liKK A HARRIS V Oct U, 1806. tw-jrs. J ; 1 . -J i H ILhtA f . SKPB .mA T K V W A ,MmWK fKsuat BHK ah atT I 1 ' PskWnna ?m f-LlaaafaW ITRinvVLI 119 tbj. M, 4 aanl S6 BAB aa, l. t .iaO . . a I banc. ! ! I ' ' ' 1 Ashe ville News Office Thar froprietor. dWirooa uf inveatinc; his ajaasnad m other pnrsuits. .tfei f w sale. THE ASAKVIIXE NEWS satuMkihmea The iaajaand- mnrh of the Tye n nearly new. a torse aSxTtaoent ..f Jul; T I'K a word, it iMaaw of ttre .Jdtst and urnot kaaaBfaar. and Job tntee ia the The Ofaee haa nit of the business of twelve larse Western t'ouuties- Tha krari.n ia adaairabW. and an enter.ri - w..:ild find It. for the a very n'lm rntive Pia th entire enreru. i-VW Tenon riven the hrst of Jauaary iotirnatnaa. aStatn aa at Sfasrtru - !r. A W IX'UUUA ?. 1MB lw the attach am a m thaa I- and .i--rM i tm Baal v:ia .f t5 I'o hetd at the radn Honae- at s dajr after the taat Msnlay ana there aa team i j. nod aaww by. aeoer at aaat non aa n laaanaent are e aaaa ana n order af our sraated. Waaess. Wat. A. J. FowBwa, CM of aar saad Court at oflre. at Shikaah. the third Baa day after the Ma-day - .lSShmC. 8 C. Oct. T7. MBt. Pr. fee. W. AW hilaah aa tan infedaTsa at t rhraarr neat, buna vrir ar nrre-i re rirprro HENRY W. BELCHER k CO, st cvcua To Wholesale Grocrs, 28 and 30 Reade street, EuM Broad, t: w v arc to MBS. ARCH. YOUXG. ( AKKTT k CO. i ana DEALER9 WHOLESALE at CLOTHING, 33 H avre- smef 29 "d to (CaraaaCnada4 Mew York. REMOVAL. HZZ . a . r. aassun. W . A RANSOM, 4 CO., (LATE J. Jt- KA!ajai at W. K.aafactarers aad Whalaaila Baalor ia Boots. Shoes, Leather, 4k, 3M wr ur mrA. BfAtoiWE jonvowavaa,! ananao annnn. jxoaj CASH HOUSE. DAVIS. RHODES, CO, ramlTrtS Wl IEALXfta IX DBY GOO 1S, -'Km. 93 and 95 Frmnktim street, (BHareea Braaadaay A ttoaeh aam.) SA Ma tm-im C J. H ALB. r. V. BALE. EDWARD J. HALE & SON, l-tte fidinw taf thi- IXttrrUe(. 1-1 tmmrrrr. Publishers. Booksellers, and STATIONERS, way. "r atariw .VcarVr Omumite St. Sichetns Uolri. Will he dad to with ail article aa I hew he hod aa the ear heat ii mi a if mafcar at thrar the aaWbr. thry KOE fU STATE OITTCS. Tir Safc ad AV flare 0- W ahrd crrnr Fr ad A