A- "I Lovo Yon So." lair of the Umiiil.il bntwtl mil tfobJ. Kyes of lha dr'Wt l1u. With tender gleam 'uillt tht-ir lastn-s light, showing the heart u true. LilUf she thiufca of tin. pain she gives, . She f tlx- golden hair; Link she think of tho htrt' sick be.it, Quaking like June's hot sir. Dut our heart' succumb to br beauty's power Whether He or n.. And tli old, ohfWy i true s-old". And We Ull it t "I love you no !" That story of lov. it wm told sbovu Thousand of year ago, Aud 'twas given tu men to Udl again - Hm story: u I luve yon so !" Her beauty way wsne snd fade, but then lhere is ouc thing certain. we trow, That th story of old will live alway, "Oh darling I love you so !" Ah. aanuot I hojte, in the lie to cotue, Beyond death's Jordan flow, I way tell her there, as i told her bore, "Oh. durliiiK, I love yon so f" i ' mmmmgsmSBm Puzzled Darkey A Southern correspondent relates the following, and calk it a true yarn ; A good story is told of a sceno which lately took place between a7 frccdman and a Dutch lieutenant who was acting in the capacity of a provost marshal. It seenis that the Teuton officer, representing the majesty of tho United States, keeps on hand, in order to make his otfico pay, a small stock of tobacco aud giugercakea, to soil to the freedmen. ( )ue day a strap ping darkey poked his head in at tho door audaaked : "Whar is demassa provost fV "Veil, vat you vaut ?" demanded the Dutch lieutauant. "Well, J quit working down da r on dat place," Mid Cuffee. "And vot te twyfil you quits for?" en quired the officer, "Why, yoa see, massa, dey's onny gib me obe-eignt ou dc corn, and oImt oii de odder place dar, dcy gibs one sixteenth." "Coiao in here, you tarn black skin' said the officer. "Now yon buys these tiro ahiugepcakcB for twenty-five cents, and zat is aheap." 'utt'ee pays down the quarter. "Veil, now, look here uiit you," contin "I cam in jeight pieces ; you see dat ?" ''Yes, sah," replied the darkey, with broad grin. "Veil, den, I cats 'this odershinger-cake in sixteen pieces j you see dat ?" "Yes. sah." "Veil, den, Ton tam fool, you goes back to your place ; lor von ze von-eigiith is more better zan id von-sixteenth CuftVc left, apparently sutMeil, i ,.i .till evidently very much perplexed in Teuton ic arithmetic. Iff or tb Carolina Ahead of New York. The gopd people of Cohoes, New York, are greatly excited over the discovery in the ancient bed of Hudson river, near that town, of the remain. of a full grown as todon an enlarged edition of an elephant, They evidently suppose there , is noth ing like it on the continent. Tifey Are mistaken. A gentleman is en gaged at th is moment, in Nash county, North Qarplina, on the bank of Fishing Creek, in unearthing the remains of a monster, probably of the sau rian species, which surpasses in size any relic of the primitive era of the earth' his tory which has yet been discovered. He began disengaging the monster from the bank in which It is mibedded several weeks ago, and lias already unearthed eighty-five feet without coming to either ex (remit Thi is the largest fossil animal, wc be Jieve, pyer discovered, Pet. Index. A delighted father in SouthUenrt, Ohio, j ruehed into the Mayor s omc?, the other morning, and announced that dtiritfg the previous night a fellow came stalking into his house stark naked, and still remained there. Three policemen started on the run to oust the intruder. On making known their errand at the house, the nurse brought wjttbabjr! - " Meteors Observed, The fwatchere at the Rational Observatory, Washington,, saw and, narked the track of some four hundred meteors in the eaurac. pi Monday night. Sirs. McCJure, a farmer's wife, living near Qtfincy, Illinois, apparently died on Sunday, and next day was buried in the family fault, near the house. Ou Wed nesday groans were heard in the vault, by soma children j the coffin was opened ami the woman found alive. She bad in jured herself in endeavoring to force .open, i he coffin, but is recovering. ExcRangeH6tel . J iiii,L$Bonm iiii KTRREr. A Ii 3 ;Z o H , . a. THIS LARGE AND UKACTIFl'L HO te! has been BOWiv furuished with Furnituro and New Bedding n, i I irprm ouc "f the Ih-sI kejitTionses in theSimtlrr Jv-M-'UtLAiR ft CO. sept. J.3, "06. 't;.n- Piioi'iuEioBK. . Turner's Ahnanac for 1867- timty Enlarged Thirty-Ninth Edition I j (lOX TAIN'S ST A Mi' ACT. ' cution of i'ooc4;r:it- m W-AJ.K OF UKPItR .iv. Iloidine ol Court, calcaUWd ; llr. 0. Crajreu, of Triult Colles. ........... 15., "nn ! 70.00 Sm.r ii,c . . Per lihadfT'l .... - lhuaanil , . C .!. 16 tW New Store ! Fa!!, and Winter GOODS! Great Bargains ! MEHONIT & BROTHER, HAVE REMOVED TOTJIEtB Splendid New Store Room, OR MAIN STBKt Opposite their old stand, WHERE THEY flAVE JUST BE eeived and opened one of the lar gest and best selected NtockofCtoflMlal to be found in this part of toe country. I heir goods have been bought with special reference to the wants of this community, and will be nold as cheap as the cheapest. Their stock cousLstfTIn part of the followiug goods : Prints, of the Finest Style and best quality 1 1.1' tc IVJIK1I4MON, DOJIKSTICS AND DRILLS CLOTHS. lAVMUMIB, SHKBTJKUS. l.l i: s. AC. They have .also a new and splendid stock of SHAW I.N both large and elegant aud which cannot be surpassed in Style,' prioe or eseel louee of quality. Also, a largo and varied as- sort 11 1, nt of BOOTS, SHOES, HAT S, in great variety, Children. for Ladies, Guntleintm, and tores, ifosiery, ButtoSs Thread, and almost everything else in the "Yatrkte Notion " line. SOLE-LEATITER, HARDWARE, Crockery and Glass-ware, &c. A LARGE LOT Of Candies, Confectioneries, Ac. Ac. Ac. GROCERrES of all kinds, fn short all articles Usually kept in a NUMBER ONE STOKE. Call and ex amine before purchasing elsewhere. Terms,. Cash or Bailer. ... . ' TOBACCO ! TOBACCO For Sale, 300 BOXES JIAXFAC'D. TOBACCO, 25,00 OP4JIAF TOBACCO, 8,000 SMOKING TOBACCO, Steam Engine & Machinery ! FOB SALE -One Splendid Steam Saw Mill. Engine 35 Horse Power. 1 One Steam Engine One Steam Fhgine- -15 Horse-Power. -25 Horse-Power. Also, a large quantity of Shafting, Hang ers, Pulleys. Cog-Wheels, ke, &c. Several goodA'ood aud Iron Lathes. " A large quantity of Old Metal, consisting ot not ii wroilgm and cast iron. I he j wo ve prw,(8rjy,, will be sold at great reuuosa prices. TJyharemany notes and accounts due fnm; whicK"werir' made'lielbrrrifhe' "war," iiid' they j j earnestly requeet such debtors to call on them and settle the same as sodta as pensibh ax tlie ibdulgenee already extended ; lis hpen liberal. Salisbury, . C, Oct. 30, im'r fT tf rjotice. AT A MEETING OF THE !'rr tor ofth North Carotins rVtrolfuai sad tHairna t't.iiijwn. uelil in '.n..iiUro'. PMct Adarnn was : t'lv.-rfess, vi Cyrus P. Meadeahsniceifrned. Mr. Mtu !i i hall vrt are tafcrpsd ass remoTed toBsJ- tum.lT to loo aru-r tl.e linage tbure. IJcnce his Notice. THE BOARD OF COM1II8 iomr, for the Town of Haustwry bartpr ordaiasd that all white male inhabitant of the ae of 18 yews and upward. r liable Police sad Patrol , i" "vm aim., inwnaaat 01 rouoe may ISTSaSI. l - reason of poierty. joined with old arr erindruiiu. At! loiwrfaininr eirmptino nnder th! rule will nlcaw (SjaU Imt Mtilr.tMrftanSi.. Fall and GOODS I. J, Ml I'll,, No. 4. Granite Buldint?. Have received their large and well so lerted stock of Fall and Winter Woods, and lespectAdly invite buyers to call and sec them. Their goods have been bouirht with special reference to the. situatbn of the people, and the quantity and prices of i lo ii goods will justify au examination be fore buy big. W e have just the goods the people noed, and that their circumstances will admit of their baying, therefore we extend a cordial in vital ion to the citizens oOaUsbnry and unrounding country to call and sec us. We are always glad to show our goods. In our stock may he found the follow ing goods. Plain and Figured DeJinei, Merimoes Aljxicas, tvburgs, Black and Broten Domestics and Drills, Flannels, Cloths, Cassmerm, 4-4 Sheet ing$, Linens, Towlings, ' fe., fr ., dY. OUR STOCK OF Cloaks and Shawls is large and elegaut, cannot he surpassed either in style.pnce or grade of Uoods, We also utter a large stock of Boots and Shoes Of every Description. Ready Mad Clothing. Hats in great variety, for Ladies, Oentle- mef and bildrtn. Hqsifery, Glo VeS, Bbttom, Combe, Thread, au4 , most everything tn the ian kec Notion aud Trim ming Line. eather, Hardware. Crockery and Class Ware, Cof fin; and sugar, Pepper, pice and Teas, Candies and (.lover seed, and many other articles kept m . FIRST CLASS STORES. Our prices are all right, m4 r i arc cash er barter. " '. ' A. J. Mock 6c Co "fealisburyj N. C, Oct. 9, "66. rtwlm CAROLINA Female Co FALL SESSION. THIS Institution will open for the recep tion of Pupils m the FIRST MONDAY IN SEPTEMBER NEXT, and continue till the 18th of January, 1867 a period of twenty weeks, with an interval of one week ut Christinas. The Spring Session will begin immediately upon the expiration of the former, and contin ue till the first Wednesday fn June, 1867. .i no n care ami expense nave been bestowed upon the Domestic Department, and also On the Sleeping Apartiaeuts, with the view of rendering the College in every respect pleas- j ant. comfortable and heal tlit'uL L A full corps of Instructors will be in readi ness to receive their classes at the Opining of the next Term, and every branch of Female Education Will be thoroughly taught. in consequence of the unprecedented high prices of provisions tpe rates of board have been somewhat raised. For the Fall Session of nineteen weeks the charges are as follows, payable in tecie or its equivalent : Board, washing and fuel, per session $55 00 " -" for a less period, per week 3. 00 Tuition in Regular English Coarse, 1 from $12.50 to 25 00 " Music and use of Piano 25 00 " il Paiutme, V . 20 00 " anv other Special Branch 10 00 Contingent fee 2 IH) The terms as to the time of payment will be accommodating ; but as far as practicable it is desired that about one-half of the Hoard and Tuition will be paULiu advance. Kach Pupil is required to furnish lights, towels, sheets snd pillow eases. For Catalogues or further information apply to tt undersigned. J. E. BLANK ENSHIP, I' res idem C. F. College, Ansonville, N. C Angnst 23, 'fl8. tf WAimil)."i ror.vtitAitr dbsirks " a situation as teacher, for children, in a fam ily, win teacn music if necessary. Please sd dress, stating tanas, Ac., " Miss M." care of Host. If wis Hakes, Oct. 2. leet tf Salisbury, M. C. Mill Stones, If yoni want the very best FreneL Burr's, apply to JlcCUBBINS FOSTER & CO. 'V fj twSm ob. iot or NORTHERN FLOUR SdieXi liege, Jl'BT BEt'EIVED BY iSUYDAM dc BATE8. Spt. 23th :o. Wholesale Grocers GENERAL COMMISSION MB1CIANTI, ' (Water Street,) WILMINGTON N. C. rpHK Hl'BHCKIKKKM ItESPECTKOLLY nVr their M-rvUxt Ut the trade North snd South, aud to the producers of Virginia, North and South Carolina, IN TBI IT Kfll A I AND SALJI 09 Groceries, Cotton, m: imi, Naval Stores, of Country Produce renerallv- They will keep on hand at all times a mil and complete assortment of every thing usually kept In a First oIosb Grocery House which will be offered at Wholesale to the Trade, as low as they can be bought in auy Southern city. They trust by a strict permm al attention Ut all business coufldcd to the! care, to receive a lilteral patronage. Orders and Consignments solicitetl. J. 8. SCOTT, Late of N. C. B. R. W. C. DON NELL, of Greensboro', N. C H. SCOTT, of Melville N, C. KKr KltKNTK.s. Murphy k Swift. New York Cfty Sicnhoruse ft McCaulcy, New York City, Williams, Black ft Uo.t " " Hon. W. A. Graham, Hiilsboro', N. C. Hon. Giles Mebane, Milton, N. C. Hoq. John A. Gilmer, Greensboro', N. C Rev. A. Wilson, D. I)., Melville, N C. McCubbius, Foster ft Co., Salisbury, N C. Geo. W. Kestler, Concord, N. C. sia or J. W. Wilson, Morgautori, N C. Hon. Thos. Huffin, Hiilsboro', N. C. E. Wilkes, En. ft Supt. N. C. R. R. Stone, Wilson ft Foster, Richmond, Va. Stenhonsc ft Co., Charleston, 8. C. Sohn A. Everett, G.oldsboro', N. C. Thos. Webb, Prest. Jf. C; R. R. Co. I . J. Sumner, Salisbury, N. C. John Wilkes, prest. Nat. Bank, Charlotte, E. M. Holt, Esij., Alamance, N. C. Ber. J. M. J-henvood, FavettevlHc, N. C George W Mordicai, Raleigh, N. C. Wilmington, N. V., Oct, 15, '(sS. tw3m W. H. McCrary & Co., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, HAVE FOB SALE IN LOTS TO SUIT, loy loo No. 1 Peruvian Guano. 50 " Soluble Pacific Guano. 00 Sail Liverpool tiittti liefer to McCubbius, KtMtsr & Co., SteUsbary, N. C. ht rt .4, IHU6. tw-3n. TO THE FARMERS OF Western Carolina! 37? IF IS THE TIME TO USE 3D TILIZB S VR COUNTY 18 EXHAU8TE& AND we liav to rely isucli upon i lie prodnctx of the oil foi itarecuicration. (jDletManurpluficMnbeiutide e shsll nsve no money li veuln in come. Tlie snbscribcr hs)ng made srrangemcots tb pro care Genuine Peruvian AND Soluble P acific Gnanos, -AJi WELL AS -B O N E DUST, on Commission, 1 prepared to lurnisu toe same to tbc t armm or 77SDT3P.1T As Cheap as they can possibly can obtain them by order from New Xork He hopes that Firman to need of Fertilizer, will appreciate hie effort to serve incut -y civing nun mil. E. NVE HUTCHINSON. Salisbury, N. C, Sept . 6. 1866 WAtw-tf QsXrXO. Mr. keniiedj , TEN DEH8 HIS sincere than ks to the citkens1 of Sal- ishuryand the surroundina c .ntry for past ruttronaae and respectfully informs them that he has returned from his trip to the moun tains and can he found at Jtia old stand on Main t. , Opposite Murphy's Eow where he is prepared to exeeute all orders for PHOTOGRAPHIC PORTRAITS, in the beat, cheapest and most etpeditious manner, xii CARTES DE VISITE ARE SUPERB. 17 Instructions given in the art, and outfits furnished. Travelling artist, supt.lied with pure Chemicals, Ambrotype Mat t rial, ke:, at a small advanro on Baltimore prices." oct4 1 in $1,500 Ferlfearl we want agent everywhere to sell our improved (20 Sewing Mechinas. Three new kinds Under aa4 upper food. hnt on trial. War ranted five years. Above salary or large commissions paid. The only niaohlnas sold in United State for less than $40, which are fully Hocused by Hove, Wheeler at .Wilson v rover 6 Baker, Stngerm Co., and Baehelaer. AU other ebsap nukchines are infiisuestents and th DtUer or aasrwre habk to arrest, fine ' imprisonment- TUustraUsd circulars aea free. Address, or call on Shaw dc,3ark at Biddeford, Maine, or Chicago, III. N CHEAPER THAN EVEB. MrCI HHlNS FOSTER ft CO., Have received their Fall and Winter Stock ot New Goods, comprising all the latest styles of Dry Goods, Boots and Kboes, lists Caps and Straw Goods, Hardware of all kinds, Coach and Carriage Trimmings, Qneensware, Dregs Medicine aud Dye Stuff's, Faints aud Otis, Upper, Sole, Har ness and Bkirttug Leather, Fine French and American Calf Skiua, Bine and Blast iug Powder, Bagging Htftm and Twiucs, Clover Seed, Iron of all kinds. Blister steel Cast steal, all sises saddle Trees, Hog skins, Harness Mounting, and the best stock of Ready Made Clothing in town. lu fret they keep every thing the people need, and are determined to sell tliem as cheap as the cheapest Go to the old stand, No. 1, Murphy's Grauite Row, if yon want cheap goodV. Salisbury, N. G, O. 6, 1866. tw4w ASSESSOR'S OFFICE, I nilnl States Internal Kn. 6th BISTBICT M0ITH CAtOlIVA, I RALissfRv, Sept. ttd, mm, I TN COMPLIANCE WITH INSTRUC tious from the Cwnmissiunsr ot Internal Revenue. I hereby designate the following pla ce in this district, where aa Assessor or an Assistant- Assessor, and a Collector or a Dep uty Cotleetor will he located on the days re sieetively named, for the pnrpose of weigh ing and appropriately marking under the In ternal Revenue laws, (Act approved. July 13, lri.) ny cotton which may be brought to those several places from the places where the saine was produced, in the same district, vis : SatMbury, StoMsnUe Monday, Wednetiay, and Friday. Concord, Ckarktte Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. China iiroot Harriuhury M nnHay, Wed nesday and Friday Ltneomton Tuesday and Friday. H. H. HKLPKR, tw tf Aeseesor. . MILLINERY Mrs. J. C. CARNCR0SS, IIsW renwved to Bwwu't building oiip site Murphy's Row, on Main St., where she is Constantly receiving from the Northern t itie the newest and handsomest styles ot fancy. Giutd. for Ladies' and Gentlemen. Cull und examine her flue assortment. . . Salisbury, May 18, '66. dtf no!3 GOLD sVeXLVSR, The highest cash price paid for old Silver and Gold Bullion. L. M. DAVIS dc CO. July 10,-86. no75tv& w (Jm. FLLvvVITEIlIIPORTTIO,lS(i(i, ribbon, n I Lll i: K V AM" STRAW GOODS. AiMciinni faf aS JL SA : MiiiiaiiMilU, vatui vvjt L 1MPOBTEB8 AMD JOBBERS OT . IIBBONl, BSMfKBTC, . a aATIN8 yelviti, Bvexts nnrw ntmi, Straw Boanetstfc Ladies' Hats, TRIMMED OKTRIMMEI) SH A K ER HOODS, No. 537 k LqU of 239 Baltimore St., b imnoHK. Tin., OPPBB A BTOOgUltStJRPiSSED IN THB UnKsd 8tataa is rarWrtv ami cheane. Or ders soucitod aad prompt attention given. Sept. 13, 1886. HB Bolting Cloths. We keep eonstantlv on hand the very best bands of Bolting Cloths. MoCUBBIS, FOSTER (k CO, W I) 7 MINING COMPANY, OFFICEBaukina House tfB.enUer, Kelloga d., Greensboro, N. C. OOaers at tfte Oautmmmy t Dirrctobs Peter Adams, E. P. Jwms, H G. Kellogg, Dr. E. N. Hutchison, Junes P. Jones. c.P. MendnhMl, A. . Braatesv, I. H. Rontaahn, Frank P. Qsvauafc, ffM Wluy. , PBKSWEVT-mt.lt ADAMS, Fid Vcndmr-K.eHal P. Jowat ; tMmtt John A. Gilmer; liisniawnism Tisnk P. Cava- uak ; Secretary A. 0. Ureniatrt Traatajrer i , Henry G. Kellogg. Capital Stock $500,000.00 i... Vmi. ..r l r 1. Number sf Shares, . iW.OUO Fifty thvusaad shares reserved by eotnpany for working capital. No shares to be assess ed ! 'lilts company has sssswrfl orer foarteeu thousand acres of mineral lands, situate ia the couiitius of Chatham, Moore, Rocking ham aud Mokes, oa the waters mi Deep aad Dan Rivera, in North Carolina, which abound in plentiful deposits of bituminous coal, copper, iron, salt, and there b every leaaon to bleieve from general aad saifkcc indications, petroleum or mineral oil. The services of two practical aud effi cient men, experienced in boring for oil, and stimulated by a long course of success in Venango county, Pennsylvania, were secured by the company several months since, and they are now on the land, with the requisite force, tools, steam engine, t nulling and machinery, boring a well with very flattering prospects of sueeess. The organisation of this company effected some time since has now been perfected in legal form, by act of incorporation, with a capi tal of $500,000, divided Into 100,000 share of $S each, 950,000 shares of which, or an amount of stock equivalent, par value, to $850,000, have been reserved and set aside for a working capital. an It is well known that a superior article of bituminous coal is now being mined in the Deep river coal region, where a por tion of the lands are situated, and this company owns property known tn bo equal if not superior to auy on which shafts have been sunk. Copper, iron mid salt also abound, mid the attention of capitalist has already been directed to shisection on ac count of its value for the above mineral. . In order to have sufficient means to de velop this valuable property in such a manner as to insure success, the Directors' -have have authorised 1 o,ooo shares of the capital stock to be sold to raise a sulking capital, and subscriptions .for that nuiubci or any part thereof will be received. , j, An opportunity uncommonly favorabl' for i ii vest men t is thus afforded, one advan tage being that all who choose to buy stock under this otter will obtain it upon fur more reasonable terms than can be looked for in a short time, alter the immense value and mineral resources of these lands become known to the public. - "" As there are most favorable reasons far . helix v iug that petroleum will be found at no great depth, and in profitable quanti ties, it would be advisable ifor all who pro pose investing to do so at once, and em bark in an enterprise, which, after the ex ample of the immense profits realised in tiibsc of a similar character hi other Mates gives reasonable assurance of the most luj erativc results. In other States nearly all companies of a similar character have basscd their oper- .. -' at ions upon small tracts of land, in many instances even as small an ereaaa one acre has been deem sufficient, but "The North; Carolina Petroleum and Mining Company'', has secured no less than fourteen thous and acres, (most of, which abound in bit u minnus coal of a rich quality ) acquired at' no little expense, and selected with great care and skill from the choicest mineral lands in the State. ieraiBalv"k has been the ease in JaasL . favorable oil localities that shares have ad vanced in a few days foem $8 or f 5 to $15 20, and even $5, aud prisons of slight means who made small investments, real- ised fortunes. ,.-XjA-A,n-:.. V Actual boring has considerable depth has alses fern raaehed. So far, the prospects of success are fair, and seieutifie men seem to entertain no doubt as to the probability of finding oil. Meverthe less, should the company ultimately mil in get ting oil. of which no fears are entertained, thev are still safe in having secured valuable tracts of Coal, Copper and Salt lands. For further particulars, apply at the office of the Company, in Greensboro', N". C. or to Dr. E. Nye Hutchison, Salisbury, M. Q.i where certificates of stock can ba bought aad pamplet obtaiinnl giving history of the dis covery of oil and other interestina tit interesting intoi FETKB ADAMS. infonna- matiou. 91 Get. 18, 1S6U tw lw Salisbury. Brother and Co., Extensive Manufacturers and Importers of SOLD PLATED iKD O&SGtt MSU , SOUD AND NICKEL ,.,v A AMERICAN, ENGLISH AND BWISB WATCHE8, CASED BT OURSELVES, x And evtry description of -rt I Fancy Goods ami Yankee Notion , Especially alaptad and and Wm a ... r l v estern i nuts. etl il JL WW Hi LIT I . Circulars and mil dnesriptive Pries Lists sent fire. l Agents wanted srervwhere. Address. S A LISUUK V. BBO. dc CO., 41 Dernussa ttreetv T tWsVstsa, R. I. Nov. 3.6S. i . i:.ii.t N. ( ' IV-5.- twfw ofloliw y VP-aw om etOtwl 'V - I-

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