lewis linn, Male Frr y rr. w IT mk a. Mnglr 4 opiru Fit e C cnta VOL, I SALISBURY. B. C THURSDAY EVENING. JANUARY 3, 1867. NUMBER 151 53t- THE OLD NORTH STATE. ITKI-WKKKi-V.1 13- RATES OK SI fn Ut mm, Oh Year. - - .1 r - - . , .. . ' demur the nhacriultua. i mm BBBBBlBao aaaatBr or nmr lo tta J iM"ll anas nwaaat, at . icroMMMlM Mdrtrr mvnMwm. . I i a mnrtt t v ltoWASCvnTV Clarke, te Chilean rnaiM. I la this ana., k We, tola i2Ki 1 THE OLD NORTH STATE. 5' -a- w aiaaVM.. aaaBBBBBMBa which will certainly be c are aaa-raaidi ata af thai Stair, k anf thai pubCrauioa ha umeV far them farf U, lathe OH .Vnr SMr. utdirriua;' sii weeks. ihrtu to aittwar at the aril ill .i 9a?bxr nFaw sanartjawrnrc'. ttinintc resjlt of ndarious pnblica- journal tccni, and M certain! v be c rrectd by I lie , eipcrteaee oi thai trip ta iJ - K . I ? difrinc1 t wr-rrraaaeai raaarr ana uu parry d this cuart aw at Nash rill? mm the twrntv fourth. UT. 1 - - 1 Ia Ma tkaS mm lkv Ma .. ... -" - - , ttaalh tW Wr af ibeir Xackera aarjadirct pro mew. According to the eorrrpotdt-et of the Year Tat k ItcrwH, who accompanies Far all permd teaathaa war attanii Oar Square. KinA inn rtiaa MJaS Kacii iubucat iawrtwu SB Contract rale aw airii4it af mwt a (aarr mnnfW 1 an. 1 5 n. I 4 aHK. 4 mot I Square. 3 Ml 7 Mtt li-u ..Squ'r. 7 30 I) trW .1 1060 14 3m Ira 34tM 4 IS Ml 17 W 9a 4M iCuhu'u 13 m ISM M 4M i " 2flt JIMS t3MI 2TM i turn mm mm j mrn Special Coatraaa arOI he aiaar aalliilaaa ateJkMia- STATtiMr XOCTH r'AROLIXA. Davsmms CMnr. t , tinmen mf tJmmm aaaff faaHkr .wawu, .Wralrr I JL WL Wiaiiaatl 6 jatachaaat li riej aa T OM?p. aaiawl Pfcnwnal Pi nati I j . frt 40funuittaiaa altf'ictma f tiie rvart that II V.aawaw wala. ttm hiu4ant .a ran uaaa a aot aa iHlaMiRine ! ;:iu. Stuff, it u tlir . .-fi.rf irlerej ' . li.. tutira tlutc iiaalaiaMi a W aauat m tta "fMJ North tliai Rm iam in iilim wL anTiAriag the ai J 1- i taai i m Baaa av a aatl apaear at i ' c r next a aBtawaaaat-aaha heM IW ttie nmntr-f Itav.d wmiaCtfarX'aiaB nf in hexinptua aa tlie oecuad aaaf aa fahiaai neaa. law aatl tLare u p!eal. ail ii in n H mill ttMrwi juUtniif nt Nnal will ne rn amli atsuiinC uim aaU the HiertT lersed aa a!4 t to W heU in the Coart II the lith MonJar after the laa aarr law7. thea aaJ there a to rfinilaiaaat a tail, ar I roufeaaa will ha takea at4 tha eaar heard n narte mm i.. then.. I I K K III. VI k l i ll. Sae. It. IMK. (4kpr faaM) Cat ME tW party: 'Worth Oarattam, f lw rrrrr. " ? 1 ; v. Ciajtura OjnrT FaO ut V. Waa thar aa mrmitmm. A Aaari wa p v, hat n. sum J ta tar- rrriuj:atat nam iceiaer, la dm ilea.F. rtl UrakHrrfAeU.r4, the repre- u tliia cr it aiHeanus to the mart tSa' rtIrrr lme J "J l" IVfanaaiita. Jrha Foaler. A. J. ra4rr. iilixA- Win. TV. Ur- dinla' hall ot the ha belli Kurriker aad llearj hlarriker. are a.4 la trl waa eiawmVd ta its wtiait, aad in re ar t ii. .1. It woraVrrd hr thr curt, that pah- vpaaaar a toaat girrw bj tJ. Hkfc , liratiai he made far aiz wrel in the tH4 .a tLL) rair. haaaar tar a"retoralim et th- U I utan and its rtanra, adopted in thin mcttsr Miey have nonelu-eivt-ly rveu lk) IioIIowik-m of ibeir pro ifsa'tKi about a tleairv for tbc early ndjnnt ment of iho trouble between tlie N rth and the Sonlh, and in tbc future the neaajla will The Radical party refuse to admit Son- know exactly whore lliev alainl. The din - therw repreaontativea aaaiuly far the loaaau j aolation of the Radical party hu ihereforo that they fear far their ascendency in Cou-! been greatly accelerated by the develop mm. rfc bare good reason to think, i ment of their new policy. If the present that if they could believe that the Swath- rapidity of their praarrcai shall continue weale aa Sa a waa uuite aaacb kranr, tbey trill reach tha aad of with the Democratic party, and thus re- Mvrc no icnnii payii t j a mw f ' man r who now oppose the admission of the Soatbrra detegates would favor K With regard to negro suffrage, all the par ty wkk whom w - conversed oat tha subject admitted that their individual predilections wi re agnkast it, except in a reatricted farm, bat they advocate k now because of tbeir party eanana, and they are farced to yield their htdiridaal caarrietions to Ike bekesta their rape bsfars tha next I'renUlential elec tion, aad the people will then gfve them notice that their services arc no longer re quired in tbc manageitua: of ibe Qorern meut. N. T. Sum. riaiaai snfll ar.tflurcpvi K. fmrrnua. I'ler4 nf uiiliinirt atof- fli n r.wnuiuu. liie JJ, Mull i lav in Nov. . a.. IHMiv. L t. PKaaTUA9.t-Ie.-k. JUouiwv X KB. i TJkTEW5lrrBrAILIXV, I lhaviHs Vmrsrr. f (CifmrBmf JUhbi awif yaorfer .rtraaaaa. Xotvmbrr i r tmi. .Sat-iiaiiaa. 1 Irtra hMi ut 'erirJ on to adrertiae iWaloitccr tenu tluiu I ourt Niitii'C4 aad Advertiaej at the uual rate Ten line ol' ndid minion trfw. . inch k-nirthwifie uf the eoluutu, Mii;ire. Special Notice-;, in leaded niiiiioii. IT, l "tn- traeted ft rat the offaee. at a.rt lew- tae rate of ordinary MdvcitixrutcifiH. I a -cried a - rradiufr niattar, with the editor", fifty eentx aer linn. . Advert! a'tlicut iuertd imniladTuratt imnr- The rate ca!ovc jinatcd twejuents. i. ..,..- One or two wtutreH. rkunpnaUr at dhanri'tMai. amMiwMh awtrlyiaawd ataeat Jrftailaat t .10 per cent additional. iffnar-janUe aeatWaataf thi coarX tube held kr ilore than I w.. panares. T-tuatpnaMu- at dnanre- wa-iaaaw r, nwaiwu. mux- i ..urt nm in Ij v mi'wii hi tlie -vomit Uitmlar la reUrnarv arxt. thvn .unit tliam to nienili anaawi ar daaaw. "tlii r j jade auctoiihu KUil ttnoeitet.! aCruwt hi at and tlie araaar. i ttie : j at i ' - taiicnjeut aad XurUt Stmtr, a ucripa-r published in Salis bury. North Carolina, atttifvic the said Jeha F. ler, A. J. Foster. Klizahrth Karri ker and Heurr Karriker. aVfandants. to he aad appear St the next term uf thiaeourt toUrheldfca-tbe etamty of Caharras. at the Court line ia t'oataad on the 1 1th Monday after tha lat Mttntlar iu Frlintary lrH7. and aaswrr plaia tilTs bill of caiiplaiat or judgun-ut prw coaa -mi will he taken ajraioKt tbraa. Wit or.. R. U. Allison. Clerk aad Max-r in Kuuit r for the Cuut j 4 Caharras. thr I Ith Moitdav after the last Moadar ia Au-mM i. this 4th IW. 186. K.-W A 1. 1.! - MS. Xo. U ifti. (w6w pr far !) A M I. of their party. They generally arkrMwIedga the difi- Viti I'll lidtst I culties which aurround the tjwastion of rc- Fo-ct said that if the rCtrttfiua of this . eoastrwctmri, admit that there at no hope ereaiag were aa amunatt mf what they j of ratifies tioii by the Southern States of AuuA 1 tkeak-rr the best expvctatioiis the tontituiioiial Amendui. nl, and admit fact. of tfair hosts waaid be realixed. Snuior Wade, a ken called to bis i A t'. V. :: WJ bw ktteutiou at the aaeteraaeajt asst ta snake n speech, and tkwarh fcgjfejk tiaanihniisli i by the leeep tiaa aad shaaid adhere to the reeolation. be must eaadcM an a awast ngreeable sur araar at he i mdmily af the reception. aa beans called for, hat 1 1 arias alii in at tie auexpet - at the hands of the exaariscd I that the ohjeclions to the Territorializing .lu ;n.,,kL i I FlIllWC OttJ MlUWt lUBUjnmwu. 1IUVU I we hanla inter (ram the sentiments of this deJegaimk ikat the scheme Witt not at pres ent be pushed to consummation. All of those who professed to desire to see the existing difficulties settled, attribu ted arnek of the intolerant spirit manifest ed by the North to the intemperate and defiant tone of the Southern Press. In deed it was remarked by one of the party, "that if he could hare control of the Sou- JLBL .IhSlailiBaiB.UfaVaaea sua. at a UtaiaXiM rLucnta . I 'ahi die. and booed far a sprrdr . tilrmrnt of all ditfietiitit s. His tbern press until tb 1st of March, he had rensssks were warmly received. not n doubt that V very thing would be ad- Smatar Lime, aa replyto the call far ! justed to the satisfaction of both sections." him. stated thai civil war bail p.-ed and He also said, that whilst these innamnia pamaeal pmpntv. .uart thar T. Stanrat Pat K the re-ide hrviotd the liai . t ..f thj-t .intn-d kv the I ...lit ikat ullt. in c.s --our HTta xan for . juarr-t, rtunuTeaVae at dBwrn' ten lino. iir even t'luuic - ....in n. er auiwrp 1 weuty-uce ceula. rive uiun- mumuwi ur a ynwrtm-.laiiunnt. and ;.-n -iiiaic- a- a half column. I;.;: I'trrad) rortisinp, w aether by the day e year, wtill She etinddern.l tine and edketahle n: iri-turiai. Hi THE OH-PART. : !rrhip berrttiaiir exi'inpia the towatf t'all aa n . net area W. C. titdart-. V. C rVatrr- aad A. P. K Ur. under thr name and atrle mt V. Uobrrts d Co.. dealer in Jhnic-- ia tbi day di sulved Ity mutual euosent. Ity thr t.-rar- of the diadntaai. all tar risrhu and rfrdM ad Jim- late oVotlrt- d t' "- w Xorth toryarrieW were ezceingly unfavore ip in Ihhlatiua. V. V. tMltEKTS. and Sank rJasaJd natfe, as dad tketr sires, to Southern Interest, yet a fawning syco W. C 1-okTEK. vhase resources were from the same ever- ! pkaney is equally to be deprecated, as h Nov. 14th. J. A.P. Et EEL amrmgffcamtajht Bk.r the hypocrisy of the . .. ... . t, Brian skoutkj always haunt the ! writer and destroys every thing like confi rm Tlie Snl-enler n-turn- ht -tor.-re taAak- r"" - . . . ' ,v , 0 , j.v... .a .i I..., .f . tJ m. tm rU waste. . dence in the statements pat forth. Sneb eonntrv lor tne una nta-raiitv tritn wuw-n tarr t Kx-lioTi-raor tJrasm. at 1 ewnessre. in shared the V. Ko'irrt- d tm 'tfWttttE nniaoiiC to -uCtdy t PAIN KILLER! .V., ::V-!. K. Eferrrmaa. V-k of wd Curt at if! in. I.. . n jtoii. ttie ruiul Vonday ia Xav muaitfr !-t.. Juni It Daw. I. K. PEsaraAV rVrk. have platronized thr late aria W W t .t.. and inn I iwiw. : laJjt .).. n - ..! the atwr to the nrw arm of l.'..! rt- Jc " t Mr tliarle-' X. Itnwn, so aril and favdrahly Lnoaa in thiteoiiiiuiinity a-a dru?pi-t. a itl It.-1 je pna eiplc clerk ill the neltretaWi-diioent. nr. C KOBERTS. SalLxhury. X. t'.. Xov. 17. wdt la Tjgn: ht !st mmi cars lixa. IT IS A BALM tit L VEST WPTXtL Our arxt pli Kiciau nte and rcn:neafl f uite ; the A potlieean finds it ama am toe; taV iu.idi.eine eallttd.far. ami the wltoletculc iMrsci-tt eomidcTa k akiiigartM'le'id'hitrraile. JtlJttllie ' dealer in inodieiue apeak uliae an i'm itapur anal its reputation a - a MEIHCIXEOFfiREAT MF.KfT Al VIRTLK IS FIXLT AI rOC 31 ANKNTLY EST.JUJ3aEI, CtiCXTT. ClwaHtf uf ttrii mut ttmtrtrr .Vtmomt, Xorrm mm Tana, fc&ti. & Holder, PI HP HIKER. rPKN Ihl." Til Kli: SEE V It ESTO Til V. IT! INttiUaa to nil land krni-t uf SaltidMUT and the iirroatfliti' conn- U sp try. Thev hare had m u h ex.Ti.-nee in tie- ha- r ,,,! .nv-, ami w ill nmmntlv etrente all order- --nt i . . " .i - ... 1 " apria aIirna."'li'tH dia'r.. v.. B'te Ht. ir-aala t BiaaaaMi kane f ta them in the uwut Kati'dartorv maimer. Give Maawaaoaaitoato laatoaaltiin asms l.mrt that the i them a trial. Addrew. aatrnawnaa waaaiiin naaa aaraaed; : iti n-iritruv nnnm Saato. Ka ia U sep II- ASM IT J Family Mediciae f tka Agt. ;tg TAKEN IXTEUX ALLY, IF COKES Djfurntern, Chmkm, jj lYuirrhtra and ' Grump -mi r 1'mim as mt .Busmnri, aVmrf . T imymm- M 31 j aj aVsmnj R XwlwmuwrTsaTsMaj Of Zn04ftfimm''SmWC MmXffmmfy Smmm CwfaV, Ckaajfhx, ufa, dV. TAKEN EXTERNALLY, IT CUBES,, Boils, Veioms, Cm, Bruime, Bum, ami ScmUt, OU Smrem, Toothache, ws the Fmet, I, Saatoaaartaaat aalllliiastan --aHUl XmbSi Hum " ton neel. m 'hH.ntlntttK In xftfienr a tiie' neat trna of thr 7 at. lie at... i for Ui etmntv f Uavtdeaa at the , "auiaHrinMi ih Latcaatoa an Uto acruad Hoadar ha f CtdaU at IWtiamrw aa-Ut n.Ureai aaaaat. phadaroe- ; miuita aanaa aad twean.. 1liTVS-lL K- rVrrrra ui. OrrX if aaat eaart at etaaaaaAgaMa aVM atoadaa- am MnaatWi. L. ft. ircaaBa3i,t-ark. t'lctnm ta-Mlle X t ar SjJrra TIIEXoTIs audilaimi of thr firm ttf llr.ot a. Mock are in the baud td l-okc Esq.. far e dl.-eiit.it and as are are in treat weed of money we httpr oar frit-mi - will rail upon Mr. RUrkaarr rtanptly and make a settleinein. Ill ttisrt is ia thee . art house. JOHX . BKmW . .1. M. ( ' iFKIN. ' A. J. MK"K. '' v $Jjsbury. Oct. 9fiV leW. tw-tf AUUbttaUST ftiestr, I ntnjs nmiu. to. aw an n tiiafttataart that the : aati a aa Mijh ai aaaiatotayot-d the haute of thr j ttf Stolnl lata: wttfteaat MamaiBilaat uf 'tar Oliior" aaMaa -"" m '' Idhar awar Ma-' law niiSta af Tahraary next nam ' r, oly. -tat d that he heartily smtisamts exprrsst-d. and did ne lodTsenss thr ethics of the recent eoutnv- trersy derided by arms ; b i be thanked Gad' for peace lie rejoiced to see the 1 rtprts. Bijiivt-a of tke national legislature. The saaae bamrer now ffaated over oar heads;' . Whatever oar diaVrenees Ike feel- j lag nsnst predammsuBt amaug Southern j araaJe was la kre the L'nnm lestored. ' . . . ech waa all tnr agfe Itlibuded. Ilnwant and Ijtlin. Tbomt and Kerr made sptackes tf a similar character, and were anas: kip py in thrireCarts, and greeted with great applause. As appropriate to tins subject, ami pan- m pa. nj mt . s -Mig interest anal pwwwy nwportaiict , we give, tke fallowing extract from a letter in tbc Lvnckkarr Acira, wiittca by its editor, who became accidentally a member : of the travt lling party a portion of the ' distance brtweca Lynckbarg and Bristol ; Ihs ming the spportusiky t o good to be an the views of oar opponents on this urn M ion, and we submit them for what ruey nsny he worth. las! far getting at tke real seatimeaU of belong tk-K- leading Radicals, ke songkt aa in- 4c , traduction, aad coo versed freely wkk them, more particularly wkk' Senator ur . - i v ' a- ? . . e i n i ..i nAVW-im aw wr: a nan timvamui piease rail on sse, ai. atv oaaee, ana seme. ui , . LUKE BLACK MER. j AUIity awl good feeling even towards Oct. 2766. twdew 4w, Statbern Rebels, wkick astonished him Hi arraaal BrarmJs VALTJABIVD FXuaVSVdaJnOaaT far I - . r , . ad. i.. 1 - ' - - - ma. 1 We do not, of coarse, design max any All of tke Naww ami Account ing to the firm of BROWN. COFFIN MOCK, are in my baads for collection. aad all parties indebted to the firm will ..f land. - l J j I.: Thia ia a rere vaeaaUe aad dodraWe kana. rjasciasiaas aaa . ania ""uia.ij; hka. aad QUJ oa the 1 atikia Ktver. a lio nt-.a t Waatf. trv- i report oa laar iwinwinn mrtu m im imvwc enlrea ati ea Xorthare4 foaa Lez astoa aad f rtra un 5,-uiat : vr sarm but rather to give the Pain ia saawaaed ta aralutafaja aaaa aa inevitable aa death, and liable at av.y come upon uh Tlien-fore it i- m imrt remedial agents xbuuld he at faaal Oa ta- aHwdaoJ an emeiiMwy, waea are ass wiair ta aW4 aaea-x I ntwmamnT amajuas mw flueneea of dianaem ' daek a reaaedial asmst rxwto in fUat Mam" Pain-Klller, ttie lame at wmea al' the earth. Aad ta ft. faaad Haw warn uuan afsto ana. the rn-Kfflhflr ttaai tfie jantex, lyij'nwjni ternalir ia eass Call, Oaasfa. atama Saworamr- Clitttera, ftvarmrry. and amn aaTiraiiai. aTahi n ayatam, haa been Wafjr " J j"J2-Vra ataX 1 T CJUMEX Off THE COURT OF n 5-jirj .tt Bjttv.in .ti!::ry, I will idler tlie f.l- iitw.nac azarta of kaud for naaa far partition. nnBiii mi t ansii Hi ,. ... Tawti ; adfidnlhf David Ale Mark a vasaaate rjr artca afexorttrai !f-t BfaaaaJ ja a jraad .t 1 . . T . ..- -.. . ... . of rait vat mm. Taw trimwe la thr rlkaaiaa N tse tf.evj naianamsa of amder circsaastaacea peculiarly re .1 ab aaltaptarr one of tta bet WTtli PtiWFT-0 t rseis of ihc partv ; for, if ike old adage, Bwa 1 , an St. mmn ll-m, Vavatariam mmrm- kmm.'tm-mr a-. R I f ' StovJa. Ttaviataiareawata xrr od. Vlieii V. I ttas, I e lr-, then tlta aaSaiu f.Htd l or further nartealar addrreatVe MtotV ti a XobtU ttrata Salatarr. X. C rttn tf The dominaat party in Congress have earri A Radicalism to such an extreme that the people are now prepared to witness al most any action on their part without evin cing sarprise. The ultra measures of that party at first excited a deep interest ia tke public mind, bat they hav e lately succeed ed oae another so readily, that tbey kave last tbc at tract ion of novelty. Whoa the Constitutional Amendment wax adopted by Congress, the aseasare wax tke subject of gexeral ducasatoa throagkoat tke United States, but bow Congsess is almost daily doing things that are tea times more ul-t-a than tke amendment, and yet the pe - ! pie hardly notice them. The proposition to destroy the Southern States, in a politi cal sense, aad resolve them back into ter ritories, is perhaps the moat remarkable aseasare ever offered in Congress, and yet it has attracted bat little public attention. Tke proposition to imjieai Ii tke Presi dent is a matter of the utmost consequence to tlie country, and yet it excites no gener al interest. The bill which was introduc ed in tke Hons en Tuesday, providing for tke practical overthrow of he State Got eminent of Maryland a State that wes net engaged ia tke rebellion -hardly at tracts notice. And so with tke whole eat alogae of Radical measures. The people seem to bare grown careless and indiffer ent to tke action of Congress, and tbc Rad ical, taking this indifference for tacit ap proval of their cours- , n a stn.kttag every nerve to reach tke perteciioa of ultra ism. It is a matter of regret, of course, that pru dence and judgment spoald thus be east aside by the controlling party in Congn s The robin has been for many years a favorite with sentimental people fat this country, who bare stood betwooa him aad gunshot wounds, aad encouraged the in crease in oar ore hards, until of lata a reac tion has begun against him. Cultivators of vine denounce him as a greedy robber ; orcbardists complain that he baa altogeth er too fine a taste for pears, aad a chorus of farmers declare him a monstrous bom bag, who spoils half a bushel of cherries for every cure alio be swallows. Finally, that eminent philosopher, Josh Billing, speaks of him in these injurious terms : 'The red brestid robbing is a bnrd muchly doted onto by Seminary girls and poits. - t " " Gentlemen farmers also rncurridge the robbing becos he swallercth in sex when he cant get sno or anything else to eat. " Bnt practickle farmers and fruit grow ists begin to dont see it. " I was onct a gentleman farmist. , " I am not so gent il xs I was. u I go in for real farming, making my pile of manoor and raisin things to eat. " I as ted to listen for the robbing's lay and bis evening carol, bnt I found out that he singed only to seduce fa mail robbings, and that where be et five insex he et quarts of cherrio, straw bciries, currents, rastber ries, dad eetrer, and then pitch into the mellerest bartlett pairs. I found that my fruit crop agmad too well with Mr. robbingses crop. u His wobblintr to his femail friend at evening didn't pay for his gobbling choico iruu an nay. And so, my friends, when the sweto red brest gets fat on the eggspensivo pro ducks of northern gardiugr and flocks sou til ward t fill unsentimental pot pies, I bid him adoo witout regret" This will go near to finish the robin, who really deserves no mercy, for he has been sailiug these many years under false colors, he has been trading under a falso name, bat Is a member of another family, aa impadeat i in poster. The Philadelphia Evening Bulletin (rad ical) insists that "the most onerous aad odious of all taxes, the income tax, should be removed. At tke time it was imposed, it was the general understanding that it was essentially temporary, and a year or two would see its end. Its heavy amount , made in a single payment, its inquisitorial nature, and the publicity given to pri vato affairs, all unite to make it On especial sub ject of dislike. It should be the first re pealed, and as many others as possibie should follow after." VAZ.TJAB1S AMI HsOUlUNGHIIX to Kent i r i- i to rent or cacti I mid .;., .,.,.1 ,.'! ,.,...,..,1 I.,- ;1 .. i ., Ti- at t.te . .mil ihw TTrrr Th. nLtttti..a ha atotnt otkh day sf Um4 tfmaxm Aaaaaaa mf'sanaa.. t.a. tirUiaes. -.re-, sprains. utv other eanaes af sufkiiiui. ta mtft prominent wi irtaai mm the day. The mlQiooa af Killer which are firieut proof of hs most skrptiial rertificates kave keen lions who aeas aaed U Sold brail war am ataay Ii nionHi.- mrat saw sua aaaatXa. LUKE BLAt'KMFR. C URHk awfaaa ..prur.1 at a as thr sale is nf the pnrrhasr will be given with in- rt wua aim art av-guma was paten a . h rhampagae at-d other driukabk , ebauid cirtaiaiy kave extracted ibeir real m- .lim.-uts, altbongh picvlously concealed it, can fully ia the iutuost recess. -a of ifceheait. TjtaW rtrhtg aarr obsri ration asstirtdt tl.t m.. di&ta.rt. 1 .-tu.l Miif.oldt d . , o. . a. ..--.-eripetieta ilaaS laaaai aadhHtJ ato i vivas are eatertarnitt 1 1 .ar t.-.ti stnf.uK-u.s . -- j .... imiiai am luiigenr sa tlie basis id i j aaflketegi f lk? Soatfa-rii pinpli, errti 'i0"1 " - Ul mtti idB?arfsffir rfcr jatrttfejrang w&tt&T0?' SUPREME COURT DECI8I0N RE LATIVE TO MILITARY TRIBU NAL": V ASHixfSTox, Dec. 3fc 1 The opinion of the minority delivered by Judge Clmse, and that of the majority by Judge Davis, are published. It is im possible to telctrrauh it entire, and the ar- t gnments are so close that a synopsis would i a.. .O a . a " . ta aau do injustice to the ...learned judges. Tne on I v point, 'in addition to thote already telegraphed, is that Chase niaintaine that Congress can relievo members of the ille gal tribunal from personal responsibility in damages at the bauds of those whom tbey punished. In Judge Davis' elaborate opinion, the following paragraph appears : lie iu never be, ia tbk country of written const it ur ions and laws, with a ju- , that Jt M. E. tw:kwtw F. Ale afSiU'i (WL ia a high state of raltivatioaaud is well adapt ed' ta the raisins; of Cotton. Tobacco, Wheat and Lorn, and m one of ttie mt-M desirable ik sr pn jaaliev s ria places fur.caUivatH.n ia the e.ihty. TV be com r led in ibr dwrlling bonsr.is Urpr and eouimt.li..., ,r- n,.tt lbs prrscat p.f v of er.cnrsionist, I ' " I inrcw aa a ai ana "a wan. aaa-n a-ai iam 'mawaa ajar-. ild by all 4raggaan W . . . TZr 7. , f X. A. Ijpamfa aaj aVaTWaTJawi 1 ' Atxrall aad oth Z "safebTa faw ii 1 1 T lT4aaiw'J mm maaUaas fmrehrsrr be- irriaii5si3t1la gagSa5a L. BLACKMEB, C. M. E. nainrntal gacaVm ia the eonutry Tne Hull has three sets at atones aad at a sti ja-ri.tr mill in every rrapa rt. havias; a kwre eastitm and plraiy d water. I'artirs waaVisaj j to ybtain further iafttrunalaai eaa do sa by eal iaa; ofaa ia Salisburv. or aa Lieut Ward, a aaf the i rsaaiaaa LUKE BLACK MER. Sept. SO, 1868. tw-tf I AGENTS $90 MT tars O. T. GARET. Qay ant in tne euu it may prove to ue lor lUc best. The Radical party are determined t go to the end of their rope, and the a Miner tbey reach that end the better it will be for the country. Tbey claim, it is true, that they hare the cttdtctncnt of all fie Northern State upon t !n ir action, ami tb it the mtj.u ity of th peoul f ivor the K idical prugramawx... Bnt that bt a mis take The people rl. elan d in lb late e tnwt'tm f d e'al rh-pnrrment to interpret them, that Pictilcnt's noli- I anr Chief Magistrate would be so far for- . t I m I t . I . e - - .1 Lv lava ssBig' rfcr iuMIt s t. aid hi m'?m9mw ' """""tiiua, nut tne prr petrol mmm wavy a ww'u r..aiika nmaai.tl !i cxtsi ia a number' rmJ '' lllnl" m a tum,, ............. r,.r,vi.un w f be U: it.d Stales C.M.-rcs. Many ol ,h factions. The Radical leaders ear- . .-. I I I .1 . I . . m I nil "t ia- cm-ci:;mis on i.use iir. lei c -s. 1 ney claimed that the amendment was thrir platlorm, and that nothing more than tie r itific i. tan of ili.t in . ,,. w n. Herdl A ' ibe Stiuthrm State. But aa soon as thev of the United Stales for decision. But received ar. t iW I a e m VCongrcssiotial j even the suggesiwn is iujurfaas to the Ex power, tin y a once discarded tke amend- j ecntive and we dwmiss its further coasid aaent, and "dcclartd a new p-li v. having j era! ion. There is, liierefare, nothing ta for its' tdoect the eomnlete sahversion of! hinder ibis Court from an investigation af the Southern State g iVernmenta. If the j ibe merits iu this controversy. Ami no Radicals had gone into thu elections with j graver questions were yVar coaaidcred by tke latter policy fae platform, it is doubt- this Court, an one which more nearly eon fai if they aoahl have carried half of tke, ms the rights of the Whole people: foe it -. Northern State. It is eerui i, at least, is tke birth right of every A men can citi that tbey would have been great iy crip-1 sea, when cbargad wilh crime, to be tried By tha eamao which tbey kave and panmoeo accoraiy w tarn-, are. it act been from Tads are, tkeim- very geaerally prevalent fa for any af tke Radical os Soa bern soil, .a er: iuii:! ill doabths.- r.f those who ai. to that rxtetit, tsm tare, at least we an jaslifard la autieipatiug good results livai tke experiment. . To aive ear readers some idea af the , vent af the aak ippiikiaaiaaa which pre Va 1 we will aaeatma that several of the saraibers at" Coagress, rnmpmiag the par- tr asaasmt aa tkat a mark larger number v r ed and convicted him, after bis case waa' I. i r Federal Judges with power to de ride it ; ho, b -iug unable to agree on the grave questions involved bad, according to known lab, sent it to the Supreme Court a. n a r- . aVaCaaTaa. Batfat i pfTflafl kw Sm pmty to reatara

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