Or ,. , . - . TZ - . lakjte fca Five caf MJIW18 -nAMEf, KaHtT A Proprietor. H Wea T mmmm!mmmmi' m NUMBER ltf? rw i- m K f aaaa W AJ -.a.' ' ' - 1 Mgg . . . . a M I - "B " I L I Fraa UWanSnjB rmmm. PHILADELPHIA ADTEWTS. FIELD, LANGSTROTH A CO.. FOREIGN A BOM E 8 TIC HARDWARE, GUNS, NO. 446 MARKET ST. English, French, German aa-k.. wtartiaa? this city are invited trntr'" onr which will W oVrr4 as W,w a uy ID the ooaatry . ' . J a- rmwrr prompt and atrtjH "'T.. ... . i.i.-x i i i t r nr... . T. F. LAJidSTROTH W. P. MAISUX. tw 2- ' am . .MJa-MMKiic mini is CHINA. GLASS A QrEENSWARE, Hot. 23 25 Swrf JrMr raw i Riddle, Sherborne & Co, isiuaiaai . t v- a f a? 1 iV. VM IS at. II . flwaala f , a-iur rt STREb T. "awtoilialelDllia. aaaj. tw-l tt. a - (I T.ogers & Chambers, ancy Goods, etc., etc AO. 411 JBartw rrr., Philadrlpbia. . PRITCHARD, a..vrirarTl'Etli lP WHOLESALE- DEALERS IN Hats, Caps, Ita ;iwr Goods, " JTa. 61 iTari 1W (Between Market and Arch.) Philadelphia a'nm IL j. dvcooaa, or stwces .. X- "- with - Foreip Umestie Dry Goods, Hr. 529 Market street, . AfSlVtsaawrre ra-; rHla.AaKa.i lit, iajL. t..naliw- E. MORGAN & Ca. Utra AS1 9 Jforcf 8lmf, Sixtik, OF XOKTH CA Kill-IN A. WITU WHOLESALE DRl G4ilTS, YSSk GUSaS DU-STim A'a- 439 Maricf afreet, paillil.raia. A Holder, M tkl K . DKK THKIB StKVR-EST.1 THE CTTI- j addi anions to oar sanest f r n AXD i enow in Tamo n. aiub. ' TTZ ' r" rmt rra. jas. w. Vbaa. aM Hess. are, aab i w i r I rrtBS 1 laansl ouarilrIPn .dZ) VERTISEM ENTS. TOUTTLB. THENOTK8 aadshums " the arm of Brown, CaB k. Mock are in the hamla ..f Luke rr. Km., f.ir collection Mini M w am Mb of aaoawy we botw our frieui will Mr. UUrkuiir promptly and make Hi iiSm m iu the court house. JUM .N I lIKUVa A, J. M. COFFIN, A I IIIM'K SaJWhnry. Pet, . 1WW. NOTICE TO S -a- - "- AD of the Not-s Tomy for collection, I all parties indebted to the tinn will mm - -SC. ---I -utlli. . fal OD B'. at 111 UUIir, aim r- LVKE BLAOKMKB, fe 97156. twfcw 4w. nSMI nab . r(jiw4f JHantali'm : ta YaJkai tirer. la laia Cooatr. . . . i, ml foiirteea taw ieiw llLBJJl awm tlahi. ewataia about u au-re aftoac. TWstww iNl was oawrauw mnm. Iriwaaawnawtrtr " ter whirhbuaililt'nl I 'f Tl fci iiartr aad conUiiw about nix- i t, WtKrikw toito-. br.l a ua.at.tj tl kVakMaa wf tto tort WATKIt PWfUtS ; -.-i. .. v.,ikin river, ftelow the nean ; Tto toll H int; are naa. - - Mftaakwa aaanaa ute eouor ui uc .h,r, toretoW . ai-tiiiir ixl-r tin- nam and ! m I u. v tl v u k i si is in thf ixok lu- siwe this ay AL4vtnl by u.utul rou- All pemon. .wrnj tne ... risuarare rei-truliy miu-sfi i can K Burke at kia near sum! in Cowan' Brick row. opposite Sprane and settle aj.. Bl'KKE & HARRIS N SALIsVuRY BOOK STORE. THE Satoeriher m cwisUntly ad.linp to tWStekifBtOKSnrtr on haml, all of the latest aaaf beat pnbl'ieatious to lie hail. AH kindsa&aera BOOKS ReTMrwaas, His.iel, BiiramiC4l, nd MiseeUaneiHas works. Blank B.ks, X -te Books,- WnUng papert. Wallpaper, BhaaWAe. . o .i.j. u mil hiittrn Article. ' ' 9 V Gt.njl Pu aato as IdW , l IKE Bookseller. ke. 8aBahaTTX .C(kt 1, ,fi6. " 67.3m ANlMrtit MKsi UA. W EKE BE-ESTAB- bahed Jaaaarj 1866, with Wat. H. Nbave, Masical Director, and Ed. Bv XeaVe, Leadir. This wiD be a permanent and first class Band for North Carolina, if properly esteem ed aad saatained, hy being engaged at all pnnto ia the State, on oeeasbms whj;re ster Ejtoaafa taaawhl ha a aaarked feature- . lloaie Mpwaed aad arranged for any re .luirvt uumber of parts for llriu-s Band, I Itahia UaLTarior or Choral purp.ajea, to Order. Jfsaar for Pmm H B. Doiworth. Moss, Krnt. B.4eford. of N'ew York, warm Pfnoual frieads of Hr. 'eare, seteet and send him all the musie ftr FaaUthat is new, when' mtrin MraHa ud, as well as winning and popular ; for aa4faaeta.awdiu players aad advancl This earefally select aad highly aic.wn.ha auhi as akeaply here, . . . . rm I i ...... V..l. TV-. 1 U aaaaiLal la XeW York. The far-famed IXalworth Band iustrumentt can be got tkroagk Mr. Xeave, tested and ap- "liharv. X. C. April 28. 18(36. tf OR. EDWARD SILL. Cemaiiwion Merchant, IOLI JIBIA, S. C. - BEGS TO I N VKM HIS U i "V" jw-a-ia Itowan. Cabarrns, Iredell, Dane and the - . - .. j a rtl.l V..rth Stntl. I which Iferrbe w atond to .-all Oieland of bis birth.) T 'i. -imE am,,l,i : and aithoueh he ha Hutu in BaTfalTr scaarKed lv the casualties of the ?V i... !ti iw. fc.inna to nerve them in the LZZatitr ofaComimVsU Merchant, in the aale ITattocommoiUties whaterer. such as Flour mmJ M .hLI, aaaaaaaa Va a , llulier, um. " V Gi T a-hwn tar' "lav oe pwaaawj .v- ,.f ata m.nrtet. Mai a lo lur .... . " sr Sr. win lie eWBrfhtty and e an ui I I. tw-tf AX" FLOURING MILL to Rent S AGENT OF COL- I warn to rent Tmr Ej"" ti. aad mill owne.1 ay tne iaie aw.. , aCawT. The jdautation has about 1a Acre- epea mm hhAaaffd aad Cora, aad to a tne "S a u: ) count T. lae aaera par mm . - - dwe,.g ko-se i. Urge .ml " raaawakdky oae .4 the avt la-autiful aau or- Tke aaJ kai tkree arts of stones and U .-l . .. a. r..nntrv aill ia every reaiact. navinpt id oleiilT ol water, raniw - further ni fort nation can do so hy cal laV sa in Sliwurr. .r ..u l-ieov v aroru " - - . mavr lUI. AS 1 I II r ! ,i . l,r.i.liaB. . - iiaa.ii aj a7-aBi ; I - V i. treat to kateare. "aamweffing ajra aw, " mi: OLD NORTH STA' I I Kl H hl -M.i or st'i i hm. printed -eataely aw. aasaa ,,T make It a welc-nae vaStoraa T"- TlT Illlt.l- I. .. . le Jo tain we he cnrac wmvhrf Wrrarv ADVERTISIliCr TwAXSIEXT ura Tor lit rartoilo 1 One Sqoaic. Kiirtia ( uulract laiasaw aw was a ww i m i a mj. i a mi 1 nr. S mji mu S sQt'Asnt, 4 -fi 7JM 1IHNI 13UI aii J". !' ma as ot b ou Hi.r toi- S Qt'AB. I "I N( COL. a ..... - i -1 f will Im. n.a to aUvertiar for a Wnrer tefTaaa W I'ourt Watosi aud a at tin- uaualiaaea MVC aaaaaaaaaw- Ten linen of f"lid minion inch lengthwise ffl Uic in in. '. trartetl fc-r at the oaVe. at "t le the rute of urdiaarr advertii-ne--tv Inarrted an readinr nuOti-r, with a-wim irai a-a T the ilitor. fifty cent" per . ' AdvertSiwment- tnarrtod irrcgn jrir.srsi - i i ........ i vain, . pT It-Ill. aouiie-i-. The rates above printod are far Bseweais. ...... . , w,. MIIM!.. . . Ill ... ,.." W per cent WitiiaL tkn. per Mjtiare of ten laiaa, tor evory fir. .-I'lit. F'tve winnre eathnsted . as. a . . 1. ,lf ' 1:1 antt len n-- . -. a vi niMiic. .u.'"! . . ....nAk.ua I dm-and iidb-rtaMe "in1'1 Bnminf of cnaiaaeraa. a, . 'a stateaateat ha atolan ll.:l a If .reinalaar-a' it was i ti one - o beyond aU doubt that llaaaUT had again indulging ia his fovartl w4 -rfrn and after his return to the a while we were near Washingnw, hl le Andrew Huuter. .at. a- Vire-iuui Senate : Mr. Alex I..- oa-inember of the ii r,t... fttates i j I I . Jldaait relative ol ' r.umunu a. wrc, . r end U-e, ibt ia Jeft rsoa cwmty. wst .1...;. .hak. Iiad leen burned by b r- iui.ii . ...... - T - -- . '-a , ders, only time enough b uig grrtai ar xac A nuaiber of towaa hi the Sew as wefi aa-private tmntry hawaea, had atfaa.. i j l .1 tn.iM. and tbi ac- n irni.i v . ... . . ui .... . . . . iff- - . u k.... b.rth ia aaaa- of COUIIlr owe lece ; the northern papers in and gtoatea over oy '"rr i Lev were recti vd by others 1 uoE came Ifhe oonclusioa tbit stood this mode at wanare aad that it waa time to opes the people of the, North to its ' . 1 ' .4 aaaaalW no example to wa I did not sewn taw a having toore ineri) ;r w.i. tuition than others. , . u . .v " ' t.a.l oM-urrcd within the I try covered by toy eornmand, am brought more imroediatfly to y tion. 1 had often wbo bad been plundered, wm rrlWH-rram " r T5 i atrocious enemies, aawl,waaie mj i j i a. ta. am call for it,-yet ta the a oi their features while fortunes there was a aaaae wj manly sentiment of my not W a - a W U u retri- but ion, wbicn i cotuu St. 111(1. 'I'l., l.avn aulvania- was selected as the rvuliation should be land was orderen to oade and r .-.;lL,.nr aa tbc municipal autboritie We mm mo in ja-gjMgjg currency, ?"tB"1j .......w.n nf the. hoase .. waancal s fWe V ......ii - aad in default of; to lay the town iu ashes, aa retol burning of thooe bouses ana ex ginia, as well aa fortW fa b,;ea baraed m other Soathera written demand to that ea the municipal authorities f formd what aoiuu oc I a l 1 arrtk SL nre or .111""" y 7 , detored to grre tie p-f5 4ortaay l...r-w an t.nntirtUadHy " V - a U.wn b5" ,nk"3 I ' -w o . . " - . iue ium.j - . niena 01 - . " -t m - , aJfrjct, aad opea meTm. m t . - - aaataa aa W AAB.L I . aaaa. rnBaaaBaaaaaBaaaar aaaBEaaaa 'WSaajasnaaa -waaa- aanaaa aaaaaaaaaaataaa aaaaW -tto i ai i i W WMM I a ansa I anal TV aan aaaaaaww i - ' " ai I aaai. taw-aaV iZL -JHaB raaaK pU ofother few at TV - i i - tat . mi - . i iimb Ufl uuuu a V aaaaanwau aa asaa. awaapa t w I r w i waBaaaaaaaaw aaamaaaaa - lawawASataL wfcfe) "Taesv-V i foa " M JjlJ SCfWaiaFi m m w V1 jswiaffaaf- wrlrr wVi ai ai k t wna aaaa . I ana. k iy wife" htiatheta! Say it amy way the little sentence has a world of My wife that de- ta cherah. I nen toe aaaa 1 ipaaiea for eternity. I don't body to caJl her lady a lady iwhlear fSSCS aaaa rather aorly at first ; he haaaiia her Ian, and wheat she walks aloae to ha a seeanadary II Tl liilHi wkk jlto Tsaavthehefl for sapper ! how I tT7. of this. of re- the It! cat smnerir, The am m -J1 - that k eant only be en- .a, hands atnl The art of drfence aw'cawiwd to alack paaasitr the : eatrano Pis." ur cirraUr wio- aaraating with the 1 I a BUl the broth, might assailant, and re W, ssarenva-r ami tin- Tie asaa af the brew can felly taken hy the laavaar. Aartfther caverm, it I (ha hast aintT has heew dha Fsaaiaaae da TVrraa, io Uat naaa-t yet a-nla 1 wa the 1" j saaa a.i.a. . - siim! (leatlemen I IVatpW who Naal the papers regvlnrlr, &o Lj'iiTrin" aja if a wm with some edi- ki a toattoraf aeea-Ky, lf 7 woof khwi lltiJMi "f,,0T" v"J7 13! JuataowlfoeL ' avrself uaasiitorshlT your debtor ; first, - - MJ:..-aJ of Ike ZOin mai., or i ILirmitv. in particular, and Zji jl - 1 tl..-i a IJISMayl aaj. dreaai'haaae; and & ?. 7 Ira t bin of "Senex," Whfch I road afead la a elect circle with inV kare beet bv toot plain edacatioo I, for one, felt eaa- af w a aaaed, ttad resoltnnr at once to turn or al aww kaf la my doaetie admrnistra- j evening, wna w aUow bit Tounreat hoy more than three lamps ol sugar in oa V - ' ... mmmw iksHI ta IMlt a i ttto eontry who doe not aecruuy taaaam i .v.. JLitmA talk to Barents. 1 , woaldgiva the public just such lecture, free gratis, every we. TW are topics in ulf wen, ano savu aaw ild men (ana women) - akea heard these day, um ua sen (and women) were a little, just a little toss conspicuous ana modest, whjfct a blessing it would be to our late beloved country a cane. Excaae an old woman's garrulity, bat I Me your merchants are selling off at cost, or thereabouts Allow mc to suggest to them the policy, of annexing the prices of soaae of their good in their advertisements. We country people would like to know jmP) how far a little money will go. Say, I hoao twenty dollars to low- m ealico, thread or shirting. I have two or three neighbors also amiably disposed to the same amount . We read the Senikfci eoaree. Everybody -vvW "J? Tucker's announcement with deep emotion. We read Mr. Cooke's oard, ud, Jr aoa tra, Mr. Creeeh'a. Our lmagtnauons oo-JZ- excited with the hope of enriching oanetve, ww way or another, among When the-t-T- tail orn, yww t people, &c, Arc, &e. Well k,k aoriooa. we murht often send m eoniaaaiatona to your city, if we deeM redaction, I.t wooM hattlde money we hare abroad, liat about prices. Isn't ft the ladle will buy ? thtaL TlaMhnlwaya something needed atosnalyyoa Xnow. iu the war has made us tevenen on urn horamod ttoae set nee, oy aiuaiiug 1, to ualam impressible ladies, that it -. . mm a atnrk of e as wen to " 6TV ST ur 1 .ka..t;,,a- on band. that "I natare. This very week I sent three la dies out buying up all the sewing cotton k-. U W telW them I had no doubt the priee wonM soon rise, the "Sea Island eWtoL: short. It i. a feet, I kavw-ol keeai able to got a "No. 60 fjoat ' smoa. What does Mr. Rooenbaum ak for oot- Tan peioniye, I am not eoiieeraed a to the price of dress goods, a suit of sackcloth taraed ap with ashes, is most appropriate fer the times, aad would oertainly suit m i imi-a AN OIJ) WOMAN, EtmrACT or Osiohs A writerjmyft of standing, which may t tiT irn-hh hrinrf ifaafn (arTI IV CU!ixj y K lavaa wa a. - Ito- eoock cause sleepless nigh to by eon- JkTttinn m the throat, and a strong Tn... I nroianaUl haa baptt tried hy me, and recommended by me with. g.-J result, which is simply o tane inio the stomach betere rrtrring lor the i ar-ee af raw mfon, after chewing. This esentont in aTiaaUaxe stato w very beat iag. and eolleeto the waters from the lunp and throat, causing immcdiato relksf to the pUK llt." . . . - , An aged German forest k'Pf. mm the verge of daath, has pa Mashed a - wv-t care fir kydropbobia, whieh he say ' a" a. i wi'tlr sueceas for fifty years, U lar . m aajriu- many men and animals front a hor-ribV.-ath. The wound wust bebathrd as eooa as paible with warm me gar and WAler.Jawd athe" lu nas dried, a few drop 1 j sd atariatie acid poured upon tne 'Ji at xima tba noiaon of salver, aaJ re- . ! 3 .1 uiUt frnai dans-i-r. Tbia l ' -' . 1 ,1.111 im 1.1 me a 1 ww 1 appears io the Leipatc .atsekdil. i j Am vj 9 antsa!3: ii SaTTi- P Give JTKF. BLACK MER. BLAfSHritX awawaaasaa, 1865. tw-M 7 Agent. l m a - -.

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