£,EWII^ Editor & Proprietor. VOL L “The Old .ITorth State Forerer.”—(xasfon. SAT.TSBURY. C.. TflUR^Y, FEBRUARY 14. 1867. Singrle C^pies^iTe Cents NUMB^ 169 PHILADELPHIA ADrEli'TS. imD,” langstroYh & co., mP-DETSES A BEimS IN AD VEIITISEMENTS. F 0 IIEIG X «t D 0 M E S T IC HARDWARE, CTJTIiERY, aXJNS, etc., EO. 440 :MATtKET ST. p IT 11. A1) i: I. V n IA . UJe are constantly receiving addi- (lilioii.s to oiir stock from English, French, German AND American Manufacturers. Merchants visitiiic: this city an- invitcl to ♦‘xaiiiinc onr .£.cnc?.T:.:3"T or oooo" ww' M'liich will 1m* ofl’crcd as low as any huns* in the country. Orders irill rrrrirc prompf (ntd ctirejuJ (ifli’itlill)/ 'i i;i:n. ViFJ.i), 'r. F. LANdSTRriTlI AV. F. MAI.sox. Sept. 21, 1S(‘i:. tw—2m ^ IJ^ Ti Altil 9 s, wnn ALIiS:N'^dlL BB.OTIISR, IMI*IO!TKItS AM> W 111 il,i:s A IK PKAKKIISIN ('HINA, til,ASS.turi'K.NSWAliE. AVs. 2.‘> -■'> Sniillt Fonrih Sfrci f, (I’.ct WCI'II M;irkt t ;illil t 'lic^itlllit Sts.) AjKoin.i-; N Ai.i,i;.\. 'riiKo. m. ai,li;n'. I j~ /’nrsia'i;ci (.'i.as- a>.i:v(v. — C ln^s o/icti or I>3* tbe I’icka;.'.*, at .Maiiurac :in.-r> I’riccs. s.‘[aA;()-.3iii. ! N otice to sbttm.-thenotes accounts, and claims of the firm of Brown, Coffin 6c Mock are in the hands of Luke Blackmer, Esq., for collection and as we are in great need if tnoney we hope our friends will call upon Mr. Blackmer promjitlY and make a settlement. His office is in the court house. JOHN I). BROWN, ■ a J. M. COFFIN, A. .J. MOCK. Sa/irI»Tjrv, Oct* SO. JdlJO. tw—tf ^^ % I NOTICE TO SETTLE. All of tlie Xot'^s and Accounts belong ing to the firm of BKOWX, COFFIN & ^lOCK, arc in my hands for collection, and till jnirtios indebted to the firm will please call on me, at iny office, and settle. LUKE BLACKMER. Oct. 27,’GG. tAV&Av 4w. Y-ALUABIiE FLAHTTATZOK for ' Sale.---For sale a yn}iiiiltlc PlanfafioD lyinir on the X'ailkin iiiver, in l>avilson Coimtv. sev enteen miles .Vortlnvesl fVmn Le-Niniilon. and I'oni teen miles Snntliwe.'t Irom Salem, contains about 340 acres oflaml. This is a very valuable and ilesirable farm, lyinir immediately on the river whi. h bounds it on the Sonlliside for nearly one mile, and (amtains about six ty ai res ofexi-elleiit bottom, besiiles a quantity of the bet upland in a cood state of cultivation. '1 here is also on the jdaee one (d’tla? be>t \\ ATKl! P()\\ICI!S to Ik* met with on the A adkin rivt'r. below tiie iJean Shoals. 'I'he im|provements are pood. for further particulars aihlress the editor ofthe )i.i) -Voin n Statk, Salisbnrv. X. octlG—tf TilSSOIiUTIOM'.-Tiii-: coi>aktm:u 4-' ship In retorore existing under tin* name and firm of lli KKi: A Haukisox in the hook hii- siness, i.s this day dissolved hy mutual con sent. All jiersons owing tin* said Burke and Har rison ar* r(*s]ie(*tfiilly r(*ipn*steil to call on ,1. K. Burke at his new stand in Cowan’s Bri(*k row, opjiosite S||ragm* Bros., atid settle up. BURKE & HARR I SOX. 0(*t 1.7. ISGG. tw-2m. THE OLD NORTH STATE. ITRI-WEEKLY.] jrJ-'R'XtES OF SUBSCRIPTION. =C5 TERMS—CASH IN ADVANCE. Weekly, THE STAT LAW. One Year Si.x Months, One Month, [WEEKLY.] .'ee kty paper, One Tear, “ “ Six months, - - 1.50 “ “ Ten cojiie-s One Year, • 2*2.00 “ “ Twenty copies, One Year, 40.00 A cross 1*^ on the paper indicates tlie expiration of tlie subscription xN act to change the jurisdiction OF THE COURTS AND THE RULES OF pleading THEREIN". ‘'^Ec. 1. Be if enacted hy the General As- ofthe State of North Carolina and sVm. i ^ hereby enacted hy the authority of the 75 cts. \-amc^ That all warrant.s issued by a Jiis- jeo of the Peace in civil cases, shall not cturnable xvitliin twelve months after ?5.00 'd.ico J Ip ^ ' ^te execution of the same, before some Justice of I^eace for the county. > Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the jurisdittiou of Justices of the Peace shall The type\)n which the “ Old Noktu St .ate.” is extend‘:o ouo hundred dollars, principal [)nnted is entirely ne w. No i)ains will be .spared to j^.,(-„ev, Ill all bonds, bills, promissory liotes make It a weltome visitor to every tamil)*. In oroer •* J i ’ a i • to do this we have engaged the .services of able and 01* accounts Stated, and shall extend tO SIX- accomplished literary contribntoi.s. ADVERTISING RATES. TRANSIENT RATES For all ]ioriods less than one mouth )ne SijiKire. First insertion $1.00 Each subsequent insertion 50 Contract lutes for periods of one to four months. THE J AS. J NO. w, u. Ii KKBoRNK, .1. FUTUKY ^ U . UAI.VIN .Mini, MOUHK. Riddle, Sherborne Co, IMl'Oin'EllS AM) AVlloLFSALF l)i:ALFR>i IX Foreign Sc Doi]i(‘stir Dry (ioods. 4M. 1BK /■;r stukkt, (Below Fifth. A* 4.33 Merchant Mreet. ■epl. 20, IStiCi. tw-lm i. U. UKSS, T. M. BOUEUS, D. W. CU AMUKH.s. .NOlil.K S.MITII. Hess, Rogers & Chambers, IMfoUTLlIS AM) .tomiKHS OF S0D13P.T, ©L0Y3S, Fancy Goods, etc., etc. No. 411 Marhrf street, PliiSadelpliaa. •eptOO, lH(')r). tw-Gm G. F. PRITCHARD, WITH 7AZIHA3M[& WOIIK. IMFOltTKlls, .mam FAl’Tfni'.llS AM) WJJULESALE DEALEBS IN Hats, rap.'^. Furs & Straw (Joods, No. 71 Niirfh 'I'hird strict, (Bt*tU(*cn -Market and .4reh.) P li i I a fi e I |» li i :i . WM, M. FAltllAM. 2!01>T. 1). WOllK. Sept.2tl, ISGG. tw-6m mmm 4> ■ ,,r s roKF.s Co., X.' c. avith Hood, ltoonl>i*B;L;lit X Co., » n t *I.K M.v: I»i: Al.KBr*? IS Foreign Sc Dint's!ic Dry Goods, I No. -')2'.> Miirl.rf street, St.) KT 1* 11 1 l. .V d i: l f 111 .V, s*‘pl *20, l.SGti. tw—Gill BOOK STBRE. THE Stibserihor is constantly ailding to tin* .Slock of B( )OKS now on hand, all ut tin* latest and best jnihlieations to he had. All kinds and grades of SCHOOL BOOKS. Ridigioiis, Historical, Biogra))liicab and Mi seel bin eons works. Blank Books, Xot»* Books, Writing pap(*rs, W.ill })ap*r. Slntdes, Ac. Sfufionrry and Fancy Artietes, For sale as low as possible, at my New Stand in Cowan’sBriek Row, opjnisitc* Sjuagne Bros. J. K. BURKE, Bookseller, 6cc. Salisbnrv, X. C., Oct. IS, ’GG. G/.Bm ^ ty dollars principal money, upon accounts ■ for goodt, ware.s and merchandise sold and delivered or for tvork and labor done, or ’ for sjtecifiC articles, and all balances of six- , tv dollars and under, due on such last j mentioned debts or demands, and on all jmlgments rendered therein, and on all forfeitures and penalties not exceeding one hundred d tllars: Brorided, That this section shah not be construed to take from the Courts tie jurisdiction incases of less than one linndred dollars, upon which writs have been i-ssned prior to the ratification of this act. , Sec. 3. Tie it further enacted. That all ' tvarranbs issued by a Justice of the Peace, for any debt or demand within his juris diction, according to the provisions of the ^ above section : Trorided, That said debt S))ecial N()li(*os, in leaded ininidii, will be emv or demand is due upon any contract, whe- tracted-rm* at the (duce, at not less than doiihli* tlicr bv bond or note or liquidated account, 1 .MO. 1 2 MO. 1 3 MO. 4 MO. G MO* 1 SQr.tllE, So (»0 s8 50 $1*2.00 $'5.00 $*20.00 •2 SqCAllK.S, 7 50 13 00 17.00 21 00 27.00 3 .sqi'Aims. 10 00 IGOO 21 00 2(v00 34 (10 4 sqi AiiEs, 1*2 00 IS 00 *23.00 2S 00 37 00 gUAi:. CGL. 13 00 10.00 *24 00 20 00 3S 50 n.M.K cn.. 20.00 27,00 3300 3S 00 44 OU 3 Qf.ti;. cm.. 2.5.00 .33 00 40 00 45 00 50 00 ONE COL. .30 00 4*2 00 .5*2 00 GO 00 70.00 Fpeci.il Contracts will be nmde with those who deshe to advertise fora longer term than four months. Court Notices and Advertisements will be charged atllie iisiuilrates. T*n lin(*s of solid minion type, or about ouo inch b*nirtiiwisc* of the coliimu, constitute a the plantifT shsill be entitled to Jndgmctit and execution for said installment: Provi ded hotcever, any debtor tendering or pay ing to hia creditor on any debt contracted prior to the first day of May A. D. 1865, the one tenth of his indebtedness without a'suit having been brought on the same, the said one tenth shall be entered as a credit on the evidences of said indebted ness ; thereafter the remainder of said in debtedness .shall not be sued on for twelve months after the payment or tender of said one-tenth. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted. That so much of the ordinance of the Convention, passed on the 23d of June 1866, as shall come in conflict with this act, together with all other laws coming in conflict with the same, be, and the same are hereby re pealed. Sec. 8. Beit further enacted. That the time elapsed or elapsing from the twentieth day of May, 1861, until the first day of January 1870, shall not be counted so as to bar actions, or suits, or to presume sat isfaction or abandonment of rights. Sec 9. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its rati fication. G-reely on the Situation. The subjoined letter from the Philoso pher of the Tribune so exactly sustains our position ill regard to reconstruction that we give it jdace : Tribune Office, X. Y., .Tan. 5. My Dear Sir : Yours of the 27th ult., has but just rc.ached me. I have In a work just Domencch gives a Mexican Court. He^ new privy conncilmai^ dine with theEmperorl greatest robber in the emj ply; ‘die ‘annexed’ last which ought to be in the kbbe asion one Jj'eek jublic On another orderly offio to Gen. Ahbe. “ marked a Mexican at the galleys, and is un.f T-. Itraiii!!) Banff, AND OKCllESd'RA, WERE RE-E8TAB- lisheil .Tamiary IStit), with Wm. H. X"e.\ve, Mu.-^ical l)in*(‘t)r, ami Ed. II. Xe.vve, Loader. Tins will be a ]ierman(*ut and first class Baud for Xortb Carolina, if properly fssteem- ed arui sustaim*d, by being engaged at all jioiiits in tbe Suite, on occasions where ster ling music sboiibl be a marked feature. Music compos*d and arranged for any re- ipiired number of parts for Brass Band. Orches tral. Farlor or Choral jiurposes, to order. Music fir Piano—II. B. Dodwortb, Moss, Kent, Botsford, of New York, warm ))(*rsonal friends of Mr. Xeave, sidect and s(*n(l him all tbe music for Piano that is new, wb(*n intrin- ' sicallv good, as well as winning and popular; for bi*ginners, meilium play(*rs and advanced mnsieians. This carefully select and bigblv apjiroved music, will be sold as cbeajily here, as the mixed aiiicb* is retailed in New York. 'I'be far-famed Dodwortb Band instruments can be got tbrougb .Mr. Xeave, tested and ap proved, Salisbury, X. C., April 28, 18GG, tf Fchah. e. MOUOAV. *r y . B. la i K. AI.HEUT CAIiVIN. E, n . KI.KINTON. CHARLES E. MORGAN & Co., JMl'oRlEUS AND .tOllRF.RS OF DRY GOODS. 519 Marie! f^tnet, oehitc ^ixih, ffBo FhiS.'xlf'lpliia. sept 20. tSGG. W BE ELEA, OF NitliTll (WEDEIN A. WITH James Palmer Sc Co., tw-3in tbe rati* of ordinary adv(*rtis(*m(*iits. inserted as reading uialter, with approval o the editors, tifty C(*uts p(*r liui*. Advertisements inserti*d iiTegularly, or at inter vals, 2') per cent, additional. . The rates above printed are for standing adver- ti*ements. One m* t'vvo sijnares, cbang(‘uble at diseretioii. 10 per eeiit. additional. More than two s'quares, cbangeablo at disen*- tion. jier square of ten lines, for every change, tw(*iiiy-llve e(*nts Five squares estimated as a qnart(*r colmnn, . and ten squares as a half column. Hills tbrad-; tliey , may have twelve months longer to verlising, whether by the day or year, will la ci)nsi(lercd dm* ami ->ll‘ iiinii. .m iiri‘.-i‘iit.iiii'p (b*iciidant or thdeiulants shall pay one fifth ofthe princioal, interest aiul costs, he,she, months longer or any parol agreement made or entered into, and due, jirior to the 1st day of May 1865, shall not be returnable for trial, within twelve months after the execution of the same, and at the return of the same, if the defendant or defendants shall pay to the plaintiff, his agent or attorney or to the officer executing the Avarrant, one tenth of the priiiciiial and interest, and all costs that may have accrued thereon, he, she or y, may have twelve months longer to idead, ‘it the end of .vhich time being again I time and place of trial, if the treaaur^ ■••e BmperorV 0 aid-de-camp nfed out to the 5 tins rank,” i*©. ^nt three years ented lobhcrs in Mexico.” The dressing rooms, at tlie court hall.*j, are invariably rilled of their contents, and ladies, after dancing vainly sought their shawls, cloaks, etc. A hall was given by the French offi cers after their entrance into Mexico, when the guests cut off the gold fringes and tas sels which adorned the velvet curtains of the ball room. Interesting State of Affairs in Idaho Territoky.—TJie members of the Legislature of Idaho Territory hav'e refus ed to take the oath prescribed by law, and consequently the Secretary of the Terri tory’ refuses to pay them their claims. It is reported that a majority’ of these legis lators formerly’ belonged to the Confeder ate ariny^ under General Price, and they’ now threaten to seize by force the funds of the Territory. Gov’. Ihil- lard called upon Uol. Sinclair, in command at Fort Boise, to protect 'he Secretary’ and the Territorial fnud.s Col. Sinclair imrae- I have been j fi'^tcly’ dispatvhed fifty’ men, tinder Lieut, long absent at the West, and only return- 1 fL*een, bad all bis men put under arms, ed this morning, meantime y’ou have doubt- j mounted extra gnus at tbe fort, less seen some of the articles and letters I “ Z Bear the Passing Bell.” BY PARK BENJAMIN. I hoar the (lapsing bell! Another soul, it say.-;, has gone from earth, Another soul has had immortal birth. This deep and solemn knell Is dirge and requiem to a dear one dead. For whom tears, bitter tears are vainly shed. No more—it speaks—No more Shall he be seen among yota; through the glooui Of these last rites he passes to the tomb, Fpon tbe sib*nt shore Of an ett*rnal laud, beyond the sea Of life, bis homo must henceforth ever be. lie is familiar now With the grand mystery—and he surveys Truth in the brightness of its perfect blaze. Then pile upon bis brow The valley clods, and leave bis mined form "Wbero the wind wails and beats tbe wintry storm To him will come no harm, For bis immortal part survives and dwells Beyond the grave’s gloom and tbe toll of bells, llis is the dt*atbless ebarm : No pains can wring, no griefs his peace molest. His'.s tbe a;.snranee of perennial rest. Then strike the passing bell. j or they’ shall have twelve to ])Iead, at the end of wdiich time, if the ! defendent or defendants shall pay one half ; of the residue of said claim, he, she, or j they shall have twelve months longer to I plead, at the end of which time the plain- I tiff shall have judgment for the remainder : I Provided, That executions on justices’judg ments on debts contracted prior to May 1st, 1865, already rendered, shall be stayed for twelve months from tbe date of the rati fication of this act. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That on all debts contracted since tbe first day of ]\Iay, 1865, and all warrants issuing for the same, shall be returned and tried ac cording to the provisions of the Revised Code, chapter sixty-two, (62) and the re medy in all such cases shall be the same as in 1860. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That all writs in actions of debt,|covenant, assump sit or account, issued to Fall Term, 1866, or Spring Term, 1867, of the Superior Court, shall be returnable to Spring Term, 1868, and all of said actions now pending ill the Superior Court shall be continued to Spring Term, 1868: Provided, That have written bearing on the great topic. 11 my judgment yonr people begin at the wrong end. You borrow needless trouble Beware.—The tariff' bill has gone to tbe House. It is, as have been shown br exact figures, one of the most oppressive As to the tomb, with slowly mca.surcd tread, the Sheriff shall not be allowed in any ye reverently bear his honored head. And sav, with thee ’tis well Forevermore, onr brother ! tbongk wo pay IVitb liniken hearts these* last rites to thy elav. Extension of the “Vyestern Coalfields Railroad. The Senior FXlitor of tbe 1 ayettevilb; Ncirs lia.s lately been on a vi.-^it to Greens boro’, in this State, and appears to be wi 11 pleased w ith the appearance of things in general and particular, and no doubt just ly, with the good people of that ancient town. In writing to the 2\eics irom DR. EDWARD SILL, C'oiiiiiiiK!»>ioii ^lerehaiit, (OLUAIBIA, S. C. B F(;8 to inform 1118 MANY OLD Friends in llowan, Oaliarrus. Ired(*ll, Davii* and tin* adjoiiiiiig i*ouiities in tin* Old North State, (wliicli as'ever, lie is proud to call tbe land of bis birth.) that he is >tillin (’olumbia : and tiltlmugh he has been dreadfully seourged by tbe casualties ofthe late war, be will be b:ipi»y to serve them in tbe eaiiaeiiy of a Commission Mrrebant, in tbe sale ol’any ofthe i*ommodilii*s whatever, such as Flour l>aeou, Lard, l)Utti*r, Coin. M hGky , ( otton 7 am j ^ ot the 1st inst., .a.iid Siiriii Tobaci-o. etc., wbuli tln*y may be pl(*asc*d to eu ] . A.i trust to bis care. Any infoniiatiou as to tbe >tat either in selling or buying liromiitly given, ttrt. I'^tii). pb*i of tbe market. i\Ir. iMyrover says “1 have seen a great manv WIIOLK.'^ALF DRFGGIETS, AMI nKAI.KllS IN inivTC r.i tw. iivf'-'i ROpt •20 No. 439 ?Iarlet sired, i» 1111. .\ u ii: 1.1» 111 \ isGt; Blackburn Sc Holder, fllENDER THEIR SKUVICESTO THE CITI- -9- zeiis of Salisbury and tbe surrounding conii- trv. They have bad m neb experience in the bu siness, anil will (iroiiqitly execute all orders sent to them in the most satislaetory manner, (jive them n trial. Address, HLACKHFRN A* HOLDER, t'lcmmousville N C.. or Salem ‘ VALUABLE PLAUTATZOn FLOTIHING MILL to Rent. A.*4 AGENT (>E COE. CEo. T. BARNES. , ^ I wish to rent For Cash, tbe plant;i- tioii and mill owned b y tbe late Br. Sami. , IZerr. ’fbe [ilamatiou bus about { 1000 Ai'ret^ oi* open land, in a high state of enltivatioii titid is well adapt ed to tbe raising of Cotton, Tobacco, Wheat ! and Corn, and is one of tbe most desirable j places for eultivjitiou in tbe county. Tbe tw—Gm ,(welling bouse is large and coniinodious. sur rounded by one of tbe most Iieautifnl and or namental gardens in the country Tbe mill has three sets of stones and is a siqierior mill in every res(iiet, having a large custom and pleiiiy of water. Parties wishing to obtain further information can do so bycal- ing on me in .Salisbury, or oii Lieut. M'ardeii uu tbe (ifemises. LUKE BLACKMER, Sept. 20, 1806. tw-tf Agent. . will be eheerfnlly and j nearly all, of the leading citizens LDW AKD j place, and I am very much pleased I them. They arc just as good peo them. They arc just as can be found anywhere in the world perhaps citizens ot tin* with peoj'le 3s case to levy execution before the first day of .January succeeding the rendition of judgment. 8ec. 6. Be it further enacted, That all writs in debt, covenant, assumpsit or ac count, shall be returnable to Spring Term of the Superior Court, and shall be served at least thirty days (Sundays included) before the return day. If during the re turn term, the defendant pay to the plain tiff, or into Court for his use, one tenth of the debt or demand (principal and interest) and all costs to that time, he shall be al lowed until next Term to plead. At the Term should the defendant pay to tbe plaintiff, or into Court for his use, oiic-fiftli of the residue and costs, he shall be allowed until tliesucceedingSpring Term to plead at tbe said Spring Term ; concerning your relations with the Feder- unequal revenue bills ever devised. It al Government. Your first and great con cern is peace and good will among yonr own people. Make the great mass of Geor gians, whether loyal or once rebel, white or black, contented harmonious and kindly towards each other, and need not care what is done or left undone at Washington.— Hence go to work, every m.an, woman and child of you, and grow at least twice the cotton and com, and put up twice the meat you did last year, and let Congress do its worse acts, ivait and take its own time for it. I speak from the depths of a hearty good will. Pray try to he able to write me soon that almost every one in Georgia is hard at work, determined to live and let live, and conceding to every one else a perfect equality of rights. Yours very re spectfully, HORACE GREELEY. To H. D. Capers, Esq., Sandersville. to lays exceedingly heavy burden upon the articles consumed hy the poor and the workingman, and their wives and children, and favors the rich in every way. We once more warn members of the House of Representatives not to vote for this hill un less they are sure that it will be defeated. If it becomes a law and goes into opera tion, it will, aa it ought to, kill politically every man who votes for it. N. Y. Post (Itep.) The Xew Orleans correspondent of a X. York paper says : “ It is understood that, if the Legislature passes the bill for the new Constitution over the veto of Got. AVelhs, lie will issue a proclamation de claring the convention of 64 legal, and re assembling it. The radicals are organi zing the grand army of the republic all over the State, and a conflict between the radicals and ex-Coufederates is not im probable.” Spring "Wheat.—We are requested to say that the Commissioner of agriculture Union Leagues in the South* The secret bodies, if we are believe an editorial statement in the j of the United States, has received a large New York Evening Post, are much ! quantity of the celebrated Amantaka more generally and thoronghly organized j (^pri”}?) (Idessa, Russia, im- ] , ! iiortcd hy the Department for distribution "ined. lliat paper * s r . than is generally ima says : There are now secrect leagues of Union among tlie agriculturalists of such sectioni of the country as successfully cultivate grain spring wheat J'he w’ciglit of this men in every Southern State, thoroughly | jg about sixty-five pounds, and its superi- o.ganized; South Carolina has more than j ority has been tested during the past sea- aihundred such leagues of white and black | sou on the experimental farm of the De- Unionists ; in Alabama the league num-1 partment. It will he distributed with the hers over 18,000 white Unionists alone, without counting the blacks, who, though in separate lodges, are in closo commun ion with the whites. All over the South ern States, in every city, town and and neighborhood, this league is organized and has its lodges. The powerful organiza tion has prepared the Union people to act together; it needs only now that Con gress shall give them the opportunity to act, and that they shall have the couuteii- aiiee and help of the Republican party of tho Northern States. The help mu.st be given not only hy Congress, but, when that has prescribed manner of reconstruction, the Republican party should call and hold mass conven tions in all the Sonthern States, and tints call out ehe Unionists there white and black complete their organization by a public show of their strength, and give them the dionld tlm defendant pay to the plaintiff; moral support of its presence ami power. 1 hey j,,jQ Court for his use, one half of the ^ We trust this duty will not he neglected. with residue, he sh.ill be allowed until the sue- ' wlioni 1 liavc fallen in any where else, of ceeiliiig Spring Term to plead: Provided \ Secretary Stanton ha.s tran.-mitted ' onr people—modest, friendly, nnassaniing |/(oieceo*, the plantiff if reijuired shall file ' to the United .States Senate a cojiy ofthe and sincere. They are undoubtedly in his debt or demand in writing, and if the report of ^lajor fJciieral ilson, ot the ' eanicr'-t here in regard to building our road, defendant shall inaki; oath tli.it the whole , capture of Jefferson Davis. It includes ; and will give the other lines, as far a.^ et- or anv part thereof i.s not justly due, or the reports of the suhonliimte assurance that its general introductioa will prove of great benefit to the wheat growing interests of the United States. ()nr farmers who may desire to procure this wheat c.an accomplish their wishes by writing to the Commissioner, giving name and address in full. Wc hope that some of them at least, will do so and give tho grain a fair and full tri.al. romiiul me, more than anv people I fort and subscription go, a very Imrd road, that he has a counter claim, all of which ' out to prevent the escajie D 'i'here is nothing done as yet that can he shall he particularlv set forth by affidavit, ' across the Missis.*^i(ipi river, including^ officer.' sent .Air. D.ivis that considered tangible or definite ill regard to then the defendant shall only pay the in-i of Lienteiiant Colonel Pritcliard, ot the the matter. I have been informed hv the stallment required of what he admits to ho i Eourtli Alichigan (. .ivalrv, vim made the citizens, that a general meeting of all the due, and the Court shall order a Jury at | capture, friends of the extension from all quarters the same or subsequent Term to try the ficial report.s will be called, to meet here some time Jo matter A special agent of the Treasury*^ was recently sent to the Northern frontier. The district he visited includes twenty- three subordinate custom-house offices. I'he sjiecial agent, who was unknown to these officers, succeeded in making an ar rangement with twenty-two of the officers for smuggling goods into the United ►States. _ Gen. Joseph .1. Bartlett has been nominated for minister resident to Stock holm, vice AlcGinui.s, rejected. A Alis.sissipjii negro worked on sliare.«.—AVhcii a.-ked the amount of his profit.s, he said: ‘-Xiiffin. I worked for de seventh, and de h'ls.s only made a fifth, darfor I got nuffiii.” 8qual)*).rii, the philauthropi.^t, advocates negro sutiVage on the ground that wooly are p.ii ticularlv needed .it the poles. fill 1IC.*: :rs in dispute between the parties, and | taken i next Spring Term the defendant ^ it bee plead only ujxui the i been stated. ' be designated hy the committee) after tlie at the next >pnn^ winter breaks and the weather becoints shall he allowed to ^ ' open, of which wc will have propier and pax’ment of one fifth of the residue of the i timelv notice.—I have seen the no other section of the State but this, ' cept Air. AVangh of Surry,) but 1 think 1 Not oil'* word i.' said in these of- of Air. Davi.*^ having been m anv costume hiir. liis tiwn. been otherwise, it would certainly a A cl. : a ini A Card to Invalids. r;rv;iia’i, while n-.-iiliugin .'4)iith America .'iiinarr, iii>( iivi*rt*il a .-ale aiifl simple rem Had have I The Galveston Bulletin ,,cople of . admitted amount, and whatever the Jury j (ex- may find him indebted over and above the , if Emerson’s dictum he true, that ' ’ - . .... 1 * riii; (lopnlar recognition ofthe says ttiat profane I can safely repeat the opinion that the road i defendant fail to pay the first or any Bub- I will be built.”—Wil. Journal. 1 ."sequent installment, then and in that case ame : Provided further, that should the ; swearing is i - ' - - ... 1. Deity,” there are few ton. infijehs in Galvcs- edv tortln* eui'i* ol .XfivoU'' M cukticss, Karly lle- c:iV, l)..'.-.i>i* of tile I ■ rinary iciii .“-(cniinal Organs, and tl'.i* wimh* train Ilf brought on by iianctal an.l vicioii.' La’oit.**. Great imiubers have liccii alrea.lv cur. .1 hv tlii' uohl'* remedy. Promp ted hv a d.*'ir.* to l..*ii.*tit t .e atHioted and uufor. 1 will s.'ii.i the r.*c.*ipt I'or preparing and 111.-.Heine, in a >eal.*.l envelope, to any FUICK oK ('lI.VROE. .IGSEl’H T- INMAN, .•station D, Bible H«um, La, l^GG. —twly NuwlorkOity tuiiat. using tlii? one w!i«) needs it. .Vddi'fss, 1 jan. L),

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