" The Old 1.rlk ntmie - f .. "r- - , --- 1 . --.t- C1 1 UlJ7 whw ft- nPftBftkaaa.BBBVa'niar' KB 1 'w.wmwT a w I I I 1 m. ir . 1 " Z ..... ii V I. I I 1 1 i It 1 - 1 " t ah 1 -- V. . . . . .. ... . 1 annnnnnnaoaJ a. I HU 1.. VOLL PHILADELPHIA ADVERTS. FIfflj)tLANGSTROTH&CO. F0REIGN4D0MESTIC ADVERTISEMENTS Ularkiuer. Ks.. h collection - y eJ , Mr. Bhtckiaer prtonptly and make . tW-aeat- Ub oee ' tWc-irt hu.. JOHN U. UUoWN, J. M COFFIN, A. J- WKM SALISBURY, IN. TIIK OLD NORTH STATE. ITRl WEEKLY.! GUNS, JfO. MARKET ST. PHILADELPHIA ax comttantlT receiving " ditnios to our atck frn English, Trench, German ! NOTICE TO AH of the Sot- and Acco. i V c ni'nu 1 1 rlN A in, to tlic nriu 01 i" 7, . . . j. r .... ..,11, ,11 MOCK, are id nv nanus -7; and .11 partir. uadebted to tbe fno will nk-aoe call ou me, at my offlee, " pi Lt Ki BLACKMER. Oct. 27,66. tw&w 4w. ITRl rr katcr or xvenrvm. 4 TKM(.i tM M .: Vaklf. Ua Te . .. Wet. l.W American Manufacturers. -. ,'.1r JIT ini4i U Merchant timing w t-XAUUM our which "t be offered a kor as J THE SALISBURY BOOK STORE. Om Tar. ..1. rar. On Yaar. LV... .miration ut tm ibTKB TW print.-.l mLKumy Werner ADVERTISING" RATES. TKAXSISNT ATKS Far .n pwto W-Oi UU (1 .nfl One Sqrir. Urnuwiwi civl C 13 brfore counlj Wr,".. XoT11 Stat. THE SofccrriVr constantly addioff h- St.k of lit)i autr oa bund, all of th Uwt ana iblititu 1o I had. All k,iudtd'lof .Srll(ML BOOKS. ITfcdifpoM. Hi..riml. Biograpbical. and !",..'.Ul:.-Hl work. the wurtry. . N,.t Rmks. W ritm? papers. I n..sstW.-. rtt 01 v New Maud J. K HI Hrvr.. I qrtK. t ji e. S sijrinc, 4 vr ti-. ijrR. Cl. L C3I- . 3 t.B. cub. ON COU 7 50 I I3 0 I ". Wtl ISW 3I I 1 35 33 . augu 1 4S 4 . J'SOil 91 W XI 11 1 5.S 19 l l . Tl.nlalned. ne ww wy "w f Z ,.ut.hh in -uiother column the new 8uy Uw pwf-d by tbe VrfM LafW tor. ThclonowinFeioenentcriUcl.mand exula. at. of tbe u fmi-ul M by a Wal friend, and will be found both in-terw-ing Democrat. . fim, aeeliou enacU TluUll wr- hJ. i.,ed by JvrAjpj; Ju mil Ik- rviuruui 1 .... 1 . . ..r 11.. cur ' i"' comrxwitioii wouia ue uaru all w-uranu iued, te., shall ot be rc .uniablc witUn twelve month, would imply that e or perhaps nearly aU of ,uch warrant. abe returti.ble with... twalve laoulba, and to prohibit such war rant. Ii.ii. beiic raturnable before some Jwtico of the L'eace imphe. tW there may be Vr Jnitice. Ulorc whom eueh warrant. ,y be rttorned. The true in tent a,.d,ing Of tbe .ecUon evidently , that nV civil warrant .hall be returua; hie within twelve month, from the Line it 1 and this provision, uy a r- eooiracw p'- 1 r- (. win,,' debt, but lor S fnm levying any execution ied on .ch judgment till after the l.t day of January following tlto iono1tkn of the judpmrnt: " Pnridrd, however, (we iuote verbatim) "ony debtor tendermg or having to hi. ereilitor on any debt con Utod prior to Ut May, '65, tbeone-tenth of his inUtcdncss without a .oil oaviug beeji bnwght on tho, M X .1. .i...n .!. aa a credit ou tho evidence, -f Baldndebledn--cr f .1 iiuleblennern Our &atolgb Correspond Ralioh. N. 0., Feb. 19, 1887, U V.niTOB: The substitute by Mr. Sherman, combiuing both Steven Is 'ITVIt uncut section, is coutiued to to Justice. which they ,uit. roiu- ever atlrlnH A BBN. FIF.LP. t K I.AXOSTBrTU JEWESS! "Tk. i for sum i . ...... .uun iui " Court OUOM Ten li..,-. ..r im nnu.. v - . mrh l,-njrljwi oi rar Sept. SI. IMS. W. 1. MAlfc-- ia(.iranM Sali.Twirv. N-1'-. Oet a lt.Mkieller. c 1p. 7..'m It. D. ill UK IS. aitaU A snOHE2t, CHINXOLASS 4 QUEENSWAEL i pbilaJrlpsa-- into K ALUtS- .oeoarr -"J , ,, i,T IM I Glorious News ! ! GOLD The G5d of the Nation, -uii.re. m:,ii.vn. w!M he con- iheeJitors U.y r 5ntM. Idvertieoient-'' inneu""7 vai. per tTn,: 1L iv.r rtanUinc adrvr- j. ri Tarr""- & Co , - mm t EffMiKNtv. Rid He. Sherborne WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Fort-igu A SSlBm i38 MAKKET STREET. (Cel rdtt. ?4rena suwt. FWHaacifs at. I8- ' HAS LATELY ISKEX Oreatiy depreciated below Tmr, Y TUB- ii the mac -lira W nf ri... - ..... alM e unuiv ,. il.u.u.f.ntft. . .. ,,v """ '' tiu' or tw MrUii-v. - - then Deliig again jip Hiperveutwi.iiiH. ; . ...u. :iere- place of trial, by pamg m.h-,- -i-- . hAuce. ' r,-;,!,,.. 1. a navinir one uire ; tio i. l r sqi.iirr "i tweuty-fire' .l -iHrtie- A-A, column. . .. I .v.. rertiryn. wneinrr Ill.UVI " '1 ... . , sir yrar, m Latiuall 1 ... pays a portion of hnr debt the payment V, y i..r, 1 . a rn'dit on hie uote 1 Hliail ou cmvo" . , I. U, Uut that marvelous t and wen t convenient in practice! But, mind you, this highly beneficial enactment apphea onlv to debts contracted prior o May, 65. If i debtor pays a part of a debt comrad A,l uir,. Mov. '65. lKiu have no nght, uo der this act, to enter such pavmcntfaa a credit on hi. note! Our legislature, J perceive, understand ihe philosophy of V know what . what . l . k. itnr thisrjrovisotroes further still : It provides that if the debt or tenders a portion of his ludebtednc. to his en ditor tic sha!l have credit on hi. note for the amount of xndcUedMss so ten d red ' The vexed question of legal ten der has thus been (incidentally it ; trne finally wtth d. Some thought nothing but old 'and silver a legal tender, others thoncht greenbacks would do under late act. of CongreM, but our General Assem bly in it. wisdom ba. .ecu n w .p.. i:5r ,1 ,nnke one-tenth of a man 8 i.-1 .in-"." . . . ( 1 1 i n;i v. ue. .... . . . . , 5 al the end of which tims, foe flnega prior T6T8C5" aTegal lender! ..half, he eet twelve months n-naltv i. to be vi.ited upon any 1 . 1 1 " I 1 hard-hearted, recusant crca wr ml rer.Kie.iicBD w and ElliotU Bill, and wtiica naweu Senate Sunday morning at 6 o clock by a vote o? 29 to 10, ha been sent back to the House where it meet, strong Mo tion, by both Radical, and Republican, rwh. . livMv di.cuMion took place m the lW over (bo biH U.t nigbt It taaow .-..cr..lry cooeeded th.t, tho bdl en !L ..-r it.. Pre.idnt' veto. It ay lve mouth, after the Tei down a a settled met, that the pro of said one-tenth." Collpre8. will hardly paaa either bill, but it la thought by gentlemen wno nave lately returned from Waningvou work of reatoration will surely commene when tbe new Congre. convene, oa that bodv will be more Hadiial than the pre- nt one. It waa rumoruu v yesterday, that Prcaident jonnaon wou al to the Stevens and lA- r .. us it that he would no llOH urn, ".- -X7-. W ... ,hA Kiuiieai mtiwuiwi " - the remainder o not be. sued on tor twe ... . i t fi'in IT F,eerr there'll be no afternoon preech- U after thi. in the attr rnoon.) IXid .uclia proditeuon 1" cincnate from jurieis ami w ..- before-of behind I i K' - . " ceptions of Solon and .Lyeaogf. utkr insignificance. Why just thmk of T-tl't-UUim of North Carolina . . i..,!i.i,..d tht wlien a debtor nan ruH iuiii; .- . I. v.. ' t o' .'7 1 31 ' : ii 3h i r to May 1SG5 "Jf The rfond section rstores 21 IS ..f i he IVace the iiuisdiction i. ..i :.. iv.,.,, i. nt niiiviiii'S in ii under tho Convention oh.j within Hi. ir former jurisdiction ot i ... .. , i. i'. , lnav no uncukc ' .1 USlices in mi j . I to judgment in the court, where they are now ponding. . . , . Section third; after repeating in double thcuamber of words the identical provi.-.ons of section first, goc on to provide that when Ihe warrant is returned for trial at the end oflw.lvemoi.lhs from service, if the de fendant shall pay ouc-tenth of principal a,d in.etts , a.i toil accrue d up o he shall have twelve. 10 i , otified of. tire time aim one-fifth ot tbe llowed twelve month, long the rumor wa noi ercu.wu. intelligence we have here, u that the bitt now hangs fire in the House where it will be likely to remain for sometime. Several Bill, hare been passed by the Legialatnre .ince my last letter, but nona of great importance save the Penitentiary Hill which passed the Senate last aignfc The Legislature is holding night WMwni for the purpose of adjourning sine ate, ne week: several of the member, of both branehe have already left for their reaper tiro home! . , T . ... Governor Swain, delivcrea a - . trn nn SaturduT nient tne iominouo . laat. at tbe solicitation of several friend of the UtriTersity. Tl ku. to hear the Leetnre. He gave a hnrf Wo tory of tbe University, beginning with It iucipiency when the State ConvenOon m cor)rated in the Constitution the retjoW tioiiupon the General Assembly to inaa gurate and suaUin one cr more U mvoral Ues. Tbe lecture wa listened to ortth marked attention by many of onr citioena " rtr. it Alone nv JOHN' I iwb iu fashion. I think iw SAXE. - " l . ,t the end of which time Jmg" -.i 1U. ilm rtuuaiudcx. lt is lr- itu r provided " lhat execution, alrwj r ndend on judgment, of Justices of the l'eace .hall be stayed for twelve months from the ratification of this act. It will be observed that (here i. one class of ca.es .rovided for iu this or any mnor inmc v : cases wnere.ju- ti,...' ...line inucu iu - noi i " - . ' r .1 . rallitl eueure. ,ku or ""I . -V l anA ee- Thonh I've never puyeu " f tice judgment nave iktb B"' - i....r. . . , i i. . i mi a rraait rmaww. - r-- .... .. . fc. MPf.in full- : . - . . In which, when the cam. a - Hess. Rogers A Chambers, innot.ai ner ft fiTSP.7. Fancy Goods, etc., etc. So. 411 Market street, PhiUdclplaaa tw- Q. . ' k n f . .. F. PRtTCMMIlae WITH irai r sTAi.ks LE DEALERS JX WW AM. J xt, .no yrs I Straw (loods, A'o. 51 A-ortt TM reH, Brtw Madal aad Area HI8 WOULD SEEM TO BE DIS i .1 . .... il.nt-u h:lV ' I eoaragins. out ine u.-.- . jL. nR.mnci to the whole nie prri I-"-;- . V J .... to S3 who d4 the weight and ii.aaenee ol Uu. Mighty King of the Earth, GOLD, ... . . . : lUirniKWnll.tbrrillni uiev ... -'"I t1-i , LJUr, It mt trui two to Mjur uuuui. - - . , . tr .T.x u:... .w- r.-l that thev have nl the ahilit t to uua?e proi ... . - .;i,nimr lireenltark. but not le- Miun in.. 5r"r7: ... n,.rti. ll- . i ... t.r insii iiifv mi ii" frwu icb enideranons a.i i- fc.l . . d n irt ilt it. ftS iMini" brer amount w '""rT-i:: "'.k iJUr'- aoaT aWsire. I r e taan u 1 1 y nuw wr' in Urevelmok or 17 .8. currency. J I.I - - e-rtaineon-;ruliou to have changed their nooi- n PblladelFlUa 2C J. Of OTOCE . .. v r. wi Foreign A Dmestie Dry Goods. A a. 520 JfarArt amrer, (b&CommwT St.) PHILlDUrUll, (fil. B. iUBir rafeviB. CHARLES e- morgan ft Co.. jjiroBT eus axd Jonaan or GOODS. oar SirO, DHY 519 iTorirf Srrert- ori Phi.adi ..kia. OF XOKTH OAKOLINA. WITH James Palmer & Co., WUULESALK DBLGUU TS, as Miima 0B4 MlXTis GLSS, DYE-STlFFSa .TO. .U'iraer smn, raiLibotrHi. Ublv not the intention or me - . . . . - 1. ... ! will n.l.llll-O to-ezcJudc these cases, u " ;t a very luiitndinous cou.Uuetion to embrace U Section fonr is another delectable speci men of legal and grammatical tomfoolery ami uousei.se It. author" certainly never dte-7 very deep rations from old father M0S. much ies. from Coke or Black ione Tliat ou all debts contracted since the first of May, 1865, and all warrant, issuing for the same .hall be returned and . K. in the nrovieions of the ... i timt the!.. ... . kuntr a-. and the remedy When ereat iiauieo f" ivrviw- r ., .' . . . ; " ditjona. The players Andthemm.to 1 think 1 might venture .. a whiia of the White watching h g ; t"1'8 . a .v .Vinnish in eards. And moral In draw iron. --?"". v . . . t. ;.. ... trivial matm Where, wke tlrmo he a ribko. or lirrone, I The winner is he who can "Go it aloue 1 . 1 I. i ll u fufie to accept one-tenth or any otuer pnn of his neighbor', indebtedne.., or to enter the same as a credit on his notes. Our Justinians at Raleigh neglected to say. But, seriously, what is the sense in cuact in" that if the debtor tenders a part of his debt the same shall be entered a a credit on hi. note whether accented or not T W ho i8 to enter the credit if the holder of the ootc refuses 1 Such enactments are worse than idle. . . . . Section 7th repeals so mucn oi wio v ntien Stay Law and all other laws eom- ng in conflict with this act. i atU aiianmids oncratwn of .tat ute of limitation from May, 1861, till Jan- thi(J City on Friday night uarv. 1870. (There are aireaay on our known Statute Book, unrepealed, two distinct acts .e ..;,;.,,. itmiitrt.l O. r. ........ , . V. Section 9th mat tnc act .un force from and after ft. ratification. Hut .mly der..H.u. . l; TT be could "go it hi. "It moves, for all mai- toue. . For he knew like the ear.ll al. .lie !" . iniJlrt niereinfi afar. hen lveH.er, - . rtar BTSWrOlVZSB- the law. of each inet f? 1 I IT ?TtV 1 C P A I T S AnddooW. who ought to Vat b - lIItlPlTT IIPOII A ...jMM.w.Bedhi.me, HE-ES OLISH t O.VMOXL.in i.ef iTtwhrf his learnu.g ... . .- - h TTj ;.. increased to such aa extent a. to be a I wait." he replied, "Ull the uuu. j . e . ... ..!.., y....m..r mom artiuus tt, Ul i fjpriiana.rwuj e- 7. . . -i. f.L... thf aatUiahers lasiaantiOn f V . I.., ! It ( u . . ......' A rotlllllicll- axas iu its mt.ee ir.e wii. -i- j i- - -T '. ... tu.. ..n..ton.U. e ol the Th.- work willjfte lulled in two series, Law and Knttitr. and be pnhlished ift uuaitlilr narto. VtJ. ..uiinou law eries will be paired and in dexed ho a to bind into wparate yearly TflaaaM jh,- ,' - IU fi ll ..; .-.. ,, ., Rrintrt. trrurnrf Krtnnix. auu une ihkiih- k.i tteeotrrts of trobte. thvoree, aatrrjnauiai eo- i4a4m.rj4l.n-. 4ne reiuns m uw mil appeal will be pajted and indexed sepur- ft-lmj M as Ui Unit into a voiuuie wueu " aum rWn't bulk. Tlieeq.ntv -ns wui be paeruanu a a-s to uimi iw iiue nauw we dJJfS.of tb Mater of tha RtaU. and the thf : viceluoieellors (being Jud)se. of co-nrdi ulhonty J wui qe j. wpwa jwar at Brian owe. . .:. .i..-" F. be felt in hi heart he coma AtafatWlTSL. and i.. ,1. imi'ite oi n., -I - Whatever the value of hleasings like thee, TheT can never at-jne for ingtoriou ease. . .i I 1... nib l . . vnM mm x.u n u,. wuw ...... . i.r . . i .... , ... a. Trt 4w erutche bare ha him to There i. aomettiing. W ooubt, in the band yo may baMl , . . Health, fiuuily, eultnre, wit. beauty and eId; The unftrtnna owner may fctirly regard, A each i itawaja iwjet exeelletit e4 -Yet the gam ma be ht, with aU tbeae t T n m The two serte will make alwnt aeven complete Tutaaaea me annnm. - y. .Vtt rAexMur .St., PhikuUlpkia. Oet. IX ld tf For Rent A V A LI" AH I. K MAi MINK SHOP 2 X t Lrf tan.st.wies. with - horse iniwct. Al a Wa f machinery Hj rent or atJl with the . ..I.. II I... tho aiirne n. IU OU m bucii cases -- - - , . , Now what is it that is to be returned and ai,i i ... mv one tell ? It is plam i. ak. .11 wftrrants issuing tor the same" (contract since May, '65) are to be x A " Hut there is thus "returucu ; .ui i- . "nn nil debt, contracted ... M.7. j all wiirrants. C, shall since j j- . ' . . , be returned and tried !" Oear as mud and .h .. A But really it is bard to un- deratand what i. meat. The only way re- i: ... ,.,, .tie:il blunder i. to strke out the position on More all debts, and we then have " all debt, contracted .n ee May 65. and all warrant, issuing for the same ah.ll l.e returned and tried, c, l.ien is still unintelligible, a there j. no v .bki . i mi m iaj.1 p"'mug as retunilug and trying r. we --J m asitiitns of debt. ., that thi. was mere ttntechnicil A.. .jJdr or. the part of the drafUman, s" "i' ..... S"' if mnt to be enacted i ami tuai wma . . , , , tL. M-i! ir writs iesmuz on debts contracted since May, 'GH, utid all warrant ksuing for th same," Arc, and we are n -i bewilderment U evei ; for they ..n -ia .nd warrants, to lie "return - t ...4 aeeordimr to chanter 62, Re ,iHl r-lef" whieh rlte Hjf taJiutimt Jw,,8r.i..., u-Lut tLiWe;lhl the-(apkt.r iiilthd Utrle?-vTve fii battle wbato-ft whatever the game, la law or iu kve it ia ever tbe same. the struggle tor power or reraiuuie pelf. In sa taA ftorn tho Courts jurisdktwuLol' jv. ,. ,n,,..l aineeMilV. b-. ailU COll fine the trial of justices of the 1' BUcll C:lec i-umFi.ii; . . i.. ..... aaaa mare 11 ii.ii. m. and Members of the legislature, who I ifested great interest to tne ena. FWary T-rm of Wake County 'Court, is in -essiou thia week. Several County Officer, were elected yesterday, which oc- . - mi . . i . . : .. nil lav cupiea lis aueuuui. Mr W. J. Halleman of thi. Countyw elected Supariutendantof the Coonty Work Governor Tarson. of Alabama ri in thi. city yesterday Washington City and is stopping at the Lzchange Ho tel. He vfeitod the Legiltore on ywter day, and wa4ntroduced to a number of Members, tie aoe. noi bo t ably of the present State affairs. General R. E. Uototonot nuisooro wu deliver a Lecture in tne iommoua -., . in SevcralJew. were brought before the Mayor yeaterday charged with aeiitng good, to colored Troops on Ust Sunday. The Mayor imposed a fine of ten dollar on each one aud dismissea tue w. Our Merchant ore preparing , their opnng gooao. cone. Trade has a Gift from General Sheridan. A few days ago General Sheridan sent jjortb to purchase t ii:. DahatM Wrie-lit. of Winchester, fl -1 have already . . " ,.l 1 J l"' "I . . - -a .L- 1-.4 wa -;... ii ir., , chain, set witn .cans uiiti rv Teiv here ior. w . charms, one of the latter being an exqui- h nd Greenbacks have been more .itely wrought miniature sworu uraaiuw freei circulated tnan tor ;h diamonds. Accompanying the a nero bv the name of William May " a- aTl , J I O . . aa -.-44- 1 a. a- aa it l...,A. aA I ..lta wm I fll . afllKnUaUl. OA. .-.tt urna ta a a r- a iiiiui .i 1 Lowledging Miss Wright's wrvice, which led to tthe General . success . t , -it. t on Sent. 19lh, 1864. HI VI n i .1.1 a . - . , Mia Wrieht wa neatouaavoe iM h ...... .... . J I. .. mJk i and Wlllll.E to am iv v "t Ulliu.l ' . - , . .... . vi...,, in tho ennrse OL. the Dat- gacrmce. nuc, " -r r..Sr tie Gen. Sheridan was m great aotiu u to act, he sent a scout ho. wa robbed ol vo ana in this O.ty last nigut ut man, Peter Lane a nwuuuu.. am-, was shot kt the breast. : ' . Lane Is BtlU at large, coining mo - .M.4nt V.wr to the lady, who, Prof Finney of Oberlin lately prayod , . i ... i rH it . n nu canst rc - ----- 4K-',lod for the ITOgnrri. : wu writing npan a pioc o. r-r. --Mnare bim, without cru'tung -r- ;..A.n..aiion. and enclosmg it iu vuu.., r. -. ; i, m j ins rernmu. . B1.h. and. aucce.8- "'"' "'"r""V .. r - aeon earr. 7T. . ol.. ' .ho Rochester cm.. ..!. linir aeareh. irave it to lien. idan. This paper conveyed to tbe General the information which ouaoieu uim to chieve the victory. PhU. . t LTfHonof a preacher wno, having o grudge against an nninsx ne,- 4 . Za unYi Taird. take John Smith by 'the alack vt hi. breeki and .hako bim over hell, but don't drop him ! . Sydney Smith once said that tn Mf land it forde a 4mperwB-w with less than two thousana a yew v ..f hi.' ..wn. 1 aJUPUVtO - - - - I 11 t. oWbo v.H.r m.Hto-"Replr.m nmrself!" ply that the provisions o. ..... Ut lhl J,Mlr , A.'.. . I l 4. J..l.,a .mtiaieted Since M:IV, O.I, ir iiirouc. l a ll.i i t tu ,c v " .- .. . "T T. ... itt L-... --Kthcr the nnxe. of a nni The victor h he whofooO "go it abme!" Pnnch' T try. JUaCKOOln X Jomuw,- ebofsvu: P I tl P n A k E RJO . 2 (io W.d 1 J.thea. I K..rX run.ng aani-u TiiL'ilf I' . i. uTIIKI IT1- U ahinav. St. TrrtiimtK. mpi'iiiK. et... im - Ca If lill I.XI.it. . .-.a "a", m- - - - . aaBv - - . " . ana ut tliOiari aa the rw ntnar fwnr jrteiu oieenuiea, witn MTV Brhiug, etc. all ready t Im, They have had BiaHteTrleare in the I ad Will mtnmt!v r-f in the ru...) rati- atrial. Ai'Jn-.'-. I!I.JH'KIU RV i ffOLHER. to them the i j.,,! i ii A ..ict.m in a late namber af repreaent a mshi-uable and aiectioo.te 'j- th hnaLand eearchiitc vigiHottriy in his wai-tcrtat pocke. The ytmngfoW B lt, eoiitinued to Spring Term, 1868, a ,i. . . , -c .1 L. and that the remedy m .uch c te. suait ue as in I860. . ' , 8eetions 5th and 6th provide, snhsttn tially that all writ, oa debt, prior to May o a ft . - 1 . 1 X . . ,1 - laam.ii -hall be return e, or.u u; " IL. .. ia a I. T,. 1 mi er . -. a i tha. A ped. eonnee iar uthoMvmg an t a4m. Arndfto i tr S. R. UAKK1SON. J Jan. 5. 1-6? tw-l ii' , ... 1. -t vitur V4:.lcn. . .4 . . I... C....I .....l tin. It I II. 1 .1 11 1 inquire: tva j - ' ot tne Dupvnur -i - - . . lovef And be rvplie: oWla'g. br paying at that time one-tet th get. bonnet 1 nan w jw w .)T1. months to pleao ; men '" th. he pays oue-tiun, men rr.-,.,. wrfand the Aht .1 i pnnFinmTrii nii "... arrcu . 1 lu-.i. a est ft 4. aakl bv the wiaeakera lhat the , wr4ve n0 it A rortnns for a Halifax Man. From some statement which have, been - j. .. ., m-,ifioil tn learn that ....... i . in ..... , , i ....... . . , . . . there is a strong probability thathtfriff a.t, t.m Stmw, of this county, is one of the heirs to ft fortune Qt atty or Hy hs A Tribune J rlmtid. There i. v,l 1 In puts I merlv belonged to. Dr. Kotioniel Snow who emigrated to this country many year, ago, and died here, leaving no will. A m,.n l.v the namo of Sam Snow brought ank for tbe property in England, a short time ago, but failed to get it, because it a..a nn.ven that the tuonertV belong, to Thr. Nathaniel Snow, and Sam Know could ndr prove himself to be one of edy forme ilmse heirs. that Pr. Snow and we learn o.aa.ion Alabama, erd of Dr. Almanac l,.u. IKS Snlilh- imueacnea. xt p.ue .yw. imtate W IM give-T"" of the Governor, elected by traitor.. Tlie followers of Steven are called Tltadicali. "S A Card to XuTall. k;i n.i,liinf in South America A laumramo. white loawmam a a m.onaT'". ' u--ak... Kariv le- puim Ol .V I w w" ; ' ,T4 ltwa. proved, m tne tn.., tm.a ,.f dienb-rs bn.ugni on -j migrated to thi.,eonntry ; ftDd vi,it haUt. that there is rfVU in the 4u re-dy cur.4 " ia 0for. of .ome of the Snow family m ,ed by '' Vpt M prepari-,! and .4.:.l. ,.:. ib f.malv re- tnnate. 1 will ""'"r1', , ....Veloi. to any 11111.11 l.i,,M....D and Nathaniel Snow, paovc. vortd will 1 SC. world H w eaa lb- lobe end dtvii.f tbi- pr- OMbalf, and thi n judgment ten be, when t the againat him for tbe remaiuder. ' to pay any instalment judgment If he fail. ol render- af . ai W x V.ll 1 S....a are 1 he heirs 0 W aui- M Snow. H 'cWoa State. air.ir thi tna one who needs it. Adlreae. Jan. IS, ! I'm .atm. ' JintKPH T IXM AS. Station a WJKS4. ,T w Tork CMy 1 MV-r8obn

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