WORTH 8TA rrrv aam mi a num. New flmdi ft Co, Mm ha Oattary HuJ f MM res ou Mm mn. OR UOHXjS'iof lSSS )W WAT. tea interesting of wayeSalvatiaa by Christ. satattartory af the trata af Brrelaliaa, aad af Carta. Bat its is its clear e a be aara ia order to af tha pUaof Sahratma in a iadirtdaal ease- TaMMM sact Us main It casaaa to tha tosahlcd tha - ; WLaa aasaa "that the waT-fcr- ' the way aft eeuan iRH , - - jLaLli - , dark aasl gtaasay l, J Ah waste the paaanrtj, tarra- to ' m the better warhJ We cast that no luasan exists here j h auJ nat eanaat carrapt, or i break ibroagh aasl efc-al. It be- i am them to lav ma mar teaatMM where bare he aeemre lr.as afil eoaoingeiseira. la ! three traahoowf rieaea J A earveyal aar ld la Havn -! a seAlr ash..- Tc tarire af tha work is asdy tiirtjermtx adsm treriaCef that email aaaa it wiU he t by amal toaay see. W. MASorit, flat Hirer, M- -VaiaSMA teste, j The oJared Ladir Be- MetesmM 1 rrnnan 1 3 ( fajt-r oa, Tharsdar niht latt. f-r . . c ... .. 1 - mWm 1 h San wat its furtttf that we Udditoiasihsl'iii this la aak tha attaawioa mi aha awheW a ; hi aaoaae off banians teasled. AST Tha wark reaawheanaei tohr '"It J the parpaeeaf rai-J faads to empkle fr v-4iwg fa .arabese, or beiag mem m brfir fwrdl Metbirt Cbareb, and j rf Coaveatiana to fi.rm the State 1 TUST . jl smteK 1 ssrv wad a wry pansdasa ui.i.u,u. o a large aiu adsnrr. hat wiag to the sear-! U llioas States are admitted to representa cMV f saaaw-r, the rrreCpts were aad a eivil rovemment shall be deemed Urge as it man h-fd they weaM 33 aha eat ir which mil be iati . . . krlv cape sated an ' tiV, the ehareh i Bar a Iftich M SMWIJ WMMfcMML It W to ne re ftKHU that the eod papabttma f the Saw did not into sar bjBMaftr as the good WSMMltj it t to oe re- , artwk, aa Jt it a saatter af Mspavtaaca to ae v that they may fWwlentofthe As- Mta. F. MfiiMsa.Vfcr Pres- r. A Chasahera, Seeretary ; Mrs. Mr. E. CaUweR, . m. r. X. Bro- a, J r. Mm L U Maw H Faster, Mia D. Dav-, Mrs. Mr. A LsRwgtaav Jpena- UhTESTNEW8. ' COKORFJSS- WaahamgMm, Fek - aariae bridge at St Lmbm, pawed. M Ml ,umui Lamimaad iaiMt aairs af Wba ttw,00.000 wiR fcR dae tab 100,000,000 at legal tenders, 99 to 59. tke kyll " veported taai - the any .W.ll of the dm- bead Baa. .1. -1-. . yk naa. 4t; M R- WanrW, iwxytor MMMUtt. deaeatfitsR By a aaee af th to 84 tbe eaaaaasaaal satefete aaia-av I. tbe Sewaat, tbe Kalro eeasmktee tbe &Voalbef l"clm Railroad. t iiiin r ' inn lentied a biH g . - g w aihaotiaa, protect Um eUimnU rxaumaaion The Senate then held an eteeatlve Ite- stoa, earns ,0"" Read and William E. Bond, Tax eolleet ara V Worth Carolina, MAfcKETS AND FINANCIAL. New Tark, Feb. .1. Gold M. Oettea heavy, Middling uplands St. Ffear active and isaaroved. Wheat native aad adviaiil, Corn active, Mixed weetora $1,06 and 9fil 12. Park arm, new Meai $J0,9fi. Whiskey estthaugud. Spirits Terpentine 70 and 7t. ftaela 94 1-8 and W. Biee, OarolUa 44t Wamington, Feb. 11 Catena, Mid ling aalaada t9. " lAverpool, Feh. 11. Cotton haa a de chtiing tendency, tha Market cloned dull, middling uplands 13 3-4, Orlaana 14 l-8d. Baltimore, Feh, 21. -Cotton haavy, up land 32 and 38 7-8. Wheat steady. Coffee firm. Corn active, 93 and 95 for white aad vellow. Plow dall wad lower. Whiskey an- ehanged. 8nRMAN'8 BILL, AS AMENDED, PASSED BY THE SENATE. Washington, Feh. tl. Sherman's bill, as amended by the House, has passed the Senate by a vote of 29 to 7. SOUTHERN A1LRO ADS. Waehinrton. Feb. 21. The Special A - - - t L. mmm hv the voum're w c'"iu,,c " ' f -s f RjailW. Railroads has i 'linn ill i w iuf rnfJfc'""i7 Among mc witarsiM are Secretary Stanton, and Dr. Powell of N. C. SrRRATT NEBRASKA ADOPl'S UNIVERSAL SUFFRAGE. Washington, Feb. 22. It is Stated that Surratt's lawyers advise against his mak- mT eoafirsstons or statements. Sarratt d t. ,ter had an hour's interv iew to- j.tv f 4 ami character. Nebraska kaa adopted oaiveraal saff- wu;ch nor admission depended. CtlNG R ESS SH ERM AN'8 BILL AMENDED AND PASSED THE tn c or.. Wasitimotox, reo. w. Mr. Sherman's bill came up, and Wib amement was adopted by a vote 10 w- " P'" i 1 Lin. n irom mm r if y fci,. uiuuuvmi tutional amendment, shall be excluded ...l...,.f ,ln..l-,rii, th.it until the re- l!sioBa m,d subject to the aathority of .I. !'::.! Qi.i.i, . 1... mn.li. lar i mn-u ohmct, 6 -d or snperccded at any time. And all flections under tne ctvu iravernmen are to be eendncted by pcrsopa described in the fifth Seetiou. No person shall be qualified to hold office under' the provisional gor emments, who is inelligible under the pro- ef the third section of tbe Consti tutional amendment of the last session, which was adoptedVyeas 98, nays 79. Resolutions to eoncnr in the Senate bill, with the amendments were then passed by a vote of 185 to 46. Hawkins, of Tennessee aad Huhbell, were the only RepabiieaM who voted nay. The army appropriation bill was taken nv and adopted, including the section iu relation to the General of the amy ; which contains in addition to the -points tele graphed last night, thai orders andVinstrac tioas relating to military operations Wsaed hv the President or Secretary of War, shall We iesaed through the General of the array. The House went into committee of the whole on internal revenue The Senate waa engaged on District hills until a message was received from the House announcing the passage of Sher man's bill with tbe amendments. u 1 ui,.in miriwttMi that the dia- ' r?MiBft-bi.ms- eknJa was inserted by the cm the WI.. . . ,j , -a. a,twith- vwv ww . . . J iU tt ka W hia , , u im.mJiutelr receive tha !hern repreaenttliVea, bit ...... ... j yieia to tuc majority, ne wouiu -we ror l.. ft..n I .......... .. La . u M mAiA VWlKll. M ing the country from the perils near threat ta rdk.csa .r viit rmn w w ia n www . w- cning ii. FROM WASIIINGTON Washington, Feb. 20. The tenure of ofice bill was hurried to the President last night to prevtnt a pocket veto A delegation from the Bee tea Board of Trade had aa interview with Secretary ' McCuUoeh to-day relative to tha deprea .ion in remmeiae, trade aad ship baBdiac j It appears from a communtcatwa af tbe 1 President to the Senate, that tbe gross. .. nf thm aadas of aattoa aooaas ta twu500j000. Sales of proparty aearly $500,000. Olhor recaP 2,300,000. Total aaonnt f3a,000,00. Nert profit to the United State, 2,0(Kh 000. ItU.ane.d.dthatteaSaaate wl pass Sherman's bill with the House aasead menu. The increased stHngancy pad by Wilaoa's and HhaUabargar's iMiadaunts la attribatad to Btoraaa' atra Uj. It is generally conceded that th l'rosideat wlU waive the advaatafa. of than, aad vto tha bill in time tor CsapaM to act. femcclal . j u r- .....iiiuiiH'. aasdtliiib i n r isaiiisa iisteaf ' ' ii,.- nifftit soil of Ku w York Citv, offsr ftrsato cx ludaalr ctsa. s iiewarttcfeof 2i DJUMLK MKriSED I'OCIJHKTTM. warraatod Oae from Impuritr and rTVia, wbu-ti ttev will Mil fr Twunty-Uvs Dollsrs ncf T"". . .r jk i , in Wnw York dtr. Thi. article, Wtpi U pulverts.1 M ins "f- i, c-otuiu, saa ioww, - i equal to N. I. HerasiaB Oaaao m tfteproponi .u ii.- r,- ..fHeaao. and Ix tter thsn the teat brand of Huper- Pboupbsten. pound hr pound .... . . I. . ... Bhal u lit ttStV mw u iuii uia winf ior iu : ' ' ladT st Twenty UoiUrs par Ton. 8jH by mail, free, on receipt of 3 eeat tauip 3V nin nhl. t . and be eonvlneed. M itae"Uidl.Maniiraituria CsaBaay."' teOaarttar.dtat .kew YVrk Sm seat by i nd for pan AddrtMS H,-.t. If ..tint Rdeeeonibe CO.. N. C. Mr. Jmme K. Vy fUr .-la reply to yoar hv quiry af tbe rssalu of ear eiperienee mtesassf y.mr imftavad Ptnidratte. purchased ef yea for thi yew's Ouetoa Crop, we wookd beg leave M amy that the present mm has boeo oas quite aa favorable U the action of all fertilisers, arvsiai kinds of Maasres were used bv as, with the sa ception of yonr I'oudn-tte, with little or no sm to the crop. Where the Pondrette was snplied H sve us near half s bale saore per acre, and canwd the Cot t-n to open much earlier, and we would therefore reoaniniund the asms a a concentrated manors for the pwwth of Cotton, as wall as M proveraont tt the soil. r 'ass. very lasaeatUlly, HKNRT P. BTUlSfi BKO. Feb. IS, ISO. Jan 10-Hwew Read This!! U .h itt ik, KaiibSS, April JfWn. Cearraies: " , J w"nt u say a little n're absut the Psin Killer. Ltefe Hider it s rry raluabi medicine, sad slways keep it on hand. 1 have travelled a good deal sums I have been in Kansas, and never without Ukine it with me. In my pra-tice. I use It freely for the Asiatic Cholera in IH88, and with better nuc ces than any other niedkiue ; 1 also used it are Tor cholera in 156, with tha saute food remit Truly yours, A H i rrio, M D. From Kev. B. Telford, MUritman fa Cstaa, now riaitinir hi home in iVnnsrlvanis : Waihimoton. Pa.. JaaeM, late ifsssrs. Perry Dane Sim, Providence, B. L Dear sirs : Dunne a residence of some ten yaars, as a mis -mimrv . in siam and chins, I found your Veretable Pain Killers most valuable remedy for that fearful aeoarfe. tbe cholera. In administering the medicine, I found it most ,.!U.in-ii ti ,n v.- a l.-u-ii.M.iiful of the Piun-Kulur. in a gill of bt water Kwceteaed With sugar ; then after about ftfteen nilnatw, berin a rive n talJe. Koooiiful of the same misfure every miunte until relief wan obtained. Apply hot abdication to Uathe. the atoiru-ih with the with the Pain Eiller olear, sua run i snow . j Li- .,,-.i.... ... l I. ...I th .-hidera. and took tho medicine foithfully hi the wav stated alwve, eight out of the ten reeovered. Trul v yours. irx.-irl with itiarrtuna.drMsnterv. or cramp colic, don't delay the ue of the Pain killer. ei... ..; ifillor is liitd iiv all resnectahle drug 1 t . .. . w . . girtH throughout the United states and foreign count ri. J,rict-s2& cents, 50 cents, ana as per bottle " - oca. a-rwatiw w Marriage Guide.- Yorwo'ii Gbkat PUYSIOLOGICAI. WOIHtYor Every one his own Doctor Being a rnvate instructor ior otwitito Persons or tiiose aftout to marry, now. Male and Female, iu everything concern ing the physiology and relations of our Sexual System, and the Production or Pre- vAtitmn 11 v vtisrvu v. --rjj ear a. " discoveries never before given in the fcng lish language, by WV. YOUNG, M. 1). Thhi is really a valuable and iatereetmg work. It is written in piain language ior .t 1 . -.i.l. i. and is illustrated with upwards of one huudred engntvioga. All young marriea peopic, , or uiwik; w plating marriage, and haviiig.the least im pediment to married life, shonld read this book. It discloses secrets that every one should bo acquainted with. Mill it is a book that must be locked up, and net lie about the house. It will be sent to any one on the receipt of Fifty Cento. Address Dr. WH. XODKO, o. JLU opruoa oi., above Fourth, Philadelphia. - - ..X i t . t.i June 16, bO uiniUG ih'mivcTiiV. the world re nowned Astrulngist and Somnambnlistie Clair- ...Kih. in a Mttirv.ivant State, deliuea- ,VIMH . - 4 tes the very features of the person you are to : . . ". s a Lisa - - . t 1.. marry, and y e aia or an in.si ruui.-u, . w- ihe aid oi an msrumeui oi in- sown as the ftyehoinotrope. tense uowar, Known to produce a perfect and uie-iiM var mimmw - . a a- - .f. .vf I of the pmuiwuf toe future ousiMiua w wax applieaat, with date of marriage, occupation, lesdina traits of character, ate. This is no inpuaiLkm, as testoaoaiais without auinoer can assert. By stating place of birth, ace, disposition, color of eye and hair, and enelo- slue niiy cenia, a i , Md to yourself, yoo will receive the picture by return mail, together with the deal red iafornia- . . a . . mw n.t. Address m eonnoeaee, 8t . . Zra r t n.. aiw Wa TnkV. New SALT! 8 ALT ! I 4000 SACKS OF SALT,. Large full saaks. now lauding direct froaa Li venix.1 and Mr sale M tt-30 per sack, aad t vsi W. 2M far cash f leas aaanU- tna, the charge hMladhag djayaae. d A vw H aaa. Wholesale Oroeer. dtc., Rue. 30 and 31 North Water Street, Wilmiagton, R. C, Jan. 1. Iel67. W Drs. CALDWELL MORTON. THIRD DOOR BELOW Da. VKITKUAO AJTfe HKXD STREET, '5rtlcea. S ALISBI'BT, W. a Sept. aaJteht 17 Spring Fashion's Demand. J, W. BRADLirT CELEB1ATED EMPRESS TRAIL OR 1)1 ItJx EUJPTIC ImU Ten., -red SitigWaariaga, Wmidad tight ly sad firmly t isjtehsr. sdg W adga, mnalag L. WnmLfiEimm tb7traaart aad m.-t fieslbla, tha Uchtt aad ssVrt DarsWe They will not bead er break like the Magle flprins;. bat will always preserve their perfect aad beautiful shape, la all Crannied AstembUiftS, tkarr S, I Tkeatrtt, E . . . . mil .1 : 1. 'Railroad Oari, For Promtnadt, In fcet. they are eornbining comfort, 1 uikimtU. aad JJurafiififT Enquire f.r BROWN 6c CO. No. 4, Mala U, Salisbury. N. C. Who keen a full assortment of Dry Ginxlt, Hoiking, Hois, Cap$, Bot and Shoe, Vrvrmet, ar. err STaaSaaW (lajtk or Hurler. tW If y waat Bradley's Skirts goto Jan. 19. 4m-wtw Hp- Main St. Binfirham. Mmrtin A Co., W SUCCESSORS TO Sprague Brothers, UHIILIMLK AND BKTAIL GROCERS, COMMISSION iraRCHANTS, SAI.hlM KV, HU J. T IHE UNDERSI6NED. HAVIXG PUR- chased the entire sUics 01 me isae of SPRAGUE RROTHER8, wiU eoa- timi.- the Wholesale & Retail Grocery Business, a. vl t- . LAa A tl... lian iuiMiwrtf ii! 9 Old Stand--McNeelv's Building where they will be ph ased to see their frieuds and the public generally. Their present Stock will shortly be mereas- LARQE ANQ VARIED ASSORTMENT OF GOODS, adapted to this market, aad they hupe by a Sirict attention to business t insure a eoatia .it rtw I.Kml luitronaire heretofore ei- UAII. . ... ..." I O tended to the honse, under its former proprie tors. . RING HAM. MARTIN Salisbury. N. C. I - In retiring from business, we desire to return our thanks to our nmnerous Irieuila, for thetr long continued liberality towards us. and we eordially reeommeudoui sueeeswirs, Bingham. Martin K vo., to tne twnnr nw Salisbury. N. C Ueavl. -Au fe MMhmr FrwaaaTta I 1)K TRRY & CO., . r ..-A WhiJttmal Dealers m GOLD WI IHAM WATCIBS, OF ALL DEacurTiom, 31. Liberty Street, New Tori. BKO TO INFO KM TUB rtDWt ftoaa thev have iurt received the moist elegant, per fect, and aecursUj Watch ever iul oduced in this nwkT Tte RJaCRUIOB, a btoteiftjl, etta ubis jewelled. Heavily to uan wiu Tv , Silver, marnineently enav. nwiy anorniij teteMte Huiitusj tassf, . ; Dmnaskettnet Hands, thoroafhry wslstod by the observatory, and warninted to be tea i Ultra Time-Keeper. A superb and nioat reliab e Watch, want's or Lady's -'.. any address on receipt of V5, or, It preferreo, will be seat, e. o. d.. on receipt ef K as part pay- meut. May n., ..i. :ii ka uni i,r Ktnmu. or mail rer I VWCU W ... w - " J " i . a k. than, ia almost a certain tT of reaahiaataetrdaatmauoni our noai Ii. TaUat OA,, fail in their dutv. we will sen another watch immedmteiy. . Orders Mr any iuuus oi tt w l"""!-- uutbnilly r uinmn rr liberal Terms to the Trade. AtJaJiTaV-Ws want Agents la a. ... .k. n,ntn MBaa as sach liberal Inducements will be offered. Ptoses aaad money ny Bzpreaa,.ta-w "BTBfeTffOQ i is. MSA ' It I jbortv St.. V. T. i nWnn PPM ALE COLLEGE. aw-vr - " . n the X C. Pnekmterirm, of Sept. teth. ri.l.. waa nnMiahed over tbe sUmstam Amiens :" I in vite att.-nt i-n M aa extract from that arttohjTTf waefesoMa dwrinliae. devothm to tha cause of educatioB, skill and eiperienee in teaching, will seeure success, then the Faculty of thw Female Collage have art the Clemen's of sueesss i nmtr tbe mental culture, the nearta. ihetearamaad the manner f the lllor. looked alter aad eared for i inor" naaaaa anw " will find her own lights and towels and also a . . . i , . . . a .7. -:u,u"7 " , . . j .ft . pair ot sneets ana pniow-caw. The entire expense of tuition snd board, - eluding washing, tor a sein m :n ur aln . aii'i nirreucv. Tea villi vm Hau v.as w dollars HII he deducted when leiueatt are in advance. Extra eharge waa o m- brHsato,Fraach.Imtia aad Drawing. - Adranee paynnU will be P-"- , ' " tbe gisalsal poasibb? indalgeace will te jpvaa our patroas. A large patronage is needed. J M . M. CALDWEIX. gUtearille. C tw-tf January 1. 187. Hons Mid Lot for 81. FOB sana, a HOUSE AND U T on the r rner f Main and Franklia Streets, Baliahsjry, N. C. johi. DBWOM. Wdk&VdhJMhsi wmamumm FL0UBJ5G MILL to Bent aTnYFoK COL. tJEO.T. IIABNT.. A 1 with to raat Tm OMR. the by the late Tha tans Irres af SPfH lnwd. i. . high atoteaf adhlvatlsa aad is ..UPi ed to tie lakdag uf Cotma. Tobaaso. J Ke-i aad Oota. ami II aaa af tea mast sWIraWe ptoses fee eahlvatiua la tbe eoeety. Tie S ... ft. 1. ....I r..,..in.ll..n.. sill I baautiful aad as Urdaas la the enaatry t)k mflp thraaaeU uf stuwaa and Is a nfK mX la every napei. havinir htnee euiwaa sad plealy of wan, fatthmwhdiiag w buiu fWrth-Uformaiiua eau do M)hy cl- ln ,m roc B Salisbury, or .at La-ut srdeu 'ftf mm saaam - u tha premise. I.I K I. ni.. nr. ktopt. to, Itate. tw-rf Aa-eM THE BINGHAM SCHOOL, MEBANEVILLE, N. C. aesaioa ai 1M7, b.gias Mjuth 0th. (onrse of instruction CI.ASSK'AL, MA THEMAT1CAU and ("tlMMKHC'lAL Addrrss. Ct- . RINGUAM. Jan. 3, IM7. Sew Tailorinp EtarlittRHitr THM nKH'lIBKK HAH JVST OPKNE0 a aawuhus! ictokfcfiaaaaa. in Um biuldin of Thomas K. Umwn, up flair., in the room former ly oocuui.-d by Wbb. U. Vibon as a b welry stoie. oVJftgateVlrrt') ' r,ra.u R has ha.1 kmcuperieure in tbe buamee and heU ronfi daat af his ability to rjve eaure Mttudaciion to all wee saw Carer aim with their aatoteaaw. He ksUsTmlhat km wort eaaaot be sarpsA'ed by tbtoefaay toiler la the State. He is prepared to do all kinds ef work Mate lines tbe teertest bo- tiee Hu seat Matey saav aa aweruv -pro ed aaaa. RaasaMto wask. wasbh. wUl to done aa as uas cmpm. UBda af asBsalrr Bsaaaaa token in esrhanre forworkstttoamrkatjrto. ,vn WH.Ul.ia nu f . ' ftohsbary. R. C.Jaa. it, IHte. tf "Honey frw as Water ! is ana lCTITE LOCAL JSD TBATML IWiWWW Waa dasam. teals er Jiais of mil wr. an waatodtoaatleit trad, hi every T" laae. Maajt, Wattotop sad KacVwy.tbrtJugboatthe tot warM. tor nVi-ftttjm-bte aoTelues ever Kaowa. BOS ru IIST. rwrnann reau Msart maaas women eaa mur Bwm II to fWaer day. aad as riak ufto eatoiiaaftsnrnisaMWlUK- Mtosad lis araater the prolt. Ka am ! a auvau Btun- aionry mater tto aralt. staaey emjuire.1 advanee we Brat aa tas anieie ana n-. .- p erwarda! 4t yas SctoaMy wish to atsk money is T sad easily, write for fall parti, olara aad a.iJn ianl7-twly rsadway.il. T. City. a. tf. Casit. lto Compwiy. .to sale it c a a r risi. On JVMter te, 8, 2Vwf C O X aVH msT sH date ate dh MAIL TRAIN. Leave Charlotte, t .. 9 55 a. a. ..14 OS -. 2 44 p. a .. eao " . II 15 " . Salisbury " Oreensboro', ......... " Raleigh m 1.ldahor' FKKU.HT AND ACC0MM0UAT10K. Leave Charlotte, 5 00 p. a. t. Bali.luinl. ....... r.: , ...W A- 7'45 " totwh. Arrive at Uoldsboro .. -II 15 A- M MAIL TRAIN Leave Gold8boro, ... . 3 15 p. a. 6 25 " 12 20 a. a. 3 00 " . 5 30 Raleigh Greensboro', Salisbury I Iw. .4 fkarlolta. FREI07HT AND AWyMMtu.ii.v Leave 6oldebW, . . .a . - " " Raleigh ' a " Greensboro' 2 30 p. a. m Salisburv 40 " Arrive atClaMtotto,. ..:.W- . .40 W Mail Trains runs daily. Aecoinmoaauon Train does aot ma oa Sunday. JImI eon neeta wHh C. S. R- R. ftwjhe ftwrth, and with R At D. R K. and K otT K K ior tne North. Alto with the W 4 W , ana tne a at NCBB '' E. WILKES, Oct. 10, t-dtf EngT Snpt. G EE AT WATCH SALE! OH THE POrVLAa ONE PRICK PLAN, Giving every Patron a Handsome and Pc liaUe Watchjor the &Mr Price of Ten Dollars. i "ll' - --r Witfeoat atagard to Valae ! And ate te ha paid for amfesa perfect ml- itfacttwp. MM ttoM Hastesa Watetoa.. M.MWta fit HW I-attoi- Watebw. (&aalliV. '. . . 1W to 300 ITO l.a.lKSX ancao, r."a. W0 Oojd HbalTwsmo 9PD to aw 980 350 150 aMttotdl 169 to ma ftoM Rntto A Watcfaea . 100 to aaa uia. N.auaa Levera. BOO Silver Huutinc DaatoxaS, HO tiM Ladtos1 Wateaes,.. I satttold Haaktoi leptoes. ...Va to ...to to ... to ...sfl to ... to ' rjr Every aatroa obtains a Watch by this arrangement, easting but 10. while May to worth 750- No partiality showns. ,m - Messrs. J. Uiekliag At Co., 1 Bns.dway. New Yark Cl, wkte to hsiasediaiery dis,ae .10 to ef the aaava aasaaiaaeat stock-' (Vrtiheatea. are nlanv1 in aeaieo en- lliatoaiaaas laiiilnl ,k Aftieksa named oi to the art K-tee named aa their eartitcate, npt'.n INtywientofTeii IKdlara. wnetnerii o.- wMth $730 er aaa worth torn. The return ot ony of oar eWtineate entitles yon to the ar tojh. named thereon noaupaymeuU irreset to. ni ha worth, aad as no artieir vahierl les tK.n ftlft k named on any eertHWate. it will st oaee to seea that this is no lottery, hut a afraiarht-forward Vsfttimate transarikm n-nieii anay be launicinatrd la evaa byiha must aw a -t-A- riUit wiH be Seat br mail. oat peba. upon reeeia of 45 eta. fvr f..r fl, etovaa tor 2. thirty-three aad el.-p.nt -rein-laatoli. drty-iv aad at. we vataabto toe mtww fbr fW. oae hnndred and m- nperb Watoh far fl. To agento or ftowe wishmc aaaadMamat that t a rare orwtortmvVtr. It to . I Vlnamtdt cvmaaetad aaajaeas, duly snth- tS a.. aW. n..aeeu mailt, aad open t the u,.. -y . t J.I t carefat srnitiuv. irrw J. HlCKLIXti a CO.. Nevt7-3to I Bndway. X Y aliaUM plarr awe ..t Uw I. W 1 ' 11 b. to we nh ea the altars rlrr.'Uew MmmU. The naeat. Jl iraed. Kar rarh r parueatsm addrars ihsadaS iuftKva Hroi. aalUtan N . 8TATK OF MUlTH OAJWJI IN A- l a aaltadts.V 'ill' V W I Cwmrl f tltu art i. t' r .i.x,...,,., btmmb J. It. Tboaftn AMsskimat-hrid uaT i T. stamu Wris.) I' ' 1 'iert. j ' It .onranas to tto -tl-H.rt I 0 - .sniirt t il St T Stu.iis Iftatia. tla-Jrft-S.hurt ia Uoia aatai, iukab.laulolUi.SlsU-. It .. tl- "" W? I..-.- ... ,. ....I a...Mr at ll-.'.r nrM ....... m.i ...... ..Mr. -in hm hf'M nr OiemiMa4 OlsM!. 1 tey 1 3 m.u al tlir I'unrt llm.su ii, Lrxln -I ...a al tlM . ..nr. iii ... r t - M...l la tVUnwry ntt, lb. u lJt,y,;i I' j . ...C . i.i. i.t Miia' ill U-f a. sa ne.1 awBisaiklM sad Of propeHj lo .cd lU.to Miiiatt ttoaUlntiaViuaiiit-iit I ."i- - ' TTTf i a- ul.M, i u-rk ol an 1 1 .rt at nf- ft. ... I.. li,... ;. u I U l ikKlKO, tlrrtl. Jj"u.tn i. . - - - - a teUte of Worth Carolina, t M.,Ti.-.nti l!V CurxTf. S IX FA ITV V. J. C'-eliraii and ilU'-rS.-je llalratl. ..fT.Mi. y M-, i-'.. -iMitWu foraaleof bud ft-r'iiitiii'. It aipearUiM to tb' airfrl M etMrirwkaUMheira at law of Terry M Mad! and A. J. Cochrane, jm- ii..u-resiatul .leli-ii-. dents; it is or.t.-r.-l tlmf ( -d.li. Mtiui, he uuolu .rsU works iuiM ."tM.l N -rtU run. ." a, fvufg theiii of the hlinir tTi jt danwab.I o..iiiu.audiug them t appear at tlieiiext tsrat ,.f this court, t U- held at the I ..uU H"Omji Troy," on the last M lay in F- hrtinry ff,-s1. then andthere to tdeod. alfer er d-nil. to the beat set lorti. hi the p. til , n. r tls . u. will ha heard ex )a.rteaiidMliiiu..,n iu ooa fceeo rendered spainst them. . . ... - a. .IS a v ti. W. 3lU- ti.'Mir.H i . v.. feb 14, (prfeelO) a-6w aa nt M.u.llaa I V Kill ITV Ki , v (MWnT1 , rati Term A 1 James V. Clarke, vs. James Hmdi-rick, Asa Chilsi.ii and K. J- West, Adiu'rs. . In this ease, it appearing to the satisfaction of the court that James Hi o.l. i i k and Aaa Chilfui are non-resideuts of this State, ik is ordered that iiublicatioii 1m made tr them for sixwreks, in the OU .Yorfi State, notifying them to appear at the next term of thus court to be held iu the Court House in ralishnry oa the 12th Monday after the last Mondayto Keb uary IHtw. theu and. there tjdead, answer or' demur to complainant' bill- or jiuhnneht pro roufesso will be takeu and tlie cae henrd nx atrte as to thorn. I.I Kl. RLACKMKH. 1 . ... ... rfti, l t. u r Nov. 15, lin. (i)n-prn-i-siw, ... . STATE UF NORTH CAKoJ.INAlL Cbarf of Pfcsf CMrfSVssos, -Veto'f her Ttrm, fHi. Abraai Cross, Adnt'r., v. Tto touwat-lsw .'I f'ctitiuu to st-ll land; Kliata;tli L,S"e. ) ,m ,. ..,i. It apnearing to Ua- mtisla. lion nf ITie ( .nrl tlistthe Iteto-at Law of bristinii ISesnblosMna, deot-assd. are nou-mbabiUnt f ' 11 w thurelora or dsiwd to U court Ibal publieatien be wu-le m the Old North Sit" fursi. Wk... uoUfyms mum ab Mnt defradants to ar.iar at1 U,e uext Urm f.l U;;a ...urtn. to held Tor ihe county 'f PvM-C t tbe Court Hon: in LexUtfb'U i' ' "'d uaday m Kelswary next tbei, and tl,er. r.. Biisw.-r. plesWora? mur hi the ptn'tios, oaerwise ju'toteeat cnlirssc, will to takaa and U: ataiuou laard esjairtoas t WITN'KSS 1. K. Perryiiiiin. t'lerk ! sui-1 tuiirt St office In Lcainstoa, tto l,M..n.luy In Ni-mbcr, liaft I. K. I'Klir.V MAN, llflK ja. 1.18G6. Frfcei" V STATE CF NOSTII CA1K U.IXA, IUviimok Cotmrv. Vonrt of Pleas anil (jmirtcr Hdio, A'ui flatter Term. I poo. J. H.Swicegpod, 1 Att.icUnn.-ut lcviy'l on T.StajgtsDavis. S 1eij?oeolMierty. " " .-: . ,,l..,i .f.at . stnrL'ia Harris, tad defendaat in taiscato, reaido beyond the lunitsjil this Mats: It i ttoretee ordered by the t ..mttliat-pub. Tieattoabswade'intbe Wd Xnftb' ftste Iot six liiusai l wk. uolilyiiifi wiid alaieut d. tcntlsiqt to d.-ar st the nexi urm nt tins p.. the county ol lavi.U-.w. at tlie tourt Uouae u lv iutonon'tbe"c.,ud ilouduyji. I .Uuaiy nuxt, tli.u aud Oiere toi.lead, answerer t-mnr. otherwise iu.Ik meutlinal will la-entered ajMifiat him asdtlie iirr ty levied oBsold tosatisty ttopUHUlifl s judgment and tiTXESS-I. K. IVrrvman. flerk of wnd'Oodrt st Offi. e. in U-xington, the second Monday in Nov ember, ttte. . . rjvaAN. ( lerk. Jan. 1, 189ft. !. State of XTorth Carolina. ALLXGUAK Y .COy.JS JY, James DiUard, ) . S Attschnient. .lol.n iSosS. J ""' '. It anneariDK to the satisfaction of tlie Tourt tliat t be defmdut. John Boat, resides la-yon.1 the Hmitsoftto tha Stole: K istberefure ordered by 'to court that puldicationbenisdeforsiN siir.-easiye weeks MS) ... o.-.. .......... ..,). iii tlie town I nil .onil jsiair. ;i n " r- i . . ".. ... .t of Salisbanr : nolifyinp tbe defcud.nt ol tls Ii hug of tto sttarhnient in tliscas.-. uud couimanding bun to. to and appear at tto .next term of tins tourt to lie told al SeToart How, at bich on tbe third Men dav after tto last Monday of February next, then .ad there to replevy, and sl,v cu-e if any hehss, hv order of sale shall not be granted, otherwise judgsteat pro eoirlesso wUl be entered, af o bun, sad "tl . J. Fo. lhe,. rWekof mr -id Court at office, at BWloah, tl.e third Monday alter the - STm. Ml '-'. KOWLKT. C. 8. V. . Oct. 31. I. - -fiw . WHITKBSaD. a p. 'C. A. HKNOEKSOX, M. U neo wiiiti'ii.-nii a- Hftfldprson. gave associated themselves In tne PHOTOS ot isrioarit and offer their' pnrfes.-inal services t., the wtmsaa of SaTisbnry and vicTuily. Oftee April 00. lrJUi. ly Smara iter AMtjl .oiiffll . eMaTTA.1 k C( ., i in-t vour iiooii.- Mt reduced prtoea. at A 1 5U.ltSHAWm Salisl.nry, Jan. H, 17. tw-lm a avuniai i: O I i. ! J 1 ST It K- 1 n-ividamatoa' lt ot K. -n ne Oil nt Jlteeats- ,wr ftjaltou. st .HIIN II. KSMW i Jan. IP. 1, lriu St.-ns LAM) f K SU.K. FOR lato-6 ACKI. I I '- l. Am n.it i tl altwHt J loiUs North ".ast of Sulisbarj, X. I'., da R'atoW u' Pint's t Crrrk. sfHineilv Use prusa'tty ot ll. ll : lleard, dee'd. Apflv to V JOI1X R. ttKNKltS N. j Mialmry, !C. '., Jste. .h, JHl .. FV .Vorf .Vftafc Ojfie 4 and perty el SWQC. ReaU of

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