I EYVI H.UVB9 Editor Proprietor. "The Old Nmrth Stole Freer. Siarle Cple Five Ceiil T i ' M her'-' VOL IU SALISBURY, N. C. THURSDAY. MARCH 14. 1867. NUM1IER 181 PHIL A DELPHI A A DVEirTS. JAR. W. mi l. I K J. n'THKt SRITR. JRO. 0. I1UWKKI, w . CAI.VIX HtmRL. Riddle, Sherborne & Co , IMPORTER A SO WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Foreign Domestic Pry (roods. 438 MARKET STREET, (ISeWw filth. 4 413 llrr. hant PI..I...I. I, !..;.. L 90, itm. -im A It VERTISEMENTS. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, BOW AX COCXTY, O. White. vs. The National Ex-pr- and Trtt portal CuRsp'r. Original Attachment levied iu IVomual PiotRtrty. J . R. r. . BOOBRH, . v. h hrkrs. roru. mm. Hess Rogers & Chambers, IMroRTERR AND JOBBER or H0BI1E7-, :::73s, Fancy Goods, etc., etc. ivo. 411 Market street, Philadelphia. ROOtSO. 1H06. 1 ll irwuiu to jha ftiRpcfW of the court llutt iRrfTOeufebt m lhbfa V D. HAKIM, WITH ALLE N A BROTHER, IH PORTERS AMI W HULL'S AI.K PT.ALERS IX CHINA, (iLASS UlEENSWARE, KM. 23 k 25 South Fourth Street, (Bet ecu Market mj 'bertout st-. ) Philadelphia. O SO BOB II A 1.1. IN. THWl. U. AJ.LEX- It PlTTMlteim f!l IM ir.tvrT llatMniw n nr lr rmide hevotid the limit.- uf the Suits it is, there fons orJei ed hv the CMirt'thal puldtcali. be made in TUt (tU North .0,7r.,i; ix o.u.uUv WtvM: ndifyin said absent defendants to be and ap peat at the uel I nu of litis OHirt to be held for the euwaty of Kwan. at. tlMf .ro art -boose iu Salisbury. the first Mond.u in May next, then im1 there ! id. ad. answer w demur, oth er ie judgment final will be entered against thru, and the property levied ou dd to satis fy the plauAlinV judcoieut and costs. Wi'-jcss, Ohadiah W.tlsu. clerk of our said court at Office ia Sahelmnr. the 1st Mou lr ia F-hrnary. A- D-. l"w. and iu the nine ty tnt rear of oar Indeftt-ndence. Ouamaw Wmh.w, Clerk. March 1. lt2. Pr lee ! wtiw Till: OLD SOUTH STATE. TKI-WKKKLY.3 Tri Weekly, On Tear Six Month. Ou Mouth, little fondlings of love tint make sun- ne for a hou. -hoi J and melody for an- , till 1 could auuotit forpt t my own dark Mthlo.R condition amid the dreary r- RATES (rF 8UBSi"H..TU)N. H it UN AMI l AOV AM K. tY front thr" III. ist. TCR til ink tiod. Iiert" are Bfi.iM)! orr eomforta abu treasiitr. though tin 3.ooJ rf 'naih arhfelt wb It, r haf R.-.- .1 iu- lias ill i m i i nl' il tbc last and least article which the law allows. Ah ! we still hare whose interest in tlie welfare of lo-cd ones nerer snocides, and fonr dear little tnno- cen's, jewels thou liast lent unto ns, ( the scene, and found in the little cabbiii where tin winds moaned funeral dirges throii)rh every crevice, one patent dying and tlie other lingering, like a faint sigh, ujHtu the margin of time. la that home of poverty and wretched ness, death as well as the storm seemed WEEKLY Wee kly paper. One Year, -- 6- F- an nonTtti. the I'aekRjre, Rt ManuftK'tnrerx lrirea. G. F. PRITCH AjlD, WITH PARHAM Sl WORK. mroRTCKii, If a vr r aitj' RER anr WHOLESALE DEALERS IX Hats, Caps, Furs & Straw (ioods, --. North Third (Hot ween Market anil Arch.) Philadelphia. TV. M. TARN An. KOIIT. 1'. w .vs. tat of North Carolina, ) ST.'STOOBEKT fut'llt. IK tJl"TTT 1 J. I mrhrau and ultien. v Heirs at Iaw f T-'ii Monroe Petition f r sab of laud for I'arthfcHi. It apearius tw the KAUsCettin of tlie cnrt. thai the heirs at law of Terry Monroe aud A. J. Cochrane, are atn-reskleut deiett- Hi-pt 3tt3tu. ' deuts; it i .l-i-! i!ial publication be made frsix weeks iu the "Old Nrth St;te, ' noti- . n.oo - -t.-ee Ten l upiiii One YeRr, 99.00 " Twenty rosim, tine Year. 40. On A i-rRM 'A on the y i indicates tlie expiratioo of (he. i , "ii. The Ivpeoa which the "Oi.n North State," i print.'. 1 k entirely new. Vo parol will he iared to uiak; it a wait flaitor to every family, hi order ta l.i thin we h ive ensured the I-rvi en of alrtt Rliil 4,'cooiplished literary eoutriliutolR. ADVERTISING- RATES. TRANSIENT RATES FV all perHeW 1 ih.m one iituiith Oae Square. Kind in.iertion $1.00 K.i i h -ii 1 .. Hi .-. i' ..m 60 C'oulract rate for perioil of one to funr nn.n. I soc ARF, 9 xjt'Akiw. 3 sqt-ARBW, A SlJl AKES, ;i COL. II vi l i oL. 3 vt AK. COL. one rot, 1 Mil. IS no : " trttttt i. 13 00 90 (W 2 0 31100 9 mi. ;s .vt I 13 on I toOttl IS'OO I 0 l0lt U I 97.00 I :131m 12 00 3 MIL $1-2 00 17 tO 94 00 93 (HI 94110 33 tm 40 00 59 00 4 Mo i.r on 91 00 -' ' " 9Him J i on 3K.IRI ii'" rat no ( MO $ J0 UD 97IR 34 00 87 00 3 Ml 44 00 bO.OO 70.00 Lord tliese the desiioiler's hand did not was fast going out. " I wished to see you reach) and the destroyer's arm thrust into he said belortt I died. 1 teel 1 am ap- L.ll! . I . . .1 . , , iiuiuiii its revt try. a neie biiv ine rwukh RRtDOD ot money. An I I oil WOtlltt do BX Rat Rt 1 .R I I m A a the wife ptleon.'ly pleading tlie ii'ile to withlMtd the niiliiti d knite that quivered iu his hand, or If the stroke must come, she feelingly asketl, tho g(Hd siirit might go a uk kttk ihauugh lite tbmuWxst the Tally, that le might fear no evil. Sure enongh, Tliomas Adkius was Ay kit. He knew me. hnt the lamp of his life ing children, and sweep up the lust dust of meal from the widows scanty store. You would take tho poor soldier's chil dren sous and daughters of those sires who went down in tju rod tide of battle and bind them out to the law , because iu the death of the brave you have lost a pit- a. af a R a w . . . fviii i!w-n 4-TtSr fkMvrt f ilii irt!trn auJ r tht oimiij!il!:.tf thet.i to a' tn-arat the nest. term of this roart. ! be held at the t'.iurt Hoi'se iu Ttv. ou the !ai Monday f'ebr'arv next. ' theu and tiu'te to j ad. auvurer or demur to the facts svl frtu in the petition, or the cause ' will behird-x pane and judgment pro cvu- f.-sso reo.K-r.-J .Against th.-ui- - W.ilO!rTtMfcR. CME. fob 14, (prfvelM) w6w tw- sept. 90, ime. OF SToKKS Co., X. '. WITH Hood, Boon bright dk Co.. VUOUKIU PEALKRR IM Foreign & L'o:uestic Dry Goods, ' No. 529 Market street, (690 1 'oaumen e St . ) ' i- ii i, . i . i. i i , RcptSO. IH66.- tw en" I, mokoa", WM. B. UI'CE, CHARLES E. MORGAN & Ca, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS. OF DRY GOODS, 519 Market Street, oelow Sixth, Philadelphia. sept 90, 1866. tw-3ai HBNET WHZIZlXtSR., OF NQETHAR0LISA, WITH James Palmer & Co., WHOLESALE 1 )11 UGGD'TS, AMI DEALERS IN OILS, PALMS, GLASS, DIE-STIFFS, No. 439 Market street, PHILADELPHIA, sept 90. 1866 tw 6m STATE OF XuKTH CAROLINA, IlAViIa$UX COCSTT. ) Court of Ptevs ani 0 t'irter Sessions, August Term, I $66. C. P. I.nwr- Klert'or of ttup U wti "f 'Bartirtra Miner, derea 4 a jit I Jawwfc Miller rm! others. IVtiti.naV.Iu. 9-tt.r iLr t4.ite wf Mud testatrix. Hvinr t n jpf'cteil t ororn -.net hy -a I . onrt to take the acrMRS ia the aKv nameil taw. aoi.re i- Ijt-tet-j Ti-.eitl Mirharl Mit'er. Uetiry Mi'ler JobR Keerwr. A Jex Ao.lrC IVeAi. Smith t'rexur andvllien the ehiMn-a f Barhrtrj t'eAor. le. i j-el Ute the ile of Ijt taard l'eear that I -'.all. at the ohVe of wwwtx-rterk mt aid 'oaaty. ia l.exinstoa. on the 8th dar rf Ketmrr IST. pr. -el to takr im1 ReefUiRt. AtiP.f RifAlBJpVJ RR fn. bri' Le njAv alteiei if they Ihiak at ii.:. Hat ."Sw'cial I 'ujilracU will be abide with tlmae wli desux' to anfiFrftil' fei a Ion per term than four nionllu I'niirt X.rti'-i- and Advei-tiM-iueuU will he charged at the oMial i i ' - Ten Inifrt ol -mini minion tvto, or about one tneh lensthwise of the column, constitute u auaare. SiMi inl Xntiees, in leaded minion, will be eon- tnu tnl I'nrnt tho ofliee, at uot le tlnutdoulile the rate of ordiuary advertisement!. InsTted a" reuviiiijc tnaiier, with approval o the editors, tifly centit per tlttf. AdTertwemeajs inserted irregularly, or aVtuter Tai. g kt cent, additlunai. :s The raten a'bov" jrinted are for standing sorer tisements. One or two jt(hre,, chanjrealile at discretion, 10 per cent additional. More than t wo squares, elistugeable at dlawe thm. per Nqttare of ten lines, for every elutuge. twenty-fire cents Five K(nivre estimated as a qnsrter column, ami tin -.mir -' ..-n balf eolauiB. Uilln for wd ventjiinji. whtjihef by lb iluy or rear, will he eouiuereii aiteanuconecti'-Me oiejiit' rni.i 'iiu the general wnrk that follows in the track of war these monnmenta of God's good ness still sun 'ire to engirdle the darkness of our low estate with bands of light, make sweet melody within, while the hoarse dis cord of the howling wind fills the afr, like demon spirits charged to complete the work of destruction, which pestilence and famine. fire atid swortf, left unfinished. I still gaze out upon the storm playing "cross and pile" with sheets of snow in mid air, and then hnrryin; on to find some cabbing' roof, and silently drop upon the straw floor or ike scanty bed, standing in the corner. And still it snows, Oli, how fast! The heav- proachiug the dark boundary of the un known. I feel that the icy clinch of the a a i more you would make them the servants of your children and braud them with ut famy forever, If by so doing you could rarVo money. And more still, you fir mnko money. And onld deprive them of their birthright and embitter thetr existence down to old ape. But here are J ionic uud .1 mimic Atlantis. Beneath that roof whero they were found, "tapping; tapping, gently tapping ai the door," they arc sheltered, at least for the present, from the winter's cold and sum mers heat. They are lirine monuments last hour is upon me. and yet it is some of our cruel oppression, and oue day a - consolation in the hour of dissolution to have oue near me who has been more than a brother: Let me ask God to pay you in richest blessings that which you have done for me and miue. I am passing away. My wife will soon join me in the spirit land, mid 1 now ask to commit my dar lings, J innie and James, into your keep ing." " My friend," I Baid, " I can re fuse you nothing that is in my power to do." Then casting a long, lingering, look upon ! his wit.- and extending his cold icy hands us seem to grow thicker, the clouds hang j to his children, and then to me, said "farc- r . . i i k i . i .. v . Jan. 34. JAMES WISEMAN, BTfatt Com'r. 9tw- STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Row AX CotXTY. Hubert Murphy, Original Attachment Levied ou IV Rroperty Blackburn & Holder, . PUHP VAKERS. TENDEbH TUlilli SERVICES TO THEOITI sens ol'Salidwrv and the Mtrroundiu'g coun try. TBey have had Wtch'erTtenee tTrtfec bu sinens, and will promptly execute all orders sent tn the in in the-imist satisfactory mauner. Give ttteiu a trial. Address, V B IjAC K RC US & HOUtEIC, . - C'leuiuionsville X C, or Saleih X. G. DANIEL. . c. wotfrir, WORTH & DANIEL, SHIPPING And Coiiiuiission Merchants, WILMINGTON, X. C. V. The National Ex press and Tranor tatiou CVmiitaur. Itranttearitu; to the satisfaction of the court that the defendants in this case reside bevond the limits of this State, if is, therefore, ordered by the court that publication be made iu The OMXfrth Stntr. for six consecutive weeks, no-ifjia8dd-foudautti be and ap;x arat the next term f this court, to be held tr the coun ty of Rnwan. at the co t-bttose ia Salisburv a the first Monday in Mar next, then and there t" tdewd. answer r demur, therwis' judgment final will le entered against them, and the po.jie-rtv levied on to satisfy the plain- titl s itMlgmeat and costs. IP. . A'kl - aratw , a m itness. ubauian Mxison, elerk of our said court at mo- iu Salisbury.. the first Mon day in Pehruarv. A. I).. 1-47, and iu the nine ty-first year of oar Indeeudeure. 'r.ii vii V..i.s..v. Clerk. March I. l-su7. rp, f, 0. j rtrr Writtf ii tiirtbe OM Xotth State." "TAPFXITO AT TBS SOG&," ou Heal Iiifc Since the War." AXD , FLOURING MILL to Bent AS AC FAT OF (tL. GEO. T. BARNES, I wth tv 'rent Por Cash, the planta tion and 'mil! owned by the late Sr. afaitll Tlo plantation has about lrr' or oprn land, ' 1AEALEUS IN BAGGING, .JtOI'E, j m high slaty of cuhivattiuaaadia wll adapt. 1 Iron Ties. Lime, Plaster, ( cuient: Hair, tnuiue ed t the raising of Cotton, Tobaeeas Wheat feruvian (iiiuno direct froiiit;.iwninient ai-Dt. ! and Ciru. and L oue .f he nttatt doirablv .fltrutflor nauaT. sir R.WSB Phosphate of . .nrr i Apents forth. Pliiladelphia Southern. Mail Straat- routoleU DT one oi the HiosT tH'autilUl RiHl ut RRPjne. I uaioeutal cardeus iu the country XjSata, fnrCixid.pi ed's weekly Steamship line fiaaa The uitll lias three Ks ..f stones aud is a The great war came. This fair South ent land was rent and torn, bereft and mu tilated, yivjeii and shaken, stjiiued and blackened, in every tiling but uncompro mising honor and valor as rich gems as shine on the escutcheon of our manhood. Unexpectedly the struggle assumed pro portions that astounded both bcligurciits, and at whch the world stood aghast. Southern heroism wrote its name and fame in letters of blood, and beoucathed to pos terity these as an unsullied legacy all it could leave tlie pi ictlc.-s heritage of hon or, perennial, and lovely its her own eternal hills, as limpid and pure as the waters that gush from her mountains. This sunny clime, soft aud mellow as the affect ions that warm iu the bosom of her daughters will never permit the pride" of its spirit to stoop to be a party to its own dishonor. This spirit will uot crouch to oppression nor submit to wrong w ithottt a prote.- ; for here tie- heart is almost as ceaseless aud constant in its devotions to the principles of right and j ustice aa the tireeyjg wing of time to the beiiest of tlie JEUTnal. The ean.fe for -which we fought is lost, and we -ul. mi; to the incxoxn.ble deciee of fate become again obedient citizens of the Uni ted States. like a pillar of night at oar very doors, and still the storm sweeps on like a deluge. Nigh. ! moonless and haggard, begins to add to the gloom, and at length throws her mantle around the world. We draw near cr to the bhutiug faggots that light our rot t ige, and glaring here and there, make grotesque aud unsightlv figures upon tlie wall ; aud when these have died out, the embers, glowing with boat, are till -d with all - arts of fantastic shapes and forms, pret ty faces, and ugly monsters. But listen ! li ' the storm, the storm ! Our little cot tage trembles to the shock of its fury. May He who tempers the winds to the shorn lambs, rctneutber the half clad, the d stUnte, the shelterless, shivering in the cId this night. Thou who mail; est the fall of the spam i w ; iiutuberest the hairs of our head, will not forget the sufferings of the fatherless and the widow. Hark! w hat noise is that f Again it comes loud er than before. It is some one "tapping, tapping, gently tapping at the door. No, 'tis bat the wind. Mark, agaiu ! Sktinc mieTs rnpiOjg;: frrtockiug, gently knock ing ai the door." The wild careering of rin-winds drowns the faint but earnest roiee without. Again it comrs, "tapping, tapping, gent ly Lapping at thctdoor." Loose the fast- Answer the summons at the door. well 1 Aud all was over. All that constitutes noble manhood and christian excellence I write down to the credit of Thomas Adkuis. His spirit jal gone, and no longer thrills that noble heart. His wife I turn to her now. The strug gle to see the last Betting rays of the light of her love completely prostrated her fragil form, and snatched reason from its throne. She is sinking. ' Poor children ! They will not be comforted. Angel, here is thy other victim, but "pare her to raise up these children. No 1 Sorrows, like mis fortunes, seldom come singly. And here are the twin sorrows. She has pass ed away and these both slumber in the same grave. And now you will ask why all this suf fering. Doverty. ruin and finally death ? I a sequel to this, they shall speak, and muy it be as effectual as the spirit of God, "tap ping tapping, gently tapping at the door" of your hearts. Waxt and Dkstitctiox nir xhe Socthkrx States Rkpokt of Ma.hu; GkXerae Howard. Washington Mar. 8. Secretary Stanton sent to the SeuiRo to-day a report from General Howard, Com missioner of the Freedmeu's Bureau, rela tive to the destitution now prevailing iutbo southern Mates. General Howard says, that from official sonrces, which are con firmed by gentlemen from different sections of tue South, he estimates that there arc :;-'. i. 2 whites and 2i,2oS blacks total. 3t3,920 people, who will need food from some source before the next crop can re lieve them. In frVe months, the probable time required, the number ' of rations, re quired for these people will be 8,5.'5,000, which at 25 cents per ration will amount to $3,133,750. Oi this stun an appropria tion of $025,000 has already been made, leaving an additional suni of $1,08,750,, which sum General Howard deems suffi cient to meet the extreme wants occasion ed by failure of the crops, &c. Gen. How ard states that since his report 'was drawn up he has rccciced an estimate from the As sistant Commissioners and Governor of coudition of the debtor clasB, the laws of the laud still sanction this Becona muracr, and blandly smile iu dignity while proper ty is swept away, the poor become poorer, and this world's goods, like power, is con stantly stealing from the many to the few. Thorajis Adkiua at the begiuuiug of the late war held prntierty and effects that placed him above want, and, as he thought, the fear of Want. The war come. He as j.j L.l l. I l: I eiiiugs. Answer tue summons at uie door, a inn- man respouueu to, ua. uh ocnetcu A little girl ami boy sUnd shivering in the 1 to bey the call ot his country, to resist in- will briefly relate. However much wise Georgia, greatly exceeding his estimate for Icgislutots have striven so ameliorate the ! tuat otate, but he is unwilli g to aeeoufc mend a larger appropriation af present, present. ; Thy following table affords the detail of the estimate for the several States : Xo. Ao. No. TIno "White, Blaek, Rations, - at 5&e Virginia, 5,500 8,500 750,000 $1H7.000 N. ( urolitut, a,thW i.Vi.wni I 7.000 I., u-itli tailn of u.rrav nn the ton trim I vasion. set un for ourselves, and delend and a load of anguish iu the heart. Oh! ; the right. All through those bleak days, tint m v pea were dipped in the tears of those dreary months ot toil, tnose long Penniless, homeless and almost heartless, thousands of the best families in the land wandered to and fro, like the dove, seeking rest and fimlin ' none, andstrll Uiey wan- sorrow that trickle down those; little cheeks that night and that mv tongue were touch ed wtttrwordB t hat incite men to noble ac tions while 1 tell, as 1 felt, and knew the tli true condition of the family for which th errand was just made. And let hie or her voice be lost iu the gurgling sweep of the storm that could withhold the words, deods.knd tears, that might add one ray of comfort or spark ol sympathy to tho.-. desolate hearts, and let the hand be blight ed by the witheriug touch of similar w ant that give.- not, that lends uot its substance mrto the Lord. Godpity tin- lot of these poor shivering half clad chddren whose iicuitig iiiuos nave oorn tnem to our uoor. The dark angel of the night made death hideous to their eyes while hbeir 4ktle hearts shudderingly rocOiled from the sceue but the go d angle of mercy bent over and guided tin ui safely to our habita tions. " Come iu," we all said at once. M Good evening years of want, pestilence and woe, he bore his ftdl share. But disease had doue its work, and at the close of the contest, when "his little ones kissed him a thousand times over, and his wile sobbed aloud in her fullness of heart," i t meeting him once more, the dark wing of suffering had left its shadow upon him aud fanned into a flame the disease that luikod in his sys tem. That for which he fought was-gonc, gone, gone ! His property has been wast ed hv the destroyer's hand. Desolation t. Carolina, Florida, Georgia, A labama. Tennessee, Mississippi, Arkansas, bouisiaua, Texas, 5,10 500 7,500 10,000 1,000 168 1 .01 ill 300 5,000 1,000 5,000 5,000 1,000 2fXtti cm aoo 1,500,000 225,000 l,ti75,000 300,000 585,000 SW5.0O0 75,000 375,000 50,000 it i: l.i h ii i 4(i:l,oorf 75,000 I Ili.OOO 5(i,000 18,750 33,000 24.83SI ftXt,M)$i,m,730 had written its most blackened characters about his lovely home. Stocks aud bonds went down with-the general ruin, and the In art ot I he gallant Confederate was well I he invincible a ill ami mi nigh broken. Vieldin death ou many a battle field, now quailed like a very child at the sight of the ruin that ereetrjd his: return home. The tall black chimney of his former residence still stauds as a monuineut of a ruined homcf W The Xewf York Uvrahl gives the following good advice to the colored people of the South : " The colored people of Richmond hive started off very well for a first attempt. Let them continue moderate and orderly, banish front their councils all white fanat-, ica and revolutionists, who aajR4;j(iui tation, and they may in due Jmc not only be worthy of, hut influeutial euougU to command respect ' " A fire oceurred Hk-4MHtmr.ojt Friday night, which broke'ont iti the build- . -Airent- for Jouas Smith A (V RBll packet. Feb. I6 7. liReof Kew York ! ""k""' attll eVerv" r.-j ct, haviag a large . cMsfoni aud pleuiv off water, t arties wishing 6ot. toohtaiu fui;l.erittfirioarittu can do hvcal- " rnr f -n " ' i taf "u 'n lihurj. or ou Lieut Warden w OTIC E ! I on the pmoises- The PLEASANT (HIOVE SSO-l LTKK BLACKMEK. CIATIOX af the colored I Until Chnrel. ,8ftS- trtf wmcn was org.wted ju JAcci mber -Ut FrR, Ron! will meet again on the. third Thursday in t , Ur c,,l Anril neRi.ltetl.elfl.r,l, ii .i:r..i.i. ! A VALI ABLK MAI 1IIXK SHoP 2t X ii. a a i I ilea a . UUII - ' A , ty Virginia, twelve miles-from South Bos- ' iT'T V ton Depot on the Uirhmond and Danville Ilaihwad. All wdained and local Baptist preachers iu North Carolina are invited to attend. Kkv. B. P. MARTI X, Boxboro, X. C. J"- 26, 1S07. t-lst-ap-,! and "thank you." was the re- and alas, as the seouel nroveili a ruined W I r aR'. der up ..ml down, or are driven by thtse j spouco. "Poor little sufferers" said Mr. -fetajtily. 1 here was nothing lelt him but who have no mercy on the poor, ami there- j liiukely, " what misfortune, what dire ue- his land, tin-this he rcamt "a small log fore, lend not unto the Lord. Many of I ccsaiiy, luts forced you aJuxtd this cold , cabin, the very one in which 1 found him thcsRir, tinrwy worn tts and daughlw ot : dreary night And bow,.ajiud the dark- j dying. He was not long nerinitted to en- IM -- and ll e angry, murmurs of the blast I ioy even nnrTTuuTOtc root in ttcaee amt Atbtw SAWWy heretotVue jitraUgA'TS. JftjVJJUAl now drag ut a miseraple existence, Marty of them bear honorable scars of Wounds atid bruises or biTeavrmrnt and tonrtr ing. and all the hitter agony v.irh which WM.J.RfBBIS, -SALISRl RY, N. C. Atten lsthe Courts of Kowan and Um aatvin nc eountie. ' - OrriCK-Easr-id- oLJlalft street. 1k Harket Houmv lanatt human heart. t Here we, are at the boginiting of 1S67 narly two years since the war ended. Tt is a cold bleak day. Tlie storm is-1 aging without. Its Iioarse murmurs come up to OAtrrvcry In arth -tone. The moaning voi- W : .f ; .t - i. I... . j tws hi i oe view teas air are rausia iului a- i i l 1 LJ . ir, a awhinerr to rent or sell with the V' mft-u sur.ea..-u uur.w waatwaij -boat, vis I key-bole and crevaee. it lias tcen snow- 2 i;..d Wood Lathw. 1 Kotary Planiog ; d,0, stiU, fati r and fat. r. Machinei. Saws. Scndliug. Ripfdng. e.. B.T- ; the icy fing rs of the uercik-ss stotm drop ing and Morticing Merhine. with the neees- j the fleecy emblems of spotless purity upon sarv IMtiag. etc.. all ready to he put hi n- J a wrkl all suiutil with sin. tun. I.,, a 1. t lnt.ll ft..M.l ........... C jturpose that had met the tide of Sixth street and PeunsIvant avenue, Washington, which resulted in a shocking loss of life, as well as in the entire destruc tion of the property, which was owned by Hugh Gelstou, of Baltimore.. ami valued at 12,000, fully coyered by insurance. Forty negroes left Norfolk on Thursday, on their wa'v to Arkansas. . They wero. - h'retl at 18 per month, rations and travcl- ii g expenses, to cultivate cotton. Dttring -the yesur I6& thorn wore aiua: could yoiu make your wayf . Ihawefseer ' qnfet, neartJess creditors BoOfi Wre ncln d thousand four handled-and fifty patents fat to tin- lire ami tell us all. I he -tears ware I DM land from him fist chasing each, other do check the last fragment of a litde Jinnie'e once proud estate, andahere was' nothing imwuiiiveriuk on the long silken ) left him bnt au unsullied' name, his wife .mil f.llfltio'o.t . . r. 1 1 . . . i i i - em rt the eveabisbes. like lieanitiful stars ueiidant aud children. Penniless and alone, with i i the fingers of (d. theu drop, drop, pr helut weurlied down and Dieeains d the heart were , system invited the more rapid advancr ot we have sued at Washington, of which fifty-eight were extensions. - drop, as if, the fountains th.R. A sfdendid chance fcw labor saving ami profit. .1. Apply to B. HA UK 1st iX. tw-lm FKAXK SMITH, COFER. off. is bis service to make nr mend anything iu the CtMiPKRlXG LINE. ) . Shop on .Mr. Bailey's low Salisbary. X. C." fvb.26,'67. -tf : Negro slavery still exists iu Florida. . . i i tie iniitaus oi me Cjvergiades nave ueter- limn o to Keep uio negroes as siaves. l ney .I.... x - tllf. Ill ,"1 . il l.ft.'kl) ..I ll. . I IU-J ' I' , . . i i I . 1 . . all broken un. " Can 1 do nothing foryau," 1 insidious, disease, and he Ml, as we have . .i.,i, said Mr. B. ami all the family joined ia the j sea, a victim to that tHspair, which is horn r , inquiry, "Oh I ves," said Jinuie, - I have of rained hope ..id blasted fortune. With Last week a p.ree of coal w eightne 7.. come lr you, Mr 11., motht r is very low, I more favomble surronndings and some for- ! ;! Imcs from the mm, s ,. the Ulngh but wbbpVred to hs to sau and tell you to branu.ee, hi. days might have bee, length-' Uo aud Wigaim.i (-nip.uiy aru,,.mt .-v- ..Ui. .. bc us .. .. ..d m.t i. tho and. Ye derdtees at the ' "t P' d ov r L'hlgh allev lUtl- i.ii..m, urvfiiiitE ,..,0 , . - VI I I . . . e . . . 'i ... m ii . , ro.'in tu Now lark, where n is In lie .hmr I then coniinuetk with a sirh a fimpK-, sh. me of mammon, ye soilness monsu rs - - - - -f r - J - . - i . . a an". I A WA I ti I ffl till' I'lTW f. T I Vfl4 'I 1 1 l I it L 1 w ifiiila at w h ch an- in the giro ot man. I cit.irgc you w nnxo r . . . -- -i rrJ" (mt mournful pathos of have sh.meof mammon, ye soulless mongers ' n l" - ,H : iu the garb of man, I charge you wither P lI to 1 ; Expositinn as a ruin that has overtaken many ahousehold. one of tb'' PWvts of the I.ehi I rharsre von with widows sighs and or- V7' gh Val- L'lep in thi ir -Rwifteat lli "lit Would .... . . . " . . i. . -i.r :t .1 - ... ui-e. t., Iuti.n " uiIk-r w d mail f.mr. I cliarge vou wiiu winuws stus hhu ii-, and wishes, to see yoq before be dies " I phans tears. I charge yon with the tuortns i A one-armtd ex -Confeilerate snhiVr etj " Tell Mr. B" he said I am gng home "tha daily climb to heaven for an audience i tered a bank ill Mobil.-, Ala., the otJer day very fcst," and mother then struggled to and felk'f. I rliarge yon with the bLck- . to beg. and having, been r. lii.-.-d b- luifolaf-' hic'bt d.-idc but alnmst fAintcd before she ! eiicd"tT""l''f1 hlaat.'d m,p. thai point -et. a rot! aino-iiitlog to ST-.TOiT wkfch he n.-Keu to navi ( xcn.t!i'eii i .r! tar'- r In s. has M-tett ?.l' iA as a I have watch i-d from mv window all the 'i day ..ng tin ed.lv in L- circles of the driving snow as the tarry quern from to r virgin throne whirls the pity lees flake "to the earth. 1 haA e thought of the unshelteretl heads and shivering forms whose substance tl. ni,U k.ioda J wnr nlnckial and acarter- I tercome hv the si mole . J l 1. ..... 1.J.V.-1 .i ,i....i. t t wirl I awaaVawaal at hat and thread b rr ! the Mood of hi fellow my owu destitution aud want, sad then at ' gray ml Confederate memory ,J liastrned to I snaUh the n. .. l,..to ! : . .k.i .he bn .ke the hmrer of tale to an e iriv lou.i.. s hasten, for all was too true." Kuow- ! Forbear 1 know not the Bieaning of i Siw then he ing the condition of the tamilt. and h boost i tharWonl. Yoa . fill the mefariate. cup , ankei imposter recittl of tho littl - and nd.lu-lus pathway to tne grave witii 1 1. dithwx nce w - B I man. loa woiti.i bread from famish- letw n a tx.iin.l of meat and a drummer boy, is t'- it . w. igbs a 1 pound and the ether pouiids away.

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