c LEWIS H.lffE8 Editor VOL II. NP.4 ' Nprrinl Xoile. thy Destiny. E. F. Tuoustos. the great at, Clairvoyant, enu aju" has atoniVHl tne acicunm i'vi m.i t'..,u xmh iwiw IoCatdher N, Y. Madame luorutoii powers of soeouu. irt anowieuge the sliurfo or .rrl.wf ..f ..ither sex. While in a state of trauc.-. she delineates the very features of the Clon yoo are to marry, and by the aid of an rament of intense power, known as the Pschomotrope, guarantee to produce aUfe lrke ptoture of the future husband w wife of the applicant, together with date of marriage, position in life, leading traits of character, Jte. This is no hntnhug, aa thousands of testimonials can assert. She will send when desired a certified certificate, or written guar antee, that the picture is what it purport to he. By enclosing a small lock of hair, aud aaaftmg plaoe of birth, age, disposition and complexion, and enclosing fifty cents and stamped envelop addressed to yourself, you will receive the picture and desired informa tion by return mail. All communication sa credly confidential. Address in confidence, Madame E. F. Thornton, P. 0. Box. 223, Hudson, N. Y. mar 28. 1667. tw-1 y Yoirxn Lady returning to her atry home, after a sojourn of a few mouths Tft the City, was hardly recognised by her friends. In place of a coarse, rustic, flushed face, the had a stifl ruby complexion of almost marble smoothness, and instead of twenty -three she really appeared but eighteen. Upon inquiry as to the cause of so great a change, she plainly Uild thoui that she used the Oir gsjgfsj Jhti aud oousilerel it au inval uable acquisition to any Lady's toilet. By its use any Lady or Gentleman can improve their Tmrnontil n 1 1 ii ' i fin h'i1 an hundred fold. It is I" .. -II.. , ........ . r simple in its combination, as Nature !rer5ej4 15 Mupie. V L lilj iii 1 . ' t t 1 . ....... j r drawing impnrit'n-s from, also healing, cleans ing anf beautifying the skiu and eGmplekldn. By its direct action on the cuticle-it draws from it ail its impurities, kindly healing the same, and leaving the surface as Nature intended it aheald- be, clear, soft, smooth and beantifu1. Price 1, sent by Mail or Express, on recent of an order, by .1 W. L. CLARK & Co.. Chemists, No. 3, West Fayette St., Syracuse, N. Y. The only American Agents for the sale of theewne. lnnrcll '28-tW-lv Tlit- World Astonished, AX TUB WOKOBUKL'L KK KI.ATMNS MAlB U.I Tllfc GREAT ASTftOLQUlST, a. a. jfcrngo. .. She reveals secrets no mortals ever knew. She restores to happlnea those who, from doje lul events, catastrophies, crosses in love, loss fof reations and friends, loss of money, hav.' become despondent. She brings togeth er fjiose long separated, gives information con vening absent friends or lovers, restores lost or stolen property, tells you the busluess you nr.- best qualified to pursue and in what you will be most successful, causes speedy mnr riages and tells you the very day you will marry, gives you the name likeness and .characteristics of the person. She reads your Very thoughts, and by her almost supernatur al powers unveils the dark aud hidden myste ries of the future. From the stars we see In the finnamemVthmalefi stamthatover come or nredomiuate in the configuration from the 'aspects and positions of the planets and the fixed stars in the heavens at the time of birth, she deduces the future destiny of man. Fail not to consult the greatest Astrol ogist on earth. It costs you biit a trifle, and you may never again have so favorable an op portunity. Consultation fee, with lflte'ness and. all desired information, $1. Parties liv ing at a distance" can consult the Madame by mail with safety and satisfaction to themselves as if in person. A full and explicit chart, written out, with all inquiries auswered and likeness enclosed, sent by mail on receipt of price above mentioned. The strictest secre cy will be uwmU'uied, and all correspondence returned or destroyed. References of the high est order furnished thse desiring then W rite plainly the day of tla mouth and year .in which cuu were born, enclosing a email lock of hair. Address, Madame H. A. PkrukwV . P. 0. Drawer 293, Buffalo, N. Y. march 28, 1867. t" ly There eninfth glad tidings of joy to all, Ta young and to old, to great and to small ; The beauty which once was so precious and IfBAj fi l" and all may be fair. ram. CHASTELLAR'S D N A M K For improving and rieantifyiug the. Com TnVmost valuable and perfect preparation in us.-, for gi vine th.- skill a beautiful pearl lika tint, that is only found in youth. It quick ly recavTW Tan, Freckles, Pimples, Blotohcs. Slot U Patches, .lallowuesa, Eniptioue, aud all impurities of the skiu. kindly hcaliug the same leayiag the skin white aud clear as alabaster. Iu use can not b dctectod by th cioeal scru- tmv aww i'tt a vrttetabU- preparation jsiht 1 - It h the onlr articU of the kind u.-.-.i L i! rreniih, aud is conaiib-red by the Pari" a inMpen?a'hle to a perft toil-H- PpwawrS'-f MH bottles were sold dnrhijj the east year, a sufficient guarantee of its cf' eacy. Price only 75 cents. tent by mail, pos id. on receipt 4 an ordM-. v BRlKiKK. SlU'TTS,A CO,diemists. abi 4"er ot., tray, a. t. BI t-nolM fcVatHoiua, m .beh woaderf-1 WHITE L QU ft Marriage Guide. 1h vsmI.fM-.irxJ. WORK, or Every one hie own Doetor--Being a Private Instructor tor Marritd Pccaoua or those about to Many, both Mnleaftd Fetasie, i eeesjfthing eoaoan tag the physiology and relation of ear Bexeal System, ana the Production or Pre vention of (Xfcpri.r. taeViiug all tVaww discoveries ncTer before given in the hng lish Ungnagc, by Wv. YOUNG, M. D. Thia is really a valuable and interesting work. It is written In plaiu language tot the general reader, aud is illustrated with upward of one haiidrcd eTigravtags. AB young married people," or those contem plating marriage, and having the least im iedimcnt to married life, should read thia Look. It discloses secrete that every one should be acquaiuted with. Still it is a book that must be locked up, and aot lie about the house. It will bo aent to any one on the receipt of Fifty Cent. Addreea Dr. Wic. Youwo, No. 416 Spruce St,, above Fourth, Philadelphia. Jnne 16,60 64tw&wly. aej Reparator Capilli Throw wy your fbe frltzcJ, jour switches, your TVatrnctive of comfort. nl not worth a 8k: Come sued, come yeuthh. My sed tatr ; AnJ rejoice in yoer owe luxuriant hsa. Reparator Capilli. For restoring hair upon twild heads (from whatever cause it may have tallen eut) and forcing a growth of hair upon the face, it has uo equal. U will force the beard to grow uj ou the smoothest fare in from five to eurht weeks, or hair upon bald heads in from two to three months, A few ignorant practition ers have assorted that there is nothing inai will force or hasten the growth of the hair or beard. Their assertions are falae. as thous-an.L-.of liviug witnesses from their own expe rience cau War witness. Bet many will say, how are we to distinguish the genuine ft...... Iw o,.irtntia..f I.. !! l.-lttll V is difficult. as nine-tenths of the different Preparations j advertised for the hair and beard are eutirely I worthless, aud you may have already thrown j away large amounts in. their purchase. To such we would say, try the Reparator Clli; it will cos) you nothing unless it fully comes t up to our representarions. i J'"r "ks'-' does not keep it, swnd u? oue bular and we will forward it, post paid, tog. th.- with a re ceipt far the money, which will be returned you yu appUcartan", lirovidiug t utire aaludac tion is not jriven- Address, W. L. CLAIUv & 06.. Cliewlrta, No 3, West Fayette Street, Syracuse, N. Y. march 23, Wtfr. AFFLICTED! Suffer no More! When by the use of 1),R JOIXVILLES EL IXI R yuuuau be cured ueruuU2eull, and at a triiling cost. The astonishing success which he atteaded this invaluable medicine Uo- Physical and Xer vous Wemcneiie, Oeiieral Deliility aud: PnJra tion, Loasof Muscular Energy, ImpoUmy, or any of the consequences of youthful iudiM-retion, renders it the moat valuable preparation ever disx-wered. . It will rem. ve all nervous affections, depres sion, excitement,, incapacity to rtndy jfrjwwL ness, loss of memory, (oiifusion, thnnplits of self. Hutainiim ('..Mrs ot nisaiiitv. Ac It will restore the appetite, renew the health of those w ho have destroyed it by sensual excess or evil practices. Youiiir Men, lie hunihiittedno iwohj uack Doc tors'' and ignorant practitioners, tmt senu a-ithfrat-uVlkv for the Elixir, and be at once re stored to health and happiness. A Peras-t t"ure is (rnaranteed in every insUnee. Price, $1, or fiViir liottis to one address, fit. One bottle is siUhcieut to effect a enre in all ordinary ca-es. n ALSO.BR JOiyvi LLEy SPKIFTC PILLS, for the speedy aud permaaent cure of Oeaarrhea, (ileet. T'retoral Discharjtos, (Jravei, Stricture, and all nffrcUdns of the Kidreys and Bladder. Cures etTeotee in from ane to five days They are prepared frm vep-tahle extracts that are harmless on the svsteni. and never nenseate the stomach or impregnate the breath. No chansof diet is necessary while using them, nor does their action in anr manner interfere with business pur suits. Price,. W per box. "Either of the alovenentioned articles wit be sent to anr address, closely sealed, and post-naid, br mail of express, on receipt of price. Address all orders to ' UEKGKK, SH rTTS CO., rhemisfc No. 45Kiver Street Troy, N. Y. April4,'67. Free lo Everybody. a T or.,.. 1 1 na. Circular, sivina information of the greatest Importance to the young of both eexes." It ieaehea how the homely may become beautiful, the deapmed respected, and the for saken hired. Ko yoong lady or geiitleinan should mil to send their Address, and receive a copy poat t.aid, by return mail. ' Address P. 0. Drawer, 21. Troy. Jf. Y. April 467. tw-ly A Card ta Invalids. A clergyman, while msidiagin South America u a mia-oiiaary . rbscorered a safe and simple reiiJ cly lor the cure of Xervou Weakm-ss, hariy De ca lhasato of me Trinary and SemunUOigan. and the wbHteai aranawwi "f ..j banernl and vietous habit Great un-stora hacr ftaaft drm.lv ewr -d br Urt" nolde n-reedy. Prorrrp. twl by a desire ft.henellfct atHietiil and nnfor- t , unite. 1 writ -eim 'rt rerrpi ur pn-pn aim ustng tbU medicine, in a -paled e-rrr-lepe. to eaj wh.. need-it. VmdC Ifrwar . w i jaa. 16. UJ6C. twly Turk fit v SALISBURY. N. a. jyEBIUY. HiIL 1T, the OLD NORTH 8TA.TE. (TRl-WKEIvLYJ 7 sr or sets- a Teat rwnaii 'ais BaaSfta. Weekly IL i.ae i ..I i k. k ik. it, Nam 1st an. to Jo this we have ! el accoaaplilJ oaararf TBAKSIBVT ATKS For all rn les'thaa oee i On Square. Kin4 iwrrtioe C tract raWiac triafc ef eat to t an 1 1 I Seiv 4 ev ata iea mm mm mm mm 1 soraas, t oeaaas. S SOI' ABBS. 4 mtraKBa, (ji i; COL. aaas cm. 5 r as. col, I'M COL. feeo i vsaB traff ilea siea nea si as SN 4tn tea ton l.'.a- I sea g-g iaa is ea 4t 7.eo nea 43 M mm " T . . . . ri' 'TJ!! nrtw fc-r art curt X-ucea aae Admtasaaweta will to cUrrfj mm h iVmnhwtse of the colli a v ii iaar -- --- v a P.... l.aaa aaJ alia! ITIltlkfaU ITT. T IIWI square. Special N". in leaded mhuon. wul t cea tracted for at the office, at not Ws than double the mte of awemarr adreniBieB. Iuivrted as rrediuc matter, with aaaaaval a luc editor, ltf -eiit per hoe. Advertisemeut in-erted irrtgalarly, era later. vaU. " per cent, additional. The raw ahov- eiaisi are fcr standinjt adver- uaaartau soaare. chaaceabk at 10 per cent additional. M..r. tliu. In :taiv. llnrb at alwie- tiou ner so us re f ten lines, for CTW chamre. twentrire cent Fivcsanares e-4imated a- a quarter cotaam ItilU !'- and ten squares as a half eoinnin. mi .iK..r hr th".. or rear. tar. will be considered due and .-ouVetable oa presentation nuraua. v aa fw ttf nw JTerm tosr r aaaat The future, the future, the day yet to .aw ' rLMrr t.te WV Ha. iht w all .rlst Anal ,l,winr a ai aaaaa Memory rums to tne past ana w mee. a KU.v a sitaJuw with dark drooamr Sits pen-S'-U ine sanweot hi otan, hTen in the bright saalisht. aad when the . . v I ' V . It is there trdl itrfw depart 1 Alone bare I sit ia ar chaaaher to-tight, MamVv . with k-r aaial ehhe, She is tiMkliH a bell, a rWer btUe Urii, That is echoing the oMea timea. Thev with their beauty, sad their uurto, -Flinging lurk from the beautiful past. The hopes we then cbenslwd the hrightaat ef earth - jnti too fair a,tirets:ou tolast. There were hearts there, pure as the fillies that blooii-. : . There were smiles TSke the sunshine ia May, Our Uvea were, too bright then, to dreaat there was gtoom In the future then far, far away. But the dark day have come, and childhood has now Drifted from the hack entry ef time. And we are but thinking of those dear old days. While around us the inmry bells chime. An angel, an angel with a mfld. pore brow. With a smile presents us a t up. Cpou which is inscribed, m letters of gehi, Liatk mttdown. bat eja and lo ay. PV.r the Old North Stale Bfr uxa BkSrtojrl It waa a Summer's day. TV leaves of the aspea were scarcely agitated. TV yellow-wing butterflies were dancing qaad :il , .1... Ainoilv nr a rose trei1 ' " " tn.it w nau'Siiom tii h raaii , m . . : resting on tne warm, oare cann, torn ofaninm.ecrea.io.. The adjmi.mg wc .sc resounding with tV, KatysdMl a song, readied oy tne r pleasing cry oa m tjny fjee-frog, and the whistling of the par bridge cornea ap to aa from the fields laden with the plewtenas harvest ; while in the distance the smiling landscape, with its jovHy valleys and Woe mountains, hnds its full sVre in adorning and Vaatifying a world designed to V as happy as it is beautiful. But all is not beauty, all is aet lova and happiness. Here ia a weary heart, there a w sated fortune.. Here are Uasftrd hopes, there are the par eaa appeals of . . . . , - , i... want. Hotu miud man body eiiuwaay grow wrary of labmde ef pleasare. Erra tV little fondling,- tV blessing of Btaar s household, f soon as tVy learn to stray from mama's kme, tire of things that amused tVai bfre. And fo re in this pleasant rrtrea from tV noisy world aad summer's heat, .this sitting room with half MUftr check makea has ann and the great hJWHli TV knitting is lead aaafe, .p h ieWaraa,e gJgj awar.avsi Wis aeaa iltuuhd ail(fc WsatoT nMHhk' .. .. i ,. WWM . i. 1 9 IV aittl Jsur .,.. .iw proaapt aa la exciaka, t ? lip has lat ipefcea ft, h It it T It is is heard Hi the uttered d the . . .:. fc... . a arc. It wafted hiec proad aieaaAvsy-N 'rwarr wean, ya ewry hastoe that kavea M WWM TV achtol-gwl yrgfar T V V1 :J7Mm sii.i.icnJy rt-m.ve.-d to -bi.N MM rVccakg aad drocMag ram. i pVtr, frreakg aad dteieaMg lantwifeh tt , icy touch of winter's ljaV ' a. a- - d a. 1 1 1 miulit litat tm ftwsaalssVlaa have re ndcred sparifir-e Ac mdbJ alherluV. fesadn araaH dh itiTTMi iid" l? the text bonk, and with of a spirit reaming taV The youth been compassed by aW true p ia lAe a VaawiM t '"w IftarajiM haaoaoaered another aec .lV Isrnar of. agh., Jhn, ,T?!rtnT. 't- bntto iwcw pauperised everybody from tod ar hr tV tiiaVint I" " i .,.v.TgU.. -a mmmtm aa wall aa their v i i - m i Bank, a i .,. . .Ti.n. jjf lab. eaMtew .lav hi'., nimiuin Id tin inhfcajlftijl elft t.Uk ,k.. anallS nMl IBIBI IflMrr H j w - e i rarning niitohls to him. A arw'aS i host iueannoan table Mcjk SJp Id waAwsay i fairrr plain aad haaaWftaiiiWV rests, disconrapr-roent w 4 t iuajf. vx,wrM of le-ar-Vr Awl f wmm- .Umt a fZA Wves ih liABW ef tier WaW) : and happiness and pnars dkr $dh Pkewii at " rJia. aaaJ tolls eaa ajBtB t to will d. pen into wight, til 'C-tK aid then nwromc s pm.BBBa Uk''l,wr -l". w every deformity. eaa there a Vcraval aff fr 1.4 hie. couuymeu of the danger,, Jet Bcannee ann siBaaMyeaaanjatB, waaw-jrwv v.-i.n. Monroe. Adams aud Jack ot msnnooaao" . . v -.s. i. . ; . anV' Immb saw discWt. Awaf- ' a. l i.i 1 hi iiiaai laiassMsair n tt ...A't. i.w v not crer 4 hua as at lose its lauwaiBsearta, aa. "ewcaaaBj" spent away Aal7S'-SS--S than ia trard twm mm II. rto baa aau4l dhr BtW.-ded fan aagal, kateVe easadhi h B.wdlaagc5taVata, W hat hoItm,mmmm The lather engaged af dek k. ,wl...l Uitgrdwgiaf, a hat1at I ?hw, tears toaaoehf away Swift ftV aatoftfc arHt'-iii are coaiaiwed his rrccewn? wotjaaef bow rntetui n waaaai aw we ww "nj'. pead anew . m bMlffifrilTTTtl . I vnuv aralk Ot - - , - JT -. a k.hto h for a tridiag rtaaaciafti at, dfVrw hiKtojt is fadinr aad grow tag aid err TV km t. ,r a innin? n-aiai run hi roandaf vars aa tV rtok beV lam TV ro nries of the fag srarK wt mtkaag wHwauHjt ia which to Sal am ay 1 tosr in aflkea robes toai aA, . . . a? exclaim M aw TV aade m couch af aaiaorto watching a airay cisbt iu W eVwiaameW kwaa tstoT mg wstb Ida awe mm sire to hjr ami d soul Vt the kaiem ihc M worda, eaa fj He wVhy f".jr .TTTT ZI?rr . i oi youth wither found could we Mad his as W art naing with hawed r waskhl ha u 1 am tired oi aow- 1 rxp aoulu be a child . 1 M t wf aaotuvr to rock, me U aieep. gafthaw at& aaMet and foraakou by who hajaa kaou alluret tv tne aa ta aaaiher aoave her to her ear. ,fi iirt inJ oveiHow and adaaa a eaMwH I mnUmi a.)l h.rt. Hut to another world ' a4at i fca Vtnr'"'"g where a childish voice -W jjsn t imW kr Mother U akagiuf a 'Ix&jU wtt At ttuw tne sweet oichmj SIX u w:.ful doau from Uaav eaa fta huhtW auu lue i m strum ftVr wearv aeart auu lurun-u V ito sweetness, lea, there M a t home w bert tho weary apirit aorV k lelfefc ito f ha waft. TV aaMN at ajaguish give place to HltliMlt auu toe nurs uo ivo- loll suia. wita aopi notes that swell the aa- aadi as bf aSll ever atorc aaar M ato Mwaa. jakaj,. fjn 4 Mm? X.hc, in aoticinr a ccn- !toeey Mweaa Frofceaor BUckie, of k..'... ailJ Mr Ervst Joaes, of Lon- a i .jlo. yit ,mm merits of dem- ' .t..,..,its,ai1d merits of do 3ajftW il Writ i own opinion on the seb- . ladft. atrikuisr ana vivid Wc Jo uot quote them with the xiirw sk iadhnting partisan resentments and MbMimiA. Hilt sat showimr the views euter- aaaaaau lv uVcliues area to .Motion of the l- nioo, wnica ftaaadaddk The conatita wa. ita fiaa ebaMks and balaacec, ia Jotooxnd or Utughed to scorn ; state righto wMtiaaadltt-r? without due regard to . . . . . . . w ; . . :tl.. Ik. an. IB BeBrriy uupuMooiw iv a,--- . . 'lla.4. ? - A, titan a eJtisi io ;m ui.in nnf i i lii.'.iipaW wca aa ia threatened mdt isaAaMarhaai-ii( tor uo other ofkucc than tOtrart trlfw" to the coustllUUOil wuicn L..LU11H m nlirn aaah to datoad; and trsta Mht Wlgr in moat august kasdjr kja Vuikcd Stotoa, is threatoued wiidk aayariniVrrri, haaaaaa the radical foc toMH, taajt hna the laajot uy iu a ooagrcis ualeea the south vaa. ar i.aiy 1 W HiBaaoaJiint iu it, ia appreheaaira that mdhwVaaist judgment will be legally pro- a. . V ... A ah. a .a? a ha. a nuaaatfa- U 1 aa kav.al .af th- )44IS Of IDtl UIT&I" hvaa iMaiitn'nar prrsMlanta -aw ;wil sounded the alarm Weh- adwtt and ltoitglits well fittOl . . aia c ha Vita toll gtoKteto, out not aearmea ior dhr PMifeau poeitioa also predicted the a weadto of to-day. Put the democracy k.k . . ..v.. ( no eitrs to hear: It luftti tit dftfttiHihi : aad to order to ah aiia uetovwd the Kherty of the white aliaiat k KhCTtT to tV - x " j loavertutg the latter from wen-ren haa aiotsfcsd paupers, aad reda- rrom tour minions ro jida-halt. lnthepro- eaea ikMk ihahitoa, both of the north aa.saiftVtftshin legacy of debt, de mjiiiMantvn, dtoaaioti, aad the eertatntr of fisaasMaal eeasda that has jet to come and aoibi bv its maguiiu'te, rr- fmmtj aaadJtrs sectional bate, and all the ' a drAgot teeth which the ruling in sowing, as if thev w weBKay - - wr to th pros.pt'ct of bkiodshed, and a-o- from afar.' Kateiy J IthJhvtd distrkst of that Ute, replied m hft,,. wahRshed b. hw. We suppose ,y th. wilt apply to all of the eteetions "s - - - as ."v. t' AarU 1. B. ' - Ciwa I 'iliaiaaHrifirrT .' rhuehrtoiajr'1, shetd wili not b- heJd- fW9 ? tirHK wwt-Ba, it iv.a- ia ' a sucoseeat will mmamm .. a u. iSacklea. J. W. I'uirt, Caah aad A. A. A. .en. TasifaVal d ot as reduced the mouth af March. tkatafaWai vista ia dto ealiforaia only tksee are fomaUa j i tkMdoat Betmol a Auemsu. Ua. !ST,Tlh!LaIZal &dTh ahiadiag lWuah magaaine, on 2 SrVhktotowa,, Bhtok- WHOLE NO. 1W Sfc-i3athl The evnentllv to publish the Beet the HaafsenMasr enabled to few daya. from the paraeai af eVed to Jadge llok has he. tify the vol t tcts as arc tire to tV whether the dmrv ware it 1 s,-.ietrv St was given to articles feaad the arrival af the Wmm mmwmw m mn a ay M this city ; That the bo has b-cra m i aKhdM tMaJl ft OM BffVCSHK "PMwVBna mmmm it baa aa haea ahrrcd aayy jaaMMftr note. I dotted aavT craaaedl tV hook was haadrafta JadaWr tightera leare we ca J the diary iiiipMiaera M April 14, the aaj at w ai the first ratry aa it MM V i he (Booth) hadprcfiarcda and sent it n WaJifti giving aa aceeaaw ea w self aad baa eaaMbattos. The balaaec af tV diary rtorificatioa of hwasea likens to Brataa. aad rktiftt, whoaft V eaAs Judge Hell fMbtt uaiarht aaaa Use that character itiier taw 'a") i not deem h 1 .V TS v . - -w ftkja pnhenstor of the MMf swer, BrereJrtha hr had ao liiniiri il the tiiiaaa3ariM.wAifc Bawh .JUA W toad seat to that ft; aad finallv. there w aaav hmd that tia. aW than that which is PoimctL ExctrwiwwxWeaBBe w- satisfied that this en ci teas cat. Congress ha not submitted nnst he obeved. It tion the w i jlSifttfwW. The W passed, aad that ef wr is WhVi-we sh mWmmWmmmmmm raaaaaa waH WSBtl """J "ti aTaa- .. stitntion, and cersajjwraAIT tass 'eeaa en things wdt V aaideajwd. W taar IMft rs will V pahBaawd. We for pletforaas aadl t hsss wdh i on them. We are wrilhiag to sftaasi a. to use the cIssassbsjI hBageawe dftlfah now stand Stnnrd, take a hack at, aadl hrt bVeN ship be taken jiaaa part by ear wwawwaw dered at Aff ,W!'''l'l'ew a" render wow. TV iiJ(Blre Isr wdftb fought are buried VaraJtfc th teala qsf-ipBj 0oarJta4iea which Wa.hhgtoa ttWW a analt the ml UBS Will about as BMch Vw aa thfe Irish e de, We are aww tUajfcag far tstervce. Oar Nnae We fight oti dead we will tab w shin. SV has Veal of the old e naat, to lawde k r m- aba aaiik the sawm ; Ieakv,tVh-Jl to aiI forV Ale skillful aaerkaaics ray rraadr V so that she agato may wines Then let an apes weaaa or i . i. Wwak with aa asm stand aside and give plare dto takably loyal. York corresrmoeat af v7wr SUV : Tharlow Ward's toissfoa B f the Pf turner ci? Ai totTfsr derelooed. Ii is to Vwd at a-w;U af a mal party, steering dear of Kafcal Kriftah canism oa Uar ese srawa awes a. "rff". Ikaaaocracy oa tV other, wwk a riror off hriiiinir not Vcwcr3 Grsa aad AdaaVa i L- I ' i . Lkaal mbJ Van PstsistUL I ft eaa a saj, ao w, a ; T"-- t This pai pose w ill Cailfi'c err sawca- fioally, i u.i- ;iLai, BB.aaw daya. Tlx VnvvaJ Had of ) Savaanah ' h Vdo.ay i a fcariaini I BS I I cx Mcast.h.N which ariiawd three pV r0" rh ' One tfaoastwd ait hwalrej ami dollars Vr- bee aiafiVte I fo Xew Teak 'm mi oftV earefV wtthaa hat ksneaWdg rda . - - aak -a v a. 1 a A ii itt aa eaa a jbdoin. saws are wm-g a J aiaihfTm ftMMMhl MfWsrW wr". lVtOlaaOT. TV !w tV rn.liil hjhn v