icttt mT It, .1 . lglr C'pplr Fire Hi, - 4 OL II. NO. ft. prrlal 1 If At ink E Y. TwKm, Atfma E gV.sh Antrol.-rist, Cfciwiiy t aaal frfdfei who MUM iff t lie In- OKI V..rU. ha iimUiiii. x. v. kaabaaaa a ark amirfil a-ianaa f aiirht. aa to enable her to impart kit. l tl greatest iuiportavnoe ta da aaaagle a Vani J eithar at-r. Vlu aa aaT IrwMr, b-4U tba iHtrMiu'viiii are to marry, and Irr aatruuient rjfiateaae pesa-er, kaiaaw Trwekoaiotr.ajw', jraaraBieea to aaaaalar like nieture of tin- tut are laabaar a aff the ariHdteaaflaJradrwiihdae.d .rr , ... . . , noamon in me. if. i c n"' iu. Thia ia aa haaflbaar. aa testimonials, cm assert She ' a n..niii.4 nti i firaT.-. or aaieafcthtt the jaetura w arhat n panpra be. -Try eMWulwig a stnafl hadf aaar, aaal atnltug place of birth. atps.ittou eomplf xioa, and cndPMjax fifty aa aianmed IB ratlin addressed i- aeor3 will recei.-e tbe picture aaalaVsia-al i thin bf return mail. All cnaaauv.J T ; a- c redly confidential. Address in confide. Miilaaai E. F Thornton. P. O. Rue. , Uud-e. a, X- T. mar 2-t. 17. tar-l5 t3P .Ympxo LaT rntaciMaar I K cauutf y bais after aaojourti 4 a lear aaamiW in the 04tv, waa har41y rrr rukipl feWr friends. a plane i a oaatats raatir. fcaWJ face, abe bad a ad ruby PwiyV-ywm f abai rtt uiarWt smtxtbiiej, auJ iartiaa) faaaaay- 9Ti t. ii- . t ttire- aiie reallv apivareu inn eacni-ee. iiwniirv u. to tke ejt:lse of M Hl'tufl t . 1 1 -A- -' - 1 " - J v K II' I I V U'lU UK In ' ' tT . ' j - - j i mJ. casaiaii awia, hii i-wim.-i useanv Lviy or Ge uleman ;,., imnrowtla-ir pan. nal apjtarance laMl k Liple ia eo...b,aa,r -b drawioaT itrnrittefr.a, ate b-afcrg. Vaw- inicaad beauufynif tbrafeia awl rom-var.w . i 1 ... - - .1 iat aVe-x u 4taaai B , ita direet acti.ut on the auii. Je atabfr-ai it all its iiapiMities. kiiiJU JfMaT'mc tkw auie. and lerffing the surfW as X at are 14. l ...1 .Hill".' ....... - i.....i.i i. a. .ft M.ti and minft!. .iiiiMirti ana iwwititti.- nil. ..ii.. .......... . a.. . as fncevi, sent iy Man or r.Jiuj. "T of aa 01 der. fe W L CLARK A: P ., Cbanaboa. a. - ... .a, ! v V An. a. est r;t etre -i.. . iw, -a- Tue only AmerUa Aeafs for tbe -Je af tbeaaiuc. tuarcli rf-tar-lT i The World THE GREAT AI aWMitol, Yah il d,,ie t She reveals -wereta a aaartal trr kawar-. She restores to hapjtiiw those hx frowi tl.d lul ev-nta- catatriphas. crifsat iw I1- e f,,f readbniana ft itaads. lass af aaaaaey, U .. .a. .LmiitJh Sbe WTtuft'lC'Tl V a ll.l . .7 v . I - ' rr 3 a, tbae loag ayatateaV; g' v- iawaaaTi iai at- , r-.a'a-aaa-aaa-af Wt liMCSTILLB'S EL raniiag abaeat frt ias aw bvs, af.ja.anui aaaa .; jaj.y,j---trT!' ! Ijilf' aad at a Xaaatababia fwapaaty-la vre best qualified U iMkrsoe aud aa waual w m yrMry sawaa which ha: at traded will be imkjt auocessfuU eaaana aaitmiy aaaPl, mt,wut mul- aatrdiatBa bar physical and Set riaarea and tells you the ve$rr daT area ; aos Kaaiaiv aui:rd Dabihly aad Prostra ...3L. Jw. -aajL JiW a.-uii 'l,.a.vat; Jfciscular Enenry L.tpoteney. ar "Hll'JI aw... a J 1 eh iractensUfs of the jwrson. " very thoughts, and by her al I . r .1 ii aLpoWers unveils the aara rlr of tM' future. Fr.-w a aaa Aal aaaav in the nrmirnetat the nrcdoiiiiuate in tlte ronfirttraTiat nsaerts aad BfaaitaaasdaaVe BwrSs,.ar4ouB.aBaw trf iaaannav MH7i naad ataraaa tatatawa. am aaa waaar . a --a . - a i:- . of birth, abe deduce tle future aV8naiy iiw apaim f "MM biiai 1 1 butaarttV, 1 tavorabVeanf- uvtn. Fail uot to cousult tbi ojiMt on earth. It Costs y..u ... ma i- iwiit aff aiu have s " i. t a... . v portunity. tJouauoauoa awe, w.-- : and all desired iu font tat ion, $1- liSerr- meal a uiuaaaiv. . mail with safety and satisfart or. t TiKumaKaa CTRbmi A Ml aaal cfeaf, aariaaaaJat. with all iwaairiea aaawaaaJ anJ .7. aaa. -t , . likenesseoek J3 XnC-i j.rina above uieutioned. lite U rw sr wrse- .awypil e aialntaiaefl, aa an rwrta-aH r i-atufned.ir destroyea. r eat order furukhrd those duaiiaagTaaaa Wa3ar plainly the day oftfemuaAaBie'aaTw rati were bora, eaw&aaaag a aaaajj Wk dbpar- Addeeaa. Mii.ti IL A- IWaga, . P: 9- Ir,rer - C .0 inaratixt?, imu. There cometh chad tadsafiaf w baa. ' ' To yoette and la kt The Wauty wjab For impreriag plexton. A rt .a .at w a r tt i-ii a . ar m a aw a ar aaa a aar a m aa a w lalr.-- tor an. anu an mat? aar aaur- a m aw a- ui aaaway. . - tl.tk - . T. ,T ; tke Mara w aaay jraiaj aa m. . white tmamzi.:u N -V.Aaw naa-Uor aiTmar tke abaa a ike tint, that r only baad ia j naib ill aaanovea Taa. Fr'ueklaa. ISaafaVa. Moth Patches. SalV.waeaa. imnurHh-a of the skin laaetae abe abaa Itaasaeaw. not la- . tiaa. an and U-rux a regeiaUe i i laa-axiaa aaaaar tVerlv harwaa. kind ned hy iKe the Pawtaaea-as m -ajt. Upwards. the nat Tear, a LpryT , ta by aaaa?. aa ' -a. aaaa. Price .aiW 75 cenuv. pa mi. "at iwp . , ' BKBGERaSm TT-,cri . .... .. ... IU.SU' (iUiT FvTaiuLtMiicAi aaal aw. IM- tm Married Ui Marrv. both v.affa. AH r9 T a?"?"" v aaal ba"')C iW mb- U eat ajr aate Si ill it ia a It rahr Cent Dr Wm. . Taarssv Xav 4! Harare St., iar afaaaatM ami bp wrrt a lr ja ai iiiaa--aaa Far aaulaaaaai aaar aja bitbi ha.is (fr..m aaaa hii'.ea out) and fare, it haa " ' a. -rllt Lti-h the beanl to rnW 3a- u-i-- c- r e fefr apu bald ba-bHa torn twa, abaaaaaa Afew ioraut rm- J-.J , WA TWfr -ftfiaa arv faNe. a afcl liwwac w aaaaaaa. BaVat C fruui nBir oara eipe- irTaotelJ rttA bur . : Rut rnaur will at n .iiMinn'irsfi the cearrfne M - , . . . . . , . . .fr.aa r ffnrru r rvrtaraiy .4,ameuu. uiiikvhi is i ' 1 - . awMMMhr1.- ar mt .imveetii nvp"""' . t-- . . a 11 - a - a j - ali- h ,.ir .Mil kf:ird :irn entire V i'.:m " . . . , aatTftW aouiy. aaay Fu-v. airaawy uir-.an 'aaaayaaaay ani Ii aa aw Ma-caaaK j a. JiH a m kkaa Kam.nO.dr Pain 1 It - Waan.a;.aV i - 31 awa ac m-n- uiile it ra,iy e..iae to. a .ui? af Bau.arapw - a - - - r- sn.l us .ine d.dLir and we .. " a a a i latk " Wrti rr ir iSa pt puiU. P-'n jui a re ItafarttNeaawriiab trill be rturnel a.. aal - - Oi ja rrttuacioo. pn itnitj euiue mii.k- Ma w ww wwii. .vaire-y ft, laa riaAKK k CO.. Chemists, XX W-aa Fa-awu Stoiata Sytacuaa, X- T. ! Suffer no More! . ., . J.KI 1 .... I ..r..r...T. aani i I Mia, i inn iiiiinn i ..mim . - - rwniutCT- IB 3a am" Taaaaaaaar F" . . ; rjaiaroatfili. iaarapacity a study ar aaari I u -.....-a ft.;.. tliurufht s uf self. jl tLuiitmu. amrH -ft intmn'T ' It will leataaw fc ., .ai-nio-tiii CTZSL V snutwc ic aa ttxeesKf or e vil prar tires. ff Tumct. & tmwtrp annv "J J1"" T-unJbabBilgg'J'w!iHre hy-aaea 8as aad iajjorartt r-tidn.-rs, bat aead ;i3gyi!iK -7 ua. Km. Ii. ar lTite aaaamjatat U trt&tct a in rmuuaiv via ra. . - mMMKS ' ' tWiear sp aaBarnianent egre of Qaaawrbea. a-hviL rattal, iwargv w.ir!. ja aayaafaaaBa mf tfte audwr aaal ulaaiaer. S W I . jaara-f awn aaBaaaJab aatraeta abat are! - n ,,,1. " , -j aanseate taa i ,ajaaiaiH m iaajri pi - - JUaiaafwr jai iinanaaaiaanr wbabr aaiae taem. nor aaaa thah aatek. fliiBrJ aaa. . ... . -r a. , JJSJJ WaarsaanavaMra-ariaw, AakW ., a. - , ;itatSatrTrS A Cl . . I "betr.ij"ta i-aa u. Knar Saaet Ttjut. N . T. -. tw-ly. v. should tail to avea aapy pat- P.O. Drawer. M. Tn.y. X. T. t--ly -k 1 1 akra raaw rJ " a... aaa hr iaiaoaAajmaBT "TJ MtTraaa. m a -ad aawataaa fa. arepann aad it a 4rd earretHaa. to any aaa or fataa as - : I aaaaaaa? aaaaaaajp s Jaaar laa. Wlw w 1 lafMitmr OafiBL beUaa SALISBURY, N. CL. r; l m. OLD NORTH STATE. TRI-WEKKKVJ IU Al TH WaaaJr. Ha iM aataa i n-V-airli aw -o 5ra raaat la i ii ii . a aatlawTa Waaan -. TT" , k, r.ZA. ,v rra.r aaa aa TSAXSlaXT UTB Far aU m.U ti.j oa Uaaaract rsvrl tttMfaaN 111. T l.m AD VBHTI8DI RATBfl j taa 1 la. ! lam. Hli ana uaa n aa n ttm aa nail csaa us la Ma tr aaj ua aaa I iui I -g .. t- Qt-AB rot. LLW CM. t ar . ool 74 iaaa taai laaa attaa aMairaMs Ten line- a tyye. ar - V 11TLI4- - n "." i c ,.T V.jm. in wwuv . tke rate f o n'ZZ' ! r; tiemews. itaUf at m r .ni ,Kiitianai. " m- u..n-1. i -,. a-jarT. aasessV' at ion. aer ajTaae af tea line. Jar eerr i r tWiT"r-nre e'T" 1. . . ..;..t. J ..- a. . i ' f m. fee aiaV i " wki- r war. 3W : I ' M "T:" . . - - . . - I 1 e.ni.!;-rej Joe an.l snierTai- mmmm x, f "aitfft a r JTer Q OU XmrH Saarlr. IT'aUCCnt am at taa r Inujraace raaad aar aafc My ekihaaA aeiritWv awataaa Wrt a wiM Marka: aai a Haaam -tJB-Isw rawaail!. aifcr ataaatifal aVeaaa Wfcwfc cvaae. fcat n aiawa SttaaU WcSaataatW Vraw earrey. Oh' cataaraaratiDb-. UaSr Je-.'rl Bfinys baefcaa ay awry e? Aa4 ea-eata erfaaau. aaa aa aa aaak AaaMn wai trae iwaiW i ims CAtatraaaataka. flarr jerfaaar iB t ax.rt Ha a a4 act acaaaj "waaj. Jaaa. Oh rather aw rate; fcy m-tt-H. t aria aaa aai Aaatafaaaaeaaarafaakaraaj. . rraaa aaeat rya fiaBa aaa aaya r-s aar aa; .a. J.a- .taa aeaaarjt t . -. - ulcribers, the Wbaig braatifal aaai ! Tri-WreUj OW " - ni.ar . W. a.J W. fartb- Xar 51 af March the ?r-L We fart b- er rewaabliafc k aa at aaata-r ad aathaNeaa, as, apeaa at nrsi nuUisWd ia aaar Weeklr waa not pabltshxal aaar to . aui urger " TfrWeebJy.. : I y,. A Sisters Trial-A Stey rf a-l T a.Aaa Waaaa Idle low waA. BT LISA Ia western Carolina am the 1 Y . aaaj beifoajam a targe of the ttBatwfcm, wbbrb we w kaaaw ; HalT. Tt S batHt t brirk, M tke atawaa of elan a Teava: Car I .. . I - A ata rjen, tke week aa we see af a era age. here ta a mae as Bbkaaaa. aWaaaaaaaaa' aaaaabaaaaa flMaW WMhk IbaV lVT fcupfcaHP iW V haU.ice, Ita taaiaaalaagt, arm aaw awaa- .ar w. swam a aak aaaa kert a beaatafai w 1" e aad 1 1X1 -c aaiadL aaaal aarfeed aaa tke traartad aad taer, weeta a linger taufed o'er arth gra. awd w aVw-ely - L Laakar Lr jrnl aaal aakrd - w kaa . that! wins your ddbydateemapifcarfr n ' ' AaVrbaa waeda aeem to iaal bweat, wbarb are tbe arwle af Maaatlry . . mmk Lf,, j area aa abe ait Hall. At tke gas ttaaafo twa aacaeaa htgmm0r9 iW-a, ia tbe salt twdig I.uibard v uwlara lake eriaa uaaimi taa r7wm . . - j;, Laaakardy folara lake grim , I - 1 - - lad. - tar aaaiia hut. 1 aaa di aal we. ajirter a r . fi..d a srrraA vanetr W Img atrawaerry aa f-a - rardrt. fna, the laaie aa tawaa I !,!-. the year ratanad. To grape aae graaara, faaaaiaf . at. Laaaa ! ,DAY. APRIL 18. talari ! aaa 31 L l-l-I, rw araaaa - r - Oa aba wait etjCaa Mat 1 -a J ' J J the jbr aae. aaaat r 4d abe i et ZZZ mrxrr in ajr- U aadfjaat r- ETrry j aad J - . a itw fca, , isat. VHalh. gdalK ba$r . 'bawa?v lalaa . aa:.k ha .aaa - a . . a . . it ?ZlS'' ! xA jA - "' her baaah r Xa - - - kmd efae. her ZVTI-L m U aea-laawaaw aad baw tbaa Jram- a nwka, pautly r"" . F . aal tare. Alt - . a -a i a ia. .a ranadlT a- - . . 'tirfea al aaaajahaa laaa arifc laal fe haa aaate. 1,1 ai iaaaarMaaHiey - - - - aaa --It are were SS, Q.a.1 tW WaaarbaM aaaat fl ! -a : - an ' 1 fir ia naiiaaaaa WraaOr tlrr .dm bebf a great adaaar ralaavr- yLiraraaaa. i a a ilt.aa. i. av a . A ' 1 in aV aaaa. - aaal aVaaaar StfaF aJca. i i ii .'ar . xm tal b ladinaar -rb aWata bbar -awa r'' "" . - - -M L.a. ..a,r. aaatw fair" w aavaaaaaaaal ; Brr twrutn- , iresorw mr wmi - - - - mat j ajajsaa brjraaVr 'flirt.- .taa. ,;ia.. f TaiL. afl atatawe1, Bat where ii i our Wtior Comrndi call ks aa tie Bewasg at lsaaa, aan aaaare- , ?- j-. an Aeaaaff. data m mm afiacwrd. tta aanada Baaaata! hh ak - H)h ! i'Jti laa - i: XaCaai . - aaa- aa aacaai uac aaattara aa aar a awrl ewe awy aa aajaaaa aaaa . ' aval arare a. j aa kaaae aar aVrtbr laasii bwt Tt7?-fLl LL Jji - i ji wmmM mtt bi-T- aaaa' aiaV aad -. . aaa 1 1 a sad f MV naaiid A wuh tbe I ia iaal aal J katsaaL Wm'a black vadbare, we Wk-44 Lawn aaaal alaaaie Maaatlej arat- M IV - " aaaaafBaatMaaaTaaTAa. IB HMaa BBB 3 W"" i - a . . 1867. '. v-- i ill.. g Mae waa eansieu wuh I m A efcart tiaae after be atooJ upon the .e. f hi. bom-?. Ilia ancle had i f ITA .. . i nn'iti rf Mm! awd a pawi-wi Haa rvr, afc ti aaaa -tmae ia waa." p tiachml ta, ami wta proud f lua Tt.,. I.,i ,..r in DIT.iaWI !!T-a-t kiadir fed be take,, le.ra af tba " ' m . zv ee pet tally auut Laaak amid their regraU auai well wisbua. Oa - . uJ be aT3r. 4-ja-'r 'aeatb the fidda of the baner that was to So, over aa aaany wooa-siame. ne.u.. Hreatly aHd A nam miaa her heather, and agMr sM mmt Wua, ,B her dfrau H M-a.rlv were diode orecioaa iniaaivea read, fail of tenderueae, patriolic aud cbeer- t . i ta I 1- -aaaaaaaiat with oar Ronlherti oldier aaay wrea tt- k irdabipa L ou Mo.tiley . ebeeVtally andeaa eut, b avcly did he sus- taba hie lair aaaue an each succeasi ve g ry irU. Warm were the praises of his com- and eominendatinus of bhT omeera. a brrrw fluabe.l with pride al her .-a well filled box of "eood things, br Annie's band, found its way to aeomrunv. Those WllO B.1VC IIVCU ' aaa Coa federate soldiers fare, know what a m a bx fr aai feme was. io tboae days. AH aa bo power waa done tea, ia making jaidirra eJoibea and knitting aocka and a a .1 Tt unul tn aborten -carls 9 t lilt .11 int. a -- -a- . a a kailkan a K taa KMtg weary aay b ui wi Lwwi t KeriBet n.in toiioweo m r' ja-fcaaM tlirixuck bis victorious tear Jiaaaaa, aa a w m It 3 a 1 I 1 i aaaiwui i ' nil i mat greas ' ; wiaugiv, a B failett. and the Gpvernmenl witn tne nope t.-aa-aJMi, t..T..i.. .riii"- the war. determ - tajewie aaaaaaa tea ewe ia ten ciu.. . a n... t Tba araaaea an orawta ap oerore un a- a .ii ........ ......... an. turnl. ..a. i. nnli ubi'M are luuTvinE to aud fro an spirited efergea, artillery la wheeled itito mae aaa we name vpcaa aba oar Southern troops pour the ont-stretcbed band of his nephew ex lire into the enemie's ranks; claiming. . , ' Baataeif ' -a-y- JaJI. P r tdiiiM on every side, as" autumn J leave. Can any escape the fiarj hail of mmA ah. II' look our loe wavers , tfc;eaila Ibe ground aratb aaaperinra numbers: They art at 1 kagtb torced to retreat. The carnage and battle of the day ii ' o'er. Night fiddi her curtains o'er the ' seeaa?, weary aaew aic p - : :J .1 aa l...t a.wl dviutr 1111- ' aau.p aaaau uaa -j -r. - I of tnetr piteous anu neari-rcuuiuj. i enea ttaruau naiuic . f . aJ . a, 1 e.a tn.mnrrnwa' pnn- 1 i r ....... aa avAtn nut r apam kta maaae, ai;aa i iaa f wa at-acrrca in ue iuuy uoiug v v t jas before dm retreat began, it u feared bat has fallen a martyr for Ins conntry. As soon as eircantstanees will permit, friraafo aaeb him. upon the held. 1 Heir aeaaab aa aaadea; ia vain il every inquiry. -','! . a. . . aaa A Ob! who will bear tbeae tiding to Au Will the blow not ernsh her heart T II there aar tie. stronger than a sisters love 7 It ia near akin ta tbut alaieh bind aagel heart 'a together. .;;.;; Aaaic'a grief ia toe sacred for the world's gaze, let a leave her with One' that can temper the wind- to the shorn lamb." Plrty abaae earn paar tba oil of coaaoiatioo Timo UMfea on. Destruction's wild faaaWai h uVr. the cannon has ceased Its rear, tke swirti is sheathed f n the scabbard Ow cause h bt, ewr soldiers broken to tarn ham- feace bus come but few bieaaiugs. Let aa once more visit Montly Hall. U".e four vears that laid so many inan- I a ' B- j.a 1 - .1... .f .a-nnt aaaaaa low . aaau a iictr iuc . v. v. . j . i . . m -C v.. a .,.r!.t mterea ine Teiy rtcn .i " g,... la . 1 . A V" 1 1 la . 1... ....... I.ul aaa ia.. a w..a.a - -" r j . V - . . i i i ... ..I. . . i pi i m . mi ia nit- ..nun. mi rnorreaaauea oy a atoinuy I alaauapbiif, tfce Tryba wreathed itself lit barker aad bt-arier fcataoaa, the mosi in lainrtanee Ik. Lw.W. intA llu anaeioua old O.ir- 1 1 foa. it too retaiaa its old-tasiuoueu eu-gance. a CJ a ,L. .,i.!. ! e same ncn carpet, hhihu-. wrfh'taaaiTy portrairsson tlie wall, high-backed . a. 1 . . a . II- L aa Lat..lM i thaaii aj ia ibcir areas taaned place. ht. - aaaoa ?a cr.aea."a.iu' sriJouT gives joeth ita gashing melo-lx . i add. A lady ia the only occupant 1 a. . a I . I Baw BO mi .! pant, Ai Mailer, for it - ... other, it i tital woman. A melancholy lingers on tnat countenance heart. And the eablc I tar t-u iwi v..y - - - f ,ith. reiidar her , more pen- will hold its annual meeting at the L-utn 5?, b.uT.era Church, in Saliabbry on the. fter- at-Ia. 1, aa a U. a. HO.l Liar la imaginations sne is oy . a baolbara' aide on the pbicid bosom of the k X , with fir brag tackle Hi the bottom of tbe bo-U. Tle lid.t wind ia play rag :. L. Iwa Laa.ka.aa' ...illlell I'lll i .IS l SiamlS ,m aaidiog the boat, nyU on tbe; , evert aaa pair. Mi banal ; Iu the sweet L.uuto Brave," a lavoriie r their voice iU aong. WHOLE NO. 196 4... t ..i-r Skp la atill hoase- um - - ...... keeper. Aiini- Iim f rl sTv n n! her tn p'ofl.imittlou of enwiieipHlion. ttmo of the aervaiita bavs left, but the tliougltl ft laariuff "Jaw 4" M aw . aitowd uul IVwif'a Kibble Ud Wna .lie uol IVce, did ah- care for all Mn"M Y.tilc-ea talk"! Ilr .cittranea U -ve.l hv Annta. For a few miuuti-a tt ar . . idiuf Ur tlioaigbu, heave- .dcrpaifli, .k .m.Mtjrlii . nearer uiul aaye : u" ti; - t . . i .i i " Miaa Annie noncy, mere ac dier eomlnr. np the roid 'apoia l muat get Tflm inpperT' - dliMia DoaUleaa for the a.ddier boy'a ankoa over whoa! death be had ihcd ap many ,. ... .nut Lizzie had ever evinced much Va Uj amn " sympathy and concern for all soldier war fare. Annferepneit ' Gertaiaiy auut Liamie. aall uucla frf hia study." . 'f She aiiaweri " yea maaam ana reura. ' AnnTe bow her head again upon licrhntfd and morinnri : -ntank God MM km t will be gladdened by a return." n Thea with agouiaiig (aadiafl eeiaiiob: " Oh Leon, Leon my brother." In a little while lecoroing curioui to lee the coining itranger, she arises and leam out of the window. The soldier in tatter ed gray wai joat catering tk.. gate )d with tired step approaching the houae. A inonieut more Annie's alight fornVJs couvnlaed with a Itrange trempr, she tigttt ly seizes the window sill to prevent failing. Can it be a delusion" falls in broken words from ashy lips. ! H aateri, Aunies' name is ipokea jn i eiw. o rlri.ir M 1 1 Aiaa -i riiill'. 11 II 11. Ull I Oiaill . all 1 a ....,1 .an inatnlit i ' T , i j - more and she is laughing and crying In ."T ,,.,. , rli the blisa ak? llhit f . ... . after Iniur VDiU. fit ih.fiu. ii : - - o 1 sorrow iinoln now CtitfTS tlJC j a ii' ii vun a ' room. Statue-like he stands transfixed to the spot wiih astonish inent. Four years has changed liitn biit little, save it ha add ed a few more gray hairs and perhaps die quiet secluded lite hu has led, has rendered III 111 lllllll' ft V I'tl. He eaireiiv eraepa - jueon, my ooy, can n w - " Tes uaeio, a kind Providence ba at length brought me safely heme.".. AUut Lizaie bustling about oversee ing the supper when her quick ear catch es the name of Leon and wondering what the ado can mean ; cornea cautiously aud peepe in at the door that elands ajar. With a ery of delight, she ritshei within. With tearful smiling grau; Leon yields to the warm embrace of his happy 61d nurse. The story is soon told. Leon Montley had been taken prisoner on the fatal field of Gettysburg, and for two years had been au inmate 6t a"fJortuern prison. Repeat edly had he written home, but his letters had never reached their destination. Bbpe had long since "ceased to struggle in tke hearts of those that loved him. What a happy party gathered around the table that night, Leon to eat, as ho Kiiiifrrv. the, other to rook ,i !,;, Tiith InnrT eves. Aunt Lizzie said it done hwgnod to sea -.Miei Annie btugh once inore, ahd see young Masaa ; eaf so heartily, and that he waa almost as hijppy as she was at the last camp-meeting. The sister V trial is over, we will leave them to the enjoyment of each-other.'! so ciety. The boriaou is bright, all the bright er lor the storm. Let u uope no-aucu dark cloud will again abut ou. tlwuu shiuc of their young jives. fj Dtijsg. The Priucce of Wales is laid to be dying. The acute and painful dis ease from which she has been for some time suffering, has so developed as to ren der necessary a surgical operation upon the knee ; which, in her prostrate condition it is not believed aho will be able to cudre. The Pi inc. ai is au amiable aud lovely young wtraan, whose high domestic I vir lues and modest amiability have ilready greatly endc-ared her to the people among whom abe haa foand a home, and who hoped to fiud in her a fittiug succeasor to their matronly Queen. Her husband, the Prlncy, T ftHrter--T" mOTtfesta lmdiy any fit-ling whatever in consequence of the -anVrings of his wife, and haunts the thea tre almost nightly. Thia conduct has oc---fh;-..-.iit-. ir.iKfw- -hSlhwirtnjrr! and h made i 1CIU1I..11 o i t I 4 A lb anbjuat bf uninieil n liiiki- by ibgjMa . it tihert Kdward li is mil iwitcte. rv"V - ---- . - ... , d. st i.ed to revive, m his own person and 1 1 n natters. jr,iui. , ... f those d.-srradine vices I Hie, le ui. t w , , , . , , ..v itt the Uauove- ... i.njona.-Proiirew. , -JfJA., uiMm Society HOOII Of ttldaV. -U .Hill lt.. l" sons who feel n.i intere st in the dratriDu- .: r.h.. Hilda are rordiallv iuviMtl to attend. Arrangement will be made for the accounuodut ion of all Minister of the naauaalaod other del. satee. several in- i 1 1 ii rr ' r revealing addreaae-r nwy be earveeiru at theme, ting. h -wofMJ " 1 - J. p. MclvLLLY, I utrj : Xaw Tark Catf togetkex with 1 r, .

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