A la 1 . la f . . a.-c : - a Old North State Establishment a O- ood Presses. TYPE i par oupenor mr ui Kiiieii WORK, or Every one his owu Doetor-Ptr-g a Private Instructor for Jl.mi. Parsons r tkaae abont to Marry, both Male awl female, ia evcrvikiug concern iiifr the pbvftulugy and nUlion of oar Sexual System, and tke Production or Pre vriuion of (Ipujeimjr. iaciaaiuf all te new discoveries ..ver hefon given in toe Log in Ungu-ge, by W. YOUNG, M. 1). Tbi&'is really a TalaatUd- and ia.areelint work. It U Vrittra jti plain language ti ihe fem-rtl render, and is illustrated with Upward of on bandrvd engraving. All r - . i. . ...... i.. tn jming mai m-ti peopsc, v- plating inariiige, aail"kaitiMg tke least ira iNilhneut to married lit. . sh.-ul.l read this book. It disclose socnts lb it every owe should be acquainted with. Slill it is a book tkat mat ke locked an, and aot lie afoot ike haute. It will bevscnl to any one on tke receit of Fifty rent. Address I)r. Wh. jfocxo, No. 416 bpruce St., aimve Fourth. Philadelphia. June la, OO tf BATES 09 l H 'BUTloN. CI Tri Waskly '. Vni SU Modtlw. UM Mm. III. fa. M .. TO rU. .WEEKLY 1 Si T try paper Yw - Sl mi n Ilia, Tw.iry ropte. Yatr au.uu A X a Ike paper iud.caW tka exprralBaaff h- - it'- ' r' " . Th trpr n which Mm -0.. Xoara Stat" to , .-, V., will I Mwrnl lo T" :..! ....... (.mill- Ill t " - . 1 - . . a. .. km h ivf rnrasv I th.- erviei t aula it a aal M-roatpiiahcil literarv contributor ADVJBRTISING TRANSIENT RATfcS For nil i-hmIm ir,ilMii n raouth ilae Square First ima-U'on V lac a ataweat lo.-srtaMi . Oatrart iaKr rrw.li 6f or to er awvaW. T " i itrl your LOW PRICES! I Mjrtn. 3 MII'IIB. 4 'iimw, mi r rl 3 or cm. ON "I. I o T III Ul tm UNI 1 On i 1X1 3Ut 2 an is Ml 13 ' 16 Ml mm it 27.W) 33 INI a w 3 an. IJOII 17.00 21 O' 24 "0 3:1 1"0 0l 52i 4 b. 911 taao S) ! 3HT 4S ' Will I IT . v - Good Work RANTEED. GUA ' Ti.t... i nar tmlmr Man. Tour 1 rvtmrt.i-r f mmlorl ami nrtk a : 1 Co ox- ail roaar yoBthfui. rwaw art J lair I AuJ l-jK ra yoat oara laxanaal fcatr. &aarator CaaillL F.t ret.Tinit aair apiB laiU Iwtls (fr.ia ....(..niK. at uix have fallen (Kit I ami, iWii-j: a growth uf hair bj-b th laca. it ha u., i-jual. It will (.xm the heard to rnw up. ..u the Kinotuhet-t taee ia frww f v to t;ht wei ks. tr hair tp baM heaaa ia, ttnm two to-llin-e iiKiiitriA. A few icnorant praetiitoii- era hae atearted that then' is nothiug that .... . . , . . j ail! f.ree or Hasten tneirtowiii m ine nrntw ! hear.l. Their artiertiuti are fiilae. aa ths ; aaaa.'f livine wituee frMw)their owa espe- n . I T I rien,vj can b,-ar Wrt,..-. ui uia.j ... , y. how are wato LusU the jtentt..,e w i,,, d,an. inuaiUMt apurxw : " tr...., ; f,, IK.r unftIT l W "- " -- - - i . ; vri-nTy-iiw ithif. . i i . i i ....1 1-. r.1 ,hi ii 1 1 rl i ..:.., ..... a fi".iriir , nun. aanniiaai i'm uif ttmtt " -- j rxe iran- i-i-iiMmi ' , t i ..J nu hur luiv aln idr t!iri ii Lin wi:in-v n luirf rlmmi. InTl!' h'- I - . it ' H iin i flrn : "t it, i SSeW.wT r..na rrrry-e anr - la-irroittratt will l mao- witbthn- no ocan , to aartt hii lonaer triatlhan haraaMtha F Wt Sot! e aod .aftiluaaauU will be charged , atrhe uanalrawa J) Ti'U laiev l unnion rTie, i.i moh IwurthwW of the. column. couMituta a " . , v- . :.. I.. ..I 1 iiiiiium vill n trai-teJ InrM the -rfli. .'. at n.H ie than ajDuble the rate of .anlinan divert enJMti ' Itmertwt rviniii.jt matter, witti approval o lheeaitnr. fifty .-ent- per line. . AdTeitjinenti ii-ert.-d jrrejriuariy.orat intrr U ar per eiit. wMitional. The rate!, alx.v nrinul are for rtandiur auYer- tiriewenta, , , .. r nil ouare. clianif-a!le at ojirr tion. i Me at dja- ti.r ererr rbana. TW.Old North State Office - . al aa-aa- . Uh Will U now better than err rprepwodU. Jo allkmdao. , aui4iwailJ,. ,.n.vi.liug entire at.ae- W. I.. t l-AKiv ev v.. C a WeT Payette tr.et. ,jTacuse. mareh - 1- . 7" tn1 I Bot k,ri ", uu a re ... rtf Xrw Haven, an old uc- wW f.wanlf. CT; V-4i-,U;. " - "77.:... ifi. a-htk-r. who ba, in ---r PLAIN AND Job P inting ! In tke bt-st styles of the art. ceaslul, an APPI.ICTED Suffer no More! Whn hr the RAILROAD & STEAMBOAT Gator Printing And Description of Mercantile PRINTING, i' Will receive special atteaUon. -it. 1 lloil i . , I ... ,-i III- ; aia-iit veara on the coast kmiu i north ten i-i ilerl.ie ttiat iue i . ;: :Lw,p,id-r.r. It, l.benc.are ; a Ucutlv inexhauaMble ; it. barbnr-.fn- , Ld. and ilajunds riehtn yilu .bl.: ore,. j of a Dead Xan xrtc m Ctnnak. r fillo ' fruHI'Kirrrird here V ,1 ,v, Hiu r our ,.r val Aecord.ng his head audlxywen piu .i ii wi ini iit iT m will) tne !: I a". pli -- J-fiJSrSSSVTM BBJ a4l aaWf -1 X . r-i. w-TTTja1 """-"S ..TT! aa ar jjjj "lw aaasd fcarBaawrtaai J aan-nr aanii'iVi i "pi-tWfJetW ten per eewt. aa hta aai-, V . . . , a . V :ia nkr eaae f caguaaaate ay taa aaater JZfLisl aa. tW i V -ea-aA- TW tTta - - . be - . any . . - -is t. ., i.. rhft. ,m.. nr rm reunite, n , ... . . ii-. . - - - rfckau - . lawa at tare nniw , l!!!!Zr2La. .a raaaatatnaiaat aad kt tjii Mhmv ar anEat Baa pacBfav o aMklaLkltt a awtkurirr at ea- ai caaral aaal tke 1 i x rr he he tlte aaaar if the Sec , pro vili J ke pane arink awe of I lie land, and t the bands. o tier-1 ton h, arkakaa lllfiejmgaix ae . i m 'when t 7 J II ... d ... (..it It.iiit.il II 11 iwtn - -. i it.. - - . -i-nt'.ii e the pay J;,. ..;,.! nt i !. jrioainr i", o - ritrl.t to return a rnaia aaae an intereet iu a prowiitf crraj. ifii. r.. nta-r f land aairy he i bx.und for tb. tr poll Ik mud IK awa He aw a i. -a.- :ft- that if A. H I ta-t Jar V TTIZ- k hi. Zarll IB 1 I"'"- . . ti'rtte wirnirt uc awr k.k at Bl Liar, although be aa, mi Am Faahjal Eioaa pasciel ky tke C The Bead A a f- to ctfc-tou, tk' uriseoi.i Wedding, Business and Visiting 4Sa&EDS Printed in the handsonnMt -tyl, on hrt notiee BILL-HEADS, CIRCULARS, POSTERS, - . PROGRAMMES, .. . .1 .a. I X 1 1 v..u . aa Ik- n.tl pernia..o.. . -!n:.,l,,.i. whkh ha rtteadedl in. ?.. . . ..... i ,,,,a v..r- liralnaLle nit-.l.eine ir iu, -- . ' u ....... tr Kiierv. Impotetwy, or -.. ;....-..J v..utht I iadiM-n tion. ! " valuaW preparation ertw rVrwarenirre all 51 inn ,-seiteuieni. inriipa. itr to ataily or bai i.-irneuai tear- i ... auity.Ae It wiUfV,tow t appear IheheJth ofth.r wbo have Younc Men. W humlijr?ed.io untfi- hi M" 1 ik,, or and i.'i ataittaaer-. but ed ., inn !"..: ,l ! at otteere- !!. Iteiat lor i- . ... . ,H,te I .1 .,.r n ' i . i t r ..-.toft., v. a ru i ' - ilia- 1 1 ' ! ored to neaiin . er-" "pa. i r 7 " ..ia behlJiv the t-uti I'liarant.-.-u in every ou.."'- ,niasw.""v: ' . ftairbirtUeslortneatUne.. a. . . : . ..-aa,.i..nt In pftVCi a rule 111 I tin-, me . le . !" forth.- simmmIv and nnanent eun . a f t ! I il .l ' bead with a very interesting rvft-ult. i Siediuto its arte, ie, IW,h arte.. .1 bha ,, head ,-ave unn.iMakable Mgu, t -i'L i ' ..ftfttniii. . to the cheeks and U--, , mecu.u. - - . I hrii'l.tlV aim " "r 4 nlanter if uot I Krr or oven-" r. - - ,tr.W to be "trader unoer .o. mrtIurst lW Mt , U, k cl. t rf Engtod Tke general -HdifalltJ .aikW Entployer, st 1 tW - r -5 rf hy tAaagre aa vice l,t. Apnl a, ,. ZZJta, .,t ehane-d tke wordaof the - ZTvkk tke strftct.on h tbougtit bar. . the followtus opinion ,1 ..aanialtat a,e too plan, rn rm&fcttcer ' . ! ot tke dv3 geB, T tAta. revenue hill a? ovtgtnttin r-- w miller, w not .iv tawVM amendiwl " the eoat" by , , ...t. i Law 3. Scbed. A. on .. - , : l, J-artL Ia the ,, ,,,. c!...i:e et - tanrJliaies a ks akk-fk alter saw- j v, afc Mdcn.t.on. n." Ueoa, into Uuua.T be sen the lumoer. wtiuXutt. mi!l kc itinerant cla- ot i" wpae edhkar. aat pay '' kvane aeeessury 3Sft? i a Ve feool lly ! a ke fc- wortb kdj H.H.ks wortk &it)0. ed. . ' I Cotttm and Ttimetm, e. of ftVi.ril. 1 ill'' irta-- ihi Lair- piirehi! 'r P;''' " . u- 3taL A kHf aamniiictareT ttoea aot pay snrk'.ae f biatWr. fc a scnJpfor of tomb-stones on ! ate- uunaiYiiin" f marbbi b Ja. V. a m;utafietnrer of yarns ac f .r these mrralaSMa nary civil nciaSjnai ef the bKtkey n -ii. ' - -i " . ft - ; l... fBinii-.T-.-;! Iv tke taurt aaf fcj rke arnper eivd olakyxn tai tke aaaal eaaaae ofpr.-edare Whilst k wtO bk ke eaateeaaeat ta re- , snond t.jiaitaJlar etaaaie taaale ky i BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, -" -. . ia ..iM, inn-. Illeet I ret , rat wtihii-i '. . .. iti.li. .1. l-li,.mv. iiid 11 atbler. and all atl.MKwia n - -- - -... S etfcrte, in fn.m t hve dar. IVy an- pn ture.1 fnan v, 2. taUe extracts that are fttiitlia. tl or ni, r.-r"."- " ;- . ,hir dvl" nee.rrwhiW.; -sine jr?' in anv manner mtenere a uu -nit . Prire 1 per bos. Kitherdtheal.vnienti.m.-d artiele U " to-.addr, baly V- by nviil r eapre--. oareee.pt m p aHotwer-w A nirft HKia.KK.Mi 1 1- Xo 0 KivcrMieet Try, . Free to Everybody. X rm. I. i.i. ( irrular. uiviuc iui..r.u-..- eye " . a ;f atemtTlt.C "on band 1st ot Aprn, -7L -.Jaa-ea ot eotton. Iboee aroumt. " 1S65, tutist be I v 1 17la,,ter an his peke ef3,"Ti.. jlm LrSvelir -beopJuintamilysap,--- ;U,ean-c ceased to i...tbe lift, -J T fc ataa,e.r .a . total- cesot de.it It lapmti ew m.it.pran v. -a a H Iii, rm-se cte mr . - miueui sue j iiMUtu and i Utaiugaim av ta ft,ia the raw mitenaa .. eical eentleaien in attoudauce, UJ Mock, aUa-a an TSa kum eandtartea all t pici g' . .. . ,j al. , ,. . , . ,.xrMS 1.1 per eeaat. aaw- --- mc of -tradinff u. unm . I tn " - a c.-...t iHii'f nrpuii"'i. - . - - 1 ..... an last thought rhkb found i ,.f tin. i-oii(li'lli i,ne ni... - , reixd'if o f'tiCMy One of Kertibrai.t's engravings has ln-en ldin indon recently for the sum of Seven hundred and eighty pounds .terl iog -- -- T.ntter State Rerenue : fromUieMcreMarsr. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, i Ti!EAVKY 1 K1 AK,"r'1' I Ritlriehi.Vra'i nrl f . T,.lvr. and oilier ItevcnM Offifrs: M7Z. a, to .heennstmcuon i . i !.... m :1W ll.-e wi r.i tried to utter the n(I11 u,i4.r absdatdy.) wa ;. j "T fcaikrss Hrade a n-,tit.g pbw in j rkrt valae, alaarg tke bare mt ktar ..r,., wl rii Sett thette aaiataattally ,,,l.ptm , roads. w-kwb.S nvs ai "a- a .a . tlK- Oeweral l.aiaiaaaiaay hy the late 'aar. ea a- 1" ft. - a - B .J I; .1. . n.,tin oitlllCtlHft? It I . . i , ,,, -Jfci. toaus. ' r, r,. s.inii- P'rtu. . p- -- - m a tew ava. -'"C " "T MiT$. i fcu mirvh.ise,. arthoagu . ,na,.. 1,C -xxeu wara. 9 a aaurH. ptai. r . . i . j tria.1 au awaaat S100 ean died freaaa- .VtbsiVfcarT to h - nae, - ne J-t telfc t. uednctedtr.rtne-isii. If a man has ar iamkrn l..a tkw auavtaae aa tkr s 1st. Al.ril. ... v 'jiii ii. ii has tke , i i v-.., ot uionev on hand 1st. Asa, .-.erf aaa 'm.H-v. a well aa A'afataw Raaaht , Should list the sluresof -l-alMS : . I.. .1.. i.i ,. .and ion-reHlem-, at e ..I . i- h re tl!k l'n k H : ........ tin. TtM.an- ii To at Wlw 4esr a- aw- wna aa prr-ripTioa tW .ikistfO tint ltr frfpmnm thev Wlii tum a -;rrw. aatavTu ttnT BILLS OF LADING, r .t.. of the ereat.-t, imp-rtanee to the jooag of x w fjcpnrtm. nt. j gee both Set.- It i.-;M-hes B -i i '.- .... Wmne 'ft It naelies nt-w tne ...... " - . DRAY AND OTHER TICKETS, SntifiiL the despised resperteJ. and the Kr- f Mki-n mvi. 1 1 r -i ... . , dcecriptioti of job work N T..r lady or etiVman sh.-tld fat! to aVad erery other deeenpt. j ( Ad(r r-teive a copy " L.ftll.MaaH. ' . rX Address P.O. Drawef. 21. Tri.T. t . af PrompHy Done AT THE LOWEST Rates. April 4.167. tw-ly ti irfca-rjaa. Seep CeritUntlT aaaaaaal MM af aa. '. AC-UK BROS. aa .aaalbtt. aa jy u t aaw a a t rVrrrman. -while reUiir in Sonte Arnenca 1 a - ..I .1 jal.l.-r ln ktl i ift.nWi.1 and va-iw.1 halaU l.reat naiaher have 1 . a -1 I a MlWllVt:'" I . 1 .... I..t 1 1 1 V Baa IIbO I1IIIH" III'" 1 " " my listers, . . ... - . may be of service u rfollowmg extract from of Mai. Cen. Sickle, will show that lb tLLn of the .State taxes, must be, nad , 2wi.hs.andi..gthe recent Act of C press placing the State under m.h.art tale : . . ...... J, . .in In . i. ... in tnia nniii - - . . .... m-innfirtlinilS. .son iivns iarr. i t tv ..ir nar be Jl an Hi f - , -Jtt naun-'i ia ' , , a- tft ei.i other rwders. wbo !' .ftu.. jaWCWlaiio- --- i ;nH, I.T.IK ii. . i-.i - -t al -i .iiiaalaiiTr- -t- feaX. JhJSCE 5a lT:urrr XeeSTC "TWiHl Iftfftl f ta - . i .I.- rft.treaa UXa- .. .aw Ar fm .iiiiawaaa tahaai :u,.c iw.p o. u - i"xmmi.mmi Paker. and other -ana- Jjry-v ne. kw turctx. -r. ka l-y " XftV-V:-;l " REV WVAKI A. VTlvStMr. in n r . iii-j ' ... a. --aa-. . aaav..annt - tar tt the nrj.i - kCa. Mar 4, I- 4 CriMal J Watrh.-s, Gold ud ibore jj ware; al -o, idi-asare carriages and aaarw . a. ' I I : awal aw aaat. I are T a v i in. - , - i:ar . ;..adr.- aaal aawsara! BriCna- aanaBrt 5e ' . ke r ,anr!.?.-- . - r..aani.- 1 etereAanr ; il.r,.! rxclasrveiy in practice, awe ea- , .q s otu.-r m - Siilarrea. T- l a-,k eases tfcey will pay l-tcvJoV . . - - ,ft " . s W K. reth VS.-a A Cl.Tfc. ftttna iwatwty. ! cidlec- I STAMPS art", ano , ajreadvw d belhi noble reaaedy. Promp bv a de-in- b IwnetVt t e afla ted and boh- W . ... i . . . ( . i r nam, .nil . (aram. - - . t i ainjT'th maV-iTw- ud ..n. who in a bhn1 envrlte. to any rant or Ca t ana J.esKPH T INkf.AX. . ., cl stataunD. tbtke U.Hie. tW Sum. of 1 10 'I:' ,a. , u Maw. -a-If VVI em, rued to restrain or jreeent . V.M k. aaw-le- I kaa I : as- rh:ir7J SNdOraan- .tion of any tax, ip'. a SaUL over 500, aS.-" by -Ivied by antkoiity of tlav mt.il Mates , i . w ro. iOT. rnuiei.o i .. . - or ot ma --- - I he expense o l . . . . .i lin . but no i nuns- . 1 . NorTfi and oum . - . - . ,-, ; boraes. as.d ed .1 .. (a. ..a all. I I IK u- ouru. ut faT ovt iuuv " .'a id be'pleai-il to IJt f Jj one, wi i-SS! or panerty dl taad--nil ftee a . - ' - . rai BBnaah. aaaam ae taw- seaarr . .. f l I..iv firaaai AaWW U lw I.I aV I aW-i. aj t. I 1 !Nfi7 , 500 can uot ke aWakkeard thaaa Caaaa i la . ka-ra as eoilMgT.e.- o..; .k:, . .lea. If rW aaaaft faiy awa burs br the rrgttlax itW ue r m n ii i' t must Sif aproduee aaUkri Co-aaita- . .. - , l.TJ-Jl Cuara; : j bv tW id mt ata .. -r. ki-w 4 T .f ia- ,ac laaoa., t a .a. banker, is liable a ae j .a. aaal aw IarkCUr . ar F a - II iftaafr flatl M MBaHaavV afaVVaWI fc" " . . t - aaj iVinf fril ; Also tke eaea1eaeflw i partti-ar:be rataea. kradhaaai -at I aiarda-ja- b Aaeaf aaaartaatna. f k I aNnt Mowaa ' A

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