B b "7- - - , single Ce-plc- Fire . LIWI8 .11B9 Edifr A Prricfr. Tc 1 V51i76, SALISBURY, M. TDrRSDAY. MAY30, 1867. WHOLE NO. S - - iMgi- gg - ( ...j (,;,, forthi. .until, mental act does BOt, I but, in one rcs:ect, these clauses Ifcftt : tke tinv. F. Thokmms, ihe great Kn- Clairvoyaut. and Psycho- arha. ast..i.l.-hed the scieutiBC i J tke tMd World. Km bow 1. .rated ber- idi i- X. Y. Ma.Ume Thoratot. i nash wmsnM ftw of seeoad Ml. as ! wih If - ' knowledge Wliil.- in Marriage Glide. snnrie or w. I SaaffMn WMMrl!' uue iu a state ... .. ' - k vafia f-;il :irea at tke I L V ..ZXZ: i:c : i 'ar VWIW'IOUAT WO UK, or Every mr bis oww Heine Private laatrartar fa Male aad IVwm, In mrrtUtf ing the ph stotag aaal rrialiu .vsu-bs, and .4 the future . saenther with date of namage in life, leadiue traits of character. Tab) is na haaahaa?. M ihoasaBOS of MMkcMiMn. Sim will send when adj a rtifcw! Btilhttalu. or aiittaa gaa r jytha tW pa Was b wkat it parporta to Br eaehaaiag a small kwk of hair, and place birth, a:.'- disposition nun enclosing fiftr cents a ii. I I I avisos ftOwKsai'il to yourself, you wfll reete the ait-tare ami desired inforiua ttMO ky ret era uaail. AH eowniautcalioas sa- yfever IH( alrn Ml tar fahsr- ia.a.aa. ha Ww VnPXfi M 11 ln.sl.aad or wife of Th:.- i really a valuable aa i t : . - . . work. It t wnttca h psaia the general rcadrr, aaa upward of oae h in 4 eajfravaajra. ruuiir BMtrrtcJ aUtaac aavriacr, aaa) kavaar the Waart iat- I II I OLD NORTH STATE. TRI-WEfcail.YO bvtkaaixtaaee u- uw or si'bs" it!P'i"S. Tti Wmklj. Oat Taar "iSlhilT' M aa a traatr aaa ' - aaflAiMiaaaw- aa4aa laaKytMi- I I I .;;. - in. aalw nrnvwlnl h v it aate rrfriatration, that it balfincMB ouly taoac wao are qaalrfcd to rote by Um mto ual act. To carry oat tbe parpoaea of die lur b tkb inaaact. aa to rcaMence, tbe board of reriatratioii ahoulit Dole oppoaiir uic oeoflh I r ia eiKifiib-nee. Madam K. F. P. tX Bos. U Hud-oo, X. V. a. lf7. ) tw-I.r m . a a.a a a B .ftV in dim. nt to mi mi Ur, tayaM reaai raw ixxik. It tii-cloeee ixen tkat errr- I uliould be arqaaiated wiik 8Q1 it a a Itook tkat aiaat be locked afy aad Ml Ha ..1m.hi tke aoaae. It will be aeta la aar j one oa the receipt of Fifty I'ewta, Addreaa I Dr. Wm. YocWi, Xa. 116 Spraca 8c, I abon Foartk, Fkiladrlpliia. f .1 ..... !.... ly. !IaUaa. WMt- - - - WJ j . . taaTlI-aaaaaaaAaa. UsMmm m I gjtfaa-fcawTa1aaaa aT toa Bal i laail, iTTc " " Tava:y aafka, Oaa Year. -to. , . -.7 . -attt NtTfc a W ta.aaaaWeaAaitoaBBW -aaaa. al BOaWWa aa. -. iar nil lilf LtU ike laac-ac of aWaot: penoa, wbooe reaidence baa not in tbe arirtnaJ act M cttbaa nmucntaemeni anoer lacaa arbe from xarticipalioo ia but other elenMota moot i iar, holding certoJ al oath by certaii rdo partiripakjg t ihedStotca. Tbe Km in una miMl iheae I i:... .r . .. u la a rcnrianij . . .... " 1 'IS rhi-.. mcnt. Tb orbrlnal oooteoipM dkv franrhiaernent under theoe claaoM doto aat reheTitoafctooe to My, holding certain oatoaa or tokftwof ficial'oath by certain o (Soars, aad altor- warda L'ni by tke acigi- V for ta take an oath, u.ro UP Yorsu I.ADT returning to her aaali i k-aae. after a Mtkmrn of a few nioutlis ia the fitr. was hanlly re.j-;ui-ed by h. r aw. la jilaee H a oar-, m-uie. nu.!iu . ake had a -ft rtihv complexion of alm.t Hrf!iiiK. au.l ius.tu'l of tweuty- tkfwe ke really aMM-ared l.ut eigkteeo. I -u j jaaartj a to lb cause of great a change, she phialT told them that she used the Cir CmssiajB Balm, aud c.usidere! it au iiiv.nl aable aeaaisity na to any Lady- toil.-t. I'yits 1 a ay Lady ur tieutleataii eau imr.ve meir I aptearaiii-e aa nuiulreu una. 11 is , t its eo-jilnttntioii. as ."Nature nersefi Repara tor Capilll Throw a a y roar wig Ix-flm. :r nf .-naifntt iW aa waetk a Be 'oat P-J eoaw y-aaakfat. maae fi aaa AtiJ rejaire ia roar awa taxanaat hair. For restoriug bair npoa bald head (froaa whatever eanse it aaay have fauVa o4t) aad frrcitig a growth uf hair afa tke Care, it baa no e.-iial. It will Hare the heard t. grow ap . ... the smH4lHst fciee ia frwta Sve to eiaht r.M ks. or hair noon hahl head ia froaa two TRANSIENT KATES Far aB prVlwathaa aaa awaSh kaea aakaya-aa aaSitiaa iVmnrf awk aati.iii of aaa ta Saw I a.. taa. . 1 aaras. toO I 1 I "- aarataa, " sol IS OB J !S of enquiry : First What akin of Iks Slate, but, by the first clause, or officers are oomprehenCata : at a jtos imiorBBa-allllimiiltffiI act. ree-ia-1 What acts amount to eneactor fat Bin btv.ivm, iu It " F .O I w w y tration is t l- made ot male cittscna o um i mod or nuouvu m ysp r i. j w . . J aa i tka oath th an- or frivinc aid and comfort to ike t Lirau t-iawct., a.., mm "" 7 r i - o mp - , . , . . ? i : i , tkat I... ia 1 thereof T I will first consider what pitcani ia oniy nn-un.-u w - i - : , al-- . f tk. State I am of ontnion that 1 or officers are comprehended. MM to the phrase t:i risen of the State, as oaed in officers there is no room for doabt . . . a a - na .Stats Tatanalaratw anal a oath, is tntenaeo to inciuuc miij emu . -- - 1 - t p. rsoos as are citiaens of the United States, of Congress, are clearly enough and citisens ot the Stole, and that aa alien, The question might, hnweyer a who has not been madescitisen of the Unl- or a eoneentlon, held In a Stole UBS ayaa. cva. aaLF oaa. Soraa. aa. " .-WL. -tOSS-4 WMB) 1S0S I I'.im aaa ' ? mas. at os asos .. '' MM asos I SOU I &iO !.'..!.tra, t hi; aat-h wah ItMar wha ateui a aJrertb ft a ton-rvr tn w tl.an f..iir bi.vmIb. Oart XatWn aad Advtirtiaiaarata a i ftr ctareei Ten In.--.'-.IiJ uiinion tTe. alaan rk lengthwise of tke caaiunu, eaaaxilaae a mt mm iimlirrr kr VV I. II. VKK Jc Co.. O'.i.-iuists, ..... V X" X- 3. "est layette M.. jrraeaa, i . -'M 7 , V. . Tke oaly American Agents'for tlte sale of away targe aov-wt. l"-'1, ." " o , .... . . . J, u.. a.U tac tn lL anwntnr lU tk-saiae. uiarttt fawcial Notices, in leaded fntni..n. trarted kat tke atkee. at aat lea nW rate of utdiiiarv adrertisemrata. . . ... i: ... .K.b.rr.'.T n':ut I? n.Tn. . . w vet uusMnuLSM'd iu its etiicaev in to thre.- inoiitUs. - f uraraal prac-iuao- treJit,Mri tin,- .-ents per lim- , iut!.rities from, als., healing, cleans- j era have aamcted that tfceee aeSknag tool j Adrertisemeuu itasertetl irtvealarly . rr al ti t.e- WMBtifviuit t!:e kin i-d omiplexiou. w ill f, .pre ,w hasten the cn-wtli .4 le aa.r or ral. S per cent. aOU.ija.. . k ':.-... ,h ...L.1 it iV..... lard. J heir asaenaasa are tabse. a I Boas- i TSe raws aaav anaieu are "- -V- k'ajl e rarenritie. MttdK Wtatr the aae, aadaot In urtaea- anam umr -. - , - Oe at aad leaviac the surface as Xarnre mtende.1 it neaeej can near a .t-a. owi -.- -. mnnt additt..nal h all be. dear. h and heatififuh MJ. how are we to distiiarotsk the Ceautae r" . ehane-nlde at Ai-re- liieel. seat by Mail or Express, on reeept fhan the sp.irt.aja It eertaialy mean. tkaL aare of torn liar, liar every eiauge. . .i.iik. ..f rlw- JiOVfMt lr uaiattoas . .. .1 ' . ... - r- en l .-!. reaaa advertised sr the hair aad beard are eanrely I fSrv maar eatfinate mr. a nwsrfer i ihaaa. e.tLW al na aaaa bare already thrown .-.) .-, aatoares as a halt' i-Juinri. Uill- f'" '- aa at larse awiaiais ia their tehae. T rertaaua. wtaKaeTTtar the oay or yaarr, m ...i.... ?u ,k W.....e... t '-.!!.: rouleteJ daeaad coil.- tal.l.- on mpesentaUtnl Ml.'. I ..." " , ' " -w- j-. . " it will cst v.i D.anme wun-f up to our represeatatetas,.. If y.nir drucinst Jiyw ,,, keen it. aead a ae dollar and we will f.wward i, port paid. Hgetker with a re eeitt f"T tke taoney. which will be retaraed you on applieatia, providing entire aatwfac tiou is ut givea. Addreaa. W . L. CLARK CO.. CTKairt. X.. :k Wet Favette Strert. Syraeose, X. Y march SB. Iri7. tw-ly a.,.l.T!. -, - a - -Ll d I and ISaat'lie aaiir -, a ssosj Seeaaai. thfl 2 ttZ Third, tkat Sitaiieear off the- Fnawd Stotos, tkas be- haaa aati heew a mesahov eaie Aa. I ' - mm aavU aaw- a! tesiaaak. aaart 'taraaSed ' h. U. w. nia. mmmmA aa a S baaa..aaiif tke I'antod Slosss, s . - a an, m . ajaaj g feMkeo theoath, i uey cannot n qui.r a.., -- ,MraVi as hha ciaatj of proof as to cttiseuship ; and if an alien, not X"f7i,f as said State. ! Baade a citisen of the United States, takes I - . a. a a a . . B Sat unk. the oath, be takes it at nis pent ject to persecution for perjury. - - - - a - a V naA 5 kr- is lasagj .ass yeas old. I the oath, he takes it at his pent, and issno- or civil SeaMdj As to age. No one is enttuea to nor for ! registration who is not at least twenty-one haws of aar j years of age on the day he appears tor reg- Fonrth, ' istration. In this respect, the qaauncauon ,,f any as to age differs trom tne quanucuuu aa .. --- naaialenee and the fact that maiority must I ahVrr- ! exist, at tke date of lustration, has rela- or rebellion tton to the day ot registration aou u. w la. aa , a . green aid or I tbe day ol snbsequent election. r.fth, vorasaacsecu- ty paaaa to sap or given thereof- The WorisJ -toii i-h l. ST rut" WtV '4Ui'L REVKXATIXS MA UK BY T1IF. t.U KAT AST KOLtWil SI, Z. aO. erri;.'o. Opinion of the Untted aid whvfKaai and an Satsk, haara- - tan ii oy atkers sa. to aW ' ' TWseeaoatseckwoioi i t ikatafai ttfce ti am hull a ofthis registration lea T we- Ssv sad aster at least thirty r lav swfcfinr ssrtiwe of the ttm and place 1 -A aa. XaT-a - 1 1 II he 1 abed to tke sraema aaal aS s ths ssats sitae t nitea TkirJ VaO aa tn disfranchisement. I shall consider the various clauses of dis- .k... aiManlinlF to ntwler and the HawuiKUI. a av.a...( , - division into aeetiona herein before stated And, first, as to the general clause declaring disftauchiarmcBtt The iik asstisa of tka aetarfnal art denies the Hrlt tO YOtO tO "trueh as may be dtstrancnisea tor panici nation In th rebellion, or for felony at I .... . . , common law." The words here used, "in the rebellion, 4hao aaaaffke. .a San aaaa aa.. Meant wC alK SSia W the imppIemraUl act enlarge tke tB-nali-the annlicant to swear a. "4, Ta a. a f -;..J a that he has not Been atsrrancnateu tor r- tioinatinn in sinaf rebellion or civil war -'' tka. fntted Sllf.S nOT for fflotlV .1 ii...-, , .... ....... - - , . a a Ao 0- . ke reveal s-erets no mortals ever knew. She restore t h.ippines those wjns from dle (aa) ar-ats- catast rophies. cr.sea iu love, loss Caf reatnatas aud frietols. Lies trf money. Are., live keeiaaa .lestHmdeirt . She Urings tiajeth ' as tfca.iii h ii separated, gives iuformntioii eu rreaiac akeut rriea-U or lovers, restores loaf Ml St ah II aoajerty, tells yu the business you are best uali!i.-.l t pursue and iu what you ni k .. aaeessftll. call.-.-s M'e. -lv WASa. mmJ tIW v.... the very dav you wilT 'asarr. gives v..u the name, hkemss ami chraeteristics d the- pertMtn.. She reads your Tsry thssght- aad by Iter aliu.t supernatar alaaawers aaveils the dark and hidden myste riss uf the future. From the stars we s.-e ia tbe firmameat the malefic tars that mt asase as redvmti.ate in the .ontigurati-.n . aV !1 and axitious of the planets aad tke fled stars in the heavens at the time of birth, she dedaees the future dertiiiy of rnrnrn. Vmll a.at to consult ' he 'Tea t-! Astrol- aaaiai .aa errl. It .'"Sts y.w hut a trifle, xtnbl TBI - . . . a vi.. By never agaia nave w. ..ram- au ,1 titv. tsasattation fee, with likeness . a . - a - a ... at 1..; Ue. aaa ail aestreo iui'ruii.iu. - - " -iagal a dirtanee eau consult the Madame by tow with safety aad satbfaetiou to themselves aaifia perse. A full and explicit chart, anstaeaoat. with all inquiries answered aud Ukeacas caehxa-ti. seat hj mail on receipt of aciee akove awntinaed. Ttve strietert weere- r . - .a a. a f II . - -J- - .. a- ey tH fete aoa an miriMuus-ir- I r Oestroye.1. uetereuree .1 o.e...s..- " -- 1 vtrtta AFFLICTED ! SuHer no More! Attorney General's Omtxt Mat 24, 1SS7. f To Tttt Presidetct : Ser." I have the to state v opinion apes qaesti" - arising under the act of March td, 1S;, ! entitled "an set to provide arthe'awetif-' hcient government of the n-bel States," tort! J Ike act of March S3d, lf67, e-tsed a act sapplemeutary to an act' entitled an aa : n provide for more tfficient gwvesssmeat of" ' lekel "Mates," npoa which qaeiins xhr I MUiiarv Cumtontders of the d with is, 11. 1 whirk " those States are t ossaa" ii'od, hawt Epergy. ImfsSeary. r . , ; ,,;. anata-i lasaicwiaaa t- . tnc.intm.ut vTT n hv the ue .dtlR JOTWILLhT EL IX 1 R yon can be cwred Berssaueatl) . and at a tntlitip . Tbe astonishing sneeeft wkkh ka-atta-ssjed this tu valuable uiedK-inc Sw lysatal aaal Ner vous Wcaane, t.eaersl ItehOity aad Ir-I ra tion, I ol JJiw ular E"ersT. laraaftMjry. ar any ot the ami laluaUe aieaaiatoai akaawr tka day of Iks month and year in which saa were brB. enclosing a small !M-k of hair. as. M "amr H. A. lKaai;. P.O. Drawer Stt, Hntfalo. X. Y. aaarch There osaaetk ehvl tidings of joy to all. . -ri jaaag slid in ntd in )i;n at iiiiltii iiiiiiilt ; e;i -The hsamjrwhiak atos was so preeioaa and rare, " - - V Is free c all, aad alt tar be my lake r CHASTELLAR'S renders it tke .1 iivuvf red. it aeatt aaaa m all sit, excitenient, hteaaaehr ha stady IlesTrucUmieaeaa It wdlreatare the appetite, reaew tke health af tkaar who have destroyed it by seasaal excess r evil atartiees. Y.Hinj: Men, he humhagxed aa more by Oaavk DoctMs' sad iyaaraat 'mtm isuaaw. bat send a iUntnt delay for the Enur. and he at once re- 1 ... Lajit kaal tasaaakaaa A IVrfcVt Care is Ouaxanteed in everY instance. Jrssee. ft.-ar fiur bottles to one address, fl. -Oaeh.rttbsffieiesto edhet a oars mall ordinary ea a. agfe. r ..... fl, v: aio,1)R joixriLLijsrEriFicnLLS. n r'adhial nial.ain 1 Chravel and all afftiOaai af tke Kideeya aad Cares ar.- a.m.Mh or iinm rat'lAI c.the hseatk. X' a... w nr. r nnarr whale a at theaa. suits. Prke. $1 Either f the sent to anv bv mail or e L, a . IEUr.ER.Sin-TTS 4 OV.tlanairt Xe,afKrrarStieet Tiay.X.T. AsrilLW. tw-ly ever. IB ni-t ami most irn,Mna.iu aossttoBa amy he sons stated t.4 w sm aar .;.tJ ... .n. diannul.ti.o kirk the 1 ivem fix dVki -r9e m aeaawrnati saoviswns, giy ing etark sialedhvisaNs ssfsesentoswa in raitita if Ike e-Sa)sedJ voters. TV -tdkisdestraa. asasr-ies chat at the elec-taM-lhwdVkawsa.tlto' trejebsssed eaters shall Taar iar W sgfctW' a C'kamtASTaaav Tkattk ssaa fsaaish.v for an elee- iaifir tribe Ctti)t;iii:ioa that may be kv dVkgate aawl the right to vote an tikis t$tOMtm natfii f I C "persons regis- aLnwJI ' WHITE LIQUID K S A MEL aad Beautifying tka Com- Tke avast TaluahW-an.1 perf.-ct prepamtiou aaa. bar giviag the skis a beautiful pearl liaL tkat ia only found in viit4t. It oaiek- Taa. Ireektes. ninple. tytotene.a. Sallownes. Ernutioiis. ami all imaarlia af tke skin, kindly heaHug the same - k akin w hite and clear as atebaater I.. . k-Ja-te. te.1 bv the rl.asest s ni- taar. aad being a -vegetable prearStHMa wiajr fcssli barawksa. h ia the ooly article of tbe ksad oaed ky the Feeneh. aad ia considered by Paikiaa as iaakipi nishlrTft t r hdl- a. T Jj f TP " - "' " the art year, a safkieat gaaraatee of its eC tmmj. masonry 75 seats, ekmt by mail, post '(- aasd.an feeeipt aoa aajar. ky KJIC.KR, aHU IAC.Cheaalsts. ea eaViihm to fiaaa aaa to five aajras They itrt-pared tram 'VeaaaahJa exaTaots that ant mtei on the sv -teat atrt wm aaa n ate tke box. ST aa . . aata a ffit)4BaWkeVBB f"w't"MrlTr fBBSWftJa aatfsal oaW,pBaBa rerybody fail 10 'k lam. no. CireoUr. eiviac ii a a a . - " . f tl..BaSSt; .tamaaSitBaglWI It teaches Bow xae sakea loved. Na yBaag katyar send their paid, ky rvtarw aaad- Address F. a Drawer. 21. Troy, X. T. ApiiH.-t-. .; tw-ly AC A 1 1 n 1 a.a , V " . w a- atatBai-T,diaratssdaaaBaBBl esy hw the rare af Nervoes cay, maws 1 a af tWrrtaar akd tke wkwie tram f kaa laiiMfwl aad viriaa hahita. heea already ear d he OaWi ted by a stair. toWw. fit te aSkv tanaSe, I win art the isnsal far Srthaaasds'ka"': tsaO .toaay ruin., at the elecMsas ipo rtiwi. tu . romhtg within the payview of tkeee acts?" I ar hrst prwvsa upon u.ts i s u l sob foomd ia the fifth utiiia of aWoMas and declares tWqaalificatjias asJ onsaayak- Bewltoas Ol VOteSS rt tincnssis SB ar weaa aar vent ions in each State held foe ratrfica hsn of av- ka framed kv snck pro v ides M dtliBlss saas 9 afaaii fcaaTiBSrtBJfcv akeaBowe of said State, 91 years ahi who have keen' restdent ia said StaWhsasr tsnfi. se year peeviasgr to ike day af fmcki ofctaaist, ansa- exeenlaBskasamybedaiiihiii'lfci par aVSaa tiriaaiioa ia rt belBaa ar fcr 4o v at eaas-4 as Law. and that the saaae aamfifiesSMnis, ) 1 so leoawed for . lection .vf dt-legates hB Mh alaa ha ie-aaarcd assaa tlcpfiaa for iBaiins- jrtf ska 1 mt pfwTltTtr ta liM 1 I iaWW'---' to Ckarsiottoa every otsnssi iBtkadra araa 1 tVo... .-..too- nt the r t-einuis l.rovitt.tl Mtr SlPt, OS Ofa Ma. aaaa aaa aai mm '", aark setgamssaasai .as: aster.... and conducting fcdrtkaai1 af alstar dhaaesvTaksBa osS rux.as d ky ake oak, off Jhary ad, 1863, rtBwe.",, llBTAtovaarv aaaMas'aaaBs off' vo-1 y. Sam S S1LII 1 1 JWHV Btawaaar- 1 7 -a . , . . . ,. . , a a a a a . a. ttoahLHi mffiigriaiail htebemrsus m . . Baaat I sal a. aawmaV. ----- ur die tae aaassV aaNl a 4aaaareavaFta7,aitffA , , . . fc m , B - - Baat i.rovistonal governments waa wjaaaaai " 1 aa --aata- mmw- 1 - neral shall p- 1 committed against the UWot any8tateor a aaa. a.a !.r.L.I'.;iJi.iu What then works a SaaBS BC Mtt 1 mTK U Miaaa uawaa, : . 1 m nfo to disfranchisement under these provisions T af IiLajIs to Whether we consider this aisaomiy aa an- af these 1 sing oat of participation in a rebellion or in commission of felony, the mere fact or sucn participation or commission of a felonious off-nee does not of itself work disfranchise ment. It must be ascertained by judgment of court or legislative act passed by compe tent authority. lHsfranchhtcmentforfekniy committed against the laws of a State or the United Sta'es, consequent on c convic tion in curt . either of the United States or of a State, or declared by tbe taws of either, would b fatal under these acts. I am not aware of any law of the United States which works disfranchisement as to the right of suffrage by force of the act itself, nor does such consequences follow from conviction for treason, or conspiracy to commit trea son, or for aar other act of participation in rebellion. The provision in the Constitu tion of the United States, as to treason against tbe United States, nor doesAdeclare what shall be the punishment on convic tion for treason. Th.it is left for Congress, a . , "ttttiaai rt? tke l Iit t He 3&lb CaasaewaB as Article XIV. TVesrik eeheJ States shall he bv law m Canxuss, aar erra whiek asav United States, at fv. control or all ilrrtiiBM to aay awiaJod to vote. entitled to rote fifth seetiaa of shall te eligible to aar affice gaveraaaeato a be ala-a . A .Annranl. eneaod III lit- aavsaawU ! sajreetkat wr'mOfX'tlmm Unfted . 1 .. , . a C a .1... .... Slates or given ara anu cnouo. . c- tt ie mies thereof: thai I have never taxen an oath, as a member of Congress Of the L ui- 1 . . -mz r ika I'.ot..,! a aatten ted Stales, or aa an umt" X mi" to al States, or as a member of any tate Legis- havose ia earkled to latnre, or aa an executive or judicial ntne. r ha has art at tkat faf any State, Jo sapport tke Constitution rtT ike State for a tall of the I Mien fuues, anu anerwaiw, .nRa- .... - - . a aar ewwaw " . " . . .. . . .a it:. . 1 ,k.t ka.tne tk. v have ndindsred ? - .1 J TL. t-t, aA,, i inllU tM'raonS CMllv. " II founded aaaa tka States, OT Riven aw aow oHu.,i . o. hw - ' . . , , . iestbereof" These etaases of the oath lintnit, onlleeted by wnsderlnf tka m to eject extend the dhdraneiseinent beyond anu iienessi.y . "- - """73 tke hlaas of the oritrrnal aat, and the part with another and aottHHitaag .ZekJless than as 1 nrW ekaaes af the oath, fat the important I eign eircumstanoos. Wmm - i . .v?: ' ttai aae at I I deem it n rotter, here, to fx set aeive -asartkav Ihere- ; parxw-ar ww, tke eneeal mteat of j-axgaa-BB , , etahliah ! and by what rale of .L Ct dlnekfaemsat, la lexral jBsr-1 liberal, that hxtoat may some ibers however arise, wheth- for framing OX lUim IIHVII, Ullliwuaj.l a www aaaaaaaaa - legislative power, cannot nroperly ha nominated a Muue i. ci?iaiure. oi the acta now under consideration, a a a . a . . . Ll ' Al vcntion and legislature are expreasiy oss- .: ,;,LJ twin, aaal. ntkae fnp BBBaj BB- IIUEUI.I.CU UV.U aa v,.u, .v. , - quire the Constitution to be framed ky 1 u. .mi a ..a b . W a Convention, and tbey reqntre the legisla ture of the same State to adopt tka Consti tutional amendment. When, then, in the same acts, they again use the phrase fa(rislatnre of the State." they must ha O v ar nnderstood to use it in the ssme sense and as distinguished from a constitutional Con vention ; but as to those legislative aoases, hich Dassed what are called ordinances off Recession bv whatever name they may be called, I am of opinion that their members are properly comprehended within this dis- !:.. A.- T ean imaeine no qua... . 0. . aw. a 1 m ' official legislative position to whiek tke duty of allegiance was more aisuucuy rar lated. The next and more difficult inquiry is, who is to be considered an officer off tka f.Tati al ala.a.. a - AtialMal officer bf any State, within tbe meaning off these elauaea Various classes of ffieers arc here intended. State officers and Federal officers, and executive or judicial officers. No legislative officer is mentioned except members of a State Legislature or members of Congress. The descriptions used as to other officers are, as to State officers, thai thev must be indicia! or executive, find. j , - - - w aa to a Federal officer, the terms executive or judicial are not expressed. He is de seribed simply as an officer of tle United States It baa been shown that the Fed eral officers and State officers are classified separately in the clauses of the act under consideration. I deem it profitable, had conducive to a clear order, to follow this classification. I shall accordingly first consider, what State officers are included in the terms ''executive or judicial." This nkraaa fa twice nsed in these clause the superadded description "in any ta in the first clause, and "of any State," the second clause. I think tbe conl linsr term of description, if there it any re pugnancy fat the terms, must be takek to be tbe last, for that is nsed in tke first clause and in others. Besides, it is tka ua. I mn nt deaerintinn naed in the art of Congress 1789, declaring what State offi- a . a a a. . u cere are required to take tne oatn as sup- nnrt tke Ponatitntion nf the United States. a in a a .m .. s - d and in the tnim section oi tne consiituiron- al amendment. Both use the same ttfaaa of description, "executire sad judicial offi cers of a State." The terms are so gener al and indefinite that they tail to with sufficient certatntv. a distill the persons intended to be i-aasial. af aa .,1 ' aaf UIM' i i ;.k the limitation that corruption of blood .L.tl nt follow an a eonseouence. or ant forfeit tire except during the life of the par- Iff. Congress in the exercise ot us power to Baifhtn) tke punishme n t, has limited such punishment, as a coaaeqnencc oi wune !ZjLta.-L .l.eea owned hv the nartv. It is to be regretted, ia a mi and to disqualtficstior. from holding any much importance, that the rule ofdistoc mt a.t q.... f mm, not tion adonted as to members ot oongiess nance nnarr inc umin. -- - . r , . . . -a . . . . , . : t,M,:..;ii,. rand of a State TxCTsleture had not oeaa I i tmm I. or ana aiainar. iiua ... iwtv, .w a i , , TT . J . .a xr: a,IU.aJ nn ne if that were found ! er of these ten Utes, excepx, pemaps, - -;--7- r . v. ... ..1 j:r 1.: .. I tikle that some more definite general rues etnia. wnico ueciar.u umiau.u..u. ... -- - . . . giuM, u a, l-J Keen declared. The uncertainty to the ngni rasaaxaxs bj. .r-sSiiaasii . a. . Becomes manucsi, in uic oi itsett. . I. a .u naa r .1 J CAk .ul nnl mav tW COn- WW, ailll litis miwiioiu.j 1 ne lu.in.1 anu ...... ca...- j . . - , .... . 1 . .: ..- 1 ..niatinn 1 1.0 necessity mr shisrsd ioyethar Itliaaih tka law retristration mast swear, "mai 1 . ......... ..-.e o- y - - . . r I riaiatnn ciiiiiot ne netier SIAICU una in IBB oeen a ' a aaaj. u. m,tj -- c. m a ..J . a. indietal office in . smntre of "lOtTIKft . nor wen. j - J- . - . : .Dh k la ke eeneral. tkar are to- , redneexl lo a partlctuafity by enwiMSiMs - . - mtde according to the intent of the BSC . Those statntes which comprebeod all things in the letter, the sages of tke law have expounded to extend bat to sotoe things ; those which generally ptek att people from doing such aa act, they have interpreted to permit some persons to da an 1 I I 1 it: and those allien nicinao ta best be QOa l. an naa- . . . ) , . . y .t : at The intent as as. pressed, hi to Lava SaahaslUi aW5 Krrar St., lroy, . I. li.7. -If- of the oath famss,ipasaaBas-B-n-s - e -; I i 1 Cisw ,"H''" S C -