-tingle opim Five WHOLE NO. 210 j1 JUNE 8, 1867. loaf to VOL II. NO. 21). Marriage Guide. WORK., or Every E. F.-ThOWTu, the great Ea- tliialal. f hrr- Payihs E- k. tha ssitntifio iT dM OU WurU. ha wv Itwtedhor- uaerful powara f pw ahtba. aa to mi11! her to rat part aaovrieage -.-tint inr " or her t .fc, aailaiali the eery frauree ..aaretoBtarry.aiidbytbeaidofaa , .- r " .-1.1 to, pe, iTuu-antees to pnaiuce in ufi -j of the future huj-baud ..rwife . This is really at, ttc'tb-r with date tf-ruvTiage. work. It i in lib-, leading imu raw."; , , (ni Tocw' Gbjlt J afwl SySi'S the risdaawan ia ttw- - " iialiiin if Uftfiit. "r (WnX&Y Idaaca.tra emWfaprwj jKFy lY. YOIM. 31. u. s wrntea ptoaa "fT 7 I . wtb secret tint every MM araaaiated with. Still it is a MilkUtU ap, aad aalie kwr. It wal he m to aay Kok. Fifty CVn-n- AMm Spvaee S-, THE OLD NORTH 8TATE. TRI-WKKKLY..! lyttWOT !MCWrTW.41 a-owa im - : . l .1 k.,.4. i .1 1 m m mo ..aaa, . - i mm i i " . i,. i v im i r r-rtined certificate, written guar- .'7 thai the i.K-ture is what it purports U f"? Bv enchain a small lk f hair, and pedraaeat rf . . t - i . .I i ioa. and enclosing niiv miu u dobmi uc f n velope aJJrMMrd U yountelf. Jm. i the itK-UT anddt-sirt-d innrnia- hy return mail. All euuunnnkatiuB - eowBornliai. ia rouMenre. Madame K. r. P. O. Box. 20. HuaVon. X- Y- 2. Ifv. tw-ly i. jy the Uaioa m to troop ia aaa the twilif rLoaetto. aaa breaa at the ,hr -err emm ratofofthaMthoi Jaiy kr to all that after the waa a perfcrt am. cava, tJ . .V.I Wwara : W -i.-.uMwat the 1 -JJt- U the enter wrtraa of ran that they were hualiv ontrn aaa of the hiU. when It a tomtl- a h. - 1. a atoeriaCwa. TWtTf-- -l-eh ataaal m eatawrr aaw. - i iL.ai vatoat - laerarr caaariaatat. book that ahoat the oaeaa the Dr. Wm. Yorsc. Xo- 41 ahovf Foannh, Plrihjarlphia. Jaae 1666 CJtwfcwiy. Yorsc Ladv retoxMlug to her . ...... ,IW m anrnnrn of a few months ia the City, waa hardly r.uised ty ar as. In plae ol a caie. iumit, -, she had a soft ruby complexion of abflt LX. ..liknisa. and instead of twenty- three ahe really appeared huti-igfiteeB- Upon tMiiitv aa to the cause of so grrM a change. ahe pliinl v told them that she used the -arta SafaaVand considered it an inval- I able ttettoisition to any Lady's ttdlet. By it gg, amy Lady or tientleinan can improre their mm ni1 appearance aa hundred fold. It is aUnpie in its combination, as Nature herself h simple, yet unaurpasaed in it eaheaey m drawiuif imunritiea from. alao. healing, ciean- - J i ..... ili.. L in and complexion. Br ha direct action on the cuticle it draw from " - ... . ii I i: .1... Repara tor CapiDi Mob, raae and a. warm a ktfaL eaaar aery aai Hv.i -Ota Soars rT." Xa aaiaa will bt i to entry tamily- I T-w,Veat. "- MocaptatedarlAi. Ai - Tw y r . Oa. - . arc well kjown, there a no A dtataaaa-aattolfaTatiaaf : . lW fhia kttor .the .t hare dacarerea hi the eoara- of my i.-vfc rf la the . . i i a aaa. ,;. publlcawon. ii a yiwm lar aHrertiaenH-Bt in a journal, W.T!J that be oacfat to eoBtrol the aaaatoaa thai journal' editor, and coolly -aha far favorable notice as a matter of rybady Beta aa if the BeBtpafaT g ao daty to parforai exaept JVJJJJ SCI. I Ul' wu - I which to fill ha ? I tUir ideaa. their lurui, . - wares. o one r necis uu u exeept prais buainers aad AD V lairriSTfTG- RATES TK158UXT KATBS far aO aama.etaaa aBe I OaeKamare. Threw away jwar Ma Tii an aw af i ffcrt. Aad uimtf yr " ' For restMriag hair op (fr..m aDea eat) aad fare a growth of hair i . - the sate, tt ha noeuaaL It aiD fceee the beard to grow ap oa the aKhet tare ia Croat ire to eht week, or hair apaa haU head ra from two v threw aaaatht A few iewaat praetaia rr hare aaaerted that there a aahiag that will fore r harte. the erewth of the hair or are tatoe. a -tft- - Bl.to 1 -a I .? I 1l r tain a Mom. MB l " t ,o . oa I to acia-cwa. I 'Z 1 I I a I ua nioa- 2Z -a M throagh ererythnir ia ks frot,le troop. , g-bisaa article ob the left toward liatoficra f , to the Fejeeana, - .. .1 nintlur BD 1 " ... ,. roana towaroa maiuu.f., - . the Boydtowa .ift-- ' !t p . iLm ttnoueil. 1 ',c 1 fcce of thia work had beea intrust, d to i j ru:.,;.Mii tmnw. numUrui" in all ahoat 20 snaa. They weaTjfertoct kraw aad iatrcaid soldu-ra. 1 BfO- a. - - he the di vlainB af tiibhon; mmA on the parapet of Gregg, one !?r.a!LTwbicb they tran ced to the attack Adnately mnocd, ' eette perforata his task ci til to. imnreimable. tor the gon ,i.;.. " - at .u -kh I w.m ,.,d al tbc art noes of ap- .l.omh his colai , uw w - i poxvui - . ti c cum mw o . - i . - I ! l tv. imii sDDarent to tae .... .tona No one fa nruacu. . . irtai line eireo . 1 .. i . jnMint taer were . . ... .koniH ha a flccu that a uewspapc a !?r rfr-toi Vw-"ealS of the explosion the asade bat ia Tarn, toll at icngu. j y mterested. How tne pawac,aa a waaaa. ta the rieht and dert were red need to thirty men. Joes not care whether tnui or laaa aaaa " . . . i .i I ..... tmnna eajrracu I . i .l a, i 1 1 miiiait left we held by a brigade of Soat- yarn- renewed raa- e w pashea aorne ooay m..- -3 Una trantjs. The -ark waa aefraded am the fort ; hnt 11 w - , whether the nooa--- "tT-. -jj:.-. .to. ifantrr. by a batterT of! .boye ire bandred, -o wax o o. . not cbooae Jotin omun aar -- ZT "i ' j i . -t. 1 ia knarht down two assail-1 , . ..... nrm of Brown here- a-t-L la cataaectoon with the defence ! . ; fa poyop handle at a a here at all of Fort Uregg I nrnsi aiso wcu.- - - oasly low price, or - that oa that .bich I Km from On. MJwf price ; or whether the Stnped t his camp a . to the death of the disUnguished Conftder j j, or is not the ia al yiim " - . 4, not adyancine they were' he aa deadly a fire that the line stag I I 'and broke. Attack after attack wa- as ai their - On the tort aad the rate Prrraaa. an oficer I hare aaet here m... r . .L.. 1 k. aaet him hers at all is due to the circan Mrtiralar in minr ha WBS at , ... . echarcea - 1 . !. tirtttaaa4" fiart X.ti.'e ad Aj-frtia af ati will "JTl?? n. trae. t one hundred werek.lkd-a 1 . .1 r a t hat ejnaamana t . mama comnianu . JZZ1 mue loe rou . , r SS thcr were ail bfewa iato eternity all save , Lee. headqaarters were I -A . j . Kto.Ltoa thia Inaa m rear of GrefX. Ii rxwo max were uac u. . . . . vaaasai 1 r-Kia-ai - Soath Carolina troops the weeks to the nght yersation aangniaheCoofeder ftroop- ia or ia not the finest, byfeat, A J H1L T moat splendid, saoat exceJeat, amat saaito. rerebat a Jaort which eree ftrnmUm mem teBirthwise -quare ,.! li.- t .to. kd. aaade br the intently latenins to the sounds, sutiaei.iy demand that Toogira ap 2Sk r in leaded minWat. will he eon- , L ,k.. .he Fnion t t-l aa Hill aad said : "Ha this, tren- I ( r MDer daily to then- pasap 1 V" - . rt... aanh fiaaaB, l ua: 1 " . i l I.: tu. i i ff imAM are with approval it an its iu. Purities, kindly healing the ansae, j 2!Th , ataraJaau Bat saaay wal aad baayinsr the surface as Aafure "!"( dtanaaranah the abuald be, clear, soft, amooth aad heaotiial. I K rrrnfl, aniDj juuui iaj--, '.j w- astoe. at ant ana than aoaatr I rai -m a a" - . toe rate rf ordinary BdrrTtweaaent. Irtserted as itatat aanar. t einior. nil. ctiu- r" . AflvrrTLMfaasjii aTaartai iiii,slmlj ,or a aaar. i - - -a saw. terebatg woald have felfea, httJe duaM tha tar r. I'l.IRK Ar fo.. ww - . a. at war . L C, jtwraauv. . 1 - ea.. I- SwaawiMi. Xeents the Sale of i. march 2rJ-w-ly tienaent. arahla at eiseretinB. rertasaly a wrSraa. f M..rv awn two -t- -r. .a la. .a that k taken ia rererae I St will in ai j aa juthiar aaJea it fawy nm tt j oaaaaaaassssajiJiaH j serre. ' Here a now known for the first time. Aa the firing grei I .miA "H is this. Gen- ' . j.Hw to their explo-on, n w the oraajn ,. - xaroeu . :vHn,waT" LV , ri.r V. to. wtwJd IUe4. Mia- , atoaiha wt ahoat nvtHiiiE press ioi- rral lour t? -p - , . - , ana ine irnav. r-r . . wT.rmThe eaTofShe tort pc tkhx, Hdl, -cmnttng hore hed ; jj. yoarapp totoaar waru a a "g- . LTTto. t t . bat while eaDoptng down the , . .ti th .diectiyes af ptasss which known as .emeaary .r tij . a j.tooW e.me urton two men ' . t;ai. i,nmnM noaseaea. aa waO aa A was not earneo nato cm.o - mu ' . , i ... toe ""'e r- . . i - i .1 . l - oTkmv rinwayoer aTBt! . i I The World Avtonibrd. AT THE WOVLEKia "L EEVEl-ATlOSa aAIE BT THE GREAT ASTIiOL3GlST, doe awt keep a. aead a oae will forward r- pwa paid, taa? - . . ; c-iy f r it- yua on appa gicea- to-la ,Kr vrirh a It - Qaraaj Ttofar" a ies; She reveals seeret no mortals exer knew. She restores to bappin th.e wh.. from o..e hmi er-at. catastr..phies. cr.ases m love, loss faf reataans and friends. 1 of naoaey, dec-. kaTC become despondent- She brings Ueth- -I.- . ....r.iwl cives information c- creniiig absent friends or lovers, restores lost or stolen property, tetts you the business job, are heat oaaltf ed to pursue and in what you will be most successful, causes speedy mar rUees aad tells you the very day yon will aaarry, give y. the name, likeness and canvaatenstie of the person- She reads your wary tlaoogbts. and by her almost sapernatr al .wera an veils the dark and hidden myste ries of the futare. Fn.m the stars we see ia the firnxameBt the malefic stars that over- eonae or raredominate in the eonngurauou , from the aspects and positions of the planet j and the fixed stars in the heavens at the time of birth, she deduces the ruiure wu asaa. Fail not to consult the greatest Astrrd -oaist oa earth. It costs you but a trifle, aad ywamay never agaia have so frv.-raUe aa p Lrtaaity. Cons'.iltatjjoB fee. with likene-s aad ail desired inf -nnltion. . I . Parties dv kog at a distance ran consult the Madame by -.aH with safety and satisfivetion to themselves a if in person. A full and explicit abort. . :l .11 iniinm answered aaa i enclosed, sent by mail oa receipt of rasa above nienttoned. 1 ne sirtnem "r'' ew wal bo ataihtained, and all eotliapoadi-nre ratoraed or destroyed. Beferences of the high est order fundsbed thoae desiring them. Wrih? alararr the dav .d" the month and year ia which , born, eaeioaiiia; . . r" , MAIiAXt It. A- trfcawo, P. O. Drawer 283, Bodaalo. X- Y- l-i7. twiy a.1aJ tidiues of toy to all. j ..u ... .mat ml to small aWW- ! ry which -Wrmrsr wvpn-rio.- mt la fiee hral and aH amy ae fair- r?ir A .ciTTI'LL, AR'S WHITF IIOUID Ww mmm a . w.. 1 t. ENAMEL .,;fi. tu , i rtoa.rtlfrin the Coat- sakea Vi.'.d- ' - w --awcVdt The awaa valoaUe aad perfr-et ravpaxati.ai I. aae. tor eivinr tLe akia a beautiful pearl like wat. that i ..air found yoth. It quh- u l ft IBK At Cll K X West Fayette Sjmam. X . Y. St. loar- I hare .hn-ted the General. Bat the men sprang a the ease, behind a tree, and leeelling their ptecea, HilL aaa !. HiU fell from hi bora darat ewery- -And now we are back gm ; I . . a fto. to.ta.hta takhtsr in the mg 80WB irwaa ---w red or two of the Stearh CaroBaa a . i l ., .. , i .to..! a vi- -Kha ia tto valor ot train ar So naralixea waa tne ewcaay oononune . llnaMia UHreawaw, aWS. otaa-mia - ... m I . ... . X.-t.to milltllT en- it ia phua t. see that only aacn snanxe- amples ot tne most r to. i ar .a t . - . WMntoM - 9 rial HI ! Hl aar oa tae part - t-w --. gxaeerrng c - - tow borrowed from tae -.to a tow of the Alt vaaay a " 4 aaaaaaaahwawow &Aitftr all'lUfWIl 01 dependent, able, Bwy, Mwaw eat t eneeanter. ai . r aaat rawa . aaa va aaaawaaa-ae ! a whole, I cannot help feeling that wa i re- wonderful seige ana a wowimu. "V"""" Y .a r laaaah. a I Suffer no More! . Wheat? to aa arm JNTIIAIW EL IX1K ywa Vaa be enred peiaaaaaatl) , aad at a Uiiiufo- . a XL- awaaaaaag raa Wiato a- arrenu-'i this mraluidde aaraaraae ta Pfcycal and 5er- W--,--. Ueneral Drt-St, aa.1 Prtr- tkaa, L af MBscalar Eawripatr wy. ac mndrry'ft ---"atoaala ateaaoatkea ever .f -elf- - It wal thi hiafT- af thaie who how exeeiatarrya aaartare-- a fa-;-titiaiaTiy bat send oVLarf-r the ESxir. and be a nee, re- pCmrt d to at altb aad aaffaarsa.. j renert t. are is Gati aai. d ia every aaaaare- Prate. 1, r uTtJUir iiatri- eawet a care at Gleet. to taaly The New York rae af Friday cob- a Uug and rotereating letter troaa tin : . . a a a 1 M car, the writer ot wnaca ao Bjlta the hjototma of the late war whase works hare been rec iv. d as well at the Santa aa at the Xortk. Ha has lately been on a visit to Peterabarg, where he received many courteous attentions, aijd I Java in sitmiuiur the- OKI harth? eroands. m ermrpany w,. tortoe, rog ore. . ---- - , ftodentta ofieera. The letter too out to at wfeneBcaawc- w- & lone for n- publication in onr columns, but 1. troop r - . .i. .. ,VT . int .',, . atrikinfr a rartne a little to weeaaaotpass u oyer - . - . K.eht aaaac extracts : the C"- nKin, ngnt . . o- Were the battle field? amnnd Peters his men forward towaH the position ana bwrgsitaated to some remote con:er of adranced, bUldet. by some F5ine I rUre be saorn thev would be ' When I arrived," ( loaT Mahooe 1. I tarnpe, 1 oare or . - . . paxa- d by Bore Americans imn nuun ... a, " thetn accessible aa they are and in-! pets; eleven times two are twenty-two, a a . . 1 i. J aBB-oaaa tna ll'w'lllM'IlI i , counting two liIi twentv two bandred men ; bat then 1 ie hVcted that anny at the colors were ran forward simply to hratg ap ak men, and 1 saw that there could not be that many. Dial! mag the traape than and so, wewent fiwaraad aad the Untoa ttaopa crowded hak nta the crater aad the breastworks ! It was ahoat 930 o crack ' i.-j .to. dada af their fellows thesto- into the re of their actions here irlred wUI be Fatally read with wonder and awe. It is all orer withdrawing f now. and gone into historr ; but to tne, ducted a newapaper for tqn . .Siknnt weaBjuna? until mil . wiwai. C7 B ia the common eonceptioa of tha vocation, he has been aa the sneraKty of Aaaswha Internal Xttoekaanrtha and quired to pay special taxea aa ers. is the articles awnafefaal exceed one thousand dollars value. ofaeea- which General Grant .aw haalked etaardete Lee recovered himselt, ana wunar-g . now. ana gone into --r:. , ni.n-t. when aJIalfaisha KJK ! ZZSZj-ZK I -taxed ntoterad, a MlHiiir vi...-.T-- i .. I a . . , r haw ner eetitam BDOB tawnw . - L...I-J .ia nw.ee more, obtain BB BCt of par. a tne , r-artnersbiD realty with the tattcrea ensigns, -Kl'"; j r - j;, w of Rrnele. and the yeH and cheer of j poratran,each partner . - .- . TJ. J. ;- a 1 in to the U I BV, II H a. ... to ai Diwhiiif Gravel. Sttataaa, at the hatrey aaat twaawari. htr day. They toasel.y iaterestiag as they ought to be to ewery lover of hia coantry. Bat evea of these who do come here bat few obtain any inteHigent eoneepti n of the siege, of the ekarnrter bf the treaaendou defensive weeks which cover the country amnnd Petersburg, of the true nature of :he awli tary operations here carried on ; and indeed taeed here are soaae English visitors, come i that ""JiL. ilI pressed for- a ." i: . it... no itiaa dn to tb- am ont oi snrsinsr ana swavm nuco. - - " . , . , . r . n rv, 1 rf u.a ft work-day worla. eaemy aa tha ground jib Ft downward, into laved frata vyyprtahle evtratt There eat To v-unar T,eL.- .. ii ik l Wl iihta ly laaauvaw ran, r recate, Mh Patehes. Sale.waVs. Erupt was. aad all imiairities of the akia. kindly healtB. the aame J. l. ti- -.L.;.- rUr as aLahaster. law- naautW detected by the ebaeat sera- J BBty. aad betOc a yeeetable po-,arate ajw feetlv harmleaal It ii the only article f the rtr hiasiaaed forth rre mi Vetvaaa to artieie at the t a at the I n a i-iii, - ra. . . - i . at- c V. aaU ia mi tali ri WT -mA the a hair tram at i D . ;. r, . ....;.. t., a la-r-et iaa-aa.-v.w-. "..- - Upwards of lLiaai Uaile were aotd dl easy. T TT" W-T- -" -Twa a- ted by a Ue vist v.r. . .ro-trv r""- . l-nee wttiy raaeaaa. r-ea ay r " a. aa Maaf a Caa m i r he BE KG Eh. Sill TTSkCO ,CVc-m-K ' . ... -f aaa ' W V. I Zts Biyer 5H-, 1 roy, --- t ttuat. arn aaratothe ehaaaeaf a l. to. I SJt" 4awJa0BiwBafT wV"awaBw-P WWw-aK .. . aa at aay aaBBatvatta-Wte with ba aai faa ssits. Price- 1 per to- , . Bawvai-ttoabwwvi awBihaal arVaries war a arat to aay aaro " Xx KrVer Stieet Trwy. X. Y. 7 Free to Everybody. eawtla, . - M tail to .d their Addreas. aad by rett-ra aaail. - D 1. Ik. . OI atsaaawhl CEGa aV t7 anawwsy aaa Tray. X- Y. April to7- tw-ly a a. - - - -aoae-rr. dacov eredrataaV aad aai gle rent' ! SfTIiia tn aaat aa byj beta already car day that aabar reateey Pn ap- j aaaa tna aaeaaeSae. at a aaaa nil i.pi. aaj Aahhaaa, ani'reciation will bring many to took with wonder and admiration upon a spot invested with so deep a historic- inteveat. 1$ ia very certain that ere long thoae very features that b-nd the greatest charm to the country around Petersburg will have disappeared ; and already, what with the lx -r tto atoaaei.t and of man's de- tCUUUVia. . . f J firorer manv ot tne lines ana 0 .L aaia- The alace. however. yery hot by the Uaton hatteriea ; bat at length I got ap taaae aaatora, K..I- thtoaat that voa cottld tote), we plant ...... r.--L e'liX -w rTZawVat ,1... watp of fifty cent for each five haaalraaj dollars fractional Dart of five tt ll.l - a vtoa. tto Hatward (Coan.)Caaraat. I dollars of the consideration or Mr Horace Greeley has been .badgered - Zhwk into ill-nature by the vanons uf. ..axn.ngs Vj ; Tkuvnle lato. saH of his little trensaetra- wtt. denerson - afc- da, Davis and eases his axind by a eoiamn or mer, o v two of tnvective a, w j i --- ;n the nart of the city ia which Va ion Leag-c U nb ot wiora- j ----- tbe oVawfcw wkkh ly know which is to ne tne bw &"-"-. the foolish action of sosae two dozen mctn . e .L-. d.k to fakir. measures to Cite before the tribunal af a social j oft. beeanse be chose to travel down to Richmond and aflu nts name to the bail bond of Mr. Davis, or the evident ly angry mood in which Mr. Greelv re- V. . -. ra -aatto- of Mr ceived tnew ciauion r"' " lived was caused by tbe - I a. ahont Kv thai was uiugu..w" j properly graded to allow the to run The government of Japan baa agreed to open the porta of Osaeo, Yoddo and Maw gate on the first of January next, to fawa- pean settlement and tttterconjTe. ? r .. l l Tohoaan it at Said. WUI atjBg': GreeteacatkTng reply h, worthy of not. i iS- o?i , hTIhaT woiplode right in In alluding to the sluxrp rtnctnxes upon AmJ in their trip to E7- ZL FrSlyTl -fternar bis treat-en, of the ! A thief in Pbilph- wth-Jhw ,hc JTyjtA tabe Yankees I I never before reafixed so vividly he hi, lrafk, threw 5,000 worth af - m ... . . I . 1 tto. e.litnnal TOCalKin accorun.K ,. l. ;..ia the leelat . -- ahev Battel mi tae waiir nuu- . . .. . . uiau."""' - not .im. hneer. manv works have cruinuieu . unra,. w ? -v rjf conrW no atan visiu thernesth- kerchief and all that had Baking --- -Jtwper' a-r-wwyewa vacveeaea m cra-""n It Will DC reau, aoo v - t, . . ' aab Mw.niab.ld while I to the valgar eosatcptatoaT a. Jn - Mree irtdrae apoa whteh a long enap- that hadf tev WwitoePli I eii.7t " . r- aaBBaBaar9aBBBB9BBBB uiauuci at. read, with never-flagging interest : a i a . ai. f a mile and1 a half . ' ' a aery rough gronnd, which, thardta tooar aortVH4ed awl itoniirBMas&-a--t refraveled safely, we reached tbe ter " This, it will tie reaaiiy 1.--.. , is the scene of Bnrnstde's fantona mine; and in examining thi and other parts of V .a W B I aaaa. aaat ' II. I I 131 I OVT receive a c-.y p- ' the hue, 1 ntve nau .. V- ... coca nan V ot rn. jhi . I - it . MfliminilmL r i i . , t.,rT,n. if 01 i- . - .w a I all covered with earth and looked as thoagh j which over i the- had ernwa there. Ana ew try, i.e-KfH T. IVhttX. i I what Gem. Great at the time very justly styhai -nhia maeraWe afiair " The defence af Fort Gregg waa aae of the atost gallant actions of the siege, and as the death af Gen. Hill was connected with h, we copy the aceoant in full. VVe have heard several rtraians af the circa m stances ander which thi distinguished of r . .- i- daa.k hat aa theanncxed . . : . i .... - f . in i ii.-. i . . t . u r .tin.- - ui o. aa, " - nam t. . . - . r .to. attor i I it as antheatK : ia aute in lull as 1 . operations daring tbeloag aiege. o The fort under which tbe mine waa constructed, and of which all that now re Baain U the "crater, ia placed on w bit was a considerable salient of the enemy a front, f be hostile front here extresaely dose . W,, H'TJ?" side positioB and the site af thw tort, tat : . j J: -Jao iaui a tat ml. BBB 1 fro- t i rnwareto . . - - , aayplng Petersh. iv ar llll V IfTi, uirb- i at . a . " A J 2 other people fed bound to re- a .1 i: 1. . .. -1 a trhadin. t.l Sll'iW I lie Sll-.io--. nm. 1 at aia.- . r. i .e :u ..J to dertart. even maepenoeace ap-, - r- - .a iTtu- aaaht. of the hair's breadth, from m? pw''u ." ,iki- msmci, . . ':l3ini'l-wv poBrictd organixation to which he beWgs. ha, ado,.ed and f, r JTl.i. howl at hi- with the t.U. nes. a metre inyauted by Mr. Isaac . HI I a- aaa,. i - " . 1 r WaaO-Taaaa CTTCtEX run n f Uxrrcn .ttat, IrravAi. RaraTra, Sixth Distriet North Carollaaa. s m. May 14. a-. i Kw aivea to the lhstillars la lie, we reeeiww; aa - " t'oininjr lack bv the Boydtowa plaak road, we strike oaee more the defensive litre of the Caafe-aerate. Here, first of all, lying serosa the road, is Fort Gregjr. a powerful bastiaa work; and oae will hardly foil to paase here whea he knows what a desperate deed of valor wa done therein. 1 1., the Btorning Of Sunday, the 2d of Hay. !J the day. after Five forks, a - war w fierceness of a kennel of pupine. -v venture, having carefully invertigated the sabbt. to pronoance in favor of a certain pdicv.thosa; who-that policy does not chance to suit take oceasi .n to tweOa bun in terms wortby of the ktW MB- gate or of Coagress. BoTtk J. r- n- He at lookr.l anon as a 'n a bole eo ami nity, Tice.dNew.'K- , X.. DWtnier will be allowed b All I M rtneration after the fifteenth day of May. 1967. ilesa he shall bef e that Ume. haeo aaada aoi.liation for a Mtre. and aSdieataa wilh "1 . .i. 1 1 rr etc ana t. ana wm , -i . aainhlir to ttM SUM Ot nronatHw w-. .. - - --, - aiStlltrV IT""! a-a-ar- to be employed -nen- dr-nu-a - ever aay one btHn ate to Ite u nire. to pay . rpee. d topnr. v-rvb-Hly 'T'. fT. tax and 8 per galbaa. ea-apt aft nounee eyervbody s P-h1s the be pipa, whiah i oaly fit pa sajav wer.-off.yoyre.toprairer Tll.dLUere w1k ctiBe bear show, to agree with everybody s optn- .aurie. after tha data, will o fwrnm- .1 la- fr..t ITtL-i aaTT I"' ' 4 . . wTTw aw. t a i aaaa -aa"--- wy a aJaTL" . I ty or hlty teet, - r 11 i'-Lh rtoa w T-aTetor I k was dnaignated to bkw ap atootL- Tha i Sixth Corp. ra I II .L. to .to Fin Kuril een- th.i.k b:i ST..? are , ,-Tuar -r rz: -i.-w. mebody- mmun (1a ! LTn d ; -port itio,.- of bnll-freg- to - l r ' .- - J -wal anltt III. t L. 1'a.ltli' . SHS Oa w - I the South M-- 21. IS 7 SAMUEL H.WHJST. Cd. 6th Wmn-C, I I I rwly site

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