f . JKrH. TmM LEWIS HA. . Kdilor Proprir.or. " Thr Old KortH Ut Fattr, Cse, Fire -t ,- I fiAT.iHHTTRT. Cl THURSDAY. JUNE 27. 1867. WHOLE NO. 21g yuLt 11. m a. .a. . . , j am am m mm a faTaa liHii i w iiai am snasn- asm Know thy Destiny. Madame K. F. Thobnton, the great En glish Astrologist, Clairvoyant, and Psyehd metriciau, who has astonished the scientific elassea of the Old World, has now located her self at Hudson, N . Y. Madame Thornton possesses such wonderful powers of and sight, as to enable her to impart knowledge of the greatest importance to the single or married of either sex. While in a state of tcsnce, she delineates the very feature of the person you are to marry, and by the aid of au Instrument of intense power, known as the Pschomotrope, guarantee to produce a life like picture of the future husband or wife of the applicant, together with date of Marriage, position in life, leading traits of character, &lc. This is no humbug, as thousands of testimonials ran assert. She will send when desired a certified certificate, or written guar antee, that the picture is what it purports to be. By enclosing a small lock of hair, and Stating place of birth, age, . 1 i - j . i r i . .n and eouiidcxion, and enclosing fifty cents aud Stamped enveleiie addressed to yourself, y will receive the picture and desired tion by return mail. All communications sa credly confidential. Address in confidence Madame E. F. Thornton. P. 0. Box. 223, Hudwn, N. Y. mar 28, IM7. , tw-ly I2f Yoi'X; Ladv returning to her count rv home, after a sojourn of a few mouth in the City, was hardly recognised by her friends. In place of a coarse, rustic. Hushed face, she had a soft ruby complexion of almost marble smoothness, and instead of twenty three she really appeared but eighteen. Upon inquiry as to the cause of so great a change, she plainly told (hem that she used the Cir cassian Balm, and considered it au inval uable acquisition to any Jady's toilet. By its use any Lady or Geutleman can improve their personal apearauce au hundred fold. It is simple iu its combination, as Nature herself is simple, yet unsurpassed in its efficacy iu drawing impurities from, also healing, cleans ing and beautifying the skin and complexion. By its direet action on the cuticle it draws from t all its impurities, kindly healing the same, and. leaving the surface as Nature intended it should be, clear, soft, smooth and beautiful. Price $1. sent by Mail or Express, on reeejit of an order, l.y ..... - "- nv a JmbuSL The only American Agents W t tsBFW the same. march 2K-tw-ly Special Jtlrea. Marriage Guide.- V of Mi's Cheat I'llVslol im.K A I. WORK, or Every one his own Doctor Being a Private Instructor for Married Persons or those about to Marry, both Male and Female, in everything concern ing the physiology and relations of our Sexual System, aud the Production or Pre vention of Offspring, including all the new discoveries never before given in the Eng lish language, by W. YOUNG, M. 1. This is really a valuable and interesting work. It is written in plain language for the general reader, and is illustrated with upwards' of one hundred engravings. AU young married people, or those contem plating marriage, and having the least im pediment to married life, should read this book. It discloses secrets that every one should be acauainted with. Still it is a " ' hook that must be locked tin. and not lie iuforina- I ..i ., ,1... l,.,, I, .. II l. aj,nt to anv nUt'Ul ilM li'-il . i ' saa mr m J one on the receipt of Fifty Cents. Address Dr. Wm. YotntG, No. 416 Spruce St., above Fourth, Philadelphia June lo.'oO 64tw&wly. The World Astonished, AT Till'. WONDERFUL HKVELATinjiR MADE BT THE GREAT ASTROLOGIST, a. a. rerngo. She reveals secrets no mortals ever knew. She restores t happiues those who, from dole ful events, cataatrophies, crosses in love, loss fof reations and friends, loss of money, Are., have become despoaaieut. She briugstogeth er those long separated, gives information coii rrening absent friends or lovers, restores lost r stolen property, tells you the business- you ftre best qualified to pursue aud in wh.1t you will be most suceesstul, causes speedy mar riages aud tells you the very day you will marry, gives you the name, likeness and characteristics of the person. She reads your very thoughts, and by her almost supernatur al powers unveils the dark and bidden myste ries of the future. From the stars we see iu the firmament the malefic stars that over-'l come or predominate in the configuration -from the aspects and positions of the planets and the fixed stars iuthe heavens at the time of birth, she deduces the future destiny of man. Fail not to consult the greatest Astrol ogist on earth. It costs you but a triMe, and you may never again have so favorable an op portunity. Consultation fee,, with likeness and all desired information, $1. Parties liv ing at a distance can consult the Madame by mail with safety and satisfaction to themselves as if in person. A full and explicit chart, writt.m out, with all inquiries answered and likeness enclosed, sent by mail on receipt of price above mentioned. 1 he strictest secre cy will be maintained, and all eorrespondence returned or destroyed. Heferences of the high est order furnished those desiring them. Write plainly the day of the mouth and rear in which yon Were born, enclosing a small Jock of hair. Address, Madame If. A. pERRino, P. 0. Drawer 293, Buffalo, N. Y. march 2c 1P07. twly Reparator Capilli. Throw away your false frizzes jour it. lit , yoni wik Destructive of comfort. and not worth a : ('nine ajtetl. come youthful, come ugly and fair ; And rejoice in yoor own luxuriant hair. Reparator Capilli. For restoring hair upou bald heads (from whatever cause it may 'have fallen out) and forcing a growth of hair upon the face, it has no eq ual. It will force the beard to grow up on the smoothest face in from five to eight weeks, or hair upon bald heads in from two to three m.mths. A few ignorant practition ers have asserted that there is nothing that will force or hasten the growth of the hair or beard. Their assertions are false, as thous ands of living witnesses from their own expe rience can bear witness.- But many will say, how are we to distinguish the genuine from the spurious T It certainly is difficult, as nine-tenths of the different Preparations advertised for the hair and lieard are entirely -- r1-t-'"TriT thri such we winild say, try the Keparatof "Cain it will cost you nothing unless it fully comes up to our representations, i If your druggist does not keep it, send us one dollar and we will forward it, post paid, together with a re ceipt for the money, which will ! returned you on application, providing entire satisfac tion is not given. Address, W. L. CLARK k Cp Chemists. No 3, West Fayette Street! Syracuse, N. Y. march 28, 117. -. . tw-ly AFFLICTED ! Suffer no More! THE OLD NORTH STATE TK1-WEKKLY.3 BATES OK bUBSCBIPTIOH. f I TIMI CASH IN Av .'. Tri W. ekly, One Yaar " Six Month, Dm MotttV to.to WEEKLY I 3. on T.M w on 411. (10 Wee kly paper. One Year, ' Hix month. o Ten copiea One Year, o Twenty ruoie. One Year. A crow y. on the paper iadicatea the expiration of the aubacriptiea. . The type on which the " Ovt Noara HraTS, U printed i entirely aew. No pain will be Hatred to make it a welcome riaitor to every family . In order to do thia we hare engaKed the acrricea of sH accompliahed literary contributor. ADVERTISING RATES TBANSIKNT BATES Eor all period leaathan one month One Sjuare, Kirat insertion Each aubaeqaent inarrtion fl.00 6U 1 sqi-Aat, S SQl'ARKS, 3 sgraaaa, 4 mjt'iKBS, HI III i "I MO. 3 HO 61X1 I K5 3 ji h cou ONI COL. 7.50 10.00 1300 13.00 mm 35 00 30.00 1300 IfiOO 1K S) moo 7700 .1.1 INI 43.00 3 M& I 4 MO. 13.00 115.00 17.00 31 00 3100 98 INI 33.00 3K 00 94 0U tJ 63.00 60.00 6 ho ,30.00 out in broken French to the had 'killed the little puxr see My first thought was that tic child had been playing with the earcaaaww athe pigs, and that this accounted for the hiaed. The falh r aud mother also seeaned 0 the same opinion, and r hided the hoy for what they considered his miscbicvousneos. IMr Vk did we imagine the fearful spectacle that awaited us within the house. 8a the door was reached, little (insure run uing on before and opening it tor US. Oh, horror of horrors ! The door U opeued, Maud right before our eyes, hanging from oae of the low beams thai raw across am room, was the dead, naked, mutilated body of the precious little boy, the junnfeat w Ruthiere's childn n. The floor was coTer ed with clots and rtools of blood, still warm and steaming, and, horrible to relate, di rectly under the hanging corpse were the bowels of the poor little boy in a heap. just as they had been torn from the stul warm body. The mother, srith a frantic shriek, swooned on the threshold, the fath- j cr stood transfixed with horror, while I, wifli a sickening feeling, leaned against ola TaW The Ob urn Any to see im theli of the is grand the hr th in qoeetie attracted other The caravan . .niaaian ir KB the had beea erected, and a throng of ex -at aiaht sxais were gathered entrance, awartsag the opening of the door. Jaat then aa add looking genius drove up to the lot, seated upon a rickety lumber earefaHy bearoeo over, drawn bjl s a j miuj j.i. : j and eagerly inquired far the Upon that person making his 1 saluted with: "Halle, Snake, Ft brought yoa a load af eatar A lead af what V asked the astonished aam msam at TH mini kaaai r thia the last few dawn abaa haa haam aa The mil bin. 37 00 3H.50 44 00 Ml 00 70.00 Special Contracts will be made withthoaenrho desire to advertiae for a longer term than four mouth. Court Xotu-es and Adrertlsementa will be chaffed at the oanal rates. Ten lines of aolid minion type, or about one inch lengthwise of the column, constitute a a!01"""- . . 1. Special Notices, in leaded minion, will tie con tracted for at the office, at not less than double the rati' of ordinary advertisement. Inserted ins reading matter, with approval o the editors, fifty cents per line. Advertisements inserted irreguiariy.orai iuier vals, T per cent, additional. The rates abov- yrinted are for standing adver tisements. One or two squares, changeable at discretion, .0 per cent additional. More than two squares, changeable at discre tion, per square of ten lines, for every change. twenty-nve cents. ive sauun-s estimates itn ,unri i-i..,,. .. aaimnawt null foouiin 01110 citnaidered due and collo'table on inmitUn. A load of cats to feed year hons on. 97.00 i the door post, and with my hands tried to J To feed oar lions oa ! The daece you 4.00 I .L.A,. ..... .,.,,, ,1... tvrrihU ibt W. 1aMi feed linns i eat nnl 1 1 ' I ' I ' 111 ' r- (iviu ' a y I m m v mm my I BBBIW V , , ww - - m - Some of the villagers, ' who were passing they eat nothing hat the best beef.' at the time, attracted by the shrieks of 'Ska. I know better than that ; I've Mrs. Ituthiere, came to the bouse. Their ' mad in the papers that cats are the favor exclamations aroused all hut the poor rbe food of Boats. Besides, I've got a con mother to consciousness, and we soon he- tract with your agent, for a food of 'em came sensible to the frightful nature of the viih a rerenae stamp onto it, and I guess When by the use of I)K. JOINT ILLE'8 EL I XI K you can be cured permanent! , and at a trilling Cost. 1 The astonishing success which has attended this invaluuble medicine, for Physical and Ner vous WeaKncss, General Debility and Prostra tion, 'Loss of Muscular Energy, Impoteiicy, or any of the consequences of youthful indiscretion, reiiders it the most fahntble preparation ever discovered. It will rem.tve all nervon's affections, depres sion, excitement, incapacity to study or busi ness, loss of memory, confusion, thoughts of self destruction, fears of' insanity, Ac It will restore the appetite, renew the health of those who have destroyed it by sensual excess or evil practices. 1 oung Hen, be humbugged no more by "Quack Doctors" aud iguorant practitioUers, but send without delay for the Elixir, and be at once re stored to health and happiness. aammmaBBBmauBnaaaai Horrible Story An Extraordinary Crime by a Child A private letter, written by a resident of Fort Pitt, a small settlement iu the valley of Saskatchewan, Prince Kupert's Land, contains the following account of a most terrible occurrence which took place there on the 13th of March : " A dreadful affair happened here the other day ; such a singular and out-of-the-way crime, if it can be so called, that it is almost without the bounds of credibility. You know what a quiet little village ours is : here, hedged in by the forest primeval, and subject only to the wants that attend man iu his primitive state, we rely mainly on our traps and guns as a means of gain ing a livelihood. We arc as happy, even in our isolation from the busy haunts of men, as were the fabled dwellers in the Utopian Arcadia. The name of the last new comer is Martin Buthiere. lie is a habitan from Lower Canada. He came here last fall, accompanied by his wife and five children. It is in this family that the dreadful tragedy which I am about to re late took place. On Saturday deed that had taken place. The hoy Gus tavo. 111 the meantime, stood near the cen tre of the room, with a wonderful look aa his youthful countenance, and gazing up into the appalled face of his agon uted tat b er. Let me draw a veil over the scene that followed, and merely recount the fol io in? facte which have been elicited by an inspection ot the room and frosa the confessions of the young fratricide : It would seem that shortly after, Mr. and Mrs. Buthiere had left their boast for the nnmose of attending the lecture at the chapel, Gustave proposed to his little bro ther, Adolph, that they would play killing nic In this request it is supposed the f . - - little fellow acquiesced, 'the j Waa to ! lb,- pig, and die elder the r. tottPtAT etttrfT AMUtQ his a 1 .a . m 10 unarees ror tat trageay, and taking a small rope, tied him dowa securely to a rough lounge that stood in the room. He then procured a butcher knife that Jm ( ,,".,. I 1 J : -i .1 W 'm" uau utoi to ciaugutenog mc pigs ! the day before, and plunged it into the , throat of his passive and helpless brother, j The wound was a mortal one and it is sap- posed that death, must have imaaediatclr resulted. After the child had bled his lit tle life away, the brother took the cord which confined the body to the lounge, and tying the end arounA the feet of the corpse, threw the other over the beam; and lendteg his weight and strength, hoisted the body to the position in which it was 17 J . 1 . . - a .a .a luuiiu ; men, noi saiisnea witn tne pro gramme thus carried out, the little butcher must needs disembowel bis dead brother in almost the exact manner in which his father had butchered the pigs the dav before." t go hack aa that.' Saying which, the cat merchant produced a greasy shp of paper which read an follows : RjCHJfOXDy Oct. 5th, 1867. "That contract witaeeseth that I have this dav contracted with Simon Wiggins to tornash a load of cats to teed the lions aa, far which jaw waa pay him the herein after price to vit : r or A 1 Prune t ats, 75 eta. ; far Stem Lata 50 cts. JOS A3 Bi sr., Cat Agent-Van Aaahargh k Co'a. Me Tata -My friend," the manager, after 'you have been im- 1 da not know any such per- doat waa any Yon lie ; now you know, you do' L With iaaaertarbahle rood humor, a am only trying to beat me down anofget em cheap. I've got a prime MiiaatT-five of 'em. Just look at !: aaa hastilv descendinr from his perch be coooaenced shoving at the tail hoard 0! fan wneon. to allow the manager to examine hi load. Bv his ner- aawever. he manared so awk- ardly that the board dropped completely oat, and with a terrible sputtering his en tire load of cats sprang into the crowd. A score of worthies curs that were on the ground great 1 s if it would lead ft At Iu tha auawaai tne eJty, Backed aVveral 1 d through the atrnrts sinrinr "Glory Hal Ulujah," "John Brown, othcW ae not ant were ordered to the city hut were not obliged to fire apaa the people The police used their 1 era! persona were wounded, hat L:n 1 ena. . . wiiicu. 1 nc excitement is now 1 lulled, and it is thought that tha ance haa ended. Man every night in speeches against the Church, ridiculinr its tempts to renew the disorder have beea pat down, and comparative quiet aaw pre vails. (Jaeea's Hotel, London, Jane SO, 1987. This day is the thirtieth anniversnry af Vueen ictoria's tance of the throne of Great Ireland, she ha vine succeeded I uncle, King William the Fourth, aa Mm tnot June I537. The dav 1 . a. a. ten m a joyous and loyal bells of the city were pealed early in the morning, and royal salute were fired hy the artillery in St. James' Park. Tha royal standard of England haa been duly 11 n . 1 . . - w noisted, and Bag are flying at the edt prominent points in the chy. Voeen is at Wmdsor. At a meeting held at the Mansion House this morning, the municipal authorities af London voted present aa address af 1 congratulation to the Caar Miiaadm af Russia, giving expression to their toy at aw providential escape from in fans, the city 1 similar address to the the Third of France, on his escape from injury at ot the attempt oa the Caar. A correspondent of the Amii SLuTty Standard writing from evident understanding of tha party 1 nery among the negroes, gfve thai bean party fair warning af what at in re serve for them. The negro vane, ha say, will decide the Presidential election, Th negroes understand this perfectly, and an laying their puns in snroid utj with it. "There are several writer, "htted tor the Emperor Nan ill la congratulating him a renect i Tire t .... , 1 l. ., .l, i Onaraatauu in v..rv. i ui.nn. iPri i mrvs pigs, siauguienug ineiu 111 me tour bottles to one address, (L'i. ' I usual manner that is, niter stabbing them One bottle is sufficient to effect a cure in ail I and allowing them to bleed to death, while onunary eases walking around, be disemboweled them There coineth glad tiding of joy to all, To young and to old, to great and to small ; Th beauty which once was so precious and rare, s Is free for all, and all may be fai r. Uy I H- not- or WHITE LIQUID For plsxion The most valuable and perfect preparation In use, for giving the skin a beautiful pearl like tint, that is only found fn youth. It quick ly rani o v Tan, Freckles, Pimples. Blotches. Moth Patches, Pallownr, RrupUons, and all impurities of the skiu, kindly healing the same leaving the skiu white and clear as alabasteT. Its ii. can not be d'tted by the closest scru tiny, aud being a vegetable preparation Is per fretly hanuieas. It is the ouhr articlCthe kind used by th French, and is considered by th Pansisu as iudiapenaable to a perfect toil S4, ''p ar.l-..( .'SI.JHMI tw.ttle were x,.ld duriui; the jiaj-Tyear. a suflM-ient guarantee oflu em cacy. Prise only 79 cents. Seat by mail, post paid, on receipt of an order, by BEEGEB, SHUTTsv CO , Chemists, ttt Birnr St., Troy, N. Y. sprUt,'?, iwlv. for the speedy and permanent eure of Gonorrhea, Gleet. Urethral Discharge, Gravel, Stricture, and all affections of the Kill revs and Bladder. Cures effectee in from one to five days. They are prepared from vegetable extracts that are harmless on the system, and never nauseate the stomach or impregnate the breath. No change of diet is necessary while usinr them, nor does their action in any aianner interfere with business pur suits. I 'rife I per box. Kit her of tha above-mentioned articles wil! be sent to any address, closely sealed, and post-paid, hr mail or express, on receipt of price. Address all orders to HKKOKR.SIirTTS CO. .Chemist No. afcO River Stieet Troy. X. T, April i.VT. tw-ly. ...... Free to Everybody. A Large G jp. Circular, giving information f th greatest importance to the young of I '"tli aexes. It i. io-li,. how the hoinelv may become 17 W A Hi" 17 T. hupping Si ItthoTnOS No vonnir ladv or irentlemsn abonld fail to seutl their Addreas, and receive a conv oost- , . . paia, ny return mail. Aildreaa P. 0. Drawer, 21. Trov. N . Y. April 467. .tw-ly A Card to Invalids. A clereviuau, wtntr reiiluia;ii, Sonth America as a nussioiiaryMt-overed a afe and simple Tern1 l I;T:"r.,:u?r"Le-,VwneH?' W twettr late when the meeting broke ut. c . 1 'i-iim " in mi 1 1 hum nun euiinaj urrans- - . , , . . , artl the whole train of disorder bronirht on hv iccompaniea jiutniere ni uis wue towards and plunged their carcasses into a Vat of boiliug water, and then scraped the bris tles clean from the skin. The three pigs were then hoisted to an overhanging beam. The butchering operations of Martin were witnessed by his two younger children, boys of the respective ages of six and eight years. Threldesti't'eustave, it was observed at the time, seemed delighted, not only at the stupid actions of the pigs after receiving their death wounds, but also ex cited and interested in the after processes of the butchering, clapping bis little hands and muttering in thekpatois of these peo ple, child-like observations of joy. The butchering, as I have before observed, took place on mrf : J the next day tne various members -of the different households assembled iu the little chapel at the east eud of the fort, and heard mass celebrated by oar good father (jnorean. He invited1 us to attend hi the evening when he intended to lecture upon some subjects suitable to the season of the church ear. in compliance with his invi tation, the chapel m the evening was filled with the usual number of worshipers, with the exception of some of th youuger member, of the community, who had been left at home. Among these latter were the two boys of ilartiu buthiere. It was I baneful and riciou habits. Great nnmbeiaaara f lieeu already ew."d by thia noble n-medy . Pmmp- from the chapel lunate. 1 will send the receipt for prepacinjt and using thia uariivine, in a -ealed en v dope, to any one who need. It Fan or Cn'aasB. JiUJKrp T I.VHA.V Station I Hihlc Honse Ad.lre., twly ew York tity When within a few yards of his door-step, we were all start led by observing the little Gustave run ning towards a holding up his bauds all red and bloody, his eyea glistening with a wild bat child-like sett of glee, and crying Printers. Printers are unlike other classes of Their avocation imparts to them an intel ligence that does not result from anv other 1, . . . . . .. ... i DUtpiere business. Healing with language c ively, iu its combinations of letters, words, sentences and paragraphs, they are atantlv brouirht into rnmmimiaai thoughts and their workings, and than in sensibly become imbued with the' ideas of those minds whose creatures they help to embody into those forms which give to the world. Thev Uterallv get m at their fingers' ends, white picking' up the types that form sentences which arc gram- 1 c? ,. - : maiicai. ,-tiieiung come 10 isen aa 1 rally as Dreaming, lor they rail into cor rect ort hography from force of habit The characteristics of pi inters are ant so favorable to personal thrift as those af other professions. They partake of the nature of the artist in some degree, and are generally liberal to a fault, thoughtless of the future and frequently iaa provident lor the present flash when in a good sit- ua.fic.iv aud dead BHftp OR Wlr, : 1 ney may be said to be the working Bohemian of the world of operatives. PBIXTEBK DEVILS. From wild, friendless hoys in the streets, are made what are called Printers' lfevils: next they become (winters, sad after that sometimes editors, in which, capacity they not ntifreqnently' make their- naarks in the nation and in the- world. Dr. Franklin Was a most eminent instance in the eariv days of oar country, and Tharfew Weed. Horace -fireeley, Simon Cameron. Vice President Hamlin, General Dix, Speaker Colfax, GMeon Wells, Robert Bonner, Pe troleum VesuVins Xaabv and ftistpfti Ward are seas atrihing example at the present time. pa aude a dash for the cats, and ! President, and that away utcy went, belter skelter, among the ! ond office in the e' mP mW children, and j ueyro." The correspondent fully 7S S-tsB? swe. t o-1 their claim, and wishes it ward the town the streets were filled with derstond that it m,,t h pcaple proceeding to the menagerie, who negro vote wUI he cast against the enaj tne commotion, and hearing the lican party. The party, he says, data aa' - "v uuce unaginea some terrible ac- refuse it aa in ,tcfei nkm,t tlx, - - cident. I .-j tL ..,. v,,.ik .. HC 1 ne next instant a rumor soread through will back their claim will Senator Wade do in thai 1 He has pledged himself to "j of the people on all oa and here is one which diate attention. There we are satisfied, would Senate with quite as mi gence sad grace, a Senator self does ; but will he tkenksn! he can get tne negroes I question until that of the af property " is settled. .V. F. niiir anrmad thmneli (hecrowd that the Koyal Bengal tiger was looe scea ensued that beggars de- rrtptma. Everr one for himself and the devil take the hiadermnat." wraa the motto acted aa, and a general stampede followed. aa astonishing display of agility a. Pennlen. bolted their doors - ladiea in iiliinar honna It estraonlinarv ptidoits in the way of cliaxbing fence, and what with 5te J'pi" dogs, screaming amf howling childreu, it really for a while as if Bedlam had brok- tewpoasensioaof th la a alwael tna. tk. - aW Jto-V1 ---r 1 e- aBwnaaw4 UN 01 tne matter U came l,nn t unieted dawn. Rat At , r;,-. ma be Coaafertrd tr tk LJwL at tae great expectations he had bailt u cats, ana daacaasalately drove out of town, muttering terrible vma., if be , eaaght htm. upon the aVasaved what had unlaw d mhmtAtlMm. L at t an Amnargh Jc ( .s certain. What keep ahead'' rations of radteataaa uemands ita hnm o postpone thia " reduunbtttMa from Brat Be- Kimund Abott, the well-known says : " There aretwo thnags in this warld which a man' doe not often fmd away from home : the first is good soap ; the se cond is disinterested love, Get, the New Turk HarmiL :n I ., contains the L aater the sixth srtlkin of the HiBLliaaact General SirhU. powrrea 10 remove tuatr-feftk. .11 tk. cavu ameers as Aarth and Sntk . i;. tiovernor down to manair.i tu-. au. ay.eTaaannanatonnaJined. Yet so tar he ha rcsaaved not nmrc than a doa "lhtaiesand thoac were for af- othrT lesnedy. If we remember correctly , Attorney General Staaaarry laid hat little etreae ail oa the xrrrisc of the pajrer of rrsssul on the part of the lfcstnrt Coaiaaaader taf Di teiet Xsk 9. That part af the amsaisa . - wajeh we jaage was BMatnafvw to Gen. Stckte was m reterene to las ram saw af ansaaawmw pwr. bv which he ahl law nad aid codas and 1 H elpek's New Book. We tie m fitting manner, nS ansa aa we gat space, tne new rook oa nana Helper, the author of "Tha Ii That 1 V ... a , Crisis," which canoed tment a '58-59. and which great 1 the success of the Radical party. fair, hat the new book oat Herod Herod. in vileness, lalismnnny to tha n wickedness. It is tbiukrmtaaf it means a a . a aromress m what at ner's new booh tan . pro v. II. Ills and 10 the "la ad cause CoXl.BBSS.--A . m mm. says, that srser a raaamnto nwams. laal- warkaf a rwdmaf Waahingnaa tahnjrssa etose eaaVadntomy it la he btainrai at dm July that budy. Th Lard nil He intends to let Old Kick 1 SentimeL AC SUIti of Indians: After cavalry a distance of with pcoingiau tii w 1 1 1 to aaaa k n" mhmaXv5h-i2 Baairoaaar etc Tea asmsjrad r jaa. 15, IMC - - JAM -na-