I^EWI^ liA.\i:s Editor A: Proprietor. “ The Old ^Torth J^tate Forever.”—Gasfm. S^iiijffle Copies Five Cents VOL II. N(V 38. SALISBURY, N. C., SATURDAY, JUNE 29. 1867. WHOLE NO. 219 Speeial Aotiees. Know thy Destiny. MaiiAmk E. F. T'iiokn i oX, tlie ^nxit Kii- , glish A.xtroldiri.st.’CIiiirv.iyaiit. aiij'J’^yclio- j MQ-ppioa’P frllirlp ...Youxg’.s Gjieat Uiiitriciiiii, \vln> lia.s astonislicl tla* & * l^uySIOI.OGICAI, cW.s of tile Old \v..rl.l, l.a:. i...w loeat.-d her- j WORK, or Every one liis own lloctor— -elfat Hud.,;..ii, N. ^ . Madame I l*"riifou 13^.5 Frivuti' Instructor for Married po88ess«*8 such Wdiiderfiil powers of sc'cmid 1, ” \ ^ ^ 11 •ight, as to enable her t» impart knowledge ' I’*!, about to M.irr} , both of the ^rreate.st importance to the .^n-le ..r ! concerii- luarried of eitlier sex. IVhile in a .state pby.siolof'y and relations of our trauce, .she deliueate.s the very features of the f^cxual Sy.slein, and the Production or Pre- vxmtion of Off'sjiring, including all the new discH _ _ Wi-. •-overies never before given in the Eng- lib^h Jangunpr, Lj Wi-. YOUNO, Al. D. I This is really a valuable and interesting work. It is Avritten in plain language for person you are to marry, and l>y the aid of an i uatruiiieiit of iiitcuti'e j»i>\c«*r, kuowii as the I'sclioiiiotropc, t«, pnaliice a life like picture of the future huiiband or wife of the applicant, together with date of marriage, position in life, leading traits of character, 1 , i .' . ■ - . Aco. This is no humlmg, as thousands ,jf i ^be general reader^ and is illustrated Avith testimonials can a.«sert. Slie will send when Ihundred engravings. All desired a certified certificate, or written giiar-I married people, or those coutem- aulee, that the picture is what it purports to | plating marriage, and having the least im- be. ^ By enclosing a small lock of hair, ami 1 pediment to married life, should read this stating place of liirth, aire, dispositi.m and ^ hook. It disclos(!S .secrets that THE OLD NORTH STATE. [Tltl-WEEIvlA.i !r3-ttATE.S OF SUB.SCRIPTION. ^ TERMS—CASH IN ADVANCE. Tri Wecjily, One A'ear “ Six Months, ** One Mouth, [WEEKLY.] Jias struck the fetters from our limbs ; but "e are to enquire seriously as to this ques tion, Avliile Ave are bound in gratitude to lliaiik them for this service, Avlietlier this action Avas the result of love to the colored man or of hatred to the rebellion and its adherents. This question is one of too much intri- ! cacy for me to argue here. I merely sug- j e^st to yon the expediency of deep and : abiding thought and speculation on it.— if-tk to lki-10^ Kolofo 1.50 th€>/ ore ; for I love acts and not theories, 40 00 I'barisee holds small position in S5.00 3.00. 75 cts. • O.oo coinpb.'xiim, and enclosing fifty cents and Htainped envebqM* addressi'd to yourself, voii will receive the pictiin* and desired infon'mi- tiou hy return mail. All couimunicatious sa credly cmtidential. Address in coiiliilence, Madame E. F. ThornUm, 1’. O. Box. 223, llmh.m, \. Y. mar 28, 1H(>7. tw-lv Y Oi:x(} E.\i>a' returning to her country home, after a sojourn of a few months iu the City, was hardly recognised liy her friends. In place of a coarse, rustic, lliishcd face, she had a soft ruby complexiim uf almost marble smootlim-ss, ami instead of tweiitv- three she really appeari'il hut eighteen. Upon inquiry as to the cause ut so great a ch.auge, she plainly told them that she used the Cir- CSSSian ami cousidei'cd it an iuv.al- uahle acquisition to any Lady’stiih t. f>v its use any Lady or (ieiitlemati c.iii impi‘ive their personal ajipearaiice an hundred told. It is simple ill its coiuhiuatiou, as Nature herself is simple, yet uusurp:tsed iu its ellicacy iu drawing impurities from, also healing, cleans- | ing and heaiitifviug the skin and couiph‘.\iou. | By its direct ac.tion on the cuticle it draws from it all its impurities, kindly healing the same, : and le.iviug the surfai-e as N.ature intended it ' (ihtiuhl he, clear, soft, siiieoih and heautiful. | I*ri«*e.'8|, sent hy .Mail or f..\press, 011 recept I i»f an order, hv \V. L.'ULARK cV Uo., Chemi.^ts, No. 3, West Fayett(‘ .8t., Syracuse, X. The only ,\mt/ric;!n Agents for the sah tli*{ same. march 28-tw-ly Tliv Worlfl Asloiii^ilied, AT Tin: woNul.un i. KEVi.i.A'noN.s .M.\i»i:nY THE Cb’KA r AS'PKOLOGIST, £Sadamc X2. A. Ferrigo. She n've.'ils secrets 110 mortals ev»*r knew. She restores to h;ip]»iiies those who, from dole- liil eV'Mits. cataslrojihies, crosses iu love, h»ss fof r«*ations a lid friemls, hiss of money, Ac., liav‘ Imv.oiiic dcspoialciit. Sh* hriiigs togeth er those long scp.iratcd. gives information con- creiiing ahseiit triends or lovers, restores lost or stolen jiroperty, tells yon the husinessyoii are best qiialitied to pursue and in what yon will In* most su»'i'esstul, causes s[ii“edy mar riages and tidls you the very day yon will inaiTV, gives vou the name, likciu'S.s ami charactei'islii's -oi the person. She reads yonr v»*ry thoughts, and hy her almost supm’iiatur- al powers nnv*il. the dark and hidden myste ries of the futuri*. From the stars we see iu the lirmameiit—the m:i!efic stars that o\er- come or nreilominate iu tin* coutiguratioii— from the aspi-cts and positions ot the planets and the fixed stars in the heavens at the time ofhirth, slie deduces the future destiny of man. Fail imt to (‘oiisnit the greatest .\stro!- «»gist on «*arth. It costs you Imt a tritlc. and A'ou mav never again have so favorahlean o]i- porfniiity. (’onsultatiou fee, with likeness and all (jesired information, >=1. Farties liv ing at a distance can consult tin* Madame hy mail with safetv and satist.actlou to themsclvi's as if iu jiersoii. A tull anil explicit chart. Avrilteu out, with all imjuincs answered and ikeiiess enclosed, scut hy mail 011 receipt ot price ahove mentioned. I he strictest secre- rv will he maintained, and all correspondence returned or destroyed. Rctcrcuces ot the high est order fnriiisheil tho.se desiring them. \\ rite plainly the day of the month and year in which you were born, (Miclosing a small lock of liair. AdJi'os.:. Mauwii.' IL I’K.nniiio. F. (>. Drawer 2!t3, Buffalo, X. Y. inarcb 28. 18t!r. twiv every one .should be acquainted Avitli. Still it is a book that must be locked up, and not lie about the lion.se. It a\ ill be .sent to any one on the receipt of Fifty Cents. Address J)r. M .At. Y)i’X(j, Xo. IIG Spruce St.j aboA'c Fourth, I’liiladelpliia. June IGj’GG 64tw&wly. Reparator Capilli. 'I'lirow iiwiiy your false frizzes, your switolie.s, youi wiy--- Destructive of comfort, and not wortli a tig: (’oiiii; aged, come yoiitlifiil, come ugly and fair; •And rejoice in yoor own luxuriant liair. 'Reparator Capilli. For restoring liair upon bald beads (from wliatcvcr cause it may liave fallen out) ami forciiig a growtli of liair upon the face, it lias 110 eipial. It will force the heard to grow up on the siiiootliest face in from fivi* to eight weeks, or hair iqioii hald heads in from two to three moiillis, A few* ignorant jiractitioii- ers liave asserted that there l.s nothing tliat will fiii’ce or liastcii the growth of the hair or heard. Their assertions are false, as thous ands of living witnesses [from their own exjie- rieiiee] can hear witness. But many will say, how are we to distinguish the genuine from the .spiiriou.s ? It certainly i.s dillicult, as nim*-tenths of tin* difiereiit Frcpaiatioiis advertised for tlie hair and heard are entirely worthless, and yoii may have already thrown of, away large aiiioiiiits in their purchase. To such wc would say.try the Rejiarator Capilli; *•..11 up to our representations. If your druggist does Hot kee]i it, send n.s one dollar and we will forward it. ]iost paid, together with a re ceipt for the money, which will be returned you oil ajijilication, providing entire satisfac tion is not given. Address. W.‘ L. CLARK A CO., Cbemi.sts, ^ Xo3, West Fayette Street. Syracuse, X. Y. march 28, 18G7. tw-ly VIjr pRpor, “ “ Six inontbs, “ “ Ten copies One Year, “ “ Twenty copies, One Year, • j 1 1 • 1 1 * A cross X on the pa|)er indicates tlie expiration of; Biy Avlien he is brought in contact the siibscriiition. 1 witii the conscientious Levite. I have The type on which the “Old North State.’ is ' .1 „ printed is entirely new. No pains will be .spared to j ^ Xoith this philanthropic make it a welcome visitorto every family. In order 1 X ortli—Avbich has fought OUr battle and to do this we have engaged the services'of able and libeilated accomplished literary contributors. ADVERTISING- RATES TRANSIENT RATES For all jieriods less than one mouth One Sejuare. Fii-st insertion $1.00 Each subseiiuent insertion 50 Contract rates for periods of one to four mouths. Second Military District- 1 Mil. 1 2 MO. 1 3 MO. 1 4 .MO. 6 MO 1 .HQl-ARE, $5.0(1 $8 50 $1200 $'5.00 $20 no 2 squares, 7.50 13 00 17.00 21.00 2700 3 SQUARES, 10(10 16.00 21 110 2600 34 00 4 SQUARES, 121)0 18(10 23.00 28 00 3700 QUAR. COL. 13.00 If) 00 24 (Kl 2000 38.50 HALF COL. 20.00 27.00 33 00 38 00 44 00 3 QUAR. COL. 25 00 33 00 4000 45 00 .5000 OXE COL. 30,00 42.00 52.00 60.1X) 70.00 be charged Special Contracts will be made with those who desire to advertise for a longer term than four mouths. Court Notices and Advertisemeut.s will at the usual rates. Ten lines of solid minion type, or about one inch lengthwise of the coluiim, coiistitute s(jiiare. .Speeial Notices, in leaded minion, will ho con tracted for at the oflice, at not less than double the rate of ordinary advertisements. Inserted as reading matter, with approval o the editors, fifty cents per line. Advertisements inserted irregularly, or at inter vals, 2.") per cent, additional. The rates abuv'* nriuled are for standing adA'cr- ti.scments. One or two squares, changeable at discretion, .0 per cent additional. More than two squares, changeahle’at discre tion. per square of ten lines, for every change, twenty-live cents. Five squares estimated as a quarter column, and ten squares as a half colnnin. Bills for ad- ns on a political f|nestion—a pliilantliropy Avliich Avas achieved altogeth er at the cost of our late masters, and did not cost tinybody else one cent. I grcAv up Aviili Southern white boys, played Avitli them, and love them. I have met only unvarying kindness at the hands of our Southern men. I cannot say the same of Xortheni men. But leaving all this out of the question, to Avliose interests are you to trust ? AVill 38 50 j you rely on the man Avliose interests are involved Avith the looms of Xcav England and the mines of PennsylA'ania, Avhere yon can iiCA'cr live or be employed, or Avill you trns' to the pliuiter of rice and cotton, in wlio.se country you live and Avhose inter ests are identically yours ? Can’t you see that your interests are identically those of j the jieople of the South ? That as they i prosjier, you Avill prosper. That as they Letter from Gexernl SicMes to Senator WiIso)t—Insu_lHciencif of the Appropriit- tkm to Harry out the licconstraction Laic. IIeadq’rs 2d Mil’y Dist., ^ Charleston, June IS, 18G7. ) Hon. Henry Wilson, Chief 2LiVitanj Committee, United States Senate: My Dear Sir : is probable, in vicAv of exioting circumstance-*, that Congress Avill convene in July. It is proper, there fore, I should inform you that the appro priation of $oU0,000 to execute the Ee- coiisiructiou acts is altogether inadequate, j I am informed that my estimates for April j and May are less than those of other Dis-: trict Coniiuanders. Indeed, the Avhole sum Avas more than absorbed by the estimates for May. For the Carolinas at least S5U0- 000 Avill be retjuired. I have applied to the Xavy and Treas- ry Departments for certain facilities, Avhich in view of the small appro[)riatiou, I pre sumed Avould be granted, but my requests From the Raleigh Sentinel. State of Xortit Carolina, 4 Execttive Department, > Ivaleigb, June 22d, 1SG7. ) Editors Sentinel;—The General Assem bly, on the 1st of March, 18G7, passed a resolution in the following Avords, A’iz: “ That in all cases Avhen a soldier iu the Confederate or State service has had a leg or arm so paralyzed from Avounds received while in the service, that the leg or arm has become useless, although it may not have been necessary to amputate the same, that in all sneh cases, Avheii the Governor is satisfied that the leg or arm of the per son above described rcallv is useless, that the Governor shall order the Treasurer to pay to such invalid the sum of seventy dollars as commutation for the loss of the leg, and fifty dollars for the arm.” To eiialle the disabled men, intended to be provided for nmler tins resolution, to get the hiMicfit of the same, Avitlumt com ing to Hab'igh for personal iiispeetion, I sent a copy of the resolution to each of the have not been favorably considered. I ' clerks of the county courts, and tliouglil I understand that the Secretary of the Xavv I sutliciently proK'ct the Treasury iu assigned as his reason that no aid must be giving my warrant on the Treasurer, ujiou expected from that department in the exe cution of the Keconstrnctiou acts of Con- ujiou the certificate of the clerk of the ennnty in which the apjilicaiit resided, that he fell gress. The Secretary of the Treasury the provisions of the resulntioii.— expressed his desire to do all lie could, biu | Printed blank certificates were prepared and did not feel at liberty to make any dis-i the clerks which adopted the words- bursemeiits for objects not ])iecisely Avitliiii resolution. After several applicants the inrisdictioii of liis dejiarlmeiiL It is : ^ent in their certificates and diaAvii the usual, I believe, when the apinopriaTion j infancy, 1 found tliaMimiiy bmievolmit clerks for an object authorized hy Congress is in- ' coiislruc the words “ useless” a.s syiiou- sufficient, to make the necessary exj)(*ndi- ' Avitli “ impaired and some drew are impoverished by taxation or legisla- [ tures and trust to a defieienev biil, but in I “‘f"‘cy, wlien the injury very slightly im- tioii, you will be impoverisbed also. Xow, the execution of these acts tins course will ' tlic limb. 1 felt it mv dutv to re- if this be true, and common sense Avill clearly show yon that it is, the b'ontlieru peipleare not going to Amte or legislate to im loverish themselves. And if their in- i teaasts are your interests, ought yon not to take their advice on these political mat ters, in Avliieh your future is greatly in volved 1 I hardly think it admits of a question. X"ow, Riy brethren, you are Sontliern viiii n.ii > UP* iiaii I.WI1111I1I. jnnr> mi 111- j i« iri 1 rertisiiig, Avhether by the day or .year, will be | iiR R,'d’C at the feouth, raised at the SoTitli, -11 *1 indissolubly linked with the8ontb. AFFLICTED ! Suffer no More! 'Whim hy the use of DR JOlNVILI.E’ri EL IX1R you ean lie eiircil pennaneiillv, and at a j trifling eiist. j The asti.iiishiiig saeeess which liai attended I this invalualile medieiiie fur IMiysieal and Ner- j vuus WiMKiiess, (iimeral Deliility and Prustra- I tiun, Liiss (if Muscular Energy, Imiiuteney, or ! any uf the (•unsequenees uf yiuithful iiidiseretion, ; reiidi-rs it the must valualile preparation ever diseuvurrd. Li doing this, I iiiseuvurni. fVoin past extierieiice that I shall no doubt ft will rem.ne all nervims iiileeliuns, depre.s- : 1 1 .1 • i 1 siuii, exi-itcmeiit, iiieapacity Iu study or liusl j full doA\ 11 njioii my bead the A lals of wiatli From the Savannah News. To the Freedmen of G-eorgia- The folloAving letter from a colored man applies Avith equal force to the colored peo ple of Xorth Cai-olina : Savannah, May 2Stli 1SG7. On the eve of leaving America for a short stay in Europe, I feel not only the inclination, but d(!em it my duty to ad dress a few parting Avords to my people, Avhose Avelfarc lies next to my heart and whose interests are the theme of my j yoii Juive been raised and among Avliorn tlionglits by day and my dnaiinsbA’ night. | w ere born ; to those accustomed to These ideas are dictated not only by a fix- j your habits and manners; to those among ed resolution, determined by observation ^ wluuu you live and Avhose interests are of the present political aspect, but also by ; eleaily yonr interests ; to those Avho are Avhat I liaA'c observed through a prolong- : only parties to Avhom yon must look ed residence in both sections of the L nited w ork and subsistence ; to those avIio States. Li doing- tlii.s, I am Avell Dem agogues may strive to persuade you oth erwise, but. I have lived among them ; I know the status of the colored man among them ; and, in fact, to sustain and fortify my fiosition, I need only to point to Illi nois and otliei- Xorthern States, Avhere a colored man is not permitted by their laws to reside. Such a biAv never has been en acted and never Avould have been enacted in a Sontliern State, and this you A^ery Avell knoAV. To those, then, my people, Aviih Avhom among be iininacticable, iiiasmncli as the iiriiici- ; certifi- pal disbursements are for the services of; ebaks, and to require all ap- persons avIio depend upon tlieir jiay for ^ P^k-anls to cume here in person. 1 con- sujiport. I have the honor to suggest for j flR‘ " oids “ paralyzed ’ and “ nse- I less” as they are defined by Webster and ! other apinoved lexicograjihers. 1 publish this construetion to save par- your consideration, and of yonr colleagues as well, that the interests of the public ser vice require Avitliout delay a further appro priation to execute the acts nf Congress for the government of the rebel States. Very respectfully, I). E. Sh'KLE.s, oeii ■ — luaj. v^oinmanuing. Moral Cofrade—A Thrilling In cident.— General Sherman says the great est demand ever made on his moral cour age Avas under the folloAving circuuislances: The citizens of San Francisco Avere cel ebrating the 4th of.] nly iu the large Amer ican Theatre, Avliich Avas packed to its ut most capacity. General Sherman Avas chief marshal, and occupied a seat near the front of the stage. The orator had coin- ties tlie trouble of making application in cases Avliere the law, a.s 1 cuiistnie it, does not authorize me to do any anything for them. Editors of newspaiiers Avill no doubt IIIX 1 II I!*> tv*il III LilO above, by publishing this or briefly stating its contents. JOXATHAX WORTH. Governor of Xorth Carolina. IIoAv TO Destroy the T'oracco Fly. —A correspondent of the Louisvdle Cou rier thus describes the results of his expe riments in destroying the tobacco fly, Avhieh Ave give for the benefit of those engaged ia pleted his oration, the jioct began his song | the tobacco culture : when one of his aids, Avliite with fear, made his AvaA' down the middle aisle to the foot- •/ light, and beckoning the General’s ear, Avliispercd to him that the theatre had set tled a foot and a half in one of the side “ Having, like all other tobacco plamt- voiir bciii" ; and finally to those Avho, as ers, suffered for years by the ravages of this destructive and annoying insect, I proceeded to Avatcli its iiioveiiients and as certain its habits. I found it intensely walls, under the Aveiglit ot the crowd, and fond of sucking the bloom of tin* James- miglit be expected any moment to tumble | town, more generally speaking the Mim- 011 tlieir beads in ruins. T he General com-, son’ Avoed, wild morning glory, etc., bun rnanded him to sit down Avbere lie Avas, ' esiiecially the former. Accordingly at the aware syiiijiatliize Avitli you and yours; to those aiiioiig Avliom you live and move and Iuiax'S without turning liis panic-smitten face to tinie of setting out the jilunts, I set out ess, loss of iiieiiiory, coiirusioii, tlionglits ot sell- j of the Radical [tarty at the Soutfi, and it 3 Relieve before God, are the only friends estnu-tiiin, fears of insaiiily. Ae It will restore i deemed im[)0rtant enough, perhaps of the ' preservers of the colored men, I on- i«• j..;.. L.. i„n.-u. ...ko exa.„,>i.-, advice There eoiiieth glad tidings of joy to all, To yonugaiid to old. to great and to small ; The beauty wliicli onee was So [ire,•ions and rare. Is free for iiU, and all may be fair. Bv till* ol* CHASTELLARS WHITE LIQUID E N A 31 1: 1j lie lie till- (lestroved it liv sensual excess or evil practices. ■ , i 1 oil ♦! Viunig Men’, tie luiiiiliuggedno inoreliy-‘Quack J tTUtU and soberress, and I earnestly en- [uecedent from those Avhom yon kiiOAV, Doetors'’ and ignorant practitioners, lint send! treat my [leoplc e\-eryAA-liere not to be per- a\ bile yon treat the stranger kindly, witl'iint delav lor the EH.xir. and he at onee re- | .sujided by the wild inventions of party fac- ' trust, above all, to old and ° well tried .stored to .leafill and Inipjiiness. A I erteet (me ; addressed to them oil issne.s eutirolv i frieniB four hottles to one address. .83. outside of their material interests, but t,^ IIEXRY GWIXX. One liottleis siilheieiit to effect a cure in all ' listen to the words of one Avho has no per^ ordinary ea-es. , Uonal advantage to suliserve, and Avho, in | The “litarlc Death” in Ireland.—A coi-- 1 ' rspomlent ofll.c Xcw Yoik S,a,, writing (ilc t. rn .knil Ifeclcrw,.. St'iclnn-, : by a tlccivc to ccc 1,13 |,col,lc j.ursucavouise j . and all affections of the Kidnevs and Bladder, consistent AVitli tlieir [last situation and ’ ”. t or more than a year [last a mysterious and deadly disease has made its appear ance here. At first it created no alarm, and comment upon it was confined to phy- Itladder. C’nres elfeetee in from one to live days. They are jirepared from vegetahle extracts that are harmless on the system, and never nauseate the their future res[)Oiisibilities and duties; for, iiiy colored brethroii, avc have most stiimaeh or impreslmale the breath. No change of | serious responsibilities and duties in the diet is necessary wliile using them, nor does their ' nrtion in jiny imumer interfere with business pur suits. Friee. 81 [ler lio.x. Kitheroflhe above-mentioned artii les wil’ he sent to any address, closely sealed, and post-jiaid, hy mail or express, oil reeei[it of price, ail orders to BER(;ER.8irUTT.8 S: CO., Chemists No. *2^5 River Stieet Troy, N. Y April L'(iT. tw-lv. future. We spring from a state of slavery to one Avbich makes ns legislators and gives iouh. . .. I .1*1- 1 ' sumed a formidable asiiect, as cases ns a A-oice as potential as that of onr late , , , . ^ , , . ^ t e*i , up here and there in vanons parts ot the masters in the govoninicnt ot the counti A, i i .i • i . Ad,lr«., i not ibc Southern country only, but tin, n’>eaa,ng nlnrm by tl,o,r fatal term.- United States at large ; for reconstruc ion is about to ensue on onr admission to po riv-.'« ' siciaus and .scien itie luon. Xow it Ime ae- slioot nation. It is generally pronounced to be I'urple typhus fever. Whatever the audience, and to say not a Avord. He ; among them some eight or ten ‘ Jimson’ then quietly sent an aid out to rcqiort the : plants, Avhicli, like all other evil Aveeds, condition of the Avail; then gave his a[q)a- i grew up and bloomed jn.st in time for the rent attention totliepoem, expecting every ■ object.s of this cuss of an insect. 1 pro- moment, as be s.iid, to see the pillars reel- cured from a druggist about an ounce of ing and the roof falling in ; but nevertlie- : pulverized lly powder, or Hy stone, mixed le.ss, certain, that any general and sudden ' it with water, making it very sweet with movement and affright of the people Avonld honey (sugar or molasses Avilf do as Avell,) ba.sten the catastro[ilie and aggravate the ; put it in a baltqiiiit bottle Avitli a cork stop- ruin, wliile, by the ordinary sIoav method ; [,er. into wliicii I insc-rtml a goo.se quill — of d s[iersion, the danger might possibly Thus arnunl and e([ni[)jied, 1 Avent CA'cry be escaped. Jlic exi rciscs continued calm- t evening between sunset and twilight about ly to the close. J be audience left the j and dropped the mixture into the bloom theatre quietly Avitliout suspecting tlieir j of the GIiiuson,’and the nevt day would peril, and the terrible destruclioii wasavert- ; pick u[i baiidsful of the insects, lying dead ed by the [iresence of mind, the self-con- tro’ of the brave soul who, coiitemplatiiig at one glance all the possibilities of the case, decided upon the policy of duty, and i aAvaited Avithout one betraying glance or treacherous change of complexion, the un certain, tremendous conse([ueiices. Secretai-A- Stanton has Avritteii Genci-al under the nearest trees, or in the corn-field, closest to the tobacco-patch.” 311: Fill- inqu'io ing and In aiitit'yiiig the (.'mii- jib'ximi. The must vabiablf and [lei-fvet jaaqiaratiun iu use. tor giving the skin a beautiful jicarl like tint, that is only fuinnl in yuutli. It quiek- Iv reiniives Tan. Freckles. Fiiiiides. Blutelies. Moth Fatelies. Snlluwiiess. Lriiptiuus. and all iiiH»urities (d the skin, kindly hfaling tin* suiiic leaving the skin white ami clear as alaliaster. Its use can liul he ileteetcil hv tile idu.'-cst scril- tinv. aiidlieinga vegetahle [ueparatitin ibj'er f'eetlv harmless. It is the uiilv ariieh* ul the kind nseil hv the Freiudi. and is cuiisidered hy the Farisiaii as iiidis|iensalile tu a perteet toil et. ''jiwardsuf 3D.IK>D liuttles were sold during the pa^it year, a >ntHeient guarantee of its tfii- eaev. I'rieeiiulv / .feeiits. Sent hy mail. [>ust iiaid. on receipt id an uriler. hv .BERGER, SllUTT.s itCO ,Cboinist.s, 28.7 River St., J'loy, X. Y. ajiril ),’G7, twiy. Free to Everybody. A I .arge G p[i. ('irciilar. giving iiiformatioii of the greatest iiiqiortance to the young of liuth sexes. It ieaelies how the homely may hecome heaiitifnl. tlie des[iisfd re.[iected, and the for- saki‘11 loVed- No voiiiig ladv or gentleman should fail to semi their Aihlress. and receive a oo[)y [mst- [>aiil, hy return mail. Aihlress F. 0. Drawer, 21. Troy. X. Y. A[iril 4.‘G7. tw-lv Tlie first (jucstion that arises under this I state of atfairs is — “Are avo pre[)arcd b\ I education or otlierAviso to schet the best I men for ofilce i” and if not, “whom are A\e i to look for advice 111 this question, Avliich ^ so deeply involves the fate of our []co[)le?” To the first iiroposilion, 1 think that the ^ educated and thinking men uf mv people : must answer that, AviJi few exoe[)tions, “my [)eo[)le are not capable of the neces- sar\- discrimination and this is not ne- cessarilv the result of any inferiority of race, as may be sugg(‘sted, but is the re- altogetlicr. It is c.illcd, suggestively and fqqnn[)riately, “The Black Death.” A disease called by that name, said to be iRort fatal than the present one, devasta- U-'d Ireland before the English invasion, -■ind more th.aii once iu the middle ages. Us last a[)pearaiice Imre was in 1736, and it " as more fat.il than any plague. The dis- ('ase is now, it is bt licved, disa[ipcaring, or at least the cases re[)orted are A'ery few. A Card to Invalids. A elergyiiiaii. wliilf reMiting in 8oiitli America ^ a nus,-io!ia:y. disciivered a ale and simple reiiiM ^..[^ of what would be in any long coiitin- , 1*4. i’V 1 l.-lv.. •" . ^ edv tortile cure of Nevvom Ca[)tain Fitz, formerly of the firm of: Ijoiiaiioe, Ralston A Co., bankers, died at Sail Francisco, .June Gtli. In a clause in li’.s will he bequeaths S20,000 to the 8ec- Thc managers of the )Iiio A\ ool Grow- ’ ers’ xVs'sociatioii has determined to call a ! .State convention of the friends of a [irotect- ' ive [lolicA', to he held at i IcA-eland on the 4th of Julv, to consider the late nomina tion of Gen. llayes fur Governor of Ohio, i wlio is uiidersluod to be a free-trade mai'. i inatcli game of billiards fur thecliam- : pioiJslii[) of Ohio—l,afi0 points, carom — I was [ilaved Friday evening at h;\-e!and, between Joliii Frawh-v. of ('Icveland, .and Tlireo milkmen were fined 62U a[iiece in Xew Yolk a fi w daj. s since for mixing Avater Avitb tlieir milk prior to serving their customers. J’he nninber of voter.s'registered iu Eon- isiaiia to the IGth instant wa.s 69,111, of which 25,62o were Avhites, and 44,779 negroes. A game i f cln ss is to ho played hy tel- egra[ili bi-tweeii the XeAV York Chess t lab and tbe- .Alicliigan Club of Detroit, begiiiiiiiig on this (.Monday) evening. ’FliC repainnl Atlantic, cable contiiincB to Avoik [e f c ly. It was loniid to have been absolnteiy ciuslied, iiotwitlistandiiig its for the length of 21 ft. nigth of 21 O vegeta- llarrv Choate, of was the winner by gest mil was 125. (fincinnati. >22 [loiiits. Ill ■■ average F raw ley 11 is lar- IIU Xow, then, niy people under these cir- ^'^Giy of the Treasury, the interest to be | 'I’lie owner of the horse Hermit, the nii-, cnnistauccs, to Avhom siiall wo look for '‘Pidied in c.iiiceHiiig the national debt. expected winner of the last iL ihy, .silence, 1,;. , M eaUness, Early I)1* ,;j^verv and a general want of cduca i ;.\. DiMMses ot till* I nn.irv and Seminal Organs- . e and tin* whole ti'riin of disorders liroiighl on hy . tion, haiielul and vieiuus hahiis. Great luimbers bavi* I'eeii already i-iu-. d hy this nohh* remedy. Bromp- tun.ife.'\ *win'^er!,i'thVma>hit*\hr\!ren I advice ] Shall it be to the people ot .the | ^ 'fhe Cincinnati express train Avliich left ' miy conscientious .sciujdes on the gambling Using this nietlieine, in a sealed envelojn . to anv ' Xorthern States, or to the peojde of the f levol.-md on Saturday morning run into a ; qne.stion that may ti-.mble him by tin* [i tv- whii needs it. Fn};K he (.'hakoe. | South—to the stranger Avlio [ircachcs be- Uvf(.],(^,,.gQ-w^gon near Galion St.ation, and ; nn*iit ot tithes. He has .a[ijiro[n-iated jsGO,- Adilit .-'^, .losi'.l II l'JN3IAN, j iicvoleiice, or to the Iriends whom we hnew killed a man jianicd ^Vilsoii Snipes and ■ GDD of iiis winnings, about one-tenth, to la,;,;. infancy ? It is true, that the Xoitb . bis wif,.*^ and injured three children. 1 the restoration ot the Lincoln Cathedral. jail. }.'. be-avy iron ariaor, Auleaslom; tliousand crates of hies of Xew York Were sliiji[i( (l from Sa v.iniiali la.'l wee*k by a single steamer. A coiisiderablo quantity of cotton was exclud ed for want of room, ’I'lie L’oncoid, (X. II.) Patriot says that two gcntleiuen ut that city recently made an exclusion to Xew iiiiiuswifk, and brought hack about tliree luiiidn d young land-lock salmon to [lut in Lakes VVinni- pisscogee, Sniia[iee, and Sijuaiii. J’lanter.s in Alabama have been feeding shelled corn to tlieir mules. The animals I swallow it Avithout masticatipn, and die of 1 jndigCiitiuu jn gii ui nuuibers.

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