TOLIL BO S J mmMZ atrhle. ... - IKvonf "K- 5t- A ftttt ami dt ail .ii.inin "jwid Sim i. aakr W uuul .HkiMMiptof Taw -wi-ietest g.-n-r waoC" the h iith - tiMw.irriintTfiu- Writ uiy -r-iiH rii ntii and yr in which 1 .r:u mriiMKiur small hwk "rfbair. Kaotasni av A. fawn. I-" Pta-wr Buffido. X. Y. a v f ..v r'. WHITE LIQUID ENAMEL r eninsattr asnlparaW It (Uiek BTMfSnav at-a n. iir Br i rlie 'aiy amete f the I !Ww rfu rrnxL anal ineiinaitiered by wmc "fit.- effi- Tp.y, - Y. twly. EXOELSiOa I E1CXLSI0R 1 1 C"I11ST1XIRS Hair Exterminator! 'asaae asaa BMA-M. Fan ear. isamal; Mae at P a JW"JL? mS1.: a v . 1 "I I i f r f Mm htmi a Ambbw on una If die Mww ill I i ' i n i mm, Wmmmm Jk mf aw SallP Tin 1 1 li -r-.-W-l mar nniBieu!aB nw J ' L . . mmTrrILT. mm aay Lady r fntleaaa a aaana- wj aBBaaaae'sawa. a awa ,r a order aVavawest .Teny. T. I staag.'g- w'-iy f - a - - r ' " It is aaaar bbbbbbbbf1 BBBBaa awm taamar aaaaaasaw-.iui w--mi laan i - T" 11 n7 aaarried of -tW aaaa;aaair,i w . .. . pdapwala iBawr Caaaa adb he .-at to "WSlaakafcflCT madsf, ' MaAWaan tbiw Ifc .as. tjnam. jfr X. Y. anaaabflk araar. ' twly 1 I ' : i must "tawi a .aiLBiB t talma law LeBer Bnt Reparator Capilli in thrir aav.try tlM doesm keep it. aend as oU- .lolUr and we mil Imd r. past paid, u-rether with a re- . a t , vhirk will ' wf1 - unKMtiun. urovidini' ft 3'-; IaU f w. L- pLvuk & CO.. v.. t WW F.itt- Stiv-t. Hmrw. X. Y ; , iHh?. tw-ly A J.1U A XjJJ ! Suffer no More! brtkwrofDB JOIXTHXaTs- KL LXIR mew be cved uiW-t- . . Uuo. Uf MiJar to enVct a core in au tRoixriujrssrectFit'PiuA fcctjai apudy and airman t rare of Gonorrhea, f retkral INrbarars Grarei r inskp, j -,. tirai f the Kidreya and ItUaVier. a)t - r. - . ... ,lar Tber waciimn uuviam. - - are prepared from rretaMr extract that are hnrnthsw on the Tiatfn and nerrr naaaeate the uuu-b or impregnate tiae brrath. NwrhaaeeOt diet i nereMirr while u"inr them, nor doe their artink ia aar thannrr interfere with business par suit. Prire. I per kiBL Kaher f theabtire-nientiooed article wiT be ent t. am- alilr-. rbrlv sealed, and poet-paid. l Kawrrr. Imswteney. sr i ilk ii Ml J-Uii fcr iB i Otasr. and ke at one re- and to yjaursaK ywn wiB swam tWaertaav-hy ilsriltr fciSrl A rarfartOaa taa a asaaV I a. s i wtafc Ok- I awl. fciMidssw 'Addrrss in ji illlii M 1 ttmr fcuttlewaatw hp oasn cw - - - P. O. SC. It m3 Tim. -w I H,X, ddrea? BERtiEB.IIi TTS uo.. mennf Ni. ft-RiTr Street Troy. X. Y. April 4.-W. YoiT; Ladt retnrnhtg to her eonntry borne, after a o.mrn d a lew aas-wn- -l. 4 t. . . l.AHJ1 aaiai l.- It .m- friends. In plaee .4 a coarse, rustic. Boshed mee. she bad a h ruby complex ion of ahnost marble ssnoothaeaa. and instead of twenty three she really appeared hot eighteen. Upon inqniry as to the cause of so great a change, aba ssaiaty t4d them that she aeed the Cir m - . ... . . in tile VII V, m 11 ttimti , . . . mrj I . aaa eamssaseea jn an nnit to anr Lady's t.dlet. By it can hninme tnei Id. It w aa Xatare betsetf ide. ret nasnnaast d in its weary in drawinc iininritie fruaa, nbm benbng. cleans beaaSifnne uie sfcn and rssspiraion. AVite direct arti tkc ewticte tt dra w fr. an it all it imparities, kindly keahng the aaase, and tearimr the sarfisce as Xatnre intended it be. dear, soft.' Price 1. sent by Mail or Eiprea. oa reeept by W. I- ( LARK ft Co., Cbeausta. lb. X WM Pwjn at-, iljiaeasi. X. T. The only Aawriean AaHBts W lw ssde of aw a a - s Midawe K r. Tlaoaarraoi, the great Iva wfiab Aatsalaarb. Clafcwns, nasi Psycbe- .4 the Old X. Y. of aneond aarbt. aa t anshls be to impart knowledge aftbe awanksst importance to . the siagb or of the Wm SnwVasMHaf I a. I lawn a Hh- r ifciaaiialriiT Maaraatn1 to prodese a like pictwre of the fatare hatband or wife at tin- applicant, together with ease of marriaaje, pMution in life- leaafine trait of character, fce. This i no humbne- as thousands of testimonials can asaert. She will seed when i.-ir.-.! a certlfie.1 certileate.,. written jrnar- autee. that the picture ts what it pon",rU be. Br eneloaine a small lek..oT hair. . mm a -a . aa RaiT Btasc ..f ana, s.-. oii.isiim.ij and r.ipU-vi.Hi. and oncloaiBg Bny cents aaa 1 stamped eoTbfe adatreapeato y,arwU. yoe will tUi the picture and desired iafortan ami tWaa br r.ixru inatl. .All coin nrouut ion a rr-IlT i.h.l. ntial Aibfavaa ie enaaeeaee. Tbaeatoa. P O. Bex. Z E. F. K- T. SALISBURY. N. C THI anScr f 4t T 'rr " ' n. XT3- ? - adm5ra r BBT PTlto ; A. WHJWg ZZmmmEEmmTwmmm eTMFHISKEKS d transient satu Vwmmm Dr. 8KYH5- XE-8 EESTAl'EATErM CAPOXAME- HADAME RKMIXGTVX- tlw luarrrnd Vt tbe aia ,4 &a jsnfctssiiii lulill m with date of fcarriaa, annw DEALTY. An Cm D beam, frduVw, tlaxea. CXBLSprd-mdby the aw ef Pnat IV- Brenr'sFRl5EKLEClIEVEI3- k plication warranted k fri the snaat and snslh en kaar at eak mux ia eihtfLl.: r laOkVT litMf-r-a - tr-lrfti J I UEmta W mrrymm w iwmmmmm ai i ' -m- " lwitht,.ra5rrrBa- IW Baa S!l- jury t. the hair. Price by aaat. asMial MtIaid. 1. PtiatlipHTTC Cwtilsra acaiVd bee Address HKKUKIl. SHCTT8 Jt C- Cbentiets, X. Rreer rtreet. Tiwy. , y u fjjiarel , - ' e 1 April 4th. . Tke XewYasfc tab&aied i-.vt s I'ateat tsa? best a ever onared bathe ther .S tiara of it utility, bare Yards, and nasal The IT In a is its an in the Xaty be Xtarwbir Fire We ,Tss,'fcan. mi mr BLACK LUSTRh Tmrrrml Ft Liat! THE MICA MOCFF1XG CO. 194 afreeaW X T Waod, .1HIC ! swyearfha and-the ''W' IbjUa: tedkyai BW WW wmmm ar, a aw- ww m ra i-rvk! t. Hhbu. Sw-rrm. it C. i 1 l-fcwia rf RivrT SJlWt. Tn. X. Y-.foil lllfcCMf pZy;- " i wjwmwm9 Ttaf tai b nnut ! 1 " R8DAY. AUGUST 1 THE! OIJ) north statu. TKI -WEKKI.Y.! I BBB mBB 1 HO J0.1KI 34t 1S7.M KM 44 fW 70.00 ill be nxl( with thoar who Stsfc ill b chmrfred trse. or about one iMitumn. coiutitute in lefeW million, will be con- tht- otfue, at In it Ii-" than double Hw saCr f KI'nry a.lvertixnients. "laawrsid a.- remlinr matter, with apprdVal c lift tent- ja r line. in-'rfrt irre(raiariy,orai mier are for atandinr adver- M chansi-able at discretion. le at disere- every cnange, as a qnarter eolmnn an a half rohunn. Bills for ad by the day or year, will be collertabln on presentation. vos tbiolb noma stats. TAIX HERMOlt. - BY LIN A DKXTOX. CHAPTER IT-. Panl. as we bare said, watched the be- of his mother fade in the dm- w r a a j; then beavihe a sitrh, be sat himself Jwa asa a atafccttng wt of the tree to chink. Bat it was not to despondency he gaw way. Nay it was to form noble re fatVe. k wan la lay down fixed rules that I anahl 'otceb and shatie his conduct and rTe. It was te determine to raise btmseii ' . . . ... a trees bit law estate and make his father ret pcoed of a banished ton. Ah! this was a avgbty stisaaias he felt as in giant sercagtb be taaU bear and dare all things, ii it' toil of mind and body would be sweet, tt it bat bteagbt its price. His mother's barb, hope too shoejd nerer be disappoint ed, ear brr aeble precepU mr be forgot- he supposed, neur noon dinner his mother had brough, with a bghtor heart than he came in the atentatg went ee his way with carpet-sack in band. Bet we will not dwell aaa baa an aa- bis thonehtt daring his sol- kf fire awsse. At kagth, by , be reached Mr. Anion's country - aerber will we attempt to ue- aa.. a. a, a a. k. 'eW .. . I. snibe its rami beenties. ai tne eoor nc was aaet by a ceartcons gentleman, whom be kwew to be bis mother's friend. Al ibnah be heel met Mr. Ardon once or take before, that gentlemen did not seem so he ratrodoeea nimseu, ediatelr cordially invited ia. He bade him he Meted, then after ii mc i iwii place remarks, Paul handed Mr. Ardee the better. After glancing at - ankar wllh fsiinse. BO mM nfVr TWneilta Herman?" be wan, and bidding htm aa ' at. JSJ a.. Mr. Ardon left tne room, mead the cool airy per tly gave evidence of taste anal the idee suggested certainly be bo mean Ht Mr. Ardea seea returned, bet bis . JCJ aaas wive readv asaTeeee, but re- rtstMe. tie seai familiarly into eon He asked eienv qnest childhood, and that be Mrs. Herman d ef a a tsnsTT " At tiiis warm el hk esfttber's worth, the boy e eld scarcely refrain from tears. Sir. Ardee then said, meet gladly would he ait paaa par lis methrr'i sake in proeur bbT a m he il, ba the neigbborbood school hml bees takra a few days before by a Said he wislieU a. , , at af ansae other way he could be ol en basa, bat that be knew of no Jtaean- ' in ail that country, lie nUrT- , "e tobl Paad be bed read through an tarn an aaver- atrwweeas aesereos mmmmm e i weeks before of taw Jao. I 4MO. M use n.te urn MH UN KM mop SN M-M nil etas 87.IW m --tanTarsanasea, . Ail . J per cent addition si. who ottered a saiary 1867. for any codi potent BMeher. And tt migni a a. 1 . b poMibM UM DIM naa not yei dcou bui. plied. Paul mU m would immediatelj go, and if the petition ?u not already te cured, would try to obtain it himaelf." Mr. Ardon then naked if bo wirbed him to reeoeinx'ndatorr rha meter. Panl replied, No, thank yoa Mr. Ardon, yon know notnmg or mj e guirrmt nU and besides I wish to go at the Mr. Ardon smiled at the boy's scrupu i pr B truth, I eertainly know lit tie of your merits, yet I think I could eon eientouslr recommend you on the ori denee of this letter I hold in my hand. Paul then asked pardon for his seeming abruptness, and arose to go. Mr. Ardon took his hand and told him should he not succeed, to come back to him and be would make an earnest effort in his behalf, and to ercr look upon him as a friend who would most willingly assist him if it wm is his power. Paul gratefully thanked kn w 1 V nl awnv he fnlt almost HIUI, J w mm . j - glad he bad not succeeded, for he wished to rise rrom obscurity independently of to rise from obscurity inaepenacntiy another's aid. Should he ever win dis tinction and honor, he never wished it to be said be was the protege of another. Yes, he reasoned, others nave surmounted difficulties, began the race with a less stock of knowledge, and by steady appli cation arose to eminence. The costliest pearls are oftimes brought from the great est depths. I have a mind I will find means to improve and polish it, by access te the world a great store house of learn ing. Nothing that will contribute to my onward advancement shall be left undone. And on my own efforts with Heaven's blessings will I depend." Thus he went on strong in purpose not to give oyer the struggle, determining if be could not obtain a school be would turn his attention to something else. Yet he preferred a school as it promised better meant for self-improvement than almost any other employment. The sun was stooping far in the West crimsoning the sky with the glory of hk departing beams, when Peel reached his destinatten and again asked for a night's entertainment. Hk host appeared to be quite a gentle man, and after the supper was concluded and they were loft, alone by the other members of the family, Paul ingeniously turned the conversation to bear upon bit own individual case. He frankly said within the last three dayt he had been east upon hit own exertions, but did not sav hv whom or whr. that be bad scarce ly meajia to insure a nieht's lodging, that he wished to teach, and said he bad been directed 'to the neighborhood, and then ask ed the gentleman s aid. His host looked at the youthful person age before him, and atkcd, "Are you old enougli Air. Herman to take charge of a school ? Do you thiuk you could enforce discipline among boys of your own age ? - - a a a w r WW a Paul answered with a smile. lousoouia trv me sir. and answer the Question for yourself Perhaps I look more youthful than 1 really am. The gentleman observed, " We are tad Iv in need of a teacher. Have advertised and you ere the first that has applied. It is true I know not your quanncations, yet I must confess I am favorably impressed. Paul remarked, " Could you see my old teacher Prof! W , I feel assured be would vouch for my ability to teach the English branches uaually taugftt in com mon scheol. also Uie ruuimenis oi me Latin and Greek ianguages. So you have been a pupil ot Prof. W't 1 aaked hit host This will be an advan tage in this section of the country, at Prof. W k well known to be a good in structor and fine scholar. 1 will use my influence in your behalf, young man, and to-morrow we can tee tome oi our princi pal men. that are interested. I am deeply so, ss 1 have three tout that mutt be edu cated. Bet I fear some of our worthy pat rons will seriously object to your txtreme vonth. Had you not better paint a mus tache, if it be contrary to present fash ion t To this jest Peal made some laughing rejoinder, and then asked to be tbowa to hk room as be was exceedingly weary, for be bed that day walked tome eighteen miles. 'V On the neit dar having dressed him self as neatly as possible, at the ringing of the bell be descended" to the breakfast room. Hoon alter the conclusion of which, lb genileeian ojdOTed JtonaOTi-'ferb purpose of acquainting Paul with .some of hk principal friends. Paul felt the neccs- aity of as much as possible assuming the nrottv favorable impression. J Many expressed their willingness to give him their support, ifthey did think and aay u Yon are rather a young school-master Mr. Hermon." So in some two or three days all neccs- .MMMMnii were made, and the IlLw Moodav Panl Hermet would . , . n- . Ka installed in HIS new oiuce aa naw i . , ..-i-,,-! tiilo of Mr. Hermon. I - m dignity ot mannoon, ana iuis uuucu w u natural urbanity of manners and easy con versational powers, succeeded in making a ' WHOLE NO. 223 board in the mean time having been ob tained in a pleasant family near the Acade- 7- On Saturday preceding Paul wrote to hk mother, a long letter, which we would here transcribe, although to old as almost to be illegible, but it would occupy too much space. Sufficient it k to say it is replete with affection, and high hopes of ultimate success. Hs told her of hk " determina tion to make every spare hour subservient to his own improvement, that 'be would tars bk earnings and yet go to College, At hlaa Bala Sac aa aialtad position, whether ft should ever be obtained ornot, Kit Hop. whispered it would." The letter fill.. I many pages and wet at length sealed Then came the thought, would bk father not take it from the office, break the seal, and perhaps never give it intohk mother's hand. Then he thought this an uncharit able thought, yet fearing too, there was much truth in it. So he determined, to insure its safety, to tend it to Minnie Reed and ask her to deliver it to bk moth er Therefore writing e rather lengthy note, he enclosed both in the seme enve lope addressed to Miss Minnie. Paul opened bit school on the appointed day, having some twenty-five scholars, both male and female, borne of hit boys if he could judge from appearances, were several years hk senior. The girls were moatly small. , He found none of bk schol ars very far advanced, and as be anticipa ted, had no difficulty in teaching. Soon he won their respect and lot c, and none disputed hk authority. So all things moved on smoothly, and most agreeably, hit patrons teeming at much pleased as hk pupils. In a week be received the eagerly an ticipated reply of hit mother, coming through the bands of Minnie, together with note from herself. So the correspon dence was kept up for months, yet even years, and notes grew into lengthy mis sives, tent even without the accompanying due to and from the mother. Paul grew to be a great favorite with the people and they would not have con sented to bis leaving them, even bad he wished to fulfill his determination of going Wett. Bui be tab he could do well in hk present position end cared not to cast away certainty for uncertainty. So time passed on, Panl Herman being a deep end closer tudent than any attend inghis school, which had increased in numbers until he was compelled toreceive only the elder and more advanced, leaving the little ones to a female teacher Three years passed thus and Paul Hermon is about to vkit for the first time in that long period, hk borne but twenty miles distant. TO BE CONTINUED. -I A New Engine.-'-A correspondent of the Raleigh Sentinel, writing from Compa ny's Shops, gives the annexed lateresting sketch of a new locomotive to be turned out by the North North Carolina railroad : There is 'now in process of building, a new engine, three fourths finished. It is a locomotive of the first class, strong and perfect in every respect, and all of it made under the roof of the N. C. R. R. shop, even down to each bolt. It is not meant that all but boiler, or all but something else, was made here, and the rest made somewhere else but every part was made here. It bat been proposed f o call thk engine, when done, " The Old North State." It would be an appropriate name. When the " Old North Bute" makes its apperance before the public, it may well receive a hearty greet, not only because it is a noble engine, but a ' North Carolina Engine." It would make a North Carolinian proud to see thk machine puffing over the Balti more & Ohio Railroad, yet it would be able to do it, and compete with any engine of its calibre. So far at the eye ean judge, nothing could be more faithfully put together, than thk Engine, and if -thkukv has a right to pass sentence, the proportions appear to be complete. A query c Has a Locomotive ever netore oeen omit, uieraity, in ma South 1 I have hoard not, i. e. not with out the exception of at least some one piece or more. This new one, k asserted, ... a a I .1 J ill claim a ooutnern oirtn rrom urn to Movements or Cavalry. It k in. mored that a considerable portion of tho Cavalry, at present on duty in thk State, has been ordered id TrflaTifittra, j f hijEauiVes the troubles in that unhappy State, caused by llrown low and his militia. It is a sug gestive spectacle, that troops should be withdrawn from a 'rebel State 'outof ;. the Union,' and sent to a " loyal State,' " in the Union' to maintain peace end preserve order. Sentinel. More Prisoners or Witnesses. Messrs. Samuel Hall, 8. Maultsby end Henry Bikes, reached Wilmington yester day yesterday from Fayetteville, en route for thk city. They were under guard and will be placed at the disposal of the milita ry commission now in session at tne capL- I .'l n -m v ,- ivnuru tw-l7 i a , J V t m. a!

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