, - mmm jbTbbbVbbV. wzmimm-mwi i sr - - hup pr mm mmmmmi flUVBS idilor A IVoprletor. "Tin Old orlh Ule ForrWg. . ' ' , , l tag tCllrtl - - 1 ' - ' ' - ' - - - --j VOL II. NO 7G SALISBURY. N. C,, SATURDAY. OCTOBER 6 1867. Special Notice. The World AtMlbed, AT TUB WONUHSriTL BEVKLATIO.VS MADI IT THE GREAT AS TRl (I., ; is r, I. A. rerruro. 81m NTh iiiwO no morula m kseir. She restores to happiues tbote who, front dole loi evsuU- catastrophic. e.coies iu love, loa fof reailoua uml friend, hwva of inoner. Ac have become despondent. Him m-iuga togelh r thoseloua separated, sives iufottusilou ton areaing ihofDl Mead or lover, ivors tast or stolen pi-fri.T. wf's yon hid hiimuwi you are heat qnalioed to pursue and iu wliat you Will be most t.ucceiui. causes speetiv mar rW es aud tells yoa the very day yon will marry, give yo tie name, likeness and abaractarislica of the perou. She read yoor very thoughts- aud by her a'morl snpeipauir al powers iioveila the dark aud b'uldeu uiysie rim of the future. From tue otars we see in the iruiauieui the malefic stars that over ootne or predominate in the configurations- frotu the aspects and poaitiona of the plaueis aud the fixed stars iu the hea ven at the tuie as? birth, she deduces the fuiei-e destiny of man. Fail not to consult the greatest A i- ogist on earth. It eoata you but a trifle, aud you may never again have so favorable an op portunity. Consultation fee, with likeness aad all desired itiformatiou. l. Parties liv ing at a diatauee oan conanlt the Madame by nail Wtth aafuty aud satisfaction to theinaelvea aaifiii person. A full aud explicit chart, written out. with all iuquiiies iiuswered aud ikeneea eneloaed. aeut by "mail on receipt 0! price above mentioned. The strictest secre ey will be maintained, and all coiTespoudeuee returned or destroyed. ttcfereuees of the high est order furnished t hose desi riug them . Write olaiul v the dav ofthe month ana year in which rou were born, enclosing a small lock of hair '. I - . a . aw a Address, madams 11. a. rrcuutuu, P. 0. Drawer W- Btrflahv N. Y march 28, 1867. twly There comelh glad iidug of joy to all. To voimz and to old, to great and to small ; The beauty which once -.vas so precious and rare. Ia free for all, and all may be fair. n 1 he use of CHASTELLAR'S WHITE LIQUID E N A MEL For improving and Beautifying the Com plexion. The moat valuable and iierfert preparation in use, for giving the styii a beautiful pearl like tint, that ia only fouud in youie, It quick ly removes Tan, Freckles, Pirn plea, Blotches . Moth Patches, Sallow tie. Eruptioua, and all impurities of the akin, kindly healing tbe samp leaving the skin white and clear aa alabaster. Its use can not be detected by the closest scru tiny, and being a vegetable preparation is ier fectly harmless. It to the only article of the kind used by the French, aud to considered by the Parisian as4a4ispeu sable to a perfect toil e t Upwards of 30,000 bottled were sold during the past year, a sufficient guarantee of its etna easy. Price only 75eeut. Jseut by inaiu post aid, on receipt of an order, by MRRfJKIt. SHUTTS.A CO .Chemists, Special flfe)llce. THE Reparator Capilli. Throw away year falsi ironies, year awltcaea. rlf- PnMractive ereomiort, aad not worth a fli Aud ir jo tco iaj I wortb a n . . . . Come ed cone yadtkial, casas aery end fair ; r own laxnnsn sit. tor Capilli. For 1 con 'nig bair npou bald heads (from whatever ceese it may have fa'leu out) and foie.iug a growth of bair npou I be foe, it baa uo etjiial. It will ton the beni io grow np ou the smoothest li e in front live to eight wis ks. or heir npou bald heads Iu from two to tbree mouths. , A few iguorant praelilbm era have klierted that there ia awtaiug that wiTl force o haien the growth of the hair or beard. Their aaaerlious am faUe, as tboua audsof living witnesses from tbeir own expe rieucej cau bear wilne. Bin many wilt' aay, how are we to dlatiuguUh the g.eunine I roin the spurious f it ceriniy is airoeni,. aa nine -ten, hs of the diiereut Preparation advertised for tile hair and heard am en. ; v worthleos, aud yon may have nbetuly ihrowu away large amounts iu their puinbase. To such we would ay,try the Reps 1 a,o. Capill: it will cost you nothiug nulean i. fully eomes op to onr repretentatioiis. If yoor drugui ilt's uot keep it. seud i one dollar end we will forwaitl li, post paid, together with a re ceipt for the money, which will be reunned you ou application, prorioing entire Mtiinfac t'omto not giveu. Addreea. W. L. CLARK ic CO.. ChemUto, No 3, West Fayette Sireel- 8yrwme. N. Y. march 28. 17. twlJ ulAcr way, aa simply a present and pro. . . . v ..,, . . .r.i flirt I DtCllVU UHlutit no mi ma mo wiivjiiviii OI A) MMi 1 II M A 1 i. ei are convened," and the piynent of a w..JXJU.WEUKIYf! . Ujbuw of profit tvatock bolder, aa . Motleea extravagance ana waste 01 policy y bathi ur uiiBtiiiniuB.i. hildera money 1 I . . is, .. .1 . thumb taSH IN lUt'AM K. .M ui mil L iiipiinies are organiBe.il on me TriWrkl7, One Tear MIX BOItHIB, Uue Moatk, Vm kly psaar. (lae Tier, Tn aaaaaa Oaa Y r. 93.no Twenty eepiea. On Year 40.00 A cross X on On paper indicates the expirellen of Ja aaaaertptlos. TVa tvpr us which the "Otr Xeava Stave " ) printed entirely new. Ko pains will he spared to make it s welt oaM visitor to even' faatily . In order o do tkii we have enfaaed the iterviren of able nl tecomplihed litrrarv contritiutor. 0 S.OU 1. Ml - WHOLE NO. 251 -T '-XT. l. .11 ui inn v ' 111 ji.iiin n nit vignmauu vig iut mm m pku of furniahing to each member his in 3.00. airanee at the exact coat ; and in which all 76 ft. , Ljiled to watch over and control its man agement, they famish all the ad ventage . mm that can he realised from an insurance of ADVERTISING- RATES - TRANSIENT HA TEH Far all period lew than oae in. mi I. liaeSqaate Ku-t uw iin fl.00 tch MihMstieat inaertioa Ml Iwnusct isteRfor periods of one to four month-. 1 an. I fae. I Sun. I 4 Mo. 1 A n I win as 00 1 MLM 1 1100 1 '6ot I 90 0o 3 soi sEit. 7 BO 13.00 17.0(1 91 Ml 7 00 3 soi ,k,- 10 INI 1 Hi UO I 2100 1 21. tail 3 4M) 4 mil a k ax. 1 no is 1,1 3300 98 00 I 3700 ortacou non iitai t4 no 9000 aaao i.r eeu 90 no 97.au I as 00 kui 4400 loc.B. col. 9W 33 001 4000 4ft On 60 HI Mt.o 30,0(1 49.001 69 00 0000 70.00 Jm april ,'67. g85 Kiver St., Troy, N. Y. twlv. EXCELSIOR EXCELSIOR 1 ! CHASTELLAR'S Hair Exterminator! ror Removing Superfluous Bair. To the ladies especially, this invaluable de pilatory, recouiiueuds itself aa being an al most indispensable artieleto female beauty, is easily applied, does not burn or injur the skin, ut acts directly on the 00U. It is wartaWed to remove- auperfiuous hair from low foreheads, or from miy piirt of the tkdy, eompletely, totally aim raaicauy exurpaniiK the same, leaving the skin soft, smooth and natural. This is the only article osed by the French, and is the only real effectual depila torv in exiatauee. Trice 75 oeuts tier liackage. unt nost-nnitl. 1 eny eddrcs,. u receipt oT an order, by BEKfiEK SHUTTS & CO., Chemists. 25 River st , Troy, X.Y April 4,'67. - f-Jy AFFLICTED ! Suffer no More! Y Imr. IVhen br the nte of DG JOIN VILLE'S EL IX I it yon cuu be cured permanent!) , and at a 1 1 lilitif; in -t. The aelonishing flj3cee jrhk-h ba attended Xtrta tuvtrtiuibie metHiinr fnr Hiirseel aad- Kev vous We.M.iifss, (;, i).il Debility and ProHtra iion. Lossoi" MncoLr Eeer-.v . Impotenry, or any ofthe eonswie.eneexof voashPil indw-xetion, render" it the most ralnaole preparation ever discovered. J 1 11 n .11.n o all nervous sffectioiis, dcpies- bkn, excitement, ucapccity to tady or oum ue-s. loss pi lueiiioi y.cojtu-ion. uw.gnisoi in desirnc&tH, frar orutosniivT4e It willreittore tbe appetite, rauew tbe health of tbowefwho have deUoyod it by mmisiwI exeess or evil prartk-e. Toiiue: itej, be bmabned uo moiebv Oaa k Dtieiors'" aud ignorani pivctitiouei . but - im1 without deley for the Ehsii eud be at once re stored lo bciitib nmtnannines.. a Perfeet Core is Guinuteetia eveiy instance. Price, fl, or fonr bonles to one axWre-s, 93. One bottle is sufficient to effect a enre in all ordinarr ca-CM. . A I ,( I i: JOIN V I LLB S8PE-I'l t PI UA for tbe spcedv suit -i nn'iient enre ofOoMoi i bea. Gleet, uretirul Oistbarsre-, UravrJ, St't. .ere,1 aud all affections of the Kiiliey- and lib r. Cure.s effevtce iu fioui one to bve days. Tbey are jireparea trom veaeteuie enrat t 11m. re harmless on (be ysicm. aud never uaoaratt- ibe iei ti. Aot-banvet'l wpaUalCoatntvtn will be made witafWe wbodaaiie to adreitise for a longer teintban (biiruniintia. Conrt Noti'-es ami V Jvet tbejoewto wili be charged at Ibe Dsoalra'c Tea line of solid minion type, orbont one inch lengihwi-c of tbe column, contfitute a sqnare. Koecial Notices, in leaded minion, will he eon txactetl for at toe office, at not less tbau don'de tbe rote of ordinary advertisements. In-erted as reading mutter, wun approval o tbe editors, fifty cents per line. Arraiftiaaantii uvianatl irn-aularlj ,ut al uuei- raN, zi per cent. atltluHtual. , Tbe rate- k'jot" oruUed are for .standing adver tisementa. One or tare sonftre changeable at discretion .0 per cent adduioael. More than two -tfn.u -. ehanealde at disc re tiaa). per nqnexe of tan lines, for every change, twenty-five cents Five qaaref esiirtatetl aV a quarter column and ten sqnaies a a half colnmn. TliMttforad -eriiin, wbetber by tbe dav or rear, will be c uisiderrd dweaudtwlleeisble ou-ur. rni.ii im. aaaaaaBvanBaawaanBaaaaaBBBBBBaBwaww-.-n -jv tin Host perfect aecuaity, and at the least poeeaSle cost. Which of the Mutual Companiea shall bti chosen I , lu making tbie deciahin we moat be gui ded m linly the ame considerationa that . duu-i mined our prefcreueu far mutual com pin 1 it-p eecuritif and economy. We can not question the solvency and security of companies doing busiuesa in this country, ct 1 tally not tlmne which have reeeived the endorsement of the Inauraucc Commis sioners. Still we believe that M all other ciicumstancea being equal, tbe company ia the aufeat in wbnh the largest number os inaurcd," mil that company in which the average expense are the lowest and the rate of intrreat obtained on investments in the highest (other things being equal,) ufforda life iisurauceat the le i t cost ; that compauy ia the Connecticut Mutual. S. pi WAIT. forma with soda common aalt, which kneaded in the bread, and ia of the human body. in A newly -married Spencer ham ae they went oat returned bnde bad left pair pat np al the stimcihi lost article - re slipped out found her tnrnaa mistook Main atreet for Broad way got into the Madison for Saaaaxat it. looked a little strange asked a bay hf ah was 111 the Spencer boy said yea. ly underatamding her she toad him to lead br to 48 eke partly disrobed and fat iw U bed expecting noaband momr'arily tell aaleep. The ocenpant of 48 an Indiana merchant, returned frotn tbe theatre, a little tight quietly went to the room to bed to sleep. How long the two reposed there side by aide, witb ouly a loot apace between tbem, unconscious of each other's presence, ia not exactly known, bnt probably about an hour, when a tremendous noise was beard stomach orimpreauHie tbe breat Individual JUak of Ufa The lime ia not Car distant when the fi nancial risk involved in life, will no nunc be borne by individuabt, than the fitaucinl risk of a conflagration will be' borne hy prudent business men. The risk isc 1 1 tin, ;iiid must be borne individuahh-uiilr.- they provide for its assumption by otht is. It is therefore a duty which no man may cou- t is iifcess ;uy while Using tbem. aor doe t heir aistently or couacieiiiiously negl tion in any mamierinicrfere with busim pur-1 jf amoral dut The ri'B a-tii. ' Orlspor Ooma. Oh she wasbenutilat aad fair, With atarry eyea, and radiant liair Wleise t;orlinn tendril salt, entwined, Encbitinetl tbe venr heart aud mind. CRISI'KIS ( iM.. 1 waaoi IX f Tor Curling the Hair of either Sex Me Wavy am fittxvr Mnyteti tw Hetmy ' gfoawe ( 'tf. Bx nainc thHi article Litdi-aaad Tlenilemen kssantify theaelvps a Uiousand fold It is i lfcj ntfy trtfiP n ""' worm tnat w.111 twn atraiglit hair, and at th iane give it a be tiful. glossy appearance. The Criaper Cnna not only eurls the hair, bnt iuvifcarates.bean- r tides and cleanses It; is highly and delight fully peefuined, and is the most complete ferti ale ofthe kind ever offered to the American public. The Criaper (oma will be aelrt to i any address, sealed and postpaid for $1. Address all onlera to W. L. CLAUK A Cdr, Ghemista, No. 3 West Fayette Street. Syrat.uae, N. Y. h2H. W. twiy . (I!. Bti suit-. Iiiee. SI Her box. Either .of the a'ove-mentionei article wil be sent ti any aKJre,elo-elyeaieu,iinuposi-jiaiti. by mail or expre, on reoeipt of price. Address aiioruersio BERG En.SuTJTTS A CO., Chemists No.-4irjfef 8tteet Troy. X. V. April 4.'t7 iw-ly. fjp" YdustG LaT reiurnliig to her coiiulry liQjuearter a sojourn of a few month iu the City, was hardly, recognised by her frieud. In place of a om r. ni-i ie. flushed. face, she bad a soft ruby complexion or almoet marble amootlineee, aud instead of tweuty- tfaree ahe really appeared bat eighteen. Upon inquiry as to the cause of mo. great a change. she plainly told thm that she need the Cir cassian Balm, and considered il au iu val uable ac4inisiiioU to any ladys toilet. Isv it .use auy Lady or (jleuileineueaaiuiprovetbeir personal apiii-ai siiee an hundred lau. It is simple iu its cmiln'uatiou. as Nature herself is simple, yet nosurpesied iav iis aflieaey in drawing imiwi'iiiea fVoui, also healing deeus- ug aud beantiiviua tbe skiu and couiplexiou- By its direet action ou theonriele hdrewsfnun it ll it- iiouuiitit . kindlv besli-i the aaine and leaVSuifthe surface as Nature iuteudetl it should belear, soft, smooth aud beaotiiul. Price $1 1 sent by Mail 6r xpreaa. on rerept of an order, by V. L. CLAUK A Co., Chemists. No. 3, West Fayeite St., Hyracwsa- )i. Y. Tbe only Amerkau Agents for the sale of the same. maren zs-tw-iy s USEFUL BOOKS. ILKVT Kri.iid. M) cent!" ; How to get Bsa.SOr.nto: Marie Wand aad Medical Ornate. 0k tatJ hsdiea Ler llrtcltr 3K rrwla; TBBI.awaoi Itre g.ren'a: Uiw U 'i aad How to WJB.SB BBnt rnii c ll.trso f-Hr ti iBt. LaasfLife.ta ratsw "h- U-r- I. SS itent by at til uimn rm-s4pt ..f ,-. a a JUIIN- s.,s;. p .) (Vtrl, wa s.v." Writer, w thy Des liny Madame E. P. Thomtok, tbe great En gliah Astrobigist, Clairvoyant, and Psyc ho rnet riciaB, who las aavmiahad tba ataeotitic elaaaea of the Old World, has now located her- I self at Hudson, Y, Madame ThoJwum possesses such wonderfitl power of secu.d sight. BS to enable her to impart knowledge t of tbe greatest importance to we single or ma cried of eilher-aex. While in a slate ot trance, ahe delineates the very (ealnrea f ibe herson yon are ta marry, aud hy the aid of aa inat mment of Intense power, known as the I'sehoiiiotrope. xusrantees to jnxliice a lift like nielore of the filllire husbaud ,r wife at the applicant, ttnretber with date of -wan-way. position in life, leading trails of eharaeW. Ac. This is no humbug-, a thousands ut testimonials eaa assert. . Hhe will aand wbea desired a certified cant i Seats, or written gnar antee, that the pioture te what it parsts to be. Bv euclosfnc s small lock tf hair, and statins: place of birth, aare. disnnsittt m and ompleviou. and enebmina fifty e,-n and stamped eavelope addressed to yoarseif. you will rt -eei'-e the picture aad deaw'Ssl loliirma tion hy rwtnra mail. AH svmmunications sa credly cwafidi ntial. Address hi iaMnn, Madams E. Thornioti. P. O. B-x. 0. Ilwdfow. N. Y. ect. . - dw The rtaDoiisrbilitv of every man to provido uot only tor the present want of his dependents, but so far as in his potter, for their, future necessi ties also, will not be questioned ; it is en forced by every moral feeling and every tie of affection. Let him who has made no snch provision for his family, ask hini- i' ll what they are to do when deprived of hi protection and support. It is a so ml duty. It ia incumbent up on eveiy man to avert, as far as his means will pei mil, whatever may embarrass the prosperity and happnKws ot society. It isra reiigioun fluty. " If any. provide not lor bis own, esjwcially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and aud ia worse than an infidel.". To employ the provisions which life insurance oilers for th purpose, so far from indicating dis trust of the dispensations of Provideucc, it rather implies a firm reliance on (he im mutability ot those divine laws which reg ulate life, and an intelligent perception and use of the means wbicb. Providence has supplied. No inaii can with 'enlight ened sincerity commend his fitiiily to that Providence for support, while lit neglect the nee of the most obvious means which that power has aflbrded him for securing tbe same result. Uncertainty' attaches to all business enterprises, aud greater ameer tiinty to the continuance of Lie. Life Insurance Cotnpa.its, although, all based upou tbe same fundamental priuci plea, are organised upon widely diffi-riug plans, aud vary materially in the uatuti and amount ,d hem til Uity uoiiftt,- Tbus e have the mised, or part pro prietary Compauies, sometimes call d "Stock and Mutual Companies," or "St ck ( omp.ttiics, which issues ptdicies on tiutoal nhtn." have also a joint slock can i'al but they allow to it a part only nl the aorplue premium derived from those policy hunt. r who pay mutual rates. 1 bese Wheat Bread. Our whole process of converting wheat into bread hits, at almost every step, vio lated 1 he laws of nature and disregarded her sugg4stioiis, and the reform must be a fuudaoiftital one. Wbeat is, beyond all dispnie, the mt peifect article of human frxid. il tx ing the u Ir vegetable produc- t 1 (Itrcoveivd that contains all the eh u -i.is neoessary toi the nourishment of the muscle, bones, fatty tissue and brains iu just the right proportion. Beans, pi a. Indian com, ana the other grains, afford n 1 lu t nuuiiehuit nt for all the organs bat the brain, by which term is included tbe fpiual oarrow and the nerves, which branch from the brain, aud are identical in com position with it the whole forming one sys tem or set of organs. v ft uie paouiuiu 01 ute mam is 1.:. I l ff - r , pnoius, wiiorc me giving nre lurui- aiog the net ves, and whuac light illumint s th chambers of the miud fur could we right fully understand the correspondence be tween the material aud the spiritual, we might see thai light in the intellectual sense was something more than a.mere fig are of speech. 1 be wear of tbe bruin by study or any mental effort throw oil tht phosphorus, which ia fouud with other waste matter iu the urine or other si ere Hons. To keep the brain healthy and in v, feting order the waste must be restored by t!t,- ue of food con tabling phosphorus. ai a tliat toou is wheat. w. I , . ! .l t . 1 11 w ou 111 seem as 11 wneitt was made tor brain lood, and man, the only animal that works with his braiia ia the only consum er of.it. rly a strange caprice the prompt ing his "intuitions are over ruled by his tastes, and iu this particular instance, to bis great detriment, nearly every particle of this brain- nourishing phosphorus in the bull or beau of the wheat, which, when reparated from the flour, for the sake of merely gratifying the eye with the sight of white bread, carries with it all tbe supe riority which which wheat possesses over a dozen other kinds of cheaper vegetables. In addition to this, the mechanical action of the bean on the internal organs keeps them in a healthy state, and supercedes the necessity of piUs aad other cathartics, which many people are obliged to aae Its biiually. This matter of making flour of the whole wheat is well understood and annroved bv - . - . . . 7 ... t every school of physicians, and through tin i 1 recommendation to their patients, aad the teaching of health journals, its use is bccomiug somewhat flout, as it is called, is a staple article in Ibe markets Strong as the prejudice may be at first against the brown, plebian looking loat, it will vanish ( most cases at the first taste it 1 he bread is well made from Well ground wheat of a good quality, the sweet fra- 4gratrtr.tuity flavor commending itself to every tasto not wholly vitiated, with Wheat flour the complain a of heavy, soar, Insipid bread, would vmish forever, aa it to stockholders furnished by Joiut Stock Compauii i-, with as many a- possible of the advantages lb policy holders afforded tbe hnll whi h pervade it, that no yeast or alkali is ueceesaiy to aaise it, bat it is, when mixed with pure pold water, abso lutely self rising to s gie iter extent than Coinji niies endtavor to combine the profit ; ift Moor can be rendered by yeast; Again, 110 less than thirteen per cent, of the flour is saved by dispensing with yeast as the fermentation in its growth converts by Mutual Companies. But, aince tbe re- that proportion of the starch and sugar in serve from which losses are met is made I u alcohol. This h) saved, of course, hy ug wholly from the premiums paid by pbY- tthe use of an alkali and acid to generate icy-holders, and since all expenses and I carbonic acid, bat a dele erioue neutral conthjgA-neirs are provided for in .the. man -) aalt is In every case, left in the bread net, it is difficult to see how policy holder I tartrate of soda,- if cream of tartar ia used ; are benefitted by the partm rebip lactate of soda, if sow milk and mehmaate, Tbe MaaaachuselU lasaranee Conrmfs- if nlorir8S-8. The heat and entirely innox sltmtri have justly characterixed stock I ion mode of rising f.iefUue, tor those who guaranty capital after a company is fairly I will use it, i to oae mariatte add, which in the apartment, from which ir mate screams issued wildly, piercingly aad ceaselessly. Tbe hotel was in an uproar ; proprietors, clerks, waiters, porters and guests, dress ed and halfdressed, were at tbe door of 48 in a few iu 1 11 ujrs, blockiug np the entrance, and asking each other eagerly : " What is the matter T For God's sake tell as what is tjie trouble." - The cause of this outcry may be giued. The bride had awakened about midnight, aud pat her arm over her boa band, it fell upon the Indian's face, and the soft, warm touch, aroused him at once. He did not dislike it, and, in a moment Mrs. R. said; "My dearest husband, where have you been all this while T" " llnsband !" echoed the merchant, be ginning to see, like Lard Tinsel, that he had made a mistake here ; " Pas nobody's husband ; I reckon, my dear madam, you are in the wrong I bed." In the wrong bed horror of horrors, 1 bought the young bride. What weald her lord what would the curious aay t Ami lira. R. screamed terribly aad sprang from her coach just as her cosapaa ion did tbe same. He was felly as mud '.ihumed us she, and- entreated her to give Ibim time aud be would leave the apart ment, although it was tbe one he had en gaged he'd make oath to that. Scream, scream, scream, waa the oaly reply to Ins kindly proposition. M v God, madam, don't yell so ! You will wake the house. Be reasonable; swear it's oolv a mistake. Have some thought of the consequence, I don't want to hurt you; I swear I don't. Yon will get me shot and yourself " Just at this juncture the crowd outside presented itself at tbe door and beheld Mrs. K. cowering in one corner exercising her longs magnificently, with a sheet wrapped over her form and head, and the 1 1 id ia 1 nan in the middle of the room enve loped iu a co verb", and ejaculating, "My God, madam, don't !" 1 he junior proprietor. Dr. Canhill, saw there mast be some mistake, and request ing the others to retire, called the mer chant, went into another room, and there learned the whole story. Tbe doctor then sent one of the ladies to Mrs. R., and the entire affair was explained greatly to bor relief, though she was overwhelmed with confusion at a circumstance that might have reined her reputation forever. Under the escort of tbe doctor, she was conveyed to the " Spencer, where the husband was found pacing the corridors with frantic meiuf and half erased with grief, at the mysterious disappearance of his wife-, whom be believed had been t rtted away by a villain, or murdered n r jewel, ia this " infernal city," where, aa he expressed himself, they woald kill a man for a dollar. As soon aa he beheld hie spouse, he caught her to his bosom and wept like a child He waa melted with happiness at her discovery, and told her that he had searched the city for iatdligoaee of her whereabouts. Cmci nnat i Enquirer. lata wastes or evMarvBsm leanarnxieai, we wmm m mm . A . - two B)OB)-nttiog ajaaas aodam, matter aam solved iaTcedtsn develop the necessary heat. As the bode abaorbs much lime hi its constructioa, we find J"i,k . "J' J Wt had!ThT7haaham cat aotaai " -"- 'ill nii aiaili ill Hi blood aad preamsto accretion, and give woodVrful harmony to the chemical ami vrtal ehangea of the shm "What CawMaaBVB ami the machme mmtarbed from the Dr. but a kind of trausmsuatma aad are going oat nioty be wMrWtiRMpaM body or pot titled to hi has happened to rocks or dust by taken into the body, there ie be ! lated by the unseen ihtaaml. acid assigned, tor a brief period, a plae tbe earthy or the flesh t What ia health tan-bed play of mineral orjfanism f m perfect supply of 1 samel" The color, cal effect of milk, may be modified by pfoyment of certain articles m agnitaaajn tbe emplovmen NitmVCk . CHAaxmrtoa, Sean. SI, 1867. General Orders, 1 No. 92. f I. Naaaemna ami well -founded oppressive taxes have ferent arctioaa of tbe States South Carolina, it ia lecttoa Of taxes be lowing cases: First. Wbmaim appre- of North and that tbe col in the fol any tax at or my ot tarn governance off tbe Unded btatos which, by the terms of the act 1 posing the same, or by the action of public authorities to any property ee any transection i to the adoption of tbe oecontx. greaato tbe right parted witb, ar itborhunsr tbe Whenever the power of Con- impositton af taxaa die- impugned by the criminating in favor of resident eitisens of foreign nations or of 1 ofthe United mates. Third. Whenever any hereafter be imposed, for discharging any oMigatio aid and furtherance off tbe : the government ant authority of tbe Uni ted Mtatea, or to reimburse the rmbfic I I I LJ. ' ' mM or other person, for any count of any such oblira KMlitta II. Commanding officers of authorised to suspend dM collect tax embraced ia paragraph I, their action, and the sronnda. and a relatmg thereto, to these hAoamr By command of Brevet Major Ep. R. S. Caxby : Lotos V. CaaoAac, 7 w onae Dnroou ten. m m-m9mmwmmm mt mm mmw ajr, mm m. uKmmm m.KAdhaBilA Lagan emej arnji mwe. 1 ae urepseemesB Logan made a speech hi Ohio recently, in the morse nl which Ise prechxisaed braaself itv 10 vote and dared that he would alongside be sent up ngside of a negro than a Dcaaocrat, ami hoped negro Congressmen weedd bo it up from the South. There ia no dbv will be gratified in aide in Coagrcaa. The Chemical Propertiea Milk embraces tbe essential nutriment principles of all forms of food, emd when pure, nothing contributes more to the phy sical health than !t .'o r. v It is the first food of infanta, and teast- 4t alone these, tmdex erma of hav inanity acquire strength and vigor of grow th ; through Ufa its nutritious quali ties are recognised ; adults one., It with benefit to themselves, and it as tains ex istence when old age come to eufecble the body and limbs. The composition of milk is, 1st, casume. a neh anrogeumed materi al ; 2d, fatty principles ; 3d, a peculiar sa gar ; 4th, various mineral salts, principally consisting of phosphate of aodm'bhosphale 01 I -me, pnospnate ot iron, and b sph t e of magnesia ; the potash exists in tbe form of chloride of pirtartiam Theae aah stae ces 'an held in mpnuniuii hy water. Tbe composition of caseine is identical with the muscular substance, and with the albumen of the blood : and in milk, we find tato waa be a - 1 4. " the BdiU as a delegate lo tbe Lcmisiana State Convention. Bis naaae it lev. Was. Murrvil The New Orleans Repobtatan says, " be is sure to be eleettd." 7 mx. the Radicals of Dallas eaemty. Abu. 1 candidates tothe State Coavoadhaa. In Dallas, three whites and two blacks bare been oomhratevl It of. to tiona do net anstain tbe reports that Gen. Paps has, given private the election ot Tbe hr - m-mm. sv t ir"i tsa'Cv- aU .1 s