. ftjfliiBl LvvXKH IfliESSiTjPr LEWI H.lTES Editor St Proprietor. The Old Worth State Forever. Gm ftftaffle Copies Five Crate - VOL II. NO 20 SALISBURY, N. C. THURSDAY. AUGUST 8. 1867. VHOLK M). 70 V Mpr rial oii ASTROLOGY The World Antonixhed, ATTIIK WONOKKKUL KKVKI.ATIOSH MALI BY THE GREAT ASTROLOU1ST, a. A. rerriff o. She reveals secrets no mortals ever knew 8he restores to happiues tlion who, from dole lul evmts. catastrophieB. crosses in love, loss fof reallons .iii.I frif mis. loss in. nif v, A i have lire, win- desixuidclit. S 1 l.riltijs togeth er those long separated, gives information eou erotiluaj at--lit finds or lover, restore lost or st.. I. mi propcrtr. tells you the business you re best qualified to pursue and in what you Will be most successful, causes siieedy mar Hares and tells vou the very day you will marry, five you the name, likeuess and characteristics of the person. She reads your vary thoughts, and by her almost supernatur al powers mi veils the dark aud hidden myste ries of the future. From the stars we see in the firmament the malefic stars that over come or predominate in the configurate" from the aspects and positions of the planets ad the fixinl stars in the heavens at the time of birth, she deduces the future destiny of man. Fail uot to consult the greatest Astnd o,rist on earth. It cst you hip a triHe, and jnu may never again haveso favorable au op portunity. Consultation fee. with likeness and all tlesired information, $. Parties liv ing at a distance can consult the Madame by mail wi h ;afety and satisfaction to thetnselver as if in person. A full ami explicit ntiurt written out. with all iuoniriei answered and ikeness enclosed, sent by mail on receipt price above mentioned. The strictest secre cy will be maintained, and all correspondence returned or destroved. References of the high- et order funiislieJ those desiringthem. Writ, v Jptaltllj' ThP rfcrjTtf the mouth and ye.tr in whirl you were bora, enclosing a small lock of hair v Address, MahamH. A. Pkkkkio, P. 0. Drawer sfiM, lluflhl X. Y ' march 2H. h-b7. twly Special notice. There eometh irlad tidings of joy to all. To young and Mold, togreat in ! t small-: The beauty which ouce wa-ao precious and rare, . Is free for all, aud all may be fair. By the use of CHASTELLAR'S WHITE LIQUID E N A M BL For improving aud Beautifying the Com plexion. The in st valuable aud perfect preparation hi use, for giving the skin a beautiful pearl like tint, that is only found in youthn Jt quick ly removes Tan7 Freckles, Pimples, Blotches, Moth Patches, SaUowness, Eruptions, and all ilk luritie- t the skin, kiudly healiug the same Mtving the skin white-arid clear as alabaster Its use can not be detected by the closest scru tinv. and beinir a vegetable preparation is per featlv harmless. It is the only article of the kind used by the French, and is considered by the Parisian as indispensable to a perfect toil et ' Tpwards of .K,(MK) bottles were sold during the -last ve;ir. u mii i.-ieiit miarantce 01 na ein- eacv. Price only 75cents. Seut by mail, post paid, on receipt of an order, by BKRGKR, 8HUTT?S CO , Chemists, 295 River St., Troy, M. I april 4,'67. twly. EXCELSIOR ! EXCELSIOR ! I Reparator Capilli. Throw sway roar Mm Mase, yoar switches, yom lelni live of roinfort. sad aot worth a Kg ; (ar aired, cobk yoatiilwl, coat ujrly and fair Aad rejou-f in yoor own luxuriant bafr. Reparator Capilli. For restoring liair upon bald heads (from whaler cause it may have fallen out) aud forviuga growth of hair upou the rm e, it has no equal. It will force the beard to grew ui 011 the smoothest la in from five to eight 'reeks, or hair . i bald head in from two to three mouths, A few iguorant practition ers have asserted that there is nothing that will force or hasten the growth of the hair or heard. Their assertions are false, as thous ands of living witnesses froin their owa expe- rieucej can bear witness, out many will say. how are we to distinguish tile genuine from the spurious ? It certainly is dilFcuIt, as nine-tenths of the different Prepaiations advertised for the hair aud beard are entirely worthless, and you may have already thrown , - f . 1 , n. away targe amounts in weir purcuase. 1. such we would say, try the Keparator Capilli : will cost you nothing unless it fully com to our representations. If your druggi: does iio keep it, send us one dollar and we will forward it,. post paid, together with a re ceiot for the money, which will lie returned you on application, providing entire satisfac tion is not given. Address. W. h. I'l.AKK UU., Chemists Xo3, West Fa vet U Stm-t, Syracuse, N. Y march 28, leM7. tw-ly THE OLD NORTH STATE. I'lSjl-WEEKLY. tj- KATES OK 8UB8CBIPTI0N. TKH.TtaCABlH IN ADVANCE. Tri Weekly, One Year ' mx Monms, One itoutli, IB.00 a. no. 75 cU. WEEKLY Wee kly paper, Oae Yesr, - I S.oo V HIX an. lit lis. - . I.DU " Tea copies One Year. 22.00 " " Twenty copies. One Year, 40.00 A cross X on the paper indicates the expiration of the subscription. The tyie on which the " OLP NOBTH UTATS," IS printed is entirely new. No pains will be spared to make it a welcome visitor to every family, in order o do this we have eniracen the services of able and accomplished literary contributors. ADVERTISING RATES AFFLICTED ! Suffer no More! CHASTELLAR'S Hair Exterminator ! To r Rem o vin g Superflnons Hair. To the ladies esneeiaHy, this invaltfale de pilatory recommends jttself as being an al most iudistensahle article to female beauty, is easily applied, does not burn or injur the akin, but actij directlv ou the roots. It is warrauted to remove sukti1uous hair from law foreheads, or frem any part vf the IkhI)-, eompletely, totally and radically extirpating the same, leaving the skiu soft, smooth and natural. This is the only article used5 by the French, and is the only real etieetttal depila tory in existence. I'rice o cents per package. an order, hy sent post-paid,- to any address, on re?eipt April 4,'fi7. BE1UJEH, SHI TTS 6c CO., Chemists, 283 River st , Troy, X. Y. tw-ly Crpcr Coma. Oh ' she Wiubeautinil and fair. Wtth starry eyes, and radiant hair, ' , Whose curlins tendrils soft entwined, ' -Eachainedlheverj liearianil mind, r CKlsil'KR i:iMA. For Curling the Hair of either Sex into Wttfif- Hud Gkmifi HiHiflrUur llcary 2 fc M(Htre Cmrlfs. -By using this article LanWsml lentlemen beautify theinselves a thousand foll !r is the only artide in the world that will curl straight hair, aud at the same frive it a l-au-tlful. gloseyapjieafi. !. The t'risper (nna not only curls the hair, bat Invigorates, beau tifies and cleanses it s highlv and deli.jht- fnlly ierfiroed, and is the inot oompl cle pilbl aay -Address all orders to V . U. CI'AKK. CO., Chemssta, 3 W.Ttrrtfe tre-t. grfa use, X. Y. Biareh 2. - twly Wbeii by Ihe n-e ofhK. .'OINVILI.K'S EL IX IK you can he cured peruiauenlly , aud at u irilhnif cost. : The astoliishinir s'tceess which lm ; attended this invaluahlo mesticine for Physical and Ner vous Weaaaess, Ueueral Debility and Prostra tion, Loss of . Muscular Kncrgy, luipotency, oi any of the consequences of vouthTuI iudiscrV'tioh, renders it the-wost valualile preparation ever discovered. It will remjve nil nervous affections, depres sion, excitement, incapacity to study or husi lies, loss of memory, confusion, thoughts of self destructionrfears of insanity, Ac It will restore the appetite, renew tie health of those who have destroyed it by sensual excess or evil practices. Young Men, be humbugged no more by "quack Doctors" and ignorant practitioners, iiut send without delay for the E'jxir, and be at once re stored to health aud happiness. A Perfect Cure is Guaranteed in even- instance. Price, J, or four lof ties to one mldre.ss, t. One liottleis ufficient to effect a cure in all ordinary ca es. A 10, 1)R J0I N YILLE'S SPB JIFIC ri LLS, for the speedy and permanent eh re of tiouorrhea, tileet. Urethral Discharges, Gravel, Stricture, and all affections of the Kidceys and Bladder. Cures effecteu in from one to five days. They are prepared from vegetable extracts that arc harmless on the system, ami never nauseuie in TKANSIEKT RATKS For all iei'iods less than one mouth One Square. First insertion Kach substiueiit insertion Contract rates for periods of one to four I 1 80.1'ABB, iollO 3 sgi'AKKs, 7.6(1 3 SQl'AKKS, 1000 4 SOt'AKXS, . 13.00 Ql'AB. COL. 13.00 HALF COL. . 30 00 3 Ql'AR. COL. 35 00 ONI'COL. .'KMKI 3 Mil. I 3 MO. I 4 MO. iH Ml tl3IH) $16.00 13 (HI 17.00 31.00 Hi 00 21 00 36.HI 1 i no 3 1 ini 3HU0 I'liHi 3100 3!) 00 27.00 31 on 38 no 33 00 1 4 0 00 45 00 43 00 1 43.00 1.0 1' tl.00 60 month.. 6 MO 30 00 27 00 34.00 37 00 3H.50 44 00 oil' 70 00 Siiecial Contracts will lie inade with those who desire to advertise for a louder term than foiirniimths. ( ourt Notices anil Advertiseineuta wili be charged at the usual rates. Ten lines of solid minion type, or about one inch lengthwise of the column, constitute a quare. Special Notices, in leaded minion, will lie con tracted for at the office, at .not less than double he rate of ordinary advertisements. Inserted as nailing matter,- with approval o he editors, filty cents per line. Advertisements inserted irregularly, or at inter vals, !tr per cent, lulilitloual. The rates abov tainted are for standing adver tisements. One or two srjnares, changeable at discretion. 0 per cent additional. More than two squares, changeable at discre tion, tier sou. ue ol teu lines, for every chance twenty.fi ve cents. Five sqnares estimated an a qnarter column and ten squares as a half column. Hill for ad rortising, -whether by-the day or year, - will be considered due and collectable on presentation foot and Jcrc Smith, for the voting pre cincta of Patterson Sommers aad Rag's Creek. Davie County One Hoard. Jno. Lnnn, Thomas Brown and A. T Clements ior the entire count j. Iredell County Two Boards. 1st Board, Jno. H. slcLeoghlin, W. H. George and W. Williams, for the Toting precinct of Statesville, Mount Morris, Lib erty Hill snd Miles. 2d Hoard, James t . Bell, Moses A. White and John McCubbius, tW the voting precincts of Williamsburg, Fralejs, Watts Williams and Kcles Store. Itowan County Two Boards. lat, Moses L. Holmes, C. S. Moring and Jamea Barns, for the voting precincts of .Salisbury, Ldtakcrs, Harkeys, Uold 11 ill aud Morgana. 2d, Thornton Butler, Thoa. E. Brown and J. H. Hawkina, for the voting pre cincts of Keely'a Mill, Mount I Ha and At weJls. Surry Cougfar-Two Board. 1st, Joel Hunt, Gilbert A. Lowe and Robert M. .I.u vis for the voting precincts of Dnbson Fentrisa', Nixon Browns Mills and Hay Stack. 2d, I . F. Taylor, John Simmons and John Peel for the votine: precincts of Ml. is matnmary for the brad eraUr Eve hi bsiisay a of a family , and they fen- i A awSa aad comfort witn The riri is first ride off at fall speed, when horse and gallops after her. takes the fsaritive aha henna r. er isWlakes If ha Ter ns hie wife, It is said 'lta no instance known of the sovereign, and wires whom they do not rant are even some times lot-end niton K.-rn whether it be the result of this , or their savage ciiaAato) Or of I hot air of the stove heated Airy, Toms Creek, Dennis Wbitakers I '.in k Ford. Watauga County Two hoards. 1st, Samuel II . Itoinian, William Van coiuicrs and Joliu Hardin, for the voting precincts of lloone, Love Creek, Welches Store mid Sim II.- Mills. 2d, Hirth tt Brown, David Xorrie and Al- duck UtW khg The Arabs divide their aadl their wires, and re gard the puntjobiood in the former qaite as much aa hi their affcnilag. Palvraaav is practiced only by the nek, and divorces are rare. In Ceylon the al is bresurbt about by the man fbst m ife, to narrhsaw her clothe. sells for a stipulated sum, generally ashing aa Break aa ska thinks requisite for them to begin the world with. Ia Aa evenhrg be calls on her, with the wardrobe, at her father's bouse, and they pass the night in each other's company. Next aaoraiar, if mutually satisfied, they appoint the day of marriage. They are permitted to separate whenever they please, and so frequently avail themselves of this privilege that they sometimes change a doeen times before their inclinations are w bally;, sail rd . In Uindostan the women have a pecu liar veneration for marriage, as it is a pop ular creed that those females who die vir gins are excluded from the jays of para dise In that precocmns country the wo men bejnn to bear children at &boat the are of twelve, some even at a eleven. The it is certain that a more an- wveJv race of women than the would he drficult to find. " They says an fcnrlisa traveler, "the which only nature can rive. hrmueas and elasticity of lean, beauty, aad so delicious to the touch, ex bun not among the Russian females, or Id very few of them. " We are told of the Aleutian Isl nders who form a part of oar new Russian Ame rican acquisition, that they marry one, two or three wives, aa they have the means of supporting them. The bridegroom takes the bride upon trial, aad may return her to bar parents, should ha not be satisfied, but No man is allowed toasjaT hm enfcKhoni bar consent ; but ha may (ami often does asaiga her over to another. This custom, it is said, is availed of by the Russian bai ters, who take Aleutian women or girls tm wife for a time, for a trifling eompeneatio . as stomach or hnnrernate the breath. No chanifc ot diet is necessary while usinfr them, nor does their action in any manner interfere with business pur suits. I'rice. Si per box. Kithcrof the above-mentioned articles wil' be sent to an v address, closely sealed, and post-paid bv in'ail or exnress. on receipt ol price. Auuress hall orders to BEKGER.snrTTS CO., Chemists Xo. th& River Street Troy, X. T. April 4,'67. ' tw-ly. l'ot'KO Lady returning to liei country home, after a sojourn of ia few months in the City, wa 'Kaifary Tecognised byJier friends; Iiinlaei' of a coarse, rostie, -dusjA'd' face, she had a soft ruby complexion of almost marble siniMithness, and instead of twenty three she really appeared but eighteequXpon iunuirv as to the cause of so great a chantre, she plainly told them that, she used the CtT cassian Balm, and considered it an iuval liable acuuisitioii to any l-ady stoilct. By its use any Laily tr (leutleman can improve their personal niu ea ranee an hundred fold. It Is sinmle in its' combination, as Nature herself is simple, yet unsurpassed in its efficacy in drawing iinpunties from, also healiug. cleans ing and beautifying the skin and complexion. By ifs direct action on the cuticle it draws from it all its imnurities, kiudly healing the same, and leaving the surface as Nature intended it should benslear, soft, smooth and beautiful. Price 1, sent by Mail or Express, on recept f an order, by . W. L. CLARK Ac Co., Chemists. No. 3, West Fayette St., Syracuse, X. Y. The nl American AaentB fur the sale of I ho am inarfh-SH-tw-lr. s and cleanses it : Is highly ami uli;ht- 1 Pediomotrope. siiarantes to tuduee y iierfuroed, and is the most complete arti- i ijfc,. picture of the futun- husband or of the kind ever offi-icd to tj,,- Am. rican a,,,,)),.aut. together with daTV of mi (lie. , The CrisperCotiia will W s.-nt to i toSM;ju jn lift., leading traits of e"h t address, staled-and postpaid for I.A dfce. ''This is uo hunihug. as thou useful books; CILKXT Friend, 50 cei ts : H'w to get O,, , .1, ut Ujiri,- Want nH Mrilk-itl KbHS. AD esnt l.l4ACnie TJ, tft. S rob: iWl.swser Mr a cants: How u W anil Uw to Win. 25, Cfi.ta, tiiet il.nrf 1H '...r JQ voni-i t,o.it- to ljnif Pah il faatsiitjlias Ivr letter WnVr. 26r,.nts." ftl bv ol ,!m,i mf price. A.,.!r .- JOHN A IMOXR. . iatraY.-sas.lt k . rnaajMsa js.no W toy Bestiny. i i . v m i K. T. TwmimiB. the greai Ku- clish Astr.4t.gist, Clairvoyant, and Psyeho tnetrieian, who ha . aaUtuiabwl the scientific classes if the Old World, lias now located her-- s -If at Hodsti X. V-.-; Ma4a .l possesses such wonderful powers of seeoinl siht, as to enable her to impart kuowledire jf rlie greatest importance to the single or married of either sex. While in a state ot trance, she delineates the verj- features of the nerson-you are to marry, and by the aid of an instrument of intense piwer, known as the I Pschomotrope. znarantees to produce a life- lre oi marriage. aract.-r usuutls ot I testimonials can assert. !lie will send when '; desir.MLa ct-rtified certificate, tir written gaa ' aUtee; that th.- picture is what if pnrwirta Ui be. By enclosing SUiali lock' of hair, and j statina'pho-- of birth, agf. tfisjMisiti..ii ami cotuplexi'iu. ami f iichtsiiiir fifty cents and st.Tin. d envelope addressed -l yourself, you wm ro-ivc the picture amt aesiretl tBKWUaa aoa byjretwni inail. All communications sa-1 eredly conndcutial. Addons in ctuifidfiice. M.-ulanie E. F,. Thornton, P. O. B, SfQi Hmleoi. 5. Y. mar JH. Ie7 A tW-lj II 'o Q'aa Post Sausuirr, K AlGCST 1st, 1867. General Order Xo. 28. , The following appointments of registers announced in general orders No. 60. headquarters second military district, for the military post of Sulisbui v, are hereby assigned to duty in the registration pre cincts herein set forth. Registrars arc required to take the oafli prescribed by congress, approved July 2d, 1862. ihey will report in porsoti to these headquarters without delay in order to sub- scrijue to saiu oaiu, ami ue ruriiiiioa witn the necessary books and blanks for regis tration. " Every board of registration will choose its presiding officer, who will repre sent the board and announce its action up on all matters coming before it. "Regulations f-r the government, of re gistrars in the discharge ot their duties w ill be duly published as soon as practicable, for general information' ATI comlnunicationsfrorn be addressed to these headquarters. Regis rars will inform these headquar ters of their post office address upon every change of station, I case of death or casualty rendering registrars,' hereby assigned, incapable of executing ftreir office, the fact will be re- ' .v'.i na i i , , . u ported to tins ompc by the presiding officer or other member lot the board, that the va cancies so existiig may be tilled without delay. Registrars, announced in general orders No. 60, cum nt series, headquarters second -.:i:. j' .i . . ... uiiuuiij'. .ii-ii n i. nov iiecepinig uie position will please inform these headquarters at uiice. The following named votine nbices an- hereby estalished for registration iii the couiitU'S comprising this post, and are as signed to the registration boards herein named as- follows : AlejHHHter County One Board. W. S. Teague, Thomas Stirwald aud E, M. Sievenson, for the entire county. AUeghany County Two Boards, First Ttoard, (i old man. Ilagain, Mann I Jones and Henderson t'lueli, for the voting precincts ol Cap Civil, Praters Creek and Pain Fork. , . fred Thomas, for the voting precincts of j proximity of the natives of India to the Miautiee Haw, Rotbewood, uold Hill and burning sun, which ripens men. as well as St inc.- Hani. I plants, at the earnest period in these tro- Wilkes County Two Boards. I pica! bttitndes, is assigned as the 1st, llaluh 1 1 ol brook, Robert, B. Bryan The dictinruishlur mark of the Hindoo and Caswell J Smith for the voting pre-1 wife is the most profound fidelity, snbmis- eiucts ot Lovelace .Jarvis, New Castle, eion and attachment to her nusaano. Antiocli. Rock Creek. Edwards' Trap I On the banks of the Seueeal. and amonr i ii i i. i . , a "d a J t ill ami itlniit ( .rove i many African tribes, the matrimonial pnae 2d, George II. Brown, J. E. St. Clair most sought after is abundance of flesh and W. B. 8errist for the votine pre- J To obtain corpulance is retarded as the cincts of M ulbury, Redis River, church's J only real comeliness. A female who can M ills, Job's Cabin, Dyer's Store, Mouth I move with the aid of two men is but a j - m r ... . i mw w k ' I a mm k Si .I i .ik. att s ciiooi House, ttrushev erale beantv. wnue tae sadv Mountain aud Wilkcsboro'. stir, ami is only la be moved on a camel. Yadkin County Two Boards, is ceusmed a perfect paragon. Nor is this 1st Board, Dr. Kelson B. Ben bow, Jo- queer fancy for obesity in women confined soph Williams and Alexander Williams for to the savages in the t rrid none, since we the votine: Precincts of Ilamptonville. read in WraxalPs Travels ia Russia that Vadkinville and U nuts villi-. " in order to poeaess any pre-eminent de- 2d Board, Tbomss Martin, Robert G. gree of loveliaeaa, a woman must weigh at Zachary and A. N. Touilin for the voting least two hundred weight." The Empress precincts ot Joucsville, Mount Aebo and I Llizabeth, and taihanne II, both accouii East Bchd In accordance with instructions from Head (Quarters, 2d Mili.tarv' District, re ceived fliis morning, fhe above Boards of registration will organize at ouce, and givt- public notice ot their meeting at the sever al Election Precincts assigned to them, commencing the registration on the 15th day of August, 1867. By order of CoJ, Jno. R. Epie. W. Jl. McMIMM, A. Post Ad't. G gd1 Board, A."nCrson, Francis! Bryan and John Mattlicgon, for the voting pn -cincts of Piney Creek and ( )ld Fields. Ashe County Two Boards. 1st Board, Edwin ff." Bartlett. John H Carson and Eawrd Hwihc, for the nrfe- cincts of JetroFMAu, Ailii-sfiiut Hill. Pine .... rr . - . 1 - wamp and .lartins iStnri From the Rural Xew Yorker. Curiosities of Marriage Marriage is the first and most ancient of all institutions. As the foundation of so ciety and the family, it is universally ob served throughout the globe, no nation having been discovered, however barbar ous, which does not celebrate the union of the sexes by ceremony and rejoicing. The abuses of the institution, as polygamy, in fidelity and divorce, having in no manner touched its "existence, however they may have vitiated its purify. The condition of Women in all countries has afforded a fruitful theme for the obser vation of the traveler, and the speculations of the phi'osopher and the novelist. It has been uniformly found that the savage is the tyrant of the female, sex, while the po sition and consideration given to woman is advanced iii proportion to the refinement of m n i.i 1 life. Under the laws of Lycur gus, N uuia, and even later law-givers, the power ot the husband over the wife was absolute, sometimes even including the power of life and death. The wife, was al ways defined arid treated as a thing, not a person the absolute property of her lord. In the earlier ages a man might sell his i .-liildr.cn or his wife indifferently, and relics of this rude custom still survive, even among nations railed civilized and Chris tian. In the countries of the East, where po lygamy is almost universal, marriage is not the - acred tie which it is held to be in Christian countries. In Persia met rv either tor life or for a determinate Travelers or merchants commonly- Zpplv t-d very fine women, were of this massive kind. In Italy, matches are made with prover bial levity, and marriage vows, if report speaks trulyv are easily broken. Young virgii.s are systematically bartered and sold by their parents, and young people are married every day who never saw one another before. Concubinage is a. constant remedy for these ill-advised and deceitful marriages, and the peculiarly Italian term, cieisbio, indicate the indemnity which cus tom prescribes for the fair sex fettered to husbands unlovt d. In France," as has often been remarked, women monopolize all the society and a Urge share of the business of life. The coffee houses, the theatres, the shops, the cabarets, or drinking shops are filled with n omen lord it at all assemblies, and are better informed and more capable managers than men. Marriage w looked upon not so murb as a matter of affection as of interest, an J .the sncredness of the tie is proportionately slender. Man maw in Sweden is commonly govern ed wholly by the will of the parents, and is founded Upon interest. A stolen match is almost unb aid of aad persons of either sex seldom marry before the age of twenty - or hirtjr Divorce are very rare. Russia appears to be the most prepos terous country in Europe in its treatment of women. The nuptial ceremonies, all singular, are based upon the degradation of the 1. male- When the parents have agreed upon, the match, the bride is examined by a number of worsen to see if she has any bod.lv drfeet. On her wedding day she is cioaoed with a garland of wormwood, to denote the bitterness of the , marriage state. She is exhorted to be obedient to her husband, and it is a custom in some districts for the newly married wife to pre sent the bridegroom with a whip, in token of submission, and with this be seldom fails to show bis authority. Ia this cold and cruel country, husband are sometimes known to torture their wives to death with out any punishment for the murder. If a woman prove barren, the husband gem r- Vakhu s OalODtAL RlCIPKS, C While visitinr at the hospitable mausi. of Judge Blaekmer of Salisbury, N. C , some months ago, we partook or nevwal dishes which were far more palatable than the " fere" at first-class hotels in Wash ington, Richmond, Jce. The " Soutnern Pudding" and "Boiled Custard" were de cidedly extra, and Mrs. B. having kiudlyy complied with our request to furnish re cipes, ws take pleasure ia offering them to housewives of the R l raL circle with the assurance that if " Southern Institutions," they are good ones and worthy of more general introduction : Socthkbv Pi dpixg. Two eggs, two teacups sugar, 2 caps sweet milk, 4 cupa Hour, butter the sine of a huge ben's egg, 1 teaspoon soda, 2 teaspoons cream tartar. Sauce for Above. Half cup butter, one cup sugar. 1 cup wine, 2 tablespoons bran dy, a handful of raisins and a little nut- Uoir.KD Cistakd. One quart fresh uTh, 6 eggs, 2 cups sugar, S tablespoons arrow root or starch, a pinch of salt, one teaspoon butter. Stir together the yolks aud sugar; mix the starch with a little milk, and pour it into the remainder of the milk, which must be on the fire boiling. As soon as it thickens, add the yolks and surer, stirrior constantly. Let all boil two or three minutes, and then pour the whole over the well-beaten whites. Fla vor to taste. Rural New Yorker. - " We clip the following announcement extra-ordinary from the last Tarborougb Southerner : "As Science, Civilisation and Freedom advance, so must we expect . to see iii nui midst the exponents ana advocates of each particular dogma irrespective offace, color or sex. It was announced on Tuesday last that" Mrs. Francis E. W. Harpre, a colored wo man, would deliver a lecture that night, at the Colored Church, on the "Nation's Great Opportunity," and duty calling is in that direction, we listened attentively to her remarks, delivered to a crowded and interested audience. While detecting many errors in the facts and theories advanced, we must still con teas that we were most agreeably surpruv ed at the elegance and teauty attending many portions of the Lecture. She utterly disclaimed any allegiance or duty to any political organisation or party, bat through her discourse clearly disclos ed her Radical proclivities, and, while lau ding to the skies Northern philanthropy, mercilessly abused and ridiculed Southern inhumanity and cruelty. Mack good advice was given, which, followed out, must greatly advance the fu ture happiness and success of her race , Among other things we aurora glad to sea the vile attempts of Southern agitators and desaagogoes were fully understood and' demised. W. W. Holden was particular Iv noticed among this class, and the color ed people were warned against ibis man. who now wtth brazen face and sots ife de p mdeuce guo the lis to his life long -ea reer and principles, Altogether it was a most respectable lec ture, and we trust will hare the good ef fect evidently desired by the lectarer." , 6 Saw a Ghost, Last night the citizens in the lower part of the city were startled bv loud shrieks' oftorror coming from some atlv prevails on her to retire into a convent ut-rson aitnarentry' in the last agony of xi ....... . l mveiers or mercnanii u, n.ii,am t. owing, .fames t.arvey ami , t9Uic mjriMmtl forB wm5 daring tl ! aiid leara him at Jibwty. If he fells in fright. A rush to the spot, revealed a ne ? raiicis Bryan for the voting pn cincts of Mul,.M. in pjaee. and the Cadi pro-1 petssamnm, W is permitted to whip her in- pro. boy about fourteen years of age who North Fork, Jliltou ( hl Fields and, II e -u for . .ehw ! U condescension. Jdeclarrd amid tear am) broken ejacula- l - I t . u l l a u a aa I a; 1 1 r LLA. iLa ATanaswa. 1 ek-e l. )..,! smsamsl snurit PilVt IT IH W UaTU saw: i I itMsm I hai sart aasuta sr an srsra hy their parents andr'uar kark from a white dog y are not alio wed to c is pate ifl,r probable cause of I Caldwell County Two Board whom lie declares to be honest andbealth'v. I .air H IM-, are normi'.ttwl to frli hu)..,. I 1st Bard, Clinton A. -Cilky, R. R. fn Persia, and the same number is allowed Wakefield autrR. II. li-.gle,fr the voting by the fahomedan law to the Maastlaau. precincts of IHp-ir, little River and John- f. In Chinese Tartary a kind of male po- KlVer. , . ' r.,, im nMIJ J - nlnralilr .fi Such is the rite are kept iimm tkat lh.-ir any union agrted uj-m by their elders, ko'werer edmus mr iaf mp iiilde it m iy be. This . item to far' that of6c r- iu tht- ar-. by his alarm to those ; not supetitious. but he wept on his way firmly impresStd with the belief that ha had seen a spirit " dtMmed for a time to 2d, A..J. Rominger, Alexander Light- f buabands lughly respected. In TJiihrt it my are aet fanWaitted to ssarry without the walk the night." Wsl fW. VI 1 -