ii nt appease Ivo him a call. VbOK tt(l column, has rctu want a picture giro Dbad Jacob Mottnauai, a popular and respected eltiacn of Wako county died eo Saturday last. Henry A. Wbo qualified to practice law in the Henrico County Court on Mon day hut. Mr. Edwahj) Skyuouh haa retired from the editorial corpa of the New York Times teaeecpt a propoaition made to him by the publishing house of Messrs. 8eribner k Co., of that city. ,jaasrr Miss Oathauisb Mania Sxbgswic one of the most distinguished female wri ters la America, died at ttoxbury. Mass , a few days ago iu Uie 79th year of her age. CnnnKclffft. We are requested to state that, by a mistake in the rocert pub lication of the ridings of the Supcrir Court Judges, Judge Mcrrinion was nssigned to the 7th Circuit and Judge Gilliam to the 3rd Circuit; whereas it should have been rice versa. Judge (Jilliuin will therefore ride 7lh Circuit. The Press of the' State will please take notice of this correction. Sentinel. Most of the now prominent leaders a mong the Southern Loyalists were nt one time secessionists or blatant war men. Sentinel. Wo respectfully ask onr contemporary whether he thinks it fair to make these re peated assaults upon secessionists that is those who conscientiously believed iu the doctrine of secession 1 As we believe that he has fallen into an error, we respectfully call upon him to point out a single original secessionist, with the exception of Governor Holdcn, who is a " prominent leader" among the Leagues or Ked Strings, or any other gang of Radicals in our midst, or of the Southern .Radical party. These sort of flings are calculated to cieate an erroneous impression as the ac innndert fur reference. A Vlllllir widow ni ftninxv lit .--J stranger on the street, and asked him the Way ; be asked Ircr ii she was not a wid ow ; she said abe was ; be aaid he waa a widows, a Doctor from Palmyra, Urn , and proposed Matrimony on the tart ; elm blushed and hesitated wouldn't he come and see her Mends at out it ; the interview waa eatiafactory ; tli marriage was arrang ed for next moniing ; the widew'a cash atu get into Doctor's pocket; lie K. V I Slttt extra charvei, will Im iii.i i- Judge Kher wffl charge'the jS to- J.J'1, "niwl6 ",! SUICIKK. .,, , B i an r i am r -. . . -. . . t . . -i 30 e wealthy planter of rently TiiL Hm JZTr oieoeaa0? J. M. M U W Jl Ml to get ahaved, and haa never returned. He j gECKE LAST STANTON 1S. DA- AVIS, Ac. An. 7.-Ja Il WaeampA with Su,li final refusal ta mamtsstahbiaill a-v oaIhu etioa fa MttBaH meek Ha iheJeenaalfi as linaif wttt Canada. Judge Fisher has concluded his charge to the Jury and they tctired at 12 o'clock, j even left her, aruel man, standing in the public square, while he "just run over Ii the basher's." There's no such Doctor ia Palmyra, and the curtain drop upon a ww inao in tears. Exchange. The Booth Faiin.Y. -Daring Mr uradiep s apeoen in the SurrStt ease, at Washington, Friday, ia referring to diary of liooth, be aaid - THi'V suppressed that diary which e culpatos Mrs. Surrntt ; a fanatic and a madman. His graudluther, Richard llooth, was the most thorough red republican who ever settled in Ainerii and his e-ramlsosi inherited ihe tr.it- of that r.,.lt.rhe, THE CASE OF JNO. ItRAZER k. CO It is well known be aidcdjsl.ivrs to escape j Charlenton, Aug. 7. The cnsusel of fnVm Maryland, which his son, the rider Johu Eraser la. lure prepared a h-ngtbv T is i f m .s i auoim doom, piiui .or. i no wrmmmmtw iiatncisl lit j ami I,,. Brutus, and hia' first eraudsen Junius Km- ! tfcom hJ g" tus, and taught both son and grandson to District Court. idolize th! memory of the great Brutus , Titer deny tie- alleg-a:a that the Char that killed l a?aar in the Koman capital. lest on nna t U'MI,.., 11 ..i - I- I J ! i i . i Oarerumenl f -r the nwrrase aliegvu u the scholar, auu moved iu tlie best society, i 1 but he h id running through him the vain j of insanity, and above it all flows that in- The Liverpool a7n ret, by tbetr K-.-I-describable affection of u sou for a motlx-r. ing, u.u sh c?.- uxJ - ta Eul.ind and Wonderful was the power he exercised .i 1 . -i i y I oi'iiamciitul .GJLDWKLL Stat. -vill.:, X. t'. rth Carolina BOOK STOIU'." to thk nnui. The aahucriher eesirea te aaniiii' to tin- nblie that h has pprebased the r-t 'i-K "f Oil, ITATXOnilT, MUSIC aaey Articles, c, fomierlv Drlougiug u .rtfr earotma rutrtlshtnjr roinpaiiT, that has ancei -1-d.sl to tli.- ol.l sUilJN'o. I. I'ay- iiii kh, . i. ion ami ho mvaraM n throughout the State as the rojfTM CAROLINA HOOK STORE. lurted1T Henrv D. Turner, dee'tl.. and heue4nrftf be will eomhict the Book Un it i rertt nUlm try Ma I that paUieaSioa he made to f r ai weeks Iu the a or rraa. area l TIM North State newstMi taarB. aaUs I IlMihywi W u sail .nntr, althc eo7t-a rf it!.- Auv I kbo 3 Lm that uiesaun aamto In injliei aaBe.n SVWe. Xe. I. F at the .North careli- sv'ttevil! ...... iiiHii.iiM'iiient orthelitwinsss, the exrwrn-nce Davis is ia Bahiawan fn route for many yvurv as a lxMk hiiyer am! setter, and 1 a devotion to iins particular Itnineli of traile. Hd will endenvnr to merit the repututiou and koatuess of the old stand. Tl,. .t im k of liiHik. Mtatmuery: r'ili-. etc., wlileti be now i9nitii the pullii - ln-eti well seleeted. and iii.h 1.. - 11 bira i'lv of Smidav. and romin.m rVkaoT Bouk. Mi fl .iiieoiiK llook of shuoDt even' kind ami variety, the Nnrth e.irolma Siipreme turt IU'iirU. Kiijrl!-S I'omnion In lteK a ml othiic lv liooki. u very tarte supily of Untnk Books, Sta tionery, and i.e v .uii.ir. coiiiiiiLsiuit answer to the btil of cumplaiat nled againt he asarrcst Assortment I ia the I. States to found in th" !tote: uud will lie fold tin the an4 stasoaaibte leraai. ih.lerv froai alt MrU ftMs St.ite fr any .imk ir' ri j .1 . i .1 . . i-i artir..' :.fe.. . r;.in mtli the eauli. er rllv , Itlereuev, will Ik' pronii.tlv atteinli-d to. hv u.hlns-- a areut tor tae Contetlertte. J s. 11. ui i.oKscir, Cation, of Winy or ' tSf Warraatod t. Iieallh. Knll ilirerti liatiU. lli.lliraKltaaltKfiilaioli ; v... . 1 1 1 V 1 . 1 1 V l III. Anrnlt the la-l M..11.I11 in June 'jo'lsitf. tw.bn SitiAwy, S C. there ta aaawer. plead tp or aeaaar ioaeiil --3 " or iadeiiM'ut m dl V taken pro eosJHaa an Money free as Water! If! flllfl AWII'K LOCAL A SI TliAl Kl lUiMWU ,,,,; I,,, ,.N. .lr.r rViiif ' M aana. re w anted to wihrit trade la tvery (tty. Tswa, Vtl laje, Hamlet. Woekakopaad Ka tmy .lliroa bout the esane wvrW. tor Ika -a aatoaUa iwurcuiaa star known. NSl I'r.R KNT. rJJOr ll anU reaUy Mlc wIhwm-1 ..rieiwd!! Smart awuaaa vnmi ca aamka ftxim $ft to ttOucr dav. and no nV of tova! A . ai.it.. 1 reonired of from fW to f tOO-tke m i ann reeetva say tavastof toe m-ater Hie imttt is advance we Ural "en'I the article and reeeive aflerwarda! v..u tnallv w ib t make rnoi idlv aad aaailv. writo tor toll narttrular and . 1 i.mu! a o , r rem rarm,j r iodeuMut Mill be taken pro tltetn. Wit mas, George W lUatgsmirT. Clark af ' our ai.M'o irt at office, the lOlk eatr ef Jto" ly. A D. 1W. OK W MONTOOMKBT, CMI July in I .7 t ; ltT km 0 gj. Mai at sau.ru caxolina, i DavioaoJt Ootnmr. S Omwimf umtc-m EVERY Co.u.tv of N.Haa aniiaHk Obrolma. to Can vass and rjell f.toedTs Kern Ikmble Mmp e Xorth A meriffi on the face, ami a Ctnmtw Map qrthe i'nited State on the back eoa ering 4 ("jifare feet of mualiti. with rollers. iiv. tt&er agehaes can Ite given if desired. .Alfi'Uia iimne irino 11 e 10 iweuiy uuiiin " 1 1 Term, It WUm a. iaa. Thomas C vs W. J. Hutson. It iraanriaa to the that W. J- Ilntson ta a tine State it is itrrlered and adjudged that ration !.. made fur si sin 1 sealf like OH XorlM Stgtt." notifying day. A ,1,1 r.c4 W ARREN Jt. MARSH AIJU ( ieuerul Agent Lloyd's Map, Court to July SB. twia 1. Kavi-ttet !l!e street. Kaleiah, N. over men, wondeiliil his tiower on f tag'-, making his $20,00,900 a 3'ear. newer on the . . J Hon. V. W.Hovee. takes a practical view brilliant contrast to the men. He writes to a VVOKCS OF StNSK. of South Carolina, of the situation iu " heavy dignity" friend : " A word as to fhe public matters. I think our people ought to register and par ticipate in the elections. To do nothing. will be to commit suicide. I think the The ( liile:aa h a-oc well move a dis solu:ioa of iajuuc ion recraiutug tbetn Trout the use of their property. The case will probably be beard by the IT S. Court, Judge Bryan, now sitting in Greeeville. Hon J B Cample II and Hon A G Ma Grath are counsel tor the defendants. It EiitEFr.i)BV s.rni.E snoi1. THE SUBSCRIBER IS STILL GIVING hiaundiviiied attention 6f the manufacture uf kis Celebrated two and four-horse Threshing Machines and Horse Powers with or without straw carriers, which for Durability, ease of draft, and speed of work, surpaM every other sweep power in th- kuil. beiuxeapalJe of threshing from two to five hundred bushels of wheat per day- Engine work of every deSeriptlon, mill anil factory gear, circular saw mills, highest pre mium straw cutters, corn shellersand ploughs, cultivators, gold machinery, and all kiuds of tion of the secessionists generally since the j great point is to carry out Gen. Hampton's surrender, and while we, as wc need hard ly say, have always differed from 'the se cessionist?, Mn arlo, we nevertheless wish to see full justice done to them. Wc may add that we know of none of our fellow itizens who have since the surrender act ed with more discretion, propriety, and de corum than those who formerly ranked as original secessionist s. Old North Stute. The foregoing of the QUI North Mate, escaped our attention, until we saw It co pied In-the Charlotte Times. If we had ptcant what our cotetjuporary intimate?, its -Jrtrictnrc would be applicable. As it is, great injustice is doife us. DWflti wc hive applied the terms "se cessionists" and " blatant war men" to cer tain leaders of the so called " Southern Loyalists," wc have invariably meant tint they were not bona fide Union men ; on the contrary, that tliey had, many of them, (whom we couldiiHtao, the Old North Stute to the contrary,) been, formerly, at 6ome time, secessionists or'strong.advocates of the war. Nothing, assuredly, was farther from our feeling or purpose, than to allege that any large number of original seces sionists had turned ' Southern Loyalists,' or that nil the " Southern Loyalists" were former secessionists. We heartily le-ccho the concluding sen timent of our Salisbury catemporary. We have repeatedly uttered that very ojimion. We make no distinction between seces sionists and ivar men, who faithfully ad hered to their State during the struggle ; and when we find a man, now, standing squarely up in behalf of Constitutional Un ion, we never stop to enquire, nor do we ideas, and show themselves thereby the friends of the colored people. Our people should recognize what is inevitable iu n rega-d to the legal and political rights of the blacks, and grant, of their own voli tion, what will be given in spite of tin m. By this course, harmouy between the two races will be maintained,- and political power in the State will remain in aafe hands. All expressions through the Press or otherwise against the dominant party here should be avoided. It is impossible at this time for the Democratic party to help the South. The great object of the 6outh should uow be, to get established iu their political rights. Then a feeling of con fid oh cc will take the place of present insecurity, and capital flow in from -the North. 1 feel intensely for the unhappy condition of my Southern friends. Vuu must not be discouragifd struggle on affairs must improve." Rats. -It has been discovered that rats can be got rid af by covering the floor near the rut-hole with a thin layer of moist caus-. tic potash; when the rats walk on this it makes their feat sore ; these they lick.with e;tstmrs :unl innehitierv m.'iilptii order At short L stuerstood TBJit Iton t.aM lTr?mrrg notice rul&Carand siiTmir nf ath kftroVof material constantly on hand as cheap as the cheapest. I have for sale I first rate RayV-Xew Reap iniT Machine, with extra knives, 1 first rate one-horse mowiup macrflne. with extra knives, I heavy iron turning laithe I0 feet shares, back gear aud1 screw fed. Two second hand cotton gins, cast steel saws, nearly as good as ' and appear at the next term uf ihia Im- held for the county of ltor , Court House in Lr xingtoti, on the 3d lime QO-Om rolmnhtm. 8. C. iu Auauat aest, taen ami there to f AHCandiua papers inserting this notice to plevy. aud how cause if any he-has, why he a untoftt will receive a copy of the jdamtiff should not have JtoBUm mail iu payment. ' him and that an order of sale be - . t file proiteny levied on. ' MANHATTAN Witne."john Haiuea, Cfork at lirruii nniMi e riiruirti wnoic Coon at tnv in ixinirt..ta II hi ILLl 11111 IL1 1 IIL.mi.lL llUnKJ day of May, A. I. 1HB7. uos. 552 i( 554 U.f 28n Stred, JX HAlXr3,Onik, l'eir York. June 22, lt7. (prfceiH ASSAYS AXI) ItliFIXIXU OF Analysis of Ores, Minerala. Clays. Waters and,5r-lT Of NORTH CAROLINA, Ceiiernl r'oinmereial IVodnve. Keduction of i IIavidsoN" JoCWtX. .re,, i.y Mueituanu .Yii.a?a,uu.ma. CQrt of 1'Uas mm.i Onmttr RFFR Af.TORY ORES TrmTim, " . wt tar i "T u I a i liuiight or worked by contract. Founders' and . " " " " I V will n-preaent the (iorraaaent The case will probably be carried by appeal to the Supreme Court of the United States. SOMETIIi.Yf. AKW. MS-K. C. V. flMiWKLL !avW L&fiMtnu the La 4im of SaifSarr aaJ vHiauv taat V ' )n wpttred to 4o alt kw4 T Maataa U'a jn4 Mdhaerv. ax: will -rei a r)a-' t )i. taaa aajt u.ni e'ae Twai; Far emtihac al titickc tommnn Aaaaa. tl.oi - k SV Kk ,1ft;!; haN a;..! b..- nets SOU J5.lv Sbf en-ares wajftti k aD aay (bvur bar w call. aaay bV htaiwl axt 4wo W Mr. ai- Kuaar. aae. ma ma. at new. ten points to the inch. 1 fine muhoga- In' or call andexaiuine the premises. . . 1 1 - f a m Pa a a a a . !it.Bry. L00 k out for hit MILE! ' Stea wii ftwm m lefeajly. a -aif An It Hay M'ire M u le. 5 ar yaian'ttia m vrvA-e. a aauatt w ;i rt or irej o-a tava.a ix-ju kmb&n. Ml Srtf)t Jirhtlv m s ahaaeu. sbJw Ha betnl tirwaa aa li SaAainivy rd. tati liaaijtff kws ts'Ax bewtslvt fraat Virxmu in d.mMl, if not im-m km, awaur uue, Staking lier a Ka -t. . - ' A Jibrntl levari Mini be fai-aat br re overv. .- .' C. . ULtii. Wadi-lvW. X. C Jrntx ST. 11. t2- tty Piano, very littlo the worse if wear and of troo.l tone, due good two-Morse wng'on, on strong sjuTrigs and Iroh axles, fftieffiryieflOTTn? tobacco.. 'Last, but not least One first rate tiireshkitr machine and cleaner rombimd. 'l'ltes.. articles will he sold cheap. J. 11. THOMPSON. Tyro, Davidson County, N. C. Slay 21, ISti7. twkwn. Mi-tal orken Aihtys. SEC01t,STTAN A tX);, . P. 0. BOX. 1412 $ II roadway, X. T. ' May 2 twlm VALIABLE . PLUTA1HS F SALE. THE SUBSCRIBES OFFERS FOR sale a valuable plantation adjoining that on which be resides, containing two hun d'ed acres etnbriu rnfr an excellnteee af aaa torn land, known as the DRAFT BOTTOM. 85 or 30 acres, mostly drained and well improved ; about one half of the placets splendid wood land well timbered. There is o fhe place a good log bonse 14 storv and other necessary oat-housm It is situated on the Lincofnton road. 4 miles west of Salisbury. Any persou desiring a leeal itv would do well to call and examine the land. For further informal ion address me atTMIWiu term of taw bo made reasonable to tbe purchaser. June8(M7. tf abkij a. ivisji. 9 leVd Tt appeariua to tbe satisfaction af the that J. T. Iladeii is a nou resident af this State ; It in therefore ordered an that poMieation be made for afar weeks ia "The olL X.-rth .,' him to be aad appear at the next I court to be held lor the county of Davidson at tbe Court House in Lexington, ea tbe M Monday in August next, then aad there to re plevy and plead, and show cuaaeh asyheaaa, why aa order of sale shall net be granted asmiaet Mm and the tamea lewkd aa be eaUte satisfy the psaintisT s i Whaoss, Jno Haivj at Otficeiu Lexington, the a is and Moaday as May, A. XX, 1867. JNO. HAINES, Clerk. June 22, 17- (jrfeefe) 9m North Carolina Rail Road, Timefele, JVo. 9. Thft FYlinrjiii;hftr. A New Patent Fire Engine ! 1 WD FOR SALE. what were his antecedents. Hal. Sentinel. their tongues, it makes their mouths sore, nnd-the result is that they sliuji this local ity not alone, hut appear to tell the neigh boring rats about it, and evtmtnally the house isatbaudoned by them, not isbstand- ! , . . - . . 'i";hborhuod may be teeming With . J. . . . ing ihtfnc rats. ' a-hc Fall Elections. Tennessee has led oil' in what ait com monly termed the Fall elections. It used to 6e followed closely by several Southern States, but us the military comm.lAalis will not have the registry completed at the time designated by law for the elections, it is impossible to say when these States will vote. Formerly, Alabama, Arkansas and Texas voted. on the first Monday in August, .".th and North Carolina voted on the second .Thursday. The next elec tion outside of the udrcconst' Octco: States .will be that of Vermont, which will occur on the 3rd of Seplembi r ; and tie- clay af ter. California and the other extremity of t . ' - a j hi a. aa -MSV . .. ., tlie Lnio 4 wu follow. ,A tew ttavs att' r LATEST NEWS. GEORGIA COTTON CROP. : Agusta, Aug. 6. The Planters ilftSouth wes eru Georgia are preparing to pick Cot ton next week. xVecounls of the crop are favorable. a. ITRSrAXT Tp. A DECREE OF Forsyihe vaaty Cirt. mtde at Decem ber Term lNik, tbe subscriber will st-Il to the highest bidder, on the premise, on MONDAY, the 26th day of August next iw Dower, tbe tract of I Iuid bt loupiug la tbe estate "f the 1.lH' I Jacob II ate . d4, lying oa Muddy j r-ek, hi U- oMtuties off Forsyth aud Da ; vklon, ab.iai tea miles StMith-West from S tlem. adj 3j;ur the lands ef Tbo.s. II ines. Iiirhard KfLs aud other, ewutatutitg about 125 ACHKS. This is a very valuable traet of Ltcid and in a very hrgb!ale f ealnv:tri.iiu A eon-1 siderxble mimn of it i elc Ik -nt timbered ! mi: and skk in i: Non-Explosive Aurora Fluid BURN AT G. B. Poulson & Co's. t)iu i s'mitK THIS FLIT ID IS .THE SAFEST NOW in use. there is not a particle! of danger eon iteetetl with it' It does -not! smoke, neither iloes it greuseit has a pleasant and agreeable mlor. aud is cheaper to burn than Tallow or ayy kind of Caudles. Those having Kerosene Lamps have only to iret ntnyi burners. C une aud see this new Fluid apd burner. I s Price iHI cts. per gallon. For sale at G. B. FOULSONTS & CO'S Drug Store, YVyatt's Old Stand. Salisbury, X. C, July 20, I8fi7. tf To take effect 12.19 A. M., Sunday, Mag 10, 1807. f Trains going East leave Charlotte. AKRIVK. . t.EAVB. Charlotte 12.19 A. M. Concord ....1 11 A. M 1.13 " Salisbury, 2.IS.." 2.20 " Lexington 3.13. 3.!4 " ! High Point, 4.INJ., o 4.07 K-ens1mro,....4.ftl... 4.5H I Company Shopt. G.OO.. ". 0.15 i llillshoro" 7.13-. " .. 7-15 " lialeigh, 9. IS.." 9.27 " OoliKljHiro... .All; V. M. Train going West arrive at Charlotte. AliRTVE. . J-EaVe. .12.19 A. M. .11.21 P. M ...11.25 P. If .10-22.." 10.2ft " fi - . lO MEANS OF this iuveution the oVrxsarsag flames can be subdued ia less time than is . to write thus TOUT Houses, S tore s and Furniture, coM land. l"1I, rii- i ala a lirge quantity uf FROM NEW.OltLKAXS. ' j meadow land on the idace, and ue of the New OrleaffsUAug. 67 "Major ana Brc- ne orckard? ta be met with any a here, i f, i , . . cii : . Terms made knuwu ou tbe dav,. of sale, i vet Colonel Alsx. Von Schroeder Assist : , . , ,. . - - . WK but a liberal erc!i bmt be . xfw-vt, ! . ant Ius; . ctor f ieiieral n Slicridaa's staff, J I.KWIS II WFS V-hu'r died suddenly last evening of brain Sever. A radical tneeting is called to-night to endorse Sheridan. Several prominent par ty leaders arc announced to speak. Jul, ds FASHIOWABiB Dress Making in Salisbury ! t MRS. WILSOX & HARRISON WOULD respftfully auuoiiifce to the Ladies of Salisbu ry and-v icinity, that they are now carrying on t!ie 9 Dress Making Business, in the latest Styles ami-Fashions, A T THE VENDL ETON II 0 USE, (vr staii s' ikarlv iirrosm tup: Borprs Horse. and will In-pi.;, ise. I to receive their patronage. They conteniplate keepiug a small assortment of lress-Trimmiiigs, tttr:. ou baud. '.Hhoy are also prepare ! to make Ueiitleuienrs-C'lotb-iug. iuue '2, .'(7. 2w It is JA5IES ANDERSON, 'Superintendent. Office N. RaiLRoad, Mav Ki, lSt7. tf AaM A WS FOR ,1868. We !ia4 Vy Nhmtos "iananaa Ataaaaeaes rrit.lv tar dJime. m 4ae tuaaii ae tie' Ibtl aa4 w'tater tra4r . Tk- Tai. .- a J -4 1 V 3R te tvlV-r thaa aaaat $20 Reward! STOLID From the Subscriber's Sta bles, near Cotton Grove, Davidson i ouniy, ., o:i me mgiii oi mu ou and other valuables mar be saved wirtrid be destroyed before a Fire Company i ee . ,i. ALWAYS READY, POWERFUL AND PROMPT, this little Cuaine is capable of betas; used at aap time, by any person, aad in any place, aad esnv seiiueiiilV, of subdiiinr a fire at the moment af its diMtiverv even tlioucb it has already i ' alarnntw unare-i. 1 he ereat damage i done by the application'" 6T a large quantity of , water uy an onit ;ary cjnne is aasasai mmeawsj ' avoided i.y tins process, as it is net tbe ! vhu-b cMinjrmshes the flame, but with which is it impregnated. very Simple, a Its Ked aud Ready for Instant Service, .' and it need not lie ree harped for months, or evea for years is so light that any person can carry it with the irrcatc.-t ease, to any part Uf a bauaV ' ing that mat" lw on fire. ' j Entirely Self-Propelliiig, : it rei j uire.- no skill to manage it beyond what w neeessary to direct the stream by means offa , fiesibla fbe.' TI.e hxtii L . .-tier o, cTipies no more paw than ! a bucket -of water: weighs, when ready far use. j from tolij jhuuhIs, i trapped to the am! earned on the back wnti the Charlotte,. . . Concord,. ... Salisburj . . lximrton ;...9.;12.." 9.JB High Point 8.43.,." .... 8.441 " I ir.'i.iwtioro'. 7.."iH- ' 1 . S.0.1 Company Shops li.49.." 7.04 I HillsbonV 5.56.." 5.58 "- JJaleigh 3.50." 4.05 " (juldsbon.' 1.07 " The trains on, this road connect with those ; itftl.,-. I tt.' ji ii if iilumbia iinW ltimt at j Charlotte the Danville Road at Grnsboro 0,6 Bfre tunnngafe .sautf tap pijttmg it utts ,i .,, . , i , . i i t complete oiierat ion without the slightest danast "Ftfe I heahh or property. It nmykepC uir , iiiii.iii.'m .wTr..'.a,, ,..., miami ami North Carolina roads at Goldsboro. Passini'gers from the South for New York will reach that city as soon by the N- C. road as hv, ,4.11V oilier route. vninL on the !)th of SeiitciuLi-r. M.iine will be IrAird from, Nearly a month will then elapse, at the end of which time the great States of Pennsylvania, Indiana aud ( Ihio will engage in the political struggle :thcir day of election being the 8t h of October Next will come the elections that occur on the first Tujetday of NoTember the 5th. They are New York, New Jersey, Dela ware) MaryVtnd, Massachusetts, Michigan, Wifcousin, Mimiosot.t, Illiuois, Kansas, Mtfsouri and Navada. Cole ado M ill voti on the 12th of Nov mber, which will doc tne list of fall ctectyaaa. It will be s n. therefore, that there t sufUcicnt material to keep up a continuoua political excite ment until somewhere ncai the holidays, Richmond Whig. The New York HVM says that ia that city -that a are about 550 men who earn their livelihood solely by decoying fooc SUSPENSION OF JURY TRI ALS Wilmington, Aug. 6; Orders have been issued by "6 en. Sickles to suspend all jury Jriajj on account of iion-conipliain'.; with General Orders No. 32, ordering a revisal j of the jury lists. All jury trials upon re- ccyit of this order were suspended. FROM WASHINGTON. Washington, Aug. Ii. Secretary Sew ard has returned. Stanton did not attend to-days, Cabinet meeting. Revenue to-day, S145.00. - The comparative statement of tbe debt covering two moiUks, shows that the debt bearing coin interest has increased 745,-, 262,750. The debt bearing currency in ten st has decreased 80,726,910. Matur ed debLnot presented for pavment i an, k "i r'ym aa -ntairi Itetinjruishes tire pnmiptly ou RoetA, Tar. sad Kaleigb, N. C. tried it Kumnc.Cboi.ixA F.IRAI BOOKS, Jarft.. iaaa Prrtl S. BRAXSUX, FAKBAB A CO. Tailoring Establishment. iiitjiiwniiiLii f? iimeitj-i ; -"v - . 7 " ofl erutilaiantabte material win i a ants oi ot ititoriiiiiii' Ins tnends thai he Still carries '"si., nit no etlee? . ..a tli. TAILORING BTJSXXVfiSS, Ti,-,n C-VPV MflVA Wherever this Kitinrmsher has .in all its various brHiiehes at his stand in . . . . has proved - v. ; '' - "O TTT' -RTTTT nTWri three years old, not quite grown, her fore- . Knlirelv Mnrreaaftll. wx top cut off square, even, with her eyes, jrbc fofl-iwing from a leading Kew York PV Oil Ha ill Ntreel. large mani hanging on both sides of her 'per wills-how 5t. va-t utility in a great city, and 4posrrrfA liKtntorsE. ; fS2; b, f Sail, roads, steamboats " iWM&lStttt ......... i ii'- -,i im i ii oi, -iiui in- inn unvc rrrieii , nri e v n i iu on i v7, mm as Jt r, , t lueut iatm. IKit' ai4ltKB IIIIP . -i-.v-riiK rut"-; ..... tn..u elM,i;.L.i.t ,.i i.i Janes Tetasl given aatice taat he j ai,;i;tv has jnst fesiJ a aew BarWe Shoti. it the i . c ,."! Mansa Il..i.pite tkw .YarASasftf Of- 10 jSlf till lit: illfJrfrtttm IViill slilth-. d has a suspicious look her off .1 lescription : 0wv-n is 5 feet 1 or .3 iuchi-s high, conin-r etdored, liuis c- . TERMS : Shmrimf,.' , fcJsWjAtorWjP, a J Mimsirnr afariae, -Sali.Unr. Jsly 4. l-ia. -. 10 cents. ...26 " ..a .50 - edT$,(l,79d 55. The bearing no inser- SHS.Tt. This makes i ST. MARY'S SCHbOL, RALE Hi U. X. C. Rskt JSrr. TW JhSaaa, A ), Visitor. - RcT. JMrsf yaiiahi, D 1 . R, t,r Rrr Rrmmttt Pamirs, A. Jf A'sL Tbe Rtfr-ana asm af ttus eVhawt wfll eooe snrttreaa the rfth aS JsJv. lt, sad ctaaunoe satti tfer 7ta . ' fm a i aw asar who may favor him with a call He hojiesi from hi long experience, ami by an unremitting attention to huaiuess to merit . j ainl reeeive a libi-ral share of public patron-1 j ae. His charge will be niiHlerate as low j a" tho.-e of any ither workman of epial .-kill. . . fj Louhtry product of all kinds taken ! in ejrehanfie for irwri. V (iive hua a call, and vuu will not go away , dissatifi.d. . C- X. PURE. Salisbury. April 2J. 187. tw3m L- : a a fftk da- siyastawi Boyden and Bailey, ral Cart,will attenil promptly to all ease efl" Bankr.iptcy entnwtwl ti their cars. r- '1 Tiffasy's Grfvt JswKtBT Stobs, If. .Vir the Xrtr I'attnt.Fire Knaim.. twcea I andlto'eJoek this BHtrning aire out oU the fourth flot-r of TuTuoyV Jewelry m. ."Bio Ittnsdway. The fire orenrred una wwrk lMTi. h. XuxiJLtniefi extended ta the leiir. Tin- tirv wa-v di-voeered .by, a VaTehdwn emidovtal on the ssaaaiaaa. rlerkawrbo l-t mth- building attempted to i-h the ffatne-. but were ansneraaafaL aa at ."'i w then given. and tbe firs Battel pot eat th- tine with a Patent Kire riltniahHai The , datracv to property wa only about BSta etl at the r Iranian a inniranra Wmm rn- u.1 caaiuj - j. . t,ttnui "i- . .. ii., ,u- .u i:iin i.i, i niwiDUii- wi j ioess.aad will j n.niptly exeeuteall orders sent TFWT t nivro m i tbe s .MatadaCtory manner. Give ! . M, A 't' lTl J AJS'? a trud. A 'o - : Afrmior r- .irorc or jyorrm t arxMmm, i;i.. mrbj a inna'ta,' i Jjexmaton N. mr w i'he above reward of f 20 will be paid to any person who will recover the mare, or give information that ill lead to her recovery. ' JAC H MILLERS fotton Grove. Davidson Co.,-?. Inlv 25th, 1867. -N4W-1W. Blackburn A Holder, PI HP HAliKRS. rniKii:i: thkiu sf.kvktii thkcitt- II a.ntmBjaiia T, er Slay to Uie faro table. . " - V C . to 4fh. II rar-Sf

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