tool the Kast, to whoso lively itnugina Uom and love of the rowan t ic and uiarvcl- it ia peculiarly adapted. I he dm! master or tula branch of literature waa JSsop, a native of Aaia minor. Ilia witdom and wit reoornmondad Liua to Cna ana, IS rick king of l.yd'u, of whose court fee became an attache. Uo first gave co iJsMty to this specie of composition bat , mdv of tbe " fables" tbat have com . down o aav-iearing hta nanv( are isfadiav v tod by Uie critics, as tbe work of inferior band. How wucbJ2op kas been es t teemed and bow attractive to human na tal is this mode of conveying instruction, appears from tbe vast number of editions tbrouiru which " vKaop'a Fables" have uaseed. and the numerous truncations of J at them into various language of the world. The fascination of the apologue mm I doe to soveral causes J 1. The amusing ingenuity displayed in transferrin!; to the interior animals the aen i fisjn- and language of human being. S Tbe convenient disguise it furnishes i to ridicule folly, t rebuke vice, without the offhnce of personality. If we can believe history, the happy ap . plication of a fable has done wonder in quieting tumults, exposing sophistry, and ' making wickedness odious. Iu what words or by what images" was ingratitude ever painted in so detestable a light as in the fable of the thawed snake, stinging the warm bosom of his deliverer? What ar- Caent better f tted to reconcile the bard tod laborer to still deliberation and pro vident thought, or to show the mutual di cadence of labor and capital than tbe fa ble of the s omacb and the .limbs, by which Menenius Agrippa led back tbe seceding plebeians to Rome t " The recoil of a malicious attack upon its author is strikingly exhibited in " the vi per and the file." The total consequences of thoughtless excess are seen in " the bees . entangled and suffocated in the honey pot." When Phillip of Macedon demand ed of the Athenians as the price ot peace that they should deliver up their orators, Demoethencse exposed jhe wiles of the . crafty monarch by the fable of the sheep giving up their guard dogs,, at tbe propo sition of the wolves. I have, therefore, often thought thai a man who weald put these apologues into popular and vigorous rhyme would do service to the cause of wisdom and virtue, besides immortalizing his own name. I pretend not to be the man, or any thing like it ; but haviug once thrown off a hasty Attempt at the manner in which I conceive the thing ought to b done, I offer it to your columns, confessing my "incapacity tor the proper vigor and point. My rude . Odsay way lead the way for some great er favorite of the Muses; as the floating of the soap-bubble led to the invention of httre Mautllus sugges ted the idea of sailing on the deep. T Hak abdthb Toktoisb. A hare once playing hi a wood, Before a ereepinir tortoise stood': (These humble cr -stares aa-avstake Their house ad att.unon their back;) Mk I.igiitfoot, iir a mood for fan, f Her jokes on shell-back thus begun : " You mean not far, to-day. laar Irieiid, I mess, vour .journey to extiad7 i vou. .10 slow ou creep ttwJ es an hour t' advance a step. I u lini I iiI.-um-. can forward hurry : But o!f! that shell, how great a worry ! For your hard lot I'm truly sorry." The tortoise answard : " Neighbor .Shanks, Your kind compassion baa my thanks ; But, I will bet yon what please, Til heat yourladyship in a race." "Pooh! pooh! you Joke, but 1 deny it; To end dispute then, let us try it" :, They trt away the hare hast shot. And half a mile ahead has got She stops, and in a gamesome mind. Laughs loud at shelf-back tor behind ; 5 Fool that 1 was to waate my speed To beat drudge 1 only need To rnu ten steps, then atop and lead. Conceited reptile ! "Tia a wonder What follies some beaata labor under ' For that dull, lumbering creature there, To try heels against a bare '. Who'll he along in some two hours : Meantime I'll nibble these few flowers! Then ifl fee) inclined to rest, 'U take a nap within my nest." So saying, Lightfoot browsed and slept. While Shell-back plodding onward kept ; Attained the goal, and claimed the prize By th' time her rival oped her eyas.r BOKAI.. Learn fienius. by this simple story, In native talents not to glory. Lest plodding Industry come in To raap the lau els thou mightest wla ; And ye plain minds, dissatisfied Because bright gifts ye arc denied. Improve your humble parte with constant care, and then thetortois will outrun the hare. Wilboh.X. ('., May 18G7. W. H. OlO. G. B. Ponlson 4 Co., DRUGGISTS Apothecaries to W. C. ROBERTS & CO. And it is their intention to keep always on hand every thing Id their line of baaiaeea and warrant it Pare, Freeh and Knadiilteratod. and will mat.- Hthwatoajeat PBUti STi ffi B-w ptir. ha-t' Meanetne Ibreaah in this State. Tla ssaiaeas will TdS ladVr tlie entire niaaagementof l)r. (J. B. POCI. tsllV. WyattaOld Steud, Maia St., Salisbury. X. C. July IIUi. 1HB7. tw-tf ST. MARY'S SCHOOL, RALEIGH, N. C. Right Rev. That. Atkinstm, D, D., Visitor. " Rev. Akkrt timede, D. 1) , Reetor R r. Rennett Smcde, A. M., A'jt. The Kiitv-tir-l term of this hchool will fNitn- nieru-e on tho -T.h of July, 1SG7, aud continue until the 7th of December. Few s circular coDtainiit full information, ap plr i th,. rs r. Jane 'Jt Iw iilMGUAM SCHOOL, MEBANEVILE, N.C. 4 HCMifNI or 1S7. FALL TERM. OPBXs ji i.V Mra. cawssa asT InnH-t oa.'huai.s:. Matbeaiatical aad Coaasaer cial. Forcirrnlar. v.Mr- , saw 11, 1T tww HL. WM. BIM.HAM. ile for iu Iwautr and r with the virtue of ! moat desirable wa Waters ileal til III I U the waters, uuiug plat s lu the country The Mineral of these Springs are the White and Blue Sulphur, and Chalybeate, and they poaaeaa all the finest Nihilities of these waters, and are auvreigu reme dies for all diseases of the liver, bowels, stomach and kidney. The Springs are accessible by any of the roads leaiflug to Musbary, S. C.aud at tfiat point the Western North Carolina Itailroad will oouvey via itora to Hickory Station, at which place convey aaoes are always iu attendance to take them to the Springs. Dr. White, of the Mistical Collear, of Virginia, will be at the Springs the entire season, and in valids may rely upougood atteutiou. Having again secured the service of Mrs. W re rui, and made ample arrangements fhr keep ing a good table, and the beat wines, liqnur aud cigars, and haviug eugaged Smith's Itaud lor tbe season, and we anilely promise to all. every eonve nienee fur pleasure, comfort and amusement that may be desired. Uoard per month t4t0 00 Beard per week is OS Bo rd parday S 00 Children under aeren years of age, aud sen ant half price. J. GOLDEN WYATT I CO. May 81- 3m Proprietors. D. O, WORTH,.- ,:- DAVIIL i WORTH A DANIEL, SHIPPING And Commission Merchants, WILMINGTON. N. 0. pEALERS IN BAGGING, ROPE, Is Iron Ties, I.imn, Plaster. Cement. Hair, (.canine IVru v isn liucne direct Rom (iorerunieiit agents. Salt, Hay and ell kindsof ,"nal. Ajrruts nirhsugU's Raw Uoue Super Phosphale ol Ma. Aleuts fortbe Philadelphia Southern Mail Mean, bipliaa. (pent 1. r ( iooiKpred's wecklv Steamship line from New York. Agents for Jonas Smith A (Vs., lineof New York sail psrkets. Feb. l."t7. fim. J. A. Bradshaw, IS sei.uxu iita AO TH25 OHBiLPSOT Consisting iu part of the following Articles : Hats, Caps, Boots & shoes, READY-MADE CLOTHING. Ladies' Dress Goods, Summer Shiucts, Bleached and UnbLmck ed Domestics, Cassinets, Ilandkerchitfs, ohirts, Cravats, Calicoes, Balmorals, , Matties, Lace Points, Flannels, Casimeres, irrjt, Suspenders, Paper Collurs, Hoop Skirts, Brooms, Crockery, Earthenware, Jtoodenware, Cutlery, Whips, rf-c, dc. ope, lar, Groceries, Hour, ' Corn, Potatoes, Candles, Sugar, Cfcc, Salt, Tallow, i tfc, dc. RUBBER SUITS, Brushes, Soap,' Watt Paper, School Books, Oil Cloths, Buggy Bolts, Patent Leather, Puatocks, Wood-Screws, Steel Traps, FUes, Weeding-hoes, Ghopping-axcs, Ijong Handled Sluyvels, Plow chains, " " Forks, Well-Wheels, Homemade checks Striped cottons', Factory Cloth, Country Jeans, Yarns, Madder, Copperas, Extract lAtgwood, Indigo, Calfskins, Shoe-thread, Pegs, Sewing-Awls, Carpeting, Foot-Mats, Rugs, Tobacco, Perfumery, &C. Snufi, &C. All of which he is 4etrinined to sell as cheap as can be done in this market. Give as a call, examine and judge for your selves, it is a part of oar basini'ss to show oar Goods. J. A. BRADSHAW, NO. 3, OBAN IT K ROW, Salisbury, X. C ' May 2. 1867. wtwtf Stevens House, 21. 23, 25 & 27, Broadway. New (oprosiTS bow lino ntX.) O TIIK KI'HOPK.t 11, l. THE KTEVfS HOt 8E IS WELL AXD WTDE ly known to the travelling pablic. The loratioa is especially eaitaiue to nierrhanis and business men : It is in close proximity to tbe httinei part of the city is oa the highway of Southern and Western travel and adiaeaat to all the principal Railroad and Stes mboat Sepots . Tne wveos Mouse has liberal aerommodaffdn for rr 3H fwi-it is welt haruiahed. and cvenr modem iaymivenwnt for the comfort and Mtel tainmcnt of its Tnmatea. The rooms are spacious and well ventilated provided with pas'and water the attendance is lira mot aad respectful and the ta ble is fgnrrouslv lirovioVd with wery delicacy of the aea.nn at moderate rales. 1 . Tlicrooma havina been refurnished and remoddled. we are enabled to oiler extra facilities for the comfort and pleasure of wttr liuesta. tifiU. K. CHASE a: 00. June 4. 188. jfaa PaorSirroas. MILLINERY! Mr. LO0BA BRiiwy orLD BfiPPFOT- fully intona all of her old patron aad thecitix. us of- this and the 1j anno coaotiea. that she ts now pre pared to famish all the latest aad most approved steles of Bats, Bonnets, Ac, Ac, for both I.adies aad Misses. Her stock ia bow fall, xfaae will, front tiff e ta Uaw. add sack articles as the Saaaaas aaay esquire, riir km i rail flaiaahi aamjBaaaaSaafassssSI iasSaaie. fsiiarjr, M. . M.j 16, rSSV. mt$ jsjsv Stbbm IVsa B8 rff fei JB GR Bp nj PJ wstosjs AS INNISS STREET, Sept. 8,'flti. nolOOtf. WM. M. R0BBIN8, ATTOXT AT LAW, 8ALI8RURY, N. C. Attend the Courts ef Rowan and the adoin ug counties. Urrios Kast aids of Main street, belo Market Uouae. Ian6tf NOTICE! ALL PERSONS INDEBTED TO THE estate uf Waa. H. Wilson, dse'd.. are hereby notified to call on me at once aud settle and save ousts Persona having elaims against said estate must present them, duly authenticated, within the time prescribed by law or they will be barred. WM. M. BOBBINS, Dee. 15. 1806. Attor. for Adin'x. Cheap Printing Paper. T Editor and PubliNher. Letter from TP. G. Clark, Esq., President tf the Southern Press Association. Atlanta, 0a. April IB, le7. J. 8. ThsaShes, Km.: bear Sir ItaJforos me much pleasure tocani munieate to yon the following resolution of the Southern lrea AaHoriation : Itesolved, "That as a testimonial of our appre ciation fortbe sealous, faithful and effective ser vice of John 8. Thrasher, Esq., aatiupeiiuteiidt'iit of this association in years past, We hereby tendei hint the (hanks of this Assu I'iation, and confer upon him the couipliuioutiiry puaioon of Agent of the Southern Press Assot-iu thin In the city of Now York." The tonus of commendation employed in the ill him- resolution do more than juMice to your iin Hirtuiit services during your superintendency services which none enn more highly nnprecuitc than myself. Should occasion require, I shall lie g!:ul to svail rayscll'of the iiid provided for by the resolution. Very respeetfully, your oUidiuut servant W. 0. Olakk, President ROUCB I woultl respeetfully n-qnest every daily, tri weebly, semi-weekly, weekly ami moutiily jour uulstiuth uf.thc Potmuar and uhio fix ers, and the :ttiilesr. 'JO mill, paruilel of latitude west of tbe Mississippi, to publish this ndvertiseuieiii twice, and scud to me, ut New York, each time, a cony of the paper containing it, postpaid, with In 1 for sit mo. U is desirable, in my combinations to procure cheaper printing paper for our Southern journals, that I shall hare the fullest information regard ing the sines of paper used by the several publica tions, and I cau procure it in no other wuy than by rcmicstiiig-particular attention to the uccd of sending n copy of the publication with the bill. I desire it sent twice to provide against mail failures, and that they be pot-paid to MH-urcpost office delivery. J. S. Tiik akiikh, may 4, sit Cos 5,939 Sew York, ST. T. British Periodicals. 2UBV1BW, (Coxsekvativk. ) 2DI?:BUF.a R2VILW, (WllIO.) THE WBSTBCIla'BVBB. B. E VIEW, (Rauk m. ) THE KORIH BRITISH Review, Fuei: Cuubcu. AND Blackwood's Edinburgh Bffagrasuie, ITi.rv.l ,,..... THESE FOUEIGN tEiaoiiiCALS AREl resftihrly repuhli.-lifd by us iu tlie satu style as heretofore. Those Who Itimw them and and who have !ii; snbscrilteil h (hcni,' need no reipindcr; those whom the civil war of the last few years litis deprived of their once wel come supply of the best jcriodicui literature, will be lad to have them again w it .in their reach ; aud thoss who may never yet have met with them, will assuredly be well pleased to receive accredited reports of the progress of Europeun science and literature. TERMS FOR 1867. For any ouo of the Reviews. $4 per annum For any two "... 7 " For any three " 10 " For any four " " 12 " Eor Black wood's Magazine, 4 4i For Blue kwnod and One Review, 7 ' For BlachWiMMl and auy two of, the Iltir-ws, JO " For BluckwiMal and three of tbcRevieWSu 13 For Bluckwixkl aud the four of theReviea's, 15 CLUBS. A discount of twenty per cent, will be al lowed to olubis of fcinr or more persons. Th is tour copies of Blackwood, or of one Review, will be sent to one address for 12.80. Four copies of the fonr Reviews and Blackwood, for $48,00, and so on. POgTAOR. When sent by mail, the Postage to any part of the United States will be but twenty-four i cents a year ror " Blackwood,'- and but eight cents a year for each of the Reviews. PREMIUMS TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS. ; New subscribers to any two of the above periodicals for J 807 will be entitled to receive gratJa, any on.- of the ..Fur Review s for 1866. New subscribers to all five of the Periodicals for 1867 may receive, gratis, Blackwood or any two of the Four Reviews for 1866. These premiums will bo allowed on all new subscript inns received before April 1, 1867. Subscribers may also obtain back numbers at the following reduced rates, vis : - The -North British from January? WBSb hi Iecmiwrl8ftT, TtMusivei1thejnburghand ihe VVestiniuster from April, 1864, to Decem ber, ISlili, inclusive; and thelnndon Quarter ly for the years 1865 and 1866, at the rate of I ?l..;0 a year for each or anv Review also I Slack wood for IrMili, for 2.50. I w Neither premiums to subscribers, nor discount tq Clubs, nor redjfeed prices for bacS umnbera, can Wallowed, unless the money is remitted direct to the Publishers. N'o premiums can be given to Clubs. The Leonard Scott Pt ausHiNn Co., 38 Walker St,. N. Y. The I,. 8. PUB. Co. also pcblish the rARMER S OTJIDE , by Ilenry Stephens, of Ediubargh, and the late J. P. Norton, of Vale College. 2vob Roral vcia--o, jissj pages, . and numerous Cngra - I vines. 1'nce 7 liir tlie two volumes hr mail post paid, ft!. march 8-tw-tf S lXr (.'sod. Ladies' Dress Goods, Brown and Black Silkrariety, Alpaccas Black, Brown, State and Plaids, Irish Poplins, Foulards, Muslins, Grenadines, Beragee, Notions, Star, Serpentine, Linen o WorstcjLBruids, Kid Glom 'lii mill stored, Bobbin, i c , ice., Sheetings, and Pillow-Cases, bOMESTICS. Ihree-Quarter, four-Quarter, FivsQuar ter, Sir-Quarter, Seven-Quarter, Eight Quarter and Nine-Quarter Linen Sheet ings, Also, Large assortment qf Domestic Dry Goods, GEXTS: FURNISHING GOO DS Black Cloth, Black Cassamerc (Doeskin.) Fancy Cassamere, Satlimtts, Linen Duck and Plain Jeans and Cottonades, Collars linen d' paper, - Cuffs, do do G lores, Neck Tics, etc., etc. HARDWARE, Tin-Ware, Stone-Ware, HATS, BOOTS, and and CAPS, SHOES, For Ladies' Cents aud Children. . GROCERIES, To(ptlier with a variety of (owuls nsoally found at a Qrat class Wliolesalc and Retail Store, all of which I am determiSed to sell at the luwutt cash price. Country Produce of all Kinds, taken in exeliangc for (iontls. Salisbury. N. C. April II. 1SR7. tw-tf To Consumptives. The advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after bavin-; suffered for several years with a severe luiia urTectiou, and that dread disease OonKiinip- i t'on anxious to make knowu to his fellow suf ferers the means of cure. To nil who dChire it, he will send a copy uf the prescription used (free ofcharge) with the dilu tion for preparing mid using the suine, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption. Asth ma," Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, und all Throat and Lung Affections. Tbe only object of the adver tiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he con ceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every suf fSrer will try his remedy, as it will post them nothing, and may prove u blesdng l'artiis wish iug i he prescription, free, by return mail, will please address KEV KDW.tKD A. WILP0N, Williamsburg, Kings Co., New York. May 2, 17. tw.l wly.- w HI SEEKS and MUSTACH ES forced to grow upon tlie smoothest face in from three to five weeks by using Dr. SEVIG- NE'8 RESTAURATEUR ( 'API LL AIRE, the most wonderful discovery in modern sci etice, acting upon the Reard and Hair iu an almost miraculous manner. It has been used by the elite of Paris ami Loudon with the most rlntteriug success. Xamesof all purcha sers will be registered, and if entire satisfac tion is not given in every instance, the money will be cheerfully refunded. Price by mail, sealed aud jKistpaid. $1. Descriptive circu lars and testimonials mailed free. Address REBORS, Siiutts, & Co., Chemists, No. 285 River Street, Troy, N. Y., Sole agents for the United Slates. - - april 4,'(i7-ly. Wonderful, But True ! MADAME REMINGTON, Ihe world re uowued Astroiogist audSomnambuIistrcClair voyant, while iu a clairvoyant state, deliniea tes the very features of the person yon are to marry. and by the aid of an iustruiiieut"Vf in tense Hwer. known as the Paychouiotrope, guarautocs to Jmiduce a perfect and life-like picture of the future husband or wife of the applicant, with date of marriage, occupation, lending- traits of character. t(e. This is no imposition, as -testiinrmtah),iai'fhunt number Cau assert. Bv stating ;place of birth, age, disposition,, color of eyes and hair, and enclo sing fifty cents, aud stamped envelojie addres sed to yourself, you will receive the picture by return mail, together with the desired informa tion. Address iu confidence, Madame Gertrude Ketiiiugtou. I'. Ifox, 'tf, est I my, .ew York. march 28-ly BKAUTY.- -Au-burn. Golden, Fben, arrd fHkm CURLS produced by the use of l'mf. l)e- ItreHx's PRISER I.E CHEVEUX iiliratmn warranted to curl the most strait; and stubborn hair of either sei into wavv riiigh'ts, ir heavy ruassive curls. Has Ihhmi used by the fashionables of Paris and Lmdou with the mitsf (rraf ifviug results. Does, no in jury to th.- hair. Price by mail, sealed and postpaid, !.. Deacriptive Circulars mailed free. Address HERGES, 8H1JTT8 k CO., ('hernials, No. 25 River street. Troy, X Y.,ole agents for the United States. April 4th. 67. ly. "Trrrii ro4m. A Flimre Bath. Sis Bath Shower Bath any hour of th. da r or niht. ii -v w arm ifr t id. t an at me ROVDEN HOUSE Jnly2, lsa7- . tf. One i- hi of faury Call and dtf no43 AsrnlN Wanted F o K THE Life, letters, SiHyhea, A'c, of HUN. ALKXANDKB H. STEPHKNa, BY IIKNItV 'I.KVRLANI. ESQ. (Ijite Editor of the Augusta (Ja ) Conatitu tlonaliat.) fiend for Circulars aud se our terms, and a full deat ription of the work. Addreaa NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO. ('r. 7th Ac Main Sts., Biebmond. Va. January 1. JtW7 tw-tf FIELD, LAN6STR0TH & CO., IN FOREIGN & DOMESTIC HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, etc., NO. 440 MARKET ST. ' P II I L A D 15 L P II I A . Uc are constantly receiving addi- ditious to our stock from English. French, German AUb American Manufacturers. Merchants visiting this city are invited to examine our 1 .&QS0RTIOITT 07 G00D0, which will be offered as low as any house in the country. iy Orders will rrceirc prompt and careful attention TJ BEN. FIELD, T.F.LAKUSTROTH W. P. MA180X. Nov. 21, I860. tw tf SPRING 1867.' II fE HAVE IN STORE BY RECENT YV arrivals from Europe n large stock of German Scythes of different lengths. ; holm, liwlqers. Wade tf" Butcher, and all ota i" .. ermakesTrfufcry. Mots A Gamble, and!, ost faroraMe rwsoiijkfor other makes of Files and Raw. dweor f hclisving that pt lrolc um wrll be lonad at Jackson and other makes of Saws, Cotton Hoes of Iron, Steel. Bright Steel and Polished Cant Steel, Trace Chains, Lock Chains, Breast Chains, Stay Chains, f., all of which with a full assortment of Domestie Hardware Will be offered at low prices for cash. . FIELD, LANGSTROTH d CO., "Feb. 23, lcXid. tf Philadelphia. Consumption Cnred! ' Use Hasting's Compound Syrup Naptha. Cures Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Ahstma, Croup, dr., d'c. It gives Immediate Jfrluf, removing all -IcineM and thytietus of the throat, allaying irrita : ion. ami increasing the Power and Flexibility of the Voice; loosens a Cough, and causes the pa ticnt to expectorate easy. It has a soothing ef feet on the Urocntal Tulios, ami win re a tough is fight, or attended with Hoarseness, it will soon relax those parts, remove all unplea -ant symp toms and restore the organs to a healthy condi tion. Tt Price S1,00 cr Ttoffle. Sold by- M XL-IVAN A CO.. Maruh 36 1867. tw3ni . Halisbnry. K. C. New Marble Yard. ON LEG STREET, Near Lutheran Grave Yard, SALISBURY, N. C. The undersigned rcspectfrillv informirthe citi zens of this and the adjoining counties" that 'he- is citT-nd its,Toinls, Heal has established a Marble Yard is prepared to furnish Monuments stones, f-c, ic, as chenu :sthuv can lie proem e 1 in Western Xorth Carolina. Give him a cal Country Produce- taken in exchage for work .loll N BCI8. Salisbury, May 7, IN it. M THE YARJkOl GII 'TOt?SE FA YETTE VILLE STREET, RALEIGH. N. C. I HAVE THE PLEASURE OP AX nounctug to my friends, and the travelling pub lie that I have leased the . . YARBROUGH HOUSE, for a term of years. The house will be Repainted and Furnished. with new and elegant furniture at once. I return sincere thanks to my patrons for their verv wnd and liberal natronago, received Waft in charge.of the EXCHANGE liOTEL in this citv'. I promise that the Yarlmmgh House shall have no aaoeviofiTn the svoutn. March W, lWT. J. If. BLAIR. 8I, ',- i i aii i i. ii- HEWTAlLORIP, Mansion House, opposite Nortk Statc Office, SALISBURY, N. C. THK StTUHCBlBKR TAKKS TIMS NETHOH Or' infnrntinn tberitfecps of Salwliury and aarToandinf: country, that be has opened a shop at Ike "Maaaton lloiie, oppoaile Knnim' old fhruir Store, where br Hatters binuvffthat. from ate Utttf experieaer aad "tri t atlenliea to loisiuess be will I able to iri ve frm- r.i! it..(.o tTJn. nnd- t. : Baerit aad r. . . ... . I... eral . :r - ... . I am now in receipt of the N. w York aad Phila delphia fashions. ll tmHt hi, my shop done ia a rurknianhkr vleand varranted U St. To rait t!.e convenience uf iLc tnuoa. any prices anli be as . Kor rtath fawsnrr. " CiMiaw Saek I'oatafrom " HaaaaaaHUi GMaa, .W.isi tos.on utiiQar i aaaa, , Paata. Por raakiBK ...7. ...... ........ JS . w J.SS " ' Vrata. ..l.SSSSS S XJ- Mr term., will be cask or sii Ibui. L. Mc.Md (s wasarsaty a. v., ataj ss, ifjsr. ' Sal at the XorH l)r. E. S. Ilutchiaoa. Jattiaa V. Moudeuhall, I. II. Htnttaaba. Frank P.Osv- auah. Marcus Witty. Cmpilml Stocks $5W,(mm Par Vmtmt of Share Each, Mi A'aashar of .VUn. 100.080 Fifty thousand shares reTd bj cowj far working capital. N abaures to he ass ed! This romiiaiiv has socurvdowl thousand acres of mineral lauds, sit the oouutias of Chatham, Moon, Rocking ham and r-token, on tbe waters of JUtt-i and Dan Rivers, in North Carolina, which abound iu plentiful deposit of biftamt coal, coiiiK-r, iron, sail, and there la icason to blcjevc fmw general and aurfaoo - I aaawt Malai.saaa avksa aatisa. .weal All of Uo suid cu nt men, exiH-rirnred in borinjr fur oat, and stiuiolatcd Lj a long course of success iu Venango county, Pennsylvania, were secured ly the compaujr aevcral montlss since, and tlrcy are now on tbe lands, with tbe requisite force, tools, steam engine, tubbiiur and niachiucry, boring s well witb very flattcriugnmsDcets of sneeess. The orgauixalion oPthis company eAeted sesoe time since has now bees perfected in legal form, by act of incorporation, witb a capi tal of5U0.000, divided into 100,000 shares of $6 each, 950,000 shares of which, or an amount of stock equivalent, par valor, to 9250,000, have been reserves and set aside for a working capital. It is well known that a superior article of Lit u in in i us coal is now being mined iu the Deep river coal region, where a por tion of ho binds are situated, and this company owus property known to be equal if not superior to any on which shafts have In en sunk. Copper, iron and salt site abound, and the attention of capitalists has already hreu directed to this section on ae count of its value for the above minerals. In order to have sufficient means to de velop this valuable property in sncb a manner as to insure success, the Directors have have authorized 10,000 shares of the capital stock to bo sold to raise a working capital, aud subscription for tbat nunibci or any jiart thereof will be received. Au opportunity uiicemuionly favorable for invent lSonajs thus afforded, one ad van tage being that all a bo ekooec to buy stock under this offer will obtuin it upon bur more reasonable terms than ran be looked for in short time, alter the immense value and mineral resources of these lands become no great depth, and in profitable quanti ties, it would be advisable for all who pro. pose investing to do so at once, and est. bark in an enterprise, which, after the ex ample of the immense profits realised in those of a similar character in other Stales gives reasonable assurance of the most la crativv results. In other States nearly sll companies of a similar character have bassed their oper ations upon small tracts of land, in many instaiici s even as small an ert a as one acre has 1m eu deem sufficient, but ''The North Carolina Petroleum and Alining Company" has secured ui less than fourteen thous and acres, (most of w Lit h abound in bitu minous coal of a rich quality) acquired at no liltle epeMMaml selected witn great care and skill from .the choicest mineral lands in the Slate. Frequently it has been the case in less favorable oil localities that shares hare ad vanced in a few days from $3 or t5 to 1 . $20, and even ?50, and persons of slight means who made small investments, real ized fortunes. Actual boring has now commenced and a considerable depth has already been reached 8o far. the prospects of stirejtss are fair, and scientific men seem to entertain no doubt as to the probability of find in tr oil. Neverth. SrS tt uhu,,,,e,y faa iM 1 t,nK f winch u.. fears are entertained, they ....11 r . : i . . . w " 111 Having securea valuable tracts of Coal, Copjer and Salt lands. For further particulars apply at the office af the Company, in Greensboro', N. C.. or ta Dr. E. Nye Hutchison, Salisbury, N, C; where, certificates of stock can be bought, aad pamplcts obtained giving history of tba dis eoveryofoil and other interesting informs uiatioii. All couimuuications addressed ta PETER AD WIS Oct. 18.1806. tw-tf President. IXEW Jewelry Store I M. DAVIS TAKES thU method of iuform- IBKBtS rrtrllds ald the Ullblie n.n.r.11.. ,1... V- V i J wprnei ew jeweay store ia the baildraa; Opposite Crawford af Bros , on Mam St, liutuifcKLl SHOBER'S IjAW OFFICE.) urre iwr niajr and BO Sad .L ,, kept ia aarb estaMishateats. Watches. i aseaa Jccln and Musical Instrnments re paired at tar Aarte4 Btfar and it Baa r Kaaraniceuia every i Balance. Heats la hw store a MwfkHa a tae$Hau:kBoaBasthe Cuckoo Clock, " k UtfM He retaraa his MBcere thank to the pablic for tba p-tronarr hrrHofore l-W. -l npea thr Ira U - 'Hxt aad hapes by strict interr-ty aad nureno'tii.t attention t business to merit scaatfaa aarc at 1 1 ... caaae .,, hiaaself. SalisbarT. .tpril 13th. 1867 watarSjS A, Card to XovalMs. A clergvaian, ahile reMidingj. South America as ami.4uiiSry. discovered as J1 and simple rem edy for the cure ol'Nei roils 1 eakness, Karly Ih cay, iHseases of the rrinary and Seminal Or pan -and the whole train. of r?-rt hrtinght on by lameful and l krieus h''U- II n at number bar '! tnis noble n inn v Iln.,nn. ,A .... . - '- . & ... K .1 . , m in p-- n in , r auBBTiea 1 tarn ate. t arm .xjr.i tne receipt for pri-parinr aaiag this raeUfc inc. ia a seakHl envelope, tu i nave wb u. jds it. "bek or f n iMia. iJEtU T Tlen f. Hil.le la, I: tarty ' I r ! r. y. w Yark Crhy )