7 UWf8 HIM EH KdlUr 4c Frrtrf r. TletMJMWW J. entente, W SALISBURY. N. gATUMMT-. AgWTOT 1 1SC7. WHOLE KcX27 VOL IL NO 26 -r Special . World iH oni-hcd. AT TUB WOUDSBTCL UVKLAT1UM MAPS BT TAB GEE AT A8TROLOG18T, 81m umli anfMhl bo mortals ever knew. A Wrtim to happlnea thaw who, from dole sal mtM atAastrophiea, crosses m lore, lost fof matfoaa aad friends, Ins of money, dee., bar become despondent. She brings togeth or those toug separated, gives information cou ersalag absent Mauds or levers, restores tost ar b I pesperty. tcJU you the boat new you an heat qualified to pursue aud in what you will he moat aueeasml, causes speedy mar- tolls you the very day you will na a tree you tne name, iiaenoss ana itlai of the person. She reads yoor vary thoughts, and by her almost supernatur al power a uu veila the dark and hiddea myste ries of the future. From the stars we see la the firmament the malefic stars that over come or predominate in the configuration from the aspects and positions of the planets and the Axed stars ia the heavens at tne time of birth, she deduces the future destiny of man. Fail not to consult the greatest Astrol ogist on earth. It costs you bat a trifle, and yom may never again have so favorable an op portunity. Consultation fee. with likeness and all desired information, $. Parties liv ing a a distance can consult the Madame by Mil Wl ai weir hu Mttiotocuwu w ii.vruMv.wB - as if in person. A full aud explicit chart. written out, with all inquiries answered and ikeueas enclosed, sent by mail on receipt of price above mentioned. The strictest secre cy will be maintained, and all correspondence returned or destroyed. References of the high est order furnished those desiring them. Write plainly the day of the month and year in which j ou were born, enclosing a small lock of hair. Address, SIaiiAmR H. A. I'KKinrco, P. 0. Drawer M, Buffalo. X. Y. march 28, 1807. twly There eoraeth glad tidings of joy to all. To young and to old, to great aud to ainall ; The beauty which once was so precious and rare, la free for all, and all may he fair. By the nee vf WHITE LIQUID K N A MKL Far improving aud Beautifying tha Com piexion. The most valuable and ierfeet preparation ia use. for giving the skin a beautiful pearl like tint, that is only found in youth. It quick ly removes Tan, Freckles, I'impVs, Blotches, Math Patches, Sallowness, Eruptions, aud all aa luritiesof the skiu, kindly healing the same leaving the skin white and clear as alabaster lis use can not be detected bv the closest scru tiny, and being a vegetable preparation is per fectl v harmless. It is the only article wf the kind used by the French, aud is. considered by the Parisian as indispensable to a perfect toil et Upwardsof 30,000 bottles were sold dilriug the pt year, a sufficient guarantee oft em eacy. Pnee only 75 cents. Seiit by mail, post paid, on receipt of au order, by BKRGKB, SHUTTS.dt CO , Chemists 285 River St., Troy, N. I. april 467. twly. EXCELSIOR ( EXCELSIOR I ! CHASTELLAR'S Hair Exterminator! For Removing Superfluous Hair. To the ladies especially, this invaluable de- uilatorv recoinmeuds itself as beiusr an al most indispensable article to female beauty, is aaailr aopUedi does not bum or injur the skin, but acts directly On the roots. It is warranted to remove superfluous hair from low foreheads, or from any part of the body, completely, totally and rad.cally extirpating the same, leaving the skin soft, smooth and natural. This is the only article used by the Froaeh, aad is the only real effectual depila tory ia existence. Price 7 cents per package sent post-paid, to any address, on receipt of an erdar, by BERGElfc 8HITTT8 dt CO., Chemists, 283 Hirer st .Troy.X.Y. April W. . -ly Crisper Oh ! She was beautiful and Mr. - With atorry t yes, anA radiant ba, Waoaa i earu nr tendrils soft, en srtned. Eacbainedthev at rarv heart aad nrdad. CRISi'EB COMA, For Curling the Hair either Sex into Wary oanf f7 lossy RtmfArt or carp Mnuire Curl. By using this article Ladies aad lewtletnea beautify themselves a thousand fold It is the only article in the world that will earl jiajailBaiSJiadia asaaaa i aa fcaasaasai - ir ' 'wP'lrJ' BtVBWVTSPmaVaaWiaipVBBBntnW' BBSSMnnBiB"asaaBaaBaaau tiful. glossy appearance. The Crisper Coosa not Only curls the hair, but i a vigors tec beau tifies and cleanses it ; hi highly aad delight fully perfumed, and is the most complete art! IM is ine most eompieie am- ver offsred to tbe iAmenea. isner Caaiyfl km sent to led and postpaid for 1. aloof the kind ever ottered to the public. The Cris any address, seal Address all orders to W. L. CI.AKK fc CO., Chemist. No. 3 West .Favette Street, Sv anarch 28. Irjo7. X. Y. . twly FF RnnhfC vrIsvT,t?rrrtr.,l:w' . e i 14 r- a iu-iiu, fu m.w ; now Ml pel j Uu-k ia .ii u . nr i ,.,1 m iid ua.i atnt iaaalaa I ore Orsrlt. reaSi: TbatwaaT Lve at esttto: Ha u Woo aad Haw tt aams; UtHaaStSt Astat Ifactor, reals ; to Laas; Lifc atasx: ladies Lore l-eOer rrr. Special Mat lees. Reparator CapillL away Osase are And rejoice iayoorowa laxanaal For restoring hair upoa bald beads (from whatever rana it may have fiaUea oat ) ntfoiaa a growth of hair upon tbe Bare, it I aoequaL It will force tbe beard to grow ap oa the amoothnst fans ia from fee to sight wclra, or bair.apua bald beads ia rroto t to throe aauatha. A few inuraat praetiti era haw asserted that there is nothing thai will force or hasten tbe growth of tbe hair or beard. Their assertions ato fcbje, an tbuas andsof living witnesses from their expe rience can bear wit man Bat many will say. how are we to distiaguiab tbe genuine from the spurious T it certainly at ah nam It. aa nine-tenths of tbe atiffereat Prcpaiatiooa advertised for the hair aad beard are entirely worthless, and yon may have already thrown away large amounts ia their purchase. To such we would say. try tbe Riparator Capilfi: it will coat you nothing unless h fally comes up to our representations- If yoar druggist does aot keep it. scad as one dollar and we will forward n. poet paid, together with a re ceipt for the oaoaeV, which will be returned you on application, providing entire satisfac tion is not given. Address. W. L.. t'LARK ft CO., Chemists. o 3, West Favette Street. Syracuse. X. Y. march 2e. IHt.7. tw-ly AFFLICTED ! Suffer no More! Tbenby the use of IS JOIXVILLfTS EL IX IK you ran be cared prrmanenlh. and at a tnfllRTOTaSc " " i iii i t - - -i Tbe astonishing snccess wbsrh hat sttiadi i this invaluable im-dinte far Pkritiral anal Ser- vous Weaklier, deui ral IMtilitr aad I'Taatra' tioii. Ii"oi VliiM uUr Knerrv. Impatosarr. at any of the eonscqurncesof outhf il uuti-rrrriua. renders it tbe most valaabie pwparataaa ever discovered. , - i H will rem ve all nerront aftctaaaai.aVpisa sion. excitement, incapacity to stady ar bast ness, loss of meinorr. coafasanti. thaatAts of setf- destnu tion, fears of inaaautr.drr It will restore the appvtite, renew tbe health of thw wtaa bate destroyed it by sensual excess ar evil practire. Tonng Hen, be humbuirjEed ao more by "tjaark Doctrrt and ifrmnramt ppaeiia m. bat avaai without delay for the Kiixir. aad be at sate re stored to health and haaatttraaa. A rVrfact I'ure is tiuaraiteed in every instance. Pnce. 1. ar four buttles to one address. )3. One battle is saAeaeat la rsVet a cam in all ordiuarr raw. . Ald,I)K JOIXSILLJrSSrTtCirir PILLS, for the speedr and permanent rare of tkanutvfcea. Gleet. I rethr.il Wscbara Gravel. Stnrtare. and all aflet-Uons of tar JHsWrs add Cures effw-te- hi from one to five aar. 1T are prepared mam vesjeUMe rxirans lass are narmtess on u,e i sieui. ma rin rnmmt i mmm stomach or iruprt-trnate Utr breath: Xortiaare diet is necessary while uir tbrsn. aur dues their action in any manner intcrfcre with luiaesa pur suits. Price, 41 per box. Either of the aUve-nentiooed articles wil" be sent to any address, closely sealeJ, and.pu4-paid. bv mail or exsresa. oa receipt af price. AsVtre- all orders to BEKr.EB.SHITTS at CO..CTiemiss X. 6 Kircr Stieet Tnuy.X. T. ApriU,'67. tw-ly. I T k'ui'SG LADT n-tuming to her country home, after a sojourn af a few Ls ia the City, was hardly recaagauard by her fneuds. In place of a coarse, rustic. face, she bad a soft ruby cMuplexion of shawat iimrble siiHwthness, ai:d instead of twenty three she really appeared but eigbtrea. Upoa inquiry as to the cause of so great a cbaage she plainly told them that sbc used tbe CaT Cnasiajt Bajna. and niusidered it aa iaval uable acquisitioB to any Lad v By its use any Ladv or (ieatlraaaa aaa imarovr their iiersoiial aiq -aiance an hundred foU. It b simple iu its ctaaibiaarina. as Nature htm If is si mple. yet uaawvassrd ia its. Ira Wiuir impurities Iron .ax aud beautifying tbe skia aad Bv iU direct action a thecwticJe it draws it all ?ts impuri'iea, kin By healing tbe and leaviug the surtacr as atare n oiild e, clear, soft, saaouta aad Prfa S)l. Mat bp Mail at E of aa order, by W. L. CLARK ft Co.. No. 3, West Fay-tteSt- Sjjarwse, X. Y Tbe .sarr American Agewts far tbe sale vf tha satnec ajjaab 2d-tw-ly Ano-j tny MAtiAsnt E F. Twiurrsautaat rreat En glish Astrologist. Cburvyaat. aad fNytba inetnciau. w.n aas isnana lasses oftha Old Warll. baa self at IlaakMHi, X. Y. pwera f isaanjd sight, as to enable her to impart f the arnatast importance to tbe single or tmbc, aba aVsHS4CV isT.ii vou are to marry, aad by tbe aid sT aa instrument f iateaaat pawir, has a a as tbe Pschomotnne. zaaraatees to arodact a lifa- ,kr 4fe f Ij.p-,, ,x j -JJJ J I L 3t . fc Uke picture of tbe future h unhand ar wifc at ttigHherwith date leading traits at ftc. Tli is is ao am bag. as tboaiaads ot art. be will nekd wbeii tJtintiala ra . .1 .i.. l. ..a i m a " ... wim " i""- r r . O, .L.i.. . 11 LA .J am stating, place ,4 l-rth. - idexm., aad esw;.( h7 mtm'i . . siiia cave op- wiU - reeeit tbe aiatariai Isna by reran Until. AS casnsnnaa eredlr e aifia. aii.l Aajdk at ba r laiArarr tadaiai E- T. the sneatnV THE OLD NORTH STATE. TIU-WKEKIA gy AATCo OF nOaWCBimOJt TBBata-ClSSl AWA Tri Weakly D""Tt weekly .OasTsar. mm siislta. - - Tea cosies One Tsar. Twenty nalai. Oaa Tsar. 4.Oo A crass X a tat paper ladicatas taa expiration at a whk-h tka " iHJ Nobtb Hvart. la atirriy new. Xo paias will at ipaitd to afcaamrtoterW every atmilv. la raWr a AO aaaa baea aaaasad tto srvliaa ml aa4c aaa xmpimhr4 hlrrarv coatrfMitora. ADVERTISING RATES TBAKSinl KATKS jtoLltf.! 1st 4 ao. ISM I . i7.se I a i at sis I saw sat 1 IN r a IAM 77 an 34 au as tansl S4S 3HSU 4&WI aioii 3 in a a rot. 6fl 33 W nIaa 53IW Special watt I wants Caart I ld !Wili be at tat Tea macs of aafid aunion type, or abnnt a irngtbwise ot the eolunin. constitute Xotirrs. in leadtnl minion, will he urarted far at tbe usVe. at nt leas than doable 'be rate of wrdinary advertisements. Inserted as lead'itift matter, with approval o tbaedkura. fifty crntaper line. A d Trrt Uemcn ts inserted irregularly . or at intcr t ata. pei irul- addirinnat. Tne ratos auaw- TTinteu are tor standing adver- -isements. Oar ar two squares, changeable at disi utiam. - per ceat addational. f More than two squares, cbansjeable at discre- ta. per square of ten lines, far every change twratr-Cve cetits Five squares estimated an a quarter column and tea squares as a half column. Bills' far ad .crtisn.r. whether !y the dav or year, will be .J -n-idere'. due and collei-tuMe on presentation ll'P Q'BS 1'T Sa I.ISIM V. N Ai i.i st 1st, it.;. c General Order No. 28. The following appointments of registers aa announced in general orders "No. 60., headquarters second military district, for tbe military post of Salisbury, are ben bv asaagned to duty in the registration pre- - &mem herein set forth. Registrars are required to take the milh prescribed by enngrvss, approved July 2d, 1862. They will report in iH-rsott to these bcadoaarters without delay in nder to sob- j Hwd -tmrtcr, rti Wilusm UiHrrct; n scribe to said oath, and he furnished a itli ceived this naorniiigiiti' dfaw, Bfcarria- of the necessary books and blanks for regie registration will ormm tti oicct. uid giw t ration. ' Every boaidof registration will ' lmblrc uoUre of" Ihoir lateatngaClHiu anvs 1 1 j cbnose its presiding officer, who will repre- sent the board and announce its action op- on all matters coming before it. Kegulattons f r the goveniment of re- Zisttars in the discharge of their duties will be duly published as soon as practicable, for general information." All communications from registrars will be addressed to these headquarter. Registrars will inform these headquar ters of their post office address npon every chah'jre of station. In case of d-atli.or enanaRy rendering legistlftia, hereby assigned, incapabb? af executing their oflice, the fact will be re ported to this office by tbe presiding officer or other member of the board, that tha r. cancies so existing amy be filled without delay. ' Registrars, annonnced in general orders Xo. 60. current series, headanartera second mditary district, not accepting tbe position will please inform these Tbe following named voting places anr hereby estalirhi d for registration iu the eoaapnsmg this post, and are as s.gued to tfee regisiratioa learda herein sated as foltowa : Alemmkr Cowmtg- OntBoerJ. W. 8. Teagne, Thomas StirwaU and . M. Stevenson. f.r tbe entire ennnlw. AUemhmjf County -Tarn Bomrdt. Fht Board, OoWman Hagain. Daniel C-Jones and Henderson I Ixrek, Jar tbe rotiug prerincts of Gap Chril, Praters Crook ana rasa r..ra.. ana John JtaU arson, for tha w. cmcta of Finey Creek aad Old Fields, atahe Cownfjr-TVo Board. lat Board, Kdwin C. Rartlett. John H Carson and Kdward Bo.. we, lor the psa ciucto of Jeffeisaa, Chtstnut Hill, Fine 8waanp and liartius Blare. 2d, WiUmm Go wing, James Garvey and Krauris Bryan, tor I be voting precuacU of North Fork, Hilton Old Fk Ids and Hoase CUskcff Caawfp 7Ww Bsarnb. 1st Board, Cam urn A. CHey, K. E. Waken, W and R. B. ible, to tbe rating prerissrls of Lenoir, 'Little Mivcr and Jadasl I (CjBaMJsts MrVsBaHamV. Hiljiaal a T.m. -1J 1 1 " "" ' ' " - iTiii i I a. Willi, ami lift II . I ill lat,asIL Jaam Uri 1 1 - lirr lie flillishaiiy, Xiuakors. aud 1 Ski, Thornton and J. H. HsMskiaat, f Ctl.r.r of X.eU V Mill. fiayty'Ciiiift) Tlbjaj 1st, Jwel Until, (tiirbarrt JL BoImh at. .larva ffarnhr of lt..ksasnVsurraas asad Hav f3baak. Z Sd. I- 1 akiihsr, JISm m saad John 1 eel mr lh votMip usiaMweori Mt: Airy, Tiaaae'C?Tasit,lliniisi1WWitasiiwa anil , Muck Ford. int. WiiUam. .loin. II. mil., IT (lie iireciiicts .it Iiooim:, on, Store mid TJhttlsslink. 2d. Ilirtlelt llnmi4.lJWTdl,f.0Ti:ui.) XL fred TtMnsn,iCar ttks wornsj: jpmaMUn- at HUumar Ohm, lltnthotrajstj 4aaMH Wlanis dtincs Hiirti. WiiJn Cmitttff-Jlmo SimnUs lot, Wsilpl , Jlolbi ...0, . llidiem . Bi Bkgm snad 4 owoll.n Ornish mWltavtitiaam eittris of Wehajrr .Ihaaaa. 3mm tfaaatK Antfach, EBodk fhanv, Himii'' 'Drop Hill anil Waliiiiitffmw 2d. (ieonr. H Oirnarri, .n.E. SHl lhir and W. B. Tieartst fSrr tisw vrwinar nyre ciiicte of llulntrsv. IfliiirrJi - f tUn, !e tAbiM, JstmnUi of KUt, Vat IV mmHij, IftNUitaiii and Wilkes Wor.. l'utlkm i(Jomhff Oano 1st Hoard, Utr. Oiesaan B. Jh- epb r irr " i " "Trm it the voting Bfiaciweks rfi IfksauiiinstHijt, YadkiiiviUV ami EButilfwilk j 2d Board, Thowaas Ibttihi. BUhWt! (v. ' Zaeban and A. . aVsdltiiflWr rtfa mtiae . precincts of Joircvilk. Mnnitt !frdJa and Kaat Bend. In aeeordaiir artHi riMmrtioiis ftnm ' a) Ktrciwo iBraetMJte aaajjaaanl ttvt ttasaau j euHsaenriitg tbe rreisraaisan oantUa- lfitti I day of AtagaMt, IM0T. By older ot(dl irtai Hi Hiira. uiiici ' apt v if i mt iaa tiiun. . Jl. 3iiM41lt,Jb.Bomtialr!t We have of kH-rpnii uttwaiiiiinWIb mt tent ion to the iitHrnaMaw nai ttto leader s of the Southern people. VWi Imaw optrted and animadverted upon tthnnr www, be muse we deem it luitimij, ttnatt in; this time of dottbt naflnaanjiUeaiity, wanow tak tamdnii mental pmjttUMes Ot amitty anU jpw m j iiieni ar. WiPigiit latotttKaaeamt atidtsaoa- xi m - i laaaar aanrl "nM.,'iee(0taafe,v. - .t st it tm ti ii nr . guidance unu amrciniirinussjr wtmiauumjwr gone by hove aketuiren utasttass-df liabwr aud of trnttt ajuoiig tihaar mtlaaBHStlananai M any of nan- rmiatt satjaniaaan ntjtnlaEuatej basse ajsakaaau IkwabtlannnswatodhrBaati rrv tbtassibm fbaatw mmnA tto laanti mmu titciptamamaii inanm inar cn-mm.;Jtlotl. in i 1 mi in Ih lliilbtislllaaalhlisnj aagjl ,m M , , t j. endinsmstk ailnto. smttleam to lmttlb and ttasa to many an, mnm i to eictssy. miili HiHllj naiiafjl imn the Swath ; aad, thirtfcn, tk lion, the eaiiCi ffiilimii mnaamnffi), wdm. mraJ and legitimate topic for d have been Jmand tfn Hit n 1 1 1 iff i W j! theae column. policy. tCheay oausmA dme sJmmmmiv anai ann anVaiao.dll Jmeir If i miaVmn." mm- kTrnxAK aw N ATCaa. A chi bang list of tieaat sjer Mlffl I li at. t hippewa, Wbv, a few days Hindus m, ante .aasr ammt MillimiiiBid' ashwdy, two aeada ant foaw s Western II it Till fcfcfipAiffii jaantn!" buee the hips tbe body iocret linajfli ffife tisti llsamtmn dbtr 2Sfti illabidt bans braacbing out 1 af Jsaae.'ktat to the nmimastaaT dmr A iltit i ledV, juml divergvag snffiiii aUy I MMndt. ftnihMt i rjj J" jinrabAmlsht.il. i betwe. ! who will man i .to dm- wliiuary nils ..I jainmliini lljj,mrmt, inatt lamnnmn-dhr ' I- . ... ... r .ntc-t aganwat tt, an ras frbto jamatoaliVgjL wabtnalab-w at atalnr'imf . ' !i ! ? in "' '"nn?i'ai Jrtr i u,T TO T -t-m.im"I " ' hwwliag far t iiiifciasnia aaai thai of racaa. i Om fht aaWr da vtuivo n in grd faith, maintaining the Uaaiaa anal thw lawa in all hsacsty of heart, and beast on doing errrr thing that wsu tritter men t lie udmsn a wall aVattav vinalitv before tbe haw. Ti havet itruaud to register that saw beaten in the State or District far the of a few rntea. bast bv that aavfett at Hwtd'ra Radical pe eJeeti-d. aad we make hie here for sacfl owtragrosss tyrasiny an that of Fletcher in Missouri, or af Bmn Una ia Tennessee. How dare a tme friend of the f..ath take this burthen on his . far. General Hiadnma This letter h Milia ito. - - L- L ' w .... .... 'Min i i.M,n, o 1 -1,..,, 1 J lu ;..r,.j n ' ih tiMi 1...., e. .-.-4 K Cl J- the conciliatory plan that be in worse which we have an along led', than to arrsass passions that law race against race. This tbe "letters atud speeches of Messrs. Petit. Hill. Jon- and others of that party. to do even temperate harangues of a Keliev a cara movetta. . It it aa t on or n-erimi nation We most live ot. tiaiaa af orrfl aod nalilM al eaaalhty wfik tha negroes, v hv do that which mast result m their .uid distrust, and thus destroy what is left of nwr former influence with them. Tha lamnti needs neaee and Itmm The uncertain law af a wtanary t to tbe ts of undisturbed legrshuiea. Xo- thing will prr.sper as long as we are in our piesent poaition. Tbe farms not well ' stocked, aod provisions scarce and cnatlr. Merchants from the highest to tbe fewest complain of want f business. Mrrbaaiii itaid rm tli aim are not employed becanae of wmit of capital by ilmse who aeed Ail these classes of industry will is they an- or get worse. Xo State oAVr liner inducements to capitalists and tbew may away. Mutter is plenty aui.be North and in Europe, and yet none can bat ob tained by farmers of the South matter bow badly they aa wo are, anal the our lost prosperity will be abort, ttcermve against us. He appeal to man in the State to take adv otter now made ; to register an vote, and aid in selecting good t.oiiveiitton that is to be tVj, can vote upon the wtU adopt atid soiimit 1 m am, adaaoat daily, for soaai have no apafoaaes ta oJer. beginning their sf parate low tnararm pits, la fraast, the body ba- appeared 1 natural. p mt It gradually b the aaa a .. aaataa do ng joined. 111.' vital o gnns doabie. The shoulders and ieek nerfecl. Urn fratarea leg iug to be that of a f the other resembled ihsau of a One aide lived a few atom eats after The other waa bora dead. Jtscft. Ex. i anv.asraouui paper, m aa ladv. who did lately. She bad an amiable at w - svm, roaanbs J mm trnTnasat nnv hmummtmmlmx- e topic for diacassiosi m . hinte aaaii tamir fojaarii n i nH j n5SnanCi hw fond of I naaafk Bsaaabnaaaa TtTaWt af jW 1 - anaaTZiaaar aal apsaal nfcsssm, aaW ns de bast wall riw be ananueJTJ. ban .papain, sf V III ar .a a. a awa B . m m ' i mi m & -1 a a m a - a civ bast fetaaTtaiban l anasa, 1 mZm Chat sttntt, ban mJm7' RmTimm.- them. f -- - - -. - i auuna . jasa aaaaw wsaw. amm wann- eaUed, aa that i ity. " ? F I WfWaW rJnww WW MalHpmw in at pjwr. Addres tan A. Hffi JajsfT.-4aa.at A . sarti SSa I f 2 . A. J. I mm wi aasn a.l a r v : 1 1 , x , . j: t -tx - "3 , . l . - I ' 1 1 1 T -W . h ' v - m ' e-w . V- " - i 'M J

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