s:l5lor A: propriclor. The Old Xortli J^tale Forever.”—Gi ston. i^iii^le Copieiii Five Cents VOLMI. NO 55 SALISBURY, N. C., THURSDAY, SEPT. 12 1867. WHOLE NO. 241 SpeeiaS AS'i'jaO LOGIT. The World A'^loaii-'.hed, ATTIIK \V)N-l>KUl't I. l{i;\ i;i,A ri'iNS MAUKItV TIIK (HiKA'I’ A.S'l'JiOJ.()(;i.S'r, IMCadamc H. A. Fcrrigo. Spceia! Aoliees. Sli* rt'Vt’iils si‘'r-ts 1111 iiioi'tiils i-vor ]cih'V\'. S>n* re.-,ft'» liiil'l'ilifS tliii'i- \vli4i, from ilolo- tul ijV'Ill.-,. «•;! f ;t> I I'l I] •In ' 4'I’' ill loss fof r.‘ atiiiii. mill trii'iiils, luss nt ni'iiicy, Arc., h;iv; Iti'cuiiH* ili'.'jiniiilcut. She lirliiirs tuirdli- ir thu.sii liiid .'i“iMratiMl, n;iv(*s iut'iiriiiatioii cmi- '■crcuiii;; aL'-Mit tiicinl.s i>r Invt r>. rcsfnrcs lost or .sImIi-ii jimiicr'y, Iclls vnii the liiisiiicss yim arc hc.-^t ijualilid tn jiiir ii • ami in what ymi will he 111 i.'t siicci's>i'ul, caiisi ' HjM'cily mar- riages ami tells ymi the 'very ilay ymi M ill marry, irives ymi the name, lihemss ami characteristics >1 t!ic person. She reahs yuiir Very tlimiirlit.'. aiel hy leT aliimst snpernatnr- al piiwers unveils the clai'k ainl hi'l 1 ii myste ries of lie* t'nfnre. I'mm tim sta^s we sec til the lirinaineiit the maletic stai-that ii\er- cniie ir ineil.iiuinate in iln- c.inlienratinn— fri'iii the aspects anil piisiliims ol the planets ami the Hm 1 .'tars in the heavens at the time ofhirth, she ileiluce.S the futllle ileStiliy Ilf man. F. il n a tn cnnsnlt ' he e|-.Mtest Asn-nl- *i;ist nil eartli. It c ■ ts ymi hut a trilie. ami y u 111 i\ never arra n havi jMtrtimity. and all ileslred inhirmatinn. ‘0. Parties liv- inir at a distance can cun u!t the .Madame hy mail with 'afei \- and satlsl.ic'inn tn tliemseh es as if in |ie! ''in. .V t'lill and expiici: chart. Written nut, w ith all ii ijii ries answered ami ikeness elichi,.ed. .sent nv mail I'H recei] ‘ nl Jiriceahnve meatiiuied. 'The .'’nctc.'t Secre cy will he maintained, and all cmrespninlence returned nr de.'lrn_\ed. ueler'Ulces i if the hieh- esf nrder furnished tlmsedi si inu theni. Write plain 1 v the d,i v iif ihe imuith and year in w hic!i ynii Were hni ii. emdiisiniT a small luck ni hair. Address. ,^!\ll\.^;l; II. .\. PnuiMcii, P. O. Drawer 2:i;{. IJiilValn, N. V. march 2'^. I ^ti'. t". I y M'liere (-1 inn : h irlad Iidinrrs >d jily tn ali, *l'n vnuiiii aml tn iild. tn ei'eat aiid tn small ; 'I'lie he,liny whiidl nlici- Wa.- rare. Is free fnrall, and all may I’e (air. By lliu O'*!* o‘ C±3[-A3r2]I.I:AH'S Eeparator Capilli. • Tiirow away your false frlzze.s, your .switdies, j'oui Destructive of comfort, ami not wortli a lifr: Pome aired, emue youtlifiil. come ujjly and fair; -Viid rejoice in yoor own linxiiriaiit Jiair. Reparator Capilli. I'lir re..if(»riiiir li.air ii]*»iii leild heads (from M’Jiat*'vei-n.r.- it »iiay Jia\e fallen nut) and fnrcini^ a gmwtii nf hair ujmn the face, it lias nil (opial. It will ihrcc tlie heard tn trrow up- nn the siiinntliest face in frniii five to eiirht week.s, or hair mion hahl lieads in from two to three moiilhs, A few ignorant jiractition- ers have asserted that tliere is notliing that will fnree nr Inisteii the e-ruwtli nf the hair nr heard. 'I'lieir assertiniis are false, as tlmiis- amls nf Hviiiir witnesses [fmm their nwn e.\'}>e- rieiiee] can hear witness. But many will Sav, linw are we tn distiiiguisli tile irennine frnin th e siuinmi.- ? It eertainlv is dillieiilt. 1 favnralile an nji- ('misnltali 111 fee. with lili ii. ;'S as nine-tenths nf the ditlereiit Prepaiatimis advertised fnr tin- hair ami heard arc' entirely wiu'thless, andyiiii may have already tlimwii away larire aiununts in their piindiase. T'n siieli we wniild .say. try tlie Hejiaratnr Capilli; it will enst ymi nntliim; unless it fully dimes u]> tn niir represeiitatiniis. If ymir druggist dues lint K'eep it. Send US niie ihdlar and we will fnrward iP pnst paid, tngetlier with a re- eeipt fnr the imiiiey. wliieh will he returned ymi mi a]ipiicalinii. prnvidinn entire satisfae- tinll is lint niv,.i|. .\ddless. W. L. CLARK A: (’().. ('hemists, Xn .‘5. AVest Payette .''treet, Syracuse. X. Y. mareh 28, isii?. tw-ly THE OLD NORTH STATE. [ITII-WEEKLY.] ^3= RATES OF SUIPSPHIPTION. .43 TER.'tlS—CASH IN ADVANCE. iiifatcy ; and every tiling goes to prove '‘^'^1‘liis is the fact No nation or people .'Ct exhibited any thing like a perfect maii fjod, such as may be said of some in Tri Weekly, One A'ear “ Si.v .Months, •* Oue -Mouth, $5.00 ; 3.00. 76 ets. ; [WEEKLY.] Wee kly paper, One Year, • • - S 3.00 “ Si.x montlis. - - 1-60 “ “ Ten copies One Year, • 22.00 “ “ Tweii"}' copies, due Year. 40.00 .\ (TOSS X on tlie paper indicates tlie c.xpiratioii of lie subscription. Tlie type on wliieli tlie “ Oi.n Xor.Tii St.'.tk.” is liriiitcd is entirely new. No |iaiiis will be sjiarcd to make it a web mne visitor to every family. In order o do this we liave eii^aned the services of able and iccomplislied literarv coiitiibntois. ADVERTISIHG^RATES TU.VNSIEXT KATK.S For all jieriods til.in one montli Due Siiiiare. I- irst iii.wi tioii Each subseiiiient insei tion of the race. And yet the pro- phesr-g undeniably forecast a far higher coiuhiou [,.^g reached. If to be attained, judging from the Jl.'tr, it must be tiy very slow gradutioiis ; a..i there is an almost infinite distance be- twieii liis present state, and that which, rea-iirmg from his wonderful gifts and ca pacity for development, he was designed to be. ‘Suppose m.ui struck out of existence Remedy Qndigr the Civil JRig’hts Bill. 1 able Silver 'J'ei Service, which has since The following decision has been render- j been restored to the owner—the son ot the lute Judge M utiu if Mobile—it being the ed by the United States Commissioner at Richmond) Va.: Richmond, August 26, 1567. Lieut. Hunihrickj Freedmen's'Bureau : I have the honor to acknowledge the re ceipt of yowr letter referring the Cai'C ofW. J.-Ruth to me for my action ns’ U. S. Com missioner under the Civil Rights bill. It appears that a colored man, a citizen of property of the late ^Irs. James Martin and bore her superscription, and singular enough at the latter part of the war, the party restoring the >ilver was a prisoner in this State, whilst the party to whom it is restored was a prisoner at the North. If exnnA^iIci o,.>kAii be ful.lowetl io visill^ above malice and revenge, and each and all puider to the vampiished tin' things Canada, was refused first-class accoinmo-; theirs; if forgetting the strife of ' M'ar, and listening to the whi.-ipers of con science, each and all with chrisiiuu spirit, dation on the steamer Hattoras, though he ei .00 .60 four moiitli.'i. at ilie jirescnt moment, ■would there not be offered a first-class ticket. In my opinion rea urndde ground to conclude that, as an | the Civil Rights bill secures iustice and J^houhl strive to wipe out its bloody foot- order of beings, he wa.s an utter failure ? ' equality for all pcrseins before the hnv ; in ! pi'hits by honorable acts of restitution and I conclude, th(.‘rc‘tore, that he will have j other wortls, it places the colored man iud j't^tice, then would the life and ciua'gy ot a liiiicli longer time tor trial and probation ' white mad in equal positions, hut does not ; tl"^ devoted land re\ ive, the spear inde*ed give the colored man an}’ advantages that become a vigorous plowshare and the were not heretofore enjoyed hy the white i sw’oitl a s} the, hopt* would give them edge man; and in this case a colored man is , vvouhl give our sighs to the past left to seek the same remedy secured to white men similarly treated, and bring suit | for damages before the courts having pro- th.'in Slime ot his brelhri'u are disposed to awiiid him.—Befcr^hiirr/ Express. AFPLICTSD ! er .ap DQ sii precii111.': ami WHITE Lia i: X A lx L For inipruviaa: ami Brautifying the Cmn- plexi'iii. The iiMst valuable ami piTtei-t preparatimi ■ 111 iisf, till' aiviiiii the .■:kiii a bi-autilul peurl ■ liki* tiiitk that i. mily liiiim! in yuiith. It ipiick- ; Iv ri-imives Tail, Fri ekles. I’iiiiph'S, Blntche.':, ! Miitli Ikitrlie.', .'^illlii'iviiess. Kl liptiiiii., ami all impurities of the skin, kimlly liralina tlie .-laiiio j leaving the .skin white um! c.i'.ir as alaha.-fer. i It.s Usi* ran mil hi* ili‘ti*i*ti*il hy the chisi'st sern- 1 tiuv, ami hring a veg(‘tahli‘ [ireparatimi isper ■ fccily hann!e':s. It is tin* only article nf the , kiinl usi*il hv the Frem*h. ami is c.iiisiih reil hy | llio Ikiri sian as imlisuensahii* tn a peitm-t tnil »*t. ''pwaiilsnf;{!),D!) > hnitlcs wercsnld (hiring till* la-it ve;ir. a snllivieut gnaraiitne nt it-^ eiii- ‘ iMcv. I’rii nly r.'ircuts. .'■'cnt hy mail, [mst , [tail!, nil I'l'ceipt nt a 11 Iirder. hy j BKKli I-:R, SlIl'T i'8,A'('( > .Cliinnists, j 28.7 Ri\ Lr St., 'I'roy, X. Y. april L'(i7. tw l v^ I Wlicn hy the use nf Dit. .101X VI LI.E’S EL I X 1 R ynu'-an lie eureil [H*riiianeiitl\, ami iit a t rilling cnsl. 'file asti.ii’shiiig s'.icicss wl'ich ha; attended this invalnalile hiislieiiie for 1 iiysical ami Ner- vnu- WvaMiess, (n iaTal Deliility ami Prnsfra- tinii, Lossnf .\in rtilar Energy, Iinpotency, or any of the eniiseii a'lu-e-; ofyoutlil’nl imliscTetioii, renders it the iimsi valnalde pre[)araEou ever discn\ered. . I’ will rein.i.c all nervous alhctioiis, depres- sinii, e.veitemeni, im ^ipaeity to stiiilv or busi ness, lo'-s ol meiiiorv.eoiilnsioii.thonghtsofself- destniei inn, f'ars nl insanity. Ac It will restore f Ji* j J.t;, J In* hf.'t i t h >T f who h/i destrnveh it li\- .seiisii.ii excess or e\ il jiraetiees. Young Men, he Inimhngged no more liy “Qiiaek Doctor.;'’ and ignorant iiraelitiomu's, hut si*nd wit limit deliiy for the Elixir, and he at oiiee're- stored t" lieallli and hapiiiness. A l’»*rfeef (Jure is Onaraiiteed in every instanei'. I’nee, !s|, or four liolth*'' to one address, .86. One hnttleis safiieieiit to ell'eft a euro in all ordinary eu'es. A 1.^0,I)K .lOlXVlEEE’SSBEC’IEK’PlLLS, for tin* speedy and permanent enre of Ooiiorrhea, Oieet. I'reliiral I'lseharges, (iravel, St'ietnre, and ali alfeetimis of the Kidneys and Bladder. ( nres eil'eetee in fnnii one to live days. They are jirep.ired I'nnn vegetahh* (“Xtrads tliat an* harmless on the syr-tem. am! never nauseate the stoniaeh nr inipicgnale the breath. .X’o elningi* ol diet is necessary while using them, imr does ilicir action in any iiiaiimTiiiterfi re witli hnsim s.spur- suits. I’riee. si jier box. Eitliernf tin* ;il>ove-im*iitiom'd arlieh's wiP he s(*nt tn any address, elns(*ly sealed, ami po.'t-paid, hy mail nr (*xpn*ss, on ri'e(*ipt of price. Addr(*ss all orders to PiEROER.SIirTTS A CO., Chemists Xo. 2S."> Elver 8ti(*i*t Troy, .X'. Y. .\pril LTiT. tw-ly. sor.MiTi, syf.\i:ks, SIH AUKS, siirAinis, i^i .VI!. cm.. MALI' con. 3 cji AU. con. I INK con. 1 MO. 5.6 (Ki 7 .60 10 00 12 00 1.3 00 20 00 2.6 00 30.00 2 Mo. 1 3 MO. 1 4 MO. 0 MO sS .'()' it 2 on ?‘.6 CC S*20 (to 1.3 (i(l ''17 00 2! 00 27 C'O Hi ( 0 21 00 •2(: 00 31 0(1 IS eu 2.3 (() 2.S ((1 .37 00 19 ( (i 24 CO 29 CO 3S.6(I 27.(!() 3.3 eo .3S 00 44 00 33 (*n •lO 00 4:6 !0 ruoo 42.00 .62 00 00 00 70.00 A. Horrible Snake Story. A correspondent of the Baltimore Ga- xdK v.ritiiig from the ’\Vliite Sulphur stalls lhat when the circus was at that plate tlie snake man bought a rattlesnake. ‘■i'lii* man was said to be an our struggles to the future.’ per jurisdiction I am not satisfied that a ; '6 ,..ij .• EXCELSiOni EXCELSIOR!! fit vS'!”;!.l. *.!PS Hair Exlarminalor! For Removing Superfluous Hair. 'rotln* ladies eipeeially, this iliv; lnahh*de- ]t’!latnrv recmiiiiieiids itsi-ll as lining an al- iimst iiidisjiniiSaldi* articlnt" Inmaln h(*anty. is (‘.'isilv applii'd. lines imt hnrii nr iiijnri. the skin, Imt acts dirceily nu ine runts. It is w.iirraiited In rciiinve soperlinmis hair Imni low foreheads, nr tVniii any ]iart nf the body, coinid*t(*ly, tnt.-illy ami radically extirpating the s.iiiie, Inavitig the skin suit, siiinnth ami iiHtnr.'il. riii.*' is the mily artieh* used hy the Freiieli. and is iheunly real clieetnal depilji- torv in nxisteiiei*. Rrici* t.) eniits per packagi', Snlit ini';!-|i.ml. '*• .mv int*lv* ■*>. I'nmvj.t a ;iu nider. bv BERii'KR• S111''FTS X C(»., ('hi*mi.-'ts. •JS,") Ri\ i r . 1 my. X'. ^ . April l.-tw. Yopnc L.viiv returning Crisper Coma. (>h' -111* u .n; li.*.mtirii! .m l f'ir. , Wi:!;'Mn v exc'. am! rnliaie lia r, VVh,,-.* . viriiiig tea -’.t. eiiiwiiii*.!, faieliaiiieil till* ' e V ke;ii 1 .Hill maul. ('Itl.'P'Ei; ( iiM\. J'or ('iirliii'i ihr lliiir nf l itli'-r Sr.r info W'li'-'l itii i fC’oS'O U'n'jh^fnr Jltiiri/ d/o'di-. ro,-/s. Bv imlng t im arm-n* i.n. L.-idins .ind Imitleinnii •antifv theni-nlvns a ■ tlmn'-and fnld. It is :h.. n-dV artieh* in tln*^ w -rid tlmt will curl Mraight hair, and at the>;onn give it a bnan- tifnl. gln.'SV appearance. Tin* Crisper Cmna lint niilv eiirU the hair, hut iiivigniates. h.*an- titiesaiid elnaii'-ec it ; is liighly ami dnlight- fnllv jinifnine 1. ami is tin* ni 't en’iiplcte arti- rh*'* tile kind evr n'h*ri d to t!ie .Vim*ri(*an ml ilic. Tin* CI'i'-pci'Cimi.i w'dl hi* M*nt to ,uy aildr.*'. -•.I'ed and pnsipaid f-r ifl. Ad Ire." all ..r li*r t*. \V. L. ('LARK A: C'E. Chemists. ^ s’o. tl Wn-:; r.i-i*!;i* .8!ri*t*t. Syrai use. N. Y. march 2', i'E/- twl v U r I- f r»* p fv CV T*' C 1 LKX'I' I'h- •od. .'>() cel ts ; iliiW TO get Uic'i .6ic«*iit'; Ma i ■ W.iml ami Mc.l'cal Eti.ili* "> • *u*' : 1. nl.i ' 1 I'V ■ I *r a -e* 26 ; ! 1 i* E;l'V ' * 1 .0.0 2.6 ei* .1- ll•|•\ t I W.i I .VI 1 P.iiA to A im. *2.6 i,. It- 'miip ell* 'll -I* Di'iiir. 2) leil-; ti’iilc to e_‘1 .ifc. 26 i- it-: * 1. nPe- l.ove i,l iter V\ liter, .■) liv m.iil iipic n* • ■ |it nl g: d . y,„ ■ .Jo,IN V. -iMi-NP. ^ . iH i iiar'i* tiiii to her emnitry limm*. after a sojmirn nf a few iiimitlis ill the Citv. was hardlv reengnisnd liv her friends. Ill place nf a cmirse, nistie, ilnsln*(l face, slie had a snl't rnhy cmiiplnximi of jiliiiost iiiarhh* siminthiiess. and instead nf twenty- three she really apin arcd hut eighte(*n. Upnu im|niry as tn the (*anse nf so gr(*at a chaiige, she plainly tnhl them that she nsed the Cir cassian Balm, and enusid(‘red it an inval- nahh* aciiuisitimi tnaiiy Ltidykstnilet. By it.s nsv* ;uiy Lady m* (Jciith*iiniii can inqtrove their p(*rsniial a]>| caiaiice an hnmlr(*d fold. It is simple ill its ciiinhiiiatimi. ;is Nature ln*rs**]f is simple, yet niisnrpassed in its (*ilicaey in drawing iinonrities fmiii, also healing, eleaiis- ingainl heautifviiig the skin ami emnplexiou. By its direct action on the(*nti(*le itdrawsfrnm it all its impurities, kimlly healing the same, ami leaving tin* surface as Nature iiitemhal it slmuld he, i*h*ar. sntt, sinnoih ami Iieaiuifiil. l*ri(*i* .*81, sent by Mail nr E.Npr(*.ss, on reeept nf an nrdi r, l»y \V. I.. CL.VRK X ('n.. f'hemists, Xn. West Fayette St., .^yraeiisi*. X. Y. 'rile only American .\g(*uts fm- the sale of tin* same. niarcli 2S-tw-ly Know thy Destiny. .M.Vii.wiK K. F. TnnUN ToN. the great En glish .Astrnlngist. (’hiirvoyant. and Psyeho- nn*triciaii. wlm has a^tmiislied the scieiitific clashes nf tin* Old Wnrld. has now located her self at iiiidsnii. X.*Y. Madame 'rimnitnii piis-iesM'S such wmidertiil powers nf secmid sight, as tn eiiahie her t" ini)>art knowledge if the greatest iui]'nrtam*(* tn the single or married nt either .-I X. \\ bile in a stiite ni trance, she delin.-ate.*, the very lt*atiire.: nfilie jtersnn ymi art* to marry, and hy the aid of an iiistruiuent of intense jtower. known :is the Ps(*honnilrepe. •guarantei*s to produce ii life like picinre nf the t itnre hnshand nr wife nt tin* applicant, t 'gether w ith dab* nf *iiaiTiiige, pnsitin'i ill life, leaii'.ng traits nf char:u*ter, Ate. This ! no hnnilmg. as tlnnisamls nt testinnniials can assert. .8iie vviil send wh.*n desired a c rtilied cerliiicale. nr written gnar- ant 'I*, that tin* picture is what it purports tn he. By e*;cl i-iiig a small lock nf hair, ami staling ida -i* nf hirth. age. disposition and cmiqih'xin’.i. ami em*!i-ing tifiv (*ents and stanipeil envelope a Mre.*.sed tn Vnltrself. VOU will receive the picture aild de'-ired illfnrilia- tinii hy return mail. All comnmnications sa- (*redly c-intideiiiial. .\(i lr*ss in confidence. M.idaine E. F. 'riinnitnii. P. Cl. Box. 22-'l, JIiuLron, X. Y. loar 25, 18i;7. Vw-ly S](ecial rmitracts will lieiinnie vviCitlmso w lio ilosire to lelvertisi* fni a longer term than four imiiiTlis. Cmirt .\otic(*.s and-Vilvertisemeiits wili he eharged itthe usual rates. 'J'en lines of solid minimi type, or ahnuf one inch lengthwise '!' 'lie eolunm, emislitiiti* a sijinire. 5]tceial Notices, in leaded minion, will hi* eon- traeteil for at the o;n(*e, at not less Ilian dmihle tin* Viit(‘ of ordinary adverliseineiits. Tnserted as r(*adiiig mailer, tvilh apinoval o Ihee-lifors, fifty eents per line. A(lv(*rtis(*iiient.s inserted irregnlarl v, or at inter vals, 2.6 ]ier cent, additii nal. The rates uhov' printed are for st.anding adver- tiseimnits. One or tw’o squares, ehangeahle at disert*tiim. .0 per eeiit additional. More than two sipiares, ehangeahle at disen*- tion. per stpiare of ten lines, for every change, twenty-fivi* (*ents f»»*44-ininfr*l A.rt n. r| mtj-f • r and ti*u s(]nares as a hall eolinnii. Bills lor ad vertising, xvliether hy the day or year, will he considered dm* and (*ollectahh* on ])resc*ntation Destruction of the World. So persi-stent are mauv people in tlie be lief that the end of all things draweth nigli, and so unconcerned are the majority of mankind concerning tint great catJistro- phe, that it may he luolitahle to give the subject some coiisideratioii. According to th(* latest autliority, the time fi.xed upon is 1868. The day Inns been postjioued I'rom time to time, (*ither from some error in the calculation, nr liceansc* there were yet righteous men enmigli in the woiid to .save it. But we have not heeii widnmt alarm ing jiorl(*iits. When aliller first aiinoune- exl the time, a comet swept acre.-i.s the hea vens, shaking its liery tail, iiiid jierplexing iiiitioiis. Since then, anolher of tlie.se strange visitants has come and gone; wars of unexanqiled proportions have h(*i*n wag ed ; and famine and pestilence liave Ibl- lowed in their train. Noav, however, ‘he great Dr. Cuniming has sjioketi, and—to his own satisfaction at last—coiielusivelv jiroved that the day of (iteat'rrilmla- lioti” is about to break on our astonished vision. The tendency that exists in tlie hitman mind to pry into the furnre is something marvelous, esjiecially w hen taken in con nection with the slender foiindation on which the. wildest thooiies are built. (>ue or two p.sssagi's in Daniel, .‘iiid about the same number in the Apocalypse of 8t. Johu appear to have served as the hasis^ the one for the lime, and the other for tlie | certainty of the fintil destruction of the world. St. Peter also refv rs to the siih- EII ■ E w • *• —— .» f T'bat reinarkabh*. .•»eri(*s of proph(*si('S in tlu* 24th ebapter of St. Matthew' is likewise thought Ijy some to denote tlie destrnction of the visibh: world, hut as th(*y were to come to pass before that generation ])assed away, and none of them were fulfilled in a literal manner, they have not been pressed so industriously in the service. Wliile we have an abiding faith in the Bihh', we have but little respect fer any interpretation put ujioii il by visionaries and fanatics. There is no absurdity so great but what has had its advocates; even th;* imposter .Mathia.s had numerous followers, almost in our own time. No truth is more clearlv established bv science than that the present order of creation has taken my riads of ages to bring it is to endure lor an incalciilnble period It i*», what is, and it must take as long or longer to work out its lio.il dissolution. In liuman language, and according to any idea w e can form >t tiimg it niav be forever. So nicely is the meelianism of the universe adjusted that an eelipse, to take place a tlnmsand, or a hundred ibonsaiid years lit'nee. can be cal- eulati-d as acc'uratelv now as it it was for the next year, 'I'iie moral '.v^»rld, however, will doubt less undergo great ohanges ; but in wliat tb*'V will consist, w'e c.in judg* by wliat we know. If man has beeo iii existence only six thousand years, he is yet in his Ai’iil) and his'iyle of dress, dark coinjdexioii andlit- tle'^^tne gave some reason for the belief Fo .1 while he got on-very well, but the vici'iis ic])tile, like tlu* deaf adder, was deaf ! An Ex am I’Ll-; WOuxii Followinib— ^Ye were surprisrd, a few days since, to find a young friend of ours, a lad of rather m ■ a ir a,;,, „ n- .1,.. Dlelieate mould, busily engagod in the rough ofheers ol the llatteras in this case, as tin* i ’ *i i ® • i,- ? / *1 i>- 1^ 1 II i*„ of a common laborer, ham Img the Civil Rights bill applies itnly to citizens ol , , ’ n _ the United States and territories, and could criminal action can be sustrdnod against the to le voice of the charmer, charmed be j cvf'so wisely^ and Avh(*n the man least , sus];'Ct{ (l it, and while he held the snake ; in 1;S hand, looking steadily at it, it darted j out 's fangs, struck him twice on tlie right required t^sci redress fp /gg’. hailtwice on the left, and once on the} ^ - low i rqi. The man imm‘*diately called} Rfvekence FOR the Dead not he construed as a protection to citizens of a foreign country. Very respectfully, Your obedient servatit, (JeoRGE COAIKION, United .''tatt*s Commissioner. It will be seen that the cidored man is -It is lor whiskey and tlran'k nearly a quart.— | melaucholy fact that the American people Butin four hours tlm limbs began to swell } are very greatly wanting in a jiroju'r re Irigldully and tlu* pain to become agoniz- spect and reverence for the dead. Wliile ing. A doctor wnis sent for, hut before he , the inhiibitants of most other civilized eotiii- cani' the iiuiii called eagerly forthe snake, i trios, w'herev(*r they may be, cling to a f(*el- As ;l was brought to him he seized upon it ing of rev(*rence for the d(‘pai ted, w'c are will moilal avidii}', caught it by the back i almost alone in the want of this feeling.-- of tlv iu‘vk with bis teeth, shook it as a dog The French are said to never permit a,- . i i • woiiltl shake a rat, then hit oft his head, corjise to pass them in the streets without iiyichants, ph} sieians, and h.uiisteis; ut sjiitiipoii the floor, and fimilly ate and } doftiing their hats in respectful salute, .and di^co\elies .and invciilions which tnian.itd .\va‘>V\**''^'l about lour inches ot the snake’s I remaining motioiih‘ss in an attitude of r(*v- fC’Ri the biaiii-w orking^ student^ and fiodx'. M lu'llier Ills iili'jv wa^K. to cniG like j orencc until tlu* funeral train passes. Yet by liV ; Avlietlier be was only carrying out Row often, even in our own city, do we see the .■^iperstitions of Ills ju'ople; whether he j a total iiidift'ereuce manifested in the pres- j was iiuply delirious or w lietlierhis uaturc ence of a funeral train, and iu the eager i pursuit of business, persons seeking to pass , boards with which a carjienter was repair ing a ei*rtaiii building. He says that he has been at tlu* lui.':iuoss for several weeks, and having failed to fiiid other enniloynient, detrrminrd to aihqit this, as belter than nothing. lie holies by proper diligence to learn the trade, and to become eventu ally, a skilltiil j'lur. evmaii carpenter.— ’I his is an examjile well worth following. Hard labor is not only not degrtiding, but it is dignifying, and the true aristocracy of the country should look to the artisans as its founders, d'lie false ideas wdiieh pre vailed some years since in reference to trades, has been at last given up, and it is now with a commendahle feeling of pride and self-reliance that a man can say, “ I am a mechanic.” Ju-;! so at one time, jircvailed the prejudice in England against the crossings between the vehicles. And neral train, sometimes indulge iu a spirit of | levity iu tlie rt'lation of jokes and light i conversations, w'hich is truly to be dejilor- A Bisappointed Wonuot.'—Afe\vmonth.s since a gentleman had the misfortune to ed. It is .a national feeling we fear, iind i witi*, a liteiai} lady of some lepu* ileath with iu- ! Eitioii. After grie\ iug for a numher of had kcoaie so thoroughly impregnated with iiake nature, that he W'as merely sat- i.'fvi:;^ snake vengeance, it is imjiossible even the pall-hciirers and o hers in tlie fu-j now .0 say. He certaiidy flnng himself npoiiihe ground as soon as lie had linish- ed divouring snake flesh, and writhed and wrig.led ahnig the floor, unaided by arms or li' S after tin' manner of a crawling rep tile. One was iiist'nfildy reminded of the wild aid curious story of Holmes, in which the - ike iiiiluence is made to control and fiiiallv destroy the life of Elsie ^Tnncr.— 'rhe oor fellow could never tell his expe- rieiK Hi; was dreiielu'd with whiskey but to late; be died in twi'iity-fourhours. Dnri.g bis last hours be called wildly on anviuoiber of Spanish saints, and it was evidnit lliat tliongli Arab by profession, till* I 'oi’ fellow' was Mexican by birth.” cliiHiiciiin, Booii Vixtsed lltau a Ivillf^ the humblest i f the buinbl(! workman.— The principle culminated in America, and to-day the craftaman can hold his head higher in America than can Albert, Princo of Wales, in England. Is it not so., Wibninyton Post. thus W’C learn to look upoii n dift’erence to its grave solemnity and monra- ; As long as this feeling con- : we tvill be svantiiig in a great essenti.al more particular, tind that a high moral tone will not pi*rvade the pub lic mind to so great an evleiit :is it w'ould ' if it was otherwise.— II cV Journal. fill teachings tiimes, we fear that weeks, a hrigbt idea entered the head of the widiiw(*r. He* thought that he could do something to less“n liis .sorrow, and tor that purjiose he called upon i lady of his aequaintaiice, anil requested to speak a word with her in private. Thinking that . she was about to receive a proposal, the ; lady jirepan-d to listen with becoming re signation. I “ Mvrrlia,” said be, with downcast eyes as be took her hand, “you knew my wife!” “ ('ertaiiily.” It is not good for a man be alone I” Perhaps not.” Did you ev(“r reflect upon that part of tin; marriage service wbieli recpiires cou ples to cleave unto each other till death do them part I” *• I have.” ! “ 1 have often reflected ujion it myself. : Now death has parted me from my wife, He i-eemed to be for the first time iu sucli j First—The money ol the world to be ex- ' J - J - - .. I o I filiouhl think it likely.” “ I think I must do something to restore I'liHl » nil LitlllUllll y Aiiu I iiiiitiii III III* iiiiiv 1.11 i.i* P’nification of ( Joed Coin.—Tlie de partment of State has received from Mr. Samuel B. Buggies delegate from the L iii- ted StaU'S iu the recent diplomatic moiie- “1 Thank Tiike, .Teav'.”—I he follow- tary coiifer(*iice at Paris, full reports of its ing ::i!iiiirable anecdote is from Beslan, and proceedings, and of tlie plan agreed upon is ol n'Cent date. Not long since an elder- unification of gold coin, which is to ly niui, with hare-head, stood in an eating | proposed fur adoption hy tlie diilerent lion.-, surrounded hy a crowd of people. ^ nations. Delegates duly accredited were TTie'afidlord held the man’s hat and cane ; j,, attendance from twenty nations of En in hi' hands, and an imiirudcnt waiter stood i j.Qpe and America, embracing an aggregate l)(*t\v (SI tlie guest and the door The con- ; population exceeding three hundn'd mill- fnsin:i bf the old man was indescribable.— , q'lic leading features of the plan are H a a a scrape, said nothing, looked down on the ; clusively of gold and silver, except for ground and with diftietilty restrained his i change in small amounts to be only aii ar ticle of commerce. Second—JTie five franc gold piece of France to be the monetary unit with its multiples, requiring a reduction iu w’cigbt of the United States dollar of nearly throe ana a Halt per cent., and of the Bruisli sovereiifii of iicarlv one per cent. Third—Gold coins of the same denoui - tear.', v liile all round mocked and jeered him. Just then a jioorly dressed Jew, wiilia long white beard, entered, and en- quircil wliat it ail meant, and with an ex- jircssiiiu of almost feminine curiosity. He u ..ji ijil tl>*‘» tiw* and row tliaf no must Jiay, he searched Ins jioCKcts ill vain for nioiu'y. “Well,” ex- cbiiiiicd tlie Jew, “I S(‘C the old man for lilt I’il b(‘ bound he did not nation, by whatevi.'r nation i.ssued, to be uniform in 6V(;iglir, diameter aud (|uality, tin? first time, eoiiK* here to cheat. And landlord, if he j jq he nine-tenths fine, had no inoiiey to forget, couldn’t you for } Fourth-—'To be decimally divided, once 2:ivo a jioor man something to eat, for ] Fifth—-To he a legal tender in all he owe -? nation. God’s c;iko .? How much doc anylio-\v ?” The debt Avas eight silver grosfiieii, and the Jew' paying tliis, took i Valuarle Silver Service Re.stor- the poor old man by the hand, and led him ED.—W. A. Williams, of Charlotte, ha.s to till* door. I'liose jiresont did not seem ‘ addressed tlie following communicatiou to to enjov the re[iroof which their bru‘ality iha licmocrat: r.'c to me her kind eoii.solat.ions, aud memory of her virtues.” He pressed her hand and sighed, Slio returned the pressure and also suffered a sigh to escape her. “ My dear,” he said, after a long paiiso “ I’ll come to the jioiut- at once. 1 havo a pKJjiosal to make'” \ proposal ?” “ Yes; I have resolved to write my wife’s biogranliv. Now, 1 have but little skill ill literary matters, and if you will the "ly manusei i[)t, and write headings for the ebaiiiers, I will give you fifty dol lars.” She s[irang from liis side and her ey(*s fished with anger. “ You wretch—inomster ” She left he room, not being able to cx- jness her rage. Tin; widower sighed, took Inul i',.(*,.ivi;d. and one iinsoli-nt fellow cried ; “ Sometliiiig over a year since, I reci-iv- •llev! Jew, wliat liave vnu doii(*; 'cd from a New England soldi* r a letter oat this is the S.ihbath, and you have touched ^ addressed to the ‘ Bi>h‘q» I’^olk Mi.'Sionary moiii-y] ['riiis is forbidden to the Israel- ' Societv, Charlotte, N. C.’ Tliere being no iies.] “You are right,” answered the Jew such society here, as vestrymen of “Just now I forgot that I was a Jew, just Church, the'letter found it.s w.iy to ni}' lii.s hat and w.-'iit home, published the bonk. He lias not yet 'J’jiE Rlmdval OF Well-s j;y Sheri- the DaN.—An import.ant doeiimeiit has just come to light, which fiiriii.-'hes a filling *•18 you iorgot tliat you w'cre Chri.-^tiaiis.— box. Binding it related to Silver Service, coiumentarv ou Sheiidaii But you may rest easy on my account; I taken during the war, I ojieiied coi re.3.011- G.ivenior \V ribs. ^ n le ‘ •iuderstand my commandant wbicli says, donee with the w'riter of the letter, with a b-tter, wntleii by . ei.a 01 n -a ■Honor the Sabbath day and keep it liolv.’ vague hope of recovering and restoring llie the Sen at' - lati a i, am ‘"'ri’u* ^7 ‘ Just get some scliool-master to explain it Silver Service of some Cburcli. 1 bat eor- ‘ ‘ 1 to you, and if be is a reasonable man, he ; respoiideiice closed some weeks hack, w'ith othei cai mg t.u tea was at re..a " ill uiTiee with me. Good deeds have no an eccentric, vigorous and hoiie.st ejiistle, ' neia ^';V' * " • r f f onisi-ma A„a will, tl.ce words the good making a rull ivvelalion ol ll,c locaiily .>1 ...v.-n.or \v , 0 as (.ov.-rno ot . u si, na ll,o ^ilvor, rviih an accurate a.nl .-laboratc i... ...dor ...at ho ....gl.t ^.g.. ll.o M.ss.'a.|,p. cliart of its locality, one mile from Char- •5.ilibaili,’ tnaii l.T't the room. Th'7 peanut trade in Georgia is up to taw I jotte, this year. | l immediately sought the spot with some 'I'l... tobacco crop i., Vbgi..ia,weremarkj ac.....-UVW. m comment, is up to snuff. » aicauxi, uoi » v,nui».u , Levee homls, and ihendiv give iheiii sutfi- cieiit validity to insure their negotiation. The full letter will soon be made public, the original > f wliicli your correspoudent

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