> LEWIS Eilitor «.V Proprietor. “The Old JVorlh State Forever.”—tofon. .Siai«!e Fopie* Five Cents VOL II. NO. 80. SALISBURY. N. C., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1867. WHOLE NO. 255 SjMM’ia! Notices. Special .\oliees. .^.sSTaOLOGtr. I Eeparator Capilli. Tlie WorSd A^itoiiihcd, A.T TIII; W()XI»KKH L UI:VI:L VT1I>N.S MAUE HY TJiK uri:at As riU)LO(;i.sT, Madajne 31. A. Perrigo. Sin.* n*v«‘a1s si'cift-s no mortals nver kiifw. • She restores to liaj»j»iiioM tlios(i \v liu, from dolo- | lul ev-'iit' ea' istroj,liii's, cro.ssos in love, loss fof real ions frit*.inf.,, los.s of money, eVe., , have beeomi!'l(*.s}»oiiil--iit. Sin* LriiiifS togeth- ; er ihoseloiii; giv,*.s int’ormation con- ; cretiing aUscml frieinis or Itjvm'.s, ri!.store.s hjst or stolen jtrojierty, tell.s you the bii.sine.ss yt»u art* bt'st tjnalitied to ]mrsii* ami in what you will be m •'it siicei*sdiil, causes speedy mar riages and tt*ll.s you tin; v*ry day y»u will marry, gives you the name, likein,*ss and charactt'i'istics td’the person. Sin* i'(*ads your Very thoughts, ami by her almo.st supernatur al p,>wt*rs unveils tlie liark ami liidden myste- rie.s of the future. Troin the stars we see in the lirmaineiit—tin* maletic, st.irs that o\er- coim* or nred uuiuittt* in tin* configuration— frttm tin* aspecfs ami positions of tin* jdatiets ami tin* lived stars in tin* ln;av(*ns at the time of hirth. she ,leilnces the future destiny of man. I'ail n d to consult the greatest Astrol- rtgist on earth. It r 'sts yon hut a trifle, and you mav m*ver again have so favorable an op- portnnitv. (.'oiisultation lt*e, with likeness and all iie>irel inforination. ifl. i’arti(*s liv ing at a di.'taiiee can consult the Madame l)y mail with safety ami satisfaction to themselves as if in person. A lull .and evplicit chart, written out. with all impiiries answered and iki.*ness enclosed. Sent hr mail on receipt of prict* ahoVe liielltiolieil. The strictest secre cy will he maintained, and all l•on■espondenc«* returm*il or destroved. Refer‘*m*es of tin* high est order riiriiished tliost* desiringthein, W nte Tlirow away your laise frlziies, your switches, youi wig— I>estrnc»ivc of con;fi>rt. and not worth a fig; CoiiK! aged, come youtlifn'i. come ugly and fair; And rejoice in yoor own luxuriant hair. Separator Capilli. For restoring hair njton bald heads (from whatever cause it may liave fallen out) aud forcing a growth of hair upon the face, it has no e(pjaL It wiJJ force* the heard to grow up on tin* .sinootbe.st face in frotn live to eight weeks, or hair upon bald heads in from two to three months, A few ignorant practition ers have asserted that there is nothitjg that will force or hasten tin* growth tf tlie hair or heanl. Their assertions are false, as tlnuis- amlsof living witnesses [from their own exyie- rience] cati bear witm*ss. But many will say, how are we to distinguish the genuine from the sjmrions ? It (•(*! tainly is difficult, as nine-tenths of the diil’ereiit Prepaiations advertised for tin* hair and heard are entirely worthless, and yon may have already thrown away large amounts in t!n*ir purchase. To such we would say,try tin* Beparator Cajiilli; it will cost yon nothing unless it fully comes np to onr representations. If your druggist does not lic'p it, semi us one (lollar and we will forward iL jiost paid, together witli a re ceipt for the niouey, whieii will lie returned yon on application, providing entire satisfac tion is md givi*n. Address, \V. L. (’LARK CO., Cliemists, Xo •’), Wt*st Fayette .Street, Syracuse, X. Y. niarcli 28, 1867. tw—ly THE OLD NORTH STATE. [TRI-VVEERIA.] 5t3= RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. 43 TERMS—CASH IN ADVANCE. Tri Weekly, One Year “ Six Months, " One Mouth, ?5.00 S.Otf 75 eta- [WEEKLY.] Weekly paper, t>ne Year, - . . J 3.0* “ “ Si.x months. - - 1.50 “ “ Ten copies One Year, - 22.00 j “ “ Twenty copies, One Year, 40.00 ! A cross y, on the paper inclicate.s the e.xpiratiou of the subscription. The type on which the “ Olp North is printed is entirely new. No pains will be .sj ared to make it a welcome visitor to every fiuiiily. In order o do this we have engaged tlie services of able and accomplished literary contributors. ADVERTISING RATB.S TPvANSIENT RATES For all periods lesstlian one mouth One Square. Fii-st insertion .00 Each subsequent insertion 50 Contract rates for periods of one to four months 1 MO. 1 2 MO. 1 3 MO. 1 4 MO. 6 MO 1 .SQUARE, §5,00 §8.50 $12 00 $15.00 $20.00 2 SQUARES, 7 50 13.00 17,00 21.00 27.00 .3 SQUARES, 10 00 16 00 21.00 26.00 3 400 4 SQUARES, 12 00 18 00 23.00 28 00 ! 3.7i!0 QUAR. COL. 13.00 1!) 00 24.00 2!).00 3.8.50 nALF Col. 20.00 27,00 33 00 38.00 44.00 3 QUAR. COL. 25.(10 33 00 40 00 45.00 50 00 ONE COL. 3'),00 42.00 52.00 60,00 70,00 APFLIGTI3D ! Suffer no More! plaini v tin* d.iv ni tlm immth ;iml yi*ar in which j yon w*r* iioni, ornd tsing a small luck *1 hair, Address, .^l M'AMi; il. .V. Fi.Kituni, !*.(>. 1 >rawcr 2;CJ, Bufl’alo. X. Y • >. in.urcii g-*. I'fi?. twiy ’riici'i* c.iimUh gl.id tidings of joy to;ill. ’I'o yiiirigami to old, to grc;tt and to .siintll : ■ I'hc bi'.rit V w’.iich nicc was so precious and , ran*. Is fr*(* for all. and all may he fair. ■5v IIh* CHASTELLAR’S ...IE E N A M i: L ! For impf'• viag ami Ib'autityiiig tlic Com- ; pb-sio'.i. ! I'.n* ai is* valii.ibb* ;iml perfect prcjiaratioii ! in ns *, f.r giving lie* skin a h‘:iutifnl pearl like tint, that is only foiiml in youth. It piick- Iv rcinovi'S I'aii. 1' I'ccklcs, 1'iniidi‘S, Blotches, .Moth Ikitchcs, Sail • vm-ss. Kniptioiis. ami all ! iinimritics of the skin, kindly lo-aliiig tin* same ' leaving tin* skin white and ch-ar ;is alabaster, it.' list* ('an not be dc*(*cic(l by tin* (•los‘Si scru- | tiny, aifd being a vcg(*tabh* prcpar;Uion isper , fcctlV harmless. It is the only ;irtich* of tin* kiml'ii't'd by the French, ;iu«l is cniisi.h'rcd by tin* B;irisian as imlisjiciisahic to api'i'lcct toil et. ''pw;irdsof bottles wci cs.dd during the last yc;ir. ;i s!iliici‘nt guarantee of its etli- c.lt’V. Riuccouly / .iceiits. S‘tit by iu;iil. post paid, on reccipr ofau order.by BKiCfKR. .snr'i' r-,A CO .Clietnists, 28-} River Si., 'I'rov, X. \ . april Wln-n by the use of i)R .JOINTILLE’S EL I.\ ! R you can be cured pt;rmaneiUl\, and at a trilling cost. The astonishing success whitdi lia; attended this invaluable incdicnic for I’liysical and Ner vous WeaKiicss, (Icucral Dcliiliiy and Trostra- tioji, Los.-, of .Mu.'C'alar Eitcrgy, Impotciu-y, or any of tin* couscqucuccs ofyoullil'nl indiscretion, renders it the nnest valualth* preparation ever tliseovciu'd. It will r(‘:n.r.* idl nervous aileetiojis, depres- siin, exeitenient. iiieajmeity to study or busi ness, loss ol memory, eoiifusioii, thongJits of self- destnu'tion, fears ol insanity. Ae It willrestore the apiietite, r(*uew tin* health oftlio.se who liave d(‘sfroyed it by sensual excess or evil jiraetiees. Young .Mcu. Ill- hnuibeygedno more by “(^nuek Doctors” and ignorant jiraetitioners, but s(*nd witliout delay for the Elixir, and la; at once re stored to health and hapj'iiiess. A Perfect Cure is (iuarauteed in (*very inslauee. Priee, 8J1 nr four bottIi*s to one address, s”,. One hottli-is sulik-ii'iil to ellect a cure in all ordiiiarv ea -es. I.m'>, I)R .101 VI LLICS .8PECIFIC PILLR, for the sjieedy nud permam'ut cure of (joiiorrhea, (ileet. id-etluMl 1‘iscliarges, (iravel, Stricture, aud all alleetions of the Kidneys and Bladder. Cures eire; l(*e in from one to live days. Tln'y are jirepareil irom vegi'table extracts that are liarmless on tia* system. :iud never nauseate tin; stomach or inipregnate tin* breath. Nocliaiigeol diet is m'ci'ssary while using iln'in.iior does their action in any maunorinterfen*. with business pur suits. Ih'iee. .81 per box. Eitlier of tile ai)ove-m(*utioued artieh*s wiP lie sent to any address, closely sealed, aud ])ost-paid, by mail orex-iress, on receipt of priee, Addres.s all orders to BliRBKlLSJirTTS CO.,(Tomists No. 2.'''."> River Strc'ct Troy, N. Y. April 4,’tn. tw-ly. US all. They are here among us, and must, for many 3’ears, form a very large element in our population. We could not get rid of them if we would, aud should not if we cou/d except upon terms mutually benefi cial to both races. We owe them much— are under lasting obligations to them.— They are not, in the slightest degree, re sponsible for the war which gave them their ^9^orti, anfl tlM^rived ms of tben^ as pro perty. They adhered to their masters with the utmost fidelity during the entire contest though they well knew that it was being waged for their liberation. They support ed the families of their owners and afibrded them protection in thousands of instances, while they were absent in the armies of the Confederacy. History records no such instance of fidelity aud devotion under similar circumstances. Then, as they must remain among us, does not every principle of Christianity— the war, for the mere expression of his an ti-slavery sentiments, bv means of the in- fluence wliicb, as the kitor of a leading pec„„u--a „o .a, mo , , , , bottom ot the face of the bond is set diner- lighter, and the points projecting from the seal arc blurred and a little longer than the genuine. Second—Tlie imprint at the papei, he was enabled to cxeit over pub- ^ xuargiii, there being more space lie opinion, and that one of his coadjutors ! given it than in the genuine. Third—The Avas a }?c^ro trader, as we are informed. Let US confer the right of suffrage, pro perly guardeded—that is, with proper qual ifications, upon the African race in our midst, or offer to do so, and it will go fur- borders of the coupons which are attaclicd to the counterfeit bonds are larger, while the red figures are finer than in the genu ine. Fourth—The borders of the orna mental lathe work are blurred and some what indifferently executed. Fifth—The ther effect k shange of opiniijn in our favor figUTCs denotinc the bon'ls arc slightly un- at the North, which the representatives of ^i jiiie Lie blue luk : i^hich they are , , 1 • /'( 11 , i printed is a duller blue, and lacks the me- the Xorthcre people in Congress could not i f i,- ' .1 o I talltc glossy apjicarance of the genuine. resist than any thing else tve could do. | Siiixth-There is to the experts a differ- Presideut Johnson clearly saw this, hence i ence in the vignette—tlie female figure on as the true friend of the Southern people, I ^^ce of the bond—the lines are not so he wrote hie letter to Judge Sluirkcy, ur-1 , ^ . I di.^tributed. To an experienced eye the giug the ^Iississippi Com cntioii fo graut | genuine and counterfeit them impartial suffrage. Subsequent events j cannot bo detected, and the officials pro- have demonstrated the wisdom of such a | nouiice it the best counterfeit ever gotten course, and it is much to be feared tliat tlie i of thi. assertion is that u . ,1 1 *11 I . i since the 21st of last month the bankers, Soatliern people will vet have rcson to re-; 1 , , , . i 1 . * ' n 1. . I brokers, sub-treasiincs and the treasury gict that they did not .ollow his advice, j fiavc received them as genuine, and not In presenting these views, avc have not \ until the dujilicatos commenced coming in been influenced solely by the cmergoncy .Special (i^ontracts; will be made with tlio.se who de.sire to advertise tbraloiiyer tenntlian four month.'. (k)iii t Notices and Advertisements wili be charged atthe usual rates. Ten line.s of solid minion type, or abont one inch lengthwise of the column, constitute a stjuan*. Sjiecial Notices, in loaded minion, will be eon- . . traeted for at the office, at not less than double | friends ? tin* rate of ordinary advertisements. { Inserted as reading matter, with approval o i the editors, fifty e(*nts p(*r lim*. dT ■rtisements ins(*rted irregularly, or at inter- j vals, 2") ])er cent, additional, i Tlie rates abov'* printed are for standing adver- I tisemenfs. I One or two squares, changeable at discretion. .0 ])er cent additional. More than two s(|uares, changeable at discre tion. per square of ten lines, for every change, twentv-f VO C(*nts. not cvciy attention be paid their mental, J ceived. We have not been governed sole- moral, and religions culture ? Should we not hold out to them every inducement to become useful members of society ? Should we not by all means make them our friends b}’- convincing them that we are their Surel}^ no riglit thinking man will attempt to answer these questions in the negative. How, then, shall this be done? This is the most perplexing question yet present ed, and one which it requires some nerve in the present state of public opinion to answer. But, we are happ}' to know, that public sentiment is rapidly undergoing a change. Tnougbtful men are beginning was the matter brought to light. 'JBie dato of the first duplicate bond received b}’ any bunker was 21st day of September, and since then they have been coming in regu- I3' by considerations of policy. We are larlv. prepared to defend onr propo.sition upon j The amount of these bonds upoir which principle. We have for some time enter- ! been obtained in X^ew lork, , • 1 4.1 • • 11 1 . i will exceed ■S200,000, of which sum over tamed these views, as is well known to our ' ’ ’ , , ,1 SGO.OOO ])asscd the sitb-trcastirv at X^ew friends. AA c were among the first in the j York and were sent h.>re, and received as State to advocate the right of the freedmen good bond.s. This amount was sent from to testify ill the courts, and however obiiox I banking bouses in Xew York as ious the proposition was when first made, 1 ^ ' o-, ^ ermilyc and , T 4 -4. 1 1 ; Fo,, Fi.'k cV Hatch, and others. Vermilyc use has reconciled every one to it. And ; « r* .11 • . 1 r ^ cv U o. arc the heaviest losers, so tar as re- so it will be with this measure if it should ' ported. All those bonds have been can- ever be adopted, as it cerfainlii iciJt. It | celled since di.-'covery of fraud, and the embodies all he additional privileges which i ‘^^'“hng them aie not credited aWvgrai.t to thi'rnejmen, mid I "''I'.""'"'’ ■; . , , , ^ ; nothing, while the bankers and brokers we can sc Five squares estimated as a quarter colnnin and t(*n .':([naros as a half colmnn. Bills for ad-^ verti.n'ug, wliclhcr hy the day or year, will he j to sec the iinpossibilitv' of keepiu" araon"- all that they have ai.y right to demand. Tt j i'uftw"'”Information received tl.is morning is just Avitiiin itself and cannot be long re-1 announces that the counterfeits have been considi'red due and enllor-t.nljh* on nri'sentaticrn sisted—it is a foregone concln.^ion ns amd govcrni.ng a popiilatnon of four inil- -Our From the OldNortli State, of .Ian. 12th. ! She Demands of ]Patriotism- Duty. We have fallen up extraordinary times. We have just passed throngb the most ter- lioiis of human beings without making them our fric-uds—without making them the friends of the government, which can not be done without giving them an inter- ^Ve would warn our and politicians that the}’ cannot “ kick against the pricks” —they will liave to yield to this innova tion sooner or later, and why jiot make a virtue of necessitj’, and concede it grace- througliout the bankers ill sections of the scattered freely and brokers’ offices in coiiiBry. As soon ns tlie fraud was discovered in formation was telegraphed to Xew York and a telegram was subsetjuently returned, announcing that the discovery’ has c.aused est in the control of it. 'Jhis can onh/ j fully. The statesman who attempts to price of seven-thirties and a ' great excitement in \y all street. rific civil war which histoiy records Tins ! done safely hy investing such of them as ! stand still at a time like the piTsent, will war has worked a mighty revolution. It i Ic camhlc of exercising it intelligenthj be unable to render any’’ service to llie State has consolidated the Government. It bn,-^ i idth the right of svjfrage I destroy’cd tlio great inslilntion up'in which was based the social and ('conomic system.*’ of the South. Four milli.sns of human bc- -will be swejd away by the current of 1 w EXCELSIOR! EXCELSIOR!! ^ Y () I' Xi; IJ A1) V return ins; to li er V ( !!AS'n:LLAU'S HairExterminaior! For Removing" Superfluous Hair. To the la.lies c.'pccially, this invaluabU* de- pihitorv rccomiucnds itsclt as being an al most imlispcnsahli* artich*to fcinah* la-anty. i.s easily applied, does not burn or injurt the • kill, but acts din-ctly on the roots. It i.s warranted tn reniovt* sui)(*rlln«ii!.s hair from low fore!ie;ids. or from any )>art of the body, vomidetfly, tot;illy and radically extir|)aling the same. le:iviug the .skin soft, sumolh and oalural. '1 his is the only article used hy the French, and is the only real ellectnal depila tory in (.‘xisteiice. Brice 7.) C(*uts per jiai'kage. sent post-paid, tvi luiy addrt'ss. ou vcci'i};! ot na coder, liy J>l4Rtjrl'4JL Sill 1 1 .'*'A Uhwniists. 285 River bt , Tinv, X. Y. April L'li/. ‘tw-ly Crisper Coma. Dll' she wasliouiitirnl ami fair, yvall starry c*yi*s. ami rmliant hair. Whose cinTiye temlriis soR. entwined, Eajliained the verv heart and mind. CitiSI’Eli ('DMA. I’or ('nrliigi ihe Hair of eifhxr Sex i}it} lUocy un i (!li).yof llitigh fs or Jtcarg Mu'isire CitrJ^'. By using this article Ladies and Yentlenieii beautify th(*mse1ves a thmisand fold It is the only article in the world that will curl straight hair, and at tin* same give it a beau tiful, glossy appearatice. The ('risper Uoina uot only curls tin* hair, hnt invitronttcs.hean- tifies and cleanses it ; is highly ami delight fully perfumed, and is tin* most complete arti cle of the kind ever od’er*d to the American pnhlic. The Crisjier ('oma will he sent to any address, sealed and postjiaid for .*1. Address all ordfi's to W. L. (’LARK cV (b).. Chemists. So. 2 West Favetti* Street, Syracuse. X. V. inarch 2', I St >7. twIy country liome, after a sojourn of a few months in tin* City, was liardly r(‘Cognis(*(l hy her friends. In jilace of a coarse, rustic. Hushed face, she had a soft ruhy com}ih*xiou of almost niarhle smoothness, and instead of twenty- three slie really appeared lint eighteen. Upon iin[nirv as to the cans* of so great a change, she ])lainly told them that she used the Cir cassian Balm, and considered it an inval uable acquisition ti any Lady’stoilet. By its use any Lady or Gentleman can improve their personal a)ip(*aiance an hundreil fold. It is simple in its eoiiihination. as Xatnre herself is siiiqde. yet nnsnrj'assed in its efficacy in drawing iinimrities from, also healing, cleans ing and heantifying th(* sliin and complexion. By its direct action iin the cntich* it drawsfroin it all its inqinrities. kindly healing the same, and h*aving tin* surface as Xatnre intended it slionhl be, clear, soft, smooth and beautiful. Bi •iei*.*l. si'iit by Mail or Icxpres.s, on reeept of :»n order, bv W. L.’CLARK X' Co., Chemists, Xo. West Fayette St.. Syracuse. X'. Y. The only American Agents for the sale of the same. niarcli 28-tw-lv We tvonld then propose to invest sucb ' events, of them v.'iili the right of suffrage as may | ^^’^e will scarcely be credited when we ■ be the owners of two hundred dollars worth ! say that tve have been prompted to write * A Capital Speech. Gen. George W. ^[organ made a capi tal speech at (’incinnati the otlier day, of which the following was the conclusion. It one of the bravest Northern soldiers ings, who have beretofore been bold in hot;-’ of taxable proimrtv, or who can road and I •‘^Uicle hv considerations of iiatriotism, i ^ , , , ,, i i e 10.4.4. 1 .4.0 till • I I i n.au .um „ i . ’ who siieaks and thus pleads tor mercy to (iarre. have .'iidi eii v hecn l a 4_; ^ -i , , i „..a o.,i 4i,„ .„o44 4 a. 4:_.. ^ i j dage, have .-suddenly been emancipated. The}’ have, witliout any effort on their paif, passed from a state of .slavery to a state of freedom—bavcbccomefreemen, d’hevbave been made citizens of the United .'’’talcs. Tlie protection of the laws, both in person and property’, lias been thrown arounJ i write and who sustain a good moral char- | upon tlie most mature, relic ,tion actor. This can be done with the utmost ! have uot been dct'*nc*d from fear of safety to tlie State. Nothing is liazarded in granting it, and every wise aud thouglit- ful statesman must see that much must be gained by it. Incorporate such a provision ill our organic law, and y’ou hold up be- them. They have becu afforded every ff-fore tlic freedmau the liigliest possible lu- cility for obtaiiiingju.sticc in our courts that! ducemct’it to become an intelligent, indus- tlie white man can command. I hey have | trious and virtuous man. You place po- bcen admitted to testify in all cases Avhere j Htical equality within his reach as the rc- they may be iritfcresled,evcn against white j ward of merit, and stimulate him to hope men. At this no one now complains—all j something for his posterity. And surely are Milling thot they should enjoy these | it must be to the interest of both races that j he should become an upright and virtuous But great as the revoliiiiou has aircody ; —that he should train up his ofispring beeu it has uot yet culininated.^ Mighty j with a view to their respectability and use- ex cuts arc still on the uiiig. Still gre:;tcr fMuess. Confer this privilege upon them, privileges are demanded for the freedmen. The present Congress seems to be deter- and you attach them to the government so that it can rely upon their fidelitv iu the Know thy Bestiuy. Madamk K. F. Thohxtox. the great Eu- niinc'd to confei upon tlu'm the right of sir,- event of war with foreign 'powers. Ile- fiago without limitation or qualification.— f^^gp jq them and hou’’ far they could be To accompIiJ. tl.is, it proposes even to re- ■ „„ emergency is a mat- maiKltlie Soulhcni States to a terrilori;.! ter for speculation. Their fidelity as slaves j condition. The p.aity tvhicli favors l''® , affords no evidence of their fidelity as freed, I measure has it iu its powers, uot only to men. As slaves they did uot feel that ’lisli Astriikigi.'t. Ulairviivant. and i’.'velui- USEFUL BOOKS. f4FN B Friend. 50 cents • IL w to C1TL1'44N B Friend. 50 cents; IF \v to gi*t ^ IJirli. .5(1 cfTits: Miiiiii' Wainl aiii Mf.iv’.il Dnitle. O.'i fciiis : Bailies I iivt* Dra'*K*. 2.5'''*!its: Tl.t* Bti'vs nf Lovt; 25i*t*ii': Mow tti W.m .anil lltiw to Win. 2.5 »>s«*nls Di'iiit *"; llii.’si* Doctor 25 cciit-: (iiiiiic to T.'iiiit Li!* 25 l■.•tlls; ••B-.r’if.s t,*iv(* l.cttcr Writer. 25 .■'.*nt t)V in.iilii|ion rcccqit of i.ri.*c. :^n .IDH.y A.'iMDN's;. • ■ ('li.ir'i'st vrj. s.(;- inetrieian. wlm h;is a.sttinislied the sclenTilic classe.s lit tb«* (_)ld \\ tivld.lias now located her self at liudM'ti. X. Y. Maiiauie ThornOm pnssesse.s sncli wonderful jiowcrt’ of second sight, as to euahle her to iinjuirt knowledge of thf* gfeatejt inqxirtancf* to the single or married of eitlier sex. While iu a st-.ite or tmnee. slu* ileliinuites the very fi*atures of tlie person you are to marry, and by the aid of an instrument of iiiteiist* ]iower. known as the Bsclnimotroiie. 'zuarantee.s to ]>rodnce a life like picture Ilf the future hnsliand or wife ot the ajqdicant. tntrellier with date nf’iiarriage, position in life, leading traits of character. \'c. This is no linmlmir. as tlmusands nt testimonial-; eau assert. She will send when desired a eertitied c**rtiticate. or written guar- a;itee. tliat th* picture is what it ]»urports to he. By eiiclosiiiir a small lock of hair, and statiiux placf* of hirth. aae, disposition aud complex'iou. aud em-hisiuii fifty cents and stamjted eiii elope aiMri’Ssed to yourself, you will receice the picture aud desired informa- tiiiu hy return nniil. All commuuicatious sa credly coutideiitial. Address in enufidence, Madame E. F‘ 'rhiiruton. B. (h Box. 222. Hudson. X. Y. its unpopularity. We expect to be cen sured, and arc prepared to defend our.self. We know the price of our conduct, 5ve liave doue our duty, and we are content. FlHnL WA-HIXGTON. Wasliington. October 10.—The officers Cj of the ’Jh-casuiy Dejfartmcnt have jn^t dis- tlic con(|ucrcd aud peace to the country : “ But is no o;i(t to be punisli -d ? Ptin- islied ! Does that (|ue3tion emanate from a human heart, or is it an inspiration from a fiend of hell '( I’uiiishcd ! Why, my countrymen, never iu the history of civil ized warfare was such dire punishment in flicted niton a coinjiiered peojtle as that endured by our countrymen of the South. 'Jktwns and cities sacked and burned.— covered a 5vliolesale robbery of the United ; Whole, districts charred and dcsohited as States Treasury by the use of counterfeit j if by the demon of destruction, and mill- 7-30 bonds of the scries of June, 1805, so | ions who 5verc reared in ufilucnce reduced well executed as to deceive the most ex perienced officers in all branches of the departments. For some time past the Treasury Department has beeu daily re ceiving 7 30 bonds, of the denomination of by the shock of war to penury and want. But is no one to die ? Is no blood to be slicd ? Almighty God! No one to die! Let the live liuudred tliousand graves around 5vljicli the melancholy cj’presa of *$4,000, from the various sub-treasuries j stands as spectral sentinels, mourning over aud banking houses, either for redciujitiou j the victim.s of a fallen cause, ati.swer the or conversion, and strange to say, these bonds were continually duplicated, that is, there u’ould be two bonds, Siiy’ of class B, hyena cry for bb>od. Five hundred theu- sand graves, the sad monuments of the er ror of a heroic but defeated peojile. F'ive control the present, but also the next Con-: possessed any rights. They have j gress. \\ ith all the elements around us m freemen they do, and course. Susj.iciou was, of cnur.se, direct- ’ motion shall we remain quiet ? Shall we ^ ed towards some one, then unknown, in : repose in listlessness, iu idleness audinsu-1 teachings—it is contrary to human nature Department, and the inojier ^ pineness while these things are in progress 1 ; ; Can the Southern statesman justif}’ such ; I a course to posterity ? Should he not identify himself 5vith the revolution der to control it—to check its it, iu its 5vild career, transcends of reason and of public safety. Prudence, appealing to\hem to memorialize ! deceive even Mr. S. M. Clark, of thf* iii int- it soems to us, can give but one an$5ver— I Congress in favor of Mr. Stevens’ bill, are ! ing bureau ; Messrs. Milroy and Andr. No. 16,000; or claims A, No. 22,000, or i liuudred tbou.’and Soutlieru homes are other duplicated numbers. j draped in mourning for the loved ones who All of the bonds offered were either of; slumlier in defe-at beneath the crimson sod. class A or B, none of classes C oi D. The i Five hundred tlifni?aiid Southern homes suspicion was that the bond.s were b(.ing j are desolate, and the night wind as it stolen from I he Department, or tliat the* | :^wecp.3 across an luindred ensanguinc(i duplicates were made there, carried off aud I |jattle*-fic;d3, is siill burdeind with the subsequently Fcturned through the chan- j groans of anguish and the sighs of despair nels above stated, and in regular business ■ whicli come from the graves of those who died in a lost and mistaken cause. Five hundred tliousand iS'iutliern mothers, wid ows, orphans, are the* living inonuments of measures were resorted to fin-detecting the the blight of fnitricidal w;ir. And M’ho criminal or criminals. It has now been ' asks lor vengeance mote thau this 1 What No man of ordinary intelligence can fail | full}’ ascertained, however, tli it there was i demon in humau shape erics for blood ? yes ” . 4 * . i of the loan branch, and Mr. Gassilier, th.* not tlioir fiienfis-care notl.mg whaterer ^ c„„,,,vt.r of d.o printing l,:,ro4o, ovl what of tlieni / The laurel blooms upon their g:*,’.\ ; s — the starrv’ banner, under wlii -li ti,e\* ii.ihly (iii*d, waves over them. We need not argue tl.e incapacity of the only wish to use then, j r;.L";r,i; tl.: .'uaTt c;!;.. ful j freedmen ia their pre.sent condition—the re , suit of their late servitude—to exercise in I telligcntly the right of suffrage, as a class. I This ivill be admitted by all truthful men ( who are at all acquninted with tiiem—5vho in Vest 1- ‘1.,. liil! as tools for the accomplishment of their ^ gation that the difference between own selfish ends—to enable them to ac- counterfeits aud the genuine w’as discover- quire power they may use it for the grati- ficatiou of their own revengeful feelings. ed. Tln-ir b.lilies an* di*ad, but their names and gbniu is lii-eds will live forever. They died tbr rht* Union they loved, for the flag thev adored. ( )!i, :ny countrymen, let it uot be s.iid tint tliev died in vain ! But General Spinner to-day made a careful upon th‘;ir tombs, to consecrate tlieir deeds, . examination of the bonds and discovered let the temple of the Union be restored.— evidence of this fact, the freedmen, ■ Jofect in bis signature. The defects to j Afid let us all, Northmen and Southmen. u.ar 18G7 t w-lr As I are acqnained with their condition and un to remember that the leader be noted are as follow.s : First—The seal j'oiii hands ov(.*r their graves and swear I derstand their character. Yet they are hu- of the movement, Gov. Holden, drove a As slightly larger than the genuine, the that our free Gaiistitutioii shall endure for- i man beings—acknowledged to be 5nch by 1 worthy gentleman from the State before * red ink with 5vhich it is stamped is a ahutlc i ever.”