[second day.] Thuksddy, P^eb. G, 1868. The Convention was called to order at 10 o’clock,—the President, ibe JTon. Wm. A. Craiiam, in the (.'hair [Py the Lour of meeting’, the sj)aciou.s Hall was filled, —with a large nuinher of ladio.^ iu the galleries, gracing the scene with their presence', and greeting ilu'Con vention, and its objects, with their ap proving smiles.] The following additional Pelegates came forward and had their names enrolled, viz : Columbus—Rev. llavnes T>ennon. Cmrritucl:—Thos. fSandej lin. Granville—W. L. Peace. Thos. Cape- hart, CP W. Kittrell, S. C. Hayes, K. O. Gregory. Halifax—G. H. 'Sloan, SV. II. Smith. Johnson—J. 'W. B. Watson, X. B. Gully, J. M. C. (Biy. J- iM. Smith. Northampoon—H. I. Beale, G. M. I’ow- ell, Richard Garner. Onslow—Christopher Stev'i;s. Person—Dr. Wm. Merritt. ir^/Tcn—B. :^r. Collin.= . M"aJi'C—R \Vatt Voik, A. IN. Clements, •T. W. Watson, Jno. ^I.-iyult, Jno. Scott, L. W. ITck, Weslev lioon. Yadkin—Andrew C. (.'owleg. Col. Jno, P. Hoke, of Jjincoln, on he- lialf of the Coiniiiittee on Organization, &c., submitted the fuiiowing report, which was unanimously ado]>t( fl, viz : A PLAN OF ORGAXlZA'l’lON. .ST A T E O K ft a NIZ i IO N. A State Connnittee, to eon.sist of a Chairman and thirty niembers,—six of whom shall na^idc iu Raleigh, and three in each judicial district—to be appointed by the State Convention. 'J'he Committee shall have power to maintain it.'i m'ganiz-itiou, by filling vacan cies, Ac., and shall tak'; charge of all matt*r.s relating to org.iuization, registra tion, Ac., and a tJroper canvass of the State. I) I .S T RI r T o 110. V NIZ. V T10 X. The members of the State Committee in each judicial distiict sh.iil constitute a district cor.imittce for their respective dis tricts and shall .‘ippoint a Chsirman, and shall take ciiart!;e of all m.-itters relating to county org;inizati!!n, A'c., in their re spective di.trict.'; aiul shall report ell matters relating thereto, to the Chairman of the State, committee. COCNTY Ottf;ANTZATIOX. It is recommended that each County, by popular meetings or thiongh the me dium of (jxi.'tiiig organizatioii.-:, appoint a County committee, to consi.st of at least two per.'Ons from each Captain’s District Avithin it.s limits. d'he County commit ee shall take charge of all matters of registration, lo cal organization, Ac., within the County, and is requested to make monthly r( jtorts to the Chairman of the District Commit tee, and, whoa necessary, to inform him of such local matters as may require llu! attention of the Phstiict committee. It is further n commended that, each county commilt c cause to be enrolled the the names of all the r giitered voters of their county, who are wilTuig to act and vote with this organization—no man to he thus enrolled witnout ins i .'.press consent: and, al.-o, that tln‘y cause to be enroll 'd on a separate list iiic naiues of all those who are entitbd lo register, but who Inave no: done so. and linit tliey use every exer tion to secure their registration and active co-»)peration. J'he following supplemental Resolution, nflered by Col. JIuke, was also adopted, viz ; Jlesohcd, 'i'liat the President of the convention appoint live or more persons, in each county to mak‘ a thorough can vass of the same, and disseminate proper political iiifonmiiinn Geo. V. Strong, Ksrj.,of Wayne, mov ed that the conventi(»n do now proceed to the election of a Chaiimaii of the State Fxccutive committee, and be plact d in nomimitiun therefor, the lion. 'William A. Graham, of the eountv of ( trango. Gov. Graham li.iving assigned suffivii-nt n'asons f’oi lii'^ inabilitv to serve iu the «/ capacity designated, his name was with drawn, and Col. W. J. Green, of Warren, nomin ated the Ilitii. J'immas Bragg, of Wake, and the uomiuation was ratitied by accla mation. Ou further motion of Mr Strong, the Couvention proceeded to the appointment r.f the members of the Kxeciuivc State CoiiiUiitice • and after a short, reces.', for juirposes of consultation, among the deh,*- galions from tin v.arious J udicial Districts th(-> follov ing names were presented to the convention and uuanimouslv coniirmed, - VIZ *. First llistrict A\ in A Mooi’C, 11 Fiire. Second Ltislrict—Li il Hrvan, Geo ^ ^ *y ’ \ Strong, T S Kenan. Third District—11 or Geo Howard, J J Davis. .M W Hans'iin. ^ Fourth District—iPui J M Leacii. iJvingstoii Brown, J T Moi ehea 1, Jr. Fifth District—C'ol E D JIali, A McLean, Hon Thos S Ashe. Sixth Distiict-H F Arnilield, AV M IK/bhins, lion J H WiKon. Seventh District—IMato Itiirhani, A C Avery, M J. McCo klo. Fighth District — Ji M Siokes, Cas“ sin Gndger, W L Love- Eisideiit Coniniittee al Raleigh — Hon A S Merrinioa, Hon Daniel G Fowle, Gen W li C'>x. Seaton Gales, J P 11 Russ, Mo^e^ A Bledsoe. On motion of Hou Daniel G Fowle of Wake, R C Badger was unanimous! v re quested by the couvention to act -as Secre tary of the Executive Committee. Mr Badger offered the following resolu tion, which was adopted by acciamatiun, v’iz : Jiesohed, That the PresTdent of the convention be requested to furni.sh the Ex ecutive Pommittee Avitli his very able ad dress on taking the chair, that it may be published and widely disseminated throug- out the State. Under the resolution adopted by the convention, and in pursuance of the plan of organization, the President proceeded to appoint, upon the recommendation of delegates from the respective counties, cativa.=sevs for those counties. [These lists, as far as prepared, wall be given to-morrow, it Avas the understand ing of the convention that, in cases Avliere there was a failure to designate canvas sers, recommendations should subsequent ly be sent into the Secretary of the Exe cutive Committee.] Hon Thomas Bragg, from the Commit tee on Resolutions, submitted the folloAv- ing report, viz : DECLARATIOX OF PRIXCIPLES. The Conservaiive people of Xorth Car olina having, by their delegates, assem bled in Convention at Raleigh, on the 5th of February, 1868, to consider the present anomalous condition of the State, and of the country, and to consult togeth er upon the gricA'anccs Avbicb now afflict and threaten them, and the course of ac tion proper to be adopted in the trying cir cumstances which siuToand them, do re solve and declare 1. (.)ur unalterable dcA'ction to the prin- cijdes of Constitutional liberty and our fealty to the government of the United States, as set forth in the Federal Consti tution. That we sincerely and in good fiiili accept the legitimate and legal re salts of the late Avar, and do hereby reit erate our oft rejjcated declaration, that Ave most licarlily desire peace and concord with our sister States, and with the entire people or the United States. 2. Tiiat regarding the Constitution of the United States as the source of al! power in the administration of the govern ment, and that the ])Owers of the Execu tive, Legislative and Judicial departments are etjual ami co-ordiirate, as defined by that instrument, we do lespectfuliy and solemnly protest against the enforcement upon our peo[)le of ’.lie Reconstruction xkets and policy of Congress, as uncon stitutional, mnviscand destructive to socie ty, and violative of that great principle of .American jiolitics, that each State shall have the exclusive control of its o’wii in ternal affairs. -3. Jlvsolvcd, That it is the opinion of this Convention, that the great and all ab sorbing issue, now soon to he presented to the ])eople of the Slate, is negro suffragi; and negro equality, if not supremacy, and Aviiether iieri’after in Xorlh Carolina and the South, the Avhite man is to bo placed politically, and, as a consequence, social ly, upf>n a footing ofe([ualily Avilh the ne gro, and in many localities, snhj(;ct to hi. government a.> a ijUperior. That we an- utierlv epposed to .uch cliangti in our governm«ait and in our social relations, and th’it avo 1o hereby r-;irn( Stly recom mend to the people of the State to ma:i- fnlly nu;el tin- is.ue now attempted to Ijc forced n])on them, and to nse every pro- ])er m(:a>urcs Aviihin their noAver to avert the. inqjending misehief. 4. JLcsolccd, T’hat Avliih' Ave are nnal- terahiy opj'osed to j oliiical and social equality as iiii tlse black race, Ave yc't have no unjusc prejudices against that race ; lliat Ave .are determined. l;y just laAvs, to protect them fully in all their civil lights, and to confer upon them all privileges which can he done consistently Avith the safety and Avedfare of both races. 5. llcsolrcd. That tiie distressed and im poverished condition of our people earnestly demands the speediest and wisest measures of relief that the Legislature can advise. 6. Pesidccd, That this convention recog nizes, Aviih ieeling.s of e:ratitnde, the heroic and ])atriotic eliurts of the Pre.^iident of the United States, to restore the Union and har mony and good Avill among the American each Judicial District to recommend dele gates to the National Deuioeratic CoiiA'en- tion, Avhen held, A’iz : 1st District—J. H. Hare. 2nd “ H. R. Bryan. 3rd “ W. E. Pell. 4th “ LeAvis llancs. oth “ D. S. C’oAvan. 6th “ A. C. Cowles. 7th “ Jno. F. Hoke, 8th “ Marcus ErAvin. 4'he Committee shortly after reported the folloAviug: DELEGATES. Hon. W. X. H. Smith, Gen. W. R. Cox, W. A. Wright, Esq., Jno. F. Hoke, Esq., ALTERNATES. Jno. Ilugcs, E^q., Jno. A. Gilmer. Jr., A. C. CuAvles, Esq., ITou. A, T. Davidson. On motion of Col. W. L. Steele, the thanks of the Convention were rinaniinously tendered to the President and other olficers of the Convention, for the manner in AAdiicli iheA’ had discharged tlieir duties. R. C. Badger, Esq., moved tliat the eou- veutiun, having discharged the business fur Avhicli it had assembled, do uoav adjourn. (Gov. Graham’s ATiledictory shall ap pear iu our next.) conservatiAm men of Xorth Carolina, and all ought to be proud of an opportunity to speak through the mouth of such a man. We do not mean to detract from the just deserts of others. There were many men of both the old parties present ou the occasion, who were governed by motives as pure, and by considerations as high We do not believe they will. We feel sure they will not prove recrcaut to their blood and kindred. EMIGRAXTS. We learn from a letter just received from the General Southern agent of the Baltimore and Ohio Road, that arrano-e- ' O LISTER BROTHERS’ SUPERPHOSPHATE -()K- ment Avill soon he made Avith the railroads and unselfish as Gov. Graham, aud AV'hose | of Xorlffl Carolina, and the steamship lines talents and character are the just pride of the State, but there yet seems to us to have been a peculiar fitness iu the selection of Goal Graham, on account of his great weight of character in the State, as well as his uational imputation. SALJSBUliY, FEB. 8, ISOS. THE COXSERVATIVE STATE To the exclusion of much other matter Avc publish tc-day the proceedings of this body iu full as reported for the Raleigh Sentinel. It AA'aa in every respect one of the most imposing political assemblages that ever congregated in Xorlh Carolina Forty seven of the eighty-nine counties in the State Avero represented by itearly four hundred delegates. Anioiig them AA'crc to he found the namc-s of the must venerable, the most eminent and the most virtuous men in the State—men whom the intelligent Avhito people of the State have heretofore, delighted to honor, and Avhose confidence and esteem they slil! possess. Here Avere assemhlud the men to Avhosc counsels the people of Xorth Carolina still look for guidance in the hour of peril—th.e rej'rcsen^^ativc men of the Stale, it Acas an ass(‘mhl,igc lliat re minded us of ilic olden lime—that it AA'as e-.e deiiethlful to cuntcmjjlate. Xo true man could look upon tiie nnlde speeimens tlu' Caucasian r'lce there as.«eml.lcd Avitli- out oxpt rirnceiiig ftcliiigs of inid" and pleasure, A\ iih ai.o itol, umh'r the |irelen.« vonlion of tlie };e(q)le semhh'd for tlir Constitution fur them. GWiiat WILL BE THE MAIX FEA- TUBES IX IT. This question is of great importance to every Avliite man in the State. Every one is anxious to know what sort of a Consti tution Avill be presented to us by the Con vention. We cannot tell what it Avill he in all its parts, hut Ave feel AA'arranted in saying what it Avill propose on the suf frage question. Xothing shortof absolute equality of the races Avill satisfy the Re publicans. Suffrage Avillbc made uniAmr- sal so fill- as the negro is coucerned, and it may he made universal so far as the white man is concerned, upon degrading condi tions. Eligibility to ofiice Avill also he made universal. The public schools will he throAvn open indiscriminately to both races—in short, all distinctions will he aliolishcd, Xo qualification Avill he requir ed for any ofiice beyond that of being a voter. All the officers of the State Gov ernment, from GoA’crnor to Constable, Judges and Justices of the Peace indu ed, Aviil he made A’lcctive by the pnpulai- vote of the peo’ple. The Convention aauII proceed upon the idea that suffrage i.s an ^‘i}ihcrcnt rhjliV vvitli the “j^rivilcf/e” to hold office annexed to it. All checks and balances Avill he stricken doAvn and a pure reprusentativo democracy established.— There will remain no security for the rights LIME. \\7E HAVE JUST RECEItt-w ▼ T a of this celchrated Fin •. Rone Sa{,cr-I’lii>sj)Jiate of Lime, which wc w.' terms a.> must cive satisfaction to al! ^ ’ , This.-Sni^r-I’hosiihato is suKriorto anv otVf i- 4. • 1 • • 1 as it contains all the ( heinical fGn. hern, to issue a regular emigrant’s ticket cessary to promote theprowth of all Root "‘n,:!: ,.';h from Xew York to all parts of this State, i mrcfi wUh any soil. D I wall stal,le Manure, by a trial, sid connecting therewith, via Xorfolkor Xcav- An agent will be stationed at Castle Gar-; '(nehundrej pounds of this Gesh i:nne'si,’,U k piiate of Lime ^1” » ♦ ' « f y"V ^ 1 11 • 11.1 i.mie, with Two Thousand den, Avhere all emigrants land, m order to j verj- be.-i Ftahie Manure,—it will be found send them directly South, before they be come contaminated Avith the Xcav York or Wes'ern bound fever. effects on the soil will be equal the first iTop"'ai ' Three Times as Lasti ng- 4 il • • 1 '"^Dfication of the analysis of this Fertio, As soon as this is been made by aaemiuent ClieiList of this c-tv ^ accomplished, the comuanv Avill he ready ! Te as represeuua. f - I R. H. COWAN A u No. 32 North Water miI.'. Jan. 23, IbGS.—tw6t ''ilminpt'm, \ FROM at various points in this S’ate, to suppl\- families with Germau girls, for cookin^j-i and other purposes, also farm laborers, ' mechanics, &:c. W e are \'ery glad to hear that arrange ments of this kind are being made. There arc many families in this locality, avc * Lmulrcth, Bnist, Sr T/iorhurn. tliiuk, aaJio Avould he glad to procure such ; ' laborers. | also THE CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTIUN’ Cheer. Blue-Grass, llerds-Grass, Tv,. T 1 , r , r • and other seeds, and ti In order to make room for the far more m- e..loLv.,t.,.l it'i.;#.,' t- celehra'Led Jltchiyan IVhife Sj Goodrich and Harrison 1‘otakws, sui.c rior to any others kuoAvn. or calahetrue. H. EHHISS Jtrufi'Oiyf 011(1 Srit! Ihdiir, So: lere.siing proceedings of the Conservative, or Avhite ra.au’s Convention, Ave have omitted the proceedings of this body for several days.— \ Nothing of importance has been done, hoAvev- ! dCeoum^ IVSerchants supplied at a . er, except to pass Mr. Rodman’s Ordinance for | Call (»r .-^end a’.id iret a descriptive aim the temporary relief of tlic people, p’euiselv e.s reported by the committee—the tax bill au thorized by the Reconstruction Acts to pay the 2(er diem, and mileage of members—a resolu tion requesting Gen. Canby to issue an order lo prevent the sale and sacrifice of property under executions already issued. The .\rticle on the Governor and State Executive officers wa.s so amended as to require tiie election for the term ol four years. -0- I'rom the Rnleinh Sentinel. 1835 AND 1SG5. A miserable set of felloAvs of the baser sort were sent by our infatuated people to cobble up a C^onstitution, as it Avas called. THE rELERRATED SOLINS Burning Fluid, in the year of our Lord 1835. They met , i^^ city of Raleigh-some of them came of piupeity,antl every man Avill IioldAvhat- j rather late, having lost tlieir Avay, as they ever property he dues hold at the mercy were to ignorant to read the sign-hoards, and too proud to ask. They received one No smoke, smell or explositiu. ehcajH-r th;,: Gas, PhTosim*. ( r «'andlcs. Also, tlicci-lctintt, XcAv Lerosine niiriiers Comet and Star for burning J\ero.sinc Avithont .iiu>k.* or ’ A full supply oi'iianips. Huruers, Wioks, K(r o.siiie, Saline lU’., always on hand at John H. Efmi.v';’ Drug More. Just Received A s]ilendid st..ek of wan anted pure .and un.i.l- ulteruted Drugs. iledieiuesaiulCheuiieals. imi,;. ding.di theofiieiiud Tiiu-tures,Syrups,.snlution-. Spirits, Ifills. FoAvders. t'ik. Acids, Extracts. A All t; VA * J)jM *iJI ! I'aims. iC lead; ‘.sp('ci;d!y Avlien he (-(mti’a.-tcd it ler hodv now sittingi!! the C’a))- puipose that it i.s a (’’on of tlm of e; jiroperty of the rabble. Suffrage will urohahlv be conferred ut)- i ^ day for their service 1, , ‘ 1 * ! (so-called) and AAoro Avell paid at thu.— on alt wliite men Avho Aviil swear to sun- i Y, i i i • i . ■ ^ 1 iK'y succeeded, hoAvcA'cr, in about pr>i t lii(, equaliij jt lights to he thus os- | weeks, b\- the aid of a couple of crinijic- * ( ^iii^-**^tnie, I uiagoiie, Laudaiiuin, Ac. Ac. tahhslied — “ihc jiilierent right to vote” 1 tent clerks, in patching up a 'Incument, having, in the estimation of the Conveu- i contemptible in all its paits-whidi they tion, been foiimted l.y every m.an who ren- ^ "" Constitution, and which lia.s been g p iteiit meJiciiies of tlic d.c . Ind'go, Snuti. Toltaeco, ;umcr' Oil. .'^ju-riii oil, Kcni>iiu‘ iiii. An cii'g^nit as.sort n., of Toilet article:-, i; ilnig-;i;.ps. Drusi.es. ('o'liljs, Ferfiiuierie', li...r ! ' )lls. Cosmetic.', i’on.iatniis, Ae., Ac. 1 , . 1 « 1 i from that day to this the seofl of the civ- dered am’ assistance to the Confederate i -r i m i ^ ! ilized Avorid, and a disgrace to the iraming a ’Lhe grrate.st harmony and good feeling : ly because it , , - - ^ - State. I cause, and not rcotored by the clemency ; In an old record of the timog, rn.iv he j of the E.-teciitivo. This is clearly fore- ; found the' nauie.s nf tlii.s Avoak and shadowed by a leader in the R:idical nr-,i ollierw' m’.iw, r-o. i.*i ; i, ... 1 4 1 4 1 might he difficult to learn avIio had got nii i gan ot the bln, Avhieh completely controls ■ , ‘ ; , , 1 . . , , , , this “lantornade ot nonsense. (IneNali th.it body, i Ins i.s to he done contessed- • \r. I At L ( 8pi;-es, seel] I’ej.per, Gpices, ('love.'. N.ii. lU'-gs, Ginger, Cmmnmi;;. Flai oriiig Kxinul*. F. s. iu e.', F'.iuiiiv Aledu-iue.-., Ac. I-lost ' fk 1 ♦ \ • UL'l T‘.:i rallv the Iars;c>t ai: Ihesi- Ilon W XII Smith, 7. Besohed, That this couvention regards the .Supreme. Court of the United States as tile legitimate expounder, in the last resort, of the (joiistitutiuu—and believe tliat its rights and ]>oAvers, iu that respect, sliould he {(reserved intact, as estahlished by law iu the earlier aud hetti'V days of the Re{)ublic, aud tliai lOA ."enoiis iiiipainneiit thereof by leg- i>latit)U '(r otlna’VA ise, will he destructive to the best interests of the country, aud dau- ger'iim to the liberties of the }»to{de. 8. Ixesolrtd, That des}>airing of any ros- toratieu of the Southern States under the conduct of that organization Avliicli noAv con trols the {iroceediiigs of Congress, Avaiving all former party feeling and {Arejudice, this Convention does most unhesitatingly lecoiii- meiid and invite the liearty co-o{)eration of all the good {leople «.)f North Carolina Avith the Democrats and Conservative men of tlie North|A; West, Avho are now nobly struggling for the maiiiteiiauce of the Constitution of the Uiiiteds States and the restoration of the Southern State.s to their rights iu the Union on the solid foundation i f liaiiiiony and {(caee' !b BeifoJved. That this Convention elect four .Jelfgates aud four alternates, for the State at large; to reiu’esent the Conservative [)eo{)le of North Carolina iu the next Dem ocratic National Couvention, and that it re- comuieml to the Conservative peo{)le of the several Congressional District, to appoint delegates at an early day to represent them in said coiiveiitioii. 10. llesolccd. That Avhen an election sliall he ordered tor the ratification of a new State Constitution, tlie Executive Committee for the State, Avliich has been appointed by this coiiA-ention, he instructed, if the time sliall be sufficient, to a call a Convention of the Conservative peojde of the State, to {uit in nomination candidates for the various State • (ffices Aviiose election shall then he ordered; and if there sliall not he sufficient time to call said convention, to put in uouiination sound CunservatiA'C men for said offices. The resolutions were enthusiastically adopted. Vociferous calls from all part.s of the house here brought Gov. "N'ance again to his feet. Essaying to speak from his place on the lloor, he Aj'us cunqadled to advance to the rostrum, by the protracted demands of the eoiiventioii. (Gov, Vance’s remarks shall upper in our next.) (,)ii iindion of Col. Jno. F. Hoke, the Ghair apjtoiuted a Committee of one from provailcrl in all its ilelihi party (listinciioiis Avere forgot I (ii, ami old antagonists A\ crc united. A sense tif com mon danger united all n’.’om a cnininnn jdatform for the jmrp'osc of a couiiimn de fense. All Avf'vc determined to ignore the past and stand shoulder to shoulder in lighting the great battle for the preserva tion of the Consdlution,'- the rights of the Stales ami the ascendencA^ of the Avliite race. And sooner or later success Avill croAvii their (‘fiorts ; for such a peojde, animated by such a sjdiit, and contend ing for such a stake, cannot fin.allv fail. At least such is our o{)iiiioii. In their success Ave see .ahead of ms the jieace, happiness, glory, {)rosj)eiiry aeon, possibly a Avhite man, Avas ;!{){)rehendcd tliat it left j dent, hut Avas so utterly ignorant of the j Old to act fi)r themselves, the people may , parliamentary rules, that the Avhole body. ami civiliza- and in their shivei’A" and ruin tiou of the Southern Slates defeat the degradation, of the decendents of the Cavaliei’s of England and the Huguonot.s of France under the domination of a race of semi- barbarians. And Ave cannot yet believe that God lias doomed this beautiful land to destruction. The meeting of tlie Conservative Con vention in this State, like .similar Con- J .Ul .1 ventions reccnlly held *n A’irgini land otli- hereafter, iu thu exercise of their sover eign powers, as to undo the Avork Avhicli is uoav the C«„t.tit,.lio., eo g’"’ '"'''‘.•.f'”/,'"’; the same Billy (raskins aa'Iio avus indicted for stealing a hog, or a mule, and received done. V c had thought that the right of \ thirty-nine for the mistake. John Branch the peo{)le to change tiieir organic law at | 'vas among them—and David L. SAvain during the si ssion Avas inextricable confu- P U R E DRUGS, Jiedk'iiR'.'’. eaeiiiic.Tl.s, l'aint.‘(, lilL, Di£-ffiFFS, if., L-vui inouglit to .'^aii>l)my. Exquisite Perfumeries. Tiio Ladies are e>pecia ly invitfd to rail. Avill, ■'A’heneA’er such change in their opiii- j iot, hccomosm:ccEEt,r.Mothoi,rescrv:Uion|fj;j;'j''’j,, of liic, liherty, or hanpiness,” Avas one of i John OAven, supposed to be the body scr- tlie “inalienahle rights” spoken of in the ■ vant of Gov. OAven, Avho took liis name whether negroes or not is someAvliat un- I They Avil! he ].ohrc]y waited Im, aud no clianr*- All that is knoAvn of them ig j Liaulu tor .'^hoAving go.ids. Oil! i'liEF.t'!!lF’Tl\E l!El'AltTllE.\T is under tlie eliarc'.- of a conrpetont DruF.ciir. w!n( will laitldiilly perlonn Ins duties- Day cr .Siglit. Superior induceinci.ts oilered to the country {(cople iu buying their Dye StuiU, Meil- ^ ^ ^ icincs, (tc. C«(untry Mcrcliants and Fliydciaii.> t. oiistitut on. V e had supjosed that no ; some very foolish remarks. Henry Sea- | iiuited to call, one in this State Avould ever deny that Xvell Avas another, and hailed fro:n the j ii i. ‘‘governmouts do 1)V tlie consent appear is a rumor that he is still living in War- ' Declaration of Imlependenco, and also in ^ ^y Avay of making himself respectable.— llic Bill of KigOs whuli this very Cot.-’'If!''"’'*'* another. Who . I was he f Echo answers who { J J. vrn ion pioposc.., to make a pait of their . figured among them and made y foolish rema le would ever ueny inai ' weii >vaa another, and uaneu iiuui me ; lerived tlieir just powers I bounty of Wake. He was a very inferior | 1,, 1.1. man, though not a negro. The name of of tlm governed,” and that, i-.r i j x' i i cpi ® ’ Weldon A. EdAvards also appears. J here ' therefore, the governed in any State could change their government Avhenever, in tlieir o’pinion, the security of their riHits mprahers ostentatiously proclaimed their ami jirivileges demanded it,—ahvay^s keep- ” ing Avithiu the limits of the poAvers reserv- UGIC UDIL 11 I l l/UJ U.’?! y IJlULiaiUlGU llUtll ' 7 7 7 Z* 7 7 * 7 7 ) • j # t* / incompetency and folhq bv frequent- ' ^ . Y II.*' : II 1 I • r LA\ L.-' Iliffii .’omt I* Udork. .A M m. ' iy minging in the debates (so-called,) ^ _ , Avliich were scarcely superior in interest to cd to them in the 1 ederal Constitution.— the Avild jahherings of so many monkeys let these Avortliies have the effroiiterv to ! in convention assembled. The rank and men of the State to SAvear that they Avill a\ ho aid the voting as they were told, | spared to make all 1 1 4 0 T^- .1 1 .1 and lived on their dollar and a half a day, Gortalde. do Avhat t Dis{)osscs3 themselves ” • . - - - - - -• {(illllS travel on this line roii:- O er States, Avill create a seii.-:.”iiion have a marked iuilueiicc upon the couii try. Its counsels Avill rciissure the jico- ple of the State, and arouse them from the ever before heard of? lemse ACS ; perfectly satisfied, as they ought to have 1 iglits AA itli AA liicli, ill another part of the i been. They boarded at cheap houses, , and instrument, they declare they can uever i find drank hut little Avliiskey, Avhicli Ava jaii’y U—twZm .F. G. VK.VCII. part—to alienate that which they declare ! I'*"’' Many 2 on » l to he inalienable. Was such nonsense ' t’lIARLKGToX, , . , sense enough to he ashamed of it. Here . Declare lu one i Uml reigned h.i r> king it. It was most fortunate for tlie country j iu terms ? tliat the CouAeution selected such a man | ing no as William A. Graiia.m, to preside OA’cr its delih'eratioiis. Kno'.vn and hon ored throughout the Union, his name is a tower of strength to Avhatever cause he espouses. He is eminently a rcjiresenta- Toomer, Louis D. \Vilson, Robert B. Gil- ' I’e-^pectfully solmiP'd. liam, Josiah Crudup, Jesse Speight, Ken- disabilities upon the voters avIio are to rat ify or reject the Constitution Avhich they may present—that is, put out of their tive man, and the nolle fjieccli Avhieli he ■ poAver by the reconstruction hiAvs. 'WJU • Rayner, Alex. F. Gaston, Bartlett: delivered on taking the chair, which will j the people—the white peoide of Xorth’* wn ten out an.I ,,uol.El,ea ,i fuil-.vnlbi. , Curol.nu-voto for the rut.hcatiou of any , j. l. Boilev, 0. Fisher, Mediack Frankt! re.i.l iv.th admiration .and delight’ey mi!-; euch Constitution ? Will they ever con-' li„, J). .M. Barringer, and a good manv ' ’’'‘‘dry. It Avas a no- sent to the imposition of tost oaths, Avhich ^ ctlu-rs, of about the same speed. Some of cannot be kept Avithout sacrificing the “in- impudence and effrontery to herent”—“sclf-cv close of the war, and must convince all ' men ? Will the leafcunahle men at tnc Xortli, of the jus- ' all the checks and balances in our SA’’stem tice and propriety of that course. Tiie I of goA'ernment aud place themselves at the * —ev^ery mother’s son .T. P. ilOPLACIT. Agent. •Tan. U,-tw3in Froprictor Equity Sale, OF lions all over the co hlo defense of the course of the people of X’ortli Carolina and tlie South, since the .„ I as.sume the very immes of our Governors !'''■‘■’‘Dm Mnri.hy, dre’d., adjoining Hie lands of A. evident ri2.1its ot iree- 1 r 1 i 1 •ill Jot»ri«on i* llarri^on and oiIhts. This tr^ct ° ‘“’e''d'At’,inVaUr;iG:;f ey consent to stnke auWii Pg mi.'led by tlnur device. all timber land. 'IVras—six .and twelve months Our glorious convention is composed of I " iiitere.-t alter six months. The pn/cha- 1 ^ .1 » r 1 I ser to pav cost as soonassale iscontirmea. ^ _ . _ _ _ — ^ ^ ^ mo toi ^ soil of them ; ' same tixneand placethe Executors of AA'illiam 3/ur Couvontiun, hy rc.r,uo.- i,.g him furni.!. , ,„o,cy of a negro rabble ? Will they con- ' »«j {I’J and t'na^r'fiko tyi.Td'n li'd'IirSid a copy for publication, lias endorsed tiie sent to such civil and political equality as ■ ^"^-7 f 7 _ d L . j adjoining the lamh-^ of Maiyaret speech, and it will go forth to the Avoi ld | must inevitably lead to social equality and as expressing the true seiitiinents of thu ' amalgamaliou I Will they do these thin^3 ? Eight dollars per diem ! Glory and greenbacks enough for one dav ! ! Se- lah! X.V. G. JOILX ll. K . Druggist ami Pliarinaceulist, Gotl'.ic Front. Alain .'t., Salisbury. N. t' liiianavs at way' IVec. scjit It'—f.;i; J. a. VE.aoH’s ren ; though in great obscurity. All these I D FAPRFSS IJ.NE— Arrive.s at Salem i.: .\4o. k. Al I.e.-iA'CS Salem at 2-t '.'clock, I’. Af. Arrives at High Point at 71 o’clock, PAt Passengers will find this Lin..- avcH stock.'.l „ , 111.,,. , nt f .1 4 m u a . • i ' with c-xiii Stages, tine Horse.', careful and a. - come foi-AATird and ask the intelligent Avliite of that memorable body Averc a stupid 1 oommodating Drivers. u;.d no mfins aaIII l.c Special attention will be jriv.-n to all Kxprc'.i mat ter sant to nr,' care. the chirography, and the marksmen mti- ^ exccqitfom'hli'. 'I4n Poo!'.' attached to 1 David OutlaAv, Frederick J Ifill, Bur- ' , , .he lync-.t' as ; 4. n • u a IJ /c 1 1 tloii Avill bo pant lo tue coinlort'd int guesi> ai Fortunately they can impose no further 1 ^ (raitnei, barn i Caison, (,,amue], heretofore, ami traA'elb r-^ ( .inrel} ujion finding perhaps) Ilugli McQueen, Alexander ; the Charle.'ton Hotel equal to any in the rnit.-d Troy, Richard Dobbs Spaight, John D. 1 State.s. The patromim; of tl.e travelling public lUe ? Accoiding to tlieii oaa n sliow- ; by hoAving tlieir heads. These ^ the liotid are sni'idi' d "hn ‘h'’ colebratet[ Ar- o such oath can hind the person ta- names, so far as intelligible are as folloAvs : ' tesian AV'ater, ami Hot. i I'l or ^huAAcr it 1 Dnvid riMtPnw FrorlprioL I TfiH tan he obtained at auv time. 1 he same atten- inc taken charirc of VALUAJ5U-: LAND. f)N .‘Saturday. tbeSthday of Fetirnary next. I will .lel! at tlie {’oiirt'Honse door, .‘^i.xty acres of lapd known as Chestnut Hill, belonaing to the heirs of Shaver, James C. Smythe’.s estate and others. Terms —Six mouths credit, bond with :i]'provcd seenrity. LUKE BLACKAIEK, C. -M. E- Jan’y, J3th, 18tk>. w.Kw—to