Ux SI.l:%ES & BRi;.\ER, H)L III. NO. 41 “The Old iVorth SIaIc Forever,”— Gaston. ^iiig^le C'opie^* Five SALISBURY. N. C.. TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 186S. - -- *- r [WHOLE NO 3'AO ECjJUTIC, M AGAZIN I.- ■ * • I I OK l ORFAGN LFI EKA TURE, BROOKLYN f Ccnite client ZRutiial &ife U KKI-ECTED KROM LoniliiH (Judrtrily, Jintisli fid r ter Ilf, ynrth Jiril llrrit^ir, J’dpt.lar Srh-dct her. Sd tn rday lU rieir, 11 V'.v tjii i II s tf-r Iter ie\r \ t 'fiUditu r’.v Joiiriidl, Jtenir (Ics Denx Monilcs, LoidldU Society, SI. I'durii, ^ f '> ni h i liUdfjd;:i ne^ I'rd.vjrs ^idiidztnc, Li i.iii e JJditr, Tciiijili- Jiur, Ldidiou Iti rieir. T!iE>- I hole’ speedily I have know’u colored ' shall have ratified a constitution submit- LIFE insurance: MSORAiCFi RlllPANI|;ro“ut:“z.\rett;rL^ lilUUl UIHUU UVjlili ilii A 1 IRI-W JEEK.Ij\ i j go dressed in graveyard clothes, trimmed adopted the amendment to the constiiu- !Ll-UATES OF SUDSCRirTloX- _Ca i in red ; :i hat thirty inches high, with a tion of the United States projx^sed by the T1£Biis C.iSH in ad^'anok. j light burning ill the centre. They will XXXIXth congress, and krown as * arii- " t I walk up to a negro and offer to shake de 14, tho constitution of Alabama mav Weekljj, One Year, >>ijL Months.. f1, 1) / r j" 01 llartFord, Conn, STATIZAIENT, DEC. SI, 1867. M* ./»•/ Jour lid I, Cottlcitifioriin/ Iterinr, t'hri.'ifidii Sod' ///,* Jfl tftc year Itouiid, Duhlin I'liin rriiy, .)Idr,nilfdn's Mdi/dCciH’, Jiilijidiud. ^\'e liave uIsd airai.i^ed to secure choice selections froi^j the Frcii(h, Cerman. ami otlier ('ontiiiental IVriodicaN. translated esjiecially for the Eclectic to ad(. ti,t!ie variety ami value of the work. Each nimiher is eiiihcllished with one or more l-’iiie ■stc.-l Kn;;ravin.irs—i)>rtraits(jf eminent men, or illus- frativu of imjiort.uit liistorical events. Splendid Premiums for 18G8; i'v rv new siihscriher tj the Eclectic 18CS. pnyinir in advam--!, will receive eiHier of the following hc.tiitilul cliromppil paijjling.s IJASKKT OF PEACHES,,, Sizit 0 X 11;/ PLPKPw AND NUT CRACKERS, g Size 7 X 8. The above arc exact copies of original oil paint ings, ami arccxecutcd l,y I’rang A t'o., intlic high- c-t.slyie oft he art. or, in place ol them we will send ••’t|icr if our Fine Steel Engravings, Washington at alley Forge, {{etuin from Market, Jay Moru- iiig. • For Two suhscnliers and $10.00. wo will send the t'cautiful Chruiiii), I.'oultry Life—Size o \-‘2 x S. T.ir Thrc'e, suhs(;rihers and $15.MI, a co}iy of ]\\'lK'iter's yatid/ial Pk torinl Jlirtionarn, Issues Policies of all Kinds, I MFi: A AD EAD(>V\3JE\T. accumula7eb ASSETS ..*5.0ol liailds with biui \ ami wlren the darkr-y be presented U» Congress for its i\pprox-i»\. .. tbe Iiiiiul, b» and bcbohl ! it is noth' | Sec. 4. Awrf hr itjuriher enarted, 'Fhat AhsoJnteJp uo Restrictiou upon I Tnivcl or Reside nee, f)lVlilE.\I)S I’AID W.VL’ALLV i\ C.\SII ALL POLICIES POSITIVELY $17,670,288,88. INCOME FOR 1807. . $7,726,516,53. FOPv PREMIUMS $6,332,804,95, t^EEELY WATCHMAF AND NORTH STATE ! ‘>iie Copy One Year J3 OO : “ -Fix Montlis j.rHi j _ A cross onthepajierindicatestheexpuation of I tiie subscription. i. Tlie type on which the “ Otn Nortu State,” is 1 printed is entire*Iv new. but a skdeton hand—the bones themselves! The result mg naked the Uisiiict commanders shall furnish all Mr. ; uecessarv aid in enforcintr this act I it a w"eYco[L‘^Tsitor uTeverrfam j but brought him a bucket of, shall remain in full force in Alabama, »■ : to ilo this we have engaged tla^ services of able and j ‘•ccumiilished literary rontributoi’s Part of the premium loaned,, and no loan or premium note i-s a lien or claim on the polictj in case of death after the second year. Foil INTEREST, 1.3 9 3,7 1 1 o 8 LOSSES PAID IN 1867, 81,'2()8,75818, DIVIDENDS PAID IN oi.y\ Volume Ilf 1.040 jiages. containing ovci^fiOO pic i ti iii’l illii^tratiiiiis. jiiicc Sb.CjiJ; jiir ^a copy, of l{o.>a' j If iiiiieur's ( clebralcd, piece, Sb«-tland j’ofijpr,— Size i .V. ).J 1 2... -O 1867: 0 Advertising Bates. TK ANSI EXT DATES I'orall i>criods less than one‘mohlU ‘ ‘ ' One Sipiare. Fii-st insertion ’ $1.00 Kach subseiMient in-scrtioii 5ti Contract rates for jieriods of one to foni months. $20 tH» 27.(M) 3 4(«t 3 700 3 850 44.(Hi nO 00 70. (.HI 1 SQrARK. 1 MO. 1 2 MO. 1 3 MO. 1 4 jro. $5 00 $8 50 $t2(!0 $15.00 2 SQUARES, 7 50 13 00 17 00 21 00 0 SQeAUE.S, 10 (JO 16 00 ’2L(H) 26 0(1 4 S(2UARES, 12 (K) 18 00 23 (H) 2S 00 CfAR. COL. 13.00 19.00 2400 2HI0 CALF COL. 20.00 27,00 33.(H) 3S 00 0 (JUAK. COL. 25(H) 33 00 4(1 on 45 on ONE cor.. 30.00 42,00 52(0 60 00 Correspondent of the Sendnel. Teniis of the Echrtir sii.glc copies 45 cts.; one c.ipy. one year. $5 00; i tw)« .:i)|iii s one _\ car $‘t,(M); live cojiies one year$20.00 ! W. IT. lilDWETX, I 7 ft :~} Beelomni, St-, Az'//’ UoyZ-. j Company offers peculiar advaiita- ' .gcs to tl)« Southern people. It is tlie most JAherid Ctonpany in the Pnited States 6 4 3,0 0 5,0 Interest rceeaved more than pays losses Dividends average over oO ]ier cent. All policic.snon-iorfeitahleforastatedamount Assuranee eaii he effected in all forms desired, j 8A.ML. DOUGLAS WAIT, j General Agent, I Raleigh, N. C. j A. Philijis, .\g(.*ut, Charlotte, X. C. i mar .‘I-wArwtf ! ■ — 1 For Life Insurance Only. The A. P. Q. In Aloore—He 7neete Cold Comfort—Glorious Qonserva tire Rally—The Leagues Breahing up. JoNESiJono, Mar. 30, 18G8. ilFe$.9r5 EdHlrs:—F\\e X. P. G. came, saw and didn’t conquer on tlie 27th. As vas anuoiiuced by hand bill, we expected “several other eiuiumit liepuhlinan speak- Riit the cortegtj had betMi reiueed is, Air. J necessary aid in enforcing this act and ^ A few night.s ago, not far tlie act of March 2, 1867, entitled an act from my home, one of the gang stopped to provide for a more efiicient goveru- at a colored woman’s house to get somf | nient for the Rebel States, and the acts of water. The darkey was almost scared | supplementary to and amondatorv thereof X- wate-r. He drank it all, and called for a | cept as modified by this act, until Ala- second bucket, which he drank also. He hama shall be restored to represeTitatiou also asked for a third, which he likewise in congress. drank. The woman, with' consternation, j , 'FrVTr'T^'vTiT'n \ vr^ asked him why he drank so much water. I I H*- I LIAL 1 .MK. 1 .\\ I.'>. The reply was, that ‘if she had been in ! L be Seen from the order of .fudge hell as long as ho had, she would drinkas j Umh rwood, published in our columns ihi.^* much as Ik*.’ - Thev • sonieiimcs are seou i nif^rnm.'r, that ilie trial of Hon. .L ffer.^ion forty and fifty together,-about midnighf, ! ha.- taen -igam pos?p>ue»i utifil the iiorsebaek, but disapp(*ar, nO One knows ^ al '}'- 'I'he josipuneuu-nt, it i.=» where. Tiicv are indeed a curious.set.” Tiitde)stood, wa.-i nrult- tui e(iU!ist.I lor the governnienl; ant', we sume, tie- .-ame ihiog will occur ng.iin atiil aeaiti. uuli! at hist a nolle prO'^ejut w ;ii he ( JitereJ, aiid the case tLisn.iss d.— i M course we do uot m.-aii to- niijdv aiiy- RockinGHAM.—Tiic Conservative nomi-1 thing more t!i;ui eoiijceture in this, though iiating Convention met on the 1st. Jo- it is evi.leut that “the proseo.uiun*’ would soph II. Cardwell, Esq., presided and W. be glad to g-t rid ot their dithcultiLS in S. Allen and \V. X. Mebaiie were Secre taries. The Convention was eloquently addressed bv ()vide Du Pre’, late of this city, whose speech is .spoken of in high terms, and by ^Messrs. R. H. ^^'al't^, Geoigc H. Holderby ;ind Jos. Ilolderhv, in an able manner. The following excel lent nominations were made: Senate.—Jl. 11. Ward. House.—Col. David Settle and Dr. A. IL Johns. Clerk Superior Court.—W. M. Elling ton. Jxcgister.—R, 1’. Jones. Slierijl. — JuB. Roberts. , 3rv t-ttoM/c /.—. J^. ituttin. Coroner. —J. D. Ellington. Huriryor. — W'. 1>. Bethel, John 1). Watkins, Geo L. Aiken, J. S. Johnston, II. P. Lomax.—SenLne/. Caswell. — The nominating meeting tvas held in Vancevville, on Tuesdav, and was presided over by the Hon. Bedford Hrown. Stirring and effective speeches were made bv Mr Brown, Judge Kerr and Hon. S. P. Hill, 'i he meeting unani mously endorsed the action of P Hod nett. Esq., in the so-called Coin'ention, and nominated the Hon. Bedford Brown for the Senate, and Wm. Lon^ and P. Hoduett, Esqs., for the Uoinmons, all of CONSE R VATl VE M () VIAIKXTS- THEBALL ROLLING ()X ! hi'iLi-n t.t .1 the pre JT EDM 0X1 British Periodical ! Kfi r.-\te» bttitig lt;wor tlia'.i llioso of other ctmiua- I ^ t , t \ It » • . ,. - nif.-T. 'OFFICE, NO. Ul BROADWAY, i ! NIAV YORK CITY. Lhe Loudiui Quatti’rly liccicg'., (Qon Korvu'i V'- ) I he hlinhui ij /A ez*. iz', (\y Ilia.) '! he W ist’iii n stir Ren,-u'., (Rulie.al.) T!jc. Xorth British Ricicic, (F''^'e !-VSTBS. sa. COIiS, Secretary. Ciuircii ) I AND , ‘ CSES.ISTIABJ W. B01TC2S, Pres. J!lad;r„,„rs K,l,„l,H,,jh Maja-inc, j si,„iivfuDHslud i.. ,lctail,i,r (.lurj.) I A. W. I.A\VREX( E, of ltalcig!i, Tl.e,.ermJu-;ils;ue;dJy susLiinedby tbo ooutri for the State of X. Carolina. ol llif In >t wntcis o!i .^uicnce, icchgion aiul ; 4 • ivocnil iDturatnre, and Mainl nuriviUlcd in llic i ^ (-01 (I IiKNor U, woriil t>r ifttris.. Tiiev .arc iiiJisiiMi-aiiio to .tlie ' niar 3 — w^'twly Salisbury, X" C. •-(•Jfolar .Tinl the j)ntle>s:»ii.il man, ami tn every leu- | ilifjg man a». tlnry Ininisli a liettei ii-'-nril nl tlif eiii- ' ' ^ rent literature ol tlie Jay ti.an ran be obtaiiied t'rom ftny other sonree. 'I'ERMS FOR 1868. For any one ol the Itexiews $4.00 per annum. For anv tv\n o! tiie Iteviev A 7.00 For any lliii-e of the lleview s.... 10.( 0 FifT alt lniirnf the J,;e\ iews 12.00 “ For Ul-tekwoini'-- .Maga/.ine 4.00 •* I'nr (liaekwonil ami one Itcvicw, 7.00 " I'nr,.lilaekunod and ;inv two ofthe Hevlews i F»r Itl.'iekwooil and three ofthe Iteview.- 13.Ot) “ For Itlaekwnod and the Ibijr He- views. 15.00 ‘f Tlib .4rlin{^l;jn LHiliial fife Jiisnraitff Qicutiiiiit!) OF VIRGINIA. .4 Xirginui and Southern Institution Its Funds are kept in the South. It has mcheith unprecedentedsuecess. CLUBS. A liisenuiit of twenty j>er eent. w ill be allowed to liib^of four or more pei>on.>. T’hus. lour eopieM»( ! ji ~ > 177-771. Hi:»ek.w ..od. or of one Iteview. w ill be M-nt to i,w, \ltsioriunesare csfublislicd beyond any joijivs.s foi; S12-80. Four eopies ot the lour Me- j vievk--anj iilackwood for $48.(Ml ami so on. * J’OSTAGF. Snbseribersslmuid p-epay by tluj (luartor. n. the otljee >l deliverv. The I'ostage trt ai.y part of the I'nited .‘^tate-i is Two (’knts a nuu.ber. This rate only .applies to enirent siibseiiiitiun.'^. I'orbaeknuai- beih tile iMotaye is double. Pr'i mi a ms to Xoar Suhserihers. Xe'v still>-;.-i-itK-r:. ti> any two of the above pi-iioijl- «r>ls lor 1S»>8 will be entitled to receive, .uratis. anv ORe ol the Four Metiew s for LSbT Xew' Siibseril)ers to all live of the IVrioilieals tm- liSt)8 m-..y reeeive, •ir.Tlis Ulaekwood or any two ol ti e hioir Reviews V*»r, 1S>7. Siili.eril>er^ may ol'tain back nuinl-ers at the fol- lo}> iip.; reJiieeil rates, viz • ■file North Mrit-sh from .Lnuiury, 1863. to Deceni- ’■'je. ls(67.- inc’.iisive ; Eilinl’iirgli ziti J the IVestmin- r-;,*r from April. 1864. to Leeember, 1S(~. im lnsivc, and the I.ondon t,Uiartevly for the years 1865. 1866 and 1867, at tin* rate of$1.50 a vear fori-aeh or any Me\ .ow: also. Itlaekwootl foi 1S»6 and Ihli*. f.>r $2.- 5(1 a year, or the two years loeether lor $4.('(l. Neither jipMninmstuSnbseiibers. noi-diseoniit to Clubs, nor redueed '--iees for back nninl'cis. ran tie allowed. Tinless the i. ni-\ is remitted direet to the I'ubli-ln-rs. .Vo premiums can bo given tn Clubs. The Lrnnurd Scott Pub. Co., 140 Fulton, St., X. Y. confimirnri/. The T.. 8. rfit. ('(>.. also pnldisli the FARM PR'S GPIPK, by IIkxty .^TErnrvs, of Edinburgh. an-J the late J. I*. Norton, of '\'aie College. 2 vols.. Roval (bo Tvo, 16Mi paces, atid numerous Fr.graving.s. Frier. $7 lor the two volume.s—by Mail, jmsf naid $8.imL jan9-Atf AV E ha -e just received a comjilefe assort ment v»f approved blanks in Bankriiptcv, and are prepared to attend to cases in bunkenptey before the Registers, and tlie District Court Uni'- (ed Fiatee. BGYDEX A BAILEY, Solicitors iu Baokruptev. March 3. 1303. 'tf Tiie Comp-any has rapitai ami ns.sets. against its liabilitt that w ill i-ompare favorably with anv Life Insiiraiii'c ('oui|»any on the continent, which is the true test of responsibility. Us alfairs are cautiously adniinistered b_\j .Kdected nirectors. oi resp.msibility and business eajiacity. It ha,-» cstahli.slied its claim to Soiithc-ru Fatrouage. 01 TIC EPS: P It E S 1 D E N T , JOHN E. EDW'ARDS, OT VlPGIXrA. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL ONE niLLIONBOLLARS. OFFICERS. W. C. CARRINGTON, President: J. J. 110PKIX8, Secretary 0. i I b , (l(^s(*tion, or, w re, pnliaps, out bum- I id.sewhere, till tffey had to call oul ’ po ll* (»ld A. IL, of our county, to make UL/fkLatjuL ... -K . tne arrival of tin; cars, a polite nae was placed in llohhn’s hands, ask- iiq' that Hon. 1’ C. Fulh r he tillowed to reply, nfh-ring to submit to any terms to time, Ac., that he might dec d 01. Af ter caucusing for a i 1 oar, a vei Pal an swer, refusing, wa.s returned; to the i - finite disgust of the Radicals, x\ho h d beon bragging that Holden was not afraid IL PERROW, M. D. J/cJ. Jf/mw. evf'i Jo “leet Gov. Vance, and that he This liberal and solvent .8outhem Company * Xo accommodation had been prepared pays to its poHc-y holders annually j for the epeaker.s, though Conservative Q-i TTil n.., e .-P lie i gentlemen here had ofiered as.sistance 84 Per Cent, of Its 1 rojlts. j So, at the back end of a warehouse, in It, proposes to aid its patrons by taking notes I ^ swatnp,’ evidently ‘‘hid lor one hall'of the priMniumt. '' ” i out,” as Ave Say of poor and h an stock If allows ts patrons to pay all ea.sh ifdesired. ! at otir county churches, the' X'P G It invites Its patrons to attend its annual set-1 1 1 n j tlemenfsand see tlieirriglitsproieeted. | Jiag announced and three cln-ers called H aliowrTts pati’on.s to i-haiige their policies i which were answered by less than a I'rom one place to finolher. " . i d()2eti voibes, and a groan that almost Its Folk-v holders are not restricted as to tra- j shook the gr6und,-and followed by three Itofl'ers the following certificate a.s to its .sol-; } ^find deafening cheeis for the Con- veney: | scrvative patty—the negroes looking on, Xklsi x CoruT lIor.sK, Ya ( * not knowing what to make of it at all.— r,., 7 • 7 m March 2o, IdG/. S ; All of which had the eftect of softening llic undersigned, officers ot the county ofj„„„i, ,7 1 1 .1 ,/ Nel.son, and State of Virginia, take pleasuie in | “traitor," “rebel,” “. eces- reeomiiieiiding as a solvent and relialile'cohipa- ' Sioui.st a ny.‘‘Tiie Fiedinont Real Estate insurruvee Com-1 Cpnservati which followed * and “copperhead’ itive friends,’ ,, in into “our the speech VICE rnKSlUENT. Wil. B. lsAA(S, SKCRKTAKA', 1). J. li.VIlTSOOK, M i; IH (' A L 1-: .\ MIN1-: It, ('IIARI.ILS 11. SMITH, M. D. II l.EO AL ACVl.SKK. C. Cahej.l, GKVKRAI. AOF.NT. Jnu. H. ( LAinOKNE. DIRECTORS: •Ii'lin lenders. Henry K William F. T.iylor, Saimiel S. (’utn-ell. .btlin Foolev. ('liarlesT. Wnrtliam, William Willi.^ ,lr., Eli. .\. Smith,' Thos. .1. E\ aus, •James -ntt, R. M Quarles. W. 11. Tyier. .1 ■ L, 1*.* i \v a I'l is, .\. Y. .'^ti.ike.=;. .1. B. Mor'tiiii, R. H. Ifbrel!. William 11. I’aliucr, Fllyso.n, Asa .'Snyder. 11. E. Ra.-ikervilie, 8:tmi;el ('. Tardy, George .lai (lbs, •J. W. .\lii.son. George ."S. Fainter, A . 1). ('Imek'ev, H. (’. (’aiK;ll. ■ I>. .1. Hart-^ook, •Jolrn V. Williams, V illiani G. ’favlor, A. F. Alic-ll. ■ Wm. B. l.-naes, Gi-orgo L. BiilgooJ, Samael .M, 1‘ricc. LEWIS C. HANES. Agt. anl7—tw&wtf Lexington, N. C Ncntly En^zuUd at this Office, pany," of tliis county; iUid be.sides the merit ol its solvency, its rates and ' terms for Life Iti-ur- anee aie such a-; to eommend it to public pat- ronagi*. Its Stockholders, l)ircctor.s and Oftieers are men of high intt'grity, and patrons can rely on an honorable, efneient management of its affairs. None of US have stock or personal interest in ( ^ this eomjiany, and simply give this as disinter-! fhsif of “snrgent, but that NorthCaro- ested testimony to the meritsuf a good institu-I lina would do better. lie was in favor Geo. S. STKVE.V.S, Clerk Circuit Court, ' .Toiix F. Hix, simrilf- i U^rit to Lolonel. 80 Mr. Holden discoursed ever so pro sily, for two hours, about tbe “Con-stat tution,” colored “surgents” and colored “ridgemenls,” remarking that the U. S service allowed negroes no rank above AV.^f.A. Hill..Surveyor. S. H. Lox'iXTi, CIiTrk County ('ourt. (I A. Bingham A Co., Ageut.s, Salisbury ATe also have the tigem-y for good f'ire Com panies. Traveling agents w.inted. Apple to CAFT. .IAMBS F. JUllNSOX, Special Agent, Charlotte, N. C .Tan. 7, 18(>8. wAtwly TSS T!Qirr!PABT.T} SOCIETY f THE UNITED STATES \Miile Mr. II. was speaking, an im- prowntu platform was tastefelB’ arranged in iHc public eqii.-xro, nnd, after lie was doll?) the lion. T. C. Fuller, and others, proceeded to make the fur fiy to a large andtnthusiastic crowd of k'hifc ni6n‘. Iljilden lost a hundred votes h(*re by refu^iig to hear Mr. Fuller, while Mr. Fulcr made another hundred on the groind, to say nothing of the influence wbi^J it will spread in this and adjoining counties. The lukewarm are arroused, the Leagues are emptied. Numbers ot negrdes, contrary to all precedent, stayed at liime to work. ’l&e League near this place, a large one iud composed of better men than' are ifimniouly found in such concerns, met t’etently and I lie President made a No. 92 Bkoadwav. New Yoric. litti' ^Jk, stating that he should then and thertf withdraw. He was followed l.y .li, .7 , -71 • 7 7.,’ 7 * tiou at SUCH time or tunes as it niav aes- ?6.00n,W0 "f i-ute. And s.,id Lc-gislntu.x- i= uUo em. whom accepted the nominalions. Good for old Caswell!—lb. Gltlfo. d.—J. T. Moreliead, Jr., is one of the Conservative candidates forllie Senate for Guilford and Alamance, lie will make an able and ‘virgorous canvass, and he challenges the advocates of the mongrel Constitution to meet him on the stump.—J6. THE STATE OF ALABAMA. The House* of Representatives, l.y a vote of 102 -o 20, passed, on SaiunJay, the following hill r Be it enacted, dc., That tlie Con.=:tifu- tion fuimed by llie conveh^tion of Alabama which w. s submitted for rtitilicaiiou by the people At ?iri election commencing on the 4th day of February, 1868, is hereby declared to be the fundamental and or ganic law for a Provisional Goveruinent tor the people of Alchama, so t:’r as the same is not in c^nfiict with the eonstitn-' lion and laws of the United .Stales ; and tljc eio^terl sLt sairi cJeotioii on the 1st day of May, 1S6S, quality as provided in said Constitution tind tlie- or dinances of said Constitution, and imme diately thereafter enter upon the discharge of the r respective offices. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Governor, at any time after he sliail have qinilified and entered uuou tlie dis charge ofthe duties of his office, ni.iy, by proclamation, convene tbe Legislature, cl o-en at said election; the Legislature, whe'i so convened, shall, possc.^s all the pow r conferred by said eonstitution, which may not be in coiiflict with the constitu tion and laws ofthe United Slates. And tlie L'^gislature is hereby further empow ered to subuiit said constitution to .the qualified eleclor.s of Alabama, for ratifica tion at such time or times as it niav des- -Viinual Fash Income, '-3.5(Ki,lAI0 Sum assured during 1867,.. 45.23c!,4t>0 Nuinher of Pidicie issued iu one year—TO,465 All profits divided among the Polii-v*h(dde.isan nually. Dividend Febmarv l.st, ISto :D.5. -Cash value -$610,- all but iu'o had left it forever, and one of them will vete against the new Consiiiu- tiou. CANDIDUS. Tin largest Mutual J.ife Insurance Compaaiv in the wo? Id. ' ■ . ' . Lss’ies Polieie.s on a Sindo Life from i250 to ^$25.0(Hi, ' 4 lie Lynchburg Virginian puhli.shes the following letter from Tennessee: “^V^e have a strange and mysterious S »__ a. mm . , ( orgiiiiiz.ation here which i.s called the Ku • JwyG ZZiitchisoii (& Co. ■ -Vo ts. • j^i , r\ f .i ••it Xo. l, Cuimn’s Brick Hm, A'««- One of tin- jinucii.nl ob- SHtTvKrRX' N' (' jjecteot the order is charity to the wid- Who are also agent.s fi.rWx of the best Fire! children of Confederate soldiers Insurance Companies in the United States. -Lhev travel only at night, and the sight of m.areli 4, J8«i8. twAwIm 1 ohe of llicm makes a negro ‘take to his powered by a in.ijority vote of each liou.se to submit lie; ConstiUition as frum. 1 bv the Collvt niion, wuit or wi.h.fut ameiul- meiits proposed by the L* gi.si.iiare, and if amendment..* be pru[»osed bv the Legis lature, iltey shall be voted upon .separate ly, and not in connection with tin; consti- lion as it came from tlie convention. 8ec. 3. And he it further enacted, Ih.-it whenever the per.ple, by a majoriiy vote of tlie electors of Al.ibama qualifit (Diinder the act of Congress of March .23, 1SG7, to vote for delegates to form a Constitution, and actually voting on said ratification, lie glad to get rid ot their ditficultie.s any manner imaginable. L lulerwood’s grand jury have found a new indictment against Mr. iJ.ivis, of whieli we gave a fnlLrejiort last .Mondav; Imt nothing in reg.ard to the trial ot Mr. Davis now seems to aff-jiil more than a passing n-inaik, and the “new indictment ’ ha..* h.udly been mentioned on the streets of this city, so we!! stitisfied do the people seem to be limt ^Ir. Davis is safe from ^ the iimlignant sjfirit of wliich jioor 4Virtz was sacrificed. Contrary to the exjuxta- tion of a year ago, the Great State Trial i.s taking place to-day at Washington in stead of Richmond, and th-n reepuudont 14 tlie I'n SKl( III or ilit United St.ites, instead.- ot the President of the Confederate .States ; lof America! It is the Union Senator from 'reiinessee, who left his State for tho . sake of Union, instead ot the ‘‘necesh” Senator from Mississippi, who. left the Fnion for the sake of his Statu.. “Time works Wonders !”—Bichmond' Eto^uirer.. BALT1M(JRE *XD lUlEMEN. • - STEAMERS. (hi ^londay the steamship Baltianore', the pioneer in the new line between Bre- iiten and Baltimore, reached this port from. Bremen with a large and valuable cargo . besides 13 cabin and 107 steerage passeu- gcr.s. Tile Baltimore presented a beanti- ful ajipearanee tis she entered tlie port with the American flag flying from tho niniiimast, the Bremen flag beneath, and tli^e magnifleent flag for the German Con- . tederaiion at the stern, \\ith sixty-one - flags flying from the maiiiruast, the Brem en ll.ag bi nealh, and the m.ignifieent tflag of the German Confederation at the stern, with sixty-one flags and private signals flying from her rigging. As the noblo ship passed Fort McHenry she fired a sa- Iut‘, and another was fired as she entered the extensive new dock at I.ocust Point, on the south side of the haibor, where she was met by the recej>tion commiiues of the city council'and citizens, and cor dially received and welcomed. Addres ses were made «'>n the occatfion by F.-Raino E. A. Keene and A. Schumaeker, llnqs. —Baltimore Sun. Odious lax Lair.—The convention, to ji.ay its •‘Xpenses of 880,000—S8 per day to negroes and scalla\t'ags ; 8G6Gj to each 0»* JStJ «io v/eci C^tX 0/1 all the real and personal property in tho .Stale, and Gen. Caiiby has ordered it to be enforced. . • • Her* we have the poor man’s horse, the Widow’s cow, the baby’s cnidlc, all taxed to PA\ XK(.ili()E8, and others -88 per day. They were in such a hurry to get their money, that they forgot to exempt any thing —the meanest tax law ever made. jyORIH ;.%UU£,1.\4 rail. ro.\u. J’OMFAW .ii..i*.s,N. C., Of-t. 17. 1867. f)n aiil.;itter tliis diitethe f(4Iowing will, be thi* .Schedule lor Passenger.Traiius oxer .thu Road; • , . Leave (.’harb.tte, daily 0.40 i*. M. .'ali.-l.ury 12.2.3 A, il- Griuuisboru’.... 4-11 “ Kaleigli in.00 Arrive at (iold.-'bcjru,.. _ 2.00 e. if. x-eoA u Gi)ldsl«uro’, 12.22 F, u. ■ . - liaWIgb, 3..">0 “ GreeiKsbon*’.. 9.J0 •* Sali.sbiiry 12.16 A. M. Arrive at Charlotte 2.54 “ I liruuglu.a.'iSeiigeiN by this hue haverhoit’e of is.uteK via Gn.*eusb.ro’ and Duiivillu to Ricliinow'i .r via Raleigh and Wtddon to liicbinohAior Bvrtsnu7iiih. arriving at all poiut.s north of Richmond at the same time by either n.nte. C'onuec tiou is uia^le at Gold.-- boro with I’as.senger trains on W. A W. Road to and from Wilmington andby Ereigh; trains to Weldon. JAME.S ANDERSON. Su]>eriutendetjt. Office N, C. Rail Ro.nd, Oct. J7 *8*‘7. tf

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