55y II WE^ A: BRI “The Old iVorth State Vorerer,^^—Gaston. ^^ing^le C'opicj* Five C'euls V OL HI. N^‘. T4 SALISBURY. N. C.. TUESDAY. JUKE 30, 186S. [WHOLE NO 300 ECLECTIC MAGAZINE or FOREIGN LITERATI RE, British Periodicals. yV/e (jhh lerlij yV. a\ V/m hJiiituLfij iit'i i’tc, J }te \\ -simi Uki'X'C.^ ( it til 1 .'ll 1. j Tl*c yorth Ijritish R.r'hw, (Filh- Cii'ir :!* j A sn Black'n' nrj's njh JtJinjazi>ii\ t I i M ‘. .» ;-.nv one il I t - U'-\ -i-n' .. .. ii.-i t ffiii atl V t'.VO ■ 1 t ll'- til-ViC W -1. . ... . 7 . I'll 1 aiiv tlirr ‘ "f llie lic\ .i-w s. ,... lii.i't) till I’otl.' "t in'* Ki‘\ i*‘A - . .. . . . 1-2.IMI ' ‘ Rl:i -k'.vo:-.!'- .MiiLr.i/-.iiK'.... ... i.iiii •* Rlack A oijil iiii'i -itn- i:i-\ A . 7 . It 1 RI:li-k\V'Hj;l All'! aiiV two n '1 till- Review.-' .. . lU.i'H 1« Ri;ickw">il Hii'l tiii'ff " f t!;c i:eview> .. .13.60 lihit-kwi'.i'l Hii-i liie ti'iii- ilf . . . i -5. O'J t'JT i)S A ilisciiiint of t'v.Mity jii*r (■•'iif. will ho nilmv,-.] to liiti'of four or nioio I'lMMMi.!. Tlois. tniir ooiiios ot Uiai'iiwooil, or ot o.K- I’ovjoiv, will h.- ^luit to mii' a lilros for Sl’2 8(1. four cojpi.s it tiio lour Ih-- viowa and llla.'k'V'.ini for S-l>^.0(h and ao uti. UOS'I’AHK. Siihacrihova'hou..! I) •l•jl:ly h\ t!;e .(Uarlor. at tlie oflii-e of dolivi-ry. 'flio I'o.-lagw to any ]»:irt uf tho I'liited States is Tvro Cknts a min.her. This rate i ohIv applies to eun'out suhs.riptioiis. forhat k luim- ■ bars tlie postage is d. utilo. iui/is To t (!' nth New Siibsoriber.s to any two tif ilio above period- ; uals for ISGS will he entitled to rei eive. izialis, any j one of the four Iteviews for ist57 New .''uhseribers to all live of the IVriodii ais for ISGS uK.y receive, gratis. Blackwood or any t\\i> of the four Ueview.s . for 1S67. Suh.serihers may obtain ha. k numbers at the fol- lowiifs reduced rates, \ i/. ■ The Nortii Briti.sli from .finuarr, 1X63. to I»ecein- rhe, IS67. inclusive : Kdinluirirh and the Westmin ster frotn April, 1864. to Iie. emher. ISfi*. im-lusive. and the London Quarterly for the years isto. 1866 and 1867. .it the rate of^l.otl a ye.ar loreasii ,>r any Iteview : also, Blaekwooi! for 1866 and 1S67. ihr &0 a year, or the two ye.irs toL'etlier f.ir jd.'Ki. •: /=* Neither premium,-, to Suhseriheis, nordiscount to t'iubs, nor reduced pri.-es for back nnmbeis. can t>p allowed, unle.ss the money is remitte.l direct to tlie Publishers. So premiums ran be pivt-n to Clubs. 2h(> Leonard Sroft Pub. Co., 140 Fulton, Sl, X. Y. 40 Years Before the Public. e?:i.r;cTEii fkom j I I.’i-vJ'iit \i'in}-trrhj. ll’ rm il' Ih MOndeg, | lirOisIt (htartrrC, L'lirlax S'-> >> h‘, ! y.hlh j!rit lli -ira-. Si. I‘i'd\s j r'.jxddr SiU'-nce lir r. '.>ndidl Mmjn-uif, Sitf'.rduv) J:ciicu\ I'l-d-i r's .ya-futm. W' .■^tuiiiit r Rrriciv, Lti.-dirt liyur, I'!/ ■ s Irii'filr /■'//. .I/O .h.nruaK Loirlihi /o ruiv. 'mi Itmijora i''l I’l ^ In'i 'iUoii Siirit lii. AH tin E(,ir 'i:»,iiid, [)idi( h I I'ivir.-hiii, .'SI: in,I.O'Ill's .SJii'I'i :'ii . l::!i!r--i. id. W.- have also afiMiiyed to seenr- choh-e seloc.tior.s from liie freii. h. Cerman, aud oi'.a-r (’onUnentuI Periodirals. transit ted e.-peciallv 1 r tlie hciectn- to add to tl..-vaiietv and vilue of tin- work. f.i.-,; .lamher'is ■nihcllislied with .nifonaore Fine Steel lim/ra. :!i.-'-s-i.ortr.ait,,sof eminent .men. or illus- Iratiw ot iiiipoi'tae' hi.sto: leal e.ent.s. of* OStroliHR/ I j itulncea her Atfortiei/aud thenow ; vonrig j>lant in'o vigorons growtii.— , . rYT TA 'V/A'OTTT cjnn 4 mr? “Fie, thev asked to have it seen, i True, there is rich eartli for the deep ^VAlAUCA COUNTY. j -L' -i^OxYXil. A ghe indignantly replied,! have none; by roots to take hold Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions April \ [T'Kl-WEEKLY ' ' - - Woi. Horton, GiSS «®®^hon.as & R. E! ’O-R.^TKS OK SUBSCRIPTION. I Brown. TERMS—CaSH IN .ADVANCE. TT appearin fLtf* iL ent levied on land. I the l.aw of I’rimogeniture the Estate is j entailed upon the oldest living Male Heir, my Grandson Tommy being the oldest Uinial descendant, Is therefore bv Law— Equity and Justice takes it all and the Till- SOUTIIKR.N Sjilun/Hd I'rniihini.s for iS>y. fv rv MOW S'lbs.-riluw lo tliH f.dcrlic 1868 p-iviu-;- S.7 in a'dwdl r.-''eivc: eitiicr of tlu- follo'.viiio' i bi' iiititul ••.hionio d! o.iiiitin^'’s LA'^ICKT Gl- PK.\(:ili:S, Size 9X11; ! PlPEll XSl) NUT Cil VC'KKUS, ^ Size 7 X s. The ah ve are I'.x.nct - f oriffii.'ul oil painf- inirs, and hit •‘‘xi.'- utcd iiy Frani; iV I’o.. in tin* liiyh- ost style '‘fun act, or. in plane ot tlu-iii \\e will send either of oiir fine .-^toei Kiiirra vin;.os. Wa.sliiiiicton at Valley fora . If-tuin fiom .'iarkit, Sunday -Morn- , iiiir. for Two sn.os' r;i)nrs and cUi.t'tl. wo will send the b*aiitiful I'liii'i.oo, I'oiiitry l,.!e—.''i/.- .oI-‘2 x S. I’l r I'hre- subsi-rlbers and rlu.Cil. copy ol 1 177>,s'iV/'’.'T Xaiiouul Pudunttl 1 Piitii'iiiai'i}, one Volen.- of 1 ‘HO n.i^res. (.-..m rininn over6 ifi pin t.iritl il!ii'tr.i'111;■> oi n n r'6 ('0 : ur a nopy ut llo.-a ll.inh'-u, ' I i-'i ill'll- i la-t.',-. .siicil.ind IVoi-n.- Size S 1- -2 X 1-2 1 j'rnm lit I In- Kidnhr ^in.tln -'iipii-s t-'i 1*1^.' iioe nope, niie '.'-ar. -'^6 tiH I V I n-ipin- 'Oie tIU. n'.'e .-uples one Vr-.ir .S'-ii-'.Ud ,\d.lles- \V. !I. r.iPWKLL, 7//' •> /Jei'JiUt t>'i Sf., A'Or Yorli. Tii^m-in' fn ..l.s a-e ably sust.iinnil b;- ’i'e nontii biii'on--o! fii hn^t wI'iIel's o 11-S-'iniino. l;eli,;;(.in iind .n:ieral I .itnraluro. and stand niin% alicd in l!;e worid of l■•lt.e^■'. flin\ am indi'i'niisabin to the dial .Hii'i t ;i' nr i!n-.s,o ial m.iu. an-i io evniyma- il'ru' m.in U' thni fnl'iiisll a Imtl.-i renui .i of the ■ or ient literafiirn o- i-iie da\ liian nan be* ol'taiund ti'cun am other s-jnrni*. IKKMS F( )I( IJiiit f‘l] loiii/ Jmown (ihd ict-U Iri^d ? Jur nil Pilion.s disentt.i, cnitsed In/ a DISEASED LIVER. They arc laaile an.l folj by G. \V. DEEMS tlie discoverer, wliu lias removed to Baltimore. Md., where he eiiii have access to llie j.mest and hc.st medicines, on the must favorable terms, lie will always keep on hand a laroe supply, and will sell to Ids cu.stomers, wliole.a-.le aud ret.iil, at the .shortest notice. In the preparation of tliese very superior .and e.vcellent I’lils, no cost or trouble i.s spared to insure the oieatesl possible de;ree of [lerfection, ill [naint of utility, e.xcellcnce atid comfort.— Tliey contain oni; tirlicle which has [irobabl}' never before been used as a medicine, and which is a powcrlulagent in cleansing the Liver, twliicli dives them an advant.age over every other Piii lieretofore oiTered to tlie public.) The Co-’iiDositiou used in tiiese Pills is caixTullv nre- •J k pared by ihe hand of the discoverer, and may be used by tlie iiiost feeble patient in the most delicate situation, eirhci male or female; and from their peituliar combination arc highly 'tiengilii'iiing, mild in 'heir action on the bow els, and indeed, in a climate like ours where colds and co idl.s at>* almost an nnlailing con- secjiicnce ol ilic sudden eliangi-s tir which all -iio Silt i-'Ci. evei y o!i‘ at all liaiile to suffer fruni tlie iidiueu.'-c o! these i-auses. will find the great- rst seciiri'y ill li.iving Ins livi-r and I'OWel.-^ well cieansc-1 by those invahiabic IMls. 'A iiere those Pills aie known, especially in tlie .southern .Stiites. wliere they liave been cir culated so exti'i'.sivcly, tlii-y imed no recom- men.IaHofi —tiieir irieiits aie so well known b} their icsr.lls, wliicli have given litem a repnta- li-itj liiat lias brouglit lliein into great ueniand. riiey tlierelore aie liestmed to be, at no distant lay, tlu* only lernedy recognized and used by the people wltn'e bilious diseases are so preva- i«‘iil. The advaiitage in tliis treatment there- lore, is. that a cure must be radical and com plete without tlie necessity of breaking down tlie system in one part to remove a disease in anotlier. Tlie^- c.an be .sent to any point in tlie United .Slates l.y Mail or Express. I'UICK—For one Imx, 2,') cents.—Dnz. •$2..')0—ITalf Gross, Sill—One (iross. StS—Tliree Gross, %.it.l—Five Gross, $7.5. The 0 ish niil't eitlier iiCcompHuy the onler f.irthe .Meili- cine or it will be sent C. O. 1>. Or 'ers bIiouIJ be aiidre.s.s e.t to G. W. DEEMS, No. 23, SofiH C.tLiiocx Street, b.CLTIMOKB Md., where ihty will he proiiipfty attenibni to. For lli-se Meiliciiies c.il! on k1! nspectalile Druw^ists every wliere. inti on nil tile DiU'rc'i.-ts in SaLISBCHY. JOHN H. HNNISf?, Dru;tgist, Speeiiil Agent lii;w&twly REEVES' AMBROSIA satisfaction of the ^ne Year, •...$5,00 ; y TK|.nrv' that the defendants, Thomas & R. E. Brow*n t ' .Months o.fM)' - feeL\®Te'^Couruha\1ul;bc!tmrbe™de!^«I'’'W^^^ ^ »f yonr darling old Grandmother, as'a for si.x weeks in the Watchman & Old North ; One Copy One A'ear S3.00 i correspoiulent and friend, I am constrain- I State, notifying said defendants to be and ap- | “ Si-x Months,.... 1,50 i ed to advise you of passing event.3 as they ! pear at our next Court of Pleas and Quarter ^^^A^cross« on the paper indicatestlie expiration ol transpire during your absence. Actuated ■ type mi which the “ Old North State.” is ^^0“ highest consideration and sense tie couit-hou. e m Boone, o - , printed i.s entirely new. No pains will be spared to j of duty to you for the many obligations to tvliich I feel myself largely indebted the interest you havealways manifested of, and there is a mellow and deep seed bed, whicli are irnjiortant advantages, but they will not compensate for loss of the healthy and vigorous early growth. Besides, to speak plainly, tor tlie good of the , \-r - . J I ! ! iinuiea IS eiiLireiy lie w. a>o imnis win ne si)area to j Nonday m .July next, tlicn and there shew i ^ every fiimily. In order : cause why the land levied on shall not be con dc-mned to the use of the plaintiff. ! Witness, J. B. Todd, clerk, of our said court at office, the 2d Monday in April, A. D. 1868 J. B. TODD, Clerk. pr adv f8 00—19 i —1 ! — ' State of North Carolina, ; WAT.Xl'GA COUXTV. I Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions Aprtl Term, 1868. . I Farthing & Co., vs. Thomas & Pt. E. Brown, i Attachment levied on land. I TT appearing to the satifaction of the Court ; -I-that the delendants, Tliomas ck; R. E. Brown j reside b(*yond the limits of this State: It is or- ' deret] that publication be made for six weeks j in the Watclimaii & Old North State notifying j said defendants to be and appear at our next I Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held I for the county of Watauga, at the court-house ] iu Boone, on the 2ud Monday in July next, j and then and there shew cause if any tliey ; have why the land levied on shall not be con I demtied to the use of the plaintiff ! Witness, J. B. Todd, clerk of our said court at I oifice the 2d Monday in April, A. D. 1868. j J. B. TODD, Clerk pr adv .sS 00—19. to do this we have engagetl the services ol able and ........., too. The above Gentlemen, I , , i , , e i I pen you as it ivere delivered from the lips ^ P'y*-;"* I!'''''-''’ . of 'vnnr davliiicr old tivnurlnirvtbor o 1 ncilCSt Ctiltll lltAIOSt tllC sUlftiCO, Jlll'l there is a way to do this and yet s:ir the soil deep. ISiibsoiliiig, on t!ie majoiity of soils on all whicli are imt jierfectly porous and leechy—is the kind of deep jilow- ing whicli will give the most satisfac- accomjili.shed literary contributors. Advertising Bates. 'TP.ANSIE.NT PATE.S For all periods less than one month One Square. First insertion Each subsetpient insertion tory results. It would already be I in ray behalf \vould stump me with ingra- j generally adopted l>y all progressive titude were I to do otherwise. As this farmers were it not so expensive, ins communication is strictly confidential! | volving, as it does, tlie use of e.Mra shall proceed to give } ou a synopsis of j plows, ami men. Itiit llie .00 j p-assiiig events, and now the gossip I wil!. r.„l,„re la rh tell, lou are aware that your little Cous- .UU I 50 Contract rates for periods of one to foni months. $-20.00 I 16 was betrothed to her proud, handsome 1 MO. 1 2 MO. 1 3 .MO. 1 4 MO. 1 6.MO 1 SQrARE, $5.00 S8.50 e 12,00 $’5.06 $-20.06 -2 SQVAKES, 7.50 13.00 17.00 21.00 27.00 3 SQUARES, 10.00 16.00 21.0(1 26.00 3 4(»0 4 SQUARES, 12.(K) 18,00 23.00 28 (K) 3700 QUAR. COE. 13.00 19,00 24 06 2!>IH) 3.850 HALF COL. 20.00 27,00 33 66 38.IKI 44.00 3 QUAK. COL. 25.00 33,00 40.(M) 45 (Ml 50.0(.l ONE COL. 30.00 42,00 52.06 66 06 70.00 piinciple of culture is right; tlie sur- , face mold forms tlie seed bed, fresh, in Colombia, an interesting lillv lust sweet • i v i • a • i . . i i 16 w.o« holrntbofl tn her nronJ h.nnrUn.no I l^Velv, J Ust Hgllt tO pUbh alot, i but ;;;mgh;;coLi; siaS;wS i m tiio hrst stages of iu their friends gave consent, and etaked ; ^ B " File the soil below is made 3.850 ! their hopes upon events—the nuptial day j h)ose for tlie^ a'lmis.sion ot air, waiCr was proclaimed and invitations to the ro >ts. liiiskind ot tleep plow Church were largely given to meet at ing is iidapted to all crops and seasons. GOOD NEWS FROM HOME.—No. 2. Columbia, S C. June 28th, 1868. Messrs. Thomas, Gibbs d' Childs, Diplo matic Sons of South Carolina Chival- rg, Washington Citg. half past 9, but to the Mansion and the Supper they were few and strictly chosen. The day had thus arrived, the compa ny in part assembled, the I’riost was robed in splendor to tie the Silken Cord of Union, lore and faith. The bride was dressed in white, for the fascinations of the night (save) her veil was tipped with Black, with her Plaids of honor at her Gents :—In my letter to you _ of the 25l1i iust, contained, as 1 had sup- j strip.'* upon their skirts, this un posed, of your most excellent and highly , expected change of costume, the Groom estcen^o and Christian grand-mother Chiv j jgjjgj.gjj claimed a change of dress, ahy, I have, however, took the precaution i fg,. udiUe alone she should appear, and note that it was the impression of a i wedding was postponed. Equity to Snbsoiling may be clmie in the spring or early summer witli less e.xpenje tiian later, when tlie cartii becomes dryer and firmer. Several devices ! have been tried for attaching a snb' I sftilcr to the common ])low, that Unie hand, at least, with sufllcieiit * team, can break up tlie soil to the de sired depth. .V successful plow of this descri[)tion would be received with fiivor. AVhether geiod results flow from deep plowing with the oidinary plow, wi.l State ot* North Carolina, I ^Vashiilgtou Idiysidan then present pro- j dec^eUhlm the'right'to arrange ii/part ' depend a great deal on the kind or I nouiiced hei to he in a statu ot tiance. | imptpd d'-ess but true lore never rttns : cro[G the liineot year when the wot k It is with niiqualified pleasure tjuit has been especially in this Us done, and the nature of the previ- I am noM enabled to le'cal the fact lhai , jggj,^ggg_ jj. however M'ith exquisite i oils tillage. In planting corn on soiX 1C Mas not mistaken in ns conclusion, j pleasure that I am at libeny to announce i land, for instance, it is i-ot advisable and for t\hich } nu will please accxq>t my : j.pg ^ union has taken place j to plow Ucep ; tlie xvoik shout'A \)e- jI rtnd objections buried in their; ^vell dcine, arid dirt enough tnrnedi TT oppeai-inn; to the sati.taction of the Court i long live to witness the bnght and ; pyigg now beat with irregular unison and ' over tbo 8(id to woik rooddv in ‘iml 1 that tin* deleiidant Jacob Endy, re.sides he- | gloiious huuic that seems to await you | {jg^rt to heart responsive echoes, the hap- I jg, thp o-ro'c rnots but two or yond the liiii'ts of iliis State: It is ordered { as a conlulential friend of your family, j „„ hnnr now nn-ivefl ond the (4i- ■ ^ tliegtasS loots, but twoui STANLY COUNTY. la EquHij, Septmnher Term, 1868. Adalirie End}' v.9. Jacob Eudy. I'ETITIO.N FOR DIVOKOK. that publication be made tor six week,-* m the “ Watchman Jc Old North State, ” notifying said defendant to bo ami appear at oiir next Superior Court of Law, to be lieid for the count}' of Stanly, at the Court-House in Albe marle, on the 1st Monday in March next, then ami there to answer or demur to the plaintitfs petition ; otherwise, the same will be heard and granted. Witness, James D. Hearne, clerk of our said Court at office, the 1st Monday in March, 1868. 2.3:6t:S8j J. D. Heakke, c m.e. I State of North Carolina, I YAUKIX COUXTY. I j Court of Picas and Quarter Ses.dons, j April Term, LSG-S. I A. Speer vs. W, H. Rodwcll. I attachment I.EV1ED ON' I.AND. FOR THE HAIR, Improved I ll is an elegant LressiiiK turtlie Hair. I was invit(‘d last evening to dic’s private apartment, my heart dilated with joy w hen I found her seated in stately chair, and more especially, from the very agreeable and interesting man ner she entertained me, although verv feeble from her long spell of Typhoid and Asthma to which she is yet a martyr, nevertheless, her mind seems vivid lier tongue elastic, and her conversational powers as fascinaiing as that of her palm iest days. She spoke freely of passing events, and as I am informed by the family physician, the first word she uttered when aroused from her slumber verifying the old Froverb that “out of the abnndanee of the Heart the mouth speaketh,” with the natural instinct of a devoted Mother, she exclaimed, where is my grandson TN this case it Jippcariim to the satisfaction of Thomas? On being infoimed that he 1 the Court that tlie defendant is not a resi- j had, in company with his brother Jimmy Oki'h-' I I'T n"* no'p-RfiYd and the Groom i fn'Jqiih of’ coidA'ui.f.iU LUC ulu ill I jjjg Q attendants have assembled on - I this the filh, last nlKlitin the presence of'-■’'.‘'“"f'-'; ‘'‘''l''’-';',''' l'«' ! some l.a or 20 of his Intereafed friends ■ ‘'O'e'" '''R 0'P " brullfrllt t-. tho some 15 or 20 of bis interested friends . t . -i , • i and relatives, l.avinj; been divested „f'f'"'lRCe. l.ilt the snt.s.nl phov l.n^'ht their resources by the vicissitude of cir-i Urcd to iirU tuitage. j)[)Ot'ing cumstanc(‘s to which I will not refer, were corn Ci"|) l,»e followed, t!ie next not able to engage a Priest to dignify the "f •'pi’ing grnin, tlic plow occasion according to the wealthy posi- , should thcii be run deoj) enough to tion to which the parties were born and i bring the deetiyed god tind an incli educated, the p irties however in the most or so fresii eartii or subsoil, to the solemn and imposing manner proclaimed surface. This will demand gomewliat themselves to be Man and \^ ife accord-i deeper plow ing than for corn. If ing to the laws of South Carolina, and j w'inter w lietit tijllows the spring grain thus saved the RRpGV//_/f.Y', “Resignation the depth of|)li)wing may be incretis- in adversity and humbleness in pro.‘*peri- t.v.M.r three inciies. A top dre.Mng ty berpeak a imblc mind ” In eonfnrmi-: ; , ty v,-'th Iho paraplmnaha of the evoninK l"niO>t!R b'"'’'' »"i>- and self benediction JAMuonade was hand- , • i i i -r • in ed mound, tlie Bride and Groom partak- ' IngBrst. After the usual coiigratulatioiis R'*' , perinauent iniproi e- and iiiLercliange wishing the happy eoliple made. Lural Aeic lvru>.i'. along life and prosperity in her new sphere of usefulness. A half past nine, an earlv If ctiii.-tf's tlip Hair to ctirl iipaiitiftilly. It koi']...-the'3(-:tl]i ( letiii .ini tlealtliy. It itiL lu;iit:itt“> tile ttoot.s of tlin Hair. It fortes thti Hair anil Itearil to grow luxuriantly It iinme liately itojis Htiir I-'aUiiig Out. It keejir; the Htiir from Uliangiiig Color from nge. It restores Crev Hair to its (irisrinal f'olor. It brings ont ti.o Hail on Heails that lias been bald for Years. It is conipo.-H'd entirety of siniide and purely vegetaj ble sutistances. . dent (if the State of North Carolina, It is or- j and her half brother Lcanuer had been i tiered, tlierelore, by flie Court, that publication i commissioned Pleuipotentiaries to Wash- ,,f ^ \ Y ii'u'ria !! RAISING- BrCKWlIUAT. be made lor six wet ks in the ” Waielmian and to remonstrate a''-iin‘*t the further i |iine, an early .. . . i, i i . -w : 0!.l North State,” notifying said defendant to ^ u, L 1 T % " H F 1 t invoking ^ ' P «eg.l dud b> inany A:, 1 bo and appear betoie the Justices of our Court; ? ac ’ i p. ^ a le p -n i u e o ^ hapuf (Ircam.^ and slumbers Vufht ^ piotitabiC >ne ou hiP.d^ designed oji i of Fleas and Quarter Sessii.ins to he held for the'i i The Bride and (froom then proceeded "’il'.ter wheat, in a twojtold W'ay as j eoiaity of Yailkiii, at tlie couit-house in Yad-: faction, slie alluded to iommy 8 intellect- j their J.,ocomotive to the poor-house fertilizer in retaining moisture, in ; kin vide, on the second Mond.ay in July next, ; ual and logical strength, and indeed, in- “Mrs, PH;' marked upon her rina. ■ attracting and conveying to the soil I then and there to plead, answer or demur to i dicated that he waa a political Sun. She Groom on his winding way wins-! the maniii ial agencies floating in tlie pered in her ear “ ^ly Love, my heart and atmos[ihere, and, at tlie same time, lute is all the store that I can give to thee furnishing. a.s a result, a welcome tho’poor the offering be.” To which she ptirtionut bread material for family replied with a cheering and angelic voice consumption witliout detriment to the I is all I ask, and merrily may the boat winter wheat which is to sne- row thatmy lads in.” To this he respond- i ggg.j l„3fead of letting the ground e wit 1 new oo' o o\o, . [y darliiig j^ termed, m a fallowed let ns name oar first born Philosophy,, . . . .. i , 1- . • i and tlius they rctin d for the nio'Iit. ® iriatie to turnisli an e.\f/a j said attachment, or the same will be heard e.r ■ moreover congratulated herself on having i parte, the judgment confiimed, tlie land levied ' educated them each to a Trade that in the ! on condemned to satisly plaiiitilfa debt, and I an order of sale granted. ! Witness, J. G. Marler, clerk of our said Court ! at offic-p in Yadkiiivdle, the secomi Monday in ■ April, A.D. 1868. J. tf. .Maki.er, c c.c. 23:6i:S8 event of adversity would avail themselves of it; but, Tommy seemed to be llie prose of all thought, and was by profession a ripe Mathematical Calculator and Politi cal Architect and Contractor, having al- Q, X* XT 1 • ■ hand a full supply of seasoned fetH te Ol JS Ort/Q • UraLio, j^..-.i.>£»t,.-ea tt. wicocuto in the ' best possible manner aud dispatch, any \ T X’'V A.i • • .i i- pi- * tv i . It lias received over six tliousand volniaary te.stimo- nials ol its excellence many of whirli are from phyj sieian.s in hijiti stall ding. Tt i.s sold in half-pound bottles, (the n.amo IFotvn in the gla.ss.) by Hriiinrists and Healets in Fanev Hood.s everywhere at SI jiertiott'.i-. Wliolesale bv Demas, Raines iV To.: F. Wells ('o.: Schief- feliii A- Co.. New York. . in:irchl-2twly ALEXANDER COUNTY. Superior Court of Imu\ Spring Term, 1868. thing in the line of his vocation. His bid has been accepted to erect a Democratic platform on which the United Stales The L. S. PUR. Ft)., aLo publish the • FARMER'S GUIDE, | by Henry Stephens, of Edinburgh, and the late j'. 1*. Norton, of Yale College. 2 vols.. Royal ; Drtavo, 16h) paares, and nmnerous Engravin.ir.-A Price $7 for the two volumes—by Mail, postpaid, | fS.OO. jan9—tf j Milo A, J. RoseniEm, M. D. | O FFERS his professional Rervioes to the pub lic. He may he. found, when not absent, at his fathers, wlicrc he has been practising 16 years. Ail those indebted to him. wouM con sult ihifir interest by paying up and save eust. at RosenjafiN Stcrc. Mav 19 wofpd State of North Carolina, IV AT AUG A COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions Ajiril Term 1868. Thos. J. Coffey A Bro., > vs > Attac-liDK-nt. Tlios D Fox worth, rt al ) TT appearing to t!ie sitisfaction of the Court -■-that the defendant Thomas D Foxworth re sides beyond the limits of this State: It is or dered that publication be made for six weeks in the SVatchman A OM North State, notifying said defendant to be it appear at our next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held for the comity of \Vatatiga at the court-house in Boone, on the 2nd Monday in July next, and then and there shew cause if any he has, w-hy the property levied on shall not be condemned to the use of the plaintiffs. Witness, J. B. Todd, clerk of our said court at office, the 3d Monday in April. 1868. J. B. TODD, Clerk pr adv $.8 00—19 Mil. W. L. MILSAFS: j Government may yet stauJ, and also to I You are herehy notified that I will j build a substantial Edifice in which to as- I take the depositions ol -Tames Biircliem and! gemble and there enthrone Quilifed Suf- j others on the o:h d.ay of August next, at the ^ coui t loiije in a> imgtoii eoiiiuy, ri ^ very popular and skillful Engineer, touching a certain matter ot controversy now , J r e n U ' pendi -g in the said Superior Court, of said ' entertains good will tor all mankind, Alexander county, N. C., wherein I am plain-i ee has Surveyed the Quahfed Policg tiff and you are defendant, when and where lloute, and marked ont the Itailroad and you may be present and cross examine if you : Air Line. Tlie Stockholders are to trav- see proper. Tins. 10th June, A.D. 1868. ^ | el over it free. 'Ihe entire Road has been MARGARET E. MILS.\PS. j graded, he has already tunnelled through i the Black Mountain aud placed the rail- I ing through the Dismal Swamp, at this point an in junction was sued out and MOI 4 1 a tew days ago to a full blooded \ white Charleston claimant, which may j '^OW landing Ex. Schooner “Alaska,” di-j delay operations until alter the 4lh of J uly. ll rect from Cardenas, ! Tommy is endeavoring however, to dis- , 220 Hogsheads, i Sweet Cuba Molasses j goRe it, the impression seems to be that I have the honor to be Sir, with the greatest respect, COLOMBIA. P, S. During their engag?ment an ex tra intimacy was indulged in, Philoso crop counted as sfj iiiiicli clear gain. It would be abaurd to a&suine tliat a crop of anything, drawing nouiistis ment from tiie soil, does not weaken, at all, its productive force, utiless it phy has been born, she will be baptised can be sl.own that with the draft iiiatlo on next Sunday, a beautiful Brunett she , there is collided a compensating pow- ts. I will advise you fully in my next. C. i er whicli serves to balance iJieac- ' count. This restoring force is as cribed to buckwheat by many who have grown the article and watched the effect on the subsequent crop.— On a certain occasion a field often MOLASSES I 30 Tierces, > in prime new pack 40 Barrels, ) ages. ^^*Selected specially for summer trade. Orders will be promptly filled at lowtsi cur rent market prices O. G. PARSLEY «fe Co. Wilmington, N. C., June 10. tw67:6t JonrBiNiiivG Neatly Executed at this Ofiee. the Tunnel will cave iu from the colored bracing. Leauder the half Brother, her adopted Son, she alluded to most flatteringly eu logised him as a good manipulator and a successful Manufacturer of Democratic Cotton, Wool and Gus,aad is trying hard to keep in sight for Dividends he expects “/or 7ne and Gov. Orr." When in her trance her Will could not be found, this SUBSOILING AND DEEP PLOW ING. Some 3’carsagoit was qui‘e general acres—an dd pasture—was summers ly the sustoni of agricultural wrilesr tallowed quite early. It was a heavy and teachers to advocate deep plow- clay soil, and aftei it h id been turned ing without much reference ro cir- ; over a couple of weeks, two acres of cumstances. As a nation of farmers ; it were sown in buckwheat. It was we weie, undoubtedly in the practice well harrowed, in the direction of the of plowing too shallow—even now ^ turrows, and a very tolerable seed the charge of shallow plowing wouid bed secured. The result was a good hold against the majority of cultiva yield ot buckwheat while that of tho tors. But on tlie most "soils it is not winter variety, which followed, was adivisable to change suddenly from a j one quarter belter on the buckwheat systeui of shallow or medium depth tiian that on the portion which was plowing to one of deep culture. Hie subsoil which the first deep plowing allowed to rest and recuperate in fab, low. Tlie stolen ciop seemed to give exposes to the air, is not suitable as a : a liveliness and elasticity to tlie soil bed for seed to germinate iu, especi- of the section used, which the fallow ally spring sown seed, for it is cold, rest failed to impart to the remainder, lifeless, aud will not stimulate the, Rural Neio Yorker.

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