By ^ BRt\\ER, “The Old i¥orth State Forever.”—Grt^fon. Single Copies Five Cents VOL HI. NO. 76 SALISBURY, N. C., THURSDAY, JULY 2, ISOS. [WHOLE NO 367 •An ECLECTIC MAGAZINE OK FOREIGN LITERA TURE, 40 Years Before the Public. BKI-KCTEU FBOJI Jieruc ilea Ih nx Moi^.c.s, London jUt. VornhtU A/tufrtertte, J Vrastr\ Matjnzinc, ] f.i iNurc Hout, \ Tcinjilc iinr, l.ondon Rrvii ic. J^iniit'in (tnnrtvrly, r..-,i,ih ijuort'-.rly, I/fs/ /'tfjpif/fir Si'tcticc Kve* ^utiirddif llerinc, Hf^tmiustrr Rfricir, f 'littinhrr's .fourunl, .Ilf .In nr mil, runtniijinrary U' viiir, ('hristiun Snricti/, -III lltr Yvnr Round, Diihlin I niarsiii/, AlacIndian a Miujaziiic, Ihlijnnin. We have also arranf,'el to secure -1ioici‘. selections from the Kreiidi. German, ainl other ('ontiiiental I’cri'oli'mIs, translsteil f3])ecially for the U.lectic to mill to tlie varic-ty ami value if tlie work.!i iiiiiiiher ’is emlM ilishetl with one or more Fine .St.-.d .Euyi avinf;'—portraits of eminent men, or illu— tr.itive of iinjiortant hislirical events. ~ Q/»Q ' Till-}' are made and sold by G. W. DEEMS Splendid rRtninillS for 1868. * ih(» discoverer, who lias removed to Dallimure, I Md., where lie can have access to the f-urest and Kv ry new siihscriher to the Eclectic 1S68. pnyinir j qh most favorable terms. S5 in JKlvauc-e. will recei\e eithei of tolloaia^" j keen on hand a larffe supply, l.eautifu) chromo oi 11.1111.111^.^ i customers, \vholes..le and THE SOUTHERN HEPATIC PILLS, That old. lohfj hnoica and icdl trifd remedy for all JJiliuus disecnes, caaacd by a DISZ3ASSD LIVER. State of North Carolinaj WATAUGA COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions Aj^l Term, 1868. Farthing & Co., vs. Thoma.s & R. E. Brown. Attachment levied on land. I T af»peariug to the satifaction of the Court j Tri.Weekly, One Year, that tiio «fcs/endant3, a'hotuas .Sc R- E- UyoWT* reside beyond the limits of this State: It is or dered that publication be made for six weeks in the Watchman & Old Nortli State notifying said defendants to be and appear at our next Court of IMeas and Quarter Sessions to be held for the county of \Vatauga. at the court-house in Boone, on the 2nd Monday in July next, K THE OLD NORTH STATE. fTRI-WEEKIA ] Si3=Ratp:.s of .subscription- ^ TERMtS—CASH IN ^ADVANCE. ...85,0t) Sijk. Moutlui,. 3,iK> WEEKLY WATCHMAN AND NOBTE STATE. One Cojiy One A'ear, S3.00 “ Six Mouths, 1.50 A ontlie paper iudicatestlie expiration ot the subscrijitiou. The type on which the “ Olp North State,” is and then and there show cause it any they i No pains will be spared to have why the land levied on shall nut he con demned to the use of the plaintiff. IIASKET OK KEACilES, iSb-jc 9 X 11; 1*1 PKi: AND NUT CRACKERS, Size 7 N S. retail, at the shortest notice. In the preparation oi tliese very superior and excellent Uilis, no cost or trouble is spared to insure the greatest possible degree of perfeefiun, in point ot utility, excellence and comfort.— They contain one article which has probably ..... . • r 1 r,u ! never helbre been inscd a.s a medicine, and 1 he above arc exact co;)ic> of origimu oil paint- , • , • , , • , t • In-S. ami .aree.Tecutcd bv PraiiR A Co., in the liiph- winch is a powerliilagent in cleansing the Liver. e-«istvle of the art, or, in iliac.-of them we will send j (which gives ihoin an advantage over every either of our Fiin* steel Fn5(iiivi!ir.s, Washiiipbtii at Valley Forge, Return from .M.irkel, .Sunday Morn- in^. For Two Huhscribers and we will semi th.- bVautiful Chromo, Poultry Lite—>i/,c 5 1-2 x S. For Three auhscriberii and $15,110, a cojiy ot Webster's Xatiotial Pictorial Dictionary, eiie VoluT».? of 1.040 pages. containinR over 600 pie t >rial illustrations, price $li(10; or a eojiy of Rosa |{ ciheur’s Olebrated piece, Shetland Poiiie*—Siz.‘ h 1-2 X 12 1-2. Witness, J. B. Todd, clerk of our said court at office the 2d Monday in April, A. D. 18G.S. J. B. TODD, Clerk pr adv $8 00—19. State of North Carolina, STANLY COUNTY. In Equity^ Sepiemher Term, 1863. Adaline Eudy vs. Jacob Eudy. rETlTION FOR DIVORCE. Terms of the Kclcctir : single copies 4-5 cts.: one copy, one year. ?5,00 t w.-i copies one ye.\r live copies one year $20.00 A ddiCM - ^ Vi/ W. II. RIDWELL, & utim SJ . TCr’ti’’ Y oyJe.. British Periodicals. Th* London QaarUrly /Lcview, (Cmi pcrva^i ve.) The Julinlnirg Review, (VVliig.) The Wcstioinster Review, (Itulivnl.) other Pill heretofore offered to the public.) The eomoosition used in Pills is carefulK' pre pared by the hand of the discoverer, and may he used by the most feeble patient in the most delicate siiiialion, eithei male or female; and from I heir peculiar combination are highly strengthening, mild in their action on the bow- els, and indeed, in a climate like ours where coltis and coughs are almost an unfailing con- ^ scipieucc of the sudden changes to which all i arc subj"Ct, cverv one at a!i liable to suffer from j the iiifiiienix; ol lin-se causes, will liiid tlie great- ; esl security in having his liver and bowels well j cleansed by these invaluable Pills. | M'liert; these lulls are known, ('specially in | the southern .States, where tlic-y have been eir- i cnlited so extensively, tliey need no reeom- 'mi-tn.'.iiuui — Mi.-ciid are .«o well kiioivii tjy j their lesiilts, vvhieli have given them a reputa- | lion that has hroiight them into gri'at ueiiiaiid. They therefore aie destined to be, at no distant ; day, the only |■eIlledy reev'gni/.ed and used b}’ i ilie [leople where bilious diseases are so preva- i lent. 1 lore, is, that a cure must he radical and com- I . _ . .. :... r i i.: The advantage in this treatment there- must ^ pleie without the necessity of hrc.iking down j the system in one part to remove a disease in The North British Review, (Free | another. Tiiey can be .sent to any point in tlie United Cliurcli.) AND d.iU's by Mail o'- Exptes.s. PHICK—For one Iio.N, ‘2oc'eiits.—Doz.$2..50—I'ulf (Iros.s, r>i T.... . 1.'11 ^f.i/iiTyrnr i 110—One (;ro.«s, ^;ls—TUrce Gro.-.'i, Five Oross, ?75. BlaCn fOOOu t PdlflbUI J JJ J ,1 Tile carli mini either acconipaiiy tlie tlie ?.!edi- I cine or it will be sent C. O. D. Or ler^ clu.iihl lie aOilress ■ ed to O. W. DEEMS, (A^ry.) I T appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the defendant Jacob Eudy, resides be yond the limits of this State: It is ordered that piiblioatinn be made for six weeks in the “ Wati.diman k, Old North State, ” notifying said defendant to be and appear at our next Superior Court of Law, to be held for the county of Stanl)', at the Conrt-Honse in Albe marle, on the 1st Monday in March next, then and there to answer or demur»to the plaintiff’s petition ; otherwise, the same will be heard and granted. Witness, James D. ITearne, clerk of onr said Court at office, the 1st Monday in March, 18G8. 23:Gt:$Sj J. D. Hearne, c.m.e. State of North Carolina, CATAWBA COUNTY. Cuurl of J-.'qiiiiy, Spring 'farm, 1SG8. Moses.M. Unit and wife Plioda, dal, ) is. > J. E. Fry and wife .-Vnn.a, ei al ) rETlTlOK TO SELL LAND. tu do tlii.s we have engaged the .services ol able and accoiiiiilished literary contributors. Advertising Kates. TRANSIENT HATES Fora'l periods les.sthan one mouth One Skjuare, First insertion fl.OO Eacli sirbseciuent in.sertion 50 Contract ratesfor periods of one to font montlrs. 1 SQUARE, 2 SQUARES, 3 SQUARES, 4 SQUARE.S, (JUAR. eoL. HALF COL. 3 QUAR. COL. ONE COL. 1 MO. ?6.00 7 50 10.00 12.00 13,00 20,00 25.00 30,00 2 MO. ?8 50 13.00 16.00 18,00 19,00 27,00 33,00 42,00 3 MO. $12,00 17.00 21.00 23,00 24,00 33.00 40,00 62,00 4 .MO $15,00 21.00 26.00 28t)0 29,00 38,00 45.00 60.00 6 MO • $20.00 27,00 3 4(H) 3.71H) Arkansas or Alabama can vote, unless in the fir.'it jilace he swears allegiance to the majesty of this Congress, and, in the next, swears off his Americanism and Afri- , Chas. canizes himself. Uitherto, Constitutions with us have been the outgrowth of popular life, spring ing from the exuberance of our ciiterjirise and cncrjjy in the settlement of the for ests and praiiMCB of oiir coVirfrr^- ■; Ajial before ua now are nine Constitutions, with one, if not three, more to come from Tex as, which have all been imposed upon the people by live military satraps or Pen- tarchs, in a manner never before known j S. B. Axtell, under our law, hut borrowed at best from | S. S. T imperial Roman civilization, or from the ^ . >S. worst precedents of the Ureneb revolution. ; C N\ . France is there recorded to have had five Constitutions in three years; sofroquent- iy made and so frequently changed that they were ironically classed by the French people with the periodical literature of the day. Louisiana, a colony of that France, has had four Constitutions in four years, and a Constitution there has noAV become ' James Brooks, W. Mungen, James B. Beck, Sti'phcn I'aber, P. Van 'Friiinp. Asa 1*. (irover. Chas. .V. Kldiidge, L. S. Trimble, Sam. J. Randall, Geo. M. Adun.s, aV. G. (ilossbi eiinei, J. W. Miiraphrey, S. Archer, Fernaiiu- Wood, J. A. Niehiil.-^on, J. (Jetz, John ^lorrissey, T. Stone. M. Cl. 4v. Ty W. K. Niblack. John Fox, Julius Hotchkiss, Jas. A. JohiLson, : Wm. 11. B irnum, J. V. L. Pruyn, : John W. Chanle:’, W, E. Robinson, I S. B. Axtell, B. M. Boyer. 1 S. S. Marshall, Gen W. Woodward, ' W. S. Holman, I’. K. Phelps, ; C W. P. Haight, A. G. Burr, : Chas. Sitgreaves, ]). M. Van A liken, 1 Lewis M. Ross. J. R. McCorni; ' H 3IcCnllough, Dema.? Barnes, J. P. Knott, Jas. M. t'avanaugh, J. S. Gulladav 5I».(HJ 70.00 T appearing to tlie satisfaction of the Court tliat the defendants, Noali Fry and wife, F. W. Wing and wife Calliai ine. reside beyond the limits of this 8tate, It is tlierefors ordered that publication be made for six weeks in the Watchman and Old North State,” notifying the defendants to be and appear at onr next Superior Court of Ltiw, to be held for the coun tv of Catawba at the courthouse in Newlun, The pf-riixFu aD are ably sustaiiieil by tlie contri b\Uion-« ot the bcT.t wriCcr.s ia Srience, Religion ainl General laleratiire. and stand iiiirivalled in the M orid of letter^,. They arc indisiiensable to the s.-lKilar and tlie pnitessi.inal man, and to every rea ding as, they furnish a better record of the enr- r.-nT literature ol'llie day than van be obtained from any other sou: c ". 'l'EKM.8 FOR 18G8. For any one oftlic ItevicMS $-t.(10 per annum. For anv two of tiie liev.ews 7.00 For anv three of the Reviews. ...10.(10 “ For all four of the Iteviews 12.00 “ I'or i:i.i-'s .Magazine 4.00 " I'or Ulaekwood and one Heview. 7.00 “ For Blackwood and any two of the Reviews to.00 *' For Blackwood and three of the Reviews 13.00 • For Blackwood and the four Re views..••••.lo.00 ^ No. 23, Son i n Calhol s Sthekt, Baltuiokb wtierc t'li-y will li9 preniptty nttciiilcd to. For 111 se .Medieiiies e.-tl on all fespeelatile Draggists everywhere, and on all tlie Dniggi-its in Salisbiuy. JOHN II. ENNISS, Druggist, Siu-ciiil Agent. lOrwilwly REBVBS’ AMBRO.SIA Foil T^: HAIR, improted! It is an elegant Dressing lor the Hair. It eau.v*.s the Hair to curl bcautifiillj. CLUBS. A discount of twenty percent, will be allowed t-o ( lulls of four or more persons. Thus, four copies of Black wood, or of one Review, will be sent to one address for $12.80. Four copies of the tour Re views and Blackwood, for $48.00, and so on. POSTAGE. Rnbseribevs shonl.d prepay by the (piarter, at the oftiee of delivery. The Fo'stage to any part of the fulled States iil Two Gents a number. This rate oalv aprdies to current subscriptions. For back nviin- bers the postage is double. Ri'ctniums to New Subscriber.^. New Subscribers to .nny two of the above period- eafs for ISOS will he entitled to receive, gratis, any one of the Four Re\ iews for 1867. New .Siibscrilieis to all tive of the Feriodicals tor 1S6S may receive, gratis. Blackwood or any two of the Four Reviews for 1867. Siihsci ibers may obtain back numbers at the fol lowing reduced rates, viz: The North British from .lanuary, 1863. to Decem- rbe, 1867, inclusive ; Edinburgh and the ^Vestmin- ster from xVpril, 1864, to December, 1867. inclusive, and the T.oiidon (Juarterly for the years 1865, IS(K? and 1867, at the rate of $1.60 a year for each or any Review ; also. Blackwood for 18116 and 1867. for $2,- r>l> a vcAr. or the two years together for $4.00, r p No.the. pieiniuia.-toSubseribcr8.nordiscount •o t'lQb.s, nor reduced prices for back finnibere, can l.e a.lowed, unless the money is remitted direct to the Fiiblishers. No prfMuium.s he given to flubs. Jhe Jronard Scott Pub. Co., 110 Fulton, Si., N. Y. It keep.s the Scalp Clean and Healthy. It inyigoratestlia Roots oftho Hair. It forces th« Hair and Beard to grow luxuriantly. It immediately stops Hair Falling (Jut. It keei.s the Hair from f hanging Color from age. It restores Grey Hair to its Original Color. It brings out the Hair on Heads that has beei bald for years. \n25;G :-88] O. C.-\.Ml’i;!2.L, C..M E. PROTEST OF THE DEMOCRATIC lilEMBERS AGAINST THE AD MISSION OF THE ARKANSAS REPRESENTATIVES. T’he following is the protest which Mr, Brooks offered in the House against the admission of the Representatives of the State of Arkansas : “ The recognized presence of three per sons on the floor of this House from the State of Arkansas, sent here by military force, acting under a Brigadier General of the army, but nevertheless elaiming to be inemliers of this Congn-ss, and to share with us, the Repn'sentatives from the free States, in tlie impo.cition ot taxe.s and ciis- touia sAiul otlw-v laws upon oar people, makes it our imperative duty, in this the first case, to remonstrate mo.'^t solemnly and to protect as solemnly against this perilous and destructive innovation upon the principles and praciicesof our hitherto constitutional st-li-governmeut. The so- called rseonstruction acts, which created the military government in Arkansas, and like governments in other Southern States to share with us in the legislative porver of the Northern and Western free people, ve have every reason to believe, have TIIE VALLEY OK DEATH. periodical literature, as in France in the Eighty miles northwest of tho ^ I agonies and throes of the great revolution, j camp on the Moiiave River, Col., is 3,856 I Laws even, statute laws, which can nev-; tlie well known and much diea.led cr be created by Constitutions, are appen-j‘'Deatli Valley.” It is said ti' be ded, more or less, to all these Constitu-. lower tlian the level of tlie s'ca, and tions;and these bayonet-created, one-1 wholly destitute of water. Tlieval- braneh governments, with no Executive, j Jey ig'some fifty miles long by thirty no Scn.ate, no House of Representatives, ■ j,j {jpeadth, and, save at two po’nts, it no Judiciary, have oruained irrepcalable, wholly encircled bv mountains, up irrc-ci-sible laws in the very organism o g i,„„„,sible for the otate—such as cannot tlius be created I i i- i ’ , V, .1 o . 1 .1 J any but expert climbers to ascena.— by the F.xecutivc, the oenate, and the i i • i r .. .• i .i House of RepresVutalives of legitim.ate V', >lio government, when acting in unison ami shadow (d blld oi w dd^ bCiUst never all combined. All thi.s has been done Aits white glaitug saiid. lii without regard to preceding Constitutions j days, trains of emigratits nr precedents, or to the common law of J bound for California, passed, under the States, or the law of nations. The | the directioiiR of tlieir guides, to tlic military, which under legitimate institu-j south of Deatiiy Valley, by wliat is ti )ns can oiily be used in times ot peace j now known as tiio “old MoniiOU to conserve nr preserve the Stale, have j road.” here been-used to destroy States. The In the vear 1850, a largo train, General of tlie army, who represents the with some oOO emigrants, mostly sAvonl, and oidy the sword oftho Repub- j f|-Q,n lUiiHiis and Missouri, came lie, has been oxalud by acts of Congress 1 eouth IVoiu Sail Lake, guided by a Mormon. When near Death Vtilloy, State of Nortli Caroliua, ALKX.\NDEli COUNTY. Superior Court of Lnxe, Spring Term, 1SG8- Ma. W. L. MILSAPS; You are hereby notified that I will take tlie depositions of James Burchem and otliers, on the oili day of August next, at the conrt-liouse in Washington county, Indiana, tuucliiug a certain matter of controversy now pendi'’g in tlie said Superior Court, of .‘laid court .\Iexaiiiler county, N. C., wlierein I am plain tiff and you are defendant, when and wliere you may be present and cross examine if you see proper. This, lOih June, A.D. 18G8. MARGARET E. MILSAPS. 23:Gt:.SS State of Nortli Carolina, STANLY COUNTY. Court of Equity, Spring Tei'm, 186S, It is compered entirely of simple and purely vegetaj lilo substances. It has ro.'civcd over six thousand vehiiitarv testimo nials of its excellence, many of which are from phy* sicians in high .standing. Ti e L. Pflt. fO., publish the FxiRJIBR'S GUIDE, by Henrt 5(TErnENS. of Edinburgh, and the late I. r. Norton, of Yale College. 2 vols., Royal nrtavo, 16(H) pages, and numerous Engraviug.s. ■ Price $7 for the two volumes—by ilail, post paid, $800. jan9-—tf iOi. MOORE, xMtorney and Counsellor at Law, 80LiiriT0H —.\ND— IN B ankr^ptc^y;. WILMINGTON, N. O. na4— ly It is sold in half-pound bottles, (the nama blown in tlie glass.) by Druggists and Dealeis iu Fancy (Joods everywhere at 31 ]ierbottle. Wholesale by Demas. Barua.s A ('o.: F. C. Wells A Co.; Sehief- feliu «V- Co.. New Yifrk. marchl2twly State of North Carolina, WATAUGA COUNTY. Court of Pleas find Quarter Sessions April Term 1S68. Tho? J. Coffey A Bro., I vs > Attachaieot. Tho? P Fox worth, et al ) I T anpearing to the sitisfaclion of the Court that tho defendant Thoina.? D. Foxworth re sides beyond the limit? of this State: It i? or dered that publication be made for six weeks in the Watchman k Old North State, notifying said defendant to be k appear at our next Court of Ph'as and Quarter Sessions to be held for (he eountv of Watauga at the court-house in Boone, on the 2nd Monday in July next, and then and there shew cause if any be has, why the property levied on slmll not be condemned to the use of the plr.iutifis. Witness, J. B. Todd, clerk of our said court at office, the 3d Monday in April, 1868. ' J. B. TODD, Clerk pr adv $8 0.0—19 Thomas Biles and with Elizabeth, et, al. VS. George M. Sides, eL at j'ETITMS For S.vr.K or LAND. I T apneariiig to tlie satisiacliou ot the Court that the defendants, C. G. Melohor, Win. H. Melchor, Green Melton and wife Caroline, Nel son S[de9, Henry Marshall and wife Sallie, Car oline Hearne, Harris Crowell and wife Mary, and Anderson Porter and wife Polly, reside bet’ond the limit.? of this State: It is therefore ordere?! that publication be made for six weeks in the “ Watchman k Old North State,” noti fying said defendants to be and appear at our next Superior Court of Law, to be held for the county of Stanly, at the court-house in Albe marle, on the Ist Monday in September next, then and there to show cause if any, why the lands mentioned in the Petition shall not be sold. Witness, Jas. I). Hearne, clerk of our said Court at office, the lit Monday in March, 18G8. J. D. He.vrnk, g.m.e. 2S;G!43. device of this congress in snatching juris diction from the court in the jIcArdlecase when sncli a public tlecision was aliout to be made. Of the three great branches of the Government, it seems, then, that after the Executive vet-'-ed these acts as uncon stitutional, the judiciary adjudicated them to be so, while a Congress, the creation of but twenty-seven of the thirty-seven States of the Union, overrides those equal and and co-ordinate branches of that Govern ment, first b y voting down the vetoes, next by nullifying tlie judgment of the In an era of profound peace, when not an armed man rises against the Gov ernment from the Potomac to the Rio Grande, then, in ten States, our American historical way of creating the organic law has been utterly subverted by the bayo net. Ever since the Declaration of Inde pendence—with scarcely an exception— and even amid the battles of the Revolu- ! tion, Conventions have been convoked through, and Constitutions created by, the electors of the States, the only author ized depositories of tho sovereign power of every State, without exterior dictation, as under the existing Federal Constitu tion. The hardest and harshest test oath required from 1776 to the pence of 1783, above the Constitutional Commander-in- Chief of the army and navy, in order to execute those military decrees, and, as the surer way to throw out every vestige left of constitutional law or liberty, the same General of the army, in order to prolong or perpctutite his military domination, North and West, as well as South, has been selected in party Convention at Chi cago to head the electoral vote for the Presidency in ten of our States, which are as much under his foot as Turkey is un der the Sultan, or Poland under the Czar of Russia. But, as if only to add insult to the injury of this military outrage upon the popular government of these ten States, either by act of Congress or by these Congress soldier made State Consti- tutioKs, at least 250,000 whites have been disfranchised, wliile 750,000 negroes, in experienced in all law making, and more ignorant than our children, have been en franchised in their stead, and have thus been created absolute masters and sover eigns over the whole white population of the South. Because of all this, and in opposition to all this, we, Representatives of the people from the free States, in behalf of our con stituents, and of thousands and tens of thousands of others who would be here represented if the pojmlar power without could now constitutionally act here with- ' r, . . i i . „ .1 1 1 / , , • . ' It lasted but a in, earnestly aud solciunl}' protest against this violence upon the Constitution and upon our people, and do hereby coutisel ' and advise all friends of popular govern- ' raent to submit to this force and fraud on- i ly until, at the h;dlot-box, operating thro’ | the elections, this great wrong can be put right. There i.? no law in the land over the consilimional law ; there is no guv-j eniment but constitutional government; and hence all bayonet-made,all Congress iniposed Constitutions are of no a dissent broke nut in a part of the train, and twenty-one fainlies canie to the conclusion that the Mormon knew nothing about the country, so they appointed one of tlieir nnmher a leader, and broke off from the main party. This leader determined to turn due west, so with the people, and wagons, t«id flocks, lie traveled for three dtiys, and then descended into the broad valh y, whose treach erous mirage promised water. They reached tho centre, but only tiie white, glaring sand, bounded by tho scorched peaks, met their gaze on every hand. Around tlie valley they wandered, and one by one ti c men died, and tiie pantiitg flocks stretched themselves in death under the hot sun. Then the children, crying for water, died nt tlieir motiiers’ breasts, and with swollen tongues and hiirn- ing vitals, the motiiers followed.— Wagon after wagon was abandoned, and strong men tottered and raved and died. After week’s wandering, a dr>zen survivors found some water in the 'lollow of a ruck in tho nionnta n short time, tiien all periblied but two, who, through some miraculous nietm.-, got out of tlie val- ley and tollowed the trial of thoir former coinpanious. Eighty‘•seven pei'Si-ns, with hundreds of animals, and weight. mithority, or sanction, save that enfu-c(.d 1 cjhriveled skeletons cases bide bv side. was an abiuration oath of allegiance to i by arms—an clement of power unknown George the Third, while some ot the so- i to Americans jn peace, and net er required called bayonet-made Constitutions from ■ but a.s it acts in and under the supreme the South’propose absurd and cruel tests [ civil law, the Constitution, and the stat- —absurd, as in Arkansas, where is inter- i utes enacted in pursuai ce thereof, woven in the organic law a mere party j M e protest then, in b' liatf of the free test between the Radical Reconstruction- people of the North and the Y est, against ists aud the Democratic Conservatives, such as would exclude from voting, if liv ing there, the thousands and tens of thous- unds and hundreds of thousands of Dem- the right of this military oiiga: div, estab- •/ 7 penslied in this feuifnl place, since then liie name of “Death YaK ley ’ ha; been a)q)lied to it. Mr. Spear says that when he visited it last v. di. ter, after a lajisc of eighteen year?, .lO found the wagons btill complete, t!io ht, and the in many brigi lying Cur.iors Exi’ekimkny.—Take a piece of pasteboard, about live inches square, roll it into a tube, ol 1 one lished ia Arkansas or elsewhere in the } enough to lit now re-en.'^lavel States of the South, to i and tlie other end lathei impose ujion us, through Congress, taxes, smaller. Hold the tube between tlie customs, or other law.?, to maintain this i thumb aud finger of the right hand (do not grasp it with tlie wole hand ;) [irotest against going into the now put the largo end close against the MOLASSES ! MOLASSES. '^0\V landing E.x. Schooner “Alaska,” di- JA reel from Cardenas, 220 Hogsheads, ) Sweet Cuba Molasses 30 Tierces, > in prime new pack- 40 Barrel.?, ) ages. ^p^Selected specially for summer trade. Orders will be promptly filled at lowtst cur rent market prices. 0. G. PARSLEY k Co. Wilmington, N. C., June 10. t\vC7:6t ocrats in the free States, (art. 8, sec. 4 ;) or cruel, as in Alabama, where no white i ol’.garchy or its Freeduicn’s Bureau, man can vote who will not forever fore-j b\ e [irotest against going into tin r r. swear his own race and color and perjure ! proposed copartnership of militaiy dicta riaht eye, ami with the lett Jiand hold Limsclf by swearing, in defiance of the I tors aud negroes, in the adininistration of [),)(,k imainst tho side of the tube, law of God, that the negro is his equal t’lis (.foveriimeut. We dmnunl, in the * [jg J keej) both eyes open, and forever to be his equal at the ballot- name of the fathers of the Constitutitni will a])pcar to be a iiolo box, in the jury-box, with the cartouch- «'ind for the sake of pro.sperity, not its re-! qj,.,,,,,], the book, and objcctB seen box, in the school, in the college, in bouse : construction, but the restoration of that if'^throiD'h the hole instead of and home, and by the fireside—ill short, ; sacred instrument wdiich has been to ; Je,.yi,erh tiie^ube. The right eye sees iq every way, every where—(article 7 sec-; all a pillar of fire from 1787 on to its pres- { tho tube, and the left eye tion 4.) Now, in these and the other ; ent overthrow ; and iu all solemnity • gees the book, ami tliG twa appear- jo aiiCGS are so confounded together that cember 8, 1803, offered amnesty and par-1 hereby affix o-n- names to this d^n to rebels t’non in arras, if they would ' against the admission of those three per- j liaml can bo heo i i ,,.’11 down their arms and take an oath of sons claiming to be members of Congress , stead ot a book, am |(- )p 0 i fidelity, while now not a Union niau in ' from Arkansas, ‘ seem to be through the hand. Southern States, in the midst of war, Pres- j fore God and man, under a full sense ileut Lincoln, in his proclamation of De-‘ ffie respon.^ibility of all we utter, we an , - .. . r „ J .7 , tliey cun not be sepaiaieu.

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