»•* .V , >i. X '- •, . i^'^’ ''x.- • ■; ?. a Bv filWLS A; HIll WKK, “The Old J¥orth State Forever.”—Gasfow. Siiiifie Co|)ie$!( Five Cents V )!. ill. NO. 78 SALISBURY, N. C., TUESDAY, JULY 7, 1S68. [WHOLE NO 300 ■' .•sssssxn LCLKCTIC magazine! 40 Years Before the PiiblicJ OK I'OKEICX LITEIHTJJRE. .'KI.K- TKO KKOM J . ,1 * t I tr’i-f, . , /.’. ■ '• '/ ! >! H.C .Mun'lcs, /. ' ‘ ■ ■! !'rt !. /^ii)i -"in X‘. li- /.’; ■ /i N(. y’,'"/'.',', /'. ,.//->.■/;.•,• /,''■. • MufiaziiiC, >'■' ' 7 /N ''■ //', /’(■.■-'/•''■ Line, i ..■ Of I,‘i r,, n\ l.ti 1111 I!! nir, I f ././, ■... ■/', ■ t'!i Jiiir. i !• ‘ ./ I,•Hill"’ It- /e, ! ^ . .-f, I ' ‘ III n Sill It til, I ) r I r tthiiiiit. l)t''iii I I'I I'l I'lii tj, j . ! . ■ 4/ ■■••o.'.. ; i..t. :• f.r M . '■••1 : ilt>; flinii-f S'-le,'11'illS •- . ■;. 1..1 i>ti|.T iiifUt.i 1 if . - f I .y fur tin; K'-li-flu- to .1 ; : ' . ’ . - : . . : -i.-ii- ■ ■ 'Vol'k. , ,,' ; ■ . - I wii li "O' - or iiinri' i' i ■ ■ ■ ■ •!' iiu-i]. or 1 11;-,- i !; r I .. " !i'-- I i’'rt .‘.citrus for t . I :• N ■■.•■■!:.■ i-'..-:, ifiy;-:/ i ■■■■ ■ . . ■! or ' 11,.- loilou i!i;r , ;i i o!! li.l ill’ i ' S IIASaKI' oK IM’IACIIKS, i 3 X ]] ; ! AND NTT ('U\(NCKUS,' 7 X S. I r'' I x.i : f ori-ii'al >11 paint- ' a.l r." ■ i hv jai'A ' i.. in tin- liiuli- ’ ■ . ’ lit i.i ol tlii'ia Wi- w ill >011(1 ;lo- • 1!:i_;m\ -la'. \Ya'li'n.urloii at ' ■■ r.i!-i ill'll IV-iii; M.ii'k-ft. Sunday .Morn- , 'l l' \ I ' rSo'-rs uiol rUl.i.iii. \m- -.vill •'Cud lla- , i' i,r ■ I '.iuo. l’''ii:li - i.il,—^i/c d l-'2 X S. ; *-■ T i.i:.'" 'rui.-r.' and a copy of ! Ii’,’/,7/c,A'/Ai-.'-'A Pti furinl iomo'ti, ■ I1-. ■ , diiT>,c t' 1 10 pairi-' coiitaininir ovc-r >011 pic ' . • . ■ I- pr . oil . or a c, p;i\- o| 1,’. i>a - ■ . .c.ilcl o.c, c. Sli'-tiali'l 1’oilic> — >izc 'i' riU nf fill’ ]-]rJrrfii' : o ■ O' .-iipv . one \i‘;ir. Soil!) v' tr S I,'ll’, live ccjiic-, one carS’Jli.OU 7 t \V. if. J:I DWK'JJ.. : r» irtitih Si., N' lr Yir/,’. i Periodicals. TllJ:: SOUTIIERX FILLiS, ill d oh/, hiiiif Jnioirii ttnd u'n’l IrfniJ remedy fur lul liUi'iijs di-sai.i'Sj caused by a DISEASED LIVER. TiK-yarc mal.' in,.I a,,U by O. W. DEICMS till- ill.-icovoior, who has removed to Ihiitnuore, wlic’'e Ilf call have access to the i.tirest and hi-sL medicinfs, oii tlie luo.-L favoi’able terms, ile Will always k ej) on hand a laroe supply'. aii'J will Sell to his customers, wholes-le and retail, at the shcriest notice. In the [(reparation of these very sup'erior and excellent I’llls, no Cidst or trouble is spared to insure the greatest [)o.s.=ib!e degree of'|icrfection, in [loint of utility, excellence and comlort.— They contain one article which has [irobably never belore berm used as a medicine, and winch is a powei tul agent in cleansing the Liver, (which gives them an advantage over every’ other conioosition used in tliese Pills is carefully [ire- pared by the hand of the discoverer, and may he used by the most feeble [latieiit in the most delicate situa'ion. eithei male or female; and from their [(c-culiar comhination are liighly strengthening, mild in their action on the bow els, and indei'd. in a climate like ours where colds and eoughs are almost an unfailing con- seijuenee ol the sudden changes to which all aie siibj 'ct, every one at all lialde to suffer from liie influence oi these causes, will find the gri-at- et sciuiiity in having his livei- and bowels well cleansed by these invaluable Pills. M iicre these Pills are known, especially' in the soulhen. States, wliere they have been cir- State of North Carolina, WATAUGA COUNTY. Court of Picas ami Quarter Sessions Aptfl Term, 1868. Farthing & Co., vs. Thomas & R. E. Brown.^ Attachment levied on land. TT appearing to the satifaction of the Ooart I -^that the defendants, Thomas & 11. E. Rowu I reside beyond the limits of this State: Ifis or- j dered that publication be made for six weeks j in the Watchman & Old North State naifying j .^aid defendants to be and appear at mr next ! Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions tr be held i for the county of Watauga, at the coart-house j in Boone, on the 2nd Monday in July next, I aii'l tlien and there shew cause if iny they i have why the land levied on shall no. be con demned to the use of the plaintiff. ! Witness, J. B. Todd, clerk of out said court at office the 2d Monday in April, A. D. IbU.S. J. B. TODD, Clerk pr adv SS 00—19. State of North Carolina, STAXr.Y COUNTY. la EpiKy, September Terra. 18G8. THE I majority of the politicians, of Xorth Car- ^ and will be .so hotd win a pass’.oii and TV TVrrAT>TTT CTATr? j olina, will be clamorously demanding a fear subside, and Courts are liberated onco LivyXvXXl OAA-Axii. change in the negro suffrage feature of^nore. f I RI-WEEKT^Y i S^RATES OF SUBSCRIPXIOX- ^ XERiaS—CASH IN ;AnVANCE. -Our dignity demands that we respect- fejly say to the Congress, “unfetter us, and give us the assuraucy^ that our privi- Adaline Eudy' vs. Jacob Eudy. r'KTITiOX FOR rilVOKClC. I T appearing to the satisfaction of the Conr that tlie defendant Jacob Eudy, resides be yond the limits of this State: It is ordered tiiat publication be made for six weeks in tht “ Watchman & Old North State, ” notifying Pill heivtutore offered to the puhlic.) The said defendant to be and appear at our next ' Superior Court of Law, to be held for the county of Stanly, at the Coiirt-lloiise in Albe marle, on the 1st Monday in March next, then and there to answer or demur to the plaintiirs petition ; otherwise, the same will be heard and granted. Witness, James D. Hearno, clerk of onr said Court at office, the Ist Monday in March, 1868. 23:Gt:$8J J. D. ilKAUXK, c.m.e. Tri.Weekly, One Y'ear, S-^.OQ- *• * Six Months, *. 3,00 i 1 WEEKLY WATCHMAN AND NORTH STATE, i One Copy One A ear,...................... 5^3.00 “ Six Months, 1.50 A cross X onthe paper iudicatesthe expiration of, tlie subscription. The type on which the “ Olk North State,” is printed is entirely new. No paiiuswillbe sjuired to make it a welcome visitor to every family. In order to do this we have engaged the services oi able and ■Accomjdished fiterarv coutributois. Advertising Bates. TRANSIENT RATES I’orall periods less than one month One Square. First insertion $1.00 Eacli subsecpient insertion 50 Contract rates for periods of one to fom months. o'- UCqIO v.g our Constitution and tbe restriction of tbe African’s right to vote. Kq^uaily singular metamorphoses in political -sentiment are recent; aud this oite wm he a aensiblo j iegea wiU be unaffected by our vote.”— one, aud inevitably resulting from our | Then can we vote as proud American cit- speedy experience of tlie presoat system. | izens should do. But now wc cannot— Why then should Xorth Carolina assist ' wc dare not—give o.ii independent vote j in so amending the Federal Constitution i we vote as others dictate; we vote as that she cannot make this inevitably ear- : shires. AVouId to Ivod Xorth Candina ly change in her own organic law, wiiliout might this day be pcrn.ittcd to render au GENFAlxU. ASShXBLY OF FOETH CAROLINA. ET AUTHORITY OF CONGRESS. FIRST SESSION. Clil.-ltl'll t*xtci;si vi'J V', thi I I rv*oe»r»i iiR'iuUili'iii—ilu-ir nii iits ;iu* so well known by iheir lesiills, which have given them a reputa- tidii llia'c has hioughl them into great heiiiaui.]. flK-v tlieretme aie ilestiiied to be, at no ili.slaut y r } it-h'il \f''.lii‘'ii>J A' '"e ('c, f C' (I> ^ >c ' va'l ve. 1 I 'I'/.r T. r.’ihi.ty L'cri.'ir, (Wilig.) ' y '• ' 11 i.s:'i)i/-isfii' A T" (IV id 1 ita 1 j'h-: Etvinr, (Fioe^ ('ii 11 -’ll ) aiul uieil by arc so preva- State of North Carolina, catawua County. Court of KyuHy, Spriixj Term, 1SC8. Moses M. Unit and wife Khoda, eiaJ, ) vs. > J. E. Fry and wife Anna, et at. ) A N1» J;' I’lrti' I Is J'.f I nhtl I'ljh fldjiz I th', : I. ■ r \ . j ( •, , r.- iU live .il'lv Mi-tauK'd t>y llio rniitri I : ' , 'i. >t u r.oT--dll S' Ib'li-Ai'Ui ainl . ,• A I.U'- lO', A.i'i >m:i(I iniroallcl in tin- . ,,i' I'ino' :i 1 c M'ilispcli-alde t" tije _ '..i; ; • I ‘ ''ii;'. i 111.in. all 1 lo •'‘iiTV I'e.l- , , . Ii ati.miisii .1 !" ii.i'Vc.'cr.i "I tl.c ('iir- j, ; I .-i- i:..- (i.ii l;.,iii > ;in !'l' (ililailieii li'niii rCKM I-'i >B iSbs. 1 .: ■...•(,■ a- >■ t .till per aiimiiii. ' • , ■ ■ V 1 T ■ ■ 1, t* . it VI >. . , . . . I . 00 1 • • Ib-V ,I- '■,>.... III.00 “ I ll' V ..•.v> I-J-OO ’ . 1 ivV 1 - ' i. . I.Oil ,• Oi . ,v'■ .'1 iiii.i 1 Ill' l\.".it"'V, 7.00 ( ! a't I i'lv 1 'V .1 (U I lie 10.(K) •• 1. .i A .> ',1 .11,'I tlU'.'f of ilia la.tlO • Hi '. illN'i ; ail'i tia- U'lil’ Ife- V 15.00 S (lay, the only n-iiu-tiy recognized the |ieo;i!e where bilious diseases Iv-ut. Tiie advaiitagc in this trcatiiieiit tiieie- loif, is, tiiat a cure must he raiiical and com plete without liie necessity of breaking down the .^ysieiii ill one part to remove a disease in another. They can be sent to any point in tlie United Siatc' bv Miiil or Express. I’UH'E—For "lie box. ’iaect ts.—1>"7,. $‘J..5()—Kalf Gros."!, I -flc—Uiic (ic'iss. —Tticoe Gno.t, ^,-)U—Five Gross, $7.5. i rii(.' (‘a>!i loiisl L'il.'itrr a( company tbe order for the Medi- j cine or it vcill be sent C. O. D. Orders should be address i ed to G. W. PEEMS, i No. ‘JS, Souiu Caliiols Strket, | ItALTIMORE MD., w tierr tlicy vr-i'. be pr«mptly attended to. | K'd- lb >0 Mediciii. s ('..11 on all rt-sprclable Druggists eveiywbcre. and on all tbe i)rii>"i>ts in Salisuiuy. JOHN H. EXXlSvS, I'rn^'gist, Special Agent. 1(i:w&twly TETITION TO SELL LAND. fLlTc^. : \ ’ -''int ot" •ii\ (-.iitv pT.-oiit. IV ill !((';tl'.("iwcil to ( f ! in ''c I liii>. lour copic.s of id I ■ . ■■ ■ ' i, ■■ ■: . ;.c Kc. .'-vv. will 1.0 >cl(t to oiu’ .1 - ' -• !"' S''.’.''''. l - n.r .'"p'l S of llic lour ilc- • s A id. ;; i kw ' 1 f'>r t F'.e". Rii'l on. 13 1-8 TAOK. - ' .'.-s ni I 'p'c| .(C ii\ tj.u (juartcr, nt tlio - o' ,' . 11. t’l'-iagc to any part of tlit‘ ; .. '. -• . j., i’w,. (■yNi.s 1 iiui.ibcr. riiis rate i , 1 .1 .'('.ri ■. I-.''-iil'S. rq.t loi.s, l-'or l.ack mim- j b. I-. ! '■ p cvta.IO is ii''ill';»', ' . ,‘,e t / .y,"/r S'/h.ii‘/'i.fi, r.ii. • ' ,■ T'l'. .env tiv'i 'if tlif above jvorioil- • .'A> : 1 ii oiUitic'i t ( rcvcive. gratis, any : ,, ' I _■ I .1 -r i' '. ■■«-for 1^1(7. N.'w Siiliscriliers ‘ J , 1'.. ■ , Gs fill' ISiis may receive. ' - ,,v.' "i '1 a'ly two I'f tl.c Four Reviews i • t>i'7. i - - - ■-T" ■ . ' c ...'I L inniihers .It the fol- ' 1 . \ ■ .. ir.vm .l in'-.aty. l^Uo. T.i Ideroin- i ; . l''o7. 11. ' : ii'.uva'ii aii.i tl.c ''Ve-tinill- • ■■ - ■ \iii'(-- 1 ■■ t. 1 ailicr, I'Mo. inclusive, i c. . : • 'I ■ ''ll >' ’-v ; V 1...' yens isi',;, istir; : a ; ' ' vT. .VI 1 ■' ■ (’•■ ' r 1 .: (I a . a: ’or i-a. ii or a ii v . l."v .V a s -., ' ..a. A f .y .111(1 ls;(i7, t'.ir S’J.- ' .'11 1 ve o.'. >• I le 1 ■■('• V- t'.a r tor 84.00. N — • Subs, ril.er?. 111.r'ii'civunt r . . .,bs n i.-cn .''I pn."s tor ba.'k numlifis. can " v ■" . "ss 1ni'iiiey is remitted direct to .No a. casc.vn l.e e von ’c> Clubs. 'j hr J.i i'-n ird .'ri,tt Pah. Co., \ Iti Fulton, St., N. Y. rii'.- I.. S. rCit. t‘'ii.. a’.so pnV'ii.sh the FAimiAfS GVIDE, by lU xr.v S; Ei-uF>s. ..r K'lintiurgli. and ifie late 1. P. N' 'ikf#*, "i V.dc c'lleire. g vols.. Royal •' t i ' Iti'i'Yf4-t s. an,! numT.ins Fu'zr.ivings. I’t iv • 87 lor the two volumes—by Mail, jiost jiaid. Uu.i. jautl—tt IkHrMOOKL, A*f'i'rif]j and Counsdlor at — AND— .-.^s.'itOR in B .4 n k k b p t.cty;. W/LH7NOTOy, N. C. l ;1—fr A (.ENTS Wanted fur THE OFFiSIAL HISTORY OF THE WAll, Its Causes, Charaett'r, Couduct and Results. IJy 110\ AL!:XAM)KR!I. STEPIIEXS. A PooJc fir all Scclinn.s, and Parties. Thi.s great work [iresfiits the only com- [dete and iiu[iariial analysis uf the Causes ol the War yet [luhlishcd. and gives those in- ti'iii'r liglits ami shadiiws of the great coii- tlict oulv kiinwii til thosii high ollicers wlio watched the fliiud-tide nf revolatimi from its fiiiiiitalii s[iriiigs, aud which were so acces- sibh' to Mr. Stiqdit'iis from his positiou as second oiliccr of the C'oiitederacy. To a [luhlic that has been surfeited with ABl’ABF.NTLY Sl.MILAR PRODUC- TToXS. we [iroiuise a change of fare agree able aud salutary, and an intellectual treat of the higliest order. The (Ireat American ar has AT L.VST found a historian wortliy of its iiii{'urtance. and at whose hands it will receivi* that moderate, candid and im- [lartisl treatiiient M’hich truth and justice so urgently ih-niaiid. 'I'he intense desire every Ahere mauifest- ed to obtain this work, its Otlicial character and ready sale, combined with an increased comniis.-ion. make it llie best 6ubscri[>tion book ever [lublished. (due Agent in Easton, Pa. reports 72 sub- seribers in three days. One in Memjdiis. Teiiii. 106 subscribers !■ five days. Send' for Oircnlars and see our terms, and a full deScri[ition of tbe work, with Press nu- tices of advance sheet-'. Ac. Address N.VnoXAL PUBLISHING CO. 26 South Seventh St. P:iiladel[diia. Pa. T appearing to the satisfacli'in of the Court that the defendants, Noah Fry and wife, & F. W. Wing and wife Catharine, reside beyond the limits of this State, It is therefore ordered that publication be made for six weeks in tlie “ Watcliinan and Old North State,” notifying the defendants to be and appear at our next Su[iei ior Court of Law, to be held for the coun ty of Catawba at the courtliouse in Ncwlou, on the 2d Monday in August next, then and there to [dead to, answer or demur, or judg ment pro covfesso will be taken as to them. Witnes.^, O. Campbell, clerk of onr said Court at ofTice, 2(1 Monday of February, 1863. w2.j:6::-*vS] 0. CAMeiiPiLi,, c,.m e. State of North Carolina^ VVAI AUGA COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions April Term 1868. Win. Horton, Guardian vs. Thomas R, E. Brown. Attaclimcnt levied on land. TT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court -^that the defendants Thomas Sc R. E. Brown reside beyond the limits uf this State : It is or dered by the Court that [lublication be made for six weeks in the Watelirnan & Old North State, uotil'ying said defend.'uits to be and ap- [lear at our next Court of I’lcas and (^fuarter Sessions to be iield fur the county of Wataupa at the court-house in Beone, on the second Monday in July next, then and tliM'e shew cause if any they have why' the land levied on shall not be condemned to the use of the plain tiff. Witness, J. B. Todd, Clerk of our said court at olfice, the 2nd Munday in Aoril, A. D. 1868 pr adv .$8 00 —19 J. B. TODD, Clerk. SENATE. Raleigh, N. C., July 2d, 1868. The Semite was called to oialer at 4 o’clock. Mr. Barrow, of Northampton, introdu ced resolutions in reference to the election of U. S. Seriators—fixing the election on the 6Lh of July’. Lies over. [The law of Congress provides for the election of U. S. Senators on the second Tuesday of the session.] A message was received from the House, traiLsmitling a joint resolution rat ifying the Howard zVmendinent, or the 14th articl;'. of the Constitution of the United States, and asking the concurrence of the Senate. Mr. Rich, of Pitt, moved that the Sen ate do concur. ]\[t. Robbins, Senator from Rowan, said : I rise, Mr. President, to present a few only of the reasons, why’, in my judgment, the Senate c.f North Carolina should refuse to ratify this amendment. It is not hoped that anything now to be said could influ ence the action of this body upon the ques tion ; for the decree has gone forth, not only that we u'ill, but that we must, give an affirmative vote; and it is but too evident that a majority here are impatient to do the bidding of their masters. But I oppose it, ,/zrsf, upon the merits of the amendment itself. I respectfully ask North Carolinians, what lias North Carolina to gain by its adoption ? This measure changes the basis of representa tion in Congress, and virtually places it, not upon the population, but the number of voters in each State. This is of little importance to States having a homogen ous population, and where no class of the people is likely ever to be deprived of equal suffrage. But in North Carolina there are two widely distinct races, dwel ling together on the same soil. True, by the present Constitution, both are invest ed with equal rights of suffrage. I oppo sed this, and deprecate it still; while I, at the same time claim to be a friend of ; the colored lace, and wish to see their State of North Carolina, "-nfore promoted. i wiiiako add, f that whiift tnp nrpflPT that while the present Constitution re mains the de facto Constitu ion of the State, I shall give my aid towards making it woik as little evil as possible. And as Senator here, I shall pursue no mere fac tious course, but assist in the adoption of I >-- r 1 • r r measures best calculated to advance N this ease It a[ipeaiini: to the satisfjiction ol ,1 . ti... ti...Vii,.. .L.i 1 ..,.1 „ welfare of North Carolina under the YADKIN COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Qu irt'.r Sessions, April Term, L8G8. A. S|)eer vs. W. II. Rouwell. ATTACIi.MENT LEVIED ON’ LAND. the Court that the deletulant is not a resi dent of the State of North C.irolina, It is or dered, iheretore, by the Court, that publication be made for six weeks in the ” Watchman and MOLASSES MOL.ASSES. Alaska. present regime. . But will the policy of allowing equal rights of suffrage to both races be perraa- Old North State,” notifying said defendant to! nent here? Impossible. Even its friends be and appear before the Justices of onr Court I must admit it to be an untried experi- of 1 leas and Qii.arter Sessions to he held for the i ment. uncertain in its results. The voice county ot ladkin, at the ccnit-house in lau- hUtn. tr e t kinville, on the second Monday in July next, 1 j ® P ' .. , then and there to plead, answi or demur to j “==^a«'ce in which two peoples have dwelt said attachment, or the same will be heard ex ^[’gether on the same soil, without amalga- parte, the judgment confirmed, the land levied ^^^*4 or the subordination of one to the on condemned to satisly plaiiiiilf s debt, and ; other; unless, indeed, both were in sub- an order of sale granted. : jectioii to a common tvrant. Witness, J. G. Mai ler, clerk of our said Court And apropos of that last remark, does 1 MO. 1 2 MO. 1 3 .MO. 1 4 .Mo. 1 6 MO 1 SQUARE, $5.00 $8.60 $12.00 i 15.00 $20.00 2 SQUAKES, 7.50 13,00 17.00 21.00 27.00 3 SQUAKES, 10.00 16.00 21.(10 26.00 3 400 4 SQUAKES, 12 00 18.00 23.00 28.00 3 700 QUAK. COL. 13.00 19.00 24.00 29.00 3,8,70 HALF COL. 20.00 27,00 33.00 38.00 4.00 3 QUAK. CUT,. 25.00 3.3,00 40.0(1 45 (10 50.00 ONE COL. 30,00 42,00 52.00 60.00 70.00 losing a portion of her rrpres.entatioii in Congress ? Is it to her iuteivst ? N.iy’, verily. She has much to lose by it, aud nothing to gain. But I am told that by’ voting for thi.- measure wc .shall at length “go home’’ again ; and men grow strangely’ eiit]iu>ia.>- tic, talking of getting hack to the old home stead ; forgetting tliai the tree uf liberty’ which used to stand tluru, and under which wc, children of a happy land, oiice sported, has been hewn by’ the remorse less axe of fanaiieisin, and the w. aiher- beateii mansion looks, alas ! but little like the glorious fabric we venerated of yore ! I am told tint by voting for this amend ment we shall get back in.) the L nioii.— AVhen did we get out of the Union ? Did those men who voted here, seveu years ago, for the ordinance of secession, really takes us otit of the Union ] They may be pardoned for thinking so ; for thev are our grand Disunionis ts. But I, man, utterly deny’ it. as a good Union We fought to get out of the Union, and the United iStatcs ! absolute jiower, let the preseut posture of fought to keep us in. If we arc out, we public aflairs .= peak. whipped the United States ; it was Wash-1 Senators, the dangers I have depicted ington, not Richmond, that fell; and Grant' do not seem to me imaginary’. They am surrendered to Lee, under the apple ti. e. ; dread realities, and woe be unto us if avo But history tells no such flattering tale to ! go blindly’ on, and help, by’ our votes, to me. No, Senators, we were never out of ei ive the ship of State upon the breakers ! unbiased decision ! But alas ! I old mother is in the dust, and the maileil soldier stands over her with the hayonet I at her bosom, demanding that she dis'honor herself. “Drive the bayonet home to her heart,’’ say’ 1, “if Heaven so wills it, and let her die ; hut k t her 'never submit to vohiiitarv ili.'lionur.” , But this is net a question of feeling and seniiin, nt; it is one of vital impor tance to iiie satety’ of the L'onsiitution.— By’ the C’liustitati'jn, Umgress is emp- w- erod to jirojiose .iiiiendments to that in- struineiit. But if C’ongress can dictate how States sliall vote upon nmcndin.-iits, ' by’ jflaeing them under Jisahiiities as States, uiiii: they’ are forced in'.) cumpi;- ance, is not Congress become all puwer- j fill, and can it not mould the organic law to its will h M.iv it not, by’ this uieaiis, j decree an amendment suborilinating the co-ordinate d-qiartiiients, and make itself sole riih r I V\Tiat rapid and rcvolulioiia- rv stridis it has already taken towards the Union ; and the pretence that wo were is a subterfuge, invented since the war, for obvious p litical and partizan purpo ses. ’I’o ekow its iibsurdity it i:i only neces sary’ to ask ourselves how comes it that we vote to-day upon an mendment to We are making History’ this day’. By -an affirmative vote we shall give our sanc tion to a precedent frauglit with untold perils to constitutional liberty. I speak not as a partizau. I speak not now even as a Nortii fhirolinian. I speak as an American citizen, and, in the cour.e I the Federal Constitution? Were North pursue this day’, I deem myself the cham- Carolina not a State in the Union, she pioii of the liberties of New York and (Ihio would have no more right to vo>eoii such | as of my’ own ever loved native State.— a question than the republic of Liberia, I And here in this venerated chamber, hal- which slie is beginning so much to rcsem- . lowed by the memories of great and good hie. This position is too obvious to ad- men gone before, I raise my solitary voico niit of argument. j in solemn warning of the deadly perils I oppose this amendment because its ‘ which lie in the path y'ou are urged to adoption involves a dishonorable act on pursue. the part of North Carolin'’, in that sin: Senators, we .arc in the midst of a .oe.i will ai'-i In imposing political disabilities . of truuhles. Gar people are impoverish- upon thousands of her sons merely fur cd, bereaved, humiliated, miserable. Chir obeying her own commands. Seven homes are desulate ; mir kinsmen slain, years ago, speaking through the voices . But in all onr iiiisfurtunes let us never for- and votes of many’ gentlemen now sitting get our dignity, nor dare, by’ our action in high places here, including her present this day’, to bring a stain on the uiit.arn- distinguished Executive Uiiief, North Gar- ished naino of North Garolin.a. olina called her children to the field.— Mr. Blvthc, of lIcMiderson, and Mr. Thither they rushed by thousands to , Welker, ot Guillord, addressed the Senate bleed and die for her. A battle scarred remnant only’ survives ; and now, iqioii this poor remnant of survivors, she is ask ed to affix the stigma of political disfran chisement ! Is it honorable ? But I for bear to enlarge ujioii this point, for in these days ot “great moral ideas,” to in sist upon the claims of honor, is in danger of being deemed mere “Old Fugyism,” But in vindication of our dear old mother let me say’, that wlicu she shall seem this ill sirpjiort of the joint resolution. !Mr. (.’ook, of .loluistoii, .at tliis point in troduced an ainendmeiit, wliicli was un- dcrstoiid to he an excuse for calling tho pn vioiis question to cut off debate, aud called for the vote. }.lr. Robbins called for the yca.s and navs, and, the vote being taken, the entire Vole of the in.ijority’ was cast against it and none in favor. !Mr. Cook then called for the previous day’ to pronounce that hard sentence upon question on the joint resolution, her children, it i.s not Xorth Carolina that ]\Ir. Blvthe called for the y’eas and nays speaks: it is only’ a horrid apparition which resulted as follows, which personates her. She is prostr.ite Teas—Messrs. Barrow, Beasley. Bella- with the heel of the tyrant in her moutli, niv, Brogden, Burns, Blythe, Colgrove, and is voiceless; hut her great heart is Cook, Itavi.^, Eaves, Etheridgu, Epps, bursting with blessings on her gallant j negro, Forkiier, Galloway, negro, Hayes, sons. H irriiigton, Hall, Hyman, negro, Jones, I oppose this measure becau.soof its un- ot M’ake, Li gg, Lindsay, Lassiter, Long, fairness in application. Thousands are Maviindale, .Moore, M.ison, Rich, Res- punished by it who were sincere oppo- ^ pass, :8mith, Bhoffuer, Sweet, \\ bite, iients of the war, and who only aided it Winstead and Welker—34. by giving a few blankets or articles of clothing to suffering neighbor boy’.s in the Confederate Army’. But here .^tand I, a Confederate officer f'>r four years, with the smoke of forty’ battles on mu, uiibann- j ed and free,—simply breause I never was ' a Squire ! Will the lair-minded iiortioii of mankind, in !Massacliusett.=, in North N(tys—Messrs. !Melcher and RoLhius. (Jn motion the Sciiatc adjourned to to ll o’clock. morrow morning, 'WOYV lauding Ex. Schooner “Alaska,” di- XN rect from Cardenas, 220 Hogsheads, I Sweet Cuba Molasses 30 Tierces, > in prime new pack- 40 Barrels, ) ages. Selected spocialiy for summer trade. Orders will be [iromplly filled at lowtsi cur rent market prices. O. G. PARSLEY k Co. Wilmington, N. C., June 10. tw67:Ct at office in Yadkinvilie, tlie second ilonday in April, A.D. ISO'S. J. G. Mahler, c.c.c. 23:Gt:88 AN EXPERIENCED AND CARlT- ful PiaXO Tuner will receive order.s by mail from the country as well as'from Town, and stop about’the middle of July at such places from which orders have been received, send orders immediately. Terms reasonable Address, PIANO AGENT, twSt 351 Box 9^ Charlotte, N. 0. “The v. icked llee when no Bian pnr- .sueth.” Tiiis proverb was literally illustrated at a “Hed String” meet- Carolina, think it unp irdonablc in me be- i,^g Aiisoii count}’, several nights cause my seiLse of justice revolts agaiuat , night in question, rnonnlisto'.it.ir.d unfair? _ I says the W adesb'jro Aevus, a nuin- I oppo.se this prop i.'ition, becauseNorth ber of white nieinbers of tht; order Carolina has once voted upon it. And I called together at a scliool houso resnectfully submit that no State has the'. , . , .. , re.puoix ^ ;n Diaiii' iud lliil precinct, With orders lethal right to vote twice on such a qnes- ‘ ’ lion, ff I mistake nor, this amendment for every member to go thoroughly has once been acted upon by’ all, or a suf-1 armed, as some alleged that they ficient uumber, of the States, and, not j would be interfered with by’ “Ku- Ivlu-X.” Shortly after assembling, a having received a ihree-fourths vole, gal. stands rejected. Shall we assi.-t in vanizing the corp.=e into a semblance of life again ? Rather let the dead be bur led ! house, with .... But I utterly protect a^euiun this rat.ti-, ,,nd non because ive are not a! o'«'d a free • J., » ; ^4iy gentlemen here suppose that ice would have inaugurated this negro suffrage ex periment, bad it not been forced upon ns at the point of the bayonet ? When tlie bayonets shall depart, if they’ ever do, then look out for the re-action. Then tho bottom rail will descend from the top of at our peril. If we the fence,—not merely by my vote, but ' promised a recognition of our Staltdiood ; by y’ours, Senators. Pardon me for pre- otherwise, we must remain a I uiiitory un- dicting that, in five years from this day, der indefinite military rule. hat a an overwhelming majority of the j mockery! Me are in duress and, thcieforc, a still more overwhelming ' law, our deed tlii.s day' is really invalid, * yet. cation vote. M'e are told that we will vote ‘‘nay at our peril. “vea” team of live mules, which had just been taken from a broken-down wag on, passed rapidly by tho school their harness and traces g. \Vith- DUt waiting to see wh^ it was that caused such a “rumpus,” and with out standing on the “order of their going,” the brethren vacated the pre mises with a rusii, and, judging trom and, ill j what wc have heard, may be running ’WC are

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