• w By a iXES Ac BRLi\ER, “The Old J¥orth State ForeTer.”— VOL III. NO, 81 SALISBURY, ]S. C.. TUBS ton. Single Copies Five €’enf«i ULY 14, 1868. [WHOLE NO 37-2 ECLECTIC. MAGAZINE 40 Years Before the Pu OF FOREIGN LITERATUIiE, SEr.ECTSD FROJT London fjnarferli/. liritish (^uarU rly, \orth Brit lievieic. Popular Science Her. Saturday lierietc, IV' fitmiaster Berieiv, f'hamher's Journal, Berue des I)cn.t Monde.^, London Society, St. Paul's, Coruhill Magazine, Prascr’s Mo.gazinc, Leisure Hour, Temple liar. London llcview. .Irt Journal, t'nntcmporarij Ilcvicic, Christian Societit, All the War Round, Dublin U)tivcrtiiy .Mucmillon's Mn jazinc, Behjracia. We have also arranjreJ to st-cure .!io:reseI>'- tions from the French, (Jermaii, and uther Continental , I’eriodieals, translated especially tor tiie FelcLtic to | add to the variety and value uftlic work. j F.,tch nnmber ls enibelli'iic 1 with one or more Fine ■ Kte,*l Eiisravin}js—i)ortrii:t'of eminent men. or illu-.- | trative of imi/ortant histori al events. 1 Splendid P re min ms for 1808. Kv-rv new subscriber to the Ki loctic 1868. payiiifr * S') in :uivan'’e. will receive eitlnor of the foliowinit l>eaiitiful ehromj oil puintiuj^.s 1 liASKKT OF FKACIIIvS, Size 9 X ] 1 ; riTEIl AND NUT CRACKERS, Size 7X8. The above are c.tact copies of orifrinal oil paint- j in;'s, Hnd aree.vcioited by Fran;' A Co., in the lii.L'h- j est style of the art, or. in place of them we will send either of our Fine .Steel Knsravin^rs, Washin:ton at Valley Forge, Return from .Market, Sunday .Morn ing. For Two subscribers and SIO.DO. we will send the beautiful Chronio, Poultry Life—.'^ize 5 1-2 x 8. For Three subscribers and -^16.00, a cojiy of Webster's National Pictorial Diefionart/, •ne Volniue of 1.040 pages, cioitaining over fiOO pic torial illn-trations. price #6 (HI: or a coipy ot Rosa RonheuFs 'elebrated piece, .'Shetland I’un.es—.Size 8 1-2 .X 12 1-2. Teriiis of the pirlrc/te : Single i-opies 4.0 cts.; one enpv, one year. Jo 00 two .■.ipic,- one year?').iMt; tis e copies one year820.00 .\ ddre '.1 W. II. lUDVyKLL. 7f/ f> Brelctnan Si., Neiv Yorh. THE .SOITIIEBN HEPATIC PILES, Til'd old, bit'i.y known and icfU tried remedy f'jr all liiUoas disea-ees, cau.sed by a DISEASED LIVER. Tli(-y arc tnmic and .soM by G. W*. DEE.MS llic discoverer, who has reriiovcil to Ballimore, .Md., where he can have access to tlie ynre.st and be.sL inediciije.s^ on tiie most favorable terms. ! He Will always keep on hand a laijte snpfily. i and will sell to his customers, wholesale and 1 j retail, at tiie shortest notice. : j In the jiroparation of these very superior and ' J excelierit I’lllSj no cost or trouble is .spared to ] j insure the greatest possible degree ofpeifection, ; ill [loint ot utility, e.xcellence and comfort.— j They eor.t;iin one article which has probably I never before been used as a medicine, and which is (wliieh State of North Carolina, WATAUGA COUNTY. Court of Pleasand Quarter Sessions Ap^tl Term, 1868. Farthing & Co., vs. Thomas & R. E. Brown. Attachment levied on land. TT appearing to the satifaction of the Conrt -*-Lhat the defendants, Thomas & R. E. BrO'ND reside beyond the limits of this State: dered that publication be made for six weRcs in the Watchman & Old North State not-iying- said defendants to be and appear at our ne.xt I Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held I for the county of Watauga, at llie court-hc.ise I in Boone, on the 2nd Monday in July t ext, and then and there shew cause if any t'icy ! have why the land levied on shall not be coa- I demned to the use of the plaintiff, i Witness. J. B. Todd, clerk of our said court at j office llie lid I'.Ionday in April, A. D. 1308. i J. B. TODD, Cierk I pr adv SS 00—19. State of North Carolina, ST.XNLY COUNTY. In Equity. September Term, 1868. smTE. f:. f mi, WEEKLY n 53=RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION- in ^ADVAMC|(,„ Trii’Weekly, One Ye.Tr., 5 ^.... ?5,00 Six Months, *.... 3,00 ' '-J WEifiCtY AND N(JetH WATE One Copy One Y"ear S3,00 “ Six Mouths,.. 1.60 A cross X on the paper indicates the expiration of the subscription. The type on which the “ Olp North State,” is printed is entirely new. No painswill be .spared to make it a welcome visitor toeveryfamily. in order to do this we have engaged the services’of able and accomplished literary contributors. Advertising Hates: TRANSIENT RATES Forall periods less than one mouth One Scjuare. First insertion $1.00 ‘ Each subsequent insertion 60 this enlarged, liberal and jnst view of ^ and tlmngh we Imve gone back (as it is j the spirit which actuated their foeM j termed.) into the l.aiion, it appears as if i men. Then slionld we, indeed, shake these Southern States were to be forever hands, with tears of reconcilitUion, i twitted with what is held to have been over the graves of our common slain, their great error. If we arc ever to have honoring them all as thunderbolts of , ought to end.— Love is Dowi'r. So called rebels need to ness and* need to bo cow- *t i I -I 11- .1 v-.i.i i.v jtuuccu tu obedience bv top edict, that «liile deploring the slavish f,..in thev arc heio«, who mi-li't cruel contest, America will yet he bo bound in indissoluble ullogunoe to 7l„. ptond of tlie deed.s ot both. Irul}’ gov’erninent hv the .'^ilken cords of goner- iliey M-ere foemen Avorthy of each o.^ity. If there i.s a man here who Thinks '-thers’ steel. Their battles Avere ’ they have not yet been punished enough, I wish that he might have stood w itii ini'. Fir battles of giants. Such foes to know iiow to be friends then cannot mutual revilings er cease ? Amid oceans of fraternal blood the great question has been practically settled, and the authority of the L'liion is admitted to be paramount, within the liinit.s of the Constitution, and perpetually binding upon llie States. Rut thevse States are still co equal. and, under the Constitution. ought Adalitie Eudy vs. J.acob Eudy. PETITION Fon DIVORCE. I T appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the defendant Jacob Ihidy, resides be yond the limits of ibis State: It is ordered ,1 . , 1 , • : tliat piiblioation be made tor six weeks in the apowerlmagent m cleansing the LiVer. | u Watchman & Old North State," notifyincr gives them an advantage over every | defendant to and appear at onr he.x't Why forev - ^'I'y oilier Bill heretofore offered to the public.) Tlie conioosition used in these Pills is carefully pre pared by the hand of the discoverer, and may be used by the most feeble patient in the most delicate situation, eitiiei male or female; and Irom iheir peculiar combination are highly strcngihening, mild in their action on the bow els, and indeed, in a climate like onrs where colds and eon.irlis are almost an unfailing con sequence 0-1 tiie suihien changes to which all arc siibjfct, every oi Superior Court ol Law, to be held for the county of Stanly, at the Court-UouM in Albe marle, on the 1st Monday in March next, then and there to answer or demur to the plainlilFs petition ; otherwise, the same will be heard and granted. Witness, James D. Hearne, clerk of our said Court at office, the 1st Monday in March, 1868. 2.3:6t:$8| J. D. Hearne, c.m.e. 1 SQUARE, 1 MO. 1 2 MO. 1 3 MO. 1 4 MO. 1 6 .MO $5 00 $8 60 $12.00 $16.00 $20,00 2 SQUARES, 7 60 13 00 17.00 21.00 27.00 3 SQUARE.S, 10.00 16.00 21.00 26.00 3 400 4 SQUARES, 12 00 18 00 23 {)» 28.00 3.700 i QU AK. COL. 13 00 19 00 2400 29.00 S.K'jO ' HALF COL. 20.00 27.00 33.00 3S.00 44.00 i 3 QUAR. COL. 26.00 33 00 40 00 46.00 60 00 1 ONE COL. 30,00 42,00 5200 60.00 70,00 i on the 9th of April 1865, and beheld the bronzed vcter...-:a of a hundred fights wei'ji- ing like children .around their beloved cliief, overpowered .and hopelo.-ly beaten. Afier rusliing proudly over so many mem orable field.s, waging a lieroic, zealou.s and conscieniions contest, often snatching vic tory from a gallant and more numerous enemy ;—afrer coiintle.^s toils and .sacrifi ces for four long, terrible years;—to ho compelled at la-.t to lay down our arms ! lo li>ar tlie wild spirits of tlie air shriek- each of lliein lias many reserved ing, that niglu, thron-h tlie tree.^ of An- l* i *j** \ . ^ ^ . .. _ • 70,60 j rights, which it is incuinhent on you, pomattox, “all f or iiaug REMARKS OF Senator Robbins, of Rowan. ht !” Setmtors, no less than myself, to guard tears, orpli.uis’ cries, brothers ”"i' aaugiit !" Ah ! that alone i.-^hmeiit eiiongli for brave men. God pity of the reserved rights of the State ; P-ilH'y MviuI who could wish for more ' aud maintain. The right to secede *" has now been decided not to be IV i do w.s’ slain, all was ]iun- oiie merican.'’, cease to think le at all liable to suffer from j il.e influence u!rhe.^e causes, will fin.) the great-! gtate Of NOfth CaFOlina, Pills. liown, especiail}' in est .security in liaving his liver ami bowels well clfans(*il by these invaluablt- \^ here tlie.se Pills ate k the .toutlierii States, where they have been cir- | cnl.'ite'i so extei:.sively. they need no recoin- j nieiulatioii—tlieii' meiits are so well known b}’ I iheir lesiilts, which liave given tliem a reputa CATAWBA COUNTY. Court hf Eqtiity, Spring Term, 1868. Moses M. lluit and wife Rhoda, etal, vs. British Periodicals. The London (hnuicrld Rcvu’a\{C.,n servatiw ) The hiUnh iru IL cfeic, ( Wiiig.) 'The W cstm}nstar IL ricw, ( !■{, idu'ai.^ 'J'kfl ?ior(h. JJntis/i lict'icw, (bti-e Church.) .\N1) Blackwood's Tdbibunjh AL.ujaziio\ (lory.) The periGdic-.tls are iildy sustaincil by the contri I I'utimis of llie best, writers on srieiK'e. Religion and L.-nerul I.iteraliire, and stand unrivalled in the : >v 111 I of letters. Tliey are. indisix-nsable to the ; (n-li'ilar and the iirol'essioii.i 1 man. and m every lea- ! diog iinn as, they liiruish a tictterreeoi d of the enr- I ri-iil liieratiire ol llie day than van be obtained i.-oin , Miivolher source. TERMS F(.)R 1868. | For anv one ofiiie Iteviews $4.1)0per annum, j For anv two of the Reviews 7.00 For anv three of tlie Reviews,... 10,00 “ F^r a'.i foiii ot tho Reviews, 12.00 “ For Hla.-kwood’s .Magazine 4.00 For Blackwood and one Review, 7.t)0 '* For Blackwood and any two of the Reviews..... 10.Ot) “ For Rlaekwood and three of the Review.s 13.00 ” For Rlaekwood and the four Re- riewa 15.00 lion that has brought them into great demand. I'liey thciTlore are destined to bn-, at no distant j day, the only remedy rccv'.gnized and ni-cd by i tiie peofile will re bilious disoasos are so preva- j lent. The advantage in this troatiiieiit thcrcr j 'ore. is, that a emv inii.st be radical and coni- j pliUe witiiout the ni'ces.sity (,; breaking down '[ j I lie sysifiii in one part to remove a disease in I anoiiier. I Tliey can be sent to anv point in the United Slates by Mail or Express. PRICK—For one box. 26 ceotg.—Duz. .$2.60—Half Grofni, 410—One Gross, 41S—Three Gross, $60—Five Gross, $75. The e ish must either accoinpuiiytlieonlerfortheMetli- cine or it will be sent C. U. I). Or lers should be ac’dress I'i to G. W. DEE.MS, No. ‘J8, SOCIH C.iLUODS Strket, Daltimuhb Md., where tliey will be premptly attended to. For th se .Meilioint-s c.ill on all ri-spectal)le Druggists everywhere, and on all the DrugKist.s in SiLiSBUUV. JOHN II. ENXISS, Druggist, Special Agent. 10;wAtwlr J. E. Fry and wife Ai>na, ef nl. PETITION TO SELL LAND. she does not regard, as binding up on her, the '‘'‘Jbundarnental Condi tion of the Omnibus bill, vj/ilch seeks to imjdose 7'estrictions upon her right hereafter to regulate the Elective Franchise, within her own borders. In support of tlieso resolution.^, Mr. Robbins said : Wlien 1 remind Senat»rs that there is vet such a thing as ‘*JState Rights,” j 1 imagine that an invuliintaiy sliud j der thrills the nerves of man}'here, j as they think that, perhaps, I am •Senators, A punisliiiiir. It i.- time to forgrivc i JsOt us, therefore, make this our s declaration against the specified of H^lenm “condi tion” of till; recent act of Congrp.-^s. That “condition’' is only an appendage of the groat sy.stem of penalties. It also assaulls tlio ('onstitution, and degrades North W'lw... • .1 ' • • c.i /■ ,• ; Carolina Senators, give your voices W liere IS tlie provision of the Constitutioni . • i- , i- ■ c • • . . • - i> I n 1 1 Hgainst It, and vindicate the dignity of But I am told, by that puhlic.Tlion be made for si.x wee Watchman and Old North State,” notifyiucr the defendants to be and appear at onr next Superior Court of Law, to be held for the coun ty of Catawba at the courthouse in Newfon, on the 2d Monday in August next, then and there to plead to, answer or demur, or judg ment pro confesso will be taken as to them. IVitness, O. Campbell, elerk of onr said Court at office. 2d Monday of February, 1868. w2o:6i:88] O. Ca-mppell, c.m e. ^ U1 U»-l CG 'I ks in the : eacli and every State of the Union. By the “fundamental condition’’ of the Omnions Bill this right is sought to be restricted in a portion of the States. What right has Congress to attempt tliis ?— ni o which authorizes it ? the Senator from Craven, that whether ^ ^ con31ilutionalovnot,tl.isi3 the supreme | (,(,oi) FOR ‘T'OUVTltV’• ! iw ot the land and we are bound by it. I I am astonished t > hear such a doctrine ® were standing in the door of Bell’.s advanced in this land ot wri.ten Constitii- j book store yesterday, ■when the circus pro- tioMS. If Congress can at pleasure over- j cession passed up Main street, and li;ui step the hounds of the organic law, M here-j attracted by two dashing in ir the value of a Constitution? Xo ! | P^'^Hienading the sidewalk. Just Mr. President, much as Congress is wor-|®®*bey got opposite us they met two shipped by a party in this country, the j ho^jh and rosy cheeked girls, evidently Congicss itself, and the general govern- j by their dress and hearing, from tho ment of wliich it constitutes one depart-| llie city ladies (1) as tho meat, are but the creatures of the Consti- ; chantry girls pa.'.sed them, turned nj) debated tor tour years, not in benate j tution, and with limited powers; and by flii'ir nasal appendages to an angle of 90 CLI BS. A clisconnt of twenty per c‘'iit. will be allow ed to ( lubsof four or more jicrsoii.s. Thii.s. tour copies of Blackwood, or of one Review, will be scut to one ad.ir.’ss for $12.80. Four coi'ics of the tour Re views and Blackwood tor $48.61'. and so ou. POSrACE. Subscribers should prope v l>y the quarter, at the ofdce of dclU erv. '' ’'e Postage to any part of the United States is'Two ents a nn...ben This rate sible to Mr. Stepheus from only iippMcn lo cunvnt.'^ubscnptions. rorbacknuni- . the* puslagi- double. Tremiums to Sew Subscribers. Agents Wanted for THE OFFICIAL HISTORY OF THE WAR, L.s Cjiuspy, CliaracRM*, Conduct and Results. Dy IIOX ALIXlXDKUn. STEPUFAS. A Book far all Sections, and Parties. Tliis "roat work presents tho only com plete and impartial analysis of the Causes of i the War yet published, and gives those in terior lights aud shadows of the great con flict only known to those high officers who watched the Hood-tide of revolution from its fountain springs, aud which were so acces- his position as second officer of the Confederacy. State of North Carolina, WATAUGA COUNTY Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions April Term 1868, Wm. Horton, Guardian vs. Thomas & R, E. Brown. Attachment levied on land. TT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court -^that the defendants Thomas & R. El. Brown re.^ide beyond the limits of this State : It is or dered by the Court that publication be made for six weeks in tlie Watchman & Old North State, notifying said defendants to be and ap pear at our next Court of Pleas and Quarter- Sessions to be held for theconntv of Watauga cliaiiibcrs nor by legislators, but on tented field and bv the mouths ot V cannon. Dy that dread arbitrament it has been practically settled, doubt less Ibrever, and now, also, for the first time. It is no violation of the trutiitf history to say liiat our fathers, when they framed the Federal Con.stiunion, evaded tliis question. When thev met in the Convention of '87, such were the differences of opinion among themselves as to whether the sover eignty of the Federal Government, or of the States, should be declared paramount, and whether the Feder al Government should liave the right to coerce refractory States, that thev avoided c.\plicit provision upon that subject. This was a great misfortune, but not tiieir fault; for those wise and patriotic statesmen, doubtless, foresaw that any provisions thev Nt'.v .'SutiHcr.bors to auv two of the above period- • i ee ml.s for I'-iiS win be entitled to receive, gratis, any ! ^ ^ prmnise a change (>f fare agree- one of the Four Reviews for 1867. New Siibseribers to all live ot liie Periodicals for 1S6S inu}- receive, gratis. BlackvvtJod or hiiv two of the Four Reviews for 1867. Subscribers may obtain back numbers at the fol lowing reduced rate.s. viz* The -Vorth British from .lanuary, 1863. to Decem- rbe, 1887, inclusive ; Edinburgh and the Westmin ster from April, 1864, to December, 1867, inrlusive, and the London V'lartcrly for the years 1866, 1866 and 1867, at the rate ofSl.nO a year for each or any Review; also. Blackwood for 1866 and 1867. for $2.- frf) a year. ir the two rears together for $4.00. N> itlier premiums to Subscribers, norrtisconnt to Club.s, n-vr reduced prices for back numbeis. can be allowed, unless the money is remitted direct to the Publishers. .Vo prenrium-ean be given to riuhs. 1 he Ip'onard Scott Pub. Co., 140 I'ulton, Si., N. Y. able and saiutary. and an intellectual treat of the riioot order. The Great American War lias AT ~1jAST found a historian worthy importance, and at whose hands it will rec. ivi- ihaT moderate, ca; did and im- partisl treatment wnich truth and justice so urgeutly demand. The intense desire everv '»-here mauifest- at the court-house in Boone, on the second Monday in July next, tiien and there shew j migl'.t make of that SOl’t, and, CSpeci- cause if any they liave why the land levied on ' .Jlv jf tlio.se provisions favored the shall not be condemned to the use ol the plain- titf. Witness, J. B. Todd, Clerk of our said court at office, the 2nd Monday in Aiiril, A. D. 1868 J. B. TODD, Clerk. pr adv $8 00—19. To a public that has been surfeited with APPARENTLY si.MiLAu pitoDuc- gtatc of North CaroUna, YADKIN COUNTY. Court of Plena and Quarter Sessions, April Term, 1868. A. Speer vs. W. II. Rod well. ATTACn.MENT LEVIED OS LAND. this case it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the delendant is not a resi- ed to obtain this work, its Official character r .i o. . r xt or t. • , , , 1 • J '.L • J ' ol I ho otate of North Carolina, It is Gr and readv sale, comhiued with an increased r i .i . .i . ui „ Tb« L. 8. TUB. CO., also publisli the FAR-Vr/rS GUIDE, I of Eliinburgh, and the late ! comini.'ssion. make it the best subscription book ever published. One Agent in Easton, Pa. reports 72 sub scribers in three days. One in .Memphis. Tenn. 106 subscribers in five days. Send for Circulars and see our terms, and a full description of the work, with Press no tices of advance sheets, Arc. Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO. 26 South Seventh St. P.iiladelphia, Pa. dcred, therefore, by the Court, that publication be made for six weeks in the •' Watchman and Old North State,” notifying said defendant to right of coercion, would endanger the ratification of the Constitution bv the States. And I have no doubt that if they had inserted, in tliat instru ment, an express prohibition against the right of ablate to withdraw from the Union, the Constitution would not have been ratified, nor the pres ent government formed. They, there fore, passed these troublesome ques tions by, perhaps hoping they might never be of practical importance, mid, if they should become so, leav ing them to be settled by others.— hrom that day do«n to 1865, the people of this country were divided into two great parties holding diverse i views on tliis subject, both equally the terms of that instrument -whatever fiegrees, and one of them remarked in _ powers are not therein delegated, are re- j Kw tone to her companion : “There goea served to the States and the people. Sir, ' country tackey. 1 know her by her the great ground of complaint against tlie | Tlie country girls overheard the cour.'^c of tho predominant party in tlii.s j •‘’ueer, and one of them quickly turning, country, under the guidance of its leaders ‘ cxcl iimed ; “And there goes a town fool in Congress, is its proneness to transgres.s ; hnow her by Imr talk.” The city belle the organic laAV to accomplish special ]mr- i l^'vcred lier smelling apparatu.s considera- poses. It is educating the people to dis-1 kept on her way, without retort, regard law. I appeal to] you, Senators, ; ‘satisfied that she had met more tlian her to aid in arrciting this ruinous tendency j tnafeli, albeit in a de.-^pised “country taek- —as Americans, I appeal to you, without j • respect of J'arty, to assist in piloting tlie , ship of State back again to her old and i TI’jF SIAMESE TWINS. safe anchorage hard by the Constitution, i V,.,,. A'. ,.L- T..:t ^ „ mi- IW \ ,1 T.- >. 1 ILeAev, loik 1 rilnitie attiKMiricGS This “lundamental condi ion a so , • , -1 .,1 1 c.i T' • L i'h:it the.se tv. ins liave determined to strikes at the very vitals of the Lnion, by I a- i .i • . ■ , • . J • • f • • . ’ I dis.-;Olve their jilivs cal Dartncrshii) hv introducing ineqiuiht}' of ngiits among • , •' nj the States composing it. suppose that tlie Union could ions: j eevei ing tlie ligament tliat has hound uld ion^ be ; together fur so lung a peri-d — maintained prosperously and harmonious- -L\t} }car8. Chang and Eng— ly, with certain States supeiior to others ; their names—it i.s said, will ill dignity? Or does any one wish such ■ Paris to liave the operation ill dignity? Or does any one wish such ■ I'ans to liave the operation aUniou? It was not for such a Union Lie ligament which the gallant supporters of the old flag ,Unites them is fi.xcd to the breast of fought and fcli in the recent contest.— i each, is some ten inches in circumfer- They fought for a Union of co-cqual { once, is endowed with sen.^^ation, and States; and, though myself one of their ! to sncli a degree that the highest foeman, I raise my voice, in their name, | niedical aiilhoiities have differed as in vigorous protest against any atteuijil to ! Hn rob them of tl.e fruits of their splen.’id ' ,|,g Victory, by inanguratmg a Lnion of eu-; periors and inferiors. 1 X T T 1 ' i do not propose to discnes nov.’ the i merits of uny special suuVage system.— hj Henkt Stephens, of Etiinburc:ii, and the late I ^ a f i J. P. NortoS. of Yale College. _2 vols.. Royal j OaYJLJ i I Octavo. I6l)0\»ages. and immeroiis Einjraviugs. i rA ' A Price $7 for the two volnmes—bv Mail, postpaid, \*) I W W | 18 00. jan9-tt i S.- FINLEY HIGH ^HOOL; 12,000 XiZszrozR, ^ CALDVdELL COUETY, X. C. fPhe Fall Term in tliis Institution will begin X July 27th, 1868. For further particulars apply for a dtcular. K W. FAUCETTE, Frin. July 19, 1868. -w^ASt SALT 1 1 .\CKS genuine Liverpool, do. .\meriean. Large, full sai-ks in prime order, mo mentarily erpteted. aiitl loi .^aie at love.st cur rent prices. — Ordorg tor lots of lOO sacks or over, received beiore di.seharge of vessel, will be filled at e.ctremely lew prices. 0. G. PARSLEY & Co. Wilmington, N. C., June 10, tw67;12t be and appear before the Justices of our Court I , . •/ ’ , ii " of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held for the 1 patriotic, and equally con- county of Yadkin, at the court-hou.se in Y"ad- j that tlie triumph of their res kinville, on the second Monday in July next, ■ spective theories was essential to the then and there lo plead, answer or demur to preservation of liberty and good said attachment, or the same will be heard j government pa?-fe, the judgment confiimed, the land levied : qq,;., „ * j zi* f •• on condemned to satisfy nlaintilfs debt, and I Conflict of OpmiOU ’ " ■ 'grewiEtoa conflict of arms. And I beg to remind those who are so ready to apply the terms “rebel” and “trai I tor” to their opponents, that the gal lant sous of the South, who took up arms in vindication of the views ol the South, were as conscientious in their motives, and as fervent in their devotion to American liberty, as tlie 'lieroic cham])ionsof the Union. Oh! that tiiose who are rejoicing in vies tory, could rise to a magnanimity which would enable them to take Whether we, as North Carolinian maintain our present system, cr change it, nevertheless ire shall alway.s be the best judges of the matter. It is presum ing too much to suppose that the high est attainable excclience has yet been reached on this great subject anywhere. ' Why not leave the matter open for furth er improvements ? The Radical yarty professes to be a party of progress, and yet we have it here iucoii-i-tently socking po8sibi!liry of severing it twins. They came to thi.s country in 1827, and aud w}re exhibited for some years, after whicli they retired to a valuable r^siiall ’ *‘^' **^ North C.’arolina, where they ” ‘ ' married to two sistres, natives of that Stale, {Slid each lias nine children. an order of sale granted. itness, J. G. Marler, clerk of our said Court at ofliee in Yadkiuvilie, the second Monday in April, A.D. 1868, J. G. Marler, o.c.c. 23:61:88 B. R. MOORE, Attorney and Counsdkyr at Law, -™-AXD— Dre.ssing for CHURcn.—Mrs. Stowo has said the following about dressing for church in a way that applies particularly to the Episco[)al service, but it ought to be equally impressive in reference to any other :—‘A ery estimable, and, wq trust, very religions young woman, sometimes to render our present exjieiimeiital, and J enter the liou.-;e of God in a costume not over-promising, sy.-tem of sufiVage, : which makes the acts of devotion in the absolutely changeless. Massachusetts service seem almost a burlesque. When and New York have their educational and a Ini-sk little creature comes into a pew property quaiifications of the riglit of suf- , with hair frizzed till it stands on end in a frage. I do not put myself forward as most startling manner, rattling strings of SOl/ICITOR IN B A N KBUFT.C;Xf WILMINGTON, N. C, aa4-»ly an advocate of cither idea ; hut 1 do liolti that to seek, by such an act as this, to prohibit tins State from doing, if .^he chooses, what those her equals may do, is an outrag2 not to be borne in silence ; and I conjure you, Senators, as guardians bead-s and bits of tinsel, she may look exceedingly pretty foA piptante; and, if she canic- there for a game of croquet or a trahlcaii party, would be all in good taste but as she comes to confess that she ia a miserable sinner, that she has done the of the honor, rights and dignities of tlie i things she ought not to have done, and great State of North Carolina, not to al- left undone the things she ought to have low it ts be perpetrated. * done—a.s she takes upon her lips most But, I am told that such outrages are i solemn and. tremulous words, whose allowable against our dear old S:ate, be- j meaning runs far beyond life jnto a sub cause she was in rebellion. To some j lime eternity —there is a discrepancy small, ungenerous souls it seems impossi-1 which would* be ludicrous if it were not ble ever to get over the events of the past; ; melancholy.’’