l T f f M "A" 8 ' -( ( t a ,v tt ( , u wv .y v 4,- -rfi "f - . ee t SBi waw- : a - WFT 9t Plo Xorl!) Stale I jM saWBWAV v i ' sMssasisw It 9Js- FOR PRESIDENT: HON. HORATIO SEYMOUR, or raw yobk. FOR YICE PRB8IDBNT: . Gift FRANK P. BLAIR, or muouu. KTONOltY IN THE AblUXlS&ATloX OK the platform upon which they oowstand Bach being oar views eQeo, BUir'e letter to Mr. Broadhead wo have hen n wailing aoiieualy to mo bio lottor o ac ceptance. That b tier wo publish to day, and after reading il wo cannot but belioTO that the first onr waa written haalilj and without doe reflection. In tin letter which wo publish to-day bo accepts of the i.osb ination with tbo phtlfoim, wliich be or dially endorses). Ho eppasss every thing like roYolqtion. lis roeognixes tbo high functions ol the Supreme Coort m tbo premises, and says that it is not revolu tionary to eiecnte the judgment of that Court. Ho proposes to remedy tbo eyls under which the country is sttYcrio) peaceful means, and ' sayo i to tbo peaceful ballot to attain i w . an -" I A in .I.TuI id, I n I . 'till awl. i IO. M .iUH'KA I l NMflfHI If !' .ll.r I. Jt .11.... I Ml B. W S ,w . i . - - - ai.w. n . . ,i, i , . S . , . ttiami iiih Biiir i i.aiisr iewFl iaa dtr.iood b. a part W parcel of tbo kamlamlUua .... uw link putloriu ilitie ore many tuuus- "w ar.ds ef white aaea la worth Carolina who i vr at. . . , . V. , m ''MAMA, KUIJLSKA. JUIr I J, voted the Conservative rica at the laVf J 7 . . ' " ' 7 i-i - - (Vv ,,. MWjan, vwr ....l hi.i t,... ..... -it ' f"" Us XoHomd DH i aaaau uu w ill uawvs aaaaw- " I Uclari WUiifMld alihoojrlj tffe Prtideif w owoni to majauiu ,,j .nnit . ... w not wa Ubvual: 1 take tbo eaf1ietvp portttnity of replying to fotr loltor, notifying mo of my nomtnolion for YiooPrwsidontof too Unitkl Siotoi by (he National Dytnocratic 0"ii " tion. jecoiiilv hoWinthociivof Nuw York. a 1 accept without boaitailon tbo Domrnotion tendered in a manner to gratifying, and giro you and tbo comtnitteo tny ttianka for No very kind and complimentary langnago in which Ton liaro eonwod to luo tho W 07 derision of the ( oiituiiI on. I have carefully, read t tionsaOopted by the oon t it II tnoHt onruiatijr c 1 1 ! and i tibllh 1 ttft op, revolution. Ilia o'tiatlOiti,.MlJriro will of 'ftacWtbi trr a gpngflp, tAforood wnK, ii.par tiaau emisawtes sent to tho Sontli and aupported there by tkf) atRlierr, ronai stand against t.e vilif tho people nd Ilea) ilen.ionObi Supreme Cmrt and (lie 1o1eBi oath of the i'reaidotit to maiatain andaiiutMrt the It is rofolntionary to oxcote tbaX will ef tbo dbof)!e. It la revolution 1 ary to execute the judgment of ihmucom, oupreme t ourt! It ia reoolntionary n tbo 1'rcsidotiPtobwop inviolate hie oatb to sustain tho constitution I This false construction of tbo vital princi ple of oor Government ia the last re aort of thcoo who would have their arbitrary reconstruction sway and an ptjreede our time honored institutions. Tho nation will aay the constitution muat bo restored, and tbo will of tbo poople again prevail. The appeal to tho peacuful ballot to attain this ood ia not war, it not revolution. They make war and revolution who at pt to arrest this WHk of J it. ' i i pasaed at tbaximstit ut iciial i simply a part of the revo lutionary violence of the rovlioal party, biab hasj'r been alUudcr w itb btoMl sbod oojf . because tbo people are wait ing for tbo hour U arrive whoa tber slay crush them at tbe ballot box. aod tbas ro store order and peace under tbo agi of tbo OoosUtuiion. Nat. InUUigmetr. ''. - a I j a ' amswu 4U lflsaW SAL1S1H KY MAUKE'I'S july ta, lata. ej sv stBOiaa s as., jwr (hiuu.1, oar jMiuua, tor Mas, or os i ta to gLtaVrvaii.r' aaaautaUao, Yaro. wr bunch, asgs, par doaaa. raaafcara, ear aaaaS srwOHewb slaVflsat Klah. Maokaeai, y. I. S 1. i.mu, i.m i.m to i.ar io t.. m Wlo sa au at It to- ts 1.00 tae.M It W I 40 to SO TH AND KATn THE ABO LITION or this raKBDktBirs bursuu, m ALL rOLITjCA L I NSTBl' l KNTA I.ITII PBSIUXEn TO SECURE NKORO 81TPHEM CY. PtMOCBAriC PLATVOtlf. IT IS SOT A MERE PARTY l ull Mi ll WK 8EEK. WE ARE TRYjNO TO SAVE OUR COUNTRY FROM TH Bflwii Kits WHICH 0 VEBHANO IT. Cor. RrrMOca'a Aodi one, and will, we hope, remove the apprehensions of t iny r or we know that many able men in North Oeroima who are connti tntionally eonserrativer. and who havo heretofore acted with the Conservative party, would prefer the election of (Jen. Grant to any attempt to carry out the proposition eou tamed in lien. Ulair u letter to Mr If road bead. GEN. HLAIirs LETTER OF AC CEPl'ANCE. A sbort tlmo before the meeting of the New York Convention Gen. P. f. Blair wrote a letter on political attain to a Mr. Broadliead which was very generally copied by the Southern Democratic prees, and with which mosU reading men are fa miliar. We did uot publish th letter forJ the reason that wo could not approve of the proposition" which it con'tained, and hecftusa we regarded it as misebicvoin in its tendency. The proposition that it would be tho duty of tbe President elect to declare the Reconstruction Acts of of Congress null and void, compel the army to undo its usurpations nt the South and disperse the existing State govern ments there, was, to our mind, revolution ary. The consequences of such action would certainly be worse than the evils we are now suffering and we could not think of airing itaiu . nm. nljaa, W as anxidUs to bo relieved of the existing State governments at the South as any man can be, but we arc opposed to any but Constitutional means of redress. If the course recommended in that letter should be adopted it would certainly re sult in the Mexieaiiiaatioii 6Y the South ern States, if not in something worse. It would be a precedent which would be resorted to by the Republican party when - i again acquired power, ami Jut ween the .l!.. . . s .. .1 . . t i .1.1 t .AfltAMltAM VaJjI tnu pal Ilea raluillQiik .iaiuia.n'ii iruuiu never be effected. Anarchy, bloodshed and civil war would he tbe order of the day until constitutional liberty would dis appear forever from tbisontinent. These propositions seem to do too clear lor ar gument, and we do not hesitate to say that if the New York platform had en dorsed that letter it would have split tbe Conservative party in twain and ensured tbe triumphant election of (Jen. Grant. But fortunately lor the country that body was too wise and too patriotic to endorse any thing of the kind. So far from endorsing tbe doctrine therein set forth the Convention, by its action, did in fact, repudiate it. Tho doctrine of the Conservatives is that tho I Supreme Court the Constitutional NEGRO TROUBLE8 IN TEXAS. Milicsn, Texas, was. on tbe 17th and 1 8th Inst. , as wo learn from the Ifrew Or leans Times of tho 19th, fbe scene of a very serious riot, in which a number of negroes were killed. Wo subjoin the fol lowing telegraphic report of the affair : Special by Telegraph to the N. 0. Ttaws. Houston, July 18. There has been a formidable negro riot at Miiican. From passengers on the train news is received of a riot of serious dimensions, having its origin in a charge made against 4 white man named Ilolliday, of assisting to hang a ujgro. Hollid.iy denied the charge, and insisted that tho negro was alive ta an adjacent county, and offered to produce bim, but the negroes refused to accept his denial or wait for tbe proof. They immediately armed themselves, and marched out to kill Holiday. The slieriff tt once called out a posse, and a conflict ensued. Five, negroes were kill ed, and the sheriff called for help, as the, negroes were assembled in force The agent of the Freedman's Bureau at Bryan came down on the train to Mili tnrn rbr same r tgnr, -witn ft pomsc T6 nY quire into the .disturbance, lie fouud three hundred armed negroes in position, and went to them under a white li ig. and demanded their surrender to tbo civil nu- titne to roitorataftbol The its oea upon wbi ---- u v A 00 lo 05 in i .. ta ' M - . Ltalbsr, apper, ft aoaad 2 I? 2 M ssla, W to a tma Kar m . ... 8 ta 10 quiet mode of eaaliafa, 8 to IS tog aside tbe ankUS doapotMaaB cu- . ailh 1 """a awwuio ...., na, l il Ail sot aysiem oi rciruiiiiru ork. IflKl Bberty tuft us by our fathers. This -3t -.Validity of acta of Congress, and that un til that tribunal decides that such acts are unconstitutional the Executive fs bound to execute them. This was tbe view aben by President Johnson of these same Re construction Acts ; consequently not with standing his firm conviction of their un constitutionality, he 'executed them. Thia is just tuo opposite of the doctrine ad vanced by (ion. Blair, iu his letter to Ha Broadheadtliat'tuo Tresident elect must declare these acts r,utl and void and compel the army to disperse die existing State governments. And the Convention sus tained Andrew Johnson by passing a vote of thanks to .him, and having sustained an opposite policy it, of coAirser effect, repudiated that proposed by Gtu. Blair. Nor does the platform even remotely look to any such action. ' Gov: Seymour holds no such doctrine, 'as wc know from bis Cooper Institute speech. It is true the Convention nomiitlled f;n Blair far the Vice Pridjpnev but a nominated him upon its 6n platform, and upon mat piauorm we support bin. We observe that some of oar State (jiehangoi continue to publish extracts from the TeV ter of which we have been spea4t.ing. aud tbey could not do any thing better ealeu- 7 ' V thnrities, but was driven off. Ho then put himself at the head of the whites, declaring be would arrest themjiy force. An attack was made and fifteen negroes killed, but not a single white, man. 1 be negroes were in superior force und refused to disuerse. United Mates troops from .BrennVnu were ordered to disperse them on July 18th. Late yesterday evening a (quad of Ilsm ted States troops, twenty strong, arrived at Miiican and a scouting? party was sent out, and three hostile negroes were killed. Land, to complete I he negroes are fortifying, and the ex citement ran high up to 4 o'clock, P. M. Yesterday, Capt. Randlett, Commis sioner of the Frecdincu'ajBurcati, went to tbe hostile camp, antetaanded that the negroes lay downTheir arms, but they persistently refused. - r miner serious consequences are ap prcbended. 1). S 'a. 1 'a.t. .Ul.a...aaa JUkwL.I -V .A ai last accounts tne negroes were pre paring for war, getting reinforcements See., beaded by a negro prcac&er named Brooks, and a white school teacher. And the whit people, headed by the Agent of the Freed men's Bureau and thi Sheriff, preparing to subdue them. tnrns are clear, and cannot bo obv acute J or distorted b the aoiuiistriaa of onr adiersnries. Thoy all resolve themselves into the old and evcr-ro nouring struggle of a four men to ab sorb tbe political power of tho nation. This oflort, aadcr every conceivable name and disguise, has always char acterized the opponent of tin- Demo cratic Ptrty, but at no time has tho attempt stanmed a shape so open and daring ae in this contest. The ad versaries .of free and synsittutiuoal government, in defiance at the or irest language of too constitution, lave erected a military despotism in ten of the States of tho Union,, have taken from the President the. pownra vested in him by tho supreme law, and havo deprived the Supreme fonrt of its jurisdiction. The righf of trial by jury, and the great writ ot right, the habeas corphs-shie saffttv tor every citizen, and v have descended to us from the cm li - est traditions ot onr ancestors and which our revolutionary1' fjtthea-. sought to secure to their. nosIurHf. forever in the fundament aLjkbnrtcroJ'L our lil.ertiifi have. bei-nrfi!eTy trampled under foot by the fTajyiitUH of a iongie68. wnoie .r.nej communities ol doodIO our o race have been attainted, convict condemned, and depi iW . of .iber riB-lits.! citizens, wimon fhem, TTr-ftrt; or- WrrmBsTO, Congre8dional enactment of facto laws, and in defiance of conj lioiisT prohibitions, deujirtg eveiT tiaJ full and legat Congress the ant Imply to pass . any I ill of attainder or rx polfacto law. Tho same iig'uiping authority has substituted as ei&'flrs in place of the men oT our own sate, t li ns sj legally attainted and disfran chised, a host of ignorant negroes, who are spppoi'ted in idleness with the publ1ho,hej', and combined o-' gethef to strip the white raco'oHlieir "w ar j fnost be allowed to take ita courao This ia the only road to peace. Il Wilt come with tho election of the Democratic candidate, and not with the election of that mailed warrior whoso bayonets are now at tire throata of eight millions of people in the South, to "compel them to snpport bunas a candidate for the rresideo cy, and to submit to the domination ot Lan alien race of semi barbarous, men No perversion of truth or audaoity of misrepresentation can exceed that which nails this candidate in arms as an angel of peace 1 am, very respectfully, your moat ooodient servant, Fbahk P. Blaib. wn tii, t.iplC8rtts v T. J cxhbxt rtfu- nta were then offered and voted down, the aservutives. especially Messrs. ' Robbins, birt bright, tlirqtigli the management of Freedmen's niircans and theeinis A Scene in the House of Representatives vvnen tne carpet-bag delegates to Lon gross hum Alabama advanced to the Speaker's scU?sk to take the oaih tbe lowing proceedings took place : Mr. Brooks asked that the gentlemen be sworn m separately. The Speaker said that was a question ior ine uouse to determine. Mr. Dawes moved that all be sworn in together. Mr. Brooks objected to three of t! because they were not residents of the Mate. 1 he gentleman from Mobile not a resident. Mr. Dawes. . Tbe Reprcs'enUti ve from raooue is not nere. Mr. Brooks. -Who ia bet Mr. Dawes. Mr;-F. W. Kettogg.1 Mr. Brooke. Mr, KelW. of Micbi- Mr. Iawes.Xo. Mr. Kellos-p- of Ala bama. The genttemin is laborina- nn, a mistake again, nsual. MrtiftVooks Tliere are two th,r. bare. 'One from Illinois and one from M.ina l w . . (V Mr. Dtwes. Tkeerentleman comolaina . I.. ...,. .u r n i uc i riiirauinn ves was r in Maine. I should like to know wh tbe gentleman was born f a-Mr. Bioaaj. f oaa bmaa Ummt when J left the State J, emigrated to New York with a trunk. fLaosbter on tlm - V . J w ere saries'sf conspirators in other States : the oppression, the. military pOHer of tho nation lias been placed at their disposal, in oiv der to make this barbarism supreme. The military leader nnder Whoso prestige this usurping Congress has taken refuge since the condemnation of their schemes by the free people of the North in tho elections of the lust year, and whom they have select ed as their candidate to shield them selves from the result of their own wickedness and crime, has .announced his acceptance of the nouiina'ion, and his willingness to maintain their usurpations over eight millions of whito people at the Sonth, i&ed to the earth wrli his bayonets. Ie ex claims : 'Let us have peace. reace reigns in- Warsaw," tba nieiit which heralded, the liber, THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. In the Senate,' on Tuesday, the. bill pro viding for filling vacancies which may oc cur in the ome provided in Article) of the Fot iyoustitution of the state, was. considered m liicli-i Culhmittee of tbe Whole, wbb reported it uack to tbnenate, recommending its pas sage. Tbe Senate adopted the report of the oommittoe. and the bill waa entered to be engrossed, in urdor to be put on ita third reading. A bill iu relatioa) to provisional municipal cera was taken np, when Mr. Bobbins offered a substitute, the frist of which allows the people of the different towns eitice, ice., the opportunity of speedy elections. The substitute was voted down. Various- amend UU' Cot Oshorue and Love, exerting tkems)vin or to have stricken from it some of its most objectionable features. Finally, the previous question being call ed; the biti passed its second reading. A motion to put the bill on its third reading did not prevail. I ii tlo- House, the bill relative to privy exaimuatlons ot frmrs coirrt was taken up, read sua referred to the committee ou Judi ciary. Harris, of Wake, (negro.) from the se lect committee appointed to investigate the contested election in Camden county, offer ed a majority report, contending that the provisions of the Revised Code, relating to contested elections, do ngt apply to elections held under the reconstruction Jaws of Con gress. 0f .' ' A minority report was offered as a substi tute, but after some discussion, the majority report was adopted. r. Renfrow called up his resolution, allowing postage stamps to tne members. The yeas and nays being called ou s motion to lay on. the table, tbe motion prevailed. The resolution instructing the committee on Education to prepare a bill to regulate the system of Common Schools, and that the Li shall provide for a separation or the two v races, was taken up. read and adopted A bill extending the time of registering grants. Sec, to one year after the passage of .i . , i .. i r. 3 mis act, was iau ana passea us aecoua reading. par pound IHah.tar bashrl. Hwaot, -llrown. ur pound, flarlfled. Hof.r, Salt, oaara, pi " Llrsrpool, Tabla. Tobacco, Iaf, par " Maauracturad. 10 to MM 60 to IS ta IS to tarte 0.00 to o.oo 1.00 ta S.SS S. M to 6. 00 oo u as SO to 1 .60 Stl Bt'foiv the Public. M I I - I 'I BlSaVaflaiA I i I ml WWW I I a'ffB I L i M-aataarataaaaaJ ithb Southern HEMATIC PILLS TkatM, tsaw hmmm aad wefl rrW rrawUy fsrr mB Tkkoks aWi, oaaraaf by a DISEASED LIVER. Ejr Bsed tbe following Cwrlificatm from porsoos Of tbe "highest reapeetabibty. sT'EB COMPLAINT. Rav Da C. F Oamsi, (Aug ltd, 1802.) says : " I bare derived grant Utufit from tbeao Pilla, aod have known many families and in dividuals who have found them very beaefloiaJ, and I have aiao known fAMaisfaaiS is landing ta rmmmmd tktm a For all diseases aristog from var. I bruara (bay OMR fJannaryfl. !,) s I was a great iWSfav, a cTTsaaTino ft:' NEW A D VERTISEM&NT8. I Attention Farmers. HAVE TEN PAIR OF FINB PI0S for salsa Whits Cinm, Asoaa and Eaaix the best stock iu the .State. Call and boj 0.8. July 25. lSBi. . w-t -twspf CARD 10 TRR PUBLIC. DR. SAMb. A. BELL, HAS located on Enniss street, . between Main Sc. Lee. Office formerlv oeeuDied by Dr. J. A. Caldwell, and offers his profes-J rnoual services to the citizens of the town and vicinity of Salisbury July 25, w-tw-.tni K. II. CO V sV CO., OBNKKAL COMMISSION AKD Sfyipp'wt lBrrrlattt5 AND w HiH.K.0.. Ifr twatvs years My later waa dhssiBoV I tott my flash and atrroata, and mf akin seemed changed in iu color by tbe bile with winch my ajstrro was overcharged. 1 became ulijoct to frequent and violent attack, of bil ious cholic. every attack leaving me weaker than ita predecessor. The physieiaas bad been able to t di me up a little, but my baaltb waa in a deplorabla stale. I bad taken patent im itiidass until I was tired of thorn Without energy or comfort, I was barely ab to go a-, bout a little. At length I yielded to the fara neat persuasion of a friend and corujneucT takiug the HEPATIC PILLS, with & dence in tbem. They acted like a okmrm on me. Frwn that hour Aom fayresvd. I havo peTsevoTed in their use, until now, by Ood' a blessing, J mm wU and Saursy. I had a negro man, who, as I believe, was raved from death by s dose of these Fills. My Doctor's bill waa annually from $100 to $"200, but I have bad no use tot a physician sine, i can coendeady recommend them as a superior family medicine a- i hey canine sent to any point in we ubutb Suttebf Jbtail or Expreea rafba fir h bat, SB fa.u Baa. 1.8 Oraa,, tto-OB Oroi.SI-Tararoa,aae n ve areta, aa. To ea.h mutt mhrr aceempaor Use otter far tka Madt- eiaa-or It UI ke seat c.u.o. orien Mwrua ee tdU O. W. DEEMS, W . Ha. n, sov re uauroea whrrs (hrr will bt Drafiiptlr altraded to. For th-rc Madlslara c.ill on all rrapretabte trrryrrbar. nd ao aU ih. pranlrU la Bauaatav. .If) UN H. F.N X 188, DriiMirt.BpraUIJ lft:Stwlrt Country Merchants, Dairymen, Farmero. And Others. Ayr- U tnrU. tf Boat (Liberty Va..) Crlrlir.t 1 0totlgpf'mrlm&m'ny9VW'0Bm1hJr '" 1 mmmm'mMmw ArcnU tor l.i.fer Bro'r. Suprrphiophal of I.lni Afenlt for Vulcan Iron Workt, Kienraeed, Va. v a. a. onvii, J no. a. c.aaa J is. B. BILL. JanrST;a J. Wilmington, 7. C :ly NO W NORTH WATtR T M. BASON, QfcriTIST. Office : Corner of Inn is and Church strs TbETH, extracted and nerves destroyed witnoni pain. Artificial Tsrru, on sbort notice. N. B. The best cheap fumxlu Sewina Ma chine in the U. 8. Every family should have one. Uaii and see them. Juue 30, 1868. wcWw 2w The GRIFFITH Lands mm inee- hesul a lialloD- hWFIS on-d is iioacew. exclait wbeu freedom 'aTTcr 1w! a., a I., mi ill .01 eid'o;Of mis uhicrh' QAtnt pired iinder tho- eliurp sword. Tbe oenee to invites no is the tieace of dsj&oustti and death. Ttrose who seek to restore th,e eiri Chkerino. Tho Missouri Republican says cheering accounts reach it from all quarters in regard to the success or the Seymour and Blair ticket. 1 1 says Everywhere it appears to be felt that unless Radicalism is defeated Tn tbe pres ent 1 residential contest there will never be another Presidential election, but that Republic will have been lost forever irivrm rwrav tn fn i I i t r V rlrt m J itnf i rati ra lilt L, I v. il v v. a t au ' i 1 1 u i r u " r t lottiwii . . Mie nuinosc of tbe people is evidently BBBBBBBBBXjE deep and resolute to step forward m this crisis and literally save the country. Hundreds of changes have already come to our own knowledge among those who have been heretofore acting with the Re publican party, supposing it to be aloyal, an honest and a decent party, but who have become 'disgusted with ita false pre tences, its corruption, its recklessness and its profligacy. The defection in the Re- icallv exbreesed by the election of tbe Deniocraticcandidate as he Presi dent of the United JJ'ate8 are do rjottflced as tovq! attentats by Hie-ner t'sans of tuts vindictive congress. Nefirro stiffiatte. which the udbiilar vote of New York, New Jersey, Penn, svlvaoia.-Ohio, Michigan, C nnecfti- eot, ajid Other Slates have condemned asjTbressIv ayainbt thejetlber of tire eouslitutien, uiiis stand, becafltbG tjietr Senators stud Retire entatryes1 liave lied it. If . the people shall nain coatflyin these atroeiuit9 measures by the WecttoTi oTtlie DeMoraliccaii. I didate for Preideint, they mast not be disturbed, although decided to bb uocoostirutiOual by iho buprctue . a. i-r- . st it ui ion by executing the will of (he peo pi o condom 1 1 i iig't bo recoi.iat r nc Kotj acts, already pronduncod in the elec tions of last year, and which will, I am Convinced, be still more euiphat- poblieao or Radical ranks is roaHy am meg and it is fast becoming a rout and panic. 1 FOR SALE. BY virtue of a decree of the County Court of Rowan county, will be sold at tbe court house door tn Salisbury, on Tuesday, the 4th day ot August next, hve hundred and ninety' five acres of land belonging to the estate of R. w. Griffith, dec d. Said lands are situated in the Western part of the county, within two miles of the depot at Rowan Mills, and arc very valuable. A further description ol them is thought to be unnecessary as they have been advertised before. Terms made known on the day of sale. Z. GRIFFTH, Adrar. June 23, 1868. w2&6t Emigrants Coming! T AND3 WANTED . in Rowan, Davie, Da- 1 J vidson, Iredell, Catawba, Stanly, Metklen- burf", Foray the, Sto. No title to bo giveg til money is paid, rive per eent. commissions charged on all sales. Sell half your 1st da and the remainder will boNvorth double, and these thrill y Joraay lai inar WtU dviep urn BjW try. Send, us descriptions off property, with price?, ta Inquiries promptly answered. JOHN H. ENNISS. Sal who v r Agest for Van SjinW Sew Jim; UnS A( eoaj - N. -'-flt "Gold Mrnerand other mineral pio ponies sold by special contract. J.H.K CONSIGN YOUR Ashes, Beeswax BHms, Butter, Cheese, rAtcs, I lour and Meal, FtaT, Cotton, Furs and olmt. Dried and Green Fruit, irram, Wool, Game, . -Poultry, Naval Stores, Hops, Ginseng, Fsatktjrs, Hemp, Protitwns, Oils, Lard, Tallow, s Tobacco 'Jpseeds, Sorghum, Molasses, See., tee , tee., r o . JQSIAH CARPENTER, General Commission Merchant, 44a 444 Ol 446 Washington St. flEW YORK CnY. And receive his weekly Price Current of Pro. dnce and Groceries tbe most complete price ear- rent published in tne united states. Send for a Tries Current- Marking Plates and Cards Furnished Free. Liberal advances made on Consignments. Established, May 1st, 1860. First class references given when required. r March 5, lHriH. twly 6 7 Sparkling Catawbawj m e - -r -Springs, CATAWBA COCSTT, I. C. 1 ..VJBhB Southern Shoe Factory! Shelly Brothers etc Co., TMMASmLl, N. C The Constitutional Amendment -Senator Sherman's joint resolution to declare the constitutional amendment ratified by the votes of the carpet-bag Legislatures is not held by its friends to require the ap proval of tbe President. Mr. Line In re turned a similar paper, with the opinion tbat he bad nothing, proberjy, to do with it ; aod the Radicals will, probably, fol low this precedent , if the President's as sent were deemed necessary to this resolve tbe waitiur for a veto to repass it would keep Congress here some two Weeks lon- L RTJ UU, ui p. i.oi . iiiiui lumiuu if. hhh they will not wait for it. In this eennec- at a.w.aaa' mm- . . Hon. H may bo remarked tbat all this A 8 SUCCESSORS of J. Shelly ASob-h il. tablished in 18t!9 We art manufacturing Men s Boys, Women s, Misses and Children s pegged Shoes of the best quality and at prices to si it me times. , Our Shoes are mrde of good materials and warranted to have no sboddy in tbem. Particular at ten lion paid to orders. Send for price bat. amy T twswSm Milo A. J. PotiOTtsti, M. D. OFFERS his profssaicna; aervicas to tho poV lie. He may be found, when no absent. at ha fathera, where he has' beeti aBweajarng It ears, AR those indebted to sust their interest by paying it Offlot at Roasraaa'a akora. Msg I 3 Celsbsatko WATERING will bo open for visitors from June 1st to December 1st. The medical properties of tbe waters, both Sulphur and Calybeate, unrivalled. Accommo dations unsurpassed, and a healthier and mora delightful place not to be found. I he 1'roprietor has gono to great expense to improve and beautify the Springe, with an eye to the comfort of bis guests, and promises ev ery thins will be done to add to lha nleaanr of rdt who may honor him withl vHC " Take tho Western N. a Railroad at Salis bury, ei ther on Moaday, Wednesday or Friday morning, to Hickory Station, where von will find Hacks for the Springs, a distance of six miles, over a beautiful, well-shaded road. . A good oano; of Monte will be at the Sonne the entire season. Board $50 per month ; $8 per week or $3 per day. Children nnder ten years of age, and servants, half price. Bath nouses complete for pool, plunge, shower or tub baths, and sulphur baths, cold or hot, J. GOLDEN WYATT, Piopt ivssi Sparkling Catawba Springs, Catawba county. N. C. June 1. wtw:3m WILSON SCHOOL, r ALAMANCE COUNTY, If & rWiHE next Session comnianoea July 18, srfd continues 20 weeks, Board and Tuition, $35 00 Each Oubd will furnish 1 ahcrta 1 niHnar m. would eaa-1 sas aad I blanket cor circular appir to tne t nncipai. JOHN WILMP, Ja, 1- htni-. 1 iU. Kill not wait tar it. In lata Mnntv. I rum o '.. u. . . . . . a a . . . . . ... i . . m a . .. lion, it may pe reroariea tost an tout ' stay 1 wetad tsrB) rnnerpa grii., at u -i .. i, , .sitti -a-as . war"---yT : - -..w,--.-.aT-:- . ' ...a . - -- M-pr'

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