By A. BKt.\ER, “The Old i¥orth State ForeTer.”—Gascon. Singrle Copies Five Cents VOL III. NO. 91 SALISBURY, N. C., SATURDAY, AUGUST 8, 1868. [WHOLE NO 382 EC L ECTIC MAGAZIX !:. of rOltEION JATERA TURE, SEI.KCTEi) FHOM JA),! I'lu (htdftirty, Ht.rur dm Dvnx Alvndex, Jiritidi (yii'irtirlii, L'hkIod Socifty, Itrru'it'. .s/ lUliiVs, J'ojriUir Scirnri' Her. Conthdl 7 Iter it ir, Ffti-scr's Miiiinzinf, \Vt s' mi nstt r ll'-ritv, Lcisur'- Ilnur, ('liKm'n r's •fnuntal, Tciujjl'- llur. Art .Inurmil, J.omiou Hi rnir, 'nil tfiii ■iitfti I'll Ilfi'iiu:, Christiiiii Siifii ly, .III III' Yr'ir Ji''ii(iil, IhiJiliii I iiiri-rsitj, j jj :i‘m lid It's M djd~t id-, ISi I y I'dfid. liiive also arraii;:'-il to SHcmc choice solo' tiuiiH i from tli* French. Geriiuiii, aid oilier ('oiiliiieiital | I'erio'li.mU. tr.iush tel e pecially for tlie Fclectic to | all I ) liie ie; c aiul value ot the work. F teh u 11 Illl>'*r is eiuhel 1 hel with oiie or TUfire !■ iuc .■'teel Fii^ra viiii:s_j,oi Lra its of eiuiiieiit uieii, or illii-.- tr.ilivc of iiii;i iriaiit iiisioiieal eveiit.s. Splrndid Pmnhiins for 18{>8. F.v rv ii'‘w s-ihs-riher to t'ae Iv-lcctic ISGS. payinfr £ > i'l a ivaiii e. Will reeeive eitacr ol the foilo'iviiit.'' ; h'MiititiiI l•hroluo oil paiiitiiiys | lIASKET OF I'F.ACllES, j Si:e axil,- I flPKli AND XFT CitlCKF.KS,; Size 7X8. i The above are exact co[iie> ot nricfiual oil paint- i irii^s. aul ai*eexeclUeil liv FraiiLT *V i o.. ill the hittli- j •--istv'.e ofllie art. or. ili place- of tiieiii we will sejni j either i)f our Fine -Steel hiiLO'ivoil'-, W asliiiiL'toii at | Failey Forjre, lieliuti from -Market. Simlay .Morn- ■ I il C . I Far Two suhserih'-rs anl >10 IH). we will senl the . F- intifiil l iiromo. roiiltry Life- Size o 1.-2 .x S. I F r I'iire.- -nh- rihtr.H anl ilij.OO, a cojiy of j I ]y\-i;sh:r'A yuliiDi'd Pu furiul Jjie/iounri/, h'i-. Vohiiait of i.'Ul p I'-Ti's eo'itaininir over Odi) pic t'lri’l illii-tratio ;s. prici' c-fi.OO ; or a copy of Ilosa It oi'ieiii's r,.!i-!ir.itel ]»i(-re, Sheilanil J’oiiie.s—-Size h 1 A- I-2 1-2. ! Ti rin'! Ilf the Ki'Ji'rlie ; | Sat .'If- cop!--- in ct-.I one cui'y, one year. .>•' ('(• ] fvo e .pi-- one .vc.ii S'l 1): five e„pi,,s one y,-ar>2!),()U j W. W. i'.IDWIhLL. i 7ff‘ .7 J) 1)1 dii .s'/., Xf/r Vi)>T'. : A4i' BritisJi Periodicals. 77?'' Ia'ii'Idh (fi‘iiti i'hjI2'eitiCy (fdiv\ >c! v:itivf ) 77c hUnhuKJ ('Viiio'.) The \V- xiDiiDst.-'r Iii'i'ietD, (IIdIumI.) 'J'ht Xorth British. ITvieic, (Fic Clturcli.) Ni) JTIll'll. •''')Ill's Kilinhurijh Mdf izin The p.'ri.ili ’als are ally sustainel hy the contri biitionsol the hest writers on Science, lieli^riou an| (ieiierul l.i'eratiire, anl stanl nnrivalleil in ll wwrll of ietti-rs. They are r.ilispensalle to tl Si hular an 1 the pr tfc'sanial man. aul to every re;| linjt man as, they inrnish a Letterrecorl ol the cn rent literature of the lay than can he oblainelfro »n V oiiier source. TKllM^ roll ISGS. For anv one oi the Keview.s s-l.uD jier annni F'or .tnv two ol tne licviews 7.DD F-'or jnv thr,'-* ol the Ke\ lew.-,,.. DLIKI ‘‘ For all foni'i'l the llevii-as 12.DO “ I’or Hhick. wool's .Magazine -1.00 “ For anl oiie lo-view. 7.00 Fur lllackwo'i'l au-1 any two oi th.- Heviews 10. oO “ Fill* Hlackwooil anl three 1 the Iteviews 13.oO For Ulackwool anl the lour Ite- view.s, 1.7.00 ‘t Agi:nt.s Wanted for THE OFFIGiAL HiSTOBY OF TIIF. WAR, U.s Cause.'^, Cliariutcr, Couduct and IkCSUih. By IIO.Y iLF2ii4.v|»i;R D. STEPHENS. A Bool: for all Sccfioiis, and Parties. Tlii.s trimat Avurk presoot.s the itily emn- Fletc and inniartial aii:ily.sis if tlx-(Jtiu.sos of the War yet published, and ttives those in terior Fiijlits ;iud shtidow.s ot the threat cou- liict only known to thoso high otlicer.s who watched' the ilood-tide of revolntioir from its fountain springs, and wliich were so acces sible to .Air. .Stephens from his ^insitioii as second otiicer of the Confederacy. To a }>uhlic lliat Inis been surfeited tvitli AUP.VKEXTLY SLMIL.Vll PKODUC- 'i'lOX.S, we promise a changt^ of fare agrei.-- tihle and saluttiry, and tin iiitellectinil treat of the hiirhest order. The Great American \V;ir has .\T L.VST found a liistorian worthy of its importtince, tind at whose Ininds it will receivt* that moderate, candid tind im- ]iartisl treatment Avhich trutli and justice so urjently demand. The intense desire every ndiere manifest ed to obtain this work, it>: Olhcial clnirticter and ready sale, combined with an increased commission, imike it the best suhscrijition book ever published. One Agent in Easton, Pti. reports 72 sub scribers ill tliree days. One in Memphis, Tenn. lOG subscribers in live days. Send for Circulars and sei* onr terms, and a f'dl description of the work, with I’ress no tices of advance sheets, (Acin Addre.^s XATlOXAL ITBLISIIIXG CO. 2() .Soiitli .Seventh St. U.iiladelphia, Iki. THE CIKIILIM FlRMiMJ. EELl EVl .VG Unit the interests of the Far mers and i’htnlers of this sci-tion (lemand tin- puiilication of :i }n-riodical to lie devoted to tlio iiilvaiu-enn-nt ol .\gricultnre in the two Candi- nas. we liii\e d li-rmiiK-d to establish sneh :i periodica! under the title il'TJlE C.tKOLIXA F.V R.\l iiiv, and will issue tin* lirst numli‘„‘r as soon as a suilicieiit mnnber ol' siihsi-riliers are obtained to jiay a reasonable .share of the e.x pen.-^e e.f jmldication. The Fnrmer wjH pp js.sued montlily at >82 per nnnnm. in advance ; will contain not less than tb.irty-two larae doiilde-colnmn pages of read ing matter, Ijomul in handsome covers; and in iypograpliieal e.xeeiition will not he surpassed prior to this act were found to be ineffi cient, and all efforts to secure a uniform enforcement of them w'cre frustrated by a disagreement among the courts in differ ent sections of the country as to the pro per construction of such laws. The mean- TllE OLD NORTH STATE. [Till-WEEKLY ] tl3=RATE.S OF SUBSCRIPTION- ^£3 TJERMS-CASH IN.ADVANCIS. lug of this section, however, cannot be a i n€ /IrvnEf TTit^Iov if nn arflplp infO ! eelily, One Year, tiix Months, • •••••••••••,00 >••••••■••••• 3,00 matter of doubt. Under it, no article into Avhich alcoholic spirits or alcoholic vapors, enter as an ingredient can be lawful! -WATCHaiAH AKD HOSTH STATE manufactured, except such spirits or alco-' hoi have been produced in au authorized distillery and have paid the tax. The largest class of cates affected by this section is that of the manufacturers of | vinegar by various processes of di.«tillation. ' Inakeit a welcoiiie visitor to every family. In order One Copy One Year,S3.00 “ Six Months, 1.50 A cross X on the papier indicates the expiration ot the subscription. The type on which the “ Onr North .State.” is printeil'is entirely new. No p.iins will he .spared to prged the service; coiitrihutors. .spar 111! ol ableaud Many of tliese manufacturers have been ' tn do this we have engage honestly engaged in the of ma-' IitLia.\^con Adv6rtisiii^ Eates: the Loud calls were then made for Col. Jos. Masten, who addressed the meeting at length, in an able and patriotic manner, and offered the following: Ilesoh'cd, That the Chairman appoint twenty-five delegates to represent this county in the Conservative State Conven tion to he held in Raleigh on the i3th iust. The Chair appointed the following del egates, viz : Col. Jo-feph Masten,Thomas Resolved., 8. That for the purpose of carrying out, as far as iu our po\Y> er lies, the forc^oiug resolutions, this meeting recommend the formation of Seymour and Blair Clnba at every election precinct in the county ; the appoinmentof committees, composed of our best citizens^for the special object of enlightening the colored people on the public questions of the king vinegar with no intention to uotraud revenue; while many others, uuder the jiret'^ncc of making vinegar alone, have been committing flagrant ai:d inten tional frauds. Bettveen tlicse two classes ; Congress has made no discrimination, and tiie provisions of this section were intend ed to close all such manufactories. In order that equal and uniform justice may be done to all persons engaged in this business, Assessors and Collectors will at once take steps to advise those in their respective districts of the terms of the law, and the purpose of the Department to rc€[uire full compliance with its provis ions ; and if any carries on, or attempts to carry on, the business prohibited by this section, after being so advised, they will institute proceedings under its penal provisions. E. A. ROLLIXS, Commissioner. TRANSIENT RATES For all periods less tlian one month One Square, First insertion ®1.00 Each subsequent insertion 50 Contract rates for periods of one to foni months. j: Wilson, Henry Fries, John A. Yogler, | Jofiziutioa of Seymour John H. Hester, W. P. Henly, John D. | Clubs, composed of color- Waddell, Charles Teague, Philip Barrow, ed people, wiierever practicable. Joseph Wagoner, N. 1). Sullivan, J. M. Resclvtd^ 9. liiat, finally, we will Stafford, Henry Hart, John Boyer, John use every lawful means to suppress Harper, R. L. Walker, Dr. W. P. Dicks, armed organizations and secret son 1 MO. 1 2 MO. 1 3 .MO. 1 4 Ml). 1 6 MO 1 PQUAKE, ^5.00 ?8.50 SI 2.00 ?'5.U0 $20.00 2 SgCAKES, 7.60 13.00 17.00 21.00 27,00 3 PQUAKES, 10.00 16.00 21.00 26.00 3 400 4 SQl'AUES, 12.00 18.00 23.00 28.00 3.700 QUAK. COL. 13 00 19.00 24.00 29.00 3.8.50 II Ai.F cor,. 20.00 27,00 33.00 38 00 44.00 3 qr.AK. cor,. 25.00 1 33.00 40 00 45.00 50.0(1 0 KE CO I,. 30.00 1 42,00 1 52,00 60.00 70.00 [.■^ri-XTAL NO 60.] Concernimj ALonthly Inventories of .Dealers in Tobacco., Smilf and Cigars. From tlie 'Winston Sentinel. SEYMOUR A BLAIR—MEETING OF THE CITIZENS OF FOPtSYTHE COUNTY. James Reed, O. J. Lehman, Col. Heniy ShoiLse, N. F. Sullivan, Alexandet Sni der, A. H. Morris, Col. Henry Marshall, and Evan Tran son. On motion the Chairman and Secretary were added to the list j liesoh'cd, That the Chairman appoint ' ten delegates to represent tliis county in I the District Conventiou to nominate au I Elector. 1 The Chair appointed the following dcl- I egates, viz : Robert Gray, George M. ^lathes. Col. I Henry Marshall, Col. James E. Mathews, I R. D. GorrelljM H. Linville, C.B. Brooks ' J. W. Alspaugh, N. Ketuer, and E. A. i Conard. The resolutions were accepted and or- lered to be printed in the V/cstern Svinfi- cieties among tlie people; that we pledge ourselves not to employ or countenance sucii as belong thereto, and that we will aid, bv everv means in our power, such of our colored friends as will sustain ns in out the foregoing resolutions. carrying W O The citizens of Forsythe county met at ncl, and all other Conservative papers of the Court House in Winston, on Saturday, i the State. On motion the meeting adjourned. JOSHUA BONER, Ckm’n. E. Keexek, I Secretaries. August 1st. On motion of Mr. Thos J. Wilson, Air. Joshua Boner was called to the Chair, and Dr. E. Kcrncr and A. B. Gorrell appointed Secretaries. Col. Joseph Alasten then explained the object of the meeting in a very happy manner, and made a motion that a Com- . mittee of ten he appointed bv the Chair Tkeasurt Department, ) , i * rp, ,8 . J T J IT ( to diatt resolntioiis. I he Chairman mi- Ofhee oj Internal heccniie, > p ♦ i • . i rpi t . T 1 loz-o 'V mediately aiipointed 1 hos. J. >\ ilson, Washington, July 2d, 1SG8. ) t* i nr . t i w- o rvo i- 1 4 . T 1 -to/-. I Col. Josoiih JMasten, Joseph \\ag- Section 78 ot the Act ot July 20, ISGb, . ‘ t> x ii t xr e. a- i t l i , , . / . 1 . : opor, R. Ij. \\ alker, J. AI. Staftord, J. D. V dealer in raanutactured to- | -w f i ii rn i 'p t i . Waddell, Cliarles league, John Watson, John Boyer and E. M. Adams, Esqrs. A. B. Gorrell, requires ever bacco having on hand more than twenty j pounds, and every dealer in snuff having i m CLUBS. .K .lisriiunl of twenty iiercoiit. will be al!>)wo>l 1 ln>i;of lour 0! more iiersoii-i. I'iius. loureiqiie Blai-kwooil. or Beview. will be sent to o| iiiMress for S12.80. Four copies of tlie lour 1 views mill Biackwood for 84S.OO. and so on. FOSTAtH-:. Siibseriberssboiilil ii“etiay by the quarter, at t, otU'-e of deliii-ry. I'lie t’o.-t.iLTi' to any I'lirt of Fnitcd States is Two I'KNTs a niUuber. This r: onlv aiqilies to emrentsubseriiilioii.s. Forluicliiin liors the postage is double. Breniiu/n.'i to X'eic Sah-'terihi rs. Ne-.v Subseriliers to any two of the aliove periijO- eals for ISOS will Le etitillcd to reeeive. gratis, any om* ofllie Four Ue\lews f>>r 1^7 New Suliseril >ers to all five -if t.'ie Perio.licals tor ISOS may reeeive, gratis. ILa.'kwood or any two of the Four lleview.s for ISilT. S'llis. rih.ers may oiitain hack numbers at tlie fol io wing nMiuce.i r.ites. viz" fill- North Uriti'Ii from .Janiiaiy. 1803, to Peeem- rli.\ lS;i7. inclusive ; Fdinloirgh and the Westmin- >t-.-r fr-im .\prii. 1804, to I'ercmber. IS07. inclusive, anl till* L'ln.lon qjiiarti-rly for the years 1S8.5. ISOfi an-l ISi'iT. .itihi- rate -ifSl.oO a vi-ar foreaeli or any t;-‘v;ew : a’.sii, l>la--kwoo>l for IsiiO and lS'i7. S2.- .'vO ,i year, or the two years together tor £-4.t-0. ‘f“ N>-:t!ii“r iirtoniumsto Sub„-rilu-rs. nordisconnt I'l ("111 >'. ji-ir rcdiii'i'd priees tor l>ack nuinbeis. ran lie alio we 1, uniess the money is remitted direet to lhe PiiL!i-hers. No pn-iiiiiims can tie given to f'luhs. Jhc Jr'ttnard Scntt Pub. Co., UO Fulton, Si., N. Y. ou hrtiul more than ten pouiicli?, to make and deposit immediately willi the Assist- i • i • '" xr- • . . ‘ J- • ■ • ' tmnks, but owing to Ins heimr a Alinister ant A.ssessor of the proper division an in-1^ , 7, i i i v i i- ,• _ ,.1 1 .1 e *1 of ilie Gospel, he declined making a polit- ventory, taken under oath, setting forth i . , i RESOLUTION ADOPTED by TIIE LATE RATIFICATION MEET ING AT IIALIFX. The accompanying rcBolutions, were offered hy Mr. E. Conigland: Resolved, 1. That the industrial interests of the white and colored people throughout the South, are A*W the Committee retired, calls were j identical, and that all public meas- cu e or t le Rev. r. II Pi-gram for re- ures whicl. injuriously effect those of like the amount of such tobacco and snuff re spectively, and to make and deposit a like inventory with the Assistant Assessor on the first of each mouth thereafter, as pro vided by law. After the first day of January 18G9, all smoking, fine cut chewing tobacco, or snuff, and after the first day of July, 18- G9, all other manufactured tobacco of ev ery description is to be taken and deemed to have been manufactured after the pas sage of the act, and is required to be put up in packages and stamped as provided hy law. Section 94 requires every dealer in ci gars, of eitiier foreign or domestic luanu- tacture, having on hand more than five thousand at the passage of ihis act,iinnie- ical speech, yet entertained the meeting with a few and very appropriate remarks until the return of the Committee. The following resolutions were submitted by the Chairman of the Committee, Thos. J. Wilson, Esq., who supported them for some time in a mild, honest, effective and good common sense speech, showing very clearly the issues before the people and the way iu which they should be met.— The resolutions were unanimously adopt ed ; Whereas, The representatives of the j Conservative sentiment of the country in Convention assembled in the City of New York, on the 4th day of July nominated candidates for President and Vice Presi dent of the United States and pledged rtiately lo make,Uncle? oatli, and file will, of p,-inciples in har- ll.c Assi.^tant Assessor of llie ,11.: 'oony with iho Constuuuou ; rhcreforc vision, a true inventory of all proper di-: • in bo .t Cigars tlie former, imist, in liRe manner, effect those of the latter. Resolved, 2. That as labor is the basis of wealth, the interests of the white people of the South require them to extend to the colored people eveiy facility for the exercise of in« dnstrial pursuits, and for the increase of their happiness and prosperity. Resolved, 3. That the wliite peo ple of North Carolina have always acted on the foregoing principles, and have, besides, always been disposed to extend to tlie colored people all social and political rights, compatible with the harmony, safety and prosper ity of both races. Resolved, 4. Tiiat unprincipled ad venturers, and unscrupulous deina- From till- Lvnchburg News. BE INDEPENEUENT. There is something noble and brave in that young man who, with a will and an energy of liis own, starts out in life, determined to win lionor and fortune unassisted by re> latives and friends, more than to start out in possession of their good ‘will and blessings. Most of the great men ot the world are the authors of their own greatness, and they ar©so to eminence in tlieir respective sphere by their own energy, industry and independence. Never lean on others for anything worth having whicli you can secure by your own exer tion. It 6 a poor wa)’to get strength, courage, position, or advantage in any way. It, in fact makes its sub' jects lean in every direction but that which goes to make up a good and creditable manhood. F^ople wiio go on crutches never get muscle. Peo ple who lean on others never get along in an upright, decent way. Al ways bear in mind that you are not your brother, father, uncle, neighbor, but yourself—yourself, who should be equal to any emergency that you may meet in the prosecution of your life. Above all, you are not to ser vilely and cowardly lean otliers. You are poor indeed if you do that. Thousands of young men who Iiavo the ability to qe great and good men, if foiced to rely on their own ener gy and mental resources, are ruined, or at least confined to lives of obscui rity, by the too generous and affect tionate pecuniary assistance of par- eents or kindred. With health and education, no able bodied young man has a right to the money his indul gent father may have accumulated through long years of labor and econ omy. And so long as that young man relies upon liis father’s purse, in Ki,.. KL : Re.9o7m7, That the platform of orinci- for their own emolument merely, and all emergencies, instead of his own ii'vcMitoiw ou'the\i"MlaV each month Convention com-j I'egfG’dless of tlie weltare ot the col-1 brains and muscle, the chances are until the Dt of April 1869, at which date hearty approbation, and thatwe j ored race, have succeeded to a lamen-1 that ho will be a wortlhss and caro- 1 ^ ‘ regard them a.s containing the true theory i table extent, in alienating the minds j less man. Be independent, young upon whicli this government should be i of the latter from their true and 1 man, and then if you rise it will be gogues, through the aid of secret so cieties, and by corrupt means, for their own emolument merely, and all cigars of every description arc deemod to have been manufactured after the passage of this act, and are required ; ,, to Id stamped accordingly. ^ lh,i Blank forms for inventories (No. 75), • /’xr- • will be forworded in a short time, and as- Alit.-^ouii, w.e recognize as states- as the blanks are re- ©icat merit, and enlarged patriotism— at in Gov. Horatio Sey mour of New York, and Gen. Francis P. tried friends, the old citizens of the i your own merit, and if you fail—but Tilt I.. ’>. I'Fil. CiL, a'is) puLlisli the FABMT/fS GVIDK, i . ’'K' l-.Y -rKi'UKx'!. of Ivlii.Lure'll. a;ul the late I. 1*. N.Dir.iN. of Yale's vol-., lluva! ' D -t IV I'l I:t I'.ii:'-'. and ninueroiis EiiLTravii,^.^. Brice >7 lor the iwo volumes—hy Mail, pn.^t paid. fS.W. jaiiO—tf PLAIN TRUTH! 'I' . . — X lIt>.8K iridcbteJ to me are !;i'ri4 v notified to call and settle by tlie 15ili lost., or their ac- ' eijntits will he placed in tlie har.d.s of W'm. H. iGtU'V, F'.'( , for collet tion. 1 'im iu e'lnie-d JOHX ll. EXX188, i j July s. is.or* pw-lf-d7i'*J j by any PuLsoqncnt process ; and masu, wort, or \vas\j fit t'ov distillation, or tlie jirodiiction of spirits or alcolud, shall be made or fermented in any building or on any premises other than a distillery duly authorized according to law ; and no such mash, wort, or wash so made and fermen ted shall be sold or removed from any dis tillery before being distilled ; and no per son other than an auihorized distiller shall, by distillation, or by any other process, se[)arate the alcoholic spirits from any Icr- monted mash, wort, or wash; and no per son shall use spirits or alcohol, or any vapor of alcoholic spirits, in manufactur ing vinegar or any other article, or in any process of manufacture whatever, unless the spirits or alcohol so used shall have been produced iu au authorized distillery and the tax thereon paid. Any person who sliall violate any of the provisions of this section shall l e fined, tor cvciy of fence, not less than fiv” liniulred dollars nor more than five thousand dollars, and iinpri.-one'l for not less than six months nor more than two years ; Provided, that nothing in this section shall be construed to ap{)ly to fermented liipiors.’’ Tlic object of this section was ovidont- K' to enable the Internal Revenue office to suppress all manner of distillation of spirits not expressly authorized by law, and to collect the tax on all alcoholic spirits manufactui-ed. The laws existing sessnrs will, as soon coived, require their assistants to proceed at once to notify all dealers, and call upon them for the inventories required by law, and thereafter inventories must be return ed on the first day of each month. Tiiese inventories must be iiumcdiately forward ed bv tlic Assiiitant Assessors to the As- sessoi\ who is required to transmit ab stracts of the same to the Commissioner of Internal Revenue. E. A. ROLLINS, Commissioner. Edgeworth Female Seminary fPIIIS Institution will be re-opened on the A _ first day of September, with a full corps ol Teachers. The entire ex pense for a session of 20 weeks, of Tuition, with Board. Washing and contingent fee. will men ready to reform abuses—reduce the pnormous expenditures of tlie government, who will administer the government strict ly in accordance with the Constitution and and whose devotion to the Constitution and the LTnion, recommend them to the Confidence and support of all patriotic and Constitutional Union men of the United States. liesolved, That in the Supreme Court of the United States, we recognize the highest judicial tribunal known to our land, and to whose decision all legal and constitutional qiiestitns are committed by the Constitution, and that any attempi to trammel, muzzle or intimidate said Court in the free discharge of its duties, we re gard as an attack on the Constitution and I destructive of the rights and liberties of I the people. As wm regard said Court he aeeor.ling to the class; either SlOo, oi $110, ■ the great bulwark erected for the protec-{ Resolved, 7. I, or 8116 if paid in advance; or $110.50, or ! tion of the Constitution, and the rights of Dt’bJ people clgfii $121.50, or $120.50, it paid half in advance. i the people against usurpation and uncon- 1 9'i’iiied Ofganizatii State Resolved, 5. That to counteract the infiuence of tliose bad men, to lay bare secret societies, and to save the colored people from their wicked | schemes, is a solemn duty which the | honest and intelligent citizens of the State owe to both races. Resoved, 6. Tiiat there should be, no political antagonism between the two races; the white people of North Carolina cheerfully concede to the colored people the same rights of per sonal security, personal liberty, and private proper which they claim for lliemselves; that they desire to pro vide for the education of the chil dren of colored people, to enable them to become landholders, where by they may secure permanent homes i for the.r families, and to extend to I them a liberal qualified suflrage. Resolved, 7. That we warn tlie col against being led into in the bright lexicon of yoiitli, there should be no such word as fail. Moderate exlia charges will cieiit and modern and Oil Painting, DENTfiST. Office Corner of Innis and Church strs ! extracted and nerves destroyed without pain. AirnnciAi. Tkktii, oi. siiurt notice. N. B. The best cheap I- chine-i in tl.e U. .S. Every iamiiv one. Call and see tliem. Be Guarded.—The Boston Post, al- ways sensible and fair-minded, while it concedes that the treatment the South is receiving is calculated to “irritate a sensi tive people into strong expressions of re monstrance and condemnation,” thinks it iWCCSBury, not witli.«ta»>diiig^, to cauciijn the speakers and editors of the South that “their declamation may run into an excesB of expression, and afford an opportunity to their enemies in the North to augment prejudice against them ; at this work tlie Radicals are already laboring with all tiie ingenuity they possess. This fact the South should keep in view, and not afford help to those who desire to prolong the alienation between the North and the South by uttering words that may be dis torted into a meaning adverse to the peace of tlie Union. The heated orators at tho J South do not properly represent the great mass of the people for whom they a.s.sumo i to speak. The sentiment among thepeo- ganizations under the name ; pj^. is for quiet and peace; a restor- of old associations; the revival of business intercourse and obedience to con stitutional law. Extreme men in both 1- i sections arc obstacles to this consumma- imraediately to untrammel the Supreme j chief, desire to inaugnrafe cAdl strife, i tion.”—Itichmond ^\hig. Court, and let all these mooted question.s ' wherebv tliev mav raise pretexts for I V.WU11, auu icL an luese mooieu quesiion.s ' wherebv tliev mav raise pretexts loi ^ I arising under the various Recoustruction ’ controlni^ bV force, the ensuing elec ' ashington, Angus 4 >; Acts bo b..-ougl,t bofoco it a„d tkoro be | b. lit^ s“atc ; Met we . s : 7 '!■« l''"’?" are ti.osi anxious to cnliivale a spirit 77"^; The Indian received a despatch dated the 30th liv-nLirlirio. I Col Mr. ' * , instant, quieting fcara of an Indian dis- Ian -ab.d,UK C.uzei,,. to .ibide | and good will, we and w II protect ourselves; iliat tlic . 'X’be Coinniissioners of the Central I'a- Sem,,, 1 '»“i itnpartial election, and if a niajorky , ^0' o>' »“> .iJ'®'’'’'® : .’Ci,'" : “6“= L =LooW bave! sbould be against ns, wo shall feel it our, *,'“1 ' i,", : duty to submit and yield obedience to the auguratiiig a state ot thing:* ourselves a by such decision. Bcsolrcd, That all we usk is a free, fair* major; :y Jiiue 3h 181 )?. wd-ti w 2w J will of the majority thus expressed. mn:*t liave deplorable reaiilts, uiilcs, terminating 178 milcfl from the ini tial point at Saciuniento, in good w-orkiug oi'fb'r.