- TICKETS I TICKETS .' ! Lot eiich C8wty tuppljr Itself Willi Tlektlt tn tunc. UT TIm ciUaane of this county are re qaeebed to Wing In their produce fur the Barbecue that thej hava eubecribed, 'aa Monday tba 5lh, except fraab menu and they will be featured on Wednesday neit. The ciliseus are el reqiieetral to bring la delkeaciat inch aa plea, cakee, pick lea, Ao.fcc, for tba Table. The above eoetrbbetlaue to be delivered at Bias; bam Co.' Qrnccry Store- ode or Tbceecises, For Thursday, (ot.th,at Salisbury. The Proeeeaion will be formed at the Public Square, and tboneo proceed Uinduunn Urora, lloapital Ground to wbere speaking will eomraence at veil o'clock. A. M , and continue to three o'- alack, P.M,.l wbich tloe all pereooa are invited lb participate the Barbccee. nirewllflw'riiparate table for tb colored people. 'Ilia folio wiuf gentlemen bare been ap pointed to supertnJed' iTie lUrbecne: K H Smith, W. Q. MeNealy, W. T. Allison, . If. H. Crawfonl, Honey Moore, Ihf. J. Mitts, U D. Bencini, G. A. Bingham, Wrua Brown, J. W. Bitting, J.O. Wbite, Wh. Lambeth, Kdwin Shaver, Wat. Murdoch, Fred. Kerr, Hinton Jamea, Danl. Shaver, John Suider, Jamea A. Vogler, John Moore, J. A. Clodfetior, Dr. 8. Reevea, T. U. Crawford, J. P. Gowan, John Stewart, Job. H. Verble, Dr. J. W. Hall, Dr. T. W. Keen, W. C. Cougbennur, lr. C. A. Henderson, Kerr C'raige, J. D. McXec-ly, J. 8. Haigler, Jolin Fretaer, B. H. Cowan, Dr. L Coleman, Charlee McKenzie, Dr. M. L. Chunn, Sidney Hart, Eq., J. E. Newaon, Henry Canblc, Saml. Linton. Win. M. Barker, Col C. 8. Brown, M. L. Bringle, Wm. Smithdcal, Robt. M. Human, Jaaon Hunt, F. Pace, P. A Keanetl. Programme of thi Pronation at Night. Dr. J. W. Hall, Chief Xarwhal, the following asaieUnt : wi: m-TTitriCech IV. C Coaghenour Dr. C. A; Henderaon, Krrr Craige, John S. Ilaiglcr, J. A. Otodfelter, John Feuer, Dr. 8. Reevea, Ulcb. H. Cowan, Dr. L Goleman, Charlee McKewie, Dr. M. h. Chunn, Sidney Hat, Col. C. S. Brown, W. K. Watson. The proeeeaion will bo formed on lu nice etaeet, below the railroad bridge at 6 o'clock, P. M., at which time there wil be a balloon ascension. f V Tbe proeeaaiou will form in the folio order: 1. Tbe Band drawn by four horses. 8 The speakers in carriage. S. Visiting Clubs, 4. County ClabeV fi All eitlaena who do not belong to the V clubs. 6. Salisbury Club. 7. Coloted Clubs. At 7 o'clock, tbe proeeeaion adit move from there to the Public Square opposite tbe Mansion House, where speeches will be delivered, and thence to Fulton afreet and along Fulton etieet to Bank street aad along Bank street to Matu street, op posite tbe Boyden Uottae where speeches will be delivered; thence to the Public Square where speaches will delivered thence along Main Street to Cemetery atreet and return to the Public Square wbea the evening will be eleeed by perch es and a grand display ot are works, ice. The UblesJbr colored men will be cu- ; perlptended. bjf v Thos. Henderaon, Tboa. Sutherland, Saml. Johnston, John Overton, Barton McNeety. OKal JHO. B. GORDON. In a recent speech, at Atlanta, Gen. Gordon acid that, whatever might be the result of the coming Presidential election, the South weald aeqoiesce jn the will di tbe United States aa expressed through tbe ballot box ; and that should General Grant be elected President, and should anv Du ty, North or Sooth, endeavor to ere vent fata angulation, be, for one.pledg ed hie sword and best services to place him in tbe Presidential chair. Gen. Gordon ia a sensible man. He is determined that no speech of his shall be circulated aa a campaign document by tbe Radicals of the North We regret that all our tried and trusted Southern leaders are not ac prudent and practical as Gen. Gordon. Wil. Star. Another Democratic Viehry -The elec tion ia Idaho haa resulted in a Democrat. jc victory. The D.-njoerats carried every county except one, and gam largely ou , . m 'i i Uailrara, aa tbey are at preheat assay sirnrtrii, arr a luxury uiuunauic vmy uj lb outlay af a geaat deal of rooaey, con sequently tbe are built only ia eucb U vnrcd localilit ai promise a large traffic and conxaportdiaa profitt. Yet tbe of modern civilisation draiand the inr ed facilitiee of tianaporUtlon which iron rail nfr.nl, no leaa In thinly aeltled agri cultural diiricta than in tboee wbere tbe population and production are al-cad? groat, lu many aacb regiona, if a railroad could only bo built and maintained a saw year, It weald, aa experience prove, ao develop tbe capabilities of the country aa to i my handsomely lu the end 1 tie thing desired, therefore, ia tome method of buil ding railway on a cheap temporary plan, to act aa feed era to trunk line, and a pin leera of more complete and aubetantial structures. Tbia purpose Mr. Bridge Adam, the eminent English engineer, think may be beet accomplished by aba- ply laying down band of iron on ordina ry roada, and running locomotive, and ' . ' 771.. . . m Irani opon mem at a apeea or rrom uv o winy m.ie. an nour A. ue eaya, m letter to tbe London Time . i no peacncaiiac: i., tuai properiy con, xtrucU-d engine and carriauro can ruu upon aa abarp corvca mid up aa ateep gra- aV m ax aia aa noraea can, anu un a power oa. carry ing layd that no lioraac ccnld ever accoinj i - . ; aud tberelore every common road in Knuland baa the capacity for be- i -n, ' iii-l lin the cape coming a railway, witb ite inn, ctatioaa, lowna, Vtrragee, ntnnv, auit water " anppty already provided. Three, common roada intersect the railway and form approach ea in every direction with very little out lay. Tbe rails can be laid let with the surface, and permit tbe traffic of ordinary b -rae vehicles ao long as horse vehicle continue to bo lined. " Tbe cost of laying these flat rails as proposed be estimates nt 1,500 per mile, sny the enterprise can be made to pay on receipt of i per mile per week. Ilia arguments, in favor of the system do not apply with as much force to this country aa to England, since in most placec we can build a regular railroad almost ai cheaply as we could lay down the rails he speaks of; but still, what he eaya ia wor thy of consideration by those who live in the neighborhood of great cities. JV. F. Sun. Singular Bird Killed in Kentucky. Jamea Henry, of Mound City, Illinois, on q..j. r , ' Sunday week, shot a new end compara - tivtlv unknown biid on the Kentucky shore opposite that city, which is thus de scribed by tbe Cairo ftemocrat : It is larger than the ostrich, and weighs one hundred and four pounds. The body of this wonderful bin! is c vered wkh snow white dawn, and its head is of .a fiery red. Tbe wings, of deep black, measure fifteen feet from tip to tip, und the bill, of a yellow color twenty four inehes. Its legs are elendrr and sinewy, pea green in color, and mcusurv forty-eight inches in length ir ot toe I eel resemble tlasi of a duck, and the other that of a turkey. Mr. Henry shot il at a distance of one hundred vards from the topmost branch of a i " mm a demi tree, where it was perched, prey ing upon n full sized sheep that il had carried from I he ground. This strange species of bird, which is said to have ex isted extensively during the days of the mastodon, is almost entirely extinct the last one having been seen in the State of New York during the year 1812. Potter has it on exhibition at his office at Mound City. Its flight across the town was wit nessed by hundreds of our citisens. PENNSYLVANIA. The New York Trilnne admits that the Democrat and Republicans of Pennsyl vania are equally confident of success, and that tbe Radicals may lose two or three of the close Congressional Districts. It also says: "We- the JJieuiuonists can lose Pennsylvania in October, and yet elect Grant." This looks very much like pre paring a soft place for Pennsylvania Rad icalism to fall on. The Radicals are perferilv amazed ct the v gor witb wbich the Democrata of the Keystone State are conducting the canvass, and begin to show signs of des pair already, VVtl. btar. at ' LATEST NEWS. ;.la From Montgomery. Mon tirotnerv. Oct. S, M. The Leartslature has passed through both Houses a Registra tion Bill, and it now awaita the aignature of the Governor, who will probably return from MCashirisjtoa with tbe committee to-morrow. It is thought (bat the hill haa been delayed so lone; that the registrars will not eoinnlete . I ! ' l ; .? . ... .. .. . . " . wieir " or k iu nine mr me fresiuentiat elec tions. " ', . , . The feelinjr ia still quite stronir with the Republieau members to eaat the vote of the State by the State Legislature, and the Speak er of the House to-day took the floor in ad vocacy ofr Jj. X From Washington. . Washington, Oct. 2, M. Attorney Gener- erat K vans remains tn New York until next week. .4 Benjamin Riddhsk aliaa Charles Mavel. is held in Baltimore In default of five thousand ollars bail, for pension frauds. Government clerks work from nine a. rn.. to four p. m. It is stated that the monthly debt state ment will show four million dollars increase. The official vote of Maine ia still withheld. Government expenses for September, ex elusive of interest on f he public debt, is twenty-eight and half million dollars. Diplomatic circles await Cuban news anx iously. The State Department haa the fol lowing: A provisional government has been organ ised by the insurgent ektef. TbeQoceu left the efanatah-U-rmtorr ysterday. (Signed) John P. Hale. Minister, Ae. A latter from Arkaasaa to aa ex-Senator from that State., state that registration, ia general throuahout the State, aud that thoua- ia writer, in J. - ! l . L.. L,..l..r lis. roiift,l.-lirr. n I S aa atllllC full Ifesnucratie t oograaaW.ua! d-Ufjatlou from Arkansas, and twruty I If far rtoyusotir ,in.l lllair r Veia JicAmomd. Riabmoad, Va..'Oet. t P. M.-d-haPer-kina. white, and Bra JraVraan. negro, wfco M.lnk.n I.mii tiuna-l.. dar at lm..atk. far aa outrage oe a lady, knee been reapitted till tbe Wth inat.. by tle woearwer. triojcraphed laat niglit tn-jr eouia thttlr f i.iiiknMuna. (Imnmni Hii.ni.miu haa taaued rdr tr iKm inaatintiou af tba aiilut oa tba Oca tral Railroad, by wbieh aomeof tba 29th la fautry w. rr klllvU an. I woumlca. Gtorgia LyUatur. Atlanta. Oa-.Oet. t.-P. M. The Rapae peeetHl a bill U-day U mabe uuifarm all lick rta ui at th t iretloii, to prevent rrauti. 1 1. .il. Iluiiar baM. paaard bill giving aMi it thrrr million dolln ra to aai tba rail t 1,1 ffllS l irraR..uried. tna preeont Secretary of u.-.-T. j ... ; ik. f)lUrlh ,r,.trirl. ,,, ifcpublicaae. ' rviriai- nn iwri iimhh ii.iiii .- -- w IK..- 1... I .. ....... ......-( f.sr Kaukir in I A-,,,.. J'hihutelnhia. from Philadelphia. Philadelphia. (et. gP- at. -A row oa eorred to-uav as the Hoy tn Blue wrra HUaaaV ll'.ua wrrehn rr1 snA" man SaliBbory Mtk Academy. TUB net t Session will begin Wednesday. Sept lfth, 1168. Torm per m on lli of four areefes : Will be announced beresJUe.) $1 per session continirent lee. Kach popil will be chained from the time of ... . . r hi enteiine to the close of the session. J. E. WHAKTON, A. M TwSftlliu Prima'pat. Lost or Mislaid. V NOTE OF HAND payable to the an a V dWrsigned, one day nfter date, made oa tba 8th of January, IHo7. fortnasom of eighty-four dollar, or thereabout, aigned by J. M. Uofia aud J. or John D. Hro. '. Those parties are hereby notified not to pav the said note to any other holder than my tell, as I shall apply for a renewal of it. Sept. 2d, 18de. St. J. J. BRUNER. REWARD. T WILL pay for the return of iny Dog 1 lHHen tins morning) fd.UU, and twenty , d(,,Ur, fof ,06 whit her. jJJ goes by the name of Bell and is a beautiful liver colored Rat Terrier, will Wfdwh about 3 lbs. Call at the Boyden House. C. 8. BROWN. Jr. Sept. 15. 1868. tw-tf :t7 g 1IUD& best new crop Cuba Mol Ht.k "Golden Syrup." Bbls. Sugar all grades. OAik Sack Liverpool Salt, large sack is 'VV flue Ur. , Dux.-n "SjH-ai's Fruit Preserving Sote t lion Just received by BINGHAM A CO. Ang. 12, 18Ga For Sale, SMALL building lot in the Nurth Ward of tbe town oi Salisbury ; also a good bed and, lurn:iure. Apply to the Senior Kd- itor of this paper. Sept. 28ih. tw-2w Dr. r. p. bessent, d. d. s:, misaP n ri AT THE BOYDKJt HOUSE, Sept 22:? f S a 1. 1 sulky. N. C. Edge worth Female Seminary riMIIS Institution will be re-opened on tbs 1 first day of September, with a full corps of Teachers. The entire ex ptne for a session of 20 weeks, of Tuition, with Board, Washing and contingent fee, will be according to the class: either $105, ot $110, or $116 if paid in advance; or $116.60, or li21.au, or $12660, il paid half in advance. Each boarder will furmsb her own liglitaand towels and also a oair-of sheets and eases. Moderate extra charges will be made Car an cient and modem Languages, Music, Drawing, and Uil Painting. For circulars address. J. M. M. CALDVYKLL. Jaty . (wt) Greensboro N, CL RAN A WAY ! .1 AVI RV OQit, Mta m hnor.,1 k n... n August 20th If 08, tn'y bound girl' Sams a.' on Sept, lt, 19G8, my bound boy Jack, bound to me by Ool. O. A. Cilley, Bt. CoL A A. A t. Vols., st Salisbury, N. G, 30tb day of Decemr ber, 180.". I (braid all persocs biremg or har- Donng ranvrrney do 1 Will entorce Uie law on tliem. twill give a reasonable reward for the apprehension of tbem to any person who will bring them to me. E. GIBBS. Smith Grove. Davie Co., N. C. BepLll, 1808. W 3W C. A. HlSDKRSOa. W. II. C'KAWrORD HENDERSON & CRAWFORD. Commission Merchants, AND OIALEBC IX Family Groceries, OOT72TTXVT PE0DT703 A27D uai ors, RESPECTFULLY announce to tba public that tbey are receiving at their store, E ist cottier of Masn and fnniss streets, a large and well selected stock of Family Groceries and K'q'iors. wham tbey offer for sale as cheap as they ean be bought in this or any other mar ket, at wlioieah or retail. nri(rn menu af all marketable sstiob-s re e-fiiny oAcited. All proper efforts will be -. . le lo secure prompt and satisfsetory retnraa Order? for Produoaor Urcbandise wdv-re- ceive prompt attention. rralle ticket. Tl Ma For Life Iuaiuanco Only. IIU ESTATE IVSlfhci MTUT - af a 0 VIRGINIA. ADTU0R1ZED C APITAJ Oaf MILLION DOLLARS . itrrn r.nn. W. C. C AH KINGTON, Prttuhnt. J. J. IIOPKINH, Jaraaavy. 0. II. PEKROW, M. D., JTcd. Adtltmr. Tkla liberal and aolvrnt fWiutbera CVsuaay say lu lu poliey bsjgsai annually 87 I'r Cent, of tit PntfUt. it Dn.rx.wU. aid iU natron br takinar aataa far ana hair of the nreiuluaa u It alUwa u patrons to pay ail eaab if desired. It inriaaa lla Mlnini fti M ila um.il mt. Uetnnil. and sea their rigbl protrctad. It ahow, lu patron to earns thrlr polirlss jiii one place SB lis foii. i hoiaenarcawt reatnetac aa to tra- it mm vai or rasidaaa. It offer fie fullua iug certificate aa suit aol- Nbia s Corar Hotrae. Ta I afareb V ItasT. irroiiimi-ndinc aa a sal van l and reliable eo ay. uTh Piedmont Real Kutatr Innuranc Coin pany, of (hH i-ounty ; and lwhle Uie merit ol Iterate aasa terum for l.ifr lnur nu n a to , u.niiu ltd It tn puttie Bat- Its Stock bnlderv, IHrrrton. snd OfBeer I- are r I v on ut niirn interntr. ana natrtuii. ran rei honorable, etflcleut mauasfnit nt of ttsaMini. None of n have stock or M-ion interest tn this company, and imp)y aire tbi a d: -inter a . e - w - ested testimony to the meriteof a rood lnstitu Itkn (Iko. ft. Htkvrxs, Cterk Circuit Court Jons P. Hit. Sheriff W. A. II iLl..Snr nor 8. II. Lovtaav Clerk Couuty Court. 0 A. Innpham A Oat, Arenta, Salisbury sTe also bare tbe agency for good Kira Com panic a. Traveling ag,'n,l, wanted. Apply to CiPT. JAMES P. J0IIX80N. Special Agent, Charlotte, N. C Jan. T.I-.;- . Wattwly The Arllnlcu tiulaal gift Jnsnronff dmpm OF VIRGINIA. A Virginia and Southern Institution It Fundi are Jcept in the South. It hat met with unprecedented tuccess. , Its fortunes are established beyond any contiiitrene. ncg. sac Tbe Companv haa rapital asd aaarU. ain.t IU liability tint will riimirs ravcrahlr with any I. if Inauranra Cnmiaiiy n tae caaanieiit, wbicii ia tb Uueteat uf reatiuua.bilil. Ia"awaira ara wutraaiH a4rolnilenMl l.y aelected I'ireelora. of muoiiibilil antl buainew rauaritv. It baarftabiialied ila rlaiiu to Stiutl.ern i'atroaafs OFhlCEltP: nil SIHKK'T, JOHN E. EDWARDS, vice rsasiniKV, Wat. B. Isaacs, D sacarraav, J. UaarsooK It KMC A l. FXAMIXKIt, CHARLES H. SMITH, M. D inn anvtsaa, aixasAL aaasv, H C. t'ABKLL, J so. U. ( i.a IHoJtKK DIRECTORS : John Knders, William K. Taylor, Henry K Elrraoa, am unrder, H. E. C. Uaskervills, Hamual C. lardy, (ieorge Jacob, J. W. Allison, (ieorfre S. Palmer, H.i). Cbocklev. Samuel S. C'ottrell, John Dooley, Charles T. Wortham, William Willis, Jr., Ed. A. Hasith, Tfcos. J. Kvsns, Jsmac A. 8-ott, a. at Qasriea, W. H.Tyler, J. E. Kdward. A. Y. Mekea. J. B. Morten, R. H. Dibrell, William II. Pslmer, H. C. Cabell, !. J. Hartsook, John C. Williams, William 0. Tavlor, A. P. Abel!, Wm. B. laaaes, Uoorge L. BidsoeS, r-am.n-1 11. Pries. LEWIS C. HANES. AoV. Janl7 twAwtf Lexim;tos, Nv 0 Connecticut Mutual "Life Of Hartfbrd, Conn. 6TATKMKNT, DX). ill, 1867. ' i j '..i.r. ' - lhii ' ' .- on-i i ni 0 ' ' ACCU Mi l. A TED ASSETS $17 670,288,88. INCOME FOR 1867. M $7,726,516,53. X ii-in FOR PREMIUMS r ' - : v' ' 9 ". $6,332,804,96, FOR INTEREST, 3 9 3,711, . sasan 5 8 t 1 LOSSES PAID IN 1867, 41,268,75818, DIVIDENDS PAID IN 1867. I 64 3. 0 0 5 , 0 0 Interest received more than pays losses Dividends average "ver 0 per cent,. -All policies non-ti.rt'eit side for s stated amonnt Assitraoee cs;ntH' effected in all form det irvd. KAMI.. LHYL-tj i urnrisi Airuh T?aTeigb", ?r. C. I r ot idba INSURANCE J. A- Rrsdshav. A re at Trrai far Pab'Miiar fJ fwiilnfssiealii. The Editors of the I l'i .rWin ami S'orth Stat and A mean-as, to cave tliaiinulvaa tnun laa, and lo induce MA payments tor puiihcliing Leynl advertiaoinen'c. nao anopteu tun 101 lowiug scale for ptiblicliiug the came liereatltr. and invito llto artuttlion Gierke of the Courts, and oilier infer rated parliec to tile terms proponed. For pttblisli ngncnal Legal Notices or fjourt orders, when the ea$h ac eompaniea tbe order, tbe price will be $7. When the came are cent and published, without prepayment, tbe charge will be 110. fllarba nt fVanrla a-lin lliaimani VM advance the rnmti y, will bare the benefit of tbe difference)- THS MORNING STAR V Dally Waw.paper, VabUaaod at i a w iiiiiinirton, . u Tn ht. I stsrt Talegraphir Ucporta, Ia al Tn.- ta seaitaii.- ('porta, lal Arfaew . oiuulvte Krports of the eraJ lntetligaai and Market. : ue Year... (bi MootbC. . asvavei ucieig asvaiec to 00 Head tba follow lag Ntn K.S OP THaV PAK8A: "A good paper take It." tfarrvnfoa CW An ably conducted, racy and live pnfer. iea Ittm. u spicy, (piffted Conservative sheet. We commend the papei to tba public" Orttn$ boro Timet. "One of the spriglitliest Dalies State." Washington CoMtrxativ. in tb "A sprightly Daily, and well worth the sub scription price" QrttHtbor Patriot. "If you wsnt a lively, wid-awake paper, subscribe to the Wilmington Uttir. Concord Press. "A sprightly and able Conservative ruper. One of tbe raciest and tnu?t readable ot our exchanges." Raleigh Sentinel. "One of the very beet newspaper dial Tisits our sanctum." Itartim S C) Star. "A lively, pungent Daily. The editor is ev idently sn energetic and akdful caterer Iter renton Jndieator. "If you want a bright, sparkling, lively and clieap daily paper, we can oonissjmd tba JJorn- ing Star. t Ivrenre (&. V). Ut "A well conducted, independent Conserva tive paper snd well depriving of public pat -ronae. It is one ot tbe spiciest and most icinlsble papers in tlie State. Salisbury Old Xorth Stute. "X Sarkling, lively and clever sheet. ifa rsaa (& C) Oreoeent. ' A firt-class Daily, snd one of the spiciest papeis tcociveu by us. uoldeboro Aews. "Without mistake, one of tba best Dailies received at this office, and maybe truly desig nated a 'live newspaper,' containing the news, both political ami commercial, in a 'nutshell.'". Lancaster (& C.) Ledger. "A capital little Daily, and one of our very best State exchanges." Raleigh Register. "A sparkling little Twinkler,' worthy ofal commendation. Its lightning flashes of wit, satire and logic are constantly 'scorching the tattered rags of Radicalism." Gvldsboro' Rough Notes. "Unqeislionahly one of the liveliest Dailiea in the Slate, and a worthy recipient of tbe Urge and increasing pntionsge it is daily re ceiving. As a bright particular Mur in tn Qrmatnent of the South, we recommend us editor, snd wish tor him and bis little 'Twink ler' unbounded and unfathomable success." 1 Raleigh S'orth Carolinian. "This bright constellation of the heavens continues to illumine the political hoiizon.and nobly performs its office of guiding iSter for tlie poor, downtrodden Southerner. The su perior ability of its editorial staff is a sufficient guarantee of its success as one of the lending journals of the country. IJenrttsiille (& C.) Journal. . "The liveliest paper wekhowof, ruIIoTnewa in a spicy and convenient form, and has an ed itorial staff who hot only nnderstatid the art of epitomising and paragraphing to perfection, hut who also wield sensible and piquant peas. If von want to invest 2 50 in a uleasani and profitable manner, send and get the Srfir for six months. 'Keou-ee 8. Cf Courier. "One of the best and indeed we mgy add, the snriebtliest newspaper in the State. Tbe Star shines eonsepicuously in the political con stellation of N mill Carolina, and we lake pleasure in recommending it to all who are not posted in newi politics or astronomy. Edenton Transcript. 7 Remember our low rates of subscrip tion, and address all communications to ; . ' MM. H. BERNARD, !ditor and Proprietor, ' Wilmington, 2i. 0. J)emorect's Monthly Magaame, Ifaiversslly acknowledged tU Model PsrlorMag sineof America: devoted to Original Stories. l'om. ljikeBes, Architecture and Vlud.tettaaas.llousebold Matters. Gem of Thought, Personal snd I.iteran Gossip (inelnding special d partn.ents on Kashions). instruction on health. Miikic, Amusenienta, etr . . b engravings (fall aise)uefnl and reliable patters, em Broideries, snd s constant succession ol srtistic nov elties. with other useful audeiiteitninir. - litrrati.ia. Noneraon of reltnemetit, econoum al bouses lie. or lady of taste esn slt'ord to do without the Model Monthly. Single copies, SO cento 1 bat-k nossbera, a specimens 10 cents: either mailed free. Veaily SS, its a valaable premium: two eopiessoa u. mm rop- ies. $7.60; Svecopie. S13. nd splendid pre mi cms for riuls at S3 each, with the Srt premium to each sobseriber. XT A new Whetjexa BJtosa ts-wTfcg Mac hine for SUsufaacriber st SSerb. addree. w. jknmMis lanawswj. No. m Brosdwiy. Mew York. Pen, .rest's Monthly and Taaag iailb fgethaS with the premiums for each. ao C tf job PKiiYi m . -. I .." 14 11D0LPI WtLFK, THE sobacribere beg leave to inform tbe ciua of jfertb Carolina taat I bay bare been appoiutvd agent lor Uaoarae Woara,ef New York, bar tbs sale of but oclabrated SCrlEIDAM AROMATIC aatNNAPfl, Aad Billlil Wlaaa aad Umeera. II r. W.'s nans ia c bouseboid word in evsry of part of tbe fseutbera Stataa aPBiu a ca.tias. w Nsslegtss. I. C IIKNI)KIL-0 ACKAWPOKb, Agvni isalwbury, N a c,wl3i:pd filK AT BAE4UIVS! TllE calsmeHbhr rseinsr deairioiia of making room for a New Stock of FALL GOODS. offcra hia prevent Stock conetefing of DryOoocls, Clothing, Hata, . i BootdJ. 8hoes, Grooeies, My wholesale or retail at ' Greatly Ht dm rd Prim All who want Bargains would do well to call coon. will pay the highest prices for country produce of all kind. The subscriber aleo returns bit thanks to the pnl!ic tor the very lib vral patrotiue which he hac hereto lore enjoyed, and a continuance of which he hopes to merit. V. WALLACE, N. 9 Granite Row. Salisbury, Aug. 13, 1868. 6m tw th st jesta-r ia tmr hkapi Harvest is Over! The Yield is Great ! Prosperity Abounds I Winter has Come t and sow is vaa viae ro tasb Moore's Rural New Yorker, THE QKFAT TOWS AXB nil MR. WEEKLY! THE III It. 1. it the Lsadbsg snd Largest-Ore aia ting Newpar of Ita Class oa tbe Coatiasat, auSS) riorin Value and Vsriety of t'naseat aud li,t v o Apjiearancs. It tat brace mora Agiicaltural, ii.irti cultural. ricientiCe, Educationsl LJtersry snd New Mailer, interspersed with Knavavinas, than any otbs Joninal.- tot A . emprises liepartuient devoted to a ItlClUlllllK Agriculture, Horticulture, s Sheep Husbandry, Grating, Dairying, 'Rural A rchitecture, Choice literature, 'Scienee and Art, Education, Youth's Reading, General News, Domestic Economy, Commerce, Markets, Witb Illustrations. Tales. Essays. Music. Poetrv. Rebuses. Enigmsa, &., ttc The Kural Sew Yorker i a National Journal, eriru lating largely in the Kaat and W . m . S'orth and Sou th It employs the beat talent In all Departments. Its crp of Editors. Contributors, Ac., con. prises many of the beat Esruiers, Planters. Wool Growers, Gra siera, Horticulturista, Ac, aad also Authors. rVhoI ars, Ac. of note and ability, la brief the Rural ia ably edited, profusely illustrated, neatly printed Practics! Scientific, I seful Moral, Instinctive snd Entertaining. Wherever located, in Country, Village or City, TOD WANT THE RURAL! TOUR FAMILY AND FR1END8 WANT IT ! For it ia adapted to the wants of all. Note tint it is not monthly, bnt a laree and Beautiful Weaklv. and that Vol. XIX is to be materially salaried. J- Examine a number and see if, next to vour lo- paper, the lit kal ia not the one for your money. Each number contain eight double ouarto naaea. printed in extra style. Clear Type, Good Paper, and better Illustration than any other Journal of ita Class: A Title Pare, Index, Ac, atclose ol volume. TERMS Only IS a Year; to club of ten. 49 60 per copy. Vol. XIX beglna Jan. 4, 1808 Now is the time to subscribe. Great Offers to Club asrnts. Specimens, she w - Hi I Is. Premium Lists. Ac. . sent free; or the 1.1 numbers of this Qusrter. (Oct. to Jan.) oa trial, for only Fifty Cents! Address D. D. T MOURE. Dec 19- Rochester. M. Y. University of Virginia. THE 45th Session of this institution will befin on the 1st day of Oet. 1868 aud on the Thursday beffe the 4th of July 1869. The organisation of the institntion is very complete, embracing extensive and thorough courses of instruction ia Literature and Science ami in the professions of Law, Medicine a "1 Engineering. Estimated expenses exclusive of books, clothing and rncl(et moneyof the Acdde mie student 860 : of the Late student 365$. and of the Mettical etudeht 305 . For partiriilars send for Catalogue to Vn. VVerteiibaker, 8ee. or 8r MAUPIN. : - Chairman of 'the FaeuRv. P0. University of Virginia. , . fjtily w-tw-itf OLEMMONS STAQK LLE Ml Warsaw (o Fajrttrville. Leave Warsaw for Fay .ttvillr daily, fa' cept Sunday. ThrtCigh Tickets from Wil mington to Fayette ville. 6. Through Tick ets from Vt eld. .n. via Warsaw, to Fayetie viile,110. Through Tickets from Golds -bofo, via Warsaw, to Fayetteville, $6. Charlflfc to .Vndf boro Leave Charlotte, via Monroe, for Wadee boro', Tuesday, Thursday aad Statorday. Leave Wadesboro Sunday. Wednesday and Friday, after the arrival of the Wilming ton., Charlotte tc Rutherford Stage. MorrUvillr- (o WlalrjiJML Leave M..rrisrille for Fittsboro' MoadaT. Wednesday and Friday, return neat days. Clr.Ba.0i Uci atmodalioB Line, HIGH POINT K. C, fisraOat DoUar T. CLEMJatONB. Ontrseior, aua oi coi'ireu peyie win Tuie roe ' , ... --. m f - - "- J - " 'i'"J- r - ' ! - '

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