By BWES Sc BKtWEB, •‘The Old 3fortU Stale Forever.”— Gaston. ^iii^le Copies Five Ceal* VOl. III. NO. 120 SALISBURY, N. C.. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1868. [WHOLE NO 411 ECLECTIC magazine! l>ars Before the Public. ov FOREKiN LITERATURE, g | gELKCTKU FROM London 0 Revue tV s Deux Maudes, irterh/, •• ♦ .♦ Ji *• /> / JS'(jrc/i /ir’.V /i' ■{ ((•, Popular S 'l' 'ice Rtv. Saturday Ri -:o iv. Jfestiii lu.-itt r Review, Chandler s Journal, Art Journal, Contemporary lii vieic, Chri.'itian Smicty, •III the Year Routid. Jhddiu ruivev.'niy, .^facinillan'.^ Muyaxinc. Hehjraria. T . .. .7.- C. ac. R' '(t's. (. ‘ivnh.dl Maija:iue, Fvuie Maija'ine, lAi.iure Ilnur, Tiiiiple Jiav, London Rtvinr, Importaut To V».; have aUo arranged to secure rlioiceselections from the French. German, and otlmr Gontinental IVrio li : t’,s. tr.insisted e,-ji‘-cially for the Eclectic to aid to’he variety an 1 vain-- of The work. Eacli nil nb-'r is emit ■llish-‘ii with one or more Fine Steel HiiLTravintrs—portrait.-, of eminent men. or illus trative of important historical eventM. lili; SOLTHLK.N HEPATIC PILES, I'hai (Jd, tony hnoien and lerll tried remedy tor all Ijdionv di.ravff!, routed hy a Splendid Premiums for 1808. .V r. tti in I’ll’ER DISEASED LIVER. Rciitl ;l)t- lullowihg Ceritjicokv from persons o! tli-- iii^^hest rcspectabilu I LIVKU COMPL.VIxf.'* Kkv. I)k. C. F. Di;km.s, 1862.) Says : •• I liavc di-rived (jrLat henejll Iroin these I Pills, and liavo known many lamilie-s and in- ! diviiliials wiio have fount! tiiem very beneficial, , and 1 have alsij known ]ihy.'iciun.> in excellent ' standiny to recorameud them to their patients. ■ For all dist ■a.-^es arisiii" tium .di.'itrders of (he j liver, 1 believo they are the best medicine of- ■ leri'd to tlie O'dtlic.” \N1) XTT rUVCKIhRS,; H^v. John W. PontR. Snow Ilill, N. C., Size 7 X j (•January o. iS'i.'k) says; “For twelve years I was a trreat sillier r. Mv liver was diseaseil new =ultS''rih>'‘r to the K,'!cct:c 1H68. paying I'ivan:-’, will either of the following '.ill ciii'O.n.i oil paintings P,.\SKKr OF PFACIIKS, She 0 X II ; T^ .Majistmtes, Clerls, Sheriffs, andothet M’' 1 J. HE undersigned have in press, and will ss.,,, islue, a complete and full ANALA'SIS OF THE LAWS, / uijtler the Code of Civil ProceeJure. as by the General Assembly, relating to the -lu- i ties of ^ i Justices of the Peace, Sheriffs, Clevis of Court, ; and other County Ofticers. I together with the Constitution of the Stair, a ; list of the Counties as divided into Judicial D-:>- tricls, tlie time of holding Courts in the seviral i Couritie.s, the names of the Judges and Soi:vi- ! tors of each Circui t the na-.^es of the Clerk of ; tliO Superior Court, Register of Deeds, Siier- I itf, County Commissioners. Treasiner and Cor- I oner for each County. This pani{>let will also contain tiio Fees allowed by the new lav. to I the .seveial olliceis, with some of tlie mostiie- c-v-ary I-ui'nis of Civil and Criminal Process. The woik wi:! contain about 150 pages, .aid will be a most valuable book of reference lor ollicers. Sent by mail to any pot oiTieo in the State, postage paid, lor SI per cupy. .-Yddress, NICHOLS A GORMAN, Rook and Job Friiiters, PiAl.KIGil, N. C. THE OLD NORTH STATE. f'lRI-WEEKLVi L3=RATES of .^UF.'CltlPTTOX- TJsKfns CitSH l.\ AO VAN IE. anybody suppose tlait Sainsoit would nave dared to interpose obje'-'.ion. it n-.*!ilah had dressed, iu tiic roeiati Bend? One r.,py One Year is 00 R^torj doeS not toll US whcthof Of Six Months 1.50 iiot Cleopatra wore, ihe irieat htislle, wheii slie cut the gorgeous tig tire The tyj.e on which the “ Oi.n North .St.vte.’’is . (sv.'cll) SO piecioUS to poOtS, Sailing printed is entirely new. No pain.swill be .spared to down the I'ivcr CvdllUS lo tile Soft wild beast—but let tliein touch a t'e- f ol one of the women, who seemed rather male fashion and thev will qnicklv • more disposed to talk than the others. find that with all ihcir boasted prow> - ^ke was thirty-one. I should hare said ess. tiicv vet are weak. Samson was ' one trace of youth left voi-v strong utuil he iru! iiassed under “ Iwrd. "■cu'her-be.iteu face, a body bent tlie" manipuhu tins uf DOilali. Docs ' ’'"‘‘"'.-'''I; plodding step, and wrinkfi s eDiuintr. Mie had been \n New Tri. Weekly, One Year $5 Cv ’• ’ Lx Months, 3 oo WEEKLY WATCHMAK AND KOSTH ST.-ITT: make it a welcome visitor to every family. Inonlcr to do tliis we have engaged theservice.s'ol aid;, and accomjilishcd literary contributors. Ad ver tisiiig Bates; transient rates For all jieriods less tlian one month One tipiare. First insertion fl.OO Each .sub.seqiicnt insertion 5U f'ontract latesfor iieriods of one to bnii mnntlis. 1 MO. 1 2 MO. 1 3 MO. 1 4 MO 1 SOT'ARK, So (10 SS..50 ■D-2.00 8)5.00 2 StjrAKK.-, 7 50 13 00 1700 21.00 3 PijrAUES, 10 00 161)0 2! 00 26 00 4 .syi'AitKs, 1200 18 00 23 00 28 CO QI AK. COL. 13 00 1!) (10 24 00 2't.OO H.VLF COL. 20.00 27,00 33.00 38 00 3 lir.AK. COL. 25 00 33 00 40 00 45 00 ONK COL. 30,00 42,00 52,00 60 00 iii’jsic of flutes, (in her journey to answer the summons of Anronv : yet if she did, she only showed tliat the la.sliion of the woman reigned tri- umpliaut, wliile th' joilitjeal powerof tlie woman was liumliied. When tiie bcauiiinl Zenohia w;is cartied in tri iimplial procession tiirougli t!ie streets of Rome, dec-ked in the tops most style of the day. Tlie unncr-^igiicil ;ii e also prcpai ing. in- The above are exact copie.s of orii^ii'.'il oil paiiit- ing.-d, and ar-* -ijt*-.! by 1‘r.iiig .V ( o.. inihc liig-'i. est style of the art. or. in place ol them we will 'ciid- •-•itiier -if oiir Fim.* St“i-! Liigr.iviiigs. a-^hiiigtoii at Va.lev Forge. R-.-turn from .Mark't. S-!i'day .Moiii- ing. For Two snbs-tribers and $111.00, we will si-inl the •beautiful Chronio. Poultry l.;li—Si/.c ol-'.; .x S. For Tlireo o.itisdribcrs and $15.00, a coity ot Webster's XalioU'd l^ictorial Dictionary, ane Volume of 1,010^. .--itit-.'.iiiing over fioO pie t >ribl illa^tratimis. iiric- $0 on , -ir a copy of Ros.i Ronheur’s ('fleb!*il jiiecc. .’'iictl.iiid 1‘oiiics—^ize ii 1-2 » 12 1-2. tiic'mlii'f ot the Ralegh a.s a gii-nt suilcr r. I lost my ll'-'h ami Ptrcugili. and niy «kiii , diiyclioii oi .-•ci'm'-d c!; .(I.rciI II, if (;.-!(ii' bv the bile with ; bat, a Digest ol aJ tiie Laws \\ iiicli m\ si.'^lem wa'- ov(‘ii liargcd. I became j Uonnty Olliceis, \\ itii a ( nmplctc* fc-ct o, hums, subjiict In iiiijuciit and violent allai-ks of bil- ttJafited to the new (irdcr ol tlimg.s. !jis i-Mis clii.he. every attack leaving me weaker X'onk. of some 400 page.s, will l.c publisieit ’ball ils I'redeee.seor. The phvsician? liad been i soon as the final ie[)Ort ol the (.orniiis- alile to j.atcli me up m a deplm.ililf- state. 1 had taken patent me- From the Danville Register. THE GRECIAX BEND. They say it is coming. AVe liave no doubt, of it. Was ever a foolisli fa.diion cut short before it had its run? In the northern b .M o -N) (Id 34(Ki I most styh^ of the day. resjilondent sa^Ii bright jewels and ornanientcii 44.0(1 with bracelets (hand-cuflsj of pure 70(10 woudernient of that center of civilization, did she appear in tlie Grecian Bend ] Tliis again is a matter of doubt. F York seven years—all the time a rag pick er Had she got rich oiinngh to go back T Rich enough ! and .«he smUeiJ. “ I have two cliildioii in luly that my money ii educating. They don’t know their poor mother, poor dears, but I shall work hard for them, and sometime I will go back to see them.” Tiiis woman carried a bag and hslicd in gn'ters and refuse barrels fiom four o’ch-ck in the morning till past sunrise, came iiome and sorted rap's and odul all (lay in a close, damp cellar ; and yet there was a tender, romantic senti ment in her life, m hicb made her look not to herself, but her little ones. May she have her wisli, and go b.ack to them ! X*. y. Cor. Proviiienre Press. THE NEW REFER OF Marshal Esp.-irtore. Duke of Victoria who has just h*mii called to the presiden cy of rcvohition'^cd Spain, is a v'eteran, whose career has bi'en remarkahlv event ful. 11c was horn in Granalula in 1792, so that lit' is now 7G years of age. Ilis . , . . ■^ delicate constitution prevented him from I iiiik neithoi ot these celebrities m- following the trade of his father, who was dtilged in tlie eccentricity (>1 lltc a carpenter, and so he was educated for biiinp j tor it they luii.I, it.-^ ]):;ii.''es the church. In ISOS, however, at the surely would have been snug by the , limo ot tiie Fr-uch invasion, he volunfeei- p(->ets of the era, and handed d iwn to cd in company wiih a b.aW of stndenK and liked military life so well that he pre- h w;itoring f. a little, but my health was i appointed to revise the Code has I-en ; jilaccs aiid Yankee citios the (F-ociau I comino" o-enerations iu undviil'^ verse. ipoted by the General assembly. 1 ne ly^" i [,.^3 go,i-)0vv-liat during the But”we lllllst -ton this 'j-imhle or them. i I pust bummer, and it is now said to ; we shall ne.xt And ourself champion- I be making Its victonons way soutli ling the cause of the bustle. We ! ward, more irresistible than aeon - have not gotten through wiili all that c- • i- - 1 ^ 1 - « iili biiMMors. It is a I could be- said, by any means, for the i theme is 7 (•>•/// s Sin)(le .-ajiif-t 45 ♦ A-i ofir V f .“l! ii \ e ,-) pa >; olic \ A .l-lre-s :iemes mini energy or comlort. I was bmely able to go a- | bout a litih*. .-Vt leiiglli I yiiddi-d to the ear I iiesi persuasion ol a tnend and conmitmceil : taking the HLFAJTC FILL8. with no confi dence Ill tiiem. They acted like a charm on ^ me. Frum that hour I have improved. I have I persevered in their nst NlLd!OL8 A GORMAN, Raleigh, Sept. 1, 1-86. Fublisheis. Emigrants Comina Rowan lif of the Krlrrfo . 1 • .1 • . , . „ , 0,- cr, no persevered m tlieii use, mill now, bv God s •i'..: oiir'••uiv. one \-ar. S.i IHi / , , ’ ,■ ;,rS-20.(Ui I messing. / a)n veil and heajfy I had a negro ’ man, who. as I helievi*. was saved from dealh by a (K.'so ol these Fills. My Doetor’.'J lull was annual v from $l(tl) to $200. but I have had | money is paid. Five jiei’ eent. c.immg’7 n r a: J i VI W. (F BIDWEFF. 5 li’chman S!., Xciv Yorh. ANDS WANTED, in .idson, Iredell, Catawba, Davie, Da- tanlv, .Meckl-n- Ijui L', Forsythe, Ac. No title to be given til BritiBh Periodicals. ijo f>).. recor-iit.n-nd tfii-in .t" a snr.etior family medicine j ohjii-gt-.l on nil snms. Si-11 half your lari'1'" aiiU than a con quo: ing arm}’ monster hideous to behold. It ti.ids its ‘similitude only iu the awkward delbiiiiilies of nature. AV^lieii the thing made its first appearance, it was met with all the opposition, which a sense of imminent calamity jenlly entered a military school and re mained ilicre until his twenty-third year, Vlieii he wa.s commissioned sub-lieuteu- aiU. When Napoleon was expelled from ,1 1 • him lo join (Icn. Morillo iu his 8ou h . , LUIS 1 ) e 1 IS as \ as , American campaign, where lie distinguish- as the bustle ,ise,l-but u-e ai-e re , ed htami ro tb.t be was sent minded that \\iien we launch iiito|hack to Spain, in IS24 on a diplomatic tlie domain ot tlietair se.x ; when we mission. Wlien he returned, Bolivar w'as treat either ot them or their tasliioiisj triumphant, and he was imprisoned, but we must take them as a young lover i escaped, went back to Madrid, won forty 77fC Lond'^u ' HiaiUrJy ll vit ii',[CuM\ pervRO, ve.) The P.dinhxtre, 'eneir, ( W^hig.) The r lhtviea\ i liudu-a!.) Thn Xorth British t'/ar, (Ti arch.) AND lUa •h'CooT y !idinl> a rah ( 1 M aipixinr. HI 111 .i:i'l to ev‘i'v i->‘.i- '•‘ttor ;-i‘'-oril 01 11 ■> t'lir- ,1: '.-a:; l-e -‘lit iiin.-.. I'roi!’ 1 iif* ptTi > D-' (G dr ‘ :ildy ^ii-^fdinri! Igv the --oiuii .oitioit's oi" i;!('‘r> oil >i-ii-ii.-»'. Rflig.'in ami p. i.ial i..l.‘.-.D’!re. .iii-i -taiol r.:iriv:i;.fd ,1, the ■*-or'i O' ,,-i;.-i-s. riiey ar-- in-ii.-peiisaliie to the hi.-.i ilar aa i lue pr-iV— -uki! .ling mm a-, tln'v fii-'ii.--h a rwat iitfrauirc ->rthe a.i> t all V at lie: -.-iirre . TKRM^ IN'R I8t.8. For ivny 0110 ol ti-- Rev;.-w- ?4-UD per atiiiuiii l-’or any ("•'• 01 ii.e For any ihri- j v/l t!.' For ali f-uu o: ;ii.- Re-, le-- > r ,)r ILa-kv.-oo''.'' Mai.a.'uie r'eti 11: l ' ^ •* o Jil .ill 1 ' ■ i',,r H « ■ n- . o.y I and any ‘V le -a '. . I; -'.' ii-w -. F-j- ■- ' ! ’. ••. f-'«r Bi.i TiiSWli, . . . ;.(■(' .lU.OD .D.MMl . 4.UD ~,.W f.s o ul ihe lU.t'O ^Ho -d and ll.r-e ol tlie 13.DO .-.Wood and the lour Re- . .15.0(1 C’FFBS. di.-V'toniil oftwenty p-’reent. tv ill be allowed to i tiib^vif four or imiro person-. Thus, tour cojiiesot U.a''k n .’O.l, or of one Review, will t-e sent to one lor il"2 ''(*. Four eopies e a -i .iud Hiaekw.iod fur $4S.(Mi. and .so 011. POSTAGE. .4'jbserlherssiiouM jirepay by tbe f|iiarter. at the • ;8 ot dr!iv rv. I'he t’or-lage to any part of the i:n;'.* l-tales Two ( KSrs a nuo.ber. This rate • nlv applied to eurrent-ubs. riptions. For back nuni- lv,»r>( the postage is double. Piuminms to Xra' Subscribers New 'iuhs -ribers to any two of the above jieriod- for moH ■* ill W eiiUtleil 'i> re-'civ.-, '“’.y • :ie of the Focr Reviews tor lS(i7 Now >iilis'viDers f.i a!i livii ol ihe I’er.odi. ahs lor ISu-S iiii.y rtn luve S. D. \\ .vi.lace. Fs(]., I'n-suiei.t of the \Vil- niitigloD A: WeKion Rail Road, (.\ug. dti, 1802) says; ‘ li has been said that Dyspepsia is our nn;i')ual disease. However this may be. it I caused me long and severe .siiflering. Frovi- I deiitially a liieiid Imnished me vvidiafew bo.x- es ul' the ‘ H'-patic Fills,’ and the n-e of them I pcrl(‘cted a cute. In my family they have been nscii fi('|nently with eminent .-\mong my aeciuainiances many cases ongina- j ting bom diseased liver, liavi* been relieved and ! cured hy them. 1 regard them an invaluable uiedii-iiic, and take plt'asure in forwarding this j voluntary tiibuie.’' A. . 1). 'I'avlok, Esq., Peter.shnrg. Vn., 1 t-Ian. 12, 185il,) say.s ; “ In the Spring ol 18.58, j I was attaeked w;:ii Dyspepsia to such an ex- ! trill tiiat a'l my locnl ol ovei-y des,^-|-ij)(Jon d;s- agieed with me. I wa.e swollen go 1 had to : lui's,.n my eloilies, and night after night I could get iM s!-'oji. I tried one or two pliysicians, au-l took a guK-d deal of medi'-ine, l-ut found no rebel. I p .ielia- d oi:e- box of tlie South ern Hepatic Fi!'-. aiiil the test dose 1 look 1 b it reiteved, and eoniiiiu.'d nn'il I took tlit whole box. I am r.ow eutiiely well, and eat .-ell attacked since. IMF to the Dys- alL’e.” aiiv poi ■^'ates hy .Mail or Kx( I I’HICK—Fur i: Ilf l>ox. 25 Of i l*. —11. K *‘2.rid—Riitf Ornp* ♦ to—One (ir.isK, :fl>—Throe (Ini-.i, J.'f.i—Five drops, f75. Tlie OK-'li inu-t either accoiiip.iny the or-lfr for the Meiii- : cine or it will he sent C. O. D. Ol••leI■^ hli-.ulU lie addresg eil to G. W. DKK.MS. No. 2S, Surra C vLU iiy Sirkut, ,■ .1 . T, I l>ALT;M0kB Md., ul tlie luur Re- . where th.-y will be preinpt’y aie-mleil to. For lli-se Medioiiies cal! on all respectable Pruftgists everywliere. and on all tlie Druggi.sts in Salisburt JOHN H. ENNISS, Druggist, Special Ageut. IdiwAiwly covUd aionso; ytit it oveicauio ovei v ! does, by gradual a|qjroaclies. We ' thousand dollars by gambling, and gained obstacle. Common sense resisted it,. do not pri-niise however tliat we will i the h.itid of an Jiccomplished and wealthy blit common sense was bfughed out , not return tliis captivating topic; if; woratin. ot coiintdiance. was The shafts or ridi-; so, we shall be reinforced bv the Ihe lernaiudur will be woitti itoi'iDU-, fin-t tlu,^je tbritty Jersey farmers will dcveUqie our coun try. Send cs descriptions of piiqieitv, v,;lh prices, ihc. Inquiries promptly iiDswt-red. JOHN 11. ENNISS, Salisbury, N. C.. Agent for Van Syckels’Xtw Jersey Land .Vgeiii-y , i -i “ i-i • i i i v z’l i N. 13. Gold Mines and other mineral pio- f^epoetsand philosophers alike in- acquaintance, who have almost as 'Salic perties sold by special contract. J.Il.l ’ ' ' - - - . r ra • i On the death of Ferdinand, in 1833, cule weiediiectcd at the monster, but • opinions of a couple of most astute ' question of the succession produced u they lell harmless to the ground.— j and sagacious old haciielors of our i ‘^^L^L-ion ; the contestants being . - - . . * 1 .. L.: ] 1 . 1 _• i_ • ] l ^ 1 _ 1 • 1 1 .1 •• dulged in a \vaifaie against the riting ^ I mucii curiositv as GUILFORD LAND AGENCY 0 NORTH CAROLINA. L I phenomonon but what chance has whose reflection will throw much i two old maids and i Christina, who maintained ! poetry or philosophy in a battle with la woman's bustle? The wits too i have racked their brains to sting the I "J'r Ir P'L ' ^ possiblo out of existciice; but Ayriculiural or Mineral Lands, ]] a ter Powers, i i i .. i .i i’ i • Mills. Town Lots, or Real Esiate P^"^‘‘i\v ! what d( es the Tashtoii care in terest into tlie dis3us8ion. of any kind, wi!! find it to their advantao-e to ' ^^r the little poisotl Oil the arrows pp.r- place'.heir property in our hands for -;t!( Wo have great facilities be pruciuinu- rliaseis for all such jiropertv. For iul’oi inalion. addro--: J.VG. F. GRETTKR. (reneial -Vgont, G1 een.sfioro’. N. C. into some of the loding houses. O TTiink of tliirtcen , , . , ed the same courage and resources which persons croiiclied in ; i t i i- i i • i ah i 11 -.1 . • 1 i Le liad displaved m the field, and wa.s one small room, Avitliout a window or any : i, * ’ r i • /v J > .J o,-r..I i„ October, 1840, De 1.86: Iv i(‘ai t! ly,' ami iiovor liavt' h.( ! l■.•ln -aft ■!y 10 (•ommoml tiioso i.-l'i:; ; an ,1 the • ooiniiiiH.ilV at Tiu •y (• an h, • -cut to iUlV pi F«R SALE. 13\ virtue of a decree of the ib-ohate Court ut Rowan county, will be sold at the court-house door in Salisbury, on Tue.-day, the lOth dav of Nuv(‘ni!)er, five hundred and ninety-iive acri'.s (if land belonging to tin* (‘state ofR. ML Griffith, dec’d. Said lands are situated in the W‘.storn part of the county, within two miles of the depot at Rowan Mills, and are very valuable. A further (h'seription of them is thought to be nnnece.ssary as they have been advertised before.—Terms made known on the dav *f sale. THE HIDDEN SIGHTS OF NEW Y^URK. We turned into Five Points and went The wiki boat, iii his attack on the . (ieadly rattlesnake, presents the thiek I flesh ot his jowl to leceive the ser- j '/’T "I ^ cqnaliv siicce.-=sful. ■ pent’s fangs, amJ neutralize the pois- | but the dooi. Male and Fnmle h.ack (ffioeu mother r ^ on, and limn tm MS upon >• = I and white, httle eluldren-.all bnmJkd m - - irx/iri"* n V," L in.1 J 11 llJ llOU.s one taste of that air will la.«t a life-time. It was a clu'ap loding place was—and r.a.-ty ! — door for a'imi I the right, of her daugliter Isabella. Es- partero joined the latter party, and in the desperate contests which followed was one of Isabella’s most powerful suppoiters, fi nally defeating Zamalacerrv‘gi and the ablest Carlist officers, and placing Isabel la on the throne in 1840. In the bitter political struggles which ensued he show- .... .... I white, little children till agon-' 1 . I , , , , - , r.-p : a heap together on the dirtv straw, ist and tears him to pieces, llnit s' • , „ P, , , , i , I /' • lA I -11 . 1^'*^ “ke a pe.®t house. ()nr; glance 1 tlie way the Grecian Bend will treat ' - In resigned lier The Tlie mauioiii to receive all shot at it, atoi ih'j mai ksm-, i. labors Mill be was enough, Cheap, indeed, it Puui cling one onn at brought out a com* Iv eioking hlm k wo- man, “ uu vmir Imshand, 1 must j the wits who a.ssail it. ! bishop is big enough j the pois'uied artows : then roll on and ma^h into the earth. Their foigoitou, when the (ireciaii Bend ! see him,” said the, detcetive. The hus- will be looming up in its full length, j hand came ; he was a white man. “They bl and we Bend hisliop ground, it would produce a sound like thundei 1 Gf what avail are e regency, and its diiti' S were transfenrd to Espar- t(‘ro ; hilt ill 1813, when the majority of Isabella was declared by the Junta of Harcadona. 1 r- w.ns deposed and fled to Englc-.d. takin-g n fnge on an English Ilian (;fwar. H(.‘ remained in retirement until 1'' 17, when and r. called. lift', he was made Senator He kept out of political however, until, on the retirement of Chri-tiiia and Narvez fiom the country, he was again sent for by Queen Isabella. Tkvo or three rooms in a battered old shan ty that shook with every step across the floors. ^riiP worn nnp>5 hut the joint administration was weaken ed hy the nppoeition of the clergy, the inachina ion of the Carlists, the corruption YARBROUGH HOUSE, FxiYKTTF.VILLE STliEET, Oct. 1st, 1868 RALEIGH, N. C. Tbu l''r«iii ruturnliii; Ills uiiioere tlianks to the traveling public for the liberal ,iritis, i!i.u,'k>vuo>l or any tao of the Four Revieas patronage extended tohini during liis couuec- for 1-S7. Sui'i Tiber- mav obtain back numbers at the fol- re ill. ed rate-, vir. ■ Tht* North Rriti-h from .lamuiry. ISiid. to Heoem- rbe, IN'-'T, iu.-hisive : Kdinbiirirli and the Westinin- Hter from .\iiril. IStil. t.. I>e. ember. ISST, iiiGn-iye. an 1 r)ie Loudon (Jii.irttTlv tor the yc.irs 1S()6 an 1 H67. at tlie r;vte of $1.50 a year lor eacli or lUiy Review: also lll.ickwood fcrrlSSti and iSGT. for S‘2.- 60 a ve:ir. or the two years Toectlu'r lur if l.t'O. : J" Seitlier ])r,-iniiimsto Siiliscribcis. loirdiscount to flubs, mr redn-ed prices tor tiack mimliei-. can b* a'.iowe.l iiuies., the money is remitted direct to the l‘ubli-);ers. No premiums can bt‘ uiven to ( lut'-. 'j he Leonard Scott Pab. Co., 140 Fulton, St., N. Haag & WJLTE32. WHEIilL. THE undersigned bavins: accepted t?i(* agency for the above named wlieel, would tiou with this Hotel, takes occasion to assure ; ‘Lleution, .d’ the proprietors of Mills, them that iioeffitrt or expense will be spared Ip'^Luies, &(•. (kc., to the inany « lO retain the pre.scnt reputation ofthe Hotel as ‘V- / one ofthe V(‘ry best in the 8outh. i adaptedt to all ^purposes tor which a water He is happy to announce that the fall in the i pi ice of supplies viiahles him to pi ic(* to Three ni Dm most liHliCKJ light me room, f'ix conJs a . , ,1 I , - , , ,. V ^ CCS he took no part, , yet the | they tramped llie city, getting a living in ; and in i8.77, rcBigned position O.S Senator, retired to private wheel is used. The small space it occupies, bard 'hat liuge bomb proof of cot ton, or bran, or sawdust, or whatever redVice*the ks motion, are attract-. it may be, backed up by that great ive features. It rctpiires hut a small ainouut i moral Ibice of the universe—Woman? of gearing. Ice does not attect it. ■ Xt is Utterly ki'ile. If a icHow wants Vnit_ - ladies laugh at the pictui-es and iu any ,vay they could best. They were Imd- j crease the s,ze ot their busiies. In- died around^ die room m _^acuuiy, d'yly , recalled to Madrid bv deed, wluu iss the use tor men to bom- ‘ ' ^ - - . To mon*. Dollars per Dap. S'-:;"-'''?- ■’‘t*'-'"':, ruizens ...ndua in to spend a week or "" horizontal as vertical shaft, suit, i parlicillarly reckless he will still make a greater reduciou. I h;';; ’’Sj; or desperate, he may break a lance a, ne is prepared to furnish Board without oon ^ • V *r • low r ue- of the wheels can be seen in operation at; H woman tiius ol tifled, but it will be lie hoy‘su.ha\A* the pleasure of welcoming : E|'ard, Tatum 6c Co’s, Mill on South \ adkia ^ woise game than rackciiham plays Tke L. t. Pfa. fd.. al-o publisli tbe P\{RMEITS GCIDi:, by Hf.xuy SrF.riiKxs. of F.dinburtrb, ami the Into J. 1’. Nukton. of Yult' (''ollctre. 2 "oi 3.'tavo. ISbu pdk'C'. an'l mimcnnis F.iytrr.ivintr-. 1‘rice i~ tor tlio two volumos—by Mail. ])Ost paid. to the Yarbrough House his old customers and many new friends. J. M. BLAIR, T Royal I Mem ^8 00- iano—tt B. K. MOOllE, Atiortii ij and Counsellor at Eaw, Know and Believe MI AT G. B. POFLSON 6c CO .8. DRUG .Sti're is the cheap»‘St place to buy Drugs liciiics in this section of Nortli Caroli- ! na. Try them !—at ! WYATT'S OLD STAND I May 7. tf Salisbury, N. C. r River. I have been in the Mill wright business for 25 years, and consider this by far the best whell i have ever yet met with. This wheel costs from $15 to $275, according to size. For further particulars address me at, Je rusalem, Davie Co., N. C. RICHARD T. NUTT. Sep. 10. 1868. 4tw-36 ed when he fought Old Hickory at New Orleans, bales. behind tlie cotton blankcls, and kept warm by a wretched entruntod with the stovx, glow.OfeUcebly n. one corner. Moet ( „f a cabinet. He waa then eith- of them were boy., none over twchxycre „ u„i,e ,he cou- old: wedged ... will, .bem, Ibougb. w,,-,. elcnn-nt,. with which he had to .orae hungry looking gn l., n. whose face. - ^e a man of deter- the hard hue. of want and s.ekne.s and , tc devoted to thecau.o privation were growing ah-eady. It n.ade , my heart sick to look at them -lonely lit- _ tie strays 1 Poor, niotin'rh'ss things ! May Hi's infinit(; love an-l mercy forget Pl'RLIC Si’f;aK!N(1.—M’illiam M.* Rok- ibcm uot! ' bims, Esq., the Candidate for Elector iu Down in a cellar wa.- a gang of ragpick- in die 6tli District, on the Seymour and ers. They were ge-tting ready for work, Blair ticket, will address the people at the :V FI — \NP — B«LIClTOR IN B A N K 11 PTClYU W/LM/XCTOX, X. C. u *4 — 1 / FIRST CLASS MILLER wanted, to take charge ot a Fiust Cl.vss Mill, situated in Davidson county. Adtiro.-s A. C. WHARTON, Clemtnonsville. N. C. ;u. 1. 1868, w-8w-lm NOTE OF der the 8th of January ty-four dollars, or thereabout, signed hy J. M. Coffin and J. D.. or Jidin 1>. Brown.- These )>artie.- are hereby iK.iitiod not 1" p:. the -aid Uiite to any otlier u-.ldiM'thaii niyse. a.- 1 shall apply for a of it. Sept. 22. 18(38.-5’. J. J. iUirXER. and, with hook and La.-ket, would soon be following limes and places : There are some tilings men may do; out over tlie city, working their business. 'I'avloi-vilh', .Monday, October 19th, there is a thing or two they cannot ! Piles of rags, bones, ofial, broken iron, ‘'latesville, Tuesday, 20ib, do Suppose they undertake to reg- ■ filled me place, save where a few articles Newton, Wednesday, “ 2l8l, ulate oiMiieliorate the fashions of the of furniture stood. They were Italians, Lincoluton. J'luirsday, “ 22nd, •C l.non What is tile result? Why and not dispo-nd to be sociable. ()nc bad Charlotte'. T’linrsday night, 22od, ^ . Lia Kr*/1 11I NT 11 ri t II wl n ri*A iifTf*/) r\t\ .■» ..M, ,4* _ _ / i ..1. * vJi 24tlj 27 th, 28th, 29th, 30th, 31st, The FTecior on the Gr.aut ticket is here- the continent with railroads; co\ef qjgge years they will go home to their Yadkmville, .Saturday, the sC;is with fleets; penetiate the. comi ty and enjoy it I'lie women work inyf-leries (d btars ; loved nature; measure t;ie the mountains ; mal die wilvleruo-.s :i gaioen; suooue n. hard as ihe men, '.v.,- as roughly, have , naixo no shame or decency ahoiu sexual matter, /• i , - the and am as siroiig-limbcti. 1 a.-kc.l tin; ag(J ‘Liy of these places.

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