tljtODliiXortlj.Statt ti IsssaU-Lt rjn SALISBURY, K. 0., OCT. M, 1SSS. NjiUmI BtsiKnlic PUiform. Th Democratic part J, in National Convention assembled, reposing iu tmel in tbe Intelligence, patriotUm. diecrimin lion and jttJlicc of Um people, standing upon tin- constitution aa iho foundation and limitation of Um JM of the go -rrnment, auu the guarantying tin- lil ties of ihe eitu-n, and recognising law questions of rlavary and aecraalou as hav ing been settled for ail limu to coma by tbe war, or the voluntary action of tbc Southern Hutea in Oonatitntioual Con ventiona assembled, and never to bo re newed or reajriuied, do, with the retain of peace, demand : First. Tbe immediate rcatoration of all the State to their rigbu in the Union un der the eonatitntion, and of civil govern ment to the American people. Second. Amnesty for all past political offence and the regulation of tbe elective franehieo in tbe- State by their eitiaens. The pymnl of the public debt UO asps rats eautmiee of the fliaira will b ruled; abaorWI, tiJ IS timpiahlWd despot i - .it b satabusiMrtl in pUe of 4 fastwal union of m mjpaj Mte; and ihat wa rea-aid ibe r root Ntraol ion .( ( oaJIcd) of OamrtM, aa usurpations aad nnco - rot ry, snd roni ; that oar soldiers anoTHhWa, nho ctrriod tba flog of oar oouuuy ricimy ahiOM I mrwt gattani ami ,MrtVnnst tar, Uiul ri f be Kraii-lullv i. un u.U ir.l, am' k Iks twarantaaajBmtiu iu thru laoi bo c ran It toanauKu ..rrVPHo 1 1 . Un I r. ill I I U.thlullv cj Tliat the ixiiihc lands should be distributed as widely a ib'a among tbe people, and iiiMiid be iiiiuswl of MUM uuder tlia r- ensp lioa of ii'iiiicstmd lands, and suiJ iu renie- ! quant u tea, and to none but $ . oeou . its. tU ibe uiintowm prto sstablistnii by ihe iiiiaawnt Vk'hon giants of ihs paUie Uud may be allowed, aacessary lor llw n.courage meat of important public nnprotrcutciils, tba luoeovda of ilia sal of suoh lauds, and not the iamb themselves, should be so applied That tba PreeiJenl of lb Uuiied 8tals Andrew Jobnsou, (applause,) la erciaiug the power of his high oftoa in rental in ibe airjrre dons of Congress npon theeooaliiutional rights of the 8talee snd the people, is enli:l-d to tn gratitude of Ihe whole American people, ana in behalf of ibe LVuocralic party wa imW lilm our thanks lor hia patriots? rwuita in that rrgaid. - iJoVKKNOK SKYMOUR. Third of the I'liilcd States as soon aa practice hie ; and that all moneys drawn fiom the is h(U r ot Ar- jfinr. VoMtdl - v . B . m. a .... taj Endowment of the 'Democrat i Platform The Radial Policy tVteteW ami AmaweW " people by taxation, excrpt no mncfa aa it requisite lor the necessities ot tne govern -moot economically udutiiiistcrod, be lion tly appfled so aneb pnywwt,-ood-wlWre the obligations of Uie government do noi expressly state npon their face, or the law under which thev were issued doee not nrovidu that thev aball be paid In - aw a a coin, they ought, in right and iu justice tn ha na el iu the awful money ol the um ted State. bar A Equal taxation of every species ol pro icrty according to its real value, including Hoverniueul bonds sua otner puouc secun tie. Ftflh Qm enrreneyfor tha Oovernmeoi and the people, tin. laborer snd theotnce-boki or. Ihe nensionir and the bondholder. ra. Kconotnv in the ad in inw teat ion of the Oovsroinunt ; the reduction of the Bland ine- armv and uav : llie abolition of tin- Kreedrneu's Bureau (great cheering) and all political Instrumentalities designed to secure necro supremacy : uimnliriVation of the sys tern and discontinusnce of inquisitorial modes of assessing and collecting internal revenue, so that the burden ol taxation may be equalized and ' ened, the credit of the Government and tlie currency made good ; tbe repeal of all enactments for enrolling the State militia into national forces in tune of peace; and a tarin for revenue upon foreign imports, and such equal taxation under tbe internal revenue laws as will afford incidental protection to do roestic manufacturer, and ad ilL without bn pairing the revenue, impose tbe least burden upon and best promote and encourage the great industrial iuterets of the com. try SsrenfV Reform of abuses in the Admin Utratiun, the expulsion of corrupt men from oflice, the abrogation ol useless ora es, the re storation of nghtlul authority to and the in dependence of tbe executive and judicial de p i fmcnta of the Qoverntncnt, the subordina tion of the military to tbe civil power, to the end tint tbe usutpations of Congress and the deKpc'ism of the sword cease. Eiahth. Equal rtahrs and protrctlor- tb nat uulised and native hoin citizens at home and abroad: Ihe assertion of Americau na tionality whieh shall command the respect of loreian Powers, and fusiiih an example and eneourafemsnl to people MrOKiingmr nation nl inteffritv. eonstitrhional liberty, and indi vidual "riirfit: aud the. mainieance of the rilitSTjf natutaltxed erttwiif finst the abso late doctrine of immutable allegiance and the claims ol foreiirti Powers to puni-di them lor alleged crime committed beyond their jjrUdic- tton. In demanding these measures and reforms we arraign the Radical party for its disregard of right, and the unparalleled oppression and tyranny which have maVk'd its career. After the' most. ilermr -and" tmanfmoos pledge of both Hones of ConjjreM to prosecute the war exclusively for the maintenance of the Government and the preservation of the Uu- lon under the fjonstitutton, it has repeatedly violated that most sacred pledtre. under which alone was rallied that noble volunteer army wh;ch carried our flair to victory. Instead of restoring tfite Union, it has, so far as is ia tts power, dissolved it: and sub jr?cted ten States, in lime of profound peace, ts -nilitarv despotmnr and negro supremacy It lias nullified the njfht of trial jury; it ha abolished the bibta eorpat, that most -a-cred writ of liberty ; it has overthrown the freedom of speech and the press ; it has sub ulituted arbitrary seizures aud arrests, anc milita'y trial and secret star chamber inqnisl- Republican party havo openly deprecated the tions for the constitutional tribunals : it has I violence of Congressional action, and Us en disregarded in time of peace" the right of tbe deavor to keep up discord in our country. The people to be free from searches and seizures; great inteiests of our Union demand peace or it hi entered the post and telegraph offices, deranda return to those industrial pursuits and even the pnVato rooms of individuals, ana without whieh we cannot maintain the honor seized their private papers and letters without of bur Government Tbe minds of business any specific charge or notice of affidavit, as re- Itmen are perplexed by uncertainties. The quired by the organic law; it has converted hours of toil ol our laborers are lengthened by the American capital into a hostile ; it has es-1 the cost of liviniri made excessive by the !i- iaitueu a system of spies auo omciat esnon h an innireei exnetiiws ol wovemmenf. age to which no coiistitulional monarchy of I Our people are harolwed by the heavy and fre: Europe WQuio uare lo resort ; u has abolished I quern uemanus ot me tax gathers. I tioa. N. Y., Aognst 4, 1M& Qtnurml O. W. Morfan and other: Commit aw, ate. GairrLatsx: When in the city of New York, on the 1 lib of July, in tbe presence of a vast multitude, on behall of the National Democratic Convention, you tendered to un its unanimous nomination as their candidate lor the office of President ol the Uuited State, I stated I bad no words adequate to express uiy graliudu fur the good will aud kindness which that body had shown lo me. 1st Hum iliation wa unsought and unexpected. It was my ambition to take an active part from which I a.n imw excluded iu the miuc- gle goiug on for the restoration ol good liov ertiment, of peace and prosperity to onr coun try. Jjul 1 bave been caught up by the over whelming tide which ia bearing the country on o a great political change, aud I dud uiyaell unable to resist its pressure. l ou have also given me a copy of Ibe re solutions put forth by the Convention showinjr la poitiou upon all the great questious w1ih.Ii now agitate the couutrv. As the presiding llicer of that Convention, I am familiar with their scope and impui t. As one ol its mem bers, I ..iu a party to their terms. They are in accord with my views, and I stand ufion them In the canvass upon whieh sr am now entering, and I shall strive to carry them nut in luture, wherever 1 may be placed, in pohti- al or private hie. I then staled that I would send yon these word- of acceptance in a letter, as is (he cus tomary form. I see no reasou, upon reflection, to change oe qualify the terms ol my approval of the resolutions of the Convention I have delayed tbe mere formal act of committing to you in writing wbut I thus publiily said, lor purpose of seeing what light tin notion (.'mi gress would throw upon the iuteress of the countrv" fts auts 3rt etw f ft awaiifi iiimi 11 the Convention show an aLrm U-st a thai ge of political power will give to the people wlmi they ought to have a dear statement ol vlia has been done with ths money drawu froui them during the past eight yens. ThoughiPd men will sec that mere nave ueen wrongs in the huancial inanng -iiii'.it wineli iiueiieiii siettt hum the aahllM -kuwWJodHU. The jCuu- icssionnl party hasiio: only iljied itsd m'li military power, whicii is (. jc brought to bear directly upon the elition - in many States, hut it also holds itself in perpetual se.-sion, with the avowed purpose ol making such laws as t shall see fit, in vitw of the elections which Will take place within a within a lew weeks. It did not, therefore, adjourn, but took a re cess to Meet agatn, if its partisan interests should demand its reassembling. Never before in the history of our cohntry has Congress thus taken a menacing nttitude toward its electors. Under its influence, some of Ihe Slates organized by it agents ate proposing to deprive the people ol the right to vote for Presidential electors, and the first bold steps are taken to destroy the rightl suffrage. It is not strange, thcretore, that thought!! men see in such action the proof that there are, with those who shape the policy oi tne Republican party, motives stronger and deeper than the mere wish to hold political power that there is a dread of some exposure, whieh drives them on to acts desperate and impolitic arrests, and Many of the ablest leaders and journals of the aTn!r"vrTu7thTla drtit of (he Witt or wiatsea nf their Mm While reiyua they are lite of the ifrutit and bnnura wldrti ru sat f a giivrvnmrai ot were force. Tla-ae rneti ara aw ptoeed ia pusilloa wlnwe they eon not aly arg I hew rtew of ptdwy, but w! . r. ibry rait ruloiav iImih. hn mbeessl.aU b afltwtet hi wie ti mi lief fvove its' eewiatti'ej; ftonllierii. Slat , ahlKjugh they will hain. Irtmla tdeM .1 :, thoy will bate niOf - pw. er iu lite Attaie ikatt m aaajority ol tie- ao of till UuMii Uviog la nine of the great Nalc. In kaoi iht) otiaVr SkiiUh 1 tb lleiHildnian I Nifty prutati-d aainl ibe p..huy Mall, .in fl.. . I Whtie it.. i. ..I ilm Ule rebellion 1". e tubtllilled lo 'I e leVffts pf t!a war, and are now quietly t ngeil A aae. lul puTMiit (or the lupport of tnons .'f nd ( ou h. - and are trying by tbe kttm l n. . raauiphi In Irad bA the people of lUe South lo lit Ordvr and industry uotonty i-asei.iial in then I'l-.i.g, bnt to lla great lien aiwl pr4l lnuy oftwr common eowniry. w e ibai Ibuae iil, ability or lull oe, Uif tsrvii liimwii by tbe agitations ifd mnvul aion i Mo Miuons of honor aurT pttAi, an stiiving In keep alive ibe p ious to which they owe ibelretrvatioii, andtbey ulaiuvooaly innH that they ae Um only I k-imIs of our Union a Union that can only have a I, em 1st. on in Iraletnal legard and a o tit tUtnt to prasnnta iba pases, the order, amj ti e hanram as ol all seetiou of our laud. Kiettts lu Congrvea, si no tit adjojirnaaaot ol tbe coti vent wn, have vastly incrraaed lb iiitptrunue of a political victory by those who are seeking to brittw awe hatf fteea, siiMfthcuy and past aw iu Ibe adu.iu-i-iraiioii ol our national affair. Many He- 1 1 it i sltaJai i i W lap ttk Vsx X&&9&&t&9&- IttfMf tiiia Ihe ..... ul'.l eo -operation of the great M-rvmi Iu tbc I ui"ii I yof . I army auu parly have regrettted ibe extreme of violence u m, it hat iuu. They nave enerisJivd a fault, that while lb action of their political party fi inula have been mistakrti, their mo tives have been - good. These must now ear that the lU-publican party ia in that condition that it cannot carry out Wise and peecclttl policy, whatever its motive maybe. It is a misforintie, not only to a couutry, but to a governing party iiaeU, wheti it action i an . linked by any lor m of opuoiitou. It ban been ihe misfortune of ibe Republican paity it at the et.-Di M uie pan lew ywsiia. given it so flHteh pn-.vrr i first it has been aid- insha'kle the Executive, lo iraibinel the judi ciary, and to carry out the views of the mo-t unwine snd violent of lt ineinh.'rs. When this stale id tilings exists iu any porlv, 11 ha- em lo-en found that the sol-r jml)(inent of lis a Ideal leaders doea not control. Tl:-re is hard ly an able man who helped to build up tha .H-'publieaU organization, who has WlthiU Ihe pr three years waructl it sgain-t the excesnes, who has not been borne down and tiMct-d to give up his convictions uf what the interests of lite tsouwtry called hn; or. if too patriotic lo tlo litis, who has not beeu driven bom its ranks. If this ha been the ease heretofore, what will be ils action now, with this new in fusii n of men who, wi:hout a decent respect lor tbe view of those who hat just given tie in their miiMin. begHi Mlirrr h-gistaiive iuu so wiih crtllsfor arnis with : that then States I regarded a iu a erxidiliou ol civil wa'. and with the declaration that Hit v ore ready and uiixious I ) d"grado lite Presi dent .,f the Unlieil Jtiilt s whenever ttfv can iietsnade or force Congress to bring forward forward new articles of impeachment. The Ifepiibhean parly, as well as we are interest eJ in putting some check upon this violentv. It must be vlear to every llniiking lunn tha; H division of political pi.wer tends to thick the ence oi paily action, and to assure ibe I ijihim .11 ili'l ..I a.jrlt. Tin- l-llCI IOII u it u ui Hjiitiiu t-.xicuuve ami a iimjoruy oi Hem niatic niettibei lo tho House of Hep' (- rentatives would uol give to ihat pally orgapi ..i ion the piiwe. to make sudden or violent el.iinges; but it won' ! wive lo cluck llioev extieme measures which have btvn del bad itt.ihing to do. Hap m.. I U-n m this sprit woald baf boey pObata ti.arl.rd. lit. leal and rucrn-Y of Uouaervati ..ihs snriee- front a desire to ma . iu tha itolilieal policy, slid from r.u, n.i. i.ct) that ihov ana entry out their n.kM. Ia thai Mth thev are by the thoae wh uavy during tbe war. Having given nearly KMXX) eomniiaaious I,. ..iht-wia lu tbl army. I know lltuir view-, and wihe. Tbey J wand Uaum. ftr which Ui. (knight. The Urgent n et tli.g f the-e Blusitt aoldier whieh ever naaeoibled waa ' Id lu New York, and endowed rite art ion of the National CttUVVBtiou iu wutdaiualiuet it), meaning. Tbey Bailed n tbe govern , um hi lo -t"p ia ils indiry of bale, diaoord and JiaiHiioa. and in term of fervid el. MM demanded a rraUirnffss ttf rilita and liberli. ..f the American people. Wbvu liter is sorb aeettrd between thoae wbo pi. ved iheinselvea brnve and elf sacri ficing iu war, and thr who are tboughtful and patiioiie in emtBeil, 1 cannot douhl we hall gain a political triumph whieh will re ator our Uniou, briag back pease and pros perity to our laud, and will give n one more the bleaslng of n wiae, ssiintanleal aud houeat goverumeat. I am, gentlemen, truly yours. Ac, Hon no Skymock. To General 0. W. Morgan aud others, com- JOB PKl.NTl.NG, . CQlJUr HUANKS. k a 8lo Country Merchant, Dairymen, Farmera. And Others. CONSIGN YOUR Aske$, Becstcajc. Beans. Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Hour und Meal, Flar, Cottem, Fur and akins, Dried and Green Fruits, Grain, Wool. Game, J'oultru, Jffaral Stores, Hops, Ginseng, Feathers, Hemp, Provisions, Gtir, Jjord, J nfer, Tobacco, Seeds, Sorghum, Molasses, etc., Sec , tic., JOSIAH CARPENTER, General Commi&8ion Merchant, 442 444 dk 440 Wshlngto v St. JiEXV YORK CITY. And receive hia weekly Price Current of Pro duoe -ud Groceries the moRt-coniplete price car reiii milduhed in the I'uited ftlales. Bend for a Price Current. Harking Plate and Curds Furnished Free. Liberal advius made on Consignment. EstablisJied, Mag 1st, 1800. Pint eln references given whrn reruired. Hatch 6, lew. tnly i HIIUKV I NO that the interests of the Far mers and I'lanterh of this seclion demand the publication of u periiKliesl to be devoted to tho advance nent of Agrleultnre in the two Candi r ss i" e wtiulin tl to estaMifth snrn a piMltaih-Bl utidar inn title nf TBI? CAROLINA FA KM KK, and will iaaue tho first number aa soiin a a sufficient n umber of -ub. ,'il, r- are obtaiued to ua. a reaaonable share of tbe ex pens ef publication. The Farmer will befcsncd monthly nt fjCJ per i iii. i xhekhiunkd iuve thk Jcaitrr lu luBi laefff SimI Um aMfe. Utal lb. i trasa4ti. -I up ta ef ta vsry b JOB PRINTING 0FnC8 .V SOUTU CAJiOLlMA, a J ais prepared to assists all order rita whirl I bay atay be lit -IN AMD ratOFKbSIU.NAL - COTTON YAKN "XSBELST Cdltr U Bill Qeaits, WEDDING and PABTT Stan' o( North Carolina, HOW AN CODNTT. H-F" .vr CW Um, JM fbraa, 11 Jaoob Ltttgh- SO. OBIOlSaL aw IT Manrlng to the satndMtion of Iba Oonrt that Tlmrnton Butler, the defendant, reside Ur.voud lb limits of the State, It is t hernlar MstsJ by the Court that puhltcatittn be made in tne '- atchuian aud UM North BtaU." sae H UMIVT. i ouuanoauv weak. notdftaaiBabl to be and appear at the next Term of I lua Court lo be held for tbe County of Rnwsn, si lira Uanrt-Hoaa la Bsllahoiy, on the fid Monday in April Belt, then and there to replevy or de nser, otherwise ha will be proceeded against aa if he had bean personally served with ptocean, and bad (ailed lo appear and plead. Witneea, A. Jodsun Mason, clerk of oar said Court at office, tbe 3d Monday in September, u. i ooo. auu m toe ninety third year of onr indepeli Icn.e. 4V:'pi.r.$10 A. JL'OSON MA0ON, State of North Carolina, BOW AN CODNTT. Sprtor Curt Um, MT Term, IBmX Bavin gfitlssisa an Thornton BonW. OKIOISAL ATTAofiMIWf. IT appearing lo lb aslislactioa of lb Court 1 tbai Thornton butler, lb de landau beyond the limit of lb Staa. It ia tbt orderei bv the Court that nubhoatina ha i in tan - Watt hissa and OU North Stale," for ajt uouaeiutliv weak, noiilyiag said defendant to be ai d appear at lb next Term of thia Onnrg , to -be- held- tor tbe County of Rowan, g ffif PAMrntETS, ClRCtJLAKS, UANDBILLo, DRUG LABEL COURT BLANKS, aad all other kinds ef Blank aad Job PriaUag will be dona la a style tbst can be surpass' by none, and equalled by law la lite state. Our terms will It a low as the loweat .in the Southern Country. II AM::' & BRUNEB. Haflshnrr, Janaary 16, 1868. Cjurt-House in 8liburv. on the 3d M ondar in April uex t, then and war to replevy or de mur, otherwise be will beprooeoded against a if he had been personally served with pun, and had (ailed to appear and plead. Witness, A. Judson Mason, clerk of onr said Court ai office, the 3d Monday in September, A. D. 1808, and in the ninety third yeai of our independence. A JUDSON MASON, 4O:6ipr.f.fl0 esc. THE MORNING STAA V Daily N w a pnpe r , Published at VWilutiugtoa. K. C. Tbe Stab contains Latent Telegraphic Keports, Loral News, Gen eral Intelligence and Complete iteport of the Markets. raajsts jm ad v Air en i One Year $6 00 Biz Month $2 50 AdTerUing Rate Very PRESS: Bead the following NOTICES OP TUB "A good paper tak it" Wmrremttm CW 'An ably conducted, paper. Bnkrn re. racy and live aews- bv the I et in.. ) of bi It. : . I Ol '.'.nil Xlui result .win. Id fl.Ui! eel la ill , lead lollil peaceful i'cs!ornt;oii il the L it; n und le-estub lishinent .halt inal relniious which the tin try tli'siiea, 1 am sure that the best tnen of the Hi publican parly deplore ns deeply us I do the spirit ol violence shown by those recently admitted to seats in Congress from the South. The condition of civil war which tbey con tem plate must be aborcnt to every right thinking ,i. ..,.aaj,;.aM .lill'fll ' ""ii'iiii. 111 . ii. ..'.i.i. ii. ii.. i im tunu ii.., a 1:1:1' I o iurte iloiili'c-i olunili linires ot rend- the right of appeal on important constitutional WMtiaffijjjf LPme 'jndlc4albHqlafid "cnrwllbs fdurtaif of Je'stroy Tfs on i nit! "jti ris-dic-tion. which is irrevocably vested by the Constitution, while the learned Chief Justice Ivis been subjected to the ,most atrocious ca-:'-.niit-s merely because he would notprosti t ita UU bih office to th siippoFt of AhVfalse and pnrtisun charges preferred against the Pres ident Its corruption and eftravram;e have ex- ded anything known in history, mid by its tra-ids snd monopolies it has nearly doubled burdVn of tlie de', cr'eatiil by the- war. Tl hs tn 1 'resident of this ". ",'d power of appojntment eren of his jwn Cabi net. Undefriti rep .ted asjaiUa tfo pillaia of riVivvriaTiim iw reTwrnoiT rheh bse, r jsbimoujMwtt-oeedLitt November next, and man trurate lis President, we will meet, as: a auh- Without distinction of nsrtv. there is a strong feeling ifjybt-Jl. MiLJwiM action. which sljall nstore order and confidence, and shall lirt up the burdens which now hinder and vex the industry of tlie countrv. Yet at this mment tlioaeu power have thrown into the .Senate .Chajjnber and 'Congressional liall new elements1 ot discord snd violence.- Mr have b'-e:i admitted as representatives of BomVof the Southern States, with iffedeclaratioii upon their lips Ihat tiiey cannot,, without- military pi tion, live in the States thev claim to represent, These men are to make laws for tl i Mm m, as w-bll as the Bu'uth.' These men who, a few days since, were seeking as snn- ttliunts that Congress wonld give them power Within tliefr respective States are to-day Ire- masters and PowrdTef of the Setlwi bodies. Entering there with mi prejuuice, ana hearts wifb d.i demands have br-en thai ' r shall look upon the Stategfi-oin w-i.icli tlmy ote as in a eondiron of tnvi! that tho majority of i heir pepu shu.I bo fnr I I have no mere perFoniil wishes which mis lead my judgment in regard to the pending ek-ction. No man ' who has weighed and measured the duties of the office of President of the Uuited States can tail to be impressed with tbe cure i ti-! toils of him who is to meet its demand. It is not, merely lo flout with the popular current, without a policy or a pur pose; on tiie contrary, while our. Constitution gives just weight to the populai will, ils dis tinguishing feature is that it seeks to protect the rights f minorities; its greatest glory is thsi it nuts restraints upon power: it gives force and form lo those maxims and principles of civil liberty for which the martyrs of free dom have sti-uegh-d through ages : it declares the right "of the people ' to be secure in Iheir persons, houses, papers and effect s against un reasonable searches and seizuic;" that '-Con gress shall make no law respecting an estab lishment of religion, or prohibiting the free ex ercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech or of the presi, or the right of the peo ple .to petition the Government for a redress of grievance--." It secures, "the right of a speedy and public trial by an impart in I jury." No man can iigltlftiUy enter upon "ihe dn tiesof the presidential office uul.-s be is not only willing to csrry out Ihe wishes of the people, expressed in a, constitutional way, but is also prepared to stitud up for the rights of minorities, lie must he ready to uphold tbe free exercise of religion. He must de nounce measures winch would wrou per sonal or home rightx or the reliiriou oonaei- enee of the humblest citizen of the lend. He must maintain, without distinction of creed or nationality, all the pri vilege of American citizenship. The experience of every public tnau who has been faithful to his trust teaches him (hut un one eon do the rlntis ..f. th ..rt. f p.... urge lloUleC-COlnillU pugt leg matter, houiitl iii hantlsoiiie covers i ami in ;r; inhiral f-xeentrim irtll not hr atTrtias by liny Agricultural Monthly iu the country. fteing ueterniim d to do whatever energy will accomplish in lurking the Farmer worthy tho support of the Intelligent Planters and Farmers (.1 North Carolina mid Sonth Caroline ; and de siring to introdnce it into every comity in those States, we wish to employ active Agent at every Post office, to whom the most liberal inducement-, will be offered. AddVes nil cumiutmftarJotW"OTJ : VM. H. BERNARD, . je7 w:tw:t Wilmington, N. C. Agents Wanted fob THE 0FF18IAL HISTORY OF THE WAE, THE TRIWEEKLY OLD NORTH STATE, AND THE wvvKf.y W 'H II.HN k Old North Matt, Toil 1868. THE WATCHMAN & OLD NORTH STATE having been consolidated in tbe hands of tbe nndentis-ned, and tbe Rannkb having sospended publication, heresfter there will be bat one psperpublished in Salisbury, which will be Is-J sued ' under Tri- Weekly db Weekly, the above names. Ia conacquenc of the combination referred to, this paper will have the '' '' Largest Circulation "A picv. spirited Conservliv sheet Wo commend the paper to lh public" Qrttns boro Times. "One of the fprighllirsl Dalies ia lb Btate." H'oaAiayfeN Cunserrafir. "A sprightly Daily, and well worth the tub scription price-V Greensboro Patriot. Western North Carolina, OF ANY I'APKU IK AND WILL AFFORD THK lis CanHPV, Chiiracirr, Conduct and Results H Hlf. iLEXiMDKR B. STEPUEXS. A Book for all Sections, and Parttes. This srreat work presents the onlv com plete and impartial analysis of the Causes of Best Advertising tl... Waa e..t ntiKI ! oViarl ntn) vi t'Ao It Ana in. I 0 it at j J iuiiioucui nuu k a v tuvac i ii ti-rior lights and shadows of the great con flict only known to those hifli oincers who Matched the flood-tide of revolution from it fountain springs, and which were so m-ees siblu to Mr. Stephens from his position as second jolficeT of the Confederacy. 1 . To ajwbliothat lw been surfeited with APPARENTLY SIMILAR PRODUC TION'8, wo promise a abwnfre of fare airrae- able and salutary, and au intellectual treat of t! htthest order. Ihe Wren t American 1f Tia AT LAST found a historian worthy of it importance, and at whose hands it will receive that moderate, candid and im part isl treatment whieh truth and justice so urjreiitty tiemaua. he intense desire every -where manifest ed t i obtain this M-ork, ite Official character and ready sudei combined with an increased commission- make it the' . best subscription book ever publinhedi One Aifent in Liiston, Fa. reports Ti sub inent uuless he is ready not only to un.l, l a.t i J- . i .Ti . . . mu hurihwh uuii aivus" in llie Ici.i. l.m aufler Fi-iuiv tli oeusnre ,ftf 'tis fjisady rleare I .-, ribefS I'fJ'ftHTti'ltJys'.',- " f- TJje in Memphis. Term. 106 siiWribeis in ' tire datrs. fjfrff Unr CffWilni1 and see our term. ad a- to be met with in that part of tie Stat. o ' ! - - . " , . . : r -r ' -:j :-m '-tdr "fi. . . f . ; v.t Ths 2diioial &fpatlmttt will be uuuer the nanageoaeat ot Bin. Hattaa, lata Kditor aad Proprietor of tbe Old North Stats, - ; r. rr: r-.-- : and no pains wfltoe spared to mafce ft quarto any, if not the beat paper of its clsss in the State. In the politics of the paper there will be no will continue to be a film sad deeided ConsenratiTe journal, bat it will sot be devoted ex ! .. I ft. ij- -It I j-. closiTely to politics. It will. jso be devoted to the Djaterial iatercsbi of the State, and to Literary and Miscellaneous ReadVn ! iomet!e KcopoBv. Ac change sd'"g on iu 2(i Snufh , Seventh St, F.iludelphin. Pa ill') iUlblic mas. of the K. pubii.-an. purtv nr.. pnlalions. fbracid their ijitelluein-e, . tuhUul. twop. tata ,-in.l fu. -..I aaatt I.1'. ,t,. .7 tin u, ,l.ini,,r lh.. ..,-,.T7.. Xw3 i :r- f'i i i!BBBBBB-r til. :.l I.,- I-..-! I.! I it.. U'lalcl 1 tic' :" -M-oo UIKl elose .fit ..t i c lh-l-1, lii, -"V m . -HI. ...r.iV lb?.) i...n tw. trttr. I a people of'Qfr J nn peai "i:d crdeft Ad;jLitUiu shallot ft save llial jected Slid conquered people, amid the ruins of liberty and the scattered fragments of tlie Con stitution ; and-we do declare and resolve that ' ever since the people of the United Stale threw off all subjection to the British Crown, Me privilege and trust of sufterage .have be loogeu to tne several Sutes, and have been granted, regulated, and controlled etnh- eN by the political power of each State repeet ve- y, aaa cnat uy attempt bj Coo-re , on any nrtsl vtt. f . . . I l ' . . .1 T - - ' Y " w uqinir :iy ,-Mlir Dl MIS ngnt, nr to nurture wlrjj f irjt4m& isifl-' ffrant usurpation of powr w . warrant in iki Amilnh . I 'it ... . . ed by tbn people win ittnt uyiUua erm m..A . ol. . . . . . . --r. Ir..l that. er : v JaluUVai. am '.iaaat aaai annanHitaa r.' ;.--t u,vs iwV nTaaSn; nfn desire F-r sett- 1" W-.u h'..uit iu . . ' : gcante.pxompta tJh to. kvep iUi 'tjouiL m m XatioaaiLiJi-UMtwtic cost mm .1.- , -. .... . . , ' eTlU Tor t TTTtirils ir.r .TC.umv ettrmanf th,,;. fWM H prejudice, and mipr.nrfc.ffrm8. g t,,;M.rf.,f., of the iftirkT vtli TTw ...... t'e-ji- firs: ; wb,c ' ,1''".LV'' 1 '!'" f when f,Hy (hat ! s VTION L PUBLISH I XI S CO. tery;riit Jiito Wiualtat r . J .1 - . -f-r - ! -a rueo owe their seals liTi ii.'. - , i ut r in the '-oulh. l?"ry mattkno chie -As Jhe enersry -the Oeiiincnitie djih r... A.t... ... .i ' "If you want a lirelv. wide-awake snbsenbe lo th WiliiiiiiL'too Star. Concord Preu: :" "A prid,htly and able Oonservstiv paper. One of the raciest and most readable of oar exchanges."- Raleigh Sentinel. "One of the very best newspaper that visit our sanctum." Martin (S. V.) Star. "A lively, pungent Dailv. The editor is ev idently an energetic and skilful caterer. tfar- renion Indicator. "If you want a britrbr. snarkliti?. Mvelv and cheap daily paper, we can commend the Morn- tng Star. Florence (& V). Gazette. J.I. I 1 t,'lM i4 .1t I A well eonthictcd, independent Concrva- live paper and well deserving of public pat ronage. It is one of the spiciest and most readable papers in the State. Salitbury Old JSortn State. "A sparkling, lively and clever sheet.- Ma- Hon (8. C.) Crescent. ' A first-class Dsily, and one of the spiciest papers received by us." Qoldtboro' News. "Without mistake, one of the best Dailies received at this office, and may be truly desig nated a 'live newspaper,' containing lb new, both political and commercial, in a 'nutshell.'". Uncaster (& C.) Ledger. "A capital little Daily, and one of our very best State exchange. "Raleigh Register. "A sparkling little Twinkler,' worthy of al commendation. Its lightning flashes of wit, satire and logic are constantly scorching the Mattered rags of Radicalism." Qoldabors' Rough Notes. "Unqestionabiy one ol the liveliest Dailies in the Stale, and a worthy recipient of ton large and increasing patronage it is daily re ceiving. As a bright particular Bur in the firmament of the South, we recommend its editor, and wish lor hi m and his little Twink ler' unbounded and unfathomable success," Raleigh North Carolinian. I I If-.;1 -,M . -JY J' " U'-t B'llRf Ti "This bright constellation of the heaven cShTiHoes frilmmiiiB the political horiron.and nobly performs its oflice of guiding Star for the poor, downtrodden Southerner. The su perior ability of its editorial staff is a sufficient guarantee oi its succcfs as one ot the leading journals of the country. BeMtmsOm (8. Journal. OtTrring woh indtirtvieiiis we cotifidenllj appeal I . Thehvtliest pper we know of, full of new tolhe public a liberal absre of iupuaa, hoti iiorial sta who not only understand the art oi epi:obiog and paiagiaplting to perfection, nut who also wield sensible and piquant pen. If you want to invest $2 50 in a pleasant and LM Foil S ALL. highest (tier A ac promises, on itaturu.ty , tin ly of Oc-ioticr next, a tkluabiex n ' J vinu in lleilv Creefc ic Ln idson Go. j by snK criptionind adtSrtlseiri-tits, :f M & fn m. SB Terms of Subto itjon : ; Tftl-M .1 Kl.T : ' For due Year Kfcx Moiill " , ' ' r ' Ta i V V T , ' i "'' eoaiain nff m acre: Ol litis irct annul iW. I - . sTCtJOx t- ilspljlirso riHJLJp 'jatojwithpriv. , ta-rnl bottom l..,l.- . v . .o ilwpaur,, r . t-ftct. fJb. nlg r. ... ihj.i4 -hwi rovnr it is tract nf land ; fot ter ....... .tkTOejr -; hi.-twrj of .rttr c 4 in rv lias th nctaip f 4 ! owned h, the late J.erh Perril. ano, - UBil Im t lur Slid 'i -"si' ' i !".i,ns"asiri a tlml wLinji j ftmh- known mi dar Ol'mle I a HI ma ' .tSOP . i .ut ! profit able1 manner, send snd get the Star fnr is month. Aeowee (S. C.) C owner, r . One" of tlie best, and indeed we may add, the spiightlittt newspaper in the State. Tbn Star .-hiucs consepicoousl v in the political con el Kerth I'mobita, and w ukn : ' m recommejiiiii .t to ail wbo are .o.-ted in Pews, noli; a - cr astrorrpjn- " - . , . r. T.-n r. rMr-ir-.t " -" - iii,.'i VV rTti - tsj" t J. A. PA A je t. , DRT'NER, tl'.l W T . ttentn Transerint - EST Uernt iber4ur low rate of nbscrip lii.n, and address aH eJmiriu.iications to KM. H. BERNARD. J t i s1 '''i"1 mitat "'Ti i .ti... i i.i . A."' . St. -. 'ij. . r r4.