MM "The Old orih State Forever."-Gaston 1 - ttl-ffle ople- Five Ceo. fa iff ii Ac ii in i:ir VOL III. NO. 127 SALISBURY, IN. C. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 5, 18G8. , WHOLE NO 418 1AC VZ! aSLBCtai) FBOM Rrcu U ItruM Mou.leS, LoiutoH Society, CornhtU uir , fraevr't Magaetnc, l.-murr Hour, London fjiarterly. Hriuk Quarterly, Xortk But AevGim, Popular Science hr ."',lUr dly Hr ", Weetmtnntsr Bsmemt, Vntmi .frrumat, ' Art Journal. Contemporary Herieic, Chrtnttut, Society, All the Year Hound, Jhtbhu i niterniy, MacmUlan'e Jtuyasine, Brtgr , W. ha v. ala. arranged to .. tle:Uv frniB the Fibbcs, Inrw ..ij . cntinan' i 1'orKili-ala, transit tod utp ;nny foi the Uclecti. add fttu variety and valu. ui'tb work. Ktcii number if tin bel Untied with ouuor more I1 tne HU M .: .ravings portrait uf eminent men, or illua trsUv. f important uiaioriral itmI. T Splendid Premiums for 1868. Br ty ui subscriber to the Erlectie 1888, paying ft la advance, wilUvreive either of the following beautiful coxa mo all paintings BASKET OF PEACHES, Site 9 X 11; 1 EK AND NUT CRACKERS, 8tef 7X8. Emigrants Coming W A.NTKD, in R.xvan. Davie, Da j I J lietiell, Catawba, SliiIv, Utt-klsa- iHjrfc, K ra ins, die No litlw to be given til noncv la paid. Five . nt cuiuiuiaaione eluuy-' i on nil nU- S !l hall your lands and h remainder will b worth double, and these l&rtily Jersey fanners will .Irw r our coun try. nd os desert puool of DrotieTtv. witii I ;ui'f, fv. Inquiries promptly answered. JOHN U. EN N 188. 40 Years Before the Public. Agent far Vn Svokale Haw J.ra Laad Afeacj N. B. Gold Mines sod other mineral pro perties sold by special oootraet. J. U.K. Ilia abova ar. axv-t eosiesof original oil paint 1m. aad arcesaoutad ny Praug i Co.. in the higi. etiatyie of the art. or. in plu. v at tbem we will aeud either af oar Kin iilael Kngraringa, Washington al Vallaj Kerge, Mai from Market, Sunday Morn for Twa aaswrivst and 110,00. we will send the beautiful Cbromo. Poultry Life Sire 6 1-2 z 8. Par Three anbscribers and 116.00, a copy of JFegter'g National Pictorial Dictionary, as Tslsasa af 1,040 pages, containing over 600 pic torial illaatratiaoa, price 06,00; or a copy of Roaa lloahear'a Celebrated piece, Shetland Ponies Sice 1-9 z 1 1-it. Tcrm$ the Eclectic : Single repieasS eta,; one copy, one year, 06.00 two capita ana year 09,00; Ave copies one year 030,00 .Address W, IT. BID WELL, A j Mukman JSL, New Tort. GUILFORD LAND AGENCY 0 NOKTH CAROLINA. LaNDFIOI I j K8 who wish to 8ell AgAcultit ni ui Mineral Land; Water Power, Mill. Town LoU, or Real Eltatt ol any kind, will find it to their advantage te puce . heir property in our hands lor kale. We han't; graat facilities (or proeuMiig pur chasers for nil such propei ty. For information, address s'NO. B. 6RETTKR, UeneraJ Agent, 6reensboro', N. C. Deo. 2. 1867. ly The firiffith Lands 7( British Periodicals. The London Quarterly ffernW(Con ertire.) Tlx Minburt Review, (Wjig.) The Weetminettr Review-, (Kadicst.) The North British &eviewt (tree Chorch.) Blnchooots Ediriburgh Magazine, T.a aerlodicall are ably enstedned by the contrl wuuu- d unrivalled in the wor d ef eC t"? are indispenaab.e to the JehoUr aad the prerenal man. and to every rea Tinl -ai as ey fumith a better record of the cur- tS&SSffi thn cM " obuiDedfrom "-RMS FOE 1868. l'ar any two af the Beviewa 7.00 say three ef the Reviewa. . . . 10.00 fur all fur af th. Iteview. J3.00 Ko Blackwoed'a MafgH . . J.00 Yor Blaskwaad aad one Bevtaw. 7.00 Far Blaekwobd aad any twa of the akai iw.ww Far Blackwood sad vhree of tbs IHK SOITHLKM HEPATIC PILLS, That 4l, htng known and u-rll tried remedy for all Itiliou distaste, caused by a DISEASED LIVER Read the following Certificate lioas persons o! ill- higliext respectability. Af4 LIVKtt COMPLAINT. Rkv. Dr. C. F. Debmo, (Aug. 23d, 18fi2.) says: " i have derived great benefit from these I'lil-. and have known many families and in dividuals who have lound ibeni very beneficial, mid 1 have a So known phynirioni in exce'trnt fiondiny to recommetid Uiem to their patients. For all diseases arising from disorders of (he liver, I believe they are the best medicine of fered to the oublic. Rkv. John W. Potter, Snow Hill, N. C, (January 5, 18G3,) says : " For twelve years f - . m . i .. a w W 4 D I 1 1 great uutre. say nver was uiseaseu 1""I .1 lifi. I lost my flesh nw.l strength, and my skin MY virtu.- of 0 decree of the Probate Court of seemed changed in its color by the bile with Mowaa coauty, will be sold at the court-house winch my system wa. overchsreed. I became door in Salisbury, on Tuesday, the 10th day sulijoct to frequent and violent attacks ol bil- rrf Norerrtber, five hundred and ninety-fiye was cbohe, eveiy attack leaving me weaker acres of land belonging tn the estate of R. than its predecessor. The physicians bad been YV. Griffith, dee'd. Said lauds are situated able- to jstoh me up a little, bat my health was in the Westeru tmrt of the countv. w ithin in a le state. I had taken patent me- two miles of the depot at Rowan Mills, and dicioes until I was tired of them. Without are very valuable. A further description of energy or comfort, I was barely able to go a- them is thought io be unnecessary as they I bout a little. A I length I yielded to the ear have been advertised before. Terms made nest persuasion of a fiiend and commenced tiik OLD NORTH STATE. ITRI-WEEKLY J n-RATBB OF SUBSCRIPTION TMtMii CalH IN aDVARt K. Minioler, io Don Juan Alvaroi do Laroneana, a union itr , but a man of true liberal uriDCpleo, no leoo than of geneiallv MCKnowleJfrcil capacity. II o wao nna of the ciiiof contributors to the Eiaria Ksponol. He io a good writer, but no orator, and labnro, be- oides. undor the disadvantage of very indifferent health. The Minister la GtAemacion or of tho Interior, Senor Don Prazedes Mateo Sainuta. OU , ; ,.V i ........ I. ' ... I L . . - . 1 1 1 r f . AertmaM on the paper indlcateatheexpiration of B",.Ma xlw worua can uaprvi huw io, or aaa uu v esieruaj, 1110 CfllOI t'.l Tri. Weekly, Oas rear,.. 8U UooUia.. .06.00 . 3 00 VXKXLT WATCBMAS A ID X02TH ITAII Oas Copy Oas Year,.. ti Ui a Unalfts, 03. ou EuglUhman rettident in Madrid, re c ivinu- fatherly Lisa on her fair brow from the Liberator, whom one greeted in the name of her country men to the regenerator of Spanibh liberties. Several ladieo, hio com patriot, kiteed and ciied over him with ouch passion that I could oeo he had to stniggfe fnr Kerf pr)0tewron. One old frieaa and comrade, an En- elishmun, wrunir him by (he hand. t'tr atilMeriptioa The lpr on tvhlrh the "WW NOBTa SvaTS, fa prinleil i entirely asw. No painawillbe alia red to make It a eUeiae viaitor to every family. In order to do tin. tre have engaged Iheeervices ol ablSaad accowipliabed literary contributors. Advertising Bates: TRANHIKXT RATES Kor all rioda leaa than one niuulh ' mi. Sijuare, rirat Insertion fl.00 ia'-h witweqnevM Insertion 60 t'outract rate. for period of one to foni montua. Mo. I 9 Mo. I Mo. I 4 mo. b Mn I St)' ASS, 9 SQl aKBS, S araMBs, 4 atecasas, qua a. col. half rot. 3 V i ii COL. OKV Oil. 06(10 I 7 60 I 10 00 I OH 60 13110 I Id in I0.WU I is nu 13H0 ii.on 20 on I 97,00 2T (g) 1 38 IK) 30 00 I 49,00 019 00 17.00 VI HI 33 INI' 94 on 40.00 f.9,00 )Mt 91 00 9:t;o 000 2?)) SHOO IMH 6HIMI 01011 97 00 .1400 3 700 3fCI) 44 00 Ml (Ml 7IMKI SPAIN. rejoiced I am to see you here." To which he replied, " elaii bienle tempt, not oe pat, amit'1 N A MOB CUKCKRO BY FBI If. Mr HumcII writes to the Times, un der date of October 10 : A lamentable incident occurred Jfftterdav in Mud rid, Senor 1'ertz uix, private secretary to Gonzales Bravo, and known an one of the most unpopular functional ion ol the late administration, appeared yesterday at the Home Otiica, whence, it seems, hu hoped to w i t lid ra x some papers com prom isinit; Oenzalos Bravo. His presence collected a crowd at the door of the Palace de la Goberuuciou, PROGRESS OF tub REVOLUTION. known on the day of sale; Z. GRIFFITH, Admr. Oct. 1st, 18u8. w::Ct PURE PERUVIAN GUANO A JND all other kinds ot Ol, manning f the different PH03PI1 ATKS, Vl.AS- Beviews Ksr Blackw'ssd aad tbs four Re views, CLUBS. Z dlaesaat sf twenty percent. .10.00' .16.00 c i..ha af four er mors persona will be allowed to Thus, tour copiesof iiLj.aataaaL sTtfTSt r1 T" 10 address fsr $19.0. Four , copies or the tour Be--ews aad Blackwood, for 048.00. aad so on. POSTAGE, fiabeerlbersehoold prepsy by the quarter, t the sties sf delivery. Tbe I'oatege to any part of the United States Is Two Csnts s Qnu.ber. This rate only applies to enrrentsnbscriptions. Forbacknum bers the peetags la double. Premium to New Stibwriber l JnnTmlAUmtinm to reeeivs, arstis any SWSTsS. for 1967. New Hubacrlben, fall avs of th. Periodtcala for 1868 me y re, eive, gratia, mackwood sr a-y two of th. r our Itorion h0Wriber. .y W back nnmbsr. at the (W- 'Krth BrlffirS January. WOAj laDjos llie ofb '"- .,K...K .a tha Weatmia- ,h. ISe.7. inclusive. t.u TER and LIME, kept constantly on hand, a verv Sow prices. Our farmers Will do well to call on us at once and get their Fertilisers, be fore ordering and buying elsewhere. Wewdl take Flour or W heat at the mark e price, in exchange. SPRINGS, HUTCHISON & Co. JVb. 1, Cowan's Brick Row. Salisbury, Aug. 2. 6tw taking the HEPATIC PILLS, with no confi dence in them. They acted like a charm ou me. From that hour J have improved. I have perseveied in their use, until now, by God blessing, am well and Aew ty I had a negro man, who, as 1 believe, was saved Irnta death by a noe of the?e Pills. My Doctor's bill was annually from Sin to $200, bur that's Did no use lor a physician since. 1 can confidently 8. D. WALiffcruTPifsfrTe'th of the Wil mington & VYeluon Rail Road, (Aug. 30, 1862) says: it has oeen saiu inai lyy!'H0," ,s vu' national disease. However mis may oe, it caused me long and severe Buffering. Provi dentially a Iriend furnished me with a few bos es of the ' Hepatic Pills,' and the use of them has perfected a cure. In my family they hava been used frequently with eminent success Among my acquaintances many cases origins-ting-from diseased liver, have been relieved and cured by them. I regard them an invaluable medicine, and take pleasure in lorwaruing tins voluntary tribute, A W n T.viriB Kan Petersburfl'. Va.: .... , . ... ... . ...', . m . f . , accepted tne ( 12 igRft.savs: "In the Spring of 18)8 Grand Reception of Prim in Madrid The Fugitive Queen Incidents Pros pects. The steamer Uansa Wmfe foreign files to the 18lh instant, with later ac contita of the revolution in Spain. The formal recep'ion of General Prim in Madrid en the 7'h instant was a goigeouo spectacle, described by the correspondents of the London paiMjro in extruvugeut terms. One' writer says : prim's RECEPTION. At last every Ii vin&r thinir convert ges towards tle triumphal arch, un- greatest saci ihces for RtHMii Ifitluu ui iiftistmit-il, m aueu uv in the Ptierta del Sol. and on his again appearing he was fallen upon by an excited mob, out of whose hands the public force and the better class of citizens could not rescue him be fore had received several dangerous wounds. General Prim, being informed of the outrage, stepped out of one of the balcoiiieo of his hotel, the Fonda de Paris, in the same locality, and addressed the multitude at consider able length, and in words which seem- a. i s . a a ea to worir. a Dcneocial impression lie said : ' . ' I i SIM. "iwouayo ago an ot yon were lavish of the offer of'vonr arms and jour hearts ; you were ready for the tices for the sake ot lib Haag & Smith's Patent WATER WHEEL. THE undersigned having agency for the above named wheel, would , WM atUcge(t wjth Dyspepsia to such an ex call the attention, of the proprietors of Mills. Jent that ai m cf every description dis Factories, dec dec. tp the many advantages ih j was 8WOen I had to they would derive from using it. It is well ioooea mj clothes, and night after night I coaM adaptedt to all purposes for which a water t no j trjej one or two physicians, wheel is used. The small space it occupies, and a ,jea Gf medicine, but found ana meveiociiy oi in uiouou, ro muuu- aQ n i purchased oce box ol tne isouin ive features. It requires but a small amount .. Hinaiie Pllfca. and the fiist dose I took I of gearing, Ice does tot affect it. Works Mt relieved, and continued until I took th . IS 1 t . 1 a! 1 1 A. a ..1a I ' n . as a J as weu ou nonzontai as vertical snait. oun- wi10 t,.. i am now entirely well, anu ea able to any locality. Not affected by back hasrtilv. and never have bn attacked since water. It is simple, cheap and durable. Une j ly recommend these Pills to the Dys j.f V. .. ti.liuala Aan Ka auAn in Aiuiralinii at I .... . . . i . . ' , iuo 1,.10 vm. w to. - f - pepitc anil uie cominunny at laiuc. r o;ii u, a UUJ IV sV b, .him uu oihiw l uu n mi River. I have been in the Mill wright business for 25 years, and consider this by far the best whell I have ever yet met with. This wheel costs from 15 to $275, according to size. For further particulars address me at, Je rusalem, Davie Co. . N . ('. RICHARD T. NUTT. Sep, 10, 1868. 4tw-36 a dark, thickset, middle sized man, in a plain undress nnil'orin, with a bright star on his left breast, and rais ing in Ins hand a blue foraging cap, with which he gravely salutes the enraptured people. That is Prim ! Close to his bridle hand rides Serrano in full marshal s uniform, covered vr'uli plagues txnd crachatt, a heavy plume waving from his gold bound e.ttn Led hat. Ha in at, gay apd gallant as is bio seeming. ,eI 118 t0 8ive nP our office' Bnd ave All eves are fixed ntwn the great Ptn t,,e wa. t0 m " Progretitta all only be prompted by our enemies. Every hi each of the law is a crime. Do not compel us, now that so much has been achieved by our glorious re volution, to despair of its final victory. If you disturb us in our work of reorgatifxatTon atrd order-; if yntt in terrtipt the deliberations with which the recently constituted Government is busy ; if you do not allow us to .a s. a. a provide tor tne iuture, you win com l?,lb.3in rtJ ' the year. 1866; 1866 17 at tue rite of 81 Ml a year for earli or any an t l7. Sttne w J ittfTT for S2.- Rev aO . vetr 1 frmm. lar p'"iUi .... , an or... ra nirethpr hr S4.W L.n . w j - - - , II Tin tO,-'ltHTlDera..ll'rmm;uuu. . . - . v.. .ir ... ,n rr . - . H.n is V.UOS. u.m WHS r , - . fliT-rt to un" mo u""j wsw.w - t YARBROUGH HOUSE, FAYETTEVILLE STREET, r RALEIGH, N. C. The PronriPtor in rainrninir l?a ii" thanks to the ticViW t.unu tor the liberal, patronage extended tonim during hisconnec tion with this Hotel, takes occasion to assure them that nq effort or expanse will be spared io retain the present reputation of the I Intel as one of the-very best in the South. He is happy to announce that the fall i n the price of supplies enables hitni to reduce the I irjioe to Three Dollars per Bay. Tocitizens coming in to spend a week or he will still mase a greater reiuction They can be sent to any point in ths United States by Mail or Express. PRIOE For one oox, ZD emu. una. a.ow nmu u JO One Groea,ei& Three Oroea, 50 Grui; The eah aid either accompany jtie order tor tbe Matt cine or it will beacot 0. 0. D. Or era ahould be addrca rd to O. W. DEEMS, . IlauJte,8ooesOtwB Taasv, . , BAtT.Moaa Mi., here they will be aromptly attended t. Por Hi se Meiltcinea call on all rriretahla Druniita everyshere. and en all the Drnnti H t,uuioav. JOHN H. ENKI68, DruairUUSneCial Aceai .i H 10:watwly OLEMMONS STAGE LINE ' v" w sivsn to nuts. 1 he Lr.mnrd Scott Pub. Co., T. 140 Fulton, Hi., N: T. su Board without Tbe L. rVYi- CO., alas publish ths FAR MRBS GUIDE. more, tie is prepared to furuis irtxuns at very low rates. He hupest'to have the pleasure of welcomiue Hto the arbitttk Hotwe h4s old eustottir and many new friends. '. J. M. BLAIR, Warwaw to ...,Fj.H1f vllifvi: Leave Warsaw for Fftyettaville daily, ex cept Sunday. Thrtbigh Tickets from-Wilmington to Fayetteville, $6. Through Tick ets from eldn, via Warsaw, to Fayette ville, $10. Through Ticket frt.m fiolds boro', via Warsaw, to Fayetteville, $6. , Charlotte o VVtidesbornV Leave Charlotte, via Monroe, for Wades Know and Believe frpHAT B. POULSON & CO S. DRUG y SrsraiKS. of .Kdfnbursh, and the lati Store 1st be .cheapest plsce to buy Dries mme..,mtlXiB.mWt' JPtsmt Msdijii in this section .of North Carulir euva, 1600 P.e. fSZJEETtt-sd na. Try theni I at Prjes 07 for tbe two "0 WTATT'9 OLD "STAND stay 4. 1 oatisoi'ry, i. by Ba B. K. MOORE, Attorney and OntnteUor at Law, a l -V BBS boro', Tuesday, Thursday and Staturday. Leave Wadesboro' Sunday, Wednesday and Friday, after the arrival of the Wilmihg t...u, Ciiarlotte dc Ruth, ford Stae,X 3, .tlorrivill to Piub rn' Leave- Morris ville for Pittsboro' Mbndaj Wednesday and Friday, return next days. 1 1 titi in oils' '.re mm' (I 'ion lie Between SALEM and HIGH POINT X. C, fare On Dollar. 1 1 - rsi At l-aa, . Ka -i-i- I I .11. i HI fcfWdaa on tne gre hearts leap out to wards him, every tin -at is strained with passianate cries of devotion and thankfulness. Such moments full to a man's lot but once in an existence and it cannot be denied that Prim bore the surpassing honor of his po ition modestly and worthily. Sur rounded by a gorgeous staff, glitter ing with gold and crosses, while he was as simply dressed as one of hi high rank could be without affecta lion. He looked the impersonation of a popular leader. But for a brigln glance of recognition, levelled now audi then at some balcony whence the face of an old friend gazed fondly up on him, tin calm of his resolute cotm tenance never vanea; one could e that he felt the enormous respoiisi bililies of hi? pnwelr, but that his spirit was equal to "their fulfilment, and that the knowledge that go munv hearts yearned towarut, him, while it tilled his 6011I with a deep grateful 1 1 ess, did not avail to break down In self command, or overwhelm Ii in with a fide of. emotion. I never saw a man of more gallant presences ,. Presently, alter ridinS through the Puerta del Sol and round tho Oalle San Geronimo, ho drew "up af the door of his quarters and aliirhted. We. awaited him in thn laitfn cntiidnr FIRST ("LASS MILL Lit wsntr. to take charge of a FrasT I i. v-s Mill, situated in . --,r.T1Dav;don county. Address UOITB " T - - ---- NffTON, N. C. WILSCl A.G. WHA1 CJiemBuonsviller.?fr.C. Uu. VL P. BESSENT, D. D. Sy ATTBEBOtPEX HOLTS E, 1 .. ii. 1 .! 1 : OAltr V''Tt Ml.ljDrm- IV a 3 - J leading to his Rpartineiits, and ac companied him tVt'ie errand saloon looking over the Puerta, from which he addressed rhe peope m ,ew B"lv dierly, t rs j eeiitences. He said : r ItlKNDS AND 1UNTKYMEN U not expect a long speech from me. I am weary, and ex ha us ed with fa tiene and emotion besides, 1 am no WMftl "t cheers and applause avail me uoth ing, unless you mind ray words and enable me to insure order. I do not mean the order of the moderadoos, which means disorder in the higher spheies and oppression of the lower; hut I mean order at the summit, in he middle, and at the base. Who ever allows himself a misdeed of the nature of that which compelled me to leave the Council in Order to come and address you is lib friend of mine no friend of liberty and you ought yourselves to luy hands ou him and deliver him up to the judici al anihotitiee, as he is most likely to he a hidden enemy, a disguised foe of he revolution. Why should job in ve.igh Rgains' these wretches who aru now east down, cowed, and de etiee letis ? As' they, dared not nieel u sword in hn'nd when we came forth to confront them, leave them a-t peace now ; for to. attack them in their present plight is tne deed of cowards, not of Liberals, Have you forgotten that oue of tTiiSe'l'mscraffi ii a paper not long ago "that it Was not only lawful, but meritorious to put me to ilea Ii. as if I were a mad dog I l et I, who nave withstood and endured all this, forgive this poor uu fortunate with all my heart. Follow my example, and forgive tor your own part.l tyeseech yon. from the depth of my hvart." Such were General Prim's word's asi Jfcported by the Curpondencia ot tins day. lie was followed' by Senor Hi fern, a Democratic leader, who assured the people that his party at a late meeting had come to the de termination to npjbohi tne new Gov- itor of the Iberia, one of the most ad vanced Progretitta organs. Both tin paper and the editor have suffered persecution at the hands of O'Don tiell. N'hi Ht ., and Gonaaleo Bravo a persecution to some extent jnotificd Ly the houndloss intemperance of style. Sagosta has been a Deputy, and a very eloquent orafor, but his practical knowledgo of affairs is not very extensive. The Minister ofiho nasienda, or of Finance, is Don Lanreanzo Figuerda, a progressist and a free t ruder, as io also his nnder secretary. It has, however, been es tablished in Council, out of regard for the protectionist tendencies of the Catalans, which it io now necessary to humor, to adjourn every Jevery meas ure or discussion relating to cotnmer cial policy, and to refer Romero Or tiz, Minister of Grace and Justice, has been a Deputy, and has belonged, by turn, almost to all parties. He has, however, done, good service to the State hy directing the works of the Caditsto, or register of landed property. He is a lawyer and an av erage speaker. The offices of Minis ter of Fomentn, (Public Worko and Education,) and that of Ultramar, or Colonies, have boon given the first to Don Manuel Ruiz Zorilla, a friend of Prim, and the second to Don .Ado lardo Lopez d' Ayala, a friend of Ser rano, D' Ayala is a poet and a writer of high renown. Tho proclamation letierxo liovaiicnea, "previous to ure engagement at tbe Bridge of Ah oica, are well known to be D Ayala's pio- d net ions." THE SPANIH AMBASSADORS. The Paris Memorial Diplomat iqve says. that in virtue of a universally admitted usage, the representatives of Queen Isa bella iu foreign capital continue to exerv cise their diplomatic functions, by reason of the protest she has notified to foreign courts, until there shall have been const! tu'cd at Madrid, in tbe legal forms, a gov ernment that eaii be recognised by foreign courts. The Paris correspondent of the London Times says : "This may be so, in foimor nominally, but meanwhile the ambassadors quit their posts. M. Mon left the embassy several days ago, and the Duke de Rivas has arrived in Paris from Florence." I til 111 U 11 t l W L 1 1 13 111 1 1 1 1 17 I Til 1 1 Itr? I r 111 IWHr H nary te opiB.-a.-an-. -etattor- f , . ' -1 - Contractor. ate discourse. Accept my thanks , ,'"i l. 7 . , , V i ... i I r.i . tt, ' t 'i I uiraa ot ttitj luinii i. uu nt'iruita u coiigra.'uir.iions - r ina ui jo- a j j r; auu a uui uau tie ermineu to issue ate an ert"d .r 4 Viva el Pacblo ! 'Abaj lot Rotbonetf Farewell tor to-night. 4 Returning info the room, ho hrtd to pass from the arms ol one friend into" tliocf o: anotner. livervoy.n em braced him ; and it was a pretty sight forthwiiha lan'o posse of milhtarv aud eivforce order at any cost. The conflict iiHe been so tar avoided. r TKJE HKW GOVKRNJiKVT ED1TOK8 lafl) pokts in urncx. tOK6e a;tiiuid, btiddiiigyoHMg fctiglUlrr Mrr Russell abo writes : i beauty ,.thc. daughter of an emitienfi The Minister of State, or. Foieign President Johnson's Letter to GONEBAL EWING ON TUK Fl.VANCKS. The letter of President Johnson to Gen eral K wing on the national expenditures and the public debt embraces a compre hensive survey of the fin uncial history of the Uuited States. It exhibits the start ling fact that while from 191 to 1861 our debt was at no time more than $127,000 000, four year of war subsequently ex p m.led it to $2,800,000,000. In view of the enormous expenditures demanded fur purposes, the accomplishment of which require a large standing army, tho perveisioii of the constitution and the subjugation the States to negro domin ion, 'the President . emphatically insists on retrenchment as an abaolu.i necessity. Ill express -a the hope that ''if a wise eeoAetay Wadoptod the taxes may soon bu materially .reduced, not merely for tho bent fit of arfew but in the interest of all." President Joluision, "however, does not unfold any definite plan for securing a con summation so devoutly to be desired, lie flares his convictions as to tbe vital is sues of the great questions now being ag itaied throughout the country, and asserts that "the contest is not merely wno sf occupy the principal offices in the people's gift, but whether the high behests of the federal const ititation shall Le observed aud maintained in ordei that our liberties may be preserved." For the redress of great wrongs and tbe ' correction of the many abuses under which tbe country is laboring his hopo is in the American peo pie iV. T. Herald, Grant, by order ot theaProsident, issues au order, calling the attention of persons, engaged iii the nnval or mili'ary serviee, to tbe laws forbidding their interference in elections. Treasury employees who resign, are ol io wed one month's leave ot absence,' with par. Others on the black list, if they at " e dT s s manly dfsajtuce. 1 1v -1 - - r