v tfa s J1 ' ' , M. n. ---a . Tp"! J. . - - ' V ' f - I Br H liVBS BBUXKK, Tke Old Xmrth Stole Forri-rr."-'.''i.w.. aissgle C!e Fire OnN VJL III. NO. 120 SALISBURY, IN. C, THUKSIUY. NOVKMBKR 12, 1868. WHOLE NO 421 44 ECLECTIC MAGAZINE or FOREIGN LITERATURE, Emigrants Cominq I ANDSaWANTED, in Rowan Davie. Da- J J vidian, Iredell, Catawba. Sum!) 4) Years Before tho Pnblic. ULaCTS rso burp, rorsvt!"'. No i-y m ui. rive ( rra fc Draar Afoadr. Lomfan tivttetg, at. PmmT, Oornntll Magazine, Priwir'i MugnHke, m Lnture Hoar, title I I Wfft.l i r. -1 on all sales, s :i half ! Will t HOI III li i Uceklcn- ! IVi F. Ill 111 fission l.iini ami ai .1 lnec London 'i'turirrln. UeiltA (JnurUrlg, Smrtk Brit Bertrte, Popular ! "' Ifer. Saturday Vgvie. h" .' luntt i new. 1 1 Ml JIM jr Journal, London Bern ir. Contemporary Rertev, Christum Sonet, Alt On I ear Bound, Uubltm Lnunttiy, Macmdlani Magasime, Bolgracta. W bar atao arranged to wore choice selection GUILFORD LA NO AGENCY 0 (tii y JarMjr farn'er o ill devclope out emm try . Send us dew piii. ol property, wilh price. So. liiO'imca promptly 'answeied. JOHN H. ENN18S. Salisbury, N. C, - - aai'Ttrrii wftHfW wwf uw m N B. old Mmvoaud Mlir Biim-ral pio ptTiHi aold by apevul coin rat t J. U.K. tVna la Kntu U. Cerman, ami other I ontnieiital Pen dlcal, tranalrted Deciallv far the Kclectic to add to the variety and value ot tae work. i: i -i nuiaber i einbelllihed wKh on or more Fine Jtcsi KnirraviBgt portraltaof eminent men, or illu trail re ot iiaporUat kwtoncal event. SpUudid JPccmiuau Jar. Jim Ev ry new aubaorlber to the Eclectic 1808, paying to in advance will receive either of the followlpg eaatirai chromo oil paintin)r BASKET OF PEACHES, Sixe 9 X 11; IER AND NUT CRACKERS, Site 7 X 8. r abore are eict copie of Origiaal ell palnt inxn.and areexecuted by I'raan Co., in the high est tyle of the art. or, in place oftbem we will eud either of oar Kiae .Steel Kngravinepi. Wahiii(rton at Valley Korje, Uetura from Market, Sunday aloru lojr. 'or Twe eabacrlberi and 110.00, we will send the beautiful CaronW. Poultry Ufe Siie 5 13 x 8. Per Three .abacribera and 115. 'Hi. a copy of Webtter't National Pictorial Jfictionarjf, ne Voladie ef l,4 fpi -onUlnintf over fjOO pic jril illunratiean, prii-e 86.00 or a copy or UoHa Itonheiir'a 0elebrat4 pieoe, Shetlaad Poniaa SUe 8 I - J X li I t. Terms the EtUctie : !' 46 eta.: oneroov.one ver. w.w mmmmmmmwmmwmmmamdh THE OLD NORTH STATE. fTRI-WEEKLY Bj-K trEs of Kruscuimox- j& ii his i .mi IN m iv h Tri. Weekly, Uoo Vear tl . MuuM . J .uo imo eepie as year tH . live ra.pteaeD year WtMW iddreaa W. H. BI DWELL, 6 Bcckman St., York. British Periodical. sfVvmir.) The Rdinhur) 'evUv, (Whig.) Th W&tmintter Review, (R.ttlical.) Tho North lirititk lieview, Free Charcb.) i AMD JJ?4tr-h$& FdinburgA Magazine, (ton-) Thn periodical, are ably .axtaioed by the contri .Miioos of Itie bent writer, on Science, lieligton and ierteral liiterature, aud ntund nnrivalled in the r;i t. mn, Xlwy we UdM!ienable la the ,-li.i'ar and the professional man', and to every rea ritnt ataa aa, they furiimh a better record of the cur reul literature of the day than can be obtained from any other eeurce. TERM FOR 1868. Far any aa ofthe lieview, 14.00 per annum. Fr any twe ef the iteviewii 7.00 " For aay three of the Iteview, 10.00 " For all fonr ef the Review, 12.00 " For niackweed'a Magarine 4.00 For Blaokwaod and ono Iteview, 7.00 Far Blackwood and any twe of the Reviews iw-w For Blackwood and thro of the " Reviewn X For Blackwood and the four Re view...... ...tr.ot 0LUB8. A disconnt of twenty percent, will be allowed to f.Jub, of fonr or more perBoua. Thua. four copie, of Blackwood, or of on Review, will be aent to one ad Ira for $12. SO. Fonr copie, of th four Re views and Blackwood for 148.00. and so on. POSTAGE. Sabaorlbereabeald. prepay by the quarter, at the office of delivery. The Postage to any part of the II nitod State IHTii iirai numum. nun i aly applie, to carrentsubscriptiou,. For back num ber the Doatage ia dBb'. ' Premium to New Subscribers. !few s,ibs-uar to any two of the above period--Hi. rr 1IHJS will be entitled to receive, gratia, any o ie ef tli ifwat Ravtawa for 1801 New Habaeribent i n A, of the Periodical, for 18B8 mty receive gratii, Blackwood or any two of the Four Reviewa I for 1867. . tsabacrihera may obtain back nam ben at the fol low hu reduced rates, via NORTH CAH0L1NA Landholders who wiab to m Agricultural or iimeral Land, Water Power, MiUt. Town Lot, or Ileal Eitato of inv kind, will And it to their udvauLavo to I 'lac-.- .n61r pcfipci ly lb Our UanUS lor sale. V e have great lacilities Tor procuring pur chaser, for all such property. Kor-iulormation. addrvs JNO. B. GRETTER, General Agent, Grvt-uaboro', N. C. Dec. 2, 1867. lj The (iriffilh Lands FOR SALE. BY virtue of a decree of the Probate Court of Kiiwati c unity, will he sold at the court-hi ue door in Salisbury, on Tuenday, tlfe 10th day of November, five hundred and ninety-five acres of hud beloiiging to the ewtate of K. V. Griffith, dee'd. Said land, are situated in the Wunteru part of tho county, within two miles of the depot at Kuwnn Mills, and are very valuable. A further description of tbeui is thought lo be uunecesxxrv as they have heeu advertised liefore. 1 enns made I takiii-' the Mhl'ATIC PIf.I. with 110 conii- kiiou n on the, day of sale. Z, GRIFFITH, Admr. Oct. 1st, I8C8. u.Cmm hie soi Tiiurs HEPATIC PILLS. 77io W., long known ami wtll tried remedy for all Udiou diteattt, canned by a DISEASED LIVER. Pa Read the M(nwing Certificate from peraoD of jlie highest iraectabihty. 4H LIVES COMPLAINT. Utrr, iw 4J. K rrt.jr, (Arrjr.'Sttt, JftttJ sayx : " I have derived grmt benefit I rum these 1'illa. and have known many fainihes and in dividuals who have fouixi tlteni very beneficial, and I have nlsn known phyirinn in excellent Mtandim; to recommend them In their patent. For ah diseases arisui; from disorders of ihv liver, I believe thev are (he best medicine of fered 10 the public." Rsv. Joint W. Potter, Snow Hill, N. C , (January 5, 1863,) says : " For twelve years I was a gral suflerer. My liver was diseased I lost my flesh and strength, and my skiij seemed changed in its color by the bile with which my system was overcharged. 1 became subjoct to frequent ami violent attacks ot bil ious chohc, every attack leaving me weaker 1'RINTS ON APPLES AND PEARS. A friend, who liita littely been on 11 vie.ii to the "IJtil of 1I10 UiiiverMj," writes us iliiih : "1 have just accn n very jnctix nml I'miei nl idea dovil oped on cHra nml apples in t lie ore it 11 nl ot R frienil nt Weal Iltnlinry, MHstmchtisctfa. Aa rmi ramhte nmnnjf ' ., I tliu trues yon are ever ami an 'ii m- .. opy H JoBtiiV So ' luted by nti msuriptuiQ upon tho AcroaaH on the uaiirr indicale.thr expiration of ' frii i t . dono mm it wen- lie the hand ill' II... Ii i. i. ). i . I t I... " II. V lit- u .v. ' Im " v . v - .. ..... ...... priaud i entirely aew. No pain will be spared to make it a welcosM vieltor to every family. In order to do this w have eagaged the aervlcea'ol able and accomnlisliad literary contribatora. UUU WATCH Ka A NO ROR fH STATE Advertising Rate:s TRANSIENT RATR8 For all perioda less than one aiouth One ,Stuare. First Inarrtion fl.00 Each aabaeqiient insertion 60 finlflf 1 rjknfir Pt"ii tl turn tn trru rtk i I 4)i'aK, 9 S4VAMBS. 3 so.1 asks, 4 aortaca, qrta. col. BW OOI- 5 or mi col. ONB COL. l. f 110 T 80 10 (10 13 00 1.100 '.Ii 1st oi 00 30.00 9 an- I 3 an. 4 mo. (KM) 119 00 '-(H 13.00 17 00 VI no 16 "o 31 00 3d (SI 18 no tnonf 3RO0 in on 94 0D so (Nil 37.00 3U00 34 00 1 33 (Nl 40 00 4ft (Nl I 43.00 1 f-3 00 00(Nj I 6 mo twoo 37 00 34(Nl 3 7UI 70 00 PURE PERUVIAN GUANO A ND all other kinds of GUANO, including f. the different PHOSPHATES, PLAS TER and LIME, kept constantly on hand, a very low prices. Our farmers will do well to call on us at once and gel their Fertilisers, be fore ordering and buying elsewhere. We will take Flour or Wheat at the mark e price, in exchaniw. SPRINGS, flUTCHISON & Co ATo. 1, Cowan $ IiricJc Row. Salisbury, Aug. 28. 5tw THE SUN A BALL OF ICE -whkrk DO LIGHT AND HEAT COME PROM t " Sensationalism in Science" contin ues to form a scries of interesting papers in the Belgravia Magazine. The latest than its predecessor. Tbe physicians had been one is nnon davlifflit. and it udvanccs the able to patch me up a little, but my hcalln was i e n-,;.... ... . j i , i . . , , . . following curious theories: in a deplorable stnle. I hail taken patent me- ' fliemrw nntrl 1 was tired of them. Wilhonl j 'I'hc established doctrine is that heat energy or comlort, I was barely able to go a- j and light are propelled from the solar orb bout a little. At length I yielded to dm ear- out equally into all farts of the snrround- nest persuasion of a friend snd commenced lam inu. ,1 full nunn the esrth utwl the filhf.r iklminta iudt na ntid nn fiiioi. th in I I me. rrom that hour l have improved. I have I r Jr . , , . ' inererre.t in iK-ir ....! ,, h- fti'. Awl tin rays of heat and light, wo are blessiiig, am well and htaitg. I had a negro t'd decrea rapidly alike in uuuiber aud man, who, aa I believe, was tared from death in power, diminishing with the square of by a ike of these Pills. My Doctor's bill veas the distance from their source, the sun. annually from $100 to $200. but I have had Sat is it so 1 no use for a physician since. I can cor.fidently recommend ihrm r. a aorwrtor family medicine Haag & Smith's Patent WATER WHEEL. THE undersigned having accepted the 8. D. Wai.lai s. Kq., President of the Wil mington A W.-li ion KhiI Road. (Aug. 30, 1862) says: ' It has been said that Dyspepsia is our national disease. Ibwrver tins may be, it caused me long and severe suffering. Provi dentially a iien. i famished me with a few box es of (he ' Hepatic Pills.' and ihe use of ihem has pertected a cure. In my family they have been used frequently wilh eminent success Among my acquaintnnces'many cases on if Hin ting from diseased liver, have been relieved and cured by them. I regard them an invaluable medicine, nml take pleasure in forwarding this 6ws element is less intense in those airy . Ascend in a balloon, and what do we find t Do heat Mid light increaae in in tensity as we rise in the air nearest to the sun f By no means. Six miles up all heat is gone. The thermometer is nt ae ro, aud hoar-fioM gathers nn every cord of the rigging of the air ship. How can this he, if heat comes down to ns in di minishing force from the ' sun I If that were true, heat ought tu increase rapidly as we ascend nearer to the sun, the source of it. Even light though exceedingly pure -the nir being there free from anue- siiine tho names of Sevmonr nnd Blair, for our friend it n Htnutich democrat of of the conservative or States rights school. .Here yu moot with the familiar name of Maty or Alice, or a dale (1808) -in br ef, ever thing; that may eiifnreat itself to jour taste f - ii . I - r . I tancr. nnu all Umie in 'lie .-km tin fniif. without nhiiihl'iii 'r anv line impression. Tho discovuy was made by I ho Hon. Aithur W. A list n, ol West Roxburv in 1851 '.V2. He ob- 44' served during the humor year that n.o j apples dTd not redden in that part of Hie truit where a leal happened to lie upon it. In 1851, ho cut out lei ters from irewspaptts, and when the apples were yet green, he pasted them upon them with paste, such as the apothecaries use, made of Gum Tragucanth. Tho apples would red I den in HtLparts not covered by the i pasted letters. When tho trim had reuacneo to perfection me tenors were removed, and they would ap pear permanently outlined in green. So, again, when he parted on the up pie a paper in which the letters were cut out, the parts covered by the pa per would be green and the letters would appear, distinctly turned m red, the green ground snrronr.dtng them. The experiment is a very pretty one, and produces a happy effect. Lot our fruit growers try it. flow much sweeter must he tho re lish of an apple or pear if the name of a favorite should thus appear on it, its if written by tho hand of nature. What a superior price snch fruit j inscribed would command in market, and what a pretty present it would be to any lady at a feast. Charleston Courier, PLANT TKEKS. month of Nvvcmber is th best time in tho whole yoar for plant- iag trees. Early spring is certainly a .1 . . l i - .1 goou nine w so, out ute earin settles during wflitcr about the roots of tho Novcinbcr.pUnted tree, and it id rtdy lafliikii hold of the soil and be gin its aew hfe on the very first apt pearauceol spring For another rea sou, too, November is the best time. He tore the end of that month all 'he crops of-the year ha re been gathr Twd a id garnered, so (here is more leisure at that se.tnon tor attending to trees, whilst the press of hueineaa in the spring leaves but little disposable time. We would urge our country friends and all who have sufficient ground to plant trees, and a plenty ot tliem. It is surprising to see how .;,,' Ht to iitfehtion lias been paid here- toWo to the cultivation of fruit by fieople generally voluntary tribute. A. W. 1). Tavlor, (Jaa, Pi, I860:) says Esq., Petersburg, Va., 'fit -ttir eqmng'of iHg, Tiie North a-it:a umu Jaauary. loSI, to Decern- rhe, tSS7. ineloaiv , Kdinburgh anil the Westmin ster from Anril. 1864. to December, 1H87, inclusive. and the London Quarterly for the years 1966, 1808 and 1867, at the rata of 11.50 a year for each or any Oeview ; also. Blackwood rorlrxw and lrff7. tor WU tO a vear. or the two years tocetber lor $4.00. 1 Neither premiums to Subscribers, nor discount to Clnba, n jr reduced prices far bark nqmliers, can be Sllewsd, unle th money Is remitted direct to rS rWPI'shera V promlnnucaa be given to Clubs. '1 k$ Leonard Scott Pub. Co., 140 Fulton, St., Jf. T. r TOT," also pnbljsh tlie A R MRU'S GVIDU; by Hw-1 Sraraa . P. Noarot T-tao. ISW pages, an ! nu Prrw f7 ror tie two vol i 00- se s or K.imnurgii. ana ine late of Tale Colleee. 9 vols.. Royal roua Fnjr.a' inga. rif MaH. postpntd. far ti B. R. MOORI Attorney and Counsellor at Law, LITITOB Itt ItRKICrTI I acreucy for the above named wheel, would 1 I was attacked with Dyspepsia to such an ex canine attention, or tne propneiors oi .inns. Factories, &c. ore-, to the many advantages they wonld derive from using it. It is well adaptedt to all purposes for which a water wheel is used. The small space it occupies, and the velocity of its motion, are attract ive features. It requires but a small amount of gearing. Ice does tot affect it. Works n well on horizontal ns vertical shaft. Suit able to any locality. Not affected by back v iter. It is simple, cheap and durable. One of the wheels can he seen in operatioa at Foard, Tatum Sc Oo's, Mill on South Yadkin , giver. I have been in tha Mill wright business for 25 years, and consider this by far the best wheil 1 have ever vet met with. This wheel costs from $15 to $275, according to sise. For farther particulars address me at, Je rusalem, Llavie Cow ft. C. RICHARD T. NUTT. Sep, 10, 1868, 4tv. YARBROUGH HOUSE, FA YETTEVIUjE , STREET t RALEIGH. N. C. The Proprietor in returning his sincere thanks to the traveling public for the liberal patronage extended to him during his con nec tiou with this Hotel, takes occasion to assure them that uo effort or expense will be spared vq retain the present reputation of the 1 i otel as one of the very best in the South. He is happy to announce that the fall in the price of supplies enables him to reduce the price to Three Dollars per Bay. To citizens coming in to spend a week or more, he will still make a greater reduction. tx-is. prepared tu furnish Board without rooms at very low rates. He hopes to nave the pleasure otWelconiinL' to the arbrough House his old customers . . . many new tneuds. ! lent that a'l my food ol every desciiption dis- agiecd wilh met I was sWoHen so I had to loosen niy clolhi":, and ntjihl alter nighl I ;on!d gel no sleep. I tried one or two physicians, and took a good deal of medicine, hut found no relief I purchased ore box of the South ern Hepatic IMK mid the' li'st (!oe I took felt, relieved, mid continued until I took the whole box. I am now entirely well, mid tat iieai niy. and never have bwm nttucked since. I can safely recommend Ihesle Pills to ihe Dys jteptic an 1 the oommunily at taigu." They can he sent to any point in the United States by Mail or Express. ' ' PRICE rr one hox, cv. t-.- D.-s Half Ur.nw 10 One tir..s, $IH Thr( r Oroi, 50 Klre OroM, $75. The rsh -Mu-t eilner aorompany the orOer lor the Medi cine or It will be (cut I' ll. D. Or u-i ahcold be adilreaa d to O. W. DEEMS, ' Wo. VS, Sou in Cai. sous Srssrr, SaLViaoaa Mo., where they will l promptly attended lo. i For lb Meliclne call on all respectable OrungisU everywhere, and nn ll the DragtrliU in Salbibobv. JOHN H. KNNI88, Drucsiit, Special Aaept. io:w!'.r iy OLEMMONS STACK MSB '.('. Wursiiw lo jrltt rilif . Leave Warsaw for Fayettville daily, ex cept Sunday. Thrrwtih Tickets from Wil mington to Fayettevijle. $G. Through Tick ets from W eWon, via Warsaw, to Fa vet , e ville, $10. Through Tichets from Golds boro', vflyWaiaaW)! to Fayetteville, $6. l li ii lout' o Uaaesboro'. Leave Charlotte, via Monroe, for Wades- horo Tuesdaj, Thuraday and Mtatnrday. earthy bcewmeuttennated L,eavfl Wauesbonr bumlay, tv ednesday aud -r J- M. DLAIR, Know and Believe rpnAT O. B. POL LSON It COS. DRUG J. Store s the cheapest place lo buy DrtiSi and Medicines in this section of North Caroli na. 1 1 v them I at WYATT'S OLt) STAND May 7. jET Salisl.i rv. N. C. IAf: If Ml NO TON, N. C. as4-lr I I IviT C LASS M tLXKR wanted, to take charge of a Kiasr Class Mill, siiuateJ iq' Davidson county. Address A C. WHARTON, Clemmoiisville, N. C Sf. I, 1 w-iw lm ton, Charlotte dc Rutherford SUige. MorrljiUeJoJTD " Leave Morrisville for Pittshoro' MoBday Wednesday and Friday, return next days.' Hciiiiii h AccooiDioiJiiinD Line. Hetween SALEM uiid HIGH POINT N. C, fare Out Dollar. E. T. CLEMMONS, Contractor. July, 7. 18C8. fw-tw-lmj. nlliiudes. Look up from the car of the balloon iut.o the. abyss of (lie sky . above, and what dowe see? At bright dazzle comes from the spot in the heavens where the aim is ; but lii! is siioi'ii ot lus rays. All around tiie sky overhead is of a deep azure, like the color of Prwsmiafi blue, a well-known sign of light imperfectly de veloped $ just as we sec in the flame of n candle or gas jet, at the port ofSmperfect combnstion ; or, to take a better example. just as t he blue flash of the electric ma chine is increased. There Is little light in the air at those all it inle.s ; the moment the prism by the gyrations of the car is inclined away from the direct ray of the sun, there is no spectrum at all. Manifestly, then, neith er heat nor light com to ns from the sun in the manner supposed, namely, traveling down to us through the empty waste of space, and decreasing with the square of the distance. For if thi were the (act, both light and beat would increase rapid ly with the lessening distance as we as c tid whereas light diminishes and heat wholly disappears ! , Calm! v considered, these facts of them selves not only upset the common theory, but suggest the true one. Heat and light are generated, spring into existence, with in the sphere of ourowu planet. , No heat or light in the, wastes of space. Heat, there ean be none, seeing that ihe ther moraeter falls tn zero only six miles above the earth's surface. And light, too, evi dently fades away into a thin blue lumin osity in those upper rerions here the ter restrial gaSes, '.he exhalations of the solid CoiiJtKCT SXVLB IN WllITINO AND SpeakiNO. We quote from John Stuart Mills' account of the style of the ancient writers : " The secret nf-tfrc slyln df the great Greek and Roman authors is that it is the perfection of good sense. They never use a word without a meaning, or a word which adds nothing to the m ailing. ' It never entered into their thoughts to con ceive a piece of writing as bcautitul in it- sen, abstractedly from what it had to ex- I press; its beauty must all ho subservient to the most perfect expression of the sense. I he perfection of workmanship is only visible iu the absence of everything which distracts the mind from the main purpose It was only-in the decline of ancient lit ei.it ure that 'ornament began to be cultiva ted merely as ornament. Kven descrip trve epithets were one ot the corrupt ions of style which abound in . Luc m, for in stance. The word had no business there unless it brought out some feature rela ting to the matter in hand. Ornament for the sake of ornament defeats the very purpose of the speaker by calling off at tention from the main object. This, is the first grand lesson in composition to be learned from the classical authors." thev cradusllv merire into pure hydrogen Friday, after the arrival of the W riming. I .rf into tlmt most subtle sublimation of Contesting State Elections. i There have been intimations, heretofore that the State election which took place in Indiana, in October, when the republi can majority was only , about 1,000, for Governorwould be contested ; and now there are threats that the Governor's elec tion in New York, which took place sim ultaneously with the presidential election, will contested by the majorities. Hoff man's f democrat I miioritv for Govern M ' a a . ' r. M tL. .... - ' where jiiouauly . In ihe latler State, however, ia so large .1 . 1 BS 1 . .- B mat it wouiu seem possinic that sucli a WKNDKLL PIIILLIP8 ON GENER AL GRANT'S ELECTION. Wendell Phillips thus, in his Anti Sla very Standard of this week, notifies Gen. Grant what he must and must not do in order to "carry on the government :" Abolitionists, and all earnest Radicals, are now lumiuoned to address themselves to the work which is vet to bo accomplish ed. The uegroes and the loyal whites of the South greatly need the means of self defence. The question of confiscation, es pecially with reference to the large amount of lands fraudulently conveyed from the possession of the United States govern ment to the hands of rebels, should be at Ouee considered in the interest of tbe land less blacks, to whom, by virtue of their past unreqnitted toil, this soil rightfully belongs. The measure of primary impor tance now to bo promptly initiated and adopted on the re assembling of Congress is an additional amendment to the Const -tut ion forbidding disfranchisement, or pro scription from official trust, oa account ef race or color, in a State or territory of the Union. It ia urgently demanded to guar antee the ballot to Southern colored men, and to enfranchise many thousand in the Border and Northern States. Thi me as ure should not be postponed for the con- h idem t ion of the forty-first Congress, but should be promptly acted upon and adopt- ed by the Fortieth. "Let us have peace" has been many times reiterated during the campaign just closed. One danger before us is the as sumption that ihe fact of Grant's election in itself will insure "peace" at the South. With the triumphant rc-cleci on of Gen. liiitlcr. and the rell-known desire of most of the new Southern members for the re vival of impeachment, we have strong hopes of the successful consummation of the impeachment and deposition of John son by the beginning of the new year.' With Wade even two months in the White House, and such tools of treason as Rous seau, Steedmau and company, of New Or leans, replaced by Sheridan and other I trustworthy, loyal men ; with the recon struction laws properly revised and amen ded, wirh suffrage and the right to hold office vouchsafed to the negro every where, the nation may be well on the way to wards "peace," having secured its essen tial conditions before Grant is inaugura ted. While deliberate and organized in justice to tho negro perpetuated, the "ir repressible conflict " will continue, no mat ter who may be President. Our many triumphs in the past bave been won under circumstances of adverse opposition much more formidable than anything we are likely to encounter in tho near future. Opposition we are undoubt edly to have, bat now, m hitherto, logic and right are on our side. We have but to press urgently and pcrsevcringly oar demand, aud our past successes are a guar anty ot ultimate complete triumph. I he 1 lines, the roil, the Herald, an the "conservatives" for whom they speak already exult ant at what they deem the eclipse of radicalism, reckon without their host in supposing it to be within vhe pow er of General Grant, if as they allege, it materially obstruct cpntest, on the ground of fraudulent vo I ffltir. would amount tt niii.di A a Ia In. diuua, it is stated that dispatches received 1 in Washington announce that Hendricks will contest the. election there by allowing Baker to be i laugurated Governor and then suing out a writ of quo tvurrnulo. Da It. P. B ESSEN T, D. D. S., AT TUL'ROVDEX HOUSE, Clayton declares martial law in eleven the progress of radical reformation in na tional politics. If the republican party consents to be the instrument of that be- niheent if format rorr-arl whH be wett witb both the nartv nnd the countrv. If it re fuses, it will only be the worse for tho party. ' " Impartial SprrBATjc. Dispatch es to the New York Tribune itate that, in Iowa and Minnesota, the amendments to the-constitutions of those States, estab lishing "impartial suffrage," hss been adopted in the late election. In Minne sota, according to the cemrar of 1860, there were but 250 negroes, which Would I take possession of the polls in tbeeily and gieaBaWnnyeolnre.l voters. In Iowa mm were. i,v7 reejjr.jee, witirn wouiq give 14 voters. The majority for the . . I . -'-'' - L V . 1 . . AAA attempt to carry" that prccoueeiiee ptan i .: num en i m iun ia npuruo zu,vw, matter which we call ether, which rspres errt jeren m-vritmurTrof atr arr purapr- The daylight. I say, is the offspring of our own planet impregnated (so to speak) by the solar orb. Our heat and light are generated within the domain of earth it self. A c uusirul force, which we call gravitation or attraction -and which -iaf. Referring to the election riot m Savan more or less inherent in all matter -comes llRf G4f on -pday the Republican say from the sun ; and that force or influence , cily wmn0rities Live iueonlrover- becomes light and beat wneu it enters man tibe pvidencc in their possession to show acts nnon the atmosphere the ffsseoas ! ,u.. .1 . Li i. .. ,t k and ethe.Ial envelope which sartoonds the . of lUe ne(froP, and iheir leaders to J piaucw. - - i ' lim 1 ! prevont every a-hiti mad from voting, and Dispatches at Memphis states that Gov. j the riot at the poll was the result of. an ept 2S!:i counties in Arkansas into execntiou. and iu Minnesota at 6,000 r -