LOGAL, "The Old North State" FOE BALE! ; The firm tf HASH k BUK will eipire by its own limitation oa the 1st day ..f January neiand uMl BftCVU will sot nmm Ik publication of the VfarWiN the on tire Mwipijwr Interest in Salisbury will be to mj baud, altar that time. Being satisfied with my eipertenee in editorial life, Mid for other imnu, I of fer for tale tbe Old Nerth Stats, hafilfcsr with tbe typo and material need to ill 1 nl lii mi Mfin i tojt L' ii ion with the H'nfi hmiiH. Thw typo was purchas ed from tbe foandry to March, 1906, and is, therefore, nearly now. To any one wishing to embark to eoeh an enterprioe an opportunity is now pro oented which may not offer again aeon in North Carolina. Upoar tbe ret own of prosperity Salwbury must neeeeaarily be one of tbe moat flourishing towna to tbe interior of the State and a single aprr bore to enterprising hauda will certainty proee a profitable investment. Tbe circulation of tbe Old Xorth to lw two editions, Weekly and Tri-wteb-ly is believed to be tbe largest of any paper weat of Raleigh witb a stogie exception IdF" Por particulars address the sub scriber at ibis office. LEWIS DAVES. November 24:h, 1868. Comixo. We were informed a day or two sine", by a gentleman who was with the party for a short time, thut Col. Decli- ert, of tbe HagerstownMd.) Mail, who visited this part of the State wi.b a party of gentlemen a short time, since, will reach this city on to-morrow or next day on his contemplated visit to the Western part of Nor Ji Carolina. Ho will bo accompanied by a number of gentleman from Maryland and Pennsylvania who are prospecttug with a view to the purchasing of land iu tliM St in? and Smith Carolina, ami we feel confident tbeyj will moot with a most cordial reception wherever they go. Tiiose amoug us who have large and val uable tracts of land to dispose of, would do well to see Col. Dechert. We hope to aiiiiouiice the coming of in my more such parties soon. 17 Tax Ralkiou Sen hn kl has been sold by Mr. Pell to the Hon. Josiab Tur ner, Jr., who will take charge of it on the 1st day of December. Mr. Poll has con ducted the Sentinel for more than three years with much ability and saeaos, and the fraternity will part with him with re gret. We wish him, iu his retirement, a degree of bappiuess which it was impossi ble for blm to bavy entoed while enga ged in the conflicts incident to the politi cal arena, We extend a cordial greeting to Mr. Tamer, the incoming editor. N What Next t The notorious John Allen Kotchey notifies the world through tbe Greensboro Times that he has finally succeeded, sfter many rears labor, in bring to -perfection the mystery of perpet ual motion XT . The Stat Law. From the signal vote of the House of Representatives, on the proposition of Mr. Smith, of Martin, to repeal the Stay laws, in compliance with the recommendation of Gov. Iiolden, we conclude that said laws will be per mitted to remain as they now stand. Whether the original passage of them was wise or not we do. not think that they should be disturbed for tbe present. Maj. AtkT. It will be seen bjr ref erence to the , legislative pjowediiig. which we pablnb, that the Senate, oa Fri day, reconsidered its resolution postpon ing the cohelfleratioii of Maj. Avery's case until the 10th ot December, and final ly determined the question of bis eligibil ity against him. We think that every impartial man will-be convinced, .on read ing tbe proceedings, that M-ij. Avery is not banned by tbe Howard Amendment, aud that he was excluded from his feat on partisan grounds merely. We regret to hare to come to this conclusion, as we sincerely hoped that every thing like par tuttoiem would be banished from the de liberations of this session of the: General Assembly, and that it would devote itself wholly to tbe practical legislation deman ded by the condition of the State and tbe I i of the people. Tat Eorwyjtnro Review for October bus been received snd presents, as usual, n iorfrH (able ef eonteuU, as , (Msms i llsy,?. rvisW- SsJisbsry, N.. j , fybcl'i EfUKory of tbe r ranch Rsvolu- tion, Senior on Ireland, Hindoo Pairy Legends, Kioglake'a Ineaaion of tit mca, Darwin on Variation ul Animals and Plants, The Papacy and tbe Preneb Em pire, Tbe Agr'l. Labonrera of England, The Spanish Oypey, Tbe Kipkring Par liameni. Addrent tbe Leonard Soott Publishing Cosspauy, 140 Pulton Street, New York. On Enxina' A Lai a ac. Mr. James H. Euniae, tbe Book Merchant, baa gone to beery expense and labor to get up what la generally known ae " Tamer's N 0. Almanac," for the year 1869. It ia now for sale at bis store in ibis plane, in Raleigh, and at many other places. W believe it is the most complete worb of the kind ever offered to the N. 0. pnl lie, couiriiug a giral uVul of .wu..U information independent of the matter nmally given in Almanacs. We advise ail to bny a copy. Tbe tablea it contains ere worth many times the price at which k said. See advertisement to another column. LATEST NEWS. k".OM NEW VORK. 4Bsjjj N.iW. M M tLibeaa Cof atmli.4 i..r hf C I. Trend- well, impri med here for alleged natural! frauds. FROM CALIFORNIA MORE EARTHQUAKES. San Praacisoa, Nov. tl, M. A sharp earthquake cracked the walls of the court house at Millertou, Prengo county, on the 5th. A slight shock was felt at Austin, Ne vada, oa tbe 17th. DEATH OF AN EX-MEMBER OF CONGRESS. Alexandria, Nov. 21, M. Hon T. S. Pendleton, formerly a member of Con gress from tie- ?ih District, and also for mer minuter to Chili, is dead. FROM WASHINGTON. Washington, Nov 21. P M Tho gov erninent approves of Hon. Reverdy John sou's official proceeding and is pleased with his progress and the strong efforts winch have been made to iavo the Ala bama Claim Commission to sit in New York, instead of Loudon Rear Admiral Davie reports that Pies ident Lpex, of Paraguay, desjres to main tain frieudiy relations witb the United States. "BLEEDING HANSAS" Salt Lake, Nov. 2 i, Three roughs were hung at Bear ( fly, on the 11th, which is ci rat excitement. A mob of two hundred attacked the town and burned the Index office and the jail. Tbe citizens fought them off, killing twenty and wounding tl irty-five. The mob collected in the mountains and sent word to the women and children tov leave the town, as four hundred intended to attack and burn it. The mayor has telegraphed for troops. FOREIGN. London, Nov. 21, P. M. Returns thus far show three hundred and ten Liberals and one hundred silty-eigb Conser vatives. Beriona riots at various pluces At Sligo, Ireland, ten houses were sacked. At Stole, in Derbyshire, a sharp hi: lit Many were injured by clubs. The mob demolished several buildings, including the vicaraei. London, Nov. 21. V. M It is stated that Stanley concedes that the Alabama Claims Commission shall sit at Washing ton. Naples, Nov. 21. The violence of Vc- . r . . . s suvius is increasing. Many nouses ano farms are utterly destroyed. 1 he market town of San Giofris is in imminent d.ui- 3 , v -,1 MARKETS New Yorkf Nov, ZU Governments stronc. 5-20sof '62, 109. Tennessee's new 6Ht North Carolina's, new, f U. Virginia's, new, 56. Money unchanged. Sterling Exchange nominal at 109. Gold weak at 134f. Cotton less active and prices nhcanged low grade dull aud drosping ; sales of 2,200 bales at 21 cents. Flour droop in'' State and Western $5,70 a $9,75 ; Southern quiet ; Common to Fair Extra 97,65 a $8,50. Wheat quiet and heavy. tfrrn t ceur betwr. Oaw beAvy: l6rlr firmer at $29. Lard steady. Whiskey and Groceries quiet Naval Stores firm. Baltimore, Nov. 21. Flour in demand and unchanged. Wheat firmer prime to choice red at $2,20 a $2,35 ; ordinary $1,75 a 1,90. Corn firm. Oats and Rye dulL Mlm rork qfltet at active slioul tiers 14 cents. LEATHER! LEATHER!! f TR, THE CNDERSIGND have aocia- YV ted ourselves in the Tanning Busi ness, at W. F. Watson s Old cHand, 4) West of Salisbury, On the Lincolnton road, and are ready to Tsn GOOD HIDES, KIP AUD OTUfiUt SKINS, ON SHARES. We will e change good Leather for good Hides. , Wi F. WATSON, 8ept 25, '68 lm J. M. LOWKANCK. Know and Believe TB.AT G. B. PODLSON it CO S. DRUG Store is tbe cheaaeet place to buv Druea Land Medicines in this section of North Caroli na. Try them I at WYATT-S OLD STAND 'IMIEOUBSCKIItERnas lustrvturaMirnxu 1 the North with his Pall and Wiuter Btoek of 8?&ni it iasci eooos, oWceweTac mm PRINTS, Balmoral, Shatelx, Audits Vests. Shtrttnyand Shet tings, Dre Hut t m&y Mi n't Heady Made (lathing, rawer and Shirts, WuuUn Goods J"!tteh, tfv., &o. LADIES KID A WALKING SIIOE8, Oaiters, Mist-s ami ChiMrrqa Dress end Walk- j in,; Sl.iH-s, Mm' 7n-and Coarse Shot-, Hoots and iintgant, ileary Itoota, Ae. MEXd no VS TV 11 X- WOOL Gentlemen's Clotlt Hals, PoJ assortment. SUGAR COFFEE, TEAS. Sec, 1VC, j - fcewher. Tmi''j', PrH,"ttan?)WraTg. TT aixl V mow Ware, Jlrtxims, ami many oilier article, coninririn a t-iu-ral assortiueut of Dry Uud4. Qroveii, ic, ail ol which wiil be jU kiw lur CASH Oil BARTER. M. W. J All VIS, Ag't. Jruliins1 Corner. 8alisbmy, N. C, Sept. 1 lfGR w:-w:t Pall and Winter OOOD3 ! HAVING jirst relumed (rom the Katern cities we offer the larreM ami niot rotn- f plete stock of good in,thu market W e cuu nierate a lew: 000 1'.. u: assarted PyinU. 200 " Dsssebil and llfwwa Muslin, 1 'illO " Pant gowdji Iroiu '21 ct., to f J per ?rd, 00 Oasts Boots nl Shoes, H prices and s:es, o0,0U0 (Kiundt Uajiiutered ami lbled lion. A full stock ol Ladies' Ll.ess Quods and Trimminjrs, Khaw-lj all colors and iwiee. Clonks (rum J3 to $2o, Hats and Cans, llaidwareaud Cutlery, Carriage Materials of all kind. Oil and Eiiamt-I Ctoths, Sd'ils aud Saddler's 'i'ri'ii ininyjt, French, Calf aud Sewiug Skins, (Sola, Upper, Uurne'i and Puletit Leather. Ilefiued Sumacs of all kinds, Cuba by the hhd. or bbl, Csrtdv, Rimns, Rio and Java Giffee, BiiUifinv, Jute and Bginft, ttoe, Salt, Molasses, Syrup, Cheese, Tanner's and Kero sine Oil, Medicines, Drugs and Dye-Stuff-. Ki fle and Blasting Pqwder.hcetiiurs aud Yarns at Factory Prices by the Bolt. W have no hesitution iu saying we have much the litrueet and newt complete Stock of goods ia this trturkot. boirsrnt at the ! e-t market rates or gold tins season. 1 nereiore we offer crest ludnctMnents to wholesale aud retail dealers, either for Cash or Barter. I u rtdditiou, micustomer will run any risk of spr ing old good. Orders licitel from rompt li.-.iliTs. We Are scents fur Wheeler A: Mei lieh'sThresherrnnd Cleaners. We are thauk- fill for the very liber.tl I nitron aire irivell us and hope by prompt dealing a coutiuuuiice of I the same. ' ' . IIT Call at Siiraatue's Old Stand ni'ir 1 1 .i 1 Market House. SMITH. FOSTER & CO. W. A. SMITH. J II!'. . i . FOHTEK, .li HI POgTKK.JR Salisbury, N. C. Oct. 27, lSOd. , twf The Ku-KlttjC'Kttin is About ! T AM READY to exchange Leather for good X Hide, KiJ and- Cull Skins, Bark, Tallow Lime, Hotw,- H.r!ev, Corn, Rjre, Oats, and country produce generally. I will alj Tait good Hides, Kip and othei Skins, for one-halt. I leturi my sitieevs thanks to a' generous public for their hbeeul pDlronage in my dinVr eut businesses, 'in thioounty, (or the la..: twen ty yeara Sliwi-s L. Brown's old starid, corner of Lee ahd Liberty Street, MARTIN RICH WINS. Salisbury, N C. May 19, 18CP. wly I PLAIN TRUTH I Ti HOSE indebted tome are to cail and settle by -the -loth inst., or their ac counts will be placed in the hands of Win. II. Bailey, E-q., (or eollection. I nth in earnett. JOllN U. ENNISS, Mnirjnst Julv8. 18W. msS) tw-tt-Sjoj SCHOOL NOTICE. THE Second Session of my Rchool will open 'sUiekory Qroteesdemy on tbe 2nd of Vnvninber next. Thiii schiHil in located onn jniLa fcum .Third Creek Church and two and balf-f- miles from Itowan Juuls Depot, do d board init can he procured in very renDce'.ablo fauii- ties, at or glo per month. For further par ticulurs nddiMi the principal at Kowan Mills. Relorsto W. Wowd,D. A Davix, foe., sod Jas. K. Kerr. , A. W: OWEN. Oot. 3d, JelOd. if SALEM ALMANAOS ! FTrmers Wanteds Almanac FoR s.LK by J. M. KNOX & CO., , m Salisbury. N. C. Oct. tf Dr vr . F. Bason, - 8 AI.ISBUKY. N. C. o1 FFR'fi on the corner of Innis and Church Street, near tbe Mansion Uou. kiuinunit-ation Ummeh tbe IW Office at this place, o otherwise, attended to the lir-t op portunity. . B. iTsewse waaaea. - 1 , 7- Qr Those hbtedwilfpleasa call and settle ones. iof -f i g,r& LOOK For Isifo Insuranoe Only PIEDM0N1 IEAL miTEIXSIRWCE COBPAW at riRGixi t AUTHORIZED CAN 1 Al ONpMl LLION DOLLARS' 0FFICKJ18. W. C. CAItUlNdTON, President J. J. HOPKINS, Secretary. 0. II. ratltOW.M. D., Med. Adntor. TUis lili. rul and solvnnt Southern Comimnr pay - to iU (Kliey holders anuualiy 87 Per Cent, of iu Profit: It pronoseatn aid Its patrons by taking Botes fvrtinr half of the preiuiuni i. It uliw is natron lormynll eash ifdeired. It invites It patrons to attend it auuoal et tleliii'UU ami " llif;rrijflitj pruteelfd. It alioiri iU patrons tu cUau( tueir pulk-ies (roni ope place to anuther. . Iu fblu-v Iml.lersare uot restrieted O to tra vel t residence. 1 1 otfers i'io Ibllowlns; certificate as toltasol rsn.yi , KSLSi a CorT IlnrSB, Va t Mareh V5, IHA7. The aflih'rsiffncd, o (Beers of the couuty ol Ne.miu.aud KUte ol' VirsiuU, tale uleasaru iu Lawtiiiiiu. :uiiu a a solvent and relwUle cuuipa lliv.'rlu' I u'Juuuit It.-al l..ttr liixiiruiii'i-1 ""n pany ," uf this couuty i and basides tbe merit ul Itssfilreury, its rate and terms fur Life luur. auce'are sneftJ as to eommsod it to puldic pat- ronste. fsswBAMsltBWg DTrreTrirs Miff OflJer- are men of biaii fttlsrrrty. and patrons cast rely on an uoiHiraulreihYieut uunusi ne nt of its ailairs. .Vims ol in bare xtiwk or personal interest in this eninpauy, and Bunply aure tbi as iuiu(er eid-d it'tftiuivuy to tbe uientsof a j;oud iustita Gko. S. Sntvsxs, Clerk Circuit Court Jons P. Uiz, KhtrilT Ws. A. H n. L. Surveyor. 8. H. Loviira, Clerk Connty Court. G A. liiu.'iani A Co., aitents, Salisbury We also bare the agency for rood Fire Com pani . Traveling ngents wanted. Apply to CAl'T. JAlttS F- JoiiNSOX, Special AA-iit. Charlotte, X. Q Jan. 7. IsHW. wdtwlv 'i he xltilrgtcn i.uiual fifr Josnrattrr (Cnnpann or vin&iNiA.. A. Virgttua and Southern Institution IlsFunds ate kept in tis South. It has met with unprecedented success. Its' fortunes are established Lqond an$ contingency. The Company lias euiital snd swrtw, sasintt its liability that iM eoiupHi favorably with any Lift liiKuraucs C'omacy on tin- coaliueut. which is lbs Wwr est ef tpwesrWHty. (Uairsirs arSSt'sOliuaoty sdministentd he wterted Diseutors, orrefiwntiilMlity and linnn-i. rapacity. It haaestablubcd iu claim to .Soutbeiu i'alroaagr. OFUCEItS: P U h b I 1) K N T , JOllN E. EDWARDS, VK p,lls" ,NT' it. 1). Isaacs, VICI PltKslI KNT, rrttTiir, J. Hautsook I). MKDICM. EXAHIKER, CIIAHLES U. SMITH, M. D. I ..!. ADVISSa, OKNKKAL AORST, (J. CAUKZ.L, JXO. 11. C.LAI1IOUXB. II DIKECTOKS : Jolia Rniters," JleuryK. Rllyoon, AaHv4Vi II. B. C. li.isk. rvill.'. Samuel Tardy, (..'.. .1 ,( I -. J. W. AlliKon, George 8. Palmer, II. II. Cbovkley, H. C Cabell, I. J. Maruook, John C. Williams, William U. Taylor, A. P. Abcll, Win. B. Idsscs, t.'eorpe L Bidsrood,' Utrnaul M. Price. William Tsjlor, .Samuel H. Cottrcll, John loo(ey, I'luuiss 1'. VVoi-tliam, Wiliiiim Wiliia, Jr., Ed. A. Ssiitli. Tliox. J. Evans, Jsnit-s A. s - it, B.M tiarlen, W. II. Tyler, J.I. Cdirikrds, A. Y.htokes, J. h. Morton, It. H. liibrelt, V. ilium U. 1 'aimer. LEWIS C. II AXES. Ag't. Jihl7 twiewtf Lexikgxox, N. C Connecticut Mutual Idfe Of Hartford, Conn. STATEMENT, DEC. 31, JJ367- ACCUMULA TED A SSETS $17 670,288,88. $7,726,516,53. FOR PREMIUMS FOR INTEREST, f 1 :39 3,7 1 ITTHT LOS4JES PAID IN 1SC7, 1,208,75818, DIV1DEND6 PAID IN 1867. t 6 4 5 . 0 0 5 n n Interest received more than pays loeses. Dividends averace oferftOperrent. All noli ies nn-torffltt able for a stated amount . . . AsHuraucecaii be effected In all form desired SAML. DOUGLAS WAIT, General Agent, Rslefjgr), M. C. J. A. Bradahaw, Axeai, fisdislan.H.iC. INSURANCE COMPANY State of North Carolina, WATAUOA COUNTY. 8mior Court Law, tmU Tmrm, IMkX Cymv Culver, ) va lajunetioa. Joel Enwra ) IN Urn cs u appvaiiog to the nthebctievt of the court that Hie defendant Joel aVgvrs b a nou-rasident of lbs tftate, it is ordeml thai psbhcaiion be made in the HvArAnMa a OU Xorth Skih, a nswrpaper fMiblialwd in toe town ol (Salisbury, for aia euaaacotive w k Umi lbs said deU-mlant may aiir and anssror tlw said biU al the neat tvriu ol ibia oourt to br held for the eouetj of W alanaa, at the Court Mouse in Unw, oil tlir MonJ the lliliO Momlav in Aoril neii, or tbe aanw will be beard ei part aa to bun. Witness, Joseph tt Todd, eWrk of oar said Court et oAoe, iu Boooa, the second alW lav third Uuudav in September, A. D., ItKid, and iu the 03d year ol our i:iJ-pcf)daoo. j. it. tuuu, c. a a itmWtm State of North Carolina, ROVTAM COUNTY. Superior Conrt eViw, Fail Term, A. D. I set. rtrtnoM to scu. Lino. Mllttnl Miller, Adm'r., ol Uml Miller, va Aaron Mulcr, Jacob Mifls, Iaac Miller, Lavi ua MilU-r, Paul Shaver and wife Mary, Wiiluru Parker aud wife (Sophia, and Abrsm Mdlcsw , sasj gW TT spfvarinir to tlif atil ii.n of the Court llial At. ram Miller, one of tho b-fradants resides beyond the Hmits of the State, It is therefore ordered ly the Court that publioa ten ha made tnr sis wrrWs mwnrilr, m the Wntehinan A Old North State," a paiier pirb- Imhed in the town of Shbury, notilyiug th said defendant to be snd atiprar at the ties be I Term ol litis Court to be brld for the county ol Howan, at the ooortliotre in Salivary, on the 3rd Monday in April neit, then and there to plead, ati.-w-.-r or demur, otherwise judg ment pro confessu will be taken as to bun. Witnesa, A. Jodsou Mason, clerk ot nor Said Court al oroee. the 3rd Monday in Septem ber, A. D. 1808, aod to tbe mnefy-thivd year of our indepc ndenee. A. JU0S0N MASON, C. a C. 4-:fl!:pr.f$ltl) State of North Carolina, ROWAN COUNTY. Superior Court Late, An! 7rrai. 1868. Jacob Lingle rt. Tliomion Butler. OHIO IS At. ATTACH VI NT. J TT sppearitnf to the salinfaeliou of the Court J. t! a Thornton Butler, the defendantf resides beyond tie limits of the State, It Hi tberetore ordered by theComl that publication be msle in the ' watchman and Old Nortft State-," for six consecutive Weks, lujtilying said detendaiit to be and appear at ihe next Term of thi Court to be held for the County of Rowan, nt the ! Coii't-lli.ue in Sali-I'iirj-, on the .M Moi..lay in April next, men ana mere to ivpxvy or ue mur, otherwise he will be proceeled against as il he had been personally served with piocess, and had failed to appear and pleaeU. Witness, A. Jndson Mson. clerk of our said Court at oillee, tbe .11 Monday in Septeniber, A. D. 1808, aud in tlie ninety third year of our mde,ienlence. A.JUDSON MASON, 40:6ijpr.f.$10 C.S.C State of North Carolina, ROWAN COUNTY. Superior Court of Law, Fall Term, 1368. Savina Eddlcman vs. Thornton Butler. ORIGINAL ATTACBHEVT. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Thornton Butler, the defendant, resides lieyond , the limits ol the State, It is therefore ordered by the Court that publication be made in tlw ' Wntehinan and Old North State," for six consecutive weeks, notilying said defendant to be and appear at t lie next Term of this Court to be held lor the County of Rowan, at the Conrt-Uouse in Salisbury, on tbe 3d Monday in April next, then and there to replevy or de mur, otherwise he will be proceeded against as if he had been personally served with process, and had fjnjed to appear and, pfcofli 4 Witness. A. JuiIkhi Mason, clcik of our said Court at office, the 3d Monday in September, A. D. 1868, and in the ninety-third year of our imlejwndence. A. JUDSON MASON, 40:6tpr.f.10 c.s.c. State of North Carolina, DAVIE COUNTY. Superior Court, Fall Term, 18G8. run 1 1. 1 l'OR DtVOSCB. Eliza McCoy vs. Josiah McCoy. IT appt-aring upon the affidavit of Eliza Mi: Coy, i hut JoMuti Mi.Coy is not an inbaui tant of the Slate; it is therefore, ordered that publication be made lor six wetks ia the Watchman dV Oil Xorth State, a paper printed in )alttmry, that t lie said defendant, Josiah McCoy, bo and appear at tho next Superior Court of !aW to be hold lor the county ot Da vie, at the Court House in MocksviIIe, on the first Moflday m-April nesit, theit and Ultra to .how cause, if any hecso, why the prayer ol the petitioner shall not be granted. Witness, II. It Austin, clerk of onr said court, at office in MocksviIIe, the first Monday In September, A.O., 18GS, aud in tne ninety third year of our intlependence. U. R. AUSTIN, C.S.C. 45:6l:prf$10. 1 A FAIR OF GOOD LARGE WELL broken MULES and UABNESS. Ako, one pood Iron Axle two horse Waggon witb body and cover, also, au Ambulance and a good Saddle Horse. Persons having sneli to dispose of will please apply, at. uuee ta JAMES C. TURNER. Oct, 20, 18G8. twtf A FIRST CLASS MILLER wanted, to lake charge ot a KiBJT Class Mill, situated in Davidson county, Address A. a WHARTON, sr' , Cleauuousvills, N. CL Sept. 1, 180S. w-tw-lss Cliostor 9 NURSERIES. CHOICE YOUNG , APPLE TREES ft sale. All desciip- t on of Fruit and Ornamental Trees and Plants, Greenhouse Plants. Ac. Jtc. ; W. RLAKK, Narserymso. Cbsater. 8. C. twim. WANTED! H 20.000 now. 14. IDDSi JOB PRINTING) COURT BLANKS, to a THE UKDKBSIQNED DAVE THE ,i unn - - iWy save taws ay sos sj she wsr sass JOB PRINTING OFFICES IN VOHTll CAR0USA la as levy ssay bs bvstaS. nrnxKss avv rworwiiaAV COTTOS YARN LABELS, Letter tfUMgcaflSe WEDDING and PARTY SsUetU, PAMPHLETS, - cintLTLA8r UANDBILLo, DRUG LABEL COURT SLAKES, and all other kinds of Blanks sad Job PrraUaf will be done in a style that ess w sad eqnalled by fcwla the State Our terms will be as low as Iks lowest la tae . , -y Sontaera Country. HANK!' BBUNEB. flaliaaary, Jaanary IS, IM. twA THE TBI-WEEKLY OLD NORTH STATE, AND THE WEEKLY iTATCHafitV A Old Xorlh Slale FOR 1868. THE WATCHMAN A OLD NOBTH 4 STATE Laving been consolidated in the hands of the undersigned. Sad the Bannsb sassenasd pablieatioD, esreanar there will be BS Qne psper published in RalUbnrx. which wtU sued Tri Weekly db Weekly, under the above name. Is eonssqaeaee of the oombination referred to, this paper will have the Largest Circulation OF ANY PAPElt IX Western Ncrth Carolina AND WILL AFFORD TUB Best Advertising Medium to be met with hi that part of taa Statsd ' V The Editorial Department will he wader the aunaswawBt of Ma. Hanks, laU Editor and Proprietor of tho Olo Keara Svate, sad no pains wiU be sparsd ts make it SBal to sny, ifstJjerjrflj a the politics of the paper there w01 be ae change it will continue to be a Ire sad decided Conservative journal, bat it wilt not he devoted ex elosi vely to politics. It will slo be devoted to the 1 salssrtal Utaraafi aTthe Stala, sad ts Uhsraey lUscellaaeooaBaadia. 1 onBdtnUvsrwt! to tbe public for a liberal abars of ita patroaags both by snhseriptioa snd sdvertlseaWBto. Terms of Subscription t For One Te au Ssssafcy &sfe- For Owe Tair. f Six Moatba. .......... . ............ . HAKES 6 BRUNEH, TRI -WEEKLY : MoV '1 if r. - i - . i , - f . a t. -r M , v . r- . ' --. - - ' i. . ',

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