BaBMBaBBBSaBBIBBBWanBXW"" E..2E: 4 vi tt if x.r TT - X x M B I t r vi mj i i w t Am u - l. -- EULKCTIC MAGAZINE or t okEIGS LITERATURE, ' IBLSCTSO MO n Til "7 urhrfji iViiwfcflrWeww?- ir .( . ! C MatWs Journal, eJtaemml, Kerne dee Deks ifomlet, ...-!( ', if, nrmuuit o.j. . . . i- ir.Aiiwu ill I'm t'ertr Llonn F, Wj !itv Alo rrS d to secnr. choice eto'-tloiM aiiJ ..tlier l oiii-'' . i ii 4,ue ( tne work. . S'.Ml iSnrtvini, - WUo .f i-rUut lMWrk.t eeuU. Splcwlid Premiums for 18G8. .i !,..!, IS8 nsvinif ojnufal ciiro.BO oil p-mting BASKET OF 11? ACHES, Sic 9 X 1 A , . . it' r"Tc PKtt AND NUl uu-vvjvcivo, Site 7X8 Waiter's Nhonzi new Trrmi of tht Eclectic : . . ...... ,.itu nn vear. $SIK 1 ..I it di iwu T. l . ii m rn i.i.. .5 ? kn'M SI., Acw IPra;. , Br.tiih Periodicals. fA London ua.urtg &evtewtfpm -!) V it ' ) ifVtclO. (It i' i'u NrtU LJliur 'i ) AND Black x, I EJiaburah Magazine, (I "?) ' Th5 nsriclical. an ably .uaUloed by the j contri nation, of . -"STninK "the aL!!S2rr,tnf? tti to the VfA fktm JSmM a. aid to every rea- ' ,Ur 4 V liJv furni.h a better record of the cqr- -y-HjmrOE 1868. For aay of the view..,....4.00per annum. For any to of the Beyiew. 7 " For any turee of the Bevtew.. ... O.OO Fr all fourof tb. Herw.,, u 1, Wack -rood'. J $ ,. p..r lUackirood and one Review, FU.r SiiS-d andany two of tta For M '-4 i'iV iji m u riewy.... ' T CLUBS. . t A diaflaunt of twenty psrwnt. will be allowed to ,.Aw?'!?,2;m0rieraaBa. Tfcaa. tonr copie. of TT-.T" : .r will be aeW to one D . V. ... .iii an Pnnr cooies of viwiiad I BlackwooA for wW.W. aad POSTAGE. . A lr.w for 13.W. r-or umm the lour Ke- . M two of tb above period i t M wil be eutitlea to receive, gratia, any C' , thinT Review, for 1867 New Subscriber f tn fl ve of A. Periodicals for 1868 mcy receive, .rati. macUood or an, two of the Four Review. HaHoWi .y obtatn backiaeU-fol. JS KWSS'S 1866, 1866 iasi It the rate of vear foreach or any R-view; '. Blackwood forl866..d Iff.. m 1 Zu or the two year, together for $4.W. Mj!Je;.wL;-r.m-,amstoS,ibs"riheri..nordiscount LJT C 11. ,..i,.,.,..l nrices for back number., can i : ; n lis. n-ii . ... j J: . ... .a the manei ' " ,n u "'ffii a? v Wh. 5wW Pm6- x..- 140 FoHoH, St., Nt-T Tk. L . POT. CO., alao publtoh the FABMLEnr8 QUIDS, : v - r Kdinbunh. .nd the late , ncv fur ti h!h- wimiil . , I --'-fn ,n J?u.l FactorieH. &r. &c. to tl. many .dv.DU r';".rr'Jrc tourTtro Mark... Sunday Uorn- d ' , tt ,,r,-iW f..r wh.h abater M , tin 00 we will .end the heVl i uaed. l'he ...tll l'ce it OMUpl f ""rlllW ' L 25 S x . ami !,e vel.KritV of it. inotioDi .rj) a.trau- ?.J 1 ':- ,L r J .2 AiV uf i v, fMtuM. It rvquirrt but a ..nail ainount Kir I'arej .uoa-riHei ana ,1,,,., vit affect It. Works T ffcT. .r""f Yle College. vol... Boy.lNew LWWm nnmeroa. Engravlnga ' f.n-tf too- B. R. MOORE, Attorney and Councilor at Lavs, a IOIT ,n u&m.mvwwe.r. REMEMBER THE DEAD BUI5 MARBLE YARD SALISSUSV. H. C. Car-r of VI .i,.! r..uii. II S.raaU n-.. u - m . ?.7? ' ",r.T ttJUr" "" " " uoh--w John U. Bl'IS. 17. EmigrantetlomiTm i Avn W'T1.'I in rwn. Dit. D- 1 i i.lm. Iri-.l, ll. ralHwl.n. Sl.nly, Mecklf n- in. me w 1! ll'l. rur "i . -- - - . - u..n I.. If wmir ImihI' nml ' . . tf. . .-...1 flllllTIIMIOII. vfl Oil HII '". O." ... . . - . ...I I .1. . u. . Ih Will 111 inmuir, anu " tlintty Jt .mirrii w4 vUf I ... I .. a ' IIMMril. Will. pMcl, irv. MrlU u uwi(" " v-' ", Jbc. Inquint pr.-inpliy mmwrirn. JOHN H. KSNISs. Snhsibiirv, M. C, Arnt far Tin fyck.l.1 Jw -d Agriify N II. Gold Mint!' and otner uiiu-ii i"u p,Tii. ikiIiI hy ? m contract J. HE. Haag & Smith's Patent WATER WHEEL. . . . i .. THE mid.- .-it'iird Inn-ill acpi-jueo r aa well on hi.rixontal an vertical ana... ou.. abltt to bmit locality. Not HW;tel by Wk water. It i .imple. cheap and durable. One ,.f the u heela can Im- nee.1 iu ..peratioj at F..ard, Tatum 6i CV., Mill on South adk.u K,itr-.,i ... in tb Mill wright business ; , . fr 23 years, aud consider thia by far the best whell I have ever yet met with. Th.a w hel coala from $15 to 8273. according to nze. For further particular addreaa me -at, Je rusalem, Davre Co., N. C. x.T.xr RICHARD T. M TT. Sep. 10, 1863 f"-'M YARBROUGH house, FA YETTE VILLE STREET, RALEIGH, N. C. The Proprietor in returniur hi. sincere thanks to the traveling public for the liberal pat extended to him during tiou with this Hotel, takes occasion to assure them tbatHo effort or expense will be spared to reUin the present reputation of the Hotel as one of the very best in the South. He is happy to announce that the fall in the ...I.. . ,!' niiiilies enables hiul to reduce the ,... -rr price to ahree Bollar per Tocitixens coiniut; in to spend a week or more, he will still make a greater reduetioti. tie is prepared to furnish Board without rooms at very low rates. He hopes tohave the pleasure of welcoming to the Yarbrough House his old customers and many new friends. GUILFORD LAND A6ENCY 0 NORTH CAROLINA. Landholders who wish to 8eii Agricultural or Mineral Lad; Water Powers, Jlfiihh Town Lot, or Real Eitate of ny kind, will find it to their advantage to place iheir property m our handa for sale. We have great facilities for procuring pur chaser, for all such property. For information, address V JNO. B. G BETTER, General Ayent, Greeusboro, N. C. Dec. 2. 1867. 1? PURE PERUVIAN GUANO ... i m t a V r 1 - AND all other kinds ot UtAffu, induum.- t, rnffef eiirWdSPH ATfid, -WAS- Tli-n ...rl LIME. keDt constantly on hand, a ry Jow pnoea. Our tarmers win oo wen to call on us at once anil gel tneir rerunaerB, iw- fore ordering and buying eisewnere. We will uke Flour or Wheat at the marke priw.inxchanae w No. lr Cowan i Brick Row. tf?atrsbuTy, Aug. 28. ww iDOLPiio mm, Hew York. mXIS, subserieers feeg t&tedHt3Bi9rm-tne M- eitins of North Carolina (hat they have been apjWjinted agents for Udolpho W olee, oi Tbrk lor the sale of his celebrated SOriESDAM AROMATIC SCHNAPPS, And Bottled Wines and Liauors. Mr. W.'g name is a household word in every nart of tWSoutbern States. . AMAH VOLLKtS. -r Wthalagtaa. H.r. HENDERSON A CRAWFORD, Agwts Sali.btirr. N. C. -my. ar. A 40 -Yean Before the Public S s - O o THE IMTTHfolN HEPATIC PILLS, not eU, lo$ known tnJ udl tritd remedy far all liHioH dietnnt, canaed ay DISEASED LIVER. fERcad the followieg Certificate from persoo. of the higheat rcspectability.-JE LIVER COMPLAINT. Hi v Da. C, . Dki, (Ang 2S.I, 1WI2,) says : ' I have derived grml benefit Irom these Pills, .ml have known many families and in j:.u...u wKn ive loniid ibeni very bencfleral. and I liavi- al-o known ;ay.n'ia iii errr(TM ... - ii . tta,,lii t recommend Inem to inrtr yiuexu j .i .. ..r iii.. For all ili-ane arism irmn uiwuri.w ... liver, I uelieve fliey are the Ul medicine of fered to the public." Rkv. Join. W, Potter, Snow Hill, N. C (January 5, 18( t.) ?a) : u Kor twelve years I wa arcat suffer.-r. My hrer was disease.! 'l lost my flesh and strength, and my skin eeineil i-liangeu in u "J "- whtcfa my system wa.overeharged. I bi-came ut joct to freqtwiit ami violent attacks ot t.l iou. chohc, every attack leaving me weaker than its predecessor. The physicians had been ..LI.- to i-alch me up a little, but my health was in. a deplorable slate. I had taken patent me Jicines until 1 was tired of them. W about energy or comfort, I was barely able lo go a bout a liMle. At length I yielded to the ear nest iiersuaaiou of a friend and commenced taking the HEPATIC PILL, with aoconfi denoe in ihem. They aet.-d like a charm on me. Frum that hur 1 have improved. I have p.-rsevere.l iff their u.-e, until now, oy woo? i.lessing lam lemfl and hearty. I bad a negro man, who. as 1 bel.eve, was aved Irom death by a iio of the. Pill. Mv Doctor bill was annually Iron. $K0 to $200, but I have bad nil i . i.rf a nhvsician since. I cau cwr.ndentw reoommend them ns a superior family medicine nvannvaTA. R 1 Wallace. Ei . President of the Wil mington & Weldon Rail Road, (Aug. 30, 1862) say-: ' It has been said that Dyspepsia is our ...;,.n.i llowerer Ibis may be, it caused me long and severe suffering. Provi ImiiIuvIIv a friend furnished me with a few box a . .1 (lie MeiAatic Pills.' and the use of them has periected a cuie. In my family they hava been used frequently with eminent success Among my acquaintances many cases origina ting fmm diseased liver, have been relieved and cured by them. I regard them an invaluable medicine, and take pleasure in forwarding this voluntary tribute. A. W. D. Tatlor, Esq.. Petersburg, Ya, (Jan. 12, 1859.) says: "In the Spring of 1858, I km attacked with Dvspep-ia to such an ex tent that a'l my food of every description dia ...... ..-.i wiib ine I was swollen so I had to loosen my clothes, aud night after night 1 could get no sleep. I tried one or two physiciaus, and took a good deal of medicine, but found if. I Mir ri.hStMl ore Hox of the South- am H prat tin Pills, and the first dose I took I felt relieved, and cpntinued until I took the whole box. I am now entirely well, and eat heartily, and never have ben attacked since. I carr -safely recommend these Tills to the Dy wniir, an.ktlie cominunitv at laiire.' They can be sent to any point in the United Btates oy an yr $10 One Oro.ii, .IS Three OroM, fl0 five OroM, T5. The ca.h mn.t vlther aecompany the order tori MM M cine or it will tin ut C.o. l Or ler. ah.aM be a?dr.M ed to O. W. DEEMS. v.. s s.icm . Guinea SraaaT. t BALKaoaa Ma., I lu h. Hmmnll altrn.le.l to. Por tluae Mertlclne. eajl on all respeetaale OrnaglM. eveijae. and on alltae P"" ' " Vf. JOUN H. E1SNIS8, " V Drag. I.t, Special Agent lniwAtwlr 1 ' CLEMMONS STAGE X,IN- Warsair to Faje lit villf . " Leave Warsaw forFaiaville dairy, ex cept Sunday. Through Tickets fnta Wil minotAw. t. Favetteville. t6. Throutth Tick ets from Weldon, via Warsaw, to Fayetie- ville, $10. Through Tickets from Oolda boro', via Warsaw, to Fa vet te vi lie. $6.' Charlotte o Uadesboro', Leave tlharlotte, via Monroe, for Wadee- horn'. Tuesday. Thorsdav aud Statu r day Leave Wadeeboro' Sunday, Wednesday and Friday, after the arrival df the Wilming ton, Charlotte & Kut herford Nage. florrlsTille to TfttiSitw Leave Morrisville for Pittsboro Monday . . va A m a Wednesday ana rnuay, return next days. ( Urn inonV n ommnda io n Line. Between SALEM wnd HIGH POINT N. C, fareOnt Dollar. ET. CLEMMONS, Contractor. July. 7,1868. v fw tw-lmj Dr. R. F. BESSENT, D. D. S. T THB BOTDEN H jv" a , . . r 1 W HBR. IE. i V r wv a a. at m V II 1 I , lowu. TnK OLD NORTH. STATE. ITKI-WKBKLi J OF Ht'BrM'HirTION JCk ThKHI eU A AN. fc 'rl. Weekly. ne Ve.r .fBOO a.. MoBlAa.. 1 " AetwasH ontaeutiMriadieateatbcexpiratlonol he'lT,-on" which the "Old Noam Stat.." I. primed ,.' enUrely new. No pain.wil be 'P nakeir a weJcOw. irwrtOT to errr tnrrry-i- weAw to do Ibis w. have eng.ged theaervice. el able and ihed lltavarv contrlboUr.. Advertising Rate TRAVHIXKT EATKA for all parlod. lea. than oa. month One eVnare. First iaarrtloa MhaafoMajasMtaaertio Contract rate, for period, oi one to mm aa itim. I no. j a ao. San. 4mo. I 6 mo I SOCABa, I SQl'ASSS, S aurAsaa, 4 aqCAaaa, o,r a col. alt cau 3 COL. - r COL. &.0U M Ml II .'00 6 00 90 01 vt to no nou II IW l 00 36 00 au.ou 13 00 16(10 IH 00 I no n no 91.00 I.NI 94 00 sata. 4. i.l 69IO 31 (.1 9B..I '.Ml' IP IK' SHOO 46IMI 60 00 37 00 341.1 8 700 3 MAO 44 01 60 00 70 00 ttOVI 49 W I LLTTEU FROM JUDGE CHASE II is VIEWS ON POLITICAL AFFAIRS. The following letter waa written in Anril last bv Chief Jnstice Chase to Ion II. W. liilliara.ot veurg. - . , i i'i- J "I I . Kn ng drawn out by a letter from Mr. .v.. . . . i ...i:,,.!.. lilliard declining to ue a csnuiuam or Cngrew. but giving iiib iew u. political aliairs: Wabhikotom, April 27, 1868. DkabSib: Some days iinco I re cetved from an unknown nana, n paper, .containing a letter ot yottra, whicli 1 n-ad witn grcar imeresi. My aeqiiaintance with you wlien ... 1 m am .M wewera uom m wngicw the House and I in 'he Senatewas very slight ; hut, slight a it was l take occWion from it to write yon a few lines, suggested by vonr letter. .Ever since the war ciosctj i nsvc been Tory aniions tor tne earnest practicable, "restoration ot tne States of the South to their proper re latinos fn the other States of the Ln- ion. I adop'ed your own statement of the problem to be worgeu out ue cause I agree with you in the opins ion that these "Slates have never oeen other than States wrthm the union since they became parties to the Fed eral government, ana mat me tan ore tr, nm their assertions oi murj- ,.nHui.-4i in the conflict of arms whicb followed, lett tuem - . - - a i i. . i States still within the Union." Thanointon which I probably diner " m. mm . . from yon is this: The people for whom .,..,1 ihrnnoll whom therC Wl'IC tO DC ..roanizpd at the close of the war, was not, as I think, the aarno people as that which existed in them when tliA war heoan In my judgment the refusal of the proprietary rfnd its legitimate and in deed logical consequences,-and the convictions of large majorities in the States which adhered to the national trovernment in respect to it, catieed 15 .A ' . II. . . i" .1... .., most of toe irouoie oi mo iaw. 3ra. . 1 nave not time to go at n m ...bWt. bnt I mav sav briefly thateman- till"""" - n . - majorities as a military necessity ; that the faith of the nation was pledged by . i itn im in ne recaraeu or n.coc . . i i . .i the proclamation of emancipation to main tain the emancipated people in the pos Aaaion and eniovment of the free An,n it conferred: that to v' this end the amendment to the constitution prohibiting slavery tliMiighout the United States wa proposed ana rauuen ; mm, u. ......6 freemen, the emancipaieo peopie neresaarilv ci izens : and that as citizens thv were entitled to be consulted in re- nnnet to reorganisation, and to the means of aelf-protecdon by suffrage. This is i rv limf hot. I think, a perfectly cor .a.. ataLnont of what mar be called, lor the sake of brerity, ths Northern riew of bi matter. It would perhaps, De more correct to eaU U tJloyaf yiew North and South, using the word loyal as aisnn gaisbing the masses who support the na- opposed it during tne war. tt. oartieulnr matter to which i mta. Awm-m vnnr AttrntlOD 18. WhelOer I : .. ,- , 1W W inu vj J - . ' - policy an duty do not require the class which I have called proprietary, meaning thereby the educated and cultivated men of the South, whether property-holders or not, to accept this view fully and act op- ""is it possible to doubt that, bad Una view been accepted and acted upon three mn-n .ftor t i mil render 01 JA-r aim linns than Ihey are, and that long g ": gersal amneaty and the removal of all disabilities would hare prepan the hearts of roeu on both aides for a real Union! Can It be a matter of question that the colored voters, 6iiding in the ed ucated classes true friendship, evincetl by full rrcerrrmfon of-tbetr rfgte and pTwetv. . . ... iihi'U to Union and not todisonioii ; toloe o. - cfit of all, aud not exclusively to tu Ben efit of a class f I observe that you say that lV . jjmpl to carry on the wWh tnB pnr ilegeof universal suffrago incorporated as one of its elements is foil of danger. Danger i the condition of all govern men s, because no form, of government in sures wise aud ben. no nt administration. . . . . But I bear vou to consider, is there not a greater danger without tlnin with univer sal suffrage ? You cannot make suffrage ess than universal tor tne wihuk, . will not he alUmpt to discriminate, excite such jealousies and ill feeling as win post and so securing the best ana most ul . u-. . a - i a: ministration ot . -iff. its tor an cms- sesi ia. 0- --- , 'i-i... .......... ... . i M.itt. :iiTi. ana mui- i you, my dear sir, devote your fine pow ers to a better work than complete restor . I I .III .'U" " -1 1 1 ......... I vr ami 11 II W 111 oe Wl-.l. vau i alien on this basis 1 Very truly aud respect fully, j ours, 8 P. Chase. lion. Henry W. Uilliard. STIRRING NEWS. The late eruptions of Mount Vesu vius, in Iraly, Mount Hecia, inlce and ; the lernble eartliuaKes in oi. Thomas, etc.,. ere . P-rhapa oniy ine . TBa ... ... I, , r- preliminaiiesiOirrRiiuci caiiM.'.op...c0. They 6eetn to have aireauy com a remote region, on ami.- i fl'i 1 , i ..ii . t. ...ii lestic scale, ine iiei ncwo ...... . . . V , J ' .1... .1..,..,'., bandwich lsiainis given .t..3 uu...o w. the most terrific earthquake and vol canic eruptions ever experienced there putting into the shade tne most terrible record found either in istory or tradition. Lven tho pro verbially cool philosophers are get ting alarmed. Prof. Loom is, ot JNe w Haven, begins to conai.ic. u.v- vt... a very unsafe place to stay on Kn ,r..r from tho fact that the late vol canic manifestations have been so general in their character, that there is nQ longer any uouui . -v theory that all volcanoes have not a local, but a general .and common origin in tho central liquid parts of our globe, where the most intense heat prevails, in companavu .u interior liquid mass the crust on which we live most he excessively thin. Prof. Loomis thinks it is prov ed now that these eruptions nie caused by water getting into that con cetral fire, where, after havit.g been converted into- steam by the heat, it exerts a most enormous pressure on the earth's crnst, upheaving, shaking, bursting it open, electing the interior liquid maas which we call lava, etc. He thinka theie is now great danger of the water in ihe ocean getting through the crnst into that ceritral fire, and, having been changed into steam, at any moment blowing the whole ball to pieces. In fact, he compares our earth to a hnge steam boiler, under extra high pressure. The fate in store for 'us poor mor tals is, in accordance with our learn ed Professor, the kame as that which befell the inhabitaiita of the planet once existing between Mars and Ju This planet aooui nrry unit arger than the earth, was from such . it Id tbmiirht. blown into sev is eral hundred pieces ; of these ninety seven have been discovered, by as tronomer; they are called asteroids. Mining Jounutt. r Nevertheless, it h tho general be- la. . . - .t ... : I I laat O I.nrV lit( that tne eariu 'M ,ww. time yet. v long m .The Petersburg Jndti mentions mat ine farm ownied and occupied by Jas. 1. Pope, on the Nottoway river, cons taining 1,531 acres, (9000 oteared,) u-u aoia at auction, "v j r. and purchased for a gentleman re ing in- this City, (name not giv resid ren,) for $5,601. Sentinel. New York. Nov. 6. - In a fight to-day, resulting faulty, to Felix Larking four naaiv inuniain a none to a distant luture wiwnei-iMi-(; to j. ,,, .,art w as tne act oi ine pr b scntial; namely: the restora'ion of p- ent ;(j.ngres8 taking from $65,0O0,('"O good will and bringing into lead of. gooooO from the minulactin -the educated men and men of property,: ' ,,,-. ir non t o istime.' t. SUFFRAGE IN PENNSYLVA NIA. Tho late Mr. C , an txtenVivo iron m aster in Lniicaster Ov, on elec tion was in tho of having hid hands driven in a wagon to the polls, Mini then, without irivintr them tli trn vo trmitihi fn f?ot ont, lirtndd In fli-Tr . I.... : -4.-4. to : this w Uaspor Wober's eott and so on until he had voted for nil in the wagon. The wagon was thou sum oil tor a i'reah load, and wht-iL iU arrived the same ceremony was gone through with them. It is still the C'lstom in Pennsylvania lot iron-mew ters and all other manufacturers to compel their hands to vote as their employers ptatse, but Mr. C war. probably the only one of his day who put in their votes himself- Exchange. Thin sort of voting in October anl November carried Pennsylvania a irainstt tiw Deiuocrnfs. What led rin nnu """h - - i r ir iinnn . tail. ire , . addition . , , . foreiirii coous. tno ii duties upon foreign g - r Radical, think it a horrid thing to change a ncgo vote from a black to a white direction in the Southern States, bnt esteem it all right to op , press white laborers North who will not vote with tiieir uionied masters. A Y. Express. ThE HEBREW RACE. Late foreign news announces the death of Barron James Rothschild Jacobin Rossini at Paris each tlie foremost man of liis age in his de partment Rothschild tlte greatest tinaneier, and Rosoini the unrivaled musical comooscr. They were botli of Hebrew blood--which shows-thatA. that i ace, though anthemaiiaed, diH' persetl, villipeuded and trampled un der loot for nearly tw tbousan i vears, still possesses wonderful vigor. Nor are these two tlld the only names that illustrate their rate. Neatly every department of art and letters iu modern times boasts of Israelites as among its noble ornaments. The Prime Minister of England is a H brew of pure blood. The great ac tress, Rachel, belonged to the same stock. German art and literature are nnvnrAd with their names Mendels sohn and Jacobi gmonw the reat. In war alone l lie race is less conspicuous, though it has been said that Masseua and Soul: very respectable military characters were of that race. Both ler genius and success in the world it is a blood , that compares favorably with any other extant. Rich. Whig. A Fatal Tragedy The Rutherford Vindicator, received on yesterday, learns, through private cannels, that a deplo. able affair occurred in Mart shall, Madison county, on last Mont day. A Mrs. approached a young woman, who resides hoar the village, and asked if her' name was . Being an swered iri the affijpative, Mrs. - plunged a knife into the breast of the young woman. It then transpired that the nnforttiaate creature was the sister of the intended victim, and that, in a passion of jealousy, tho fatal deed was committed. The mur deress is now in, jailat Marshall. SUPREME COURT. January term, of the Supreme Court commences on the first Mont day in January next. ' Conses will be taken up as foHowsL Firet tw-T-AppVicnntsr?r License -motions causes on let Circuit. Second week Second and Fifth Cir- Third iocek Fourth and Sixth. Fourth twA Seventhand Eighth. JiA wA Third Circuit, mo tions, &C. ; rU-arta. The arrangementt of the Lirtfuits ontJifl docket will remain, tor the present, as heretofore. On Monday, the first day of the Winter term, applicants, will be ex amined on "the rights of property. On Tuesday, the eeeond day of the term, those who have . county court license, and those who passed an ap-. proved examination at the Summer term, aud those who pass an approved examination on "the rights of pmp e".Mt tbra tprm. will be examined fnrlipenaon Piending, Practice ami the Code of Civil ProeedllWs. - ' ' ' t i TT apta2:tf Sauapt,X. C f:wl3.:pd - Br? s v. -.-,v ' -

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