git- I ' eaiii- )L III. Nt . 129 Xi,WiC M.tG.lZLN or t ;i iuu s uriuii.i run ;, ULlcrip raoa V iff . x J.m a, .i.ia . ty, f. )vUtl$, . , . . 6. 4i-iW l ' a... . 1-''" .M.llf i.Hl, Tempi '.i' , tsw W Jral, Art Jmi milt. Cttr u tram Review, Chrulia Atriet) .111 ft,- ictr KltUlHi, JtXMU '! "y Mi.Ulu' Ujite, JMyraeia.. UTi 'it.-4 ilw amaj'jd to naoara choltt1tlftaa lr . u ti.e r'.iM u, l..-r 11.111. ill ''l"'r Coiitutelitttl Kan t li traiMlr tod Boll'y r idl UUernjf and vaia uf tfce arrk. .; t.: i j-i aiwr . .tiiJ 'H ontormora r me -itoil 4r4na ajrtraitoof eiumeDt men, or illu. traUv of i .u.Mrtmii takatortcal aTeato. Splendid Premiums for 18G8. B ry ne ihvrlbar to the Ectertla l8 pijlng lt'i;. ill reoatva. aitUar of lua foliowiag ! Ill I'll .... .1 Oil .lill..IU1 BASKET OF I'KACHKS, Site 9 X II; PER AND NUT CUACKERS, Site 7 X 8. The Uit araaxact -ine or ongmii n "" na, t.. t araaaaoaieJ by Praag 4 Cat, in the uili at .ty.a oi lha art. or, iu place of tliaui we will ii.l d.tiwr uf J ir r'.tie Hteel Kugnvin.. Valnnjrt..u at Viiley t'oci. lletura from Market, Sunday Horn- 'n',r fo anba-irtbara and t0.00. we will ena tbe i ril il Chi-oiou. I'ouilr, ry L.ue tix o i-a o. J i 15. DO. a' cop of Pr furea ubariiierii an Water's Sttioml Pictorial Dictionary, .ne Volane of 1,M0 pajcea emUininn over 600 pie t iri'l illmtritto w pr e to W or u oopy "i i i . 1'ie'ir'H vVlebrateJ p ece ShuUand J'ooicn Mae H 1-3x13 I S. Tcnns of the Eclectic :. lni' capiw 45 -t.: one ropy, on vear tT.i c ,,,iM eueyvarfMW; nvecop.wone yeartM.IW AdJ"''" W. II HI DWELL. 7ff a Bfkmin St., New Yrk. Brti3h Psnodicfds. Tka Litd n ua . U. I'J fieri, (0 The bAlnh'i, evhw. (W' Th.' A't-iatr-r Itcvete (It w ' ) The North lirtiith fit view, (Fu-. Oli t i. ) asi ' ffttuktOfxTs Eitibw$k- Magazine (i"r-) rhs ueriodicala are ably uuinefl by the contri naUouiaf tue beat writer on Soiante, Kehg.on and ;feaaTaf l..UHUttW. antt'Stand ,otrnirati-r m - M rfori t of letter. They are injliapanaab e to the .cri .ir ail the prutWouar waflJ every rea iiax a in a, they lurn ah a better record ol thy cur rent literature .rfilieday tbau can be obuiuedftou. iuv otiier ttourre. . v - TEltin FOtt 1863. i-'ax any ana aft itonewa 4. 00 per annum. Kar auy tvra of the Uejiewa 7.00 - pr any t'iree af tue Kelew . "0 Par M fauraf tie lteiriaa-"-' -Kor Hi - vo'.l Migaztne....... 4.W K ir ai! voaaani oiw Review, 7.00 fr rlUiOtwoad aud any tWo ol the ( Uevtawa, wvo Par lilaokwdod, and tUw of the Barlawa,.... ...... ..." Far Blacawaad and ilia .ouV Ha- CLUUH. licant of twenty pin -in. ,. will be allowed to ( lubsaf Tonr or more peruana. m)s lour copies ui ltu -kwool. orof one Kewiaw, will be ent lo one i.l lew for $13 80. Pour copies or the lour ue 7taws aai Blackwood for f48.". aa4l ao oft.. ( POSTAGE. aubsor.berssaooUl pway bj tl quarter, af the affloe af delivery. The Postal to any part of th Unltea t L Two Gaaia-a nanSber- This rsto iiv applies to curreftt-ubscriptiona. tor back an tiara tle pstir la double. . ; ,ium to New Suhscrtbere. New Subs;ribers to arty two or the above pertod ,.ul, IS6S will be entitled to recgiva, fffta any ! the Poar ttekiewsfor tH67 ew snnsenoeni atl mackoo4t r tb Bsvmws lewiaa rc luced rates, via Tht British from January. t88S, to Decern -eS 1337. biclusive Edinburgh aud tl.eWestmm-ff-o tu4 iw. . mlM.r. 1867. inclusive. ,ter.", .oV.rirl, for the ve.ra 1W it li7, at the rate of II. 60 a year for each or any l view alsi- Blackwood Tor 1866 and l6T for liTrllr. or the two yeirs toother fbr t4 .. - xt.ither pr-siaiuias to Subscribers, nor discount AiaWfty -ihtaa4aaAar back iahs,caa bersl nnies the fneryVreurtaTrrto tk. Publisher. , t HO ore sinnn - . . lhe Leonard Scott Pub. Co., HO Fulton, Sit, ffiJM, L. PlTd. CO. also publish the ma jaAjsto-jO- JTJjaCJ--. r Bw araeaas.i af tS tlabarg b. and the lata I f. of Tale tToliejre. 3 vols.. Royal Jettva. I10 paaws. and nnraeroas EnsraTinra fSstt for the two valuoaea-by Hail, post pa d. g 00- 'n JdOORIi Attorney and Counsellor at Lot, I -AtsW, aw- T&i . - HCIT r WILMINGTON, N. Cr Haae & Suiitb's Patent WATEK WHEEL. THEttitidcreiMicd having atfenry for the buf i I acoitrd th lllt-l. Willi .1 rull the nt euliou, of the pnprioraof Milia. r i .!.. i i.-H. . &c to the many wlvainuneb T they would derive from using it. It ia w tlwy wuii u.L.ul rW4 1 it. It is well lirli a water e it'iM-ritii. to ,nl l ull". - I " I lie Mini. ?ia- Ml,. I I: ,e .-l,M of 14a tltf!- V"1 ive fritursja,'ft fixtures hut a small amount ! .f tearing. Ice a. Lot nth-ci h. Worki as well ou horizontal vertical ilmft. Soil- bU to any locality. ot aliecteti ty waiter. It issiinpTe. cheap ami durable, true! of the wheels can be seen iu owratioa at Foard. Tatum Ac CVs. Mill oo South kadlun Kivw. I have been in the Mill wris-lit busies foriW vears, ami consider this by far the heal whell 1 hav ever yet met with. Thin wheel costs from t!5 to j7."), iiicrdiug to sise. For fuilher particular addreaa me at, Je rusalem, Davie Co., N. C Kit II Alii) T. XITT. Srp. io. 4tw yd YARBROUGH HOUSE, FAY ETl t:lLLE STJtKKl, RALEIGH. N. C. The Projirietor in returning hin aitweTf tliauk to the traveliiitf ouhlir for ihr liberal patronage extendi tohim during hie WWW tiou with thia Hotel. laki occaaioD toaaurf them that uo allort or exM-nw will he apared .o ret.iin the present reputation of the Hotel iia one of the very l-st ill the South. lie ia happ to iinoo'iiiee that the full in the jiiiee of auppiiaa auabbsa him to reduce the pi ice to Three Dollars per Bay. To citizen coining in to aiend a week or more, he will still nnike a arfater reduction. tie ia preiaret to fiiruih Hoard without roiuiis at very low rates. He hopeHtohavetheplensnremweirninnij; . .i r ....i. ii ... ... i. : ..l.i ......... . , ... lo trie i iirnnaian Hnn nud uiuiiy uew frieuda. J Ilia old eustoli.ers M. HLAllt. REMEM3ER THE DEAD. L . but; w mat? in v. VAT?n ill 11 I I 1 IJ li J..tJLK SALISBURY. N. C. " Corner ..f Mln anil lVUBt-41 Streeti Nfr IIih CouH-Hnnie. rilili: nn i.iMjrned continues to fhrnisti Honnmenis, A Totnbs Head and Foot Stones Ac to all w l.o de-iire them, at pri. e Ui suit the time, lie deflee competition. Ha rvtnrtn. thsuks Iia- psht favors and hopvs to raerlt a continuance of tiiein MHJi II. Bl'W. July 17. tr. lUKE PERUVIAN" A Vh ..'I .ah.. i- ( fitTAKO i liol 1 It! i lit? TL'O ... A I IllC 1... .!,.. ,tL- n I11.111I n . 1.1. ll. ... .1. . ' U...........I . .. rer low prices. Our farmers will do, well to t all on us at once and prri their FertiKaers, bc luiv oiderina ami buying elsewhere. We will tnkr FtoVer Wheat at the marl: e price, iu exeliartee. or til iN Urf, 11 b 1 1 11 i.-vr.i c v o. A" 1, Cownn's thick How, Saiisbiiry, Ann. 28. 6tw LEXINtJ'lN,N. C. Htf the Duty Wteki or Months ' AT REA&OXAilLE RATESl The travelling public will always find my tahfc). supplied with tbe beet the market af forils. Nn pains sjiared to render my guests comfortable. , t . Ttro Dollars per Day win be charged tran sient boartkia. A dttduetion for lougvr time. J. P. MAllHY. Sept. l0.1rW8. I twlm Edgeworth Female Seminary rrillS lastilution 'will be re-opened op the i first-day of -Sieplejubee,; PrstdieTSr-Tfre tssiise lor a session ol 20 weeks, ol 1 union, with Board. Washing and .ctiniuiintJisit be socoriling to lhe class: eiijier$l5,oi $110, or $116 if paid in advance; or $110.50, or $12160. or $126 50. H paid fiall in advauee. Each hoarder will fuimsh her own liglitt ami low els atid al-ura oair J sheeU and cases. Itoderate t xira elmrces will I made for an cient and niooerii piutoa.'es, Musie, Drawing, aud Oil Paintinjf. For circulars address, J. M. M CALHWKi.T, July 9. (fit) Oreensboio N. C WOLFE, STREET, New Tork. 22 BBAVS& LsbTIIIE mbaeriberi beg. leave .to rinfurm lac been arpotnted agents lor Udolpiio -VU&qI New York, for tbts'sase of his colebrired" SCHEIDAM AROMATIC SCHNAPPS, And Bottled Wines and Lienors. Mr. W.'s name i a household word in every part of tU oiitbeTn Suies. ADtllX A TIMJ.EKS it n i .i ... a wnsftsft! R.(. IDOLFllO .,t.n,. Salkbory,N.a Yl'uTS Before the l'ublic. I x; V - c J5. y Si i H . aaV 1 W A jgj Q E T1II: NUl'THLK HEPATIC PILLS, 77.r' '.' Irnou-a and trttl hied reraaty or all Ikltoit iltteant, eittutnl hy a DISEASED LIVER. if liead th" (!! iig ("frtifleute hom prraotia of the hirin-t. r--'jwetubitny fr LIVKK dOJlPLAlNt. Vox. Ha. C. F. Ukiut, (Ana. i!.l I, IfittJ )'-. : 1 hxxr ilcriveil oreuf bewfil Irom Hit 1'i.U. ami have kn iun io.n.y families and in ili ,!- h l. i li-ive I them very bei earial. and I have-also known i.iVi. in urtUrnl ataMnftWa L rtcn,rmeutl tUrnt, 'v.eir iilL-H. Fur ah ilieawa aiiuej loan diaorilen o lie !;ver, T bdiev 'llier are tht1 Ix-al Hied. cilia of-li-re-l lo the tfi'l'lic." Hev. .Ioiin W. IVjTi-n. Pi ow IM1, N. (January 5, 1803 ) .ay : twelve yei I wa a'?ieat sillier, r. My liver fdieased I lost my Ue.h anl afrenrih, and my kin -.-trt.-.i eliHti'.-d ill ii cdur ll.c l.ile ttilli wlrtcti iny svatetu w'a irhnri-c-.l. I I .ii snir sul j.'fi lo rrt iiueiil i. ... 1.- ol l'i!- ion. t hol it, every aiti leaviuy nu Weaki r ihau i'-1 prr.b'iwsor, Tlieiiiy. kiatia hud Ins I able to afch me up a Utile, but mj, . 40 in a deploral.le state. 1 hail taken patent nn- . c (j ,1uiet an establrsltrd gorernment fur I wss tiie.1 of il,. m '''J'''''1 ! vonlB coni0t wm. it ,,ot for the wonder- My nest iw rsuaston ol a friend and comusjflt l . J"'' ,u- ; . ,. ukum lU HKPAT1C 1'UJL-. no 1 hid as II n.,w atnnrfs is truly objection deiajr in Hietsu TIh- i.eted l.kira charm on ' able, nud unlc-a sotuetbrrrg is done, will me. F, um that hum J hum improved, I have aoon lonu the basis of nitnfiou lor tin pewrered in tii. ii n-e nniii iiw, hy God's CMjj ,,f c t . tlit r convention. Jn our opin lilessui).'. lumterttu,. 1 uea.t:; to'a4 wii"ii i iiiiu-h n. t reirrtasi itvta it mati.viho. s Ilo-hev,.. ws, : ?ve.l frym .lea , , ' , !(..f(.r,. iiV ihj. U.. - .fa..-.. I ' t - I . .i ; a- k' ft I as--,- in a !-. -ww t - - T"- ........ IN. i,A. Wloil t., VI it l.e.l .nw-listi nn use tr ii BartK-iati KM. 1 Can col lid i . i... ........ ..irm i,i..iU itu-f nine 1 1. 1. a... 1 1 1 ,1.. . . w . ---7 - 1 DVSPJDP3IA. S. D. W.0.1..M k. , IVcsioYini of the "Kil- j Houston & Wi luvn 1U.I Itood. ( Anjr :i0, lSftJi say: H has been said that is our national dkeas. However jhis eiay be, it. ; .-in, s. a me i il' linu s-verr saiiet oil. tn w .1 .. '1.. i. 1.....I -. i .-'i.i mi. M- oli it fi- w 1.. i v es of U. ' lb patio Ftjli ami the re ol them has pmeeh-d a enre. i my family they have been u.-ed I: ei a ullyiailk . i-:i.:i.cnt i i Amotifj my a yii;:;i:f.tnCP5"TiiTrj' chfc? Tinair.a-1 a mi :;ki mrT3Tm.riy cu?y on.i.a- uw. l his mucli, tlicrefore, ge none, seiSerJ ier, llii've been riehevedsnd ; wj,jc, destroyg tin; harmony and ctucien- ,. efSrU tlieu. an wval.iab'e ( o, our oM ey6U.m a)lC cul8 for legiala id take pleasure ill this .f tllllf llX-lll Mlt cured by ih it-ill I" A. H', It. 1 Al a v lor, Krt., I'eteniuiirp, n. (.Tan ixn9)savs: "In tlie fpr;i!g of IhiLl I waa attitcked witb Dyeftcfwa to .-'.Hi an ex tent tint a'l my food oi cvt.y ileairlptiofl dis agreed wiih-me. t was .swoUen :-o I had to hjoseri my c!.iib.-A. and Bight alter niehi I cenjd get no sleep. I Isted on-Of twrphysieians. and to. k n guwl dcaloT niiaiieiiie. butfoumj no ferief. I purchased ore box of the fS&W rlhlUF'T't,i"-' t,'-!!- "f -tba first dose 1 took I felt relit veil,' lal continue! r.n'il I took the whol( box, , I am now entirely well, ami eai hearnly, arid never have hv-ea nttSckeil Bini-e. 1 enn .h f.-ly recoianwnd thew- Till lo the H:i peplie and the eOHiomuity al laioe." J'hej caabasarnt to iny.point m the finitei i.-'liv Mail or iixiirewss Mina k ik. I). a J 2.R0 I'slf Oro.s j $l00ne (H-oii., lS Vhr.e Or.ot. Sflii fire Clr...f. fT5. Tlir eiwli ni --l ei'U. r sce.iini.Hiij uieiioic .... tn. cloe or it will b eu C. O. 0. Or m iht,uld he a.'Ui c.. ed to O. W. tU-VS, Ko. xs, Socm Oalil os ?Taarr, . Ualtihou Mo., Where they will h promplly atun.led t. For th e Melcini r lT'ari.11 r.-p. -.tWe DniRgliti every on .11 Un- llrajwiMi. In SiUHBHaT. J ,Hm. JA. J'.rnjiiin, lirufgl.t, S(.-,cil Aftnt. tnrwatwlir "I WTAtt LINE --a LJMm-- Fwjrtrt-Vir. - Leave Warsaw for Fayettjville daily, ex cept Sunday. Ihrtaich licljets lrom Wil- mlUgtou to Fayetteville. Through TickM eta from tVeld.m, via- Warsaw, to t-ayet.e-ville, flO. Through Tickets from Golds horn', via Warsaw, to Fayettsville,-ti. Cbiirloiico Wjidrsboro'. I JiimvB Charlotte," til .rafffirne, for Wadssu boro', Tuesilay, lhursday ami Staturday. Leave Wadeslmro' Sunday. Wednetdny aud Friday, after tbe arrival of the Wilming ton, fJharlotte & Rutherford Stage. Ieave Morrisville for Pitlsboro' Monday, Wednesday ami Friday, return next days. nraMoi '"1liaaWoia1FiTJili Baarsaal BAIJUI as IHLGH POINT X. C-, faro Out Doliar. E. T. 'LUMMOX S. ('ui tract or. July,7.198. fw-tw-lmj Dr. K P. BE8SENT; trDrK, Vd.'" . a4SV .Sncj. -JtJrf t AT THEflaYDfcS H " r TMfl OLD NORTH HTATK. rrm-vEicKiaV j U-It rS OK A-ltSi'RIJB-lu:.'- ffcHU f.a l AAN f. M A. I JtW i cwxtf ViicaiUaaD KuaTttlial . - iinni One Vpy a.i w hU Mont. loo ! A cam X aatiia paper iadlt-aUUteapiialMu ol the naaaalpHMt 1 Lr IIMull Mill, . Hie ' I'M' .M.STU Ml". I rintnlS. otlrefr new. So' ia!n wHt he tparrrt to II- III ataaait a walraaaa ytoMartoavaryfaailly. In ardel t do till m have eaaired taewrvioee oi auitanu . scoaipihcd litsrarr owuLibutora. Advertising Rate:s ,t Tit ANMIKNT bATia Korall VodreatUan one oioatii Uaa r-jt.sre. Pnat Insert. on l.0u Rarh aabsiaent iasertioa Ml t 'onwsct rates for periods of on to foat aiontha. I mo. I a nu t inn. 4 wo. n uo I noi'taa, '.' - IV A I . 3 sgt'AKts, 4 St,'lKKS, jr a. col H Al l' lt! 3 ul K CO La ON. Cl'l. f. -l tVtM ll.-IM fiftlO t .11 IH : r.n rum mat i hi T oo III Ul IAMI 81 00 WIS) ,14411 litisi mm 3 list "mm a "in nasi fiui C4in 3usi ta-'n griOO 07, 8:lWl 3 Ml 44 1 it'. ISJ o3 tat I 40 IS) 4.MNI to Ml 3' it- i.Msj1 63.00 (ai.OO 70 00 For the Watchmon a Old Xorth Sute. Messrs. Editors : Th recent eleclinrrof Oen. Grunt to thepreajdetwy if the Uni ted Stall's establishes beyond doubt if doubt ihere couhl have been bclore the f Act that our present constitution is fnnily rsla'ilislHil, and to remaitfllie ioverntneut , nf the SlnU imiil the Motile tlunisel ve.i i -- - -, - jw i i see proper fn clianp it. A"" we i u let I as if we were to have oaaaii- ! .. . .n i .......I . . .... a . ... ... .jj-.w .. Rut ns it ll'niibt ilifiiTcntly, i mosl I. iKe w lull l er 11 U.ts (lone I1B milieu , 1 , 1 at least for tbe prcfcnl, nud labor to make tht best of it we can. This being so, the pr,.stnt is certainly to be an error iu the jnnicry ,yeta1 0, aU State, TJ(. ' ovisioBg of tie COnetitutioa must be complied witli they aboliah the conn V iil - the courts of equity as separate and dinliiict courts, and the distinction Ills I III ilflli IIISMlf SSlhyf 1 courts of 'i his much, then-fore, ge none, tion. Hol -trrw i4rrntd -be'ihrfie'Wry-aiTd- eantiouidy. 'J'he.Conveiilion, which made tliese changi'S in the fund a mental law ol the Strtte, foreseeing iLcse difficulties, pro vided a commission to re viao and codify the laws, ailaptiug them to theso necessa ry changes. Abd without doubting the fa tbfulness and ability of these geutjemen to "perform the task assigned I In in, and being dispo sed to view their Labors in as favorable a fltrht as possible knbwing tho great difficulty, if not impossibility of establish- uig anew system, upoo the nuns ot an old one", so just, so perfect, aud to which our people wt-ro so much attached that would at first give entire satisfaction we must still be permitted . to say, that so fur as .these gentlemen have gone hi discharge of (heir work, they have tail ed to give satisfaction, either to the peo ple or the profession.; In our opinion tbe commissioners have erred, in attempting to do too much. That without sufficient ly considering the wants, aud eireamstan- . M-iA Ml . - . , . I 1 .!... Lees ot inetr own peopie, tuey shvc nnucritt ken to transplant a growth un suited to tbe soil. Tbe "Code ot froceedure'' may suit New York,-and mhei thicklr settrcd coromiinifM'g'; but taoei certainly it does not suit the sparseTy'ieijfiea ami impover- Ulied condition of North Carolina. JioiHier thrpeople nor the profession bad callesj tor any cnange in tuo )uoiciary system iu this State. Ami iu our opinion the least tha ea be doe, so as to ' eom jily with the requirements of the amend ed c-oiuUUutioa, the heUer. And. .. -believe these cluuiges in the coustbudon, mav be satisfied without entirely destroy- . . . . . . I rt ni our old system, it is true wis v- sti ution requires that the distinctions) be- 1 . J i. ..ii.!. ;.i sJ'-a.II 'I twecn the Jorms .01 actions ai law, oe aooi ished. That h as to whether the forms shall be case, detinue or trover, ice. TTris"requireineul is inform and iu our opinion, cau be satisfied by having all suits t4?4totninence by petition which will serve as plaintiff's process and declara tion ; let this be returned to the next term of the court, as heretofore, unless regular return days are astablisheU say ouce every threjTOnUlftt which time tbe defendant will be reqnired to answer ordemnr, which will make op the plead -inirs in the csae. ,li-will then be consid ered at issue and stand for trial upon the same principles of law and equity that have heretofore governed in such cases. 'I'll .-. or r. .tinili . . like tliia, rr beliere would .(in. i, il not-aatiafy, the tiofeaaiiui. Uut to Lave ttu aumiuoin, tin- couiuiTiil, tlie clerk oi tdf a jmlc of iLeUtuuical Uw, u every i AVn mnu eaiiou iiml deniive ih ueoole of that C'ti rial atl. clioii and choiro ol couuail lliey have lii-rvtiiforc had The fewer and simpler tjie f.m.mi nnd ..t'. r ..t.. .1... l.......r tit. f. u i-i I UIH Ill INVtwIlH mu mm. j ..V .i . 1 1 . .i... anil simuier UN ruieii m hi" i.v wvnni. aj . .i r nu iiic mi's iiiu " common law can bo codified "ao a to and eveiy ly iu the yur tande r,-turi. uway fititn the towns, uml in a low day, la now proridi-d k-.the "Code' yeaniyiiU will lie iiiil.'poodfiit cuii- have the lettilenicy and ultimate i it. ot 'u.uU ( alJj 1M.,,v. to loralixc and In break down ihcpraetie A C McNaCLKT .. i . i. . . . .... .... i .1.. nil.!. ats uw i ! iu no iii; o'"- " . rv.-to Iticrenao the eHMa nf li i 1 v ..(;,- it. s" as Sv.ks in Boh have no law except what ia to be found ,ur a woman, tiiotigu except in the rode" ia out of the queation. ing the height, the lace, and the or lllackatoue thought tho aucicut Eng- diiiary Btihbiittite for a bonnet, there liah wise U not atteitipUug to write either was nothing td indicate the form by their coiisiuutiuu or law. Aud any at tempt now ut having a ptrect code of writ en laws -beyond a new nviaal of our r to meet thu n ijuiiement of th aim ml. .1 conslitution, ami what may fol low from established ami well dihiied principles, will be without beneficial re .ul;s. Iu our opinion, it would bu just as eaay to write a perfect code oT the va- r ,1.. I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 il lll?i' I leet I l' .""Hit ' n f assv saaBa. - l u ii unoi.l .e tnwritaa iierlect code of the common iaw. r Then without discusslne this matter further, we desire to sav that wo most heartily niiDrove of the call in your paper of the 19:ii inat., over the signaling ol "One of the lWcssion," lor a meeting ol the Judges and Har at Raleigh, ou the ICth of this month, aud wo arc glad to be able to state that this call nn eta with the warm approval i f several of our Judgoa, among w.ora i uouutuoenu ou. c.i.,.-, eil Chief Justice, nnd at least one ot tho i... 1 ... tt It 1. V : t .1 'i ...1.. ttu nucs iiiTt 11 1 - iiriit'trii lii.ii this meeting will leave a lasting impress upon the history of our judiciary system, and abould bo lully aUuudrd. Davis. For the Watchman North State. 'CoM'MBce Tkxas, Xov.J3, 18J:i. Xorth Stutc d Watch man : Tlio publica tion, over my signaftire in your iastio, about the 1st October last, offering inducements to j'our citizens to emi grate to Texas, has induced such an iminenco amount of correapondenoe frotrt yonr rcadcri-, that I find it will be a mat I or of imposbi bilily to reply iu detail, conseqneiily 1 beg a small -pace iu your columns, to itnswur a few of the leaditijs interrogatortta f which hale.beeir pr .p'onnded to me" by yonr citiaens regarding our &tnle. First. Our Srafo is abundantly supplied with TtacLrs of all grade's; and I can offer n stibstaniTal n luc meuts for an increase in this cla:8 of emigration. Every city," town and" neighborhood, is atliply stiplied, and eIncation is far in advance of many of our eastern Slates. t, Second. Our stores nnl business hooa are fail to overflowing with dellcato yoniig.uif-U vvliose h ghest ambition is to cultivate a tttiy itrous tache and tw it a gold headed rattan. The towns ate full of them : seeking onml.iv int'tit. and oSeriuaT to work for nothiso till they get n start. Where most of them come from -how they got here or whether their "mam my knows their out" is only a ques tion 'known to themselves. Thud. About every eighth man you meet here, is a lawyer or a doc-, tor, and Ido not heistaso to say that the majority of them are of as high oTiTeT of arfrity atid accompirshmrittr a-. U to lie I'oi not exceuted ore, SaiaJjsury j FoiMiTii. 1 hero is a lino neni, in . m i I It which gom0 denominations of preach era cnnll ox;raTe ; provioou toey liavo no dewrejq preach jTorjnsrtey. The particular cIhs-s of preachers . j.. .j .i most needed, is eood "old rrtsbyte nana ami ' li.tiirfcoti.ti -. - ine iueino disfs and Baptists are numerically, well represented mtd only preach tortlie love of it ; not receiving any r pay nor ao tney ask ir. Fifth. Politicians afo at a low ebb. Nobody has any conlidencc ill them. and only use them for langliiug stock, j Six 111. 1'rinters atnl news publisli ers aro well, and si well encouraged that every town "and county supports a new-paper; Ftxally. Our Sta'e is alone calcn- tared to enconra'ge iho yeomanry of the land the sturdy farmer the me chanic men, who urith bronzed face and hands cartbjuuge heroically into tbe corn and cotton field, can drive the band saw. and wield the sledge hammer. To all inch, Texas offers (WHOJiK NO iitiatiriAiiafd itidticuint'iiti. dine with your uxu ami ynur ho; 4MMha Ihtliilfciuiitt of lint linieist farmer; m'k h lumie in liu eounrry, and korii xhn. Tliu editui of the J'tymouth JCtn-k waa IH U'tol-.n I. isl m ceK, 44 "I while .ir.siii5f up Winter Street taw rerirahli Klrcetan betid; which he Ij. . I rthttadeajcnliee: The frame or Sirare d hwi which i . " ho furiacurtt waa aparently de vt Inch Uml ill ucstriktes female tx-Htity and loveliness, lhe dress worn was of a brown poplin, profusely trim tnetl with muKeiiia triminin, and this viu sprettd over a something very much the fdiupo of a cliareoal maker's "raking in baaket," which, being in varied, seemed lo have been fastened to lhe back of the person i above t ho hip Asa counterbalance the hitire h:tJ tn her bo)l appar en tly two halves of a large sized Val ! puraso eonash. and, with a pair i boot heels boini) three inches h i unJ her anus poised so as to kee herrell' from topplitiir over, this fe male -"caricature' was trying to get over the sidewalk, working one side at a time, and holding lhe headway by her heels, which seemed to drop into the bricks very much like the , q( catchd ' ... , in a vessel a cap ed our way v v-,uv"' tin- curious crowd to get in front of this gradually moving figure, expect ing to see Jiei shedding tears anguish for having such p.inishment inflicted upon her, but instead wo found her wiih a self batisfied air such as is or dinarily worn by shallow brained women. Who the creature was or what she had done to deserve such a punishment we were unable to learn, any fintherthan this was a ''Grecian 'jend,' or a bender. Wo have no desire to assimilate to the character of Uut old Bourbons, who never learned or forgot anything, hence wo shall cheerfully concedo to tlio National and State govern meuts all that" is duevthem aud their ofliceits, - whenever. . a 1 1 1 1 w 1 1 0 re ver we find them making an honest effort to restore the country to its pristine vlg or, happ ness and piospeiity, be it by the hands of Democrats, Kadicabor Conservatives; no hide bound policy isotirs; no bitterness rankles in our heart; what wo want, and all we want, is the commonand the greatest umotit of good to fellow-citizens first of tho State of North Oarolina, secondly of Iho whole American land and nation and for tliiewe shall aW ways continue to strive. Henderson, Index, , TO THE GERVl.VX POPULATION 6F NOUTH AND SOUTH CAUOLlSA. ON or before th first of February nert (provided "00 subscribers are obtained by t int time), the undersigned proposes to issue from the Daly Mksshn.h.k otbee, live'GERMAN" Wi?ekly newspaper, to be called "The U "'Umax Weekxy Messex- The German Weekly Meisenyer will eon tain all the latest Home and Foreign News, aud is to be devoted to the adaauceinent of Iinmijration to the Southern States, Home JtirriiiltMre. Uural TTmntasair Itfa chanical Arts uaa the 'Ftrestde.-';;': "":" The paper. like DALV MKSSESOEa, Will be strictly 1 )einoerat io in polities and its aim will ever be to encourage Iiinnigration. and to aid fn f.e building np the Soorthern States, whioh must be done at all hazard . ' We confidently rely on the Press, and on1 our friends throughout the "Southern States, io whoae interest we shall labor inthe fu- Tl U ruins past, w waig b g ww-y trtant Enterprise. Kates ot sutwcripuou 4.00 per annum. Address .rr ha a ny-tTVFTtr JLL1L A. HU.M 1 Daily Messeuger, Oold'boni'. S. C. GET THE BEST Turner's N. C. Almanac For 1869, Km the fitate Gvvernment in full ; all thoConrts of the Sih'- ; the Militia System ; Postal ratosy Aale of Oonfederats eurreucy ; Homestead law 11, ,.f Kititxiinstitutiou : Kail roads and otar ces ; Tallies. Recripta, Anecdotoa, Ac, making ; tiw. m.wt ivtmnlete and valuable Almanac v. er nnblisbcd in the State. Price, per oepy, only 10 cants. Per gross, 7 00. for sale by JAS. a'aWSIM. B .killer. Si'barr and Baleigh of 1 v i m ar ... A. " . ' ' ha 4r? I I ,m ssai.v

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