, ... -fVAHl ' ' - -- J. ,, , r . . .j . BJI ' BjnBaaannVi i : --Lajaasrsrr- - By ani V him m: ic. Old Ht-u'Cl. Ule rrerrr."-uw. Fire ( fin . its VJL HI. NO. 131 SALISBURY, N. C. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1868. WHOLE NO 44 ECLECTIC MAGAZINE or Haag & Smith's Patent WATER WHEEL. 'I'll I - uuderaigned having accepted the 40 Yearn Before the Public. FOREIGN LITER A TV RE, H"J ? .bo;,. o.u.j wbL mu e rail the attention, of the proprietor of Mills. i 2 OLD NORTH STATE. fTRI-WKUKlsY J t J-IIA TKS OP RUBSCRIPTIUX . TKMMS CSH IN ABUN.H umrip raoa . ..I I 01 oV.fi Jrterto, Xtrn BMt -Wmrm, Popular Srirnet H't. & i. . 1 1 .' i - . ' ' i i nln-r't Journal, Ai t Junrmll, m . CormkM J.lgtt. tut , I I . I' .'I .... . Leuart Uomr, ttmptr liar, ttrrirtr. i0H4qtfjjpg$0qlf0 JfKlf , t 1 jwfiaB Ilia ft AiiB.al t .1 IA. I ir ttimml, Dublin Vnleertlly, Ml. n,lt.ti M't.rtunr. K.l'ir.i,,., K.i. i..i H . Ar. Ac. to the man advantage tl.ey would derive frmii using it. It l well AVrae 4m Vu U...-.., adaptt lo R purp,.,, fur which l.tmilim . , j, I . I : ..,1 'I'l, aiumil it ami the velocity ul ita uiotu.n, are ; ire feat urea , It require hut a auiall amount ! of iri-ariug, Im doe al affect it. Worka 1 aa ell u horisontal aa vertical abaft. Suit 1 able to hi. v locality. Not affected by back water ll annul ahaMUi and UmabW of the wheel call be aeen iu ..peratioa at ' r..:u,l. Tatuui & lV, Mill ou South Yadkin , River e- 1 1 isilvTrTXW - .. hv aitrau-' ULi r m ' W ... I' ' - cbb aaa I -tmt it,.. Trl. Weakly, our Vaar... ma Mouiim.. ii' l - - a l : ui a fro.a tba Kren., Uriaan. .iul utacr Conttaanul , I have been iu tlw Mill wriglit buaiueat i'.t.o tranalrWd epeii.lly for the rVleitic to j for year., aud roimider thia by far t be beat all tlierHety anJ ralue ! tlie work. I wh-ll I have ever ret met with. Tin wheel ': i i iii aiier i. u' ' 1 1 -:-! Willi unrnri i . i ..; i ;i ivinnii unrtraiUuf riuiuriit mrii. ur illua traiiva fiiartaut hiatonral evenU. ple: Ud Premiums for 1868. ry .ie ih briber to the Krlertic 1888. payioR n ii iIvukm. will re-eire elttier of the following Mi itiful r'lroiao oil p iintinn IIASKKT OK I'KACHES. Size 9 X 11; C Ii S) NIT T CIUCKERS. Sue 7 X 8. i .ii.i? irerxict I'o'uie of ori(iual oil j.aiiit .... i ii uleJ by f'raim .. intlie btgh- ,: iv ut or, iaiilaoe of thaia'Wa will iml , . ,- ,i? Htea. Knitraviawa, WmiliiujrUiii ut , u ii from Market, Sunday Morn- . ; i. Tiii-r .iiiJ 410 UO. we will enl the .. ii. i Poultry ufe iie si-a x s. ... iM-ni mi i 15.IK. a r..p of (" . !, V t'huml Pictorial Dictionary, ...j .' ...lui i ol 1,'MO ptK' ouiitalnluf orer flOO pic .: i' ul i it ion, prire 8 00: or a ropy of Koa - . .'.l.iAtr.l p:ere, Mueuana l ouie. rir 1-3 v I'J I I. TeriH of the Eclectic : o:hV 4i ct one copy- ue year. f' ' i frn 1. to n'75, acconliuar to aiie. 1 1 U- .... ... . Tl ' or Turtlier iartiruiHr aUJreva ue ai . je ' ruaalein, Davie Co.. X- C. KIC'HAKU T. Xl'TT. Sep. 10. ltW. 4tw 'M i.ii INI niP -o;nrs o rv . uiic.ii." j C i one year fJ U live opie one year riO.OO W. II HIDWKLL, .1 ft . !, hi i" St., AVr York 5r .tuh P er?bdical. ' ',) ' Mn uu ti ibj Hi c'ww, (( ! YARBROUGH HOUSE, FA YETTEVILLB STREET, , RALEIGH. N. C. The PrtM.fietor iu returning hi aincere tliank to the traveling public f.ir theltlieral patroiiMKc extended lohiiii durius hiacoun iMiu with la at Hotel, takee.ieeaeiou iounre thetn that no effort or expeiiae will be upared to retain (heyresetit reiutation of the Hotel aa one of the very Wat in the South. lie in-happy fo iintiouucethat the fall inthe pi ice nfiipplie enable hfiii to reduce the pi let) to Three Dollars per Day. Tocitizeu ruiiiiuir in to pend a w.'k or more, be will still make a greater reduction. lie i prepared to furuialt Board without room at very low rate. He holies. tohavethepleaiire of weIi'omllir to the V arhroiiirh Houae hi old oustnu-er aud many new friend. J, M. BLAIR, lu rk rue hltttbartj ecu iff, (IvVii'i,.) A'it ii'atxtir lioii io. (It .i.-il.) NuttU British it view, (Fin L5I.ii h ) AN I) u cathvuryn rn.au an hi ) t'aa periodical are ably sustained by the contri iti a of the beat writer on -wienie, Religion and . . i.-ral l.imrature. and atand unrivalled in the " ".Hd oi ' letfera. Yfiey-ar? iBdWpe1Ia16 TVrtTir - i ilar aud ibo proteiw onal raau. and to every rea I'iiU man aa. the furm.h a betUrrecirtd ol Hie en r real literature of the da) than can be obtained from auv other source. y TERM-FOE 1868. For any one af the Iteview 14.00 perannum. For aiiy twi f tua Beewa 7.00 " for any three of the-Keview.. v 0.00 Far all fooi of the lieview 12.00 For Ulaokwood'a Magaaine....... 4.00 For niackwood and one Iteview, 7.00 For Blackwood and any two of the - Review, 10.00 For Blackwood' and three of the Brviewa, .......13.00 Far Blackwood and the four Be- viewa,. ............ .io'V CLUBS.. A diacouataf twenty par on, will be allowed to lulwof lonr or more pernon. inn, tour copieoi Blackwood, or of ooe Review, will be aent to one ad treat fr 111.80. Fonr copte of the tour Re view and Blackwood for M8.00. and ao on. POSTAGE. SabacribennHoald prepay by the quarter, at the o IBce af delivery The Pontage to any part of the United State t Two ('BUT a number, ihi rate aaly appltea If. currtutanbacriptiona. Forback num bar the postage ia double, - ' Premiums to New Suhttcrlbera New S ii tn-libera to aav two of the above perio rain for 1868 will be entitled to receive, grati. any one pf the Fenr Reviewefcr 1887 New .subscribers 'to alMke ef the iTeriodh-als for 1868 mcy receive, gratia. Black wood or any? tu ot the- Faiur lie riea fs lucriher may obtain baJk number, at the fel lo wing reduced rvia tnfi, rwm. rue xortn orin.u " . - . u, - , laiaaive : r.iniuiHrKir anu i i.r ... n - tMr'. inruisne. The. 1857 ... Inrll I i i 1M67 at the rate of 1 .50 a year forcaVli or any ESKl for 1888 ana I867for 13, 50 a rear, or the two year together for N.Otk f .Mdither preiaiuins to Subscribers, nonlisconnt to flab nr reduced price for back namber.-can be allowed, unles the money ia remitted direct to lb PuBHahMU. iih ' - Na areninms caji be given to nuba. v 'ike Leonard Scott Pub. Co. , 140 Fulton, St., N. Y. REMEM3ER THE DEAD. BUIV MARBLE YARD SALISBURY. N. O. Cornrr .if Main and Ca:ll Sir-. 1, Nr.r in- C' lirl lliuiw. 'til K mi Icrs.gned rontinne to lurnish Moniioiriils. Tomb, llea.l and Knot Stones. Ac. to all alio I. -.f tliem. at prices to suit the times. He ilehe competition. He return thanks for pRst faior and hopen-to merit a continuance of them. JOHN II. Kl'IS. July 17. t8f, m PURE PERUVIAN GUANO t ND all other kinds of GUANO, including I the different PHOSPHATES, PLA8 f MR ivird" ti ME; hrpr wwsrttrtly-tm hnrnt, n very low price Our burners will do well to call on us at ouee and -t their Pel tilizere, be lore orderintr and buying i-lsewht-re. We will take Flour or Wheat at the marke nrice, in exchange. SPRINGS, nUTCHISOH&Co. A'o. 1, Cowan's lirick Row. Salisbury, Aufr. 28. 5tw FUiVATKliOAUUlNU. LEXINGTON, N. C. By the ?, Week, or Month, AT REASONABLE RATES. The travelling public will always find my tahle supplied with the best the market af fords. No pains spared to render my gUeyt comfiifiahle. Two Dollars per Day will he charged tran sient boarders. A deducttou for longer time. J. P. MAURY. Sept. in. 18fi8. twlin Edge worth Female Seminary . c 'PIUS Instil utidn will be, re-opened on the JL first day of September, , with a full corps of Teachers. The enh're ex- THE MM'TMHHN HEPATIC PILLS, 77. hi ., Img Ichoicm ttuJ mil tried remedy fur all .'.i" mated hy a DISEASED LIVER. t-if K.-ad the lollou ing Ctrtificatm Irorn peisoiir- of Hie hij;liel resiw-etahillly LIVER COMPLAINT. lUr. Da. 0. V. Di, (Aug. 23 J, )W2.) y : ' have ilerivrd reuf heu'fit liom lbee Pill, and have known many families and in dividual who havetoulid llirni very bcreficial, and I have also known aiAtai.'i'.iM in ur, , t ttandimtj Ui i ttm to thiir putimU For all diseases an." ' Iiion disonh'ia ol Ihe liver, I believe thev are the beat uiedicme of fereil to the public. ' Kkv. Jong W. I'utteo, Snow Hill, N. C, (January 5. IHC'I.) says : " For twelve yeais I was a great anfieri-r. My liver was disea'd I lost my Mesh and strength, aud my skin ffintl changed in ita color by the bile with which my system wa own haipeu. I Decani e subjocl lofnqiM-nt and vffBtiit attai ksol bit ion cbolie, ei-ry altark leavirL' me weaker than lis predecessor. The physicioi bad beeo able to latch me up a little, but my health was in a deplorable state. I had taken patent me dicine until I Was tired of them. Without eiietgy or comlort, I was barely able to go a bout a little. At length I yielded to the. ear nest persuasion of a friend snd commenced taltHtg n..- HEPATIC PILLS. nli noeot,li lenee in I hem. Tlu-y acted like a charm on me. Fmm llrat It in J kaveimnrornl. 1 hale jwrtevu4.-d. in, their, use, until now, by Qod V bU-samg, am well and heat ty 1 had a uegro man. u Im. ni believe, wastareil Irom dcalb by a ihrsc ot these Pill. My Doctor' biilVuv niiuh .mm to- but 1 ha h no u.- lor a physician s;n e. I can coi.lut.-miv recommend them a superior family medicine DYSPEPSIA. S. D. Wallace. F-u., President of the Wil rmoglue A A clown L-.i. Road, (Aug .AK Im.', say: ' It l..-i- I..-, i. said that Dyspepsia if out national disease. However this may be, H (-nufjetl nie loii' and severe suflTciing, Provi Iciitially a iriend Imnishcd me withafewbox i-s of the H'-pntic 1 ills, and the use ol them has periected a cine. ' In my family-tbejHiav been used ficquently wiib eminent success Among my acquaintanres many cases oi urina ting from diseased liver, baye been rcliev.-d and cured by thetn. I regariTthem au invaluable medicine, and take pleasure in fot 'Warding this voluntary tribute. A. W. D. Tavroa, E-q., rVrarslWrjr; V.i., (Jan. 12, 1859.) says: "lii iti I Spring ol 1808, I was attacked with Dyspepsia to such an cl ient that a'l niy food ol every description dis agreed Willi me. J was' swol'cii so I had to loosen my clothes, and night alter night 1 conld get no sleep. 1 tried one Or t o j".1i -ieimis. and to. k a good deal of medicine, wit found no relief. V -purchased ore box of the South ern Hepntic Pills,. and the fiist dose I took 1 felt relieved, aud continued until I took the whole box.. 1 am now entirely well, and eat heartily, mid never have been attacked since. I enn salely recommend these Pills to the Dys peptic and the coiumuiiily at huge." They can le sent to any point in ihe JJ.ltLted States bv Mail or Express. Prom ihe Richmond Dtapatch. DEEP PLOWING. It i certainly amusing, while not with oat instruction to listen to a debate of el derly I n im i on plowing. They axe not educated up to the time, and are not yet freed from the inflaenn-s peculiar to the condition of the enbntry at the time tbey iii.hih.-.l tbu rudlui.-.tls ol mu-ul.anil know led .t Vfrrtn off wj rhe-n rrwrfr (spy Oa Year .11.00 whenever ihe farmer chose to clear away BU Moataa. 1.60 the forrest, and that waa deemed cheajK-r k -.. am tkaliio.rih.li,.il...t Ui.vi.iiull..ii nl I . . . I l.ts-auWrnitivn. r tn to AttciUfn the nK r ilion or exbmiKl the t v ..- on which the ' 'i.i Xoarn State, i I ea neiiti. i ne great ol ji rt I lien waa to aalatadi. aaUaaly a- faW.1;l.trarlrrBrr. rhr fnrgrst IllrfilCr, Hllft Tfin makr It a en nine visitor toeverv Isinllv. inordei I . I... ... todothiswehareengaredtheserrices olableand P iw any O. Hell ineri' (lite HI IMS lor ! as.nn I.U0 ABO BOB TU IT iTI ,....18 011 accompllalied literarv contributor. Advertising Bate:s 1RANMKNT UATK8 For all period least aaa one mouth One Siire. Fimt insertion ll.ih' Ka-h suliMtient insertion bV Contract rate.for ieri.iils of one to fnm ninntlis. I urar., 9 aqt'sMK, S gi ahe, 4 ut AUK. Qi'ta.ciM- ALF COL. I gt-A. CoL. OKI COL.' I M.I. 9 M. 3 ll. 4 UK. .." tH Ml I WOO 16 (0 7 bU 13 00 17 INI '21 U0 111 UU I ( 3 (M I joo in no -in sh hi l.l no I'm. viiii -.-.co 90IW 37.INI 3.1 110 3Htm 33 00 33 00 I 40 nil 4:, no 30.00 431ml 63,(10 mi m. n no (30 IN 37 INI 34(H) 3 700 3 K50 44 INI ' INI 711 (Nl the want of inuiiniing aud pmp-r cullivu- tmn. It ia not wnndeiful, ihen-fon, that ihcn are now amongst very intelligent eldeily l'. nt I. men many ad vim ales for shnllow 1. low in--, and in in v wlm sav co.mI croti of wheat cannot be grown on deeply plow-1 comjxiaed t lie household. 1 In Iw id land. The most luuglmhle suggestion I voting la'lios wt ro llio grcBtoat lifitti of these gentlemen, liowev. r. i that the lies in liruoklyn, Hixl crowils or' n 1 poae, though deep plowing ia inlirfSri where under-drainage i demandeil H an invaluable ia the proceaa of lill.tgaa improvement of land, and thai fanner In no respect find greater eotnpeuanti' lor outlay nl labor and means than m I. applicalien to those important exp. ill for increaaing the productiveness tt luiui "LOVE AND LHNACV According to a slBtement in ll.i New York (for., sotneiliing , I'ktt 1Mrp p'ie? baa hweiii irur-tliu ! upon Uotninodoro Meade, a suit of j the old school, Bnl brolherof Gen nl Meitde. Cotnniodoro M. is h vt-; eran on the rctirdd list, and lives, i ; lived, with his family in Brooklyn. A wife, Miii and two daughter, l'la.i u lilies and blooming as pure ros m mm a Iredell County, N. 0. 11118 Institution will be re-open J undei entirely new auspkie on the I. till day ol January, 1HG9. The College property is now elrnr of debt and all pier ions disadvantages arming from it beiiitr inrolrek are now removed. A separate building will he appropiiaied foi a Icuiulc M-ho.il, and parents may 4ia assured that this College will uo louder be operated n a mixed School. Terms ( jtcr Session rf 20 tccels. ) Board j?i inoiilbo! i w.tk, Mum l.ifi.l- and toiveis extra. Tuition in I'rep.u. tory Department. K.flli " CdiViaie ' pj 50 to25 On Music on Piano, 25.1 Nl Use of Instrument, 25(1 Coniuii... ui Ice, . . Oil Pavjoxt Ihianl one half in advance. Tution iuvariahly 111 1 dvance. Produce taken iu lieu of Bjard and Tuition. For Circulr, a..re JAVE8 SOCTHGATK O! a, N. C , Nov. Hi, ltiijs. Prut. w2m-8 j diminution of the crops of wheat is attrib I titnble to d ep plowing ! As there never ' has been any deep plowing lo speak ol amongst ns. this remark would seem lo be shatp irony ii it came from any other 1 source. We heard a very entertaining discus sion npt long since on this subject. One pretty auccessliil farmer fought deep plow ing with extraordinary earnestness and vim ; another introduced a variation in ml vocuting plowing in wet land ! He de clared that he hud seen the wuler follow ing his ploys as the tnrned up the g'eli-, and that he found hem fit nit her than in- miters ntteuiled their foot-steps. Knt the old gpiilleman, who was irriili!. and very high toned, hud very liniu fancy oi tolerance for the sweet to:-, j Ilea of youth, and cleared his home of all 6uch intruders. Hut !... ' Uiitghe nt locksmiths much tno.-r at I he trowua of- Id age. A very bh u - -J I lady friend of the family, who bad a I great peticliant for mateiwntaking as nrnst syinpathizitig female ftuooil have took it upon herself lo intfo luce a young gallant, who, bv sue ceesful laud speculations ai Vinelaii l, jury from turning up the soil in that cmi- ! N. J., had ainasped the comforta;i' dilion. Rut these teachings are glowing fewer in number daily, and the coming school of farmers will turn over a new leaf. In Virginia wc do a great deal of plow : 2.. . . t . 1 mg 111 some winters, ana mucn in- oeen ; . .r ,,-.., l4 ? , . . , .1 r n uu I'ii.imic;. ins biici.ii.iii uo icciuiim i. or may have been doue this fall. 1 he 1 1 , tin .1 r. cu. uen tiiu oiu treiiiicinuii ion , .. 1 e ...... -ii 1 iiiiiu sum ! S3"v,wti. ine yotrii gent was plea -cd and pleasing, lie, in due time aud iu due form, m.idc his declaration of love to one ot the lair lillies, and, to use the carrer:t I II ...... U I... ..I.... . .1 .1.1- . . . . . " . p. ..wc u. .-ii iiiiiiuif iiiio e.:u- . on Will be surely cenv. rt to th.t .male ' " K'ng on, ne ocean ... of p'owing. He will lid bis land it! bet- I '""j We J orll : er comb, ion for early movement next j llotoWwrtcd lo baTve told the surina. no matter what kind of weather Mady-friend who liitrtKluced thoVine I $15 REWARD. 4, 1. Th. L B. PtJ.t. CO.. alao pubtish the 4I3JIBjimsiaibeja..l I . citizens of North CarrdinaUbat tTn-y have kr Hk Smrnrvs of F,diobnr)rh. and the-tate I V. Jto-aroat. ofjLaieCulJeM. .3 vote.. Royal (!tvo. Hf pal nd nooterourfinnrvinB. . Prlo 17 for the Lato viuuier-F pompa. IBO- Mll'l- tl CARO TO TfiB PI.BJ.1C. Tn. s A M I . A. BRLI , HAS located on Ennis street, between Main A: Lee. Office formerly occupiea Vy Dr. J. A. Caldwell, aud offer his protes . i'ooal services to the eitiieua of the town and vicinity of Salisbury. "pense lor a si'saion " OT 20 weelts, or Tuition, . . r-. t.- 1- A ' . . r ... Willi .Board, v asmng ana comingeni tee, win be according to the class: either$105, 01 $110, rrr Hfr-if- paid irr- advance ; or $Fr6.50-,-or $12150, or $120 50. if paid half in advance. Each boarder will furnish her own lights and towels and also a Pair of sheets and cases. Moderate extra eliarftes wjflTTie niade for an cientamt mouern Language?, Music, Drawing, and Oil Painting. For circulars address. J. M. M CALDWELL, July 9. (Ct) Greensboro' N. C liDOLPUO WOLFE PKICK Furolirl.nl, Motel. J). s IfJaW PsIfOnm IO One Iir....i1s-Tlir.e0r..., ."n Kiv-Orosa, 75. The ea.h must llher accompany Die .ml. r fur lh Mr.li clnr ur It will bv sent C O. P. Or art should be aCdrc.s edlo 0. W. m r ;. Ki. if. Sov ia Clm-.i's Sraaar, V-. f " Ualt:uobb M., whrrr llo y will Im- pn lliptly .(trn.lr.1 to. t 11. M.-'in-Mi. . r .ll no ull rrsprrtalih DruirafsO cverjrvhcir. snd on sll the Druggists in S.i.imh my. JOHN II. KN.MSS, Driigslti, .),.! Afriit 10:wllwlT IT ILL P.VT THi: A BOTH REWARD of Fifteen Imflnrs forth r recovery of my Horse, BILL, Which I hired to one Thomas liurrisrnu the I9ib of November lat. for a four days jour ney, but which time saiJ Harris has protracted tojiiurtecn days, leading me to lielieve that he has determined to keen in v horse, or has soliF t JbLin autL 941 p)i -ij tlw, .vracmls tatlcuw ihu et. penses 01 ms on mess carcass uu ine ituniyau to parts nnknnwu te. me. The horse is a uiedfuin siaeu gray, (nearly white,) witlmut hlemih ol an v sort; yellow eyes, and will be nineyear obi next iniio- Harris is a stout builr. liht- haire.l. h.-i ithed man ol'uhout Bit years of age; somewhat inclined to be taTkntiVe iu eoin pany -drinks whiskey, is profane, nuu undoubt edly is a rascal. He is M to hay come from Mississippi or Alabama, (which itate, is not now distinctly reiiieinberod.). wuf ro ho left a wife, and whither he will prolatblr return. 1 will pay the atiovc reward i'or,tho recovery of my norse, or tor luiormatnui lending to it ; and will tbank honest men, wlm may happen to meet with Harris, to look aim straight in the eve.ahd asli him, "Where is Tom Crawford's dray Morse V' Athfressmc at SaltKbnrr N- C. THUS. if. CRAWFORD. Dee. 4. IMfiV 48 Iw an e nut in I. .1 1 . 1 I lauu speeiuaior to 1 ne oosoin ot ma I family, that lie "thought she bad a great deal of impudence in introduc ing the d d speculator, aud lie wanted her to know that Ii s cliiN dren were never intended to be plac ed on exhibition for d d Yankee wne Hunters, anu iliat oetore ma g 10 llie d d specnlus mere may be. He cannot go to r. me in this, respect. He may .. J , . -.. I t ' . inur norses, fnti ne win nuu mat lie litis lost nothing, but gained largely, by it. Kveu in the matter of surface there is not a great difference between I lie a e.i plow ed by lour horses with one plow and the .-ame number with two plows. Hut the L 1 I .1 r . ... area uiowcu uv ine inur norses wnn one 1 ..v. ! ..in J.... 1... . t- 1 i ws mairied Fiu.w am 11 o 11 uii 1 11.. 1 . 1 11.111 111a 1 inn 111 1.1 1 . 1 77i 1 :,i . 1 r,. .. , tor, he would have moie need ol the III I llt Ilk If Ultla t U. 1 llhltl'ri I r- it tt 1... I 7 v -. j undertaker than a wife. In other Now, the land that is plowcrl deep will j wo,rdb' veteraii threateiKd absorb more moisture than that which is I ! blow holes in the V meland ipocil rowe4 rdjnlrow-, - Thtit to the bed below, aud is there held in re- ''. 'glander had 11 o desire, however, to ST AUK LINE 9 at th LAND SALE. Hew York. been appointed agents lor Cpolhio Wolfs, ol New -York;-for -the sate of hw celebrated - SWEID AM AROMATIC And Bottled Wines and Liquors. Mr W.'s name is a household word in every part of the Southern States. IDlim TOLLF.KS. VI Heilael, B.C. HENDERSON' & CRAWFORD, Agpnu SaJiiburr. S. V wU'vt 1 Warsiiw lo fayrlli ville. Leave Warsaw fiir Fayett iville mtUr. OK tepfuriHav. ' 'l:hnMrgTrTTcSets?roiii Wil mington to Fayetteville. (fii. Throuch Tick eta from Weldmi, via Warsaw, to Fayet.e vUhj.. tlU. Thnaiiflh. TjeketSiwmtitdda hory yja Warsaw, to Fayetteville. ti. ChaHolleo Wadesboro'. Leave ('.harlotte, via Monroe, for Wades boro'. Tuesday, Thursday and Staturday., Xeave W4el wro' Xunday , Wednesday and Friday, after the arrival of the- Wilmiug tou, Charlotte Rutherford Stage. . . aarriMlllc lo Pillf Ut ro' - - ...r tit.. ... . . . y 1 l.i-ave .iioniBoiu' lor 1 iiimihio .iouuyv Wlnesday;and Friday, return next days. I It nun u lis lc coin in cdaiu it I lito, li,. tu.-en. SALEM kud . HIOIL -pfjlXT far Ou Dollar, ! ; E. T. CLEMM0N8, Contractor. July. 7.1,,. . , f.w-twrlmj dr! it. i. BiKisj Dm s., AT TOE ItOTDEN HOUSE, . aep(32:tf Sai BBWH I, W. C. Marlin s reversionary interest ot about .to Acres 1 ,w ,1... ij , . ,.i,.l.i ttutlirrlmnfa of the late Richard Lowry, (in "K X. j- .7 f . . . which Mrs. Klizabeth Lowsr has a life estate.) I . ny 0,,c rwny sec niai ucsraes K WttDXEaUar. 'the 6th of Januarr next. at tne ri sjiu-iwe ot w .l . 1 . M,VKU1, 1 will ot fer for sale trf the highest bidder, 258 A CUES OF LAND. more or less, the property; of Wui. T.' Marlin, a Itaukrupt. Sanyiand lies on the ilkesiioro ICiail, nine niles N. W. of .Salisbury, adjoining JesMcThom- asou, John C. Renson, and other. Also, said serve for a period of dryness, when it brought up by surface attraction. In that way the props upon it arc supplied and kept green in a season when a neighbor ing held that is plotVed shallow will burn burn up. At the same time, the growfh on deeply plowed hind does not suffer as much from ex essive moisture as that on the shallow fields. The deep fallow has greater space and capacity for absorption, and the roots of the crops are not so drowned with wetness as in the shallo have day light penetrate his eajtl i frame in that m inner, and accord i ; I v he took a hack and forthwith lie ! hied him to l he Tombs, where lie tuaur : a complaint against Captain Me a who was bound over in the safn of $500 to keep the peace. for one yiar. The bail was procured at once, a : here comes the mysterious part of live story 4o8tedTf being discharged. tlicagcU veteran, who, it seems, uu "- i- . .1. ir- j. i . fields. The shallow rind of plowed lanJ ! ;" 1 "WW specuiat.rr s is soon filled to repletion with water, and 8 or)' ,,MtJ showed symptoms ol abet will float awav aa emu! inc. leaviuir the I ration ol lllllld, lie ----- - -j - el--- or --- I .. surface bare to the hard pan beneath: Then; again, like a thin cake ou a grid dle, it will be heated through nn 1 baked Not so the dee ly pi .wed lam?. It can not be 80 easily iitu d up and Ho. ted aw i v by the water, nor will it bake, and burn and dry up the sources of nutriment to plants, as the thinly broken soil does. Hut it will maintain s condition of life and heartiness, au.l continual supply of mois ture to plants, iu a drought that will burn lvina on the Lmoolnton nmd. live mteie West the a I vantages to llie growmg crop upon at baiisiHiryiarm, t;m.n wioai jf o'eaieK, at. r mg tlwu ploweu IBIIU TneTo ean he WM. It. FR ALKY. AKhiLMiie Dee. 4th. I8uU 3fd. 1 La It - ; 0 ,IjAa'J For SaLe. qHECpSCRIBEIt will sell to the highest 1 bidder on the premises, oil Saturday, the 17th day of-0ejoj..Di$B.L..B''ishialk mid. of Land, lyirigon Reedy Cn-k, iu Davidson Co., containing 193 acres. Of this tract about 70 acres is in woods, 20 acres cood bottom land. 1 1 0 aeres in tneailow.- 4 is -rWtet-of rlarf f owaed by" Ibo late JosphPernf. dee'd., and will be sold by the heirs for distribution. TernM made known oit day of sale. "" . J. A. PARES, , 186& w4t. Ageftt. SCHOOL NOTICE. my School will open M. -aa Birtrtrj' (trove Academy on the 2nd Jot NoyOtnber next. This 1 1 i.- loeaAeT orj'e mile fhuli Third Creek Church and two and half mile from Rowan Mills Depot, (iu d hoard ing can be procured in very respectable "fami lica. at $ or 8l0ptr month'. For further par, tienlar addm-t th- principal at Rowan Mills. Refer to Kev W. Wood. D. A Davis. Esq,, and Jas. K. Kerr. A. W. OtfiS. Oct. . 16 tf III! question that such tillage tends constantly to lire improvement of I lie land itself im ceaftuig its fer!Tlit,v, strength nd geniaR. ty ;-nnd such plowiiig, wnii prudent suc cessions and manuring, will increase 'the productiveness of the land to an almost fabulous extent ; while the shallow plow ed 1 1 ml must ever deteriorate in spite of manuring. The farmer roust get back each year all he puts on it ; for the fertil nteT fs gone beforetheseeond-. - - It will be a great day for Virgin i wbep deep plowhifecomes thje rule and the shallow the ev cpt ion, instead nl the re verse of that, w hich we have now. The or even w is taken to another par! of the Tombs, aome further legal forms were made porl'eet, and Captain Kit-hard W. Meade found (liinself whisked off to llie Hloomingdale Lunatic Asylum ot' which institution he is now nn iu mate, and is likely to remain so, no less the matter ia agitated. One day, after Captain Meade's incareeriilioii in the terrible den "of lima'tics, M iss Meade Was joTne T:i the bonds aitjwj2dJock to the Vitio laud proprietor. It was the old stm v -fhV aMrrer ai-baked- mein&vr, over again. . t Five weeks have now elapsed since lite incarceration of the C immodre ; and his friends are' very urieasjHest lie should become really crazy in the company bo iV keeping. Ilis ease has been laid before a judge, whob.u turned it over to a reteree where h inaA' linger indefinitely. liickinoitd J4 ls ifr. E A. lwaL-TocK Y-wk Hun says- ? 'Ftn some d ays bev fore the sad fate ofTiis brother, Mr. YL A. To! lard lei t depressed, uneasv glbh farmer follows the ma airiirii-an r 1 1 s .-1 b.m ...a. 1 . 1 . ...... 1 . " "u ',,u-"""i nnd lonesome. A gloom came over wmcii rorms in ine earn. tRiow the deep ri.; .t.;t. Z.i.i n,.t k. .0 1 a to -,, iiib niv.li -- farrow of the four horse plow a deen nb terrancan storehouse, as .'it- were, which more effectually provides relief for the crops from excessive wetness, and "tores away a still greater supply of moisture for any-unusual interval of dry weather that may occur counted for nor described. It seen; . like the premonitary. foreboding of some unhappy occurrence, lie has Imhmi heard to remaik thai ho had a j tendency towards presentiments, am! I years ago, when his father died, the I'nder drainage and deep pl.ming to i cerium y '( he event w a impressed some extent sub. 1 v. the am; useful pur J"n his lii od 1I10 night betoie A

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