1 : - 9 xt -V F aLanH KVBn At I m T m - By il BltU.EKt VOL III. No. 133 or F OHKliiy LITERA TURE, ttLBCTU SS..M . ( ..i , . ni'iij. 'I l- JiurUiif, .tk Ait M. f.tuUr .. tUt. C '. Jumtnml, Art ..in m. !. .is ' j MotuU$, HL iW, Coi itktU M ttftUiHC, Ltrt Ifof, ttmtu Mar, Lomio JUrtMf, - . . n ' p J -. X ic. Ua $ MjtfoJHM, Bsigrarut. Us ates ! arTA-igea to sseair chole aelwi-tloa. ro u ta rr..t.A, 0ia. and other Continental iVri.li trairwj peCIUT w r. v.. all l t ut variety nd vatueoftb woe. MiMf i aiuui.ud with dim or more Iim tl.l !af ravings uorUailsuieniinenwQeii.ur om. trail f ra,prtat ajatoncat ... 8fUd'ul Premiums for 1 808. K ry asw nkwribtr to th Eclectic 19W paying '. la jvuon. will roiv either of to. foliowmn wWWWW MTMM Oil pBUi BASKET OF PEACHES, Si9 X 11 ; PER AND NUT CRACKERS. Sum 7 X S. The b we in exact copies of origiesi oil paint n ti t.i I rexctd by Praag Co.. in the mew J i ty. of th. art. or. in place of ' 'V-'iLnT e.taof.iir Kin.Sto.1 WaaiaffS) at VAlly r'orgn, Heto.ni from Market, ttanday liorn- 'fcr Tw. -bKribwr. and ltO.00 wt .will sbd th. beautiful Chrotno. i'onltry uiw wa For rhree aubacribwra and ., a copy of rFeer' National Pictorial Dictionary, W Volant of 1.040 p. r oontolw. tori tl illaarstioaa. price 9 00 or a cony of Koaa HaSeur telebrated pioce. Shetland Ponioo-aue 8 1-9 x 19 1-9. Term of the Eclectic : Sln!e oonlea eta.; one copy, one yr two copie; one year 99 M Are copie. one year t0.0U A4dnm W. H. BIDWKLL. Kf 5 Beekmm St.. New York Tu London HM.Urlj BevUv,(Co aeivt'ie) The hdinbu's 'cview, (Wj...) The North British JiwuU), (tt Charelt ) AND Bbackvooa". Edinburgh Magaztne (tor j.) buUon-of tto bwrttor, nnriv,M . the "Vo WEm. rlly mdiapor-able to th. wur1.'1 Vj7TZt5Zmk mn and to every rea- so -i lr 4 i V- ml 4 betur record ortti. cur rTjvLn can be obtainedfron .uy.tuerw,nr. l868 ,7w. u,ri..a 94.00 per annum. For aay one aft he "vw"; . 7.(X) " For aay two of JMj; . 10.00 " For aaythaw. SSjVTTT " 00 Kar all four of th ri" . M For tSVSUf "'"v-;- For Uuwiawoed and on Us,,ew:llJl'w' For Blackwood a.d any two of tl m vloww,... a itaeant of twJwlSt. "f4 to. V.I" J nl.kw.d for w4."". anu " v... Tie w. m ,,an, fl ,- M5"L'i--7iwTa Tnawbor. Thla raK tUll thV aootaaW h) double . JLZZ"" of th. above period ?o wm bT .ntrtUd to receive, gratia, any . Jtii B if U f r)dlcali for 1868 may receive, o L r ao T two of the Four Renew. lNi!re!t!ffi Jannarr. 1899, to Deeem- V". Mnhanrh and tl Weatmin sive 18 - .nv 7. Blachwoo.1 101 - SSSX n'ount CI" S nther prem,u. number., can t; routed, direct to 2 e Leonard Scott Pub. Co., i 140 Fulton, St., N. Y. FARMER'S QVWE a.. Mww STarnffa. of Edinbnreh. and the late T ?k J r Yala Collet. 9 vol... Royal . 1 ana na'res- and nnaterona Enirravinira. Iffi tftV rolan by fTUB Ti T MJBUC. DR. 8AMI- A. BELT, HAS located on Enniaa atreet. between Main At Lee Office formerlT oeeupied bt Dr. J- A. Caldwell, cdTert hia profe. wrrkto. lotbw Mmm of th. tow. Haag & Smith's Patent WATER WHEEL. THE uudewiriiwl lMviuac MutJ tliv f.., ilu. akiMro iiiiii .-.I Would r IIV1 WW ww w ww-- . .-..II ili'.- at entiou. f th .n.nHii.f Mill. Knciuriew, &r. cVc. to the Nwawy n.lvriit: tn-y wuuiu utivi- iroin unuj . a. Upif.it to nil imrtMNM m- wliirh m wrnler I Wlieflto itoed. 1 Im-aniull NpHif It .mhiioiwi. utt4 theTwljtT of rt nioffcrn.' mrv nttrnit i v few tare, ft rvalrt-a but aniall atuouot of ferine, lew do' nffee4 It. Worka a well m h.iriiwutwl a verticil ilutft. Suit b)etunu litllt Xl nnVcted bj ImcI water. It l elinple. chVnp nud duralile. One of the whewU cwti be seen iu owratiuj nt Fiwxd. Tutnm Co't, Mill uu South Yadkiu Kiver. IhHTeWii in Ui Mill wrUflit btrainet for 25 venro. ittid cwusiiler tl.i ly fHrtheli.-at whell I hnve ever vt inet with. Tliii wheel otwjto fnio 1 to i'7S. ncrordiriff to aite. For fut ther futrticuUia addreaa um ml. J . ruaaleui. Davie Co-. N. ('. UICIIAKD T. NUTT. Sep, 10. lrM 4tw M $15 REWARD. I WILL PAT TDK A BOTE REWARD of Fifteeu Dollar, for the recovery of uiv Uorae, BILL, whii-ii I hired to one Tlionias liarria, u tbe 19b of Norember la t. for a four dayx jour ney, out which time aiu rlarri bn pnitratted to loarteen dayx, W-aditifr. uie to believe that he ban determined to keep my lore, or ha .-old hiui, and appliid tlie pi-msda to defray the ex pense of hla wortlile ciir.-u on the Railroad ui paru unknowu to uie. The horve i a medium cited (tray, (nearljr white.) without bleinieb oi any sort ; yellow eye, and will be nina yewxa old next Spring, llama la a atoat built. Iiijht haired, bijr-inoiithed man ot about 93 yearn of aare; somewhat Inclined to be talkative in com pany drinks whiskey, is profane, and undoubt edly is a raacal He la aaid to bare come from Mississippi or Alabama, (whicn Mate, la not a- w distinctly remembered,) where he left a wile, and whither be will probably return. I will pay the above reward lr the recovery of my horse, or for ii. formation ieadinfr to it ; and will thank boueat iwn. who may happen t. meet with ilarris. to look hiui straight in the eyeahdaak him, "Where is Tom Crawford's Gray florae I' Address me at Salisbury N. C. TUOS. il Deo. 4, lW CRAWFORD. 4 Iw PURE .PERUVIAN GUANO ND all other kinds ol OUANO, inclnding i. the different PHOS1MI ATBS, PLAS TER aud LIME, k.-pt coustanilv n liand. a very low p-icea. Our, tanners will do well to -all on il at once and fret their Fertilixera, be ion oideriiU' and huyirif elsew here. We will take Flour or Wheat a' the rak e price, iu exchange. SPRINGS, HUTCHISON Co. JVb 1, Coiwin'a Hrirk Row. Salisbur)-, Ang. 28. 5tw LAND SALE. O V WKmtK-niY, iliciith of January next, at the residence of WM. T. MA KLIN, 1 will of ler for ale to th.- hijrl'est bidder, 258 ACRES OE LAND. more tirtr, the pnperty of Win. T. Marlin, a llani.Tcpt. Said hind lies on the Wilkesboro' Road, nine miles N. W.wfSaliabury, adjoining Jesse Thom mii, Jobln C. Benaon, aud others. Also, said Maiiiu'a rwveraionary interest of atrat3U Acres i. the lands of the late Richard Lowry. (in which Mrs. El'iabetb Lowry has a life estate,) lying on the Lincoluton road, nye misle West .If Salisbury. Terms Cash Sate at IS o'clock, M,. WM. R. FRALEV. Asaignee. j)ec. 4th. 180S. 3tpd- EdgeworUieMale Seminary TTIIS Inatitution will be re-opened on the first day ol September, with a full corps of Teacher.. The aft ex penae for jion of 20 weeks, of Tuition, with Board, Washing and contingent fee, will be according to the chtos : either $DR. ot $U0, or $116 if paid in ndv"nt; or $H6 o0. or $12150, or $12650- it f-i M in lance. Each boarder will fnmish ,her own lights and low-els and also a oair of sheets and cases. Moderate extra charges will be nude fot anrfd cient ami fnouern Inguagi's. Music, urawing, July 9. (60 Greensboro' N. C IDOITIIO UOLIIi, New Tor k. rglHE subscribers beg h-ave to inform th X us of Not th Carolina that they havel Leave Charlotte, via Moirroe, tor aoes inted aceiits lor riwLriit) WV.Ii, ol boro,V Tuesday, Thursday and Staturday. Cltll. I n i.ril.011 New York, tor llie-saiv Ol HIS eea-oraieu SCHEIOAM AROMATIC SCHNAPPS, And Bottled Wine, and Liauort. Mr.' 1IT.V name to a rrraisebold Word in vtt ry part of the Southern States, 1 K AVKIIX A -TflLLRM. v vTlHl.ttf.T.Ti HENDERSON iiCRAWfOHD. Agents Salisbury, N. C. .V:wl3'4a ,.. ; ' Know and Believe THAT O. B. POULSON it COS. DRUG Store is the cheapest place to buy Droits and Medicioea in this section of North Caroli na. Try them I -rat WYATTS OLD STAND The Old If '- State Forever." SALISBURY. N. C. SATUHDA Y. DECKMBER 13, 40 learn BtTore 1110 ruouc . m . 1 , II.. 1 31 - an -J g i i 8 ff"A- w5 - r- 5 C- ImL W O T iifE SOtTUhKA HEPATIC PILLS, Vint "l-l, bmg lcimtrn i,nd irrll ti i"i rtmtdy ! fin- nil ffilioli dinirt, en ' v DISEASED LIVER. kjT" Read the following Cnlititilr Irotn mrn.- of lie -liigliest resin.-lnlnli'y sA4 LIVEU f.'OMl'LAlXr. Rkt. Dk. C. F. fKiMi, (Aug. 2;M, IS02.) ays : " 1 liave .Icrivcd yrtwf Un tit liotu llHr Puis, and have known many tauiihe ami in divrduals wbo have found them renr berrefk-fal, and I have also known fihy'irii ta ezre'enf atowrf'ny fo rttommthd them to fArtV xifie.fa For all diseases aiiaMiir irom disoi tiers ot the nver, I believe they are the Usl un-dicme ol letvl to the ooblic ' Rev. John W. Pttxr, Snow HiM, N. C, (January 5, 18'W.) fays : " F..r twelve yeai I was a ifreat sufJerr. M.v liver was diseased I lost my flesh and strength, and my skjn seemed changed in il color by the bile Willi which my system was overt-hatued. 1 became suhjoct to frequent and violent attacks ol bil ious Cllolll every attack leaving me ;-Jk r than iis predecessor. The physicians had been able to patch me up a little, but my health w as in a deplorable state. I had taken patent me dicines until 1 was tired of them. Without energy or comlort. 1 was barely able to go a bout a little. Al length 1 yielded to the ear nest iei suasion ol a tin ml and OHiiiuenced taking the HEPATIC PILLS, with hooot.fi ilence 111 litem. T i . - ... 1 . - I like a charni ou me. Fi om that hour I hurt irdprovrd. 1 have jiersevered in their use, until now, by God's bleasmg, an writ and Ar.ifi. I had a negro man. wbo.'a. 1 believe, was faved Irom death by a (io-4. of these IMU My Dolor's bill was ! Kiioailv Irowt Aloo M MOM. but I have I ad ww n , 1 1 11 lecoinuieud them ns a siineiior family medicli.e DVEPEPSIA S. D. Wallace. E-o ., Piesideiit of the Wil riiingioe ii. Weluon Ril Road. (Aug. iiO, 1862) sitys: ' li has been sal that Dyspesia is our national di-ease. However this may be. it caused me long and severe suffeiiiig. Provi- leutiallv a irietid turnisbed me with a few box es of the Hepatic Pills.' and the use ot them has pertected a erne. Ih my family they have been used livquently with eminent success Among my ai quaiutances inniiy ca. s oiigtna ting Irom ihseased liver, have been relieved and cured by them. I regard them an invaluable medicine, and take pleasure in forwarding this voluntary tribue. A. W. D TatloK, Esq., Petersburg, Va., (Jan. 12, lSqOjaajs: " Iu tlie Spring ot 18-'8. I was attacketl wnu uyspepsia 10 siu n an ex teni tdat a'l my lood ol every descripiioii dis agieed with me. 1 was svvol'ell so I lind to loosen my clothes, ami night alter night 1 conld get no sfei'p. I tried one or two physicians, and to k a good deal ol rnedh-llie, but loiim IHI rellet. 1 purvwasew ore oox i uw min em Hepatic Pills, and the fiit dose I look I felt relieved, and continued until I to. k the whole box. .1 am now etitiicly well, ami eat heartily, and never have b.-eu attacked since. I can safely recommend there Pill" to "the Dys peptic and the community at Utge " They can be sent to any point in the United Slate bvdd.il Of Kapresst -j PRirX-rornekoX,5ee. !. O. . 9tJlO Half Orn.. I0 Our ', t8 Ttirrr Or..-., $ five 'Orass, 975. The -sh muni riihrr rf..in..oi the order forth Sir.li ela r II will b mbI C. 0. D. Or r should bt aweat Ja 1, a. w. DKrns. Mo. St, sot 1 u CALaocs Stskt. .ALnaoaa Ms., where Dipt will He promptly sttended 10. Par th -e Medlcinn oil oh U rrtpretabl. Draariats pTrrrahrrt. nd ow sit the DrSfjripO m SiLissvai. JOHN H. ENN18. Orninft.l.Spectil Agent. 10:walwlT OLMMONS . r .... I 1 . ... .J ... 1j11aJ'E hmTtmrtwTitthz Leave Warsaw for Fayettjvitlo daily. .irt Sundav. Through Tickets trom vt 11 mineton to F to FayettevilTe, $6. Through Tick 1 1 - - ets from Weldoti, via Warsaw, to r ayet.etjr,,,,! muor anfi the consequent want . . 1 m , . pr, .. e ..!. la. . .1 . . : ville 9JJU. inroiign 1 ickcm irom u boro'. via Warsaw, to Fayetteville. $6. Ihiirlolle WwdrtborV. . i A . . 1 Friday, after the arrival of the Wiluiiug; ton, Charlotte A: Rutherford Stage. rrMHIii u biDbf n! Leave Morrisville for Pittsboro' Monday, Wednesday and Friday, returu'uext oay- I It bibohV Acct BBcdfitni I D. Between SALEM ud HIGH POINT N l'., far.-On. Dollar. E. T.CLEMMONS. v-' Contractor. July. 7. 18C8. fwtw-lmj ' tpsave -W miewoovo cauunT, n ryuin; . . 1 .. ... . . p .1 ..:...:.. Dr. R- 1 BESSEiNT, D. D.S., AT THE BOTDKN HOrsE. Tin: OLD NORTH STATK. fTRI-Vw'KKKI.V tyitATM OK HUnsOUHTIOK' XI TUHMt IN t Tri.'kl). tae Vear. ... S4X Wulllii. .. W X0X44R AXO 4r IXlTX Om i n Oa Vw, Ki Mow. II 9u IMi A croo. X on two papas iadicatotaa.pwtas. ol ' lli subscription. I jfc. wlUektao "Oi Xwarw htt is La - inted i. entwwly ww. Hm painawill bo spared to ,..kr ii .. pi, ,n..r . iuIoi to even tsiuiiv - lnvrdri to da tM w haWt agawd tbe wrvtc. ol ableaad ierompt!sned l.terari 1 otitrlLutoi. Advertising Hate:s transient rates 1 tl - 60 of one t font months. I I.S. I ( IS Ml. lli on s'mo 190 17 Wt 91 IK 97 00 91 On 9 00 MOO MOO IS 00 9709 94(M 9900 H50 93 00 88 00 44 00 40 00 4ft IS 60 1 ' (900 6000 7009 I arli .utweiiiat irwett-on I w f.'.lSI 7 Ml 10 00 MM 13 U0 90 00 rioo 90.00 9 no h W 13 00 10 00 18 n. in 00 97.00 I00 49 00 I i,ii Ii 4I'AMKS. t SOI KS. 4 aoesBaa, Q, C1- .ALP ci. lor a. cot, ov. cou President's Message. WASfliXOTOV, Dec. 910:50, A. M FeUotc Citixent of the Senate and Houae of Repreeetttatirtt : Upon the reassembling of Congpr.s, il again become. m duty to call your at i.niion to the State of the Union aud to t eonttnowr disorKPtnisod condition under the various law. which have b en pasaed upon the subject of reconstruction. It may be safely assumed a. an axiom in the government of -tatea, 1l1.1t 1 lie greatest w rongs intiictetl npon a people are caused by ui just andaibitrary legislation by the unrelenting decree, ot despotic rulers, and that the timely revolution of injurious, of oppressive measure, i. the great e.t 'good that can be conferred upon a nation. The Legislature or ruler who Iu. tbe wisdom and magnanimity to retrace his steps. gratitude of an intelligent and patriotic people. Our own history, although em bracing a periiioV les. than a century, af fords abundant pVoof, that most, if not all, of our domestic doubles are directly tra ceable to violaiions of the organic Uw ami exci.dvo legisltfoii. The most iking illustration of thi. facf- are furnished by ibe eifctojeiiti 1 of the past thrctyear. up mi I lie questjail of r. construction. Alter a fair tiial they bavo subatautially failed and proved pernicious in their results, aud then; .wras to be. no giHd reason w hy iliey should longer remain upon tbe stat ute books. State tr which the constitu tion guarantees a republican fofti of gov ernment liavobeen reduced to miiitiiry de- 1 '.. 1. ..1' ... l.w.l. tl.A tl.'Olkll uenuencies, 111 eucii i won.. udencies, iu enc I, .v.. been m.-tde Slibiecl to the ail itrary .ill f thw i-onimandine eetteral. Allbo . - . ". , i". 1 .l.-Konsiitiiiioo r -nntres Unit earn .Ttaie hall be represented in Congress, Virginia . . Mississippi and Texas are yet exciwui from the two Houses and contrary to tl expn-ss provisions of that instrument, auti were denied partici(Mtion in the recent election for a President and Vice Pre.t dent of the United States. The attempt to place the while people under the domin ion of persons of color iu the south has impaired, if not destroyed, the kindly re lation, that had previously existed be tween them, and mutual distrust has en gendered a feeling ol animosity which, leading in some instances to collision and bloodshed, has prevented that CO-opar tion betweerf the two races so essential to .1... .nervaa ol i nil list rial enterprises ill the southern States. Nor bavextho .nimbi ta.ni s of tho.e States alone suffered from the disturbed condition of affair.- growing out of these Congressionul enactments. The entire I nioif has been agitated by gTHTC a might .gain disturb the peace of ltt na tion. Its interests have been injuriously L affected by the derangement of business of, prosperity throughout that prrrtion of the country. The federal constitution, the Magna Chart l American rigbs under whose wise and salutary provisions we have suc cessfully conducted all our do'''5 nn foreign affairs, sustained ourselves in oeace and in war. and became a great n.- lion among the powers ot Jhe eanfi, mnst, assuredly be now adequate to tne wtiie incnt nt quest urns growing out of the civil war wsged alone for its vindicihtion. This great fact is made most manifest by the condition of the country when Congress assembled in the month of December, 186b. Civil strife has ceased tbe spirit of rebellion had spent its entire force in the Southern Staler the people had warmed into national life aud throughout the whole couutry a healthy reaction in nublic sentiment had taken place. By the application of the simple, yet effective provision, of tbe constitation, tbe execu 1808. the Stalls, liad brought the work ol reslo- atioii as near cornpleirnn wHhlu the scope ol ita wuiuocity, and the unliou was ei.coumgcd by ibe pioH ctof an ewr lr and .atielwciory djiistiuent ol ita difi- cultie. (.'ongress, however, mtrilereu ann n-fuslng to rw-iferi the wo.k o nearljr ae- rarfM. deeliued to arlioil hm luhere ftww tlie iu.-teUled Hut-wt -opted C 1 . . .j -I 1 - m n .awn a ww pro awre.ieu 1 ise pr.-tre.a.-afiwv.lonMi.w.f.naimiedall thai had Ui n so .ueressf eillr aceompllsli.n, and after three year, of agnation and su it. , haw UU llw MUtitiy l.Hhi r "TTwwr thw-wT-taii.mi-nt of union and lr.itrri.al feeling than at the inception of the Congressional plan of n-eoiisiruetion. It needs no argu ment to show that legislation which has I produced such baneful consequences should be abrogated or else made to conf rut to the genuine principle ot republican gov cm uu ui. I'nder the influence of prty passion and seitioiial prejudice other acts have been passed not wairiuted by the const i- . ... ('..,,.,,..-. .... u rearlv been nude (smiTUr with mr views rcpeetlng the h indred millions of doll.r.. During that teniire-of-ofBce bill. Experience has pro-' vrid we were engaged hi Wars with vd that its repeal is demanded by the Ureal Britain and Mexico, and were Ms best interes.s of the country, and that volved in hostility with powerful Indian while it remains in force the President ! tribes Louisiana wa. purchased front cannot enjoin thai rigid accountability of France at a c st of fifteen million, oi dol publie otBwer. so essential to an honest 1 lara Flot ida was ceded to ti. by Spain and efficient execution of the laws. Its for five million. California wa.atcauired ......1 u ,,nl, I ......Me il,, executive detiait- no nt to exercise the ower ol appoint ment and removal in accordance with the original design of tlie federal constitution. Tbe act of March 2d, 1865, making ap propriation, for the suppoit of the arm'x tor tbe year ending June 30tb, 1868, r.. for other rnrposes, contains a pmrisi which' interfere with the President's titution.i fb iction as cou:maiider-in cb;ef ' of the nrmy and ' ' o Otattra of Hie have successively, oeen hct.wvv, -Union the right t . 1 roteel themselves by 000.000 and 293 000.000. Adding to mean, of their. - militia. These provi- . these amount 872,000,000, eattmated for . ii,. . ..a r.. 1.. I.. ,1... A.o.l ve.r ending the 30lh of June. stons snouia oe 1" once atiuuiieu, ioi "ov the first might, iu lime, of great eroergen- ... upuumI. ..inlHirmM the Kll-CUtive ill efforts to employ aud direct tlie common j strength of the nation for it. protection ; t 1 it "a well regu nteo iniiitia wing imr.- tun , e. a.,., ,l, sary to the security o. a - , ria-ht of the people lo keep and bear arms Ilnill notbe infringiHl." 'it I. Jielieved . . that the repeal of all such laws woulu De accepted by the American people as ajC least a partial return to the fondameiiAl principles of the government, and an indi cation that Irerealter the constitution's to he made the nation's safe und unswerving guide. They can he productive of no permanent berkfit to the country, and should not be tennitted to stand ns so ilnt the repeal of all such laws would bo Ill.lt Uie n peni o. . .. ... 1 i. c.l'... i..u.n ! m,y ,no,,m..,.ts o, ,1 e a... -, i.:i. 1.. .. .... .. , iei iv. . our recent iceisia- OHO 1100 v..n.v.v 7 w fton. riie-eoiiditlon of onr fionnces demands rhe early und earnest consideration ol Congress. Compared With the growth of our population the public expenditures have reached an unprecedented in oirhi. tor. The population of the tinted States in 1790 was nearly four millions of people, Increasing each decade about thirty-three per cent., it reached in I860 thirty-one millions, an increase of seven hun dred per cent, on the population in 1790 In 1669 it i. estimated that it will reach thirty-eight millions, or an increase of eight hundred and sixty-eight per cent In seyj-i.tytline ycart. The annual expen diture of the federal government in 1791 were four million tao hundred thousand dollara. In 1820, eighteen million two hundred thousand dollars In 1860, for ty ope million.. In 1860, eixty three inlrfions. In 1865, nearly thirteen hun .i.d minimis, and in, 1869 it i. eeltmiited UIM -J 1 . a by the Secretary of tbe treasury, in ui. last annual report, that they will be three hundred and seventy two million. By hlic dir4lursameiitii oi tsr.Q it is estimated bv the Secretary ot The Trgaiwy, In Itln lHii inmial '"H"'" that they will be .three nunoreu anu e. entr two million. By comparing the pub- lie disbursement, ot iou, icun with those of 1791, it will be wen that the Increase of expemHfnre. since the be ginning Of the government h. been eigW thousand six hundred and eighteen per iinwt, while the increase of ..the popula tion for the same petted was otity eigni hundred and sixty-eight per centum. Apain ; the ex pe nsion of tbe governmen t in 189, the year of peace immediately preceding the War, WeTe Oflty rtXtyhw million, while in. 1866, the year of peace three years after-the war, it is estimated they will be three hundred and seventy t wo million an increase of four hnndred and eighty "nine" per centum, while the in crease ot population was only twenty-piie per centum for the same period. These statistic further show that in 1791, the annual expenses, compared with the pop ulation, were little more tlutn ope d.dlar per capita, .nd in 1860, but two dollars per capita, while in 1869, they will reach the extravagant sum of nine, dollar, and seventy eight cents per captta. II he obwirrsd that rfl?beglijrjM tt'iet It ! le Cople Fire Centa WHOLE NO 444 stteincnts rcb r to. and exhibit 1I10 di- burwvtncnts of pe.9w. periods. It ninV, then fore, be of interest to couipare tb eipeiidiiun t of tlirew wttr ps-iMsd., ih. Mexican w.ir, ami tt War of the rebe.1 lion. In 1814, ibe arrnnal expense, in- cldent lo the war isf 18 I, rtwctwd , hig;lieat amount -about thirty. one. wlnU otjr popyUtioti slbjbtl rw nil .tin mtmm tm Jai thetr million, xccedetl .ighi MilH.ii, sliyaitf av-i 1 - ? oole three dollara Ml etffity cent, per mpiia. in jott xwe ripn.mi.ra. wr out of ibe War with Mexico reached fit y.vw mflHrm., and ths-popttUtton b..at twenty-one millions, giving only two dol lars and alxty cento per empitu lor the war expense, of that year. In 1865 the ot p. minutes called for by the rebellion reached the vast amount of twelve hun dred and ninety million., which compared with a population of thirty-four millions, gives th rty -eight dollars and twenty cents pet capita. From the fourth day of March 1789, to the 30;h of June 180T the entire expeu- UltUre. ol lire irovcruiueni were aevcmcwa from Mexico for fifteen million, and tbe territory ol New Mexico was obtained froi Tsxas for the .urn of ten million.. Ear ly in 1861 the war of the rebellion com c on ?d, and from the 1st of July of that year to the 30th of June, 1865, the public expenditures reached the enormoua aggre gate of 3300,000,009. Three year, of peace have intervened, and outing tnat time the disburaemenU of the government . 0- T. . . ' 1869. we "obtain a total expenditure of .ix- teen hundred million, of dollar, during the four year, preeeeding the war, or near- ly a. much as was expewtetl awtiuf the is . ---- - . : facts c early illustrate the necessity of retrenchment in all branc fc Abej vbkh . ,, kMMMO tb-nub- il tass r were lom'l i A a t - L -aw wain n.4 tlm during the war or tne r7"'V'. ; ..t ... endured bv people HOW il.lll'U p.... - - - ... . . ,1,. that profonud peace prevai 9 I bn re ceijpts from internal rerenoe and cu.loms, have during the past three year, gradual ly diminished and the cotittnnance of use less and extravagant expenditure, will in volve u in national bankrupty or else make inevitable an increase of taxet al- p....iIv Lwi niiemnt and in many respects ;- v - - - ,heir im.uUitori.1 uuo '" . - - t . One hundred million, annual ctiiiracier. ly are expended for the military force, a - . P .... 1 1 . Iu. large portion ol wuicn is ewpioywu execution of law. both unnecessary and unconstitutional. One hundred and fifty 'millions are required each year to pay the intereit on the public debt. An army of tax.gathers impoverishes -the nation, and public agents, placed by Congrcea beyond the control of the executive, divert from their legitimate purposes large sum. of money, which they collect from the peo-L- .. the name of the government. Ju dicious legislation and pmdent economy can alone remedy defects and avert evil, which if .offered to exist, and cannot tail to diminish confidence in the people to wards their political institutions. With out proper care th .mall balance which it is est. maicd will remain in tbe treaty at tlie close of the present fiscal year Will not be realized, and additional million, be added to a debt which is now enumerated by billion.. It is shown by the able and comprehensive report of the Secretary of the Treasury that the receipt, for the fia mI vir Midin.- June 30th, 1868, were $405,738,083, and that the expenditure far rim www awhid were- e377Fa48r leaving in the treasury a surplus of 28, 297,798. It is eslimated that the receipts during the present year ending June 30lh 1869, will be $341,392,868 and the ex penditure 33eVl2,470, showing a small balance of $5,240,398 in favor of the gov ernment. For the fiscal year ending j..wa. an.h, lafffl, itl estimated thM jhg receipt, will .mount to $327,000,000 and the expenditure, to $303,000,000 leaving an estimated surplus of $24,000,000. It becomes proper in this co intction te mak"e"ff brief reftiyetice to our pnhlie in debtedness, which ha. accumuiatea witn auch alarming rapidity and assumed sneh colossal proportions. Iu 1789, when ibe government commenced operation under The federal constitution, it wa burdened -with an indebtedness, of seventy -five mil lion of dollars, created during the war of the Revolution. Thi. amount had been reduced to forty-five million of dollars when, in 1812, war wa. declared against Great Britain. The three year, .truggle. that followed Urgely increased tbe na tional obligation., and in 1816 they bd attained tbe .nm of one hundred nd tive depart men, with tho voluntary aid of mMi Tlwiiltf of Sadtobarj fw-vwJswi I MflJL- . wwiwbwry, g. p-i ' -I1 s- i