am Tho Old North Stato" FOR SALE! Tko ir BW l esplroky Usown tullo,, 00 tb 1,1 d,y f J.naary UlM VKH will ih1 reanme ska pnblicalion ftT ihe II' -V', i" tt endue newspaper lterr " in SalWhary will k In say kaud afWr that D itif MiUnrd with iuj eiperience in t-ditorial life, and '", 1 of- fcr for .ale ili OM .Vbrtt State, together wild the "P" and aAtrri.d oaed In its Wnklieeikn prtvUMM to its Uia whk ,1. TFuteAMon. Tim type wu pnrchit t.1 from ik f. dry In Marnh, lWi, end U, tbm-fcr. peed Brw- T any one wWbinf tn eaihark In seek M enterpriae an nppnnanhy W hw pre which ntay nnl .dTeir again anon in N-rth OarwHna. Upon tko iwtwm n posperlty 8li.kory eioet meeeanrily be oihi of tke awwt Vwiekl.., tnn In lb intftW of ike State and a elngle l P' ' korr in enlrrprVu.g band will certainly pro rr a ptoSt able tovefrfsaw. Tko efrtr Wtfcm o OU YWk-SUJft-tn its two editions, Weekly and TrLwrek ly fa Mlfred to bf the largwat of any paper Wet rd Rak-igk Willi a aiogfa exception & Vm particular adrrrs tbe sub scriber at tkfa office LEWIS HANE8. November 241k, 1868. jcIJXortl)0tatc 8ALI8HiiBY,N7c, lKC TUE PRESIDENTS MESSAGE. To the xc.Mion of altno-t every thinjr elae we Pv da5 M mnch of the Preaident'a me-gu as wo have mom fr, atid will give I ho remain der nnnextTneeday. A ihta the last S ate paper which i t emanate from the pen f mrr preaent diatin friiiahed Chaief MAK''frtt,e il wi,, fmm the extraordinary puaiiion which he haa ocenpiwl ef re ibe country fo three rear paaf. kwcm aptcn lir in eicat. It i an aide and we.l wri.teii dCuineiit, aa are all hia pa pera. One okji.cilen mil may he it K..utiti..n o view advanced in ! . I a our mea-'aArj. and which tlu rw ia n ludiere v ii. i me BiijjM.uo. meet with any favor wi'h the preaetn Oiegreas In u ruing o rtpeal ot the Tennure of OHlee Lnw the Preat dent exhibita a uiagnaniin..ii diin tereatedneaa. He diacnaaen the finan c al queation at great length andeer tainly preeent e-mie novel view. We shall make no extended com iuenlavbt leave our reader to the tneaeage i'aelf. . . CONGRKSS Thia body assembled ai he Upiu l VI'.. Llmaie-aaa iti in ----- - . The Preidoiit'a muaaago wa tlolivei ed on TueatUty, b-it the Satiate, wi Ii a little ipiiefulneaa wlm-li " li graeefal, refused to hear it tend. We bad sincerely hoped that Congress would have assembled i-i a "inch better humor than it was in when it dj.mrned. but we' elmll b, diaap poioted. Senator Stintnor has already introduced a bill for auothec recm etruction of the State of Georgia, n .., a af the ground that the LegiMAture i rthat Statte ba failed to oomply with the Re construction Acts, by omity ing to exact the required oath, dec. A bill has passed the II mse ordering Aa olection on the new CousHitntion in Virgina in May next, and directing tbe Legislature to couvene in Sep tetnber, should said Constitation be doited. It will, doubtless, pass lie :Bwfiraii'fwirdbB- A nmnbe of the North Carolina raemlwjva -Ailjee aligned tocoai m ttees as follows : 011 the . Mili'ia Mr. Deweeer Benjdetionary Pen - Ar. ucwew , V ' eions, Mr. Dockery ; nexpenunurv in the 8tate DeiMtrtment. Mr, Lali. e. liillliuaVi Tt g e mi mr inn Trj iiurn.. ,,...., - I ItW ' . . . nnl vviTI.Uud hone be Dro.npt dealing a continuance of IIKJ! .. . n.i--a a tttr beokwn MULES and -j.. A.Ut.n horse Waeitnn , ne ennn iron --- f IrW and nreT, al awotkolance and a good Saddle Horse Persons kaviug aurk to dispose of will PJAMElc.TUkXER. Oct.awnaeg. Vk K. P. BESSEKT, D. D. S.7 THE SU B9CRI BEKha juet retaroed from the Nrth witk hi. rail nud Wluter sum & BJODS, 830CERIE8, AC Con- i.iing of Wfc PRINTS, D.I. . VtiMiJi Tn.lirt Vests. Shirting and Sheetings. Dress But a tm T.s.J THnii CI it'll in a. ki'uk. wen tuny v v " w Dramrt and Sh irU, Woolen Gorf C a a SHOES, A : II . ....1 I',. 1,1,. .. .!)...,,,, I V,.lk U4liril, mFWnimvi..r... . in SIm. Mei.'- KiiwiKH'.m.eSlMM, Boort -.n.i li mmn. Hiy Bo.n, MRS A BOYS FUR A WOOL PI ATS. COFFEE, TEAS. ir.. OLC, U-n.lnr. Cn-Ckrry. alr. HoSV.w VT.,r. Woo-I u.i W.'l.w VVu.e. Pr -itt. arel mutif mliee rtiet, wjinptlilajr a pnerl " D- U.hhK 0 .nvrie. ,K U .nvrie, ate, i oi if ii-., I of which will t mM low tor ( ASH OR BARTER. ft. W. JUiVIS.Agl. Jrnkins Corner. Salishui y. N C, Pept. 29, 18. w :. w:t Land For Sale. rllB KUrMCRIBKR will seH lo the hibei I bhider on ilie premwea. D SHinrd.y, the .-.L a. .. ..i i..nlur nJ.I v.ll.Hhle ll'H.'t I I III l.Y l v ."- - - - - Uml Iv iiir on Cr.-ek, in IMvi.Uoi. C . ' . . m-m' .1.1- - ,.l . .,t Tl . .MnUlllilii! I'JJ aert-;-. - - , .., .... 1 ll tin. I r-.. ... .It, , ill 1 ..ore i. in wo.Kl, 20 acre K.kkI nniiom mnu, . - I , ii... t.ncr .ii iMriti i ow.ied t Hie late Jo-m oIi Perrll. deed., au.l will bev.Wbj ilM-heirafordiatribuinm. Term iu aeree m menuow. i " : made known on day ol ale. J. A. PARK, S.i rt IBM w4l. Ai-""1 Sale of Land. OV Satnrdny the Wtb d.iy of December next. I will nell mi Ihii premise., my tract oi IaiiU in Oavie oouuiv, auuwuuup au.-.-v "54fl AtTos-- udjt.iuiiig the l.ndn of Green Ibiily nnd other.. Ten... maue ...o-u .. . TQoS Waeien P1a!na P. 0, Warren ommty. . C- Kr. lObB. - m-.- a.ti a TiTT " nllvY, PH C)rUljrW iir XX VaUilCXJ LA UG li PHOrOGIlAPHS, Cartw de Visitcs, Cartes de Vignettes, And all other Styles of Pictures Cheap at KENNEDY'S, Cor. lfiii Opposite, Murphy's Row, SALiSBUltY, N. C. Oct 11 t w I'm ,, Fall and Winter GOODS ! HAVING just neiwme.1 from the Baaterrt cine v. offer ibe Urpert and wt com pleie w.k uf otxid. in this maikct . e ean literate a lew : . , , 000 Piece. ao'letl Print. ; -" Hien.lie.l ami in 'ws 200 " Pant gijd Imm 2t cts . to $'i per yi.r.l, t ' 60 Oaae. Boots and Bkoe, al) price, anil .ize., Hammeied W'd lb.Ued lrou. A 1..II am, ol Ulie.' Diva. and l..u... mi oil. nnd prices, LIomKS trmti (a h. $25, IhI)i and Cat, Hani iiiiiiuiiiJitr. vwr . . a. . and Cntlerv, Carnage M-.terials of all kin.k Oilnn.l L --1 . ." a a J J.. I 11.... j Trlltl. Enamel ,CI 'tii. Sail.lica anu wwm n.m French. Calf and Sewmg. Ijluua, Sole. Upper.,JilVl PMHU Leatlier. ftrflO.SuKao all bind., Onb by the hhd. or bl.l, Can.1v, HaMiis, R:.o and Java Ciffee. BaWlni, J'lte and Ba,-gin, Rope, Salt, .. . i. o .. i-i....... Tanner a and Kero- Mnr.04rMhae(i, DrW and Dye-fetnff Ki- . .4. . .4 I . k. i.M 1 Ullltl Re' and blsl'n(( rowuer, .-.uwima' ai FH.-tory Prices hv ihe Bolt. V bve no heaitation in aaying we hava much the largest and moat complete Mock of irood. in tin. market, bought at the lowest mUri,Mt mtVs ofembj thia-aeaaoB. Therefore ne offer great induceinenta to wno.eaa.e fuu T.- . TTi I I .-- , rm fur 1 'nsh or Barter. In retail uemi. c.... , .. ,,-,H vim nn v risk of hUt- amiiuou. n ciiii""ri T 7 .4 . ilia old goods. Order, solicited from prompt dealera. We are aent for Wheelw A: Mel lick V Thresher, and Cleaners. We are thank- . . e .'i i:l. Mini.... irii-en US I the mbi r r ' ST Ca e same. - - BT Call a Snrairue's Old Staud. near the Market House. ... '' - SMlTII. FU5TErt"' 1 SMITH lTHO. i. r.Ta. I Jacro.Te . A. .sijith, (Ta.a. 1 natiJ-uury., ..j. . aw, Cheater NURSERIES . PIIOICE YOUNG APPLE .11 1 1 ij 1, 1 v , VI I I 11 11 I T-iL-L-a I - All 111 ton of Fruit and Oruamental Tree, and a W a. 1 . - Jrai Planta. Greenhouae rianiao-. 9 IP ' I ?, ' Z 7 m a a. fll IB MvitHt, Clerks, Skaifo anisthtrs I HE un.ricnel Im.r ici pre, .oa w iaiua, a oomplct aotl Ml A N' A I V SIS OV TIIK LAW S, uu.h r (Im Co.le ol Civil Pr.r.1re. a PJ JuMkm o ee.. CWf- una u(Aer (-v(r-"- .L v. i...ii. J ih Slate, a Uimafrwira iw wnni"' luVof the Ouoalieaa-aiioe.l H.u. J. hcr UW- rKl. the time ol hoMiur t onr V. T Oo-atin, .a. mnoe. ef lit Jadfaa tor. or each Clicm t tha aaarfeWg the Shinrrkx rW-er Deeih. wrr ,fl; Omtj Commiaoooera. atlWr 5JXachCou..t,. Tkto paa,pM ajM ah contain the Fee. aMoWed OJ tk nrw lew lo Ibe iererl ..mceia, Willi tome of 'be mualoa- ''''Itlnit nf Cicil and Ciminol IV Tl.o wvik M vniaw ho.a IWj-p."4 will i intt tuIuaOla ooo w . ... ' 'mi . ' Ct'UIIIV lll- icut hy mail l ""V poi ouk in ...v i.:a.e pan!, b" f 11 o?y- A'H" ... I 1 ft. ...t.a iAj..k ttllU 0 I i K aiiian, N. a rza Tt... .m 1ft 'tn (I m i- Kino trt-'-pii'inp, un it,-, .he .lirrctlon .'.I me.nh.-r ..I I he f. : . j .11 two concerniriK C-mly OtILv. . aitk Complete frt irf n.'iiiii. J In il.e new ip .....,- - i k. ,i in.- w piir- " r c: "r W ' m ... . I ha tlllM lOtl Ul trv w-."-- i a. Bk Ml m a. . i iku i jitnni a lo the CoJ. k been ht. y,:,.! Mwmbly. The plan '.,! mkx. uf the propyl buok, w.l lor- ilier UiU bcluie I ' P1' ' "l " , Z. I s,' o.i. 1 1S. .iblihfra. Slat! Salt! Salt! DIRICCr IMPORTATION. v HOW LAHDIHO Ix HIO BMIE i.nW a III) DlliECT FltOM UVEUPOOL. 5,000 SACKS LrV'EBPOOL SALT. i nr. i- cfTf r Pt.l'XV uik.. weialiini! ,1-11" . ... . ...url., ,,r,P . bv ..AosLEV Aj ('0. x Vilmiugtou, X. C 1.500 Sack. AMERICAN SALT in LIV- I ERKIOL Sack.. , BrTO 1.000 Sack. AMKMIU&M sal., ar-y- LAP Sack., ylrt rtntf in Store, For .ale at loWr-st markK prlc. .. by r. II i It.ll V Ar . t.. ij . I nnv7-419 2wj Wimington. N- C Notice of J. W. Bitting. . nnni'VTa n. m. hiwiti tnai nave wtu - ' .. . 1 u Ii. pre.eul.Hl aim .mi ll I 1 .Ml ... an., r.ilir ii.iit.i i ...j -- pro.i.iM ..'- ----- y - if prmnihea liave 1B kept- W . ..ceiU..n to aceounia aov.e "e.e..- - not paijl la an naja mn ...e rrT j I .v.-. If .!1 l JUaJ in the hllld. Of 0 mi. umir. , - officer for .l lecuoa. .. Oet. o. mm a COMING I 80MIN8!! COMING!! ill and Wiiiter, ftTODTv. 1 aefiA. Varied. Eleaant and y J. a, a 11 niMi: Ai Si THEM ! V. WALLACE TS nowJtwiln his large and ele-.'snt strick I ..I" V . I anil Winter Goods, to lite inspection 4 whkili he invites ctery body. . 1- . a. . .....1. il... ilitlnsmins. He lucatefl in ..nsi iy w in mc - tion irf didwjr a lair and honorable buaiwe-. ' a. . i i. .Ii ,.,ii...i,. iiMiheriililv lo that it merv.KMi., iu - - i.utooc Me i ll"U lie can make it to the' interest of the public to f ade Wh Wm. He has been iiiiiisually careful in the selection , . L.avc b wkldi oiifiinriws erervlliillj : Ol IH ran nnn-n, " "" ' - r' boiiuhl l'w down for cash, whu li enable, him r . . a. SI a a I.. l..,Aaa limn ailU t sell as low. h not i.h , v o her merchant in all this region. Try him ! Try him !l CASH or BARTER ! It shall be an even-handed, satisfactory trade. None shall leave liisSSfore without feeling that they have dotw well by calliug on V. WALLACE, Next door above J. S. McCubbins. Oct 10. - " b."h. cdwAly & CO., ! GENEKAh COMMISSipX AHD Shipping -fitttW .. . i AND , , , i. w n..i. a tr,H nixU-1t- oAratei Uae. ) " Tir,ll.l-fcwlrMfT..fc.e. J. AtnO tor Bro'i. Suirph .ph.t nr Ll gwHafcr Tateaa Ir Wacfca. S1rtii Ii V. i:.::Lo,, Wilmington, N.C '.al-lj WOW MOSTH WTA ST A. FIRST CLASS MILLER wanted, touka MtarM f tl at I BUT I L "V waaaaaw t 1 . . . . , a a IMrtUfton count j 1 .1.1. oc. a r. irnARTflJI- 1 SMIr UterRal ttttrunr. 4 t tlirr tn MUa lilWtfJt.i. C 8au-c. Nk Tk. peopatiy a-aarlkad la tba kd ar-Hj bjt haa Wrn .ei.ra.aaW.. Uahlato forfeitur. kw rli.Utwua.rt tba lateraal Kweuu. La. Aay prraou or perM.o. clalmiuK aald prP' " ly. or any part ih.rv-f. ara berokf antiaeo lo and make anrh tlalm. with!" thirty daya of tbe tret pabUnarWa of tbU M M. I Ma u.i. a i. ..,,. a i i . - Jm. i mm. J'. IMTMW, " Jvaa4,tMa. M.u.i aav M - a. im. wSaiaa-naj - TM t, IM. L H .to.i l A M e a tlart crfi , ar. I. i . H.r.1 L... . tr it,m. - tk lr a. .,1 m. Ra M Tiwli.n, " hryt IX I M. Urn ra.l, " rM.av iaa. art-t tan, Ira H. I ) i r I.. " aiM.ia. ia. -J p., 1 a.rr,i WVIrarf . ,mL a. il.v. f r. GET THE BEST UL 1 Bib Turner's N.C. Almanao h the State fbernment in toil : all the Omrt. ,.f ih suie : the Uiliti yMen : KwHajw raUw S .to of Confederal cnrrencyi Uoniwie.d taji Dur.-tof SUleOmirtilOtioD! Kailmad. and offl mT; Table., Keceipu, Anecd.rte.. Ac. aaaUag it the Bioat cmi.pteu. and v.luabla Almauac ec rr pi.bll.bed in tha State. l"nce. pe' oapr. wily lOii-uU. I'er gnwa. r 00. lor aala by j as. n. BXS1SS, lu,1 B.Haaller. SaliaUury and 'Raleigh 30,000 W0RTU0F GOODS ! MOCK & BROWN, WHOLESALE at IILIA.l. MERCHANTS Salisbury, If. C. k. . . iv ii L i ' l m ' i uf t Lm t arffrt an .1 mot AUK V 1. aa a w. - ii IT. ..ilali and llieli froo'U bar. beea bougbt at ArKUTapdaTSai t. -all at raw. tk. uc "V . . ij . ..k v. in ii i who want C menhandbw. 1 l-.r Swk ewnrfrta o AH : .. ,i 1...... .,,;. i.i Ihm lir.t ui M.-rl...ut ciumot h eu.i.llr.l In tha 1on. or r lit of l 'e MM. -t f" lie. of Oct, , jln KatbiJi. l.lotbma. l'ltula. i'o SZTVhk. Mnen RaBatHa, lilanket. Lla St Hoaieiy. Ulowa "J Wake. ;,lK.r.i. A large H.K-k ol Boot A hoe. .11 Jr. SnoalUu. C.r,wla. aa LcAtUer. (irocer, All ra aak to In-an-aW i. .a .amln.tioi. of or (JodVaaSPrlca.. Ta. liraa MaaaUy. .nety. .w,rMo..I..v ...J .u ui l.ooda will U.en.lve,. .ml fl .He tt. , Mt p'lW to uipl) or ;i W a wi "vor u - v " . la ... H..aOu,w l.rot.MllIll Lf i .1 tr-We cannol omit to eprer . b " it.ute for tl eery lanre and liberal palronapc Ih;- wed oa aw 'for -od aha, o ' '-neatly ' ".rr ..- rTin ., in the future. IfiliirAlltv in price? nd Hood ust dea l..;, and at fiVOTI, UUl III MStc'i ton-" - - - - .I pslite and repucUlil attention to a... au,.8, - uroa.iae tb.W- f . .,, r . m RABTKR. tllklnd. oTCoantrr Prodnre bonRlit t Mffkaat ..r' . Ifai. hint, .re invited to !:.nnfo..rl.tork. novo-lm Important Sale at GOLlJiIL,L Wednesday, 25th Nov. InSt. T WILL sell, at Gold-Ilill, a lot of Machinery I consiatinir of one hTKAM vniWM wltn TUBULAR BOILER, Shaft U. PruEraand HaMsM Two of natertOHE tauiitaH. v..e ..... Toot.". cooistin(r ol 3ioclc, Die, lap. V ice, . a I, it i leather and Kub- ami ripe vuiirio, berBr-LTiso; copper and iron I ir. so: two carboys ol -Acio; a lot of Household and Kitchen P-roitorr. and freat many ether ar ixlesused about inai-hinery lor tnalcmi; G .1.1. Mininepariies will find thi- a rare elmnce to lumish themselves witball things su.table lor Minme put pott Allpersoaa wishing further information con- . 1 . i. . ..I. nmtkirlV will addre9S the cernin ioc "(- " -v mibiciibei at Gold-Hill. N. G. ' JAHES A. OILL, Aaent. Ooto-Hi No tflyj, 1808. 3tw 2tw bM Chailotte Timf copy ten days, and send bill to too .abfcrtber. TlieSaleofthe above p-operty ha. been postponed until further notice. Charlotte Timet please 'copy. Nor. 41,1000 Trpdell County, N. C. rpilia Inaiiiution.- will ha re-opffl A- Mfflder I . al... I 'll, lIuU .if January, loon 1 11 1 1 .1 r v . injtft .... The Collee-e property 1. now o. j - . .'. T r- 1 ..' .... .,iiiiit,i frilir and nil nrevtoo disadvantnires artising from iU being involved, are now lemoveiL - A Mprt building will ho appropriated Tor a.emale school, and pan-nts may be a-sured .. . -ii 1 ... r im 1 11 1 that this Uoll.'Ce win 00 lougc. c ... . 1 . .-1 a uuxea scmwi. , .-. Terms ( per Session of 20 trA.j Rnanler month Ot wecas. LiehtS ana loweis extra. Tuition in Preparatory Department lroo C.,lle.Hate " 12oOto2oOO -N -ttiislc orr Pisno, r - 2o Use of Instrument. , . . . f'?" Smlinjreritfee, , --lstSi PaTMCSTS BoarO one nan i Tutioniuealnably in advanc. Produce Uken in hen ot Board and Tui tion. Fc.Circulr. a.l.l Olin, N.C..Kov.lM88w2A-t . U 7 ANTED A ituation a account ant-and ' . : .. .n.l .-Wit hv one 111 every way oompeUmtWe postiwe. and who furnuh ihe beat of reeroce, Apply at State of North Carolina, UAU'lN IX LX I SmfHor CVarl pf Lmu, htll 2Ww. I lavoO Uiifv " "v"" Z oBHMi ATfacamat. TT apnrari... lo the aalwUctam of lb OMn 1 lhal TW.HOO BoiUr, i ha didwU reWr. Uey.m.l ihe ksjMS ef tk akaaa, It h ikawbae Hi.b-.e.l by iheOnvrt lhat pa' V"' b le m u.e Watel-SMn a..d Wi Nooh Slaie lor .i. - I,. j mtl itt leWtalii lo U- ana aM-at at u.e i. . in... - . . l. ijV.. .i.. ... A It.. wan. al U'i- . . . t .. .J ..... I mm 10 o oe.u ii i"w i -". ' , ia SaHo.ofy. mi ihe 3d Meoewj ' . a a .a a. lnw . .t .U April neir, u.en ann nw "l"'--' mur, obwiarke will be prove.lo xai a. U b bad bn prraonatiy aarvwd wah piooraa, and luvl (aikxi to appear and plead. Wiineee, A. Jodavn Waaoo. eWrk of our aid Court at oo, tba Ad Monday in Baember A. D. 1188. and i. Ih V MaS5! mdrpewibnice. A. JCDSON MABU, rOilir.ttlO CCC- State of North Carolina, ROWAN COCNTT. 5per,ae Coart a law, M Jb-ai. 1-CS bailoa hVidlewian ra. Ttwruto" Uuller. Mioia.L ATTAcaaWT. IT aieanna to Ilia aaiuJailion of lU oort I . V n..,L., .(.f. lid.lll. rerlde. 1 I I, HI IIHIIIIIUII , . b, ,.d .he hmilS ol tbe SUie II bwewe "1 i i- ...r....t l.i ..ul.ticnllon be il.ale moerrv or - . " . .n lit liu " aiLiioieo MS o-mamniw wevka, uoUiyinl aW uetend.n . . i .-j - .1-.-.. Ttn.oi thn.Co.irt lt ua bvld Uw tba Uamiy ol ibaao. al jl.e I . . . . i . i .... .it- ?t.l kloliilav in April neat, ibao and il-re lo r.idey or 4w inui.oiueraiae ne win 'T'1"'". 4 la, bad S.. a p..eemll, tmy mlP, i i ... Alt. I Ii'.i-IL.!. alio ihmi miK. iu "ll . a, itne. A. Jodaoii Mu..n. clerk of oar miu n . .jn.- ii.. X.I MondaV ir. S-nleintier. Vt I i si mm., -- --- - . rt iai:a .l , ihe nmeit ilurd yea ol our lirn1 1 r i f iw , State of -North Uaroiina, . W-w DAVIK (DI.MI. Superior Court, Fall J'riw, 18C8. PCTITIoM roa DIVoMCa. Elisa ycCoy ea Joeiah McCoy. IT atiHannK upon ihe affidavit of Elua McCoy, that Joeiah MtCoy" "ot an InUhl taut ol the Slate; i. ll.i-reloro, ordered thai Mihlivalioa be made for aix w W in the IVotcAmaa & 0U Xorth Sl'.U, a p.per P""'"1 ... J.I..I..... li e .aid deleixiaut. JoMaU III -pajawoi J . MoCoe. be and appear at the neat biipe'tor-l Court of Saw lo b In Id lor the county ol V Tie. at the Couit Hooaa in Mock.wlle. on U.e w... j ;.. ... ,i na-f tt.t'ii Htid tlieie lo jiunuuji . .,- 1 ------ . ..ow cause, if any he .an. ahy ihe pr.yer ot ihe .hall not be yr.ired. n u .l.rk of our aal.l i lllli-w, ll iv " "r coiiM, . office in Movk-ville. the Oral Mmi-lay III Seplelliber, A. U., IOOO, a..M ... - t tliudycai of our md.. end. m e 11. U ALallN.C S. C. 4.vri.-prfio State of North Carolina, WATAUGA COUNTY. Superior Court of Lor, Fall Term, 1SC8. Cyru Culrer, 1 ts. V Ii.j.inclion. Joel Eager. ) . IN Ihiacaae it a, to tire .nti.f.ict.on ul Urn court thai the delendapl Joel fcpger. a non-rwident of the Smte it ordered thai pubhtatiun be made in .he lla cAmoa d; W A'ortt 5mf, a new.iu.per pnbh.lied in he loan .,1 Salisbury, lor Hix convutive week-, thai ihe Mid defendant may appearand answer tbe -. a a ..I ft. .a ltlirl til Ul' ,iu mil m urc - - , , , fur )unty ol alaujja, at the tour .q lhe M.col.J .er .be third ?Ad bill At UU? IlfXl irim w. - Mon.luvin Al.hI next, or tue - 1 eiwn X pane ms iu '" , . . Wit-tics!", Joseph B. Todd, clerk of our ssid Court at office,. in Boone t ho second alter ihe third Monday in Bepieinoer, n. , ., iu tbaWd,eWo.or iaWeaG i.VprfjlfV6t State of IS orth Carolina, ROWAN COUNTY. Superior Court of Law, Fall Term, A. D. 18C8. rBTITIoS Til SatL LAUD. Miuhael.Miller, Adm'r., of Daniel Miller, Aaron Miller, Jacob Miller, Isaac Miller, Lavi- aa... a I I KW M'lfaJ ill V na Miller, I'U'U onaici " j William Pilur and wifoSioplna, and Abram. Miller. TT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court 1 that Abram filler, one of the d.rendan.s resides beyond tl.o limits oi. the. State. It m therefore ordered by the Couit"l&t puhlica lion be made f-r six weeks successively. 111 the Watchman & Old North Slate, a par pob- .. . 1 .1 - fi..liahnrv IIOIllVllll! tllC lislieii 111 i' e imwmw - said defendant to be and appear at the next l . . . n .... t.. 1.11 r... 1 i.i ,'oiiiiiv Term ol Ihisuouti to or 1. j ol Rowan, at the courthouse in Sah.b iry, 011 . .7 , . Ilrnr, anil thlTt' the am Mouuay m Ap . T" . I0 plead, anawsr or dett.dr, otherwise jndg mffit pro conf. sm, will taken as to him. Witness, A Jmhon Mason, uleik ol our Said Court at office, the 3rd Monday tn Septem ber A D. 1868, and iu the umeiy-lhird year 45:6i:nr.f.llti rttlToKRMAN POPULATION OF NORTH'ANU auLii" aiwui " 7 t.. : . .. .,T,m 1 111 lint V I N OT oeiore u.e -' f . 1 r .1... .., v nv-.t . . . n 1 .......... ....I ) (provided 300 aubscr.bes ;sre omaineu .....t .1,,. ni.ders irned proposes to Stte-ftgw-Pf-H . ....... 1 . mh ttr....i,iif naamamr. lobe, rssne ntwa two w au . , , .. ive "GERMAN" Weekly newspaper, t.xb 1 11 1. uituaa.1 H .. . . it...... . vr H pt'tfl.T .UI.B9LA i AE"; i, Tir..i-i tf.nrr will con- I i as Htin all the latest Home and Forergn New., and is to be devoted to the ad-taucement of Immigration to the Southern States. Horns Industry, Agriculture. Rur d Lcouomy, Me- a i a . I al... I.i.... 1,1.1 chan 1 i-;il Alts am. me . .- anical Arts am. ...e . ... . in... i . . llciirvntR, will . ' . . . , The paper. a, I'Ai'i llO.OQk 1 i)ellHHSratio in polities and its I . . I rr .tlilll. aim will ever be to encourage and to aid in tbe iHiiiding up the mrthern States.. whjch must he done at; all hasard. We ennfidently rely on tBe Pre... a- d on . tWr..ii.rhout the Southern State. ture a. in the past, to wwiu ua .u v portant Enterpriaa. Rate of subscription La im .. .e .i.iuiin AiliifVHS waw.i , riVA nnviTZ. aj l 1W ' av atv- Dailr Messenger. Gold'horo. N. C. - IP O R SALE. HAVE THE WOOD WORKSof Two new Wagons, (two horse) for e'T.h thw OB POINTING ? COURT liLANKa to. -AO. kC 1UE USDEftSIGNED I1AVE THE prawmathlrl--4a iU aav.Sua up eaaaf iaa vary beat JOB PRINTING 0PFIC28 7iV SOUTH CAROLINA, pmiU oaUaeAwawttb whlah they way k fceava. rsnncas axd ruomaioXAt. & a a a COTTON TAllN Cttler to Bill o. WEDDING and PARTt PAMIMlLETp), CIRCULARS, HANDBILL, DRUG LA DEL ' COURT BLANKS, and .11 otaar Wad. of Bla aad Jab Prlattaf will bt daaaia a rtyl that caa be .arpaaaad by none, and eqaalUd by fw la tb. SuW. Our term, will be a. low aa tb leweet ia tb Southern Country. HAN EC k BBUNEB. a S.liibnry, Jaaaary te, tSOS. w. TUE TBI WEEKLY . OLD NORTH STATU, AND TUE WEEKLY W1TCQ11N k 014 Nrth SUlt, FOR 1868. TUE WATCHMAN OLD NORTH STATE having been consolidated in the Uafeof tUaaaiaifiiad. aad tba Bajinm katiftg aaaffoAad publication, a.reer thara wUl b bat one paper publkdwd ia Sallabury. whlek will bats Tri- Weekly & Wtekly, under tb abov nan.. Ia eoBnaaaa ef th. eomt-inatlon rehrwd to, tnl. paper will baas tb Largest Circulation or a XT PArsk Western Ncrth Caroliiia1 . AND WILL AFFOBD TBI Best Advertising Medium to be m.t with In that part of the State. Th4 Editorial Department will b under th. mt Urn. BAiraw, lata Editor and Proprietor of the Ot Koara 8tati. a J no pain, will d. pared to make it qnat te any, . if ... tlia ten of to el.a. in tue Maw In ta poimca . u c- LiABELSr cbansa-lt will coaunne to b a na and decided Cjasarr'atlTa journal, bet it will not he derated ex-ela-iyely to politic. it will aiao be devoted te tb. material intorart. of th. State, and te Literary aad UiK.ll.neou. Rewlinf , Domestic Economy, Aa. OITerinj each indBcemenU, w conBdeatly appeal tothe poWie for a liberal ebara of ita pawawaffa batk auUeriptlnn rf .drartlaemente. -L, Terms of Subscription : TKI-WEKKLT : For On. Tr....... SU atoBtha... ............ i vkkxlt: For One Tear........ Sis Moutlta...... HANKS A BRUNEB, , Si Ji.0S B0TDKV H0TJ8E. ' Nnreeryman. Chealer. 8. C f .. .a tlw. I a. v. CaamaaawtTdbx N. C. offtee. - ' 8a' .bwey. fW. Id, 1ISI , N C No 14. lttle. 4&2w w'trtaar.T.e., ta. w r nr in . HOT.ASW..