! r , i f i v li I - H hAi.iHtl ID, .v t , in Li. i mi i i',u.Mil. i jo..N HON To ukn i:vi.a Tb -Vif on iHtrUi'jtnrrr, r.f ifie 2d:h iiim., contain mh Hnirtaiil Idler limn 1 ' I ' If tl t J.lll ISOII l (!!. Th 'III I Kw- lug, .Jr., d m il ili'- 'i Ii liter., mid written nt t In- reiitWt iif ilii l iii. i. I give a riultl rt-vg;W ufilii tioaoci il history of llic i .anlry ami tlu- present nlmninf onndi lion nl ilii & laooe. II" my ilia! i In It viilminriitry w tr ci.l the ooplc of I ' .nt -it Si ! l7A.diiO.OOft, which Ii nt b.-eu reduced l" 5 !' OUU.lMtO when the v ir if IT-' roinui.-iiciit. ' w,,r hmnfhi ui i In- nation il tli-lii, in Islo, in i 1 I . . i, i.'.u.i i 11 v alsu m magnumul, ''' i. "I- I't hm mh1 nlTlii iwi-nijf years, under .Tick so i's Hiluiii ii ntlimt. At the rlou nt ihr Mexican war, in Sl!, tin- debt luciirn-d iiii.in.iti il t Sti I, (Jj:).UJ0, anil w.i about tlio same, alien tlii- Wai nti tlic S nilUi ru Stales began i.t The rnMie-cet ..1 the gner- lui-ni, I'T eveily-twi year, (nun ibc 4:h nl .M.ircli, 178'J.sJ.. Ilir-noilt of Jtiue 1801, had only b-ti 1, 700,000,000, whereas tin- expenses of tin- govciiiiiicm froiu 11 oTJuiy fail, u, tin- iflili of Juno ISC', f .iir year ol civil war, wen $3,300,000,- 000 ! The Pr.-ei.le fir. that the pill. ulilic d-hi, ai tho close rtriwir, arflMTTiierr m S,6nO.(M0,000, hut. In hVhrniry, IH6Q it i xi'.-.'l' il fi.HOO, 000,000. Kwroiu tlx In of July lv' '"''. i ihn 30t b of June l6'.), ft ii Mfiiuafwl that th-oit f th- g'ivf-niiii"ii', tor four 'iMra, in a tiin of i. will h ive bfii $1,600,000,000. mi mi mill nearly 'i r-'it ai w.i i-i-inl nl !'n. m tin1 fiiu.nl .li f il"- jiivorinwnl f..r ili. - tiivt .Vi-my-i wo your, to July. 16rt I. Alter iIim utiiniin ;-, llic PreiJ"ii tli. i- (iin-ii'ly wifrnl : 'I n nuking tin- i.iiiipui-rtii, wenh nihl r".i''inli i' 'I' it ilnriiijf the l'iC inti-rv.il b. tiveeii 1 7bt ami ISGl the (Jovemuieut wa frqut'ii'ly rerjnirnl to in ik- expendi tttrt of an i-xiraoidinary ch irncUr. Lug uin were pud l' InrliaiiH as annuitir. and for tin- pnrcliaie of their l.tndr. aurl expoimive war were w.-igul agint pow erful tribc. Louiaiuns w acquired from France al a cot of fifteen millions ol dol lars; Florida, in coiiaideration of five-nil lion, wai ceded lo us by Spain ; Oalilm in. i became u part of our poeaioni on paytnent to Mexico of fifteen millions; wbile for ten millions our Government se cured from Texas the territory of New Mexico. Dming these period of our his tory we were aluo engaged in wars with Great Britain and Mexico the first waged n-rtinft one of the nvet powerful natiwn of iIm world, the other mdcj additio tall v expensive bv the prosecution of military operations in the enemy's territory. Tim ftiirtling fucts, thus concisely sta ted, sitggast an inquiry as to the cause of this immense increase in tho expenditure and indebtedness of thecountry. During the civil war the maintenance of the Fed eral Government was the one great pnr poso that animated our people, and thai economy whic h should always characterise our financial operations was overlooked in the great effort of tlur nation lo preserve iig existence. Many abuses, which had tln-ir origin in the war, continued to exirt long after it bad been b ought to a trium phant conclusion, and the people, hiving T btfcfiuW cmi trmn-rlTira " laviKiieTrpmdi ture of the public money for an object so dear lo them as the preservation of the in tegiiif if their free institutions, have pa tiently tolerated taxation of the most op-pre-siv-character. Luge sums of mon er centiuue to be extorted from them and pipi iudered in useless and extravagant ap ptopriations. Kuornious expenditures are dein mded for purposes, the accomplish m -nt of which requires a large standing auuy, perversion of the Constitution, and subi't"alion ol S ates lo negro d'Mninatloii. With 'a military establishment, costing in time of peace not less than one I treil mdlions annually, and a debt, the interest upon which draws from the Treasury, each year, one hundred and fifty millions ..(dollars for these two items of expendi ture alone retrenchment has become an absolute necessity, or bankruptcy must simn overtake ns, and involve the country in its paralyzing and disastrous revolts. If, however, a wise economy be adopted, the taxes may soon be materially reduced, -Wot merely for the benefit ot" a few, hut in the interest of all. A re-renne would yet remain sufficient for the administration of the Government, as well as for such a re rlueiinn'of the public debt as would, in a few years, relieve the people from millions of interest now annually diawtl fVom their resources Vi The. Idea that lb debt is to become perrtfrurerrt- rhtmW-he-t a4l.Uudiwittit tetianced, as involving taxation too heavy to be home, a. id payment of an amount in interest every sixteen yars equal to the original sum. The gradual liquidation of tin- public debt would by degiees release the large capital invested in tne securities of the Government, which, seeking remu neration in other sources of income, would add to the wealth of the nation, upon which it is now so great a drain. This immense debt, if permitted to become p r-o-ttrettfrittd Trrt-i-eosfh-r Hw -v-vawuaUv-b gathered in ihe haM, .f the few, and enable them to exe ij a daSgerous and cot i f rolling power in the affairs of the govern ment. The debtors would become the servants of TtieHeaTlers the creditors the masses of the people.. It is now our boast that we have g' v" o. f''i'.tl ' nil 1 '.'.J hrcff men lion ot slaves ; it will then be our shame, tb it br tb.-ir own toleration of usurpntioii and profligacy, forty millions of oeoph have enslaved thentselves, and exchanged lavx-holders for new taaknasters in the shape of bond-holders ansl tas gatherers. Ilcoee the vital tesae. whether Congress and its arbitrary assunpions of authority ah ill sup'ol" the sapea law o4 the 1, .!., !,. ili r in tini- ..f peace the eonn- ii v all lil oc ci'-uroiiiu "i uiuiu.buu i I t i i- Ikelora mihj a naming, "J, iiiii- ului 't a numerous a ihu utlier, aud t . - . .ii ....... .i 1 iii iking ibn di hi p Mii.i.u iil bitideu upou ihe prtalnclivr iiniu ry s ihe people ; or whether the Constitution, with each an I all of ii guarauU:, shall be sacredly pre- I served wheth-r now, a in 1789 or 1810, ' provision shall be made far ihe payment i 'if our obligations at as early a period as practicable, that the fruits of their labor tuny b' enjoyed by our citii"o, rather I than until lo build up and sustai i a moil 1 eyed monopoly at home and abroad. ' I he cou'.est U mil merely ho shall ocen py tj"' prloelpal fiiei in the peoplr' gift, but wh -iliei ihe high behest of the I Federal Coustituiiou shall he observed and maintained, in order that our liberties ! may be preserved; the Union of the Stales restored, thai our Federal system may be nniinpaired ; fraternal f.u Hug re estiihlished, that our uatlonal strenglb m iv he renewed; ihe expetiditure dimiu-i-h' il, that laxilln.il Uuty lie lightened; and the public debl once mora extinguish ed, that it may not injuriously affect the life and energy, tho prosperity and morals of the nation Ik-Having ihat for the redress of tin great wrongs, and tho correction of the many abase nne'er which lb country is now laboring, we mast look, to tho Amer ican people, and that in them is our hope, I am, very t.nly. yonr friend. I AKisUKW JOBKaON. - Gkn Thomas Kwixu. I )emorit'i I :tilvrssll- ackawtdd Ik Mie ParlsrMaga- lint of ABifi icu rtevoW.Tto n in . I Mr.i-s ISwu.-. krlvli. i.1iltf tiniiU Mott.tnttpe" IIuiikI al ilsticr ul 1 iioshi, fsnainsi sno l.ltaisn ni. ;iii.luJuil !. ai ili I I Uncle!- on Kaainnti1 iWrii. tMin-.'ii flcslth Mii-ir .snin-rmrtile rt. . I ) ii. i ivm In. I .r, im lUi m.tl ri.JiI..i ulti ilir rni r '..leiie- jlnl a i i.I.hIhM ; I "t rtil' lV :C. wit ti ..tlrr im t.ii sadi-niMtaiaii t no ' ,uh-raun if rvtl1l. e. oi.oNileal l.i.liM-:tr nl S'ly "l Ulr aRwril l On mlloul tie Ueilrl a-'tithly emgl ci. So rrnt L. k eeiti .M-.'han IOn'it: eitli-r nmil"l r.jr. tml) IS, itii Illlillmloi t iirl6 t(. H le. ei. I r- 57. 60. IIv. i..kui il-J and ilrlnl.ii ire:uiun r..rclub stMescli. wltb-lhr Dret i.reBiln.l eck .ubacriber. O" A new Wbaler Wilwm Hewlnr Jaclune for 20utacribem at (8 entb. Adilrrsa, W. JKNKJNtW DliMOnEsT. No. 473 Broadwir New Yrkf Dunioreiifi Monthly snd Yoaug auk n. logetlicr vith tli jrm im lr ecn nov II NJrY IS THE TIME To Invest your Greenbacks Profitably. Ii. M. DAVIS. Watch Maker and Jewel er, takes pleasure in itiforininff his frjends in. I the public generally, that ne is now re reiving from the Manufactures. One of the largest aud most selecteil st'icks ol Jtwelru (j Alt Silver Plate' Ware, that has ever been iutr.Mlueed in Western X V., since the Wat. His past experience in the business enables h'm to iusure to his customers bargaiiiS that will compete favor ably with any other establishment North or South. He would call special aitenlion to his Large Stock of Plated Ware which is warranted to be of the 1st Quality. Also Lis larjfe stock of American and Swiss Watches, aud in fact everything usually kept in a first class Jewelry Store. Give him a call and see the celebrated Cuckoo Clock. Opposite Crawford & Heilig's Hardwaie Sti re. Special attention given to repairing fine Watches, Clocks, &"., oce- IjT Tne highest Cash j.rice paid for old Silver Spoons. Silver Watch Cases, etc. "SallsWBry. Oa. 20.t?W. voSttrw 42 s tJaiversity of Virginia. 'PHE 45th Session of this institution will 1 beifin oil the 1st day of Oct. IStW and on the Thursday before the 4th of July IHtill. The orcantiatuih of the institution is very complete, embracing extensive and thorough courses i if instruction in Literature and Science and in the professions of Law, Medicine and Engineering. Estimated r.rx-nsc exclusive of bonks, clothing and pocket money of the Acdde mic student Il(l : of tire 7,nc student 3G5 and of ,the Medical student 3!5i. For particulars send for Catalogue to 'Win. Wertenbaker, Sec. or S. MACI'IX, Chairman of the Faculty. P. 0- University of Virginia. july 3U w-tw-3tl. REMEMBER THE DEAD. BUI&' MARBLE YARD SALISBUSY. N. C. Corner i.f Main and Cnun.il SlrU Near the Court-Uoaac. THK un Jeraigned continues to furowu Monu mrnts. Toroba, Head and Foot Rtoaea, to all who dfeaire them, at price to rait the times, lie deAe competition . He retorna tbsak for favors, and liopei to merit a continuance of them. ' JOH 11. BUIS. July 17, tT8. GUILFORD LAND AGENCY 0 NORTH OArsiOLIA- LANDHOLpERJeho wish to Sell Agricultural or Mineral Ijnnl, Water Power, Mill. Town Lot, or Iteql tite of any kiml. will find it lo ll tr advantage to plai'e .heir pioperty in our hands lor sale. We 'have great jaeililie for piocunng pur chnsis fur such property. For information, aihlress ,i JNO. B. GRETTER. ' ' " General Auent, Giet-ns.boro', N. C. IK Jh 4UW. - , I. ANDS WAT-KD. in Rowan. Dave. Da- .-n. Ire. lell. Catawba. 8latly, Mecklen- bnr, Fot sy I he, No title to be given til money is faid. Five per cent, commission charged on all sales. Sell half your land and the remainder will be wortb double, and these thrifty Jersey frroTK will develop our conn ire. Si-nd o divcriptions of piiperty, wilb prices, Sc. Inaiiries proiiiplly Biwereil. iOHS H. EN'NISS. Sbsr.rtrT, N. C, - As !' t" Ajiaiy K & Gold Mine and oilier ruiaeiai pt p nW bw spersal J. HX. Eraiqrants Gomwia THE MOBNINCi 8TAB! v Daily Newspaper, Tublished at . V iIiuiukUiii, S- C. Tb Htab oouiaiu l-alivt Tuliwraiiliu- itrpurU, Loral ,tr Lien- : "' Intelligent) aad Couiylel iUjn.ru ot Ik M iik,-' T URDUS IW ADVAMOB: One Vt-sr $4 00 hi Mould -13 60 Advcrtining Katoa Very Reason Ma. Read (be follow iiif NOTICIW OK THE rRlH: "A Kod fr take il." Herrtajs Cse rer. "h My eomloeted, racy and ' paper." tkhm lrtM. lie aews- "A epiev, ipiriled'Conservaliv sheet. We eonliii- ml "tin- papei oj llie public" (J rrm ItVtV Till. "One of ihe spiiflitt!i-t Dlie State." Wmtkifjlmt CVasrrvuors. in ii.. "A sjeiglnly Iilr, nl well worth the sub soiiplhm piK." GittMtltvru I'mliiot, "If you warn a lively, wide-awake peper, nljcilu to il Vilniiiij,'ti.u Star. Cvicurl rrt: "A sprihllr snd able Conservsiivt paper. ii .'.! . .. ... i . ite t I M.e Ol nil li iei uu ni"-i minvtr m IH!( evloge." Itttltiyk Stntiftl. "One of Ihe tvry o9i Jktasna btt newspepers tliai rtstti "A lively, pungent Daily TI e editor is ey ideail an nrrgetk) and sailtui caterer fler- rtnion MicuUtr. "If yon want a brlgh', .aiklln. Hrely aud eU.-Hi. ilaily iii-i. e can ooniDM iel the Morn i iHir. FtortHci(8. V) OattUt. "A well conducted, inileH-ndeiii Conseir -live pa'r and well deervilijf of puidie pat Kinase. It is one Ol the ypu-ii l and UiOSJ leadal.le pnK-rs in t lie Stste. ijuiiibuiy Old Svrth SUitt. "A sparkling, lively aud clever beet. J- i A flrst -class Daily paper lee. I v eil I v US, and one of the spiciest ' GohUioTv' Ar. "Without mi-take, one of ihe best Dailies received al this oftW, and may be irtily ilesig- n led a 'live newMper,' ooulaining the news, boih political ami ciuiiniercial, in a 'nutsbvll.' ". LancatUr & C.) Ledger. "A capital little Daily, and on of our very best Slate exchanges. Raleigh Reguler. "A parkling little -Twinkler,' worthy al couiineudation. Its lightning flashes ol wit, satire and loyic are constantly scort-hing the tattered rags of Radicalism." Giddtbvro Rough Xote. "Unqetionably one of lb liveliest Dailies in the State, and a worthy recipient of the Inrge and inr-reastnp palronape it is daily re eeiemg. As a bright particular Star in the 'firmament of the South, we recommend iis editor, and wish for him and bis little- 'Twink lei ' nnlKMiiKled and iinlalhomabie success." Raleigh AorfA Carolinian. "This bright constellation of ihe heavens continues lo illiinune the political hoiizon.and nobly performs its office of guiding Ster for the poor, downtrodden Southerner. The su perior ability ol its editorial staff is a sufficient guarantee ol us success an one ol the leadm? journals ol the couuiry. Benttttvill (& C) JuuruaL "The livrliest paper we know of, full of news nt a picy and eouveiuent lorm. and has an cri rtorfiri staff who not only understand the art of epi'ouiislng and paragraphiui; lo perfection, but wli.ial-o wield . sensible anil piquant pens If you want to invest $2 50iti pleasant and profitable manner, send ami yet the Star fot six months.'' Aobe (.8. C.) ioerirr. "One of tiie best, and indeed we may add, the spriglnliest newspiifKT h, ihe Stale.' Tle St'rr shines (xmsepicutMisly in fbe (M.liticBl con stellation ot North Carolina, aud we lake pleasure in reoommendinjt it lo an who are not posted in news, politics or astrouoltiy. K'lent'in Tranncript Hp" Remember our low rales of subscrip tion, and address all oommnnicatiOB to . WM. H. RKRNAkD, Editor and Proprietor, f Wiluiinuion, N. G Country Merchants, Dairymen, Farmers, And Others. C0NSION YOUR Ashes, Beeswax. Beans, Butter, Cheese, Eggs, J1 lour and Meat, , Flat, Cotton, Furs and akins Dried and Green Fruits, Grain, Wool, Game, I'Qultrg, Naval Stores, Hops, Ginseng, Feathers, Hemp, Provisions Oils. Lard. TaUotr. Tobacco, Seeds, Sorghum, Molasscsr ice, kc , kc, T O JOSIAH CARPENTER, fieneral Commission Merchant, 442 444 A 444 Wahingto a St. NEW YORK CUT. And receive hi weekly Price Current of Pro dwrer Tnt ttrtwrerttss niol complete prlercW rent published in the Cuited States. Send for a Price Crrrent lfarkine ftmes amtt-'anrs FnrnTshed Freer" ; Liberal advances made on ConRtfrnments. . Established, Mag 1st, 1860. Firt da references giren when required. March;".. IrSX. twly ' ,: LEATHER! LEATHER 1 1 UTK, THE UNDERSIOND hae aoia- t.-i . up., u.-, m ihe Tanning Sfiai nea at W. F. Watson's Old Stand, 5 miles West of Salisbury, on ihe Lineolntonroad, and are reaily to so GOOD HIDES, KIP AND OTUER SKINS, ON SHARED We wiUez cbange good Leather for good Hide. W. t. WATSON. kVf t e. Ct tm J M LOW BANCS . oil PMINTINU. COUltr BLANKS. 8lo. TUB UNDERBI0NED HAVE THE ftkwmm lnw Maa, a4 tk ek4is, taat iic, ban aued ep er the esry best JOB PRINTING 0FFICE8 IX sollTll CAROUSA, igl - prspsnd I sasoals all k h!.h teay mare fceersd. UL-.IM-' AMU PKOFKMIUJIAL Ai X AV 6', flM0VWMPMi COTTON YARN LABELS, Ctltcr U Bill i)cus, WEDDING and PAETT I'A MI' II LETS, CIRC ULA liS, HANDBILLo, DRUG LAHLL COURT BLANKS, and all other kiad of Ulan k. sad Job Priatiag will be done ta a style that can be sffSSd by none, aad equalled by tew la tb Slate. Our terra will b BS to S tb lWSt in tk Southern ( ouutry . HANEf h BBUKEB. Balisbory. January 16. IM. - TUE TBI-WEEKLY OLD NORTH STATU, AND THE WEEKLY WATCHMAN Old Noriu Slate. FOR 1868. TIIE WATCHMAN k OLD NOBTB STATE having bean consolidated in the hands ef lb aadersigiied, aad tb Bsmsbb bartag taspeaded poblicatioa, bersafler there wi.l be bat one paper published la Uallsbory. which will be ta soed Tn Weekly tfi Weekly1, under tli sbur aaai. la eonaune of tk couil ination referred to. Una pH)T will bS tb k Largest Circulation Of ANY PAPBk IV Western Ncrth Carolina AND WILL AeTOBD THE Best Advertising Medinn to be it wrtk ia that part f the State. Th Editorial Department wilt b under the management of Mb. HAVaa, lat Editor and Proprhrtor of tb Ot Nobtb Pt ti. and ii" pain will D spared to make it al to any . If net the-besspspw S cll the State. Ia tb politic of tb paper there will be a change- it Vjll ebntinu to b a rai and decide! Conservative jodrnsl, but It will net b devoted ea clBsiTely to politic. It wilt also be devoted to tk material intert of tke Stat, aad ta Literary aad Mlacllaneou Reading, Domestic Economy, A. ' Offering sacb indacemcot. we confidently sppedi to tli public for s liberal hsr of it patron ag bath ti kn'baeriDtioB sad advertointo. " , Terms of Subscription TBI-WKEKLT i For On Tear.... " Six Montha.. .fi.00 . i ne WBEKLT : Per On Tear.. . .no - Stx II ASKS A BRUNEI, tea a. tar Uanttt is Owr Jaa Yield i$ Oreatt Froqxrity Abounds I Winter has Corns I AB HAW is TBI via to VaSB Moore's Rural New Yorker, mi a an at WW! AND I'HJSTH WEEKLY 1 THK KUIUL talk Latf SSd l.arge.l I ir. ula 11114 Naa "' O 1'iaaa o ifc I'BBUBSBt rkir la Vbimv d Varistjr f eiBi sad lluiy u AefraraBt . Il Bikoe BMte A IcaltBial. Uortl ruilunil. -vfuUlli'. kdal.oul LlWia J sad N M.iur.iiUnim Bilk KaralB(a. tbaBaar olU Joyrssl,- lor il ruwiara lBilBHBdilt v iBi'ladlac Agriculture, HonkuUtsre, Sheep Uusthindrf, (rnuisy. ikurytmti, liurui Architecture, Oumestie tkiOHoms, Choics Literature, Sctemt and Art, J-MlucniiuM, Youth's lit mil n J, f rm nil .W u S, Commeree, Markets, W'itu 1 1 1 u 1 1 i . i isles, K Itrbuaaa k-Buruia. ke.. A' ay. Music, IWij rw Keral 'rkH Xatkuial jAaraal.vrlrH latiaf larh la tb Kaataad Mel. NortBaudrioiilk It tB Beat latent I all tjaftBrnt. it clpa of K4ikx I ontritMlu. M.. coBiOra mnj of lb bM r nBr I'taalBf oo) lftor. ir in. HWtiruHenat A. . i.U slaw AaU-or. ikel ar. Ac, of l a' I ability. Is brief lb LaraJ a .ii. t r .it -.1 ibbrmbUv IHiatralrd. brt'y prit.tr MaMaal aWtaatie, IbadWi Motai. iastnics. sad toWrUininjt. W larcTer located Is ( oueli) Villas' ' . VuC AXT THK IJt'KAI. TOUU FaidbV AN0 FKIKKIW WANT IT ! r'or it b s.bBO-d to tb at sJI. otcilmi 't Ml asoBSbl. bats Israa baJ U.i.uim. Wasblt. oi uat vol. xu b t u bsatartsof efcp. EsaaalMB aeeiberaaaaMK wstto )ori- tnen a I if eesj eji aaaiber i-oBtati bi doabl qaarto pm$m Miaesd la eatr a la. .car Tjr.Ui nsm sbs burnt niBBtratroa tbaa say otbc Joarasl of lis Claas: A Tsu Pas. Iirdsa.- stelassolroturoe. TriltM- " i.;M Vrr. tm rlh BftSBcfl Nl rr .-opr. Vnl. XlA bs-lw Ian. 4 lbaJ Kw M tb MM) to aobaerib. (ir.! Oiler lo I lub nnt. -i-. -.III.-H-. ' f : i 1 1 - fi. I" ' as Ac. rBifres; orlb IS aaralwraof Un Uuarter. (ct. to Jso.Jos lrtl. lor only fitly tenia' Addieaa D.D. T HOObUL Dec IS Bm-hMr. K Y. Till: ClRUIN'l MI fit BKLIKVINO that the interetts of the Far mer aud Piauters of thi aectiou demand the in ul n ation ot a periialieal t be devoted lo the Bdeanoement of ATiealbare in the tyr Caroli na, we have d U-rmtned to atabliah raeb a periodioal ander the title . f Til K CAROLINA KAKMKK. and will i -m the first number as noon as a auffieicnt nuuiber of subscribers are ol. tamed to pay a reasonable hare of the ei penae ef pnblH-atiu. The Farmer will be issued monthly at W P" annum, in advance ; will c .n am not less than thirt-to larre doubles olnmn paints, uf read ins; mailer, hound in handsome cover: and in trpucraphieal execution will mat be urpMed by any AeTicultaral Monthly in the country. Heine: determined t do whatever encryry will aeeomplinh in makiag the Farmer worthy the support of the Intelligent Plantar and Farmer i.f North Carolina and Bouth Carolina i and de Mnmg to introduce it into every comity in those States, we wish to employ active Agent at every Post office, to whom the most liberal in ducement will lie offered. Address all coniniunicarlon to Wit. H BKRNARD, je7 w:tw:t Wilmington. N. C. Aukntb Wami.h hk TNE 0FFI8IAL HISTORY OF THE WAR, , lis Cause , ( h iraelf r. Coitdnrl and RcmIIs. By ILEXtMBKt H. STCFIKM- A Book for all Sections, and Parties. This ureat work presents the only com plete and impartial analysis of the Causes of the War, yet published, aud give those in terior liirhts and shadows of the reat con flict oule known to those high idEcer who watched the tlnnd-tide of revolution from its fountain springs, and which were so acces sible to Mr. Stephen from his position as second officer of the Confederacy. Tii a public that has bee n surfeited with APPARENTLY SIMILAR PRODUC TIONS, we promise a change of fare agree able aud salutary, and an intellectual treat of the highest order. The Great American War has AT LAST found a historian worthy of its importance, and at whose hands it will receive that moderate, ea did aud im partial treatment which truth aud justice so urgeutly demand. The inteuse desire every 'here manifest ed to obtain this work, its Official character and raV sale, combined with an increased comtniseion. make it the best subscription book ever published. One Aent in Easton, Pa. reports 72 sub-, eeribers in three days. One in Memphis. Tenn. 106 subscribers in five days. Send for Circulars and see our terms, and a ft. 1 1 description of the work, with Prees no tices of advance sheet, e. Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO. 98 South Seventh St. Philadelphia. Pa. AG K NTS W ANTKP FOB TUB GRAY JACKETS. Antf how they Lived Fought and DieiLfor Dixie. J" 7ITH Incidents and Sketches of Life m the'tJrjrjfrrarT; ramirrrisilTg Krra- tives of Personal dv- ntiire, Anny wie, avai Adventure, Home Life, Partisan Daring, Life in the Camp, Field and Hospital, together with the Ronga, Ballads, Anecdotes and Humorous Inci dents of the War lor Southern Independence. There is a certain portion of the war that will never go into the regular Histories, nor be em Ixidiek in romance or pinery, which is a very real part of it, and will, If preserved convey to succeeding generations a better idea rtf . the spirit of the conflict thanaiary dry reports or i.arfiil narrative nl' events, and this part may lie called the gossip, the fun. the pathos of the war. This illustrates the character of the lead ers, the humiir of the soldiers, the devotion ol I women, the hrareiv of men. the pluck of onr"1 ttiemesythe romance gnd hwrririripr tnMhe"Bert vice. . , The Valiant and Brave Hearted, the Fictur eso ie and Prnmstic, t e Wittv and MaiTelouXTto linn iru, ilir j n (in the Tender and Pathetic, and thewhole Pannr - atnaof the 'Warareherethrilliiiply portrayed in a uiaaterlyjuftiuier, at once hislori alT nujiei , mantic, rendering it. the mot ample, njaiane. umqiu rar ha brilliant and readable hook called forth. ' that trie Amusement as well a Instruction msr be found in every page, as graphic detail, brilliant wit, and authentic history, are skillfully inter woven in this work of literary art. (tend for Circulars and see our terms, and a fall description of th work. Address, OX BS BROTHERS A 00.. State of North Carolina. ROW a SI ODUHTT. Suneruw Vmuri Urn, MS JW, 1M Jacob Luijfle r. Tboroioa Bailer. I.SIOIS-. TTaCBBIT I T appearing to I be ssiaaV-iion of tb Ooort 1 tli thai Thornton Butler, ihe delendaot beyond the limits uf the oHaic, ll at therefore ordered by the Court that tnibl lost Ion be mad in tne Watchman and tad North Htaat," fur aix MMMBsrnine weeks, notdyingaeid detotuhuil ui be and appear at ib neat Term of this Court to Im held for lb County uf Rowan, at the Court- Ihaise in Sal. i 1 1 r v . on ihe 3d Holiday in April neat, I lien and Hare lo replc ui eW i n.ii. other M ise he will be j.recersjed agaiust as il he had been personally serveil with ptocrsa, and had I ailed to appear ami pleail. WlllMBW, A. JihIsoii Mason el, ik of oar said i '..in I at 'ofrbie, ihe 3l Miaalay in rVpleiulii-r. A. 1 I8G8. ami in the ninety third yearn! our i.'te, e. A. Jl'U.-D.N MASON, dUift J,o.l.4l0 c s.c. . i : . State Qf North Carolina, ROW AN tOLN rV Superior O'Bi t ion), fldl Itrm. 1 "HJ8. Sun Eldb-iiMii m. Thm ui... i flollet J 1.1 oiramaL irruiiBfST. IT 1 Hi apiM-r.ug in tl.e as'isiacfnai id the ti ut ttaai I li.auton RuiV-r the .ieiciidi't. t. m.o- ra-yid tbehiiihs ra fl.-Maic t . h . 'aCk-red by il.et'i -i.it inai m.Mieaii.'ti he hhmk in Mm " AaU l.inan atn Old XutU CtavlE ' i i aB atrr i upaw aeeka mdi't nuj saal leuda. ! In t and appear a lI v-wgi'Terai in. to 1st held ia, IbxtViu.lU ot atoasa'i. at llsv Ouurt HiNiae hhjtgBsr. S$fm un. i oO- v aw he wdi rtefaurveiimt afmaa. -il be bed hN peisihall) seated uitb ptiaa. ami lani tsiVei appear and pl.-aA While). A Jttihson Ma 4i. cletk ol our sl Court at office the 3d Monday n. . t. i.. . A. I. 18u8, ami in il.- ninety- h.m-.i ye' ot o-i. iutleH-iMlenee. A JULON IIAJsON, 4o:6.).lf 10 Nc.so State of North Carolina, DAVIfc CXiCSIT. Superior Court, Full Tern; 1868 i iiirio. ma Divi.aca. KLia McCoy vs. Jiaiah aioCoy. Ilffiappearing .n the affidavit ol Khxa McCoy, that Jewish Mi Coy ia ma an inhshi uul ot the Stale; li is ilerefore. . r... -d that IMihlioaiion he made lor sii v. . . k- in be HufrAeuia & Old Sutih i&itt, a pet primed in Ssbdtmy, ilii the said deiemiai I. Joeani MeCi.y, be and aaprr at ihe next Hajuiivr Court law lo be n. lo lor ike coi.i, ot la vie. al the C'i url House in Mo ketllle, .-i. li . lit st Mta.day in April m Ki, iliei, aud lo sbow cause, il any lietau, by the prayer ol ihe petitioner shall not be granted. W itnees, H K Anssin, clerk ol onr said couit, at office in Mm kvre. the first Mm, lay in September, A. 1) , 18G6. and in ike nirnay- iniru year ui oui muri riiin w It U AirslftN (1 K f! 45:6i :r.r.f flO. State of North Carolina, WATAtGA CCLTNIY. Superior Court of Lair, Fall Term, 1S68. Cyro Culver, J vs. v Iijiiiictii.n. JlH'l Evgefa IN tin cm- it api-aiiug lo the iisfWii.r ul Hie court that the lielendaiil Joel fcip. a noii-teldeM ol the State, it is onli e. tbs iinhhiatii-n he made in the Witetman r G'i Am 'A Slate, a newspaper (mbhsl rv ir i . u. n id Sahsbmy, lor six euuseeuttte weeks, thai (be ssid delendsnt may appearand ansaet lie said hill al the next terai ot Ibis conn li be held for the eunuty ol NVaJauga, at the Court House in Bisjiie, on' the reined al'er the third. Monday in Apnl next, or ihe same will lie heard ei parte as lo him. Witness. Joseph B-TM eleik.ifonr said Conrt at office, in Bri:e. ih si-oomi alter th third Mondav in beptemlei. A. D. 1868, w-1 in Iht 93.1 vent ot ijur i: '-j'. iinn-P. ... 1? iirr r t 45:pr f i. 6r State of North Carolina. ROWA N COUNTY Superior Court of' ir. Fall Term, A It 1868 nrm to sll lano Minbaeliiiilci. A 'to' nt iaoih'l -Ui !c.- Anion Miller, imaih Mil!- . I-. ... .i:!i.r. Lsvt ui Miller, Pat.l Stiax.-i and wife M y William Paiki-r aud wileS-phuv and Abian. MiWi TT appearing to tla- sutisbeMiot. or' lire I oil' lhi A Irani Millei. one oi Ike tsettaelatH ri-sides twyiul tln limils ol the S 1 1. t r thereiore ordered t v ihe IXmt list pnblca lion he made Utr sig afeek sneeessiveiy , in Ihe " Watchman 4 Chi Niath State," a paper pub lished in l e town ot Salisbury, noiityiiig Ihe said delendsnt to be ai d afpeas at the itt-ai Term ol this Court to be held tur the uxHinty 1 Rowan, at the court bouse n Sajs-b.iry . on th 3rd Monday ia Ap.nl m-lt, than and Uvr to plead, answer or demur, otherwise judg ment pro confeasn will be token aa to him. Witness. A. Judson Mason, clerk ot our said Conrt at office, the 3rd Monday in Septem ber. A. D. 1868. and in th ninety -thin' year of our indeiwndelli.' A. JUDSON MASON, C 8. 0. 45:6i:pr.f$l(! YARBROUGH HOUSE, FA YETTEVILLE ST BEET, RALEIGH. N. C. , The Proprietor in returning his sincere thanks to the traveling public Tor th liberal patronage extended to him during his connec tion with this Hotel, takes occasion to assure them that no effort or expense will be spared o ret ii i u the present reputationof the Hotel a one of the very best in the South. He is happy to announce that the fall in the mice oi 'supplies enables him to reduce the pt ice to I Three Dollars per Bay. Tociltsehs coming in to spend a week" or wore, he will still make a greater reduction. i. prepared, to furuiah Board witbc rm. in.- at very low rates. it.. ... In have thenleasure of welcoming . ' .. - -. . , . w the Yarbrough House h" oiw euatomers nd many. .new frienda. J. M. BLAIR. B. K. MOORE, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, -A-' IKITta g BABBCff.T. wiiMiyoror, s. c, 4-ty - I