• ^^ .4^*''' .-L • By HWES BaU.\EB, “The Old State ForeTer.”—C?a5^an. Single Copies Five Cents V JL 111. NO. 133 SALISBURY, N. C.. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1868. [WHOLE NO 446 ECLECTIC MAGAZINE or FOREIGN Lli ERATURE, SKLKCTXD FBUH L tri l'f/t Quarterly, /{'■ttto'/i (Quarterly, >' Sir it liecteiCj 1‘ tDiii-ir Si'iciice Hep. S it'iniiij R^rii tc. H\st ninsttr liecieic, Ciininher a Journal, Re>' le lies Deux Mot^des, Lutfi ''n iety, at. / : oi's. Cnrnhiil Aldijazine, Fraser's Magazine, Leisure Hour, Temple Far, London liccicic. Art Jiiiirnul, ('outemporary Rerieic, Christian Society, Ail tnc Tear Iionnl, Duhltn Fnicersiiy, .MaemtUan's Magazine, Belgravia. We have iHe Hrr'\ );;eil to secure choice selections j f 'iUit'ie r'len 1;. Ger.imn. till utlier Coiit'iieiital ! i‘cr; *•!; A:s. transit ted c'pecially for the Eclectic to kJd to liie variety and value ofliie E.icti a r.uher is e.ah'‘ilisaeil with one or more Fine .^te *i r.'a'ravin.'s—portr.iAs uf eminent men, or illus trative «f important Historical events. Sjjfrulid Fn niiunis for 18G8. .-'Iv ry new sab--ribsr to the Eclectic 1868 piyinp ®.5 ill tlv.ini e. ,vi!l receive either ol the loiiovviap beaiitilal ciireino oil jiaintiiigs JIASlCin^ OF FEACIIES, Size 9 X 11; Haag & Siiiith’s Patent WATEii WHEEL. THE uiidersi^ued having accepted the agency for tlie above named wheel, would call the attention, of the p.'oprielorti of Mills, ; Factories. &c. Arc... to the ti aiiy advantages tliey would derive from usiiig it. It is well adapledt to all jMirpo.ses for which a water wheel is used. The small space it occupies, and tile vehxdty of its motion, are attract ive features. It reipiires hut a small ainouut of gearing. Ice does Lot alfect it. Works as well on horizontal as vertical shaft. Suit able to any locality Not affected by hack water. It is simple, cheap and durable. One of the wiieels cau he seen in operatio.i at I oard, Tatum A: Co’s, Mill on South Yadkin River. I have been in the* Mill wright business for 25 years, and consider this hy far the best whell 1 have ever yet met with. This wheel costs from $'1.5 to !?'.d75, according to size. I or further particulars address me at, Je rusalem, Davie Co., N. C. RICHARD T. XUTT. Sep. 10, 1>SG8 4tw-;3G iO Years Before tlie PiiMic. 1 l\A A.Xl) Xi:r CR\CKEIl.S. Size 7X8. Til!- 4ii, vj .ire -x.ict cupies of (iriginal oil paiiit- ng,. ml .ire ".re uCe.l hy I’rang A I'o.. Inttie iiigli- 't -,t,.e (jltlic .irt ur. in place ol tiieia we will send 'llH-c- )i' i.ir r' ■ Sit-ei iv.igntvinu^s. W.iOiingtoii at •'lAcy F Tgo. llei jrn from Market, Sunday Morii- nc. r' 1.- r v'» s'lhs ' r.- and llO 00. we will send the ‘c oit f'll ‘'iironio i'o iiliy Life—•''ize .5 1-2 \ 8. -’.jr 1 nr.sii.js -nliers and ijlS.OO. a. ■.opv of U”'(.v/tv's- .S'if ion il Pictorial Diefiunarp. lie v'.jl i n.? of 1.040 pages co'.lainitiir over 60(1 pic • DM •. ;ii i-iiaiauis. pri:;e is6 00 or a copy ol it.isi, t i.iii" I S ''eiehiat.ed p.cci ' i-2 X L‘i 1-2. $15 REiYARD. :e, Shetland I’onies— Terms of the Eclectic : ■'ingle .-•pi.-.-, 45 ct?.; one copy, one year, ?5 00 I ifo one vear ^9,00: live copies one yearij'20.00 AdJies.r \Y. 11. HI I) WELL. 7//* lic'd-at'io S' . Neir Yorh I WILL PAY THE APOYG REWARD of Fifteen Doilar.s I’or the n-cuverj' of mv Runse, BiLij, v.'hicli 1 Idled to one Thoiiia'- liarris, on the lyifi Ol ove.n. t-r ia>t, for a four day's jour ney, liat whicli liiiie .'.liu Uarri.'' tias protracted to lourtcei! day-, h aduig me to believe that he l,a> iletcruhued i.o t-.eep iiiy i:,;rse, or lias sold him. and apidied (nc pruceevis tc. defray the ex- peii.-es ol hi.s wi,itliie-s carca.ss on the Railroad to parts unlviiow ii to me. The horse i.- a medium sized gray, (nearly winte.) wuhout bleiidsh of any siirt; yeiiow eyes, ui.-l will In- nine vears ■ dtl next .Spiiiig. liavri- is a stout built, light- haireil, big-mohtlieu mull oi'aijoiit 23 t ears of age; somewhat inclimul to he talkative in eom- [.■any-—drinks whiskey, i- prolane, and aadouht- : •ascml lie is said to have coaie iroin j ilis.sissijipi ,,r Aiabama, (which State, ir, not I ie w disriiictly reimuiiiu'itii,) where i.e left a Wile, and whither lie v. ill prohiibiy rt turn. 1 will jKty the ahove n-ward lor the recoverv of iiiv iiorse. or for inforinalion leading to it ; 'and will tlmuk hoae.d men, who may haptien to meet witli JJarris, to looli him sti’aiglit in the ei'c alid ask him, “Where is Tom t'rawford’s Tllk S0UTHhK.\ HEPATIC PILES, That old, long hnnwn and icell tried remedy for all IJdions diseases, caused bi/ a DISEASED LIVER. 5^^** Read the lullowing ('erlif cutes from persons of .he liighest rest'eotal.ihiv._^ liver complaint. Rkv. Dk. C. F. Dkem?, (Aug. 231, 1802,) i=ays ; 1 have derived, gmit henrfil trom these Rills, Hiiu Lave iviiown manv famihes and in dividuals who have fourul tii.-rn very benelii-icil. ami I have aRo known physicians in excedeni standing to recommend them to their patie,,is For ail di-ea.ses aiisimr i-um di.sorders of the liver, I behove tiiey are itie best medicine ol- ^ THE OLD NORTH STATE ITRl-WEEKLY J !r3=‘IiATE.S OP SUBSCRIPTION- ^ Tfiuias-C.ASH IN Tri.Weekly, One Year,- Six ilontlra,.... .$5,00 . 3,00 Atlantic. Term. cC* Ohio R. R., 1,500,000 Cliapel 11 11 R. R., 300,000 Xortii Wester n X. C. R. R., 410,000 12,410,000 W TCHMAir AHD NOBTH STATE Oofe Ropy One Ye.ar C.......'.$3.00 ( Six Months 1,50 ‘ X cTii?:S td outlie paperiudicatestheexpiration of the sul-criptioii. The type on which the “ Old North State,” is printed is entirely new. No pains will be spared to make it a welcome visitor to every family. Inordei to do tiiis we have engaged theservices'ol able and accongiiislied literary contributoi'S. Advertising Ratets TIl-yXSIENT HATES Forall periods le.ssthan one mouth One .''^ijiiare. Fir.--t in.sert on fl.du Eaeli snbsO(.picnt in.x-i tion 50 (.’oiitract rates for jieriods of one to foin montlis. 1 Mil. 1 2 .MO. 1 3 MO. 4 4 MO . ! 6 M 0 1 SQI'ARE, ?5.Uit ^S.nO 112 00 J’oOO $20 0( 2 Sgi AHKS, 7 50 13 00 17 00 21 00 27 00 3 .syi ARES, 10(1(1 16 00 21.00 28 00 3400 4 .SQI ARES, 12 00 18 IH) ‘23.00 28 00 3 700 Ql' \R CUE. 13 ( Rl l‘> (Hi 24 (III 20 0(» 3 850 IIAl.’r V.lL. 20,00 27.00 33.00 38 00 44 00 3 I'l'AH- C:l. 2.5,0" 3.3 00 .jU on 4.5 00 5(1 (1(1 ! (INK nil.. 30. OU 4-2.0U 52 00 60 00 70,00 I Total debt as now c .ii- lemplatt-d, The 0»i)8timtion eorn- inaudti you to provide means to pay the an nual interest on this debt. That interest will be, The annual expense of State government (^see Governor's inessago.) Annual property ta.\ for schools (see Siipenu-* dent's report,) $37,029,945 .-red to t!ie public.’ Rev. JiiiiN W. Ih.Ti'F.it. (Jamiary .7, 1863.) sa}: I Was a great suUei'-r. ,\I-v I lost iriy dee'h iji'enit'd eliaiigi d -iiOW I!i)!, Fill' iweivti ivef was disea-‘ed aii l .''treu-glli. and my skii, II in !!.' color by t e bile vvith '•■i men my stem wa-vercharc'.'d. I beeame Siii jnct to frcqueiit aiel s ion 111 at'.a.-k- ol iu!- lOUs chuiic, -vciy aitaek It-aving me weaker ihaii its pi 1 deeessi^.f. Tiie plivsiciai.s had. been able to j.ateii in.- up a lioie. ie.p luv le-altii was 111 a deploi,1 bi»- state, i had tai-:. ii paU-ut m.*- diemes until I was tiled ul li im uiioiii energy ur emiifort. 1 was barely able to go a- bnut a Iitlle. At ieiigii: 1 yieldt-il to tia- ear nest j.ei sua.si.'n o' a li'ieiid and Commeiieeil SPEECH OF Ce senator robrixs of ROWAX ' ; In oi-position to extravagant Rail J Road aj)2)t'opri!itions, delivered in the Senate of North Carolina^ Dec. j '■>ne of tiiese 12. 1S6S. IfiC (jiiestion beini^ upon tlie bill to ili\i(L.‘ liie Wiltiiin^ton, (’^liarlot’e .•iiid Rii'heri’oid R.iiiro-.-d. anti to ap" [-•rufiiiate r wn million doilai'S in State divsion« r flu- liFPAUU ill Ihem. '1 lie FILL aide ' J ... IC.I Ert.-m, that hour 1 hai like a tiiay Rcirse V Dee. 4, 186-^ Aildrcs.s me at ii:-;! turv N. C. Tn08. Al. URAWFoKl). 48— 1 w ! takiii I deiici * me. J l■(.■^n^nal nour i nave improrep. veicd in li.ejr use, umii now. I Uig, J am irell and heotty wiih no eo! li- ’lic BiAtiAii jp^riodica^.4. ua terh/ Rcvictv, ((■ t dioi The TA L9U1 so I V l- 1 V. ) hd inha i\ U’ .t mnst It.r North C'htir Ji ) too r IT Ij Oftf sti •W. ('V'l!;'.) 0/‘ to. { R ■•■ ■ '-) Rt Vic to, (P ! o AND R'tichicttod s t.dinburgh Magazine Tii9 aeriodicals are abiy sustained by the contri butioas of the best writers on Science, Religion and General Literature, and stand unrivalled in the worl.l af letters. They are indispensable to the *r ivUr an.l the professional man. and to every rea- diag man as, they furnish a better record of the cur- re.it literature nf the day than can be obtaiuedfroin aiiv other sour.'e. TERM-I FOR 1869. For aiv one oftne Reviews..,.,. 194.00 per annum. For anv two of the R'-'"e - 7-00 “ For any three of tlie ilev .CrtS..,.10.lK) For all four of the Reviews ..1*2.00 ** For Bla kwood's M.igar.ine, 4.00 For Hl.ickwood and one Review, 7.00 “ For Itl.ick wood and any two of the Reviews,.... lO.OO “ For Hla.'kwood and three of the Reviews 13.00 ” For Blaekwood and the four Re views 15.00 ‘f FURE PERU AT AN Cl.lHS. K discount of twenty percent, will be allowed to ( lube of four or more persona. Thus, tour copies of Bl.i.'k wood, or of one Review, will be sent to o^ie .sd lrcss for $12.80. Four copies of the four Re- 7lews and Blackwood for $48.(MI, and so on. POST AH E. Subscribers should p-epay by the quarter, at the office of delivery. The Postage to any part of the United States is Two Ukkts a nuiuVier. This rate onlvapp'ies to current subscriptions. Forbacknum- ber» the postage is double. /Rt mitt/ns to Ncio Snhscrihers. New Subscribers to an.v two of the above period- cals far IS68 will be entitled to receive, gratis, any one of the Foar Rev iews for 1867. New Subscribers to all five of the Periodicals for 1868 mey receive, pratis. Blackwood or any two of the Four Reviews ■for 1867. S lbs ribers may obtain back numbers at the fol lowing reduced rales, viz The North British from .lanuary. 1863. to Decem- rbe 1867. inclusive ; Edinburgh and tlie Westmin- Bter from April. 1864 to I'eccmber, 1867, inclusive. * id the Loudon Quarterly for the years 1865. 1866 Aii i 1867, at the rate of $1.50 a year for each or any Review also. JUackwood for 1866 and 1867. for $2,- 60 a year, or the two years together for $4.00. Neither premiiimstoSubscribers,nordiscount to ('liibs. nor reduced prices for back numbers, can bo allowed, unless the money is remitted direct to the Publishers. No preTTiniras can be given to Clubs. '1 he Leonard Scott Pub. Co., 140 Fulton, St., X. Y. \ ND all other kiinks ol (IL.^NO, inclmling RL the diOoi.rt PHOSPHATE.', PLAS- I’FR ami LIME, kept cimsiaiiilv on hand, a vt iy l(.«.v I.'ices. Our Unners wili do well to ■•ai! 01 us at oiu-e H.id get their Fei-tiiizers, bc- loic ordermo and Imvii.g elsewhere. V\ e will take Flour or Wheat at the in k e price, in exeLan-'-e;- SPRING.^ HUTCIII.^ON & To. A^o 1, Coicnn's Brick Bow. Salisbury, A i!g. 28. 5tw HORST ■ S TOLEN from the snb.scriber, Monday right ,the 23il lust., a dark bay stallion, eight yeari old white spots on the back from saddle galls, a w'liiLe spot in the forehead, and branded U S. and LG., very thick neck and heavy inane. The thief also look a saddle, bridle and halter with the horse. The horse is supposed to have been stolen by a brigliUcolorcd hoy by the name of James An derson alias Finhnv. Aliy pcr.mn delivering the horse tome at my residence, five miles smitl; of Lexington N G., or giving me such information as will lead to his recoverv, will be sidtabiy rewarded. Aildre.ss m« at Loxiugtou, N. C. wdPvlt A. A. SMITH Edgeworth Female Seminary fPHIS Institution will be re-opened on the A first day of September, with a full corps of Teachers. The entire ex pense for a se.ssion of 20 weeks, of Tuition, with Board, Washing and contingent fee. will be according to tlie class: either $105, ot $110, or $116 if ]iaid in advance; or $116.50, or $121.50, or $126.50. if paid half in advance. Each boarder will furnish her ow'n lights and towels and also a nair of sheets and cases.— Moderate extra charges will be made for an cient and modern Languages, Music, Drawing, and Oil Painting.—For circulars address. J. M. M. CALDWELL, July 9. (61) Greensboro’ N. C clmrii! 01. I I i;:ivc ! now, liy p., ..... .. ...i ....... I !i;;d i\ iiiiiii, who, as 1 believe, v/as saved Ironi dea'Ji (' by a oo-.e ol tlie.sii Pills. My l.ioctor’s bill Wiis aminally (ruin SluO to $200. but I have had no use for a reeoiumciid im-in ;■« superior iJiimiy S. D. Wall.^ck. Iv-q., Pi-. .-Hu nt of min.gtoi' A'. 'A Lends to the WesteiTi Mr. Robbin.8 8tiid : It is lull rime. .Mr. Pro.iiden t. thtit honio voiee weie raised liei e in. viomi-- oii.s p-ri.dec-t against iiie u'i'ic! aii d negro 1 P’lrS pi otiDsitinlis HOW petld Total annual ta.v on property III addiiioii to tins aliout $lSv>,tiDG i Siaie ['Oil tax must be paiil. And 1 have Hot yel sa d a word about the town and county and the Federal taxes- Does anv one imagine that our impoverisiied people can bear tiiese burdens—these mil.ions ot’ tax, —when in iheir prosperous days they i thought four or live Imndied tli jus i and heavy ? T'oii k/toio Senators, the peoj'le cannot bear them. And yet bills fmost of ilu-ni ate i rare specimens of liteiatuie) toes the j ( words, “There is herchg levied and '. i coUiCted a tax,” Ac., a.'i if even yonr j i enactment could produce the money. It will (le as likely to province it, i admi’, as the Sherill’ w;il • hir botli ' f Now, Mr. President, I unhesitatingly j denounce all this as shamelessly dishonest and utterly unworthy of Xorlh Carolina. Our coiisciences are sought to be silenced with the a.^surunce that this schcine will secure us some roads. Suppose it did.— j '' ill a few roads compensate North Caro- I liua for tht^ diserv^dit thus fastened on her j through all the mighty future? No, Sir. Neither a Stale nor an individual can live and prosper without character among men, to ^.’sy nothir^g of that dwme which always curses ill gotten gains. But i who knows we shall get the roads ? May $2,221.193 I not those, who thus deliberately cheat the ) rest of the world, che:it North Carolina j too I 5I;iy they not pocket the.'^e mil- 375,230 and then disuppoiiit us ? What se- j cuiily have we J One says, the niortga- : ges on the roads. But these reads are not worth now half the amount we are leniliiig them ; and on .^omc of them' the iirst spade i.s not yet stuck into the ground. What are such mortgages worili ? lain a friend of Iiiu-nial Improvements. No Senator l.'i're is more so. I would be delighted to .ee all llic.«e road.- Imiit. It is not against tlie roads I speak, but against cojitiacting debts we can never pay. Xot 500,000 ■ 83.097,(‘26 against tlie roads I Not agahist the roads ! Let this never be forgottmi ! I long to see tlie Iron iiorse with iiis burden of rich freiglits carm’iing along by the fertile sliores ot the -Vl’liemarle, and far away a inon; tin > h will fail, supposing 1 will not ill; anv Senator lilt yon here is so p, w.,. peaks V here the stiilm ss is now unbro’^eii save by the musical voice of that grand-daugh.ter of tin; mountains — the laughing 8’vann.i:io,i. But these pleasing vicious must not be suib-ri d to cast a gl.imoiir over our eyes to blind iii to riglit and wrong. Even Railroads are too dear when they' cost us dishonor. I bt g to remind you also, S.-nato’, j, that these me enures, by bankruptin'gthe State, will indi tinitely jiostponc '.'a,* etb ctive cs- r iiiir - . J? ,1- _l. 1 eek- in SloO to $200. but I have Inui - .. , j „ .. physiehm since. 1 ram oi,fidem:% tTodit destroyed, her pec pie beg ant on aW iho p»’‘>i'erty thrin : superior iamiiy iiiedieme h.er lair lamo fort ver tars to pay the annual itUe the Wil- numi R.iiliioad (Aiig. 3U, 1362) | p.-a-y jieffonn s«iVS- 11 nas uc**i] S'aid ihaL Dy-'^pc[>.ia i uiir * ^ may be, it i ,, , , , . . , iiig. Provi-i -I-l'iinblo and inexjienenced, upon ' nfioiial uisriise. Hi,«wever (his uaiised me long and revere snlle bhirtii Oaiadiniiius of tdd davu vere this task! Lilt onr sages ai e dead or disfranchis dd •— dentially a .ri'-iid lurni.-iieil me n ith a few box-M tat OCCtlbioil BeeniS tO impose es of the • H«-puiic Pill,-.’.and li e ii.-e ol them | has perieeled a eiue. In rny family they have j been used fiequeiitly wiih eminetit suece.-s i .Among my artpiaintanees many eases ongiiui- j ting from diseased live.”, iiave lic-en relieved and ' ■j cured by them. I regard them an invaluable medicine, and take pleasure m forwaiuing this voluntary tribute. A. \A. D. Taylou, Esq., Petersburg, Ta., (Jan. 12, 1859.) says: “ In the Spring of 1858. I was attacked with Dyspepsia to siieh an ex tent that a’l my food ot every de.serijition dis- L. 1. PUB. CO., als* publish th« FAItMEIfS GUIDE. bv Hk'’ V STKrHRNs. of Edinburgh, and the late J. P. Noutos. of Yale Colleire. 2 voD.. Royal ctav*, 1690 paces, and numerous Enpravinps. Pric# $7 for the two velumes—by Mail, postpaid. It eo- ian9—tf CARD TOITOE PUBLIC. DR. S.\ML. A. BELT., H as located on Ennisi Street, between Main dc Lee. OflBce formerly occupied by Dr. J. A. Caldwell, and offers bis profes sional servises to the aitisans of tho town »»d visinity of Salisbary. fmh Vk‘ mi. f IDOLPilO WOLPi;, aa BEAVBB. STZIEZST, Ifew ‘STork. rpiHE subscribers beg leave to inform the citizens of North Carolina that they have bt-en appointed agents lor Udolpho Wolfe, of New York, for the sale of his celebrated SCHEIDAM AROMATIC SCHNAPPS, And Bottled Wines nnd Lidnors. Mr. W.'s name is a honsenold word in every part of the Southern Stales. ADRAIX & VOLLERS. WilmiDcton. N. C. HENDERSON A CRAWFORD. Agents Salisbury, N. C. 3c:wl3tq:>d Know and Believe T hat g. b. poulson a cos. drug Store is the cheapest place to buy Drugs and Medicines in this section of North Caroli na. Try them !—at WYATT’S OLD STAND MayT, tf 8alitfK>nr, V.e. agreed wiih me. I was swollen so I had to loosen my clothes, and inglit alter night 1 could get no sleep. I tried one or t wo physieiaiis, and took a good deal of medu-ine. but lound no relief. I pnicliHSeii ore bo.x ot the Sonth- ern Hepatic Pills, and the fust doSe I took I felt relieved, and coiuinued until 1 took the whole box. I am now eniirely well, and eat heartily, and never have been attacked sinee. I can safely recommend these Pills to liie Dys peptic and the eommnnity at laige.” They can be sent to any point m the United States by Mail or E.xpress. PRICE—For one box. 25 eeiUs.—i $2.50—ITaltGrnsis $10-One Gross. $13—Three Gross. $50—Five Gross, $75. The cash must either accompany tlie order for the Medi cine or it will be seat C. 0. D. Or era should be address ed to G. W. DKEMS, No. 28, Sooth Calhocx Strket, Baltimubi .Md. where they will be promptly attended to. For th. se Mettieines call on all respectable Dm^sgiits everywhere, and on ell the Druggists in Salisbckv. • JOHN H. ENNISS, Druggist, Special Agent. lOiwAtwIv CIaUMMO ks STAGE EliVE Warsaw fo Fajrtffville. Leave Warsaw for Fayetteville daily, ex cept Sunday. Through Tickets from Wil mington to Fayetteville, $6. Through Tick ets from Weldon, via W’arsaw, to FayetiO- ville, $10. Tlirough Ticket.s from Golds boro’, via W’^arsaw, to Fayetteville, $G. ChiirloUe o U adesboro’, Leave Charlotte, via Monroe, for W’’ades- boro% Tuesday, Thursday and Staturday. Leave Wadesboro’ Sunday, W'ednesday and Friday, after the arrival of the W’^ilmiug- ton, Charlotte & Rutherford Stage. Morrisvilie (o Pi^t^bl ro’ Leave Morrisville for Pittsboro’ Monday, W’’ednesday and Friday, return next days. llnimon>' AcconinH dinon liiP. Between SALEM and HIGH POINT N. C., fare Out Dollar. E. T. CLEMMONS. Contractor. July, 7,1868. Iw-tw-lmj Notice of J. W. Bitting- \ CCOUNTS on my books that have been presented and still unpaid and your promises have been kept, over the left; no exception to accounts above referred to, if not paid in 15 days from the publication of this notice, will be placed in the hands of an officer for collection. Oot. 10,—2w J. W. BITTING biiiui as til expect our }>e>ple ever to ^ tubli; him-ut of our of eebonU. pay the taxes 1 iiave eiuitnerared. j I iun a fnioml of ‘(ViiUoads, I am still more Hut let ns view this subject in an^ j frivml ol -'^noois. Give me a well-edu- ijiii; bet’iM e ’ other li;^ht. lu each of these several | cat'-d oplv, and I will build your R.iil- 11.- body, by whicli North Ci vroliua ! Kailroad, bills I jicrceive you ptoNfound your manutactoiii s, build up will be hopelessly involved in debt, j poao to levy a tax of a certain your mecluinic and agiiculiural industry, ' ' • ” ' • of Srate * make your St.ite rich and pay tlie annual on those In the name ot ihicc hundred nislied. Would that one of ti ie;liant new appropriations. Thus, for the W children, of both r.ices, now c-jy- X. C. lliiiiroad vcm levy 1 8 of one i‘"“'."''''‘'f'’''' ‘ puc u \p U. Koail 1 16 ; Clmn. ^ i,,. %:•’ vlb-.'";':' h ^ •*'■"1.= to be cHn.c,.led. If >0,. w:;i .ini. t. toad 1 1- . N. \\ . N. (/. 11. Lo.id >^;isce their rcst'urces and d-itmi Hn-rn the wliirc man in - ack m.in in loA cah- Ifcoad 120. x\.(.idiu*j. tnese tractions i in'o r.tise tiieir u;. hed voice to rebuke to^etlier, vve have 1-2 of one i thnse who thus negh vt the best i.f c.-iut^'-r, vent, or 50 cetits on the $1U'J of jcondemn this goiK’ration of cliildix.’,' property; and this is the sutn you iup to grope tiieir way lino’ propose to raise to meet the interest j darkness. I ask the >nyoni new appropriations alone. attention of the colored mt-mbers of tins Legislature to this sin which is about to be perpetrated against ibeir own race me d M2; X. W. X. C. li. Uoad ti lib I 1-4U ; A. 1. and O. K. Road 1 20; E. j ignorance, 1 call upiin tli di "S' I at)d W . iw. Road l'-20 ; Ciiathain R. > bis cotta'll* and ih ” black duly. 1 rise, Mr. Rresideut, to chat go that duty,—feebly, perhaps » blit 3’et feailessly. It is wdll known that there is liore A Railroad Ring, each member of which is jtledged to vote for the ap propriations to all the Roads in order to secure one for his own. TIiub 1 hit the Public Treasurer says von haitded toother, yon are giving | ct. m, under tlie present State Con'sfi- votes, Sonatoic, for measures which m Miur judgments do not approve. It luGion, only tax property aiiont 40 endorse ceu IS oil mu fur all State purnus s 11' ‘ hi^ 11 x^Oii thi ' U or not, who votes tor these IS a general gatne of and a (See' his report, j>age 11.) wn uus multitude of visionary projects are I show dug, where are your resources being tlius rushed through, the ag- | for ii leeiing the interest on the exist- gregate result of which must be Hnau- j irjg d ebt, tlie expenses of the State ciiil ruin to the State, lo-day 1 de;' gover.mnent, ot tlie schools and otiier ! over the points I wished to touch. I aui clare war on this Itnig; and R I i matter s? You leave us less than noth'^ deeply .sen.siblc of iherestvmsibilitv under cannot break it. i shall try to make it ing tor all the.se things ! | which I have spoken. Hut 1 know that at least a ring of lire. ----- - - Let i.s first make a few figures and eee what tiie debt of the State is, and how mucli you propose to make it. 1 shall only mention large items, and i)ot waste time on minor expendi tures. Let us sta'e tlie items under three separate lieads: Ri/sT The • i • , i , . - . present actual debt in bonds issued at ! impugn t beir correctness. \V hat then | these bill.-^, would certainly ta.x onr people various tunes, according to the report i^ that; ®t, once to begg.n-y, I have endeavored one of the mo st gigantic swindles is on j expose the gb.istly features of the swin- foot that men were ever made victims to. i dliiig plot, contrived by the prime moveis tlie covert design under- 'vlm manage this Railroad liing. 1 do extravagant measures now, is really an enemy to Schools. Let llie people make a note of him. Now, Mr. Fre.sident, I have about gone 'er the points I wished to touch. I am ess than noth'' , deeply* .seii.siblc of ihere.sf»oii-»iLilitxr mi ingt'or all these things ! | which I have spoken. We h ive now made figures enough.— i die truth of my words is, and will be, felt Here is c’emonstralion piled on deinoiistra-’ iu every man’s secret soul. Mv object tion, prov ing that no honest road lies before : ka.s been, and will yet be, to preserve the us if the re. okles.s measures now pending are ! credit of North Carolina, if poi^iWe^ hj earned. 5.^e men of the Ring, look my i preventing tliis proposed increase of onr figures in 1 be face, and answer them if you | debt which would mike it still more nr»- But I know you will not attempt ; manageable than it now is, and by reason They are not to be refuted. No one ! of die taxation feature, in each one of can! this. I understand just suhmiHed to us by theTreabiirer. ^ t e mo ^ Secondly, the amount of bonds soon In be iSbUed under ordinances ami acts of the late Convention and tfie late session of this General Assem bly. Thirdly, the bonds to be issued under the bills now pending and passing here. 1. Aciial existing bebt, (see Treasurer's report,) |il9,209,945 2. Honda autliorized (Jon vention and Legiclatiire: Western R. Rail Raod (by Con vention,) $500,000 Westeru X. C. Rail Road 4,000,000 Williamuton and Tarboro'R. R 300,000 Xorlh Western X. C. R. R. 410,000 The Penitentiary, 200,000 5,510,000 3. Bonds proposed to be authorized now : Western X. C. R. Road, 3,000.000 Western R. R., 1,000,000 Williamston and T. R. Road, 2,200,000 Chimney Rock R. Road, 2,000,000 Eastern and W. R. R., ^ 2,000,000 not charge dishonesty on every* man who ra.ay have voted with it heretofore. T lliiuk il likely tliat some good men h-avo been seduced into doing .so. They fan cied they heard the wliistle of the locomo tive in the vicinity of their homes, and the pleasing souud has lulled their judg ment to .^leep. But after the clear exhibi tion which has now been given of the an- neath all these ]7rnjects ; and in the name of North Garolijia honor and lionestv, I an humble sou ot' an untarnished old-State, stand up here to-day, almost single hand ed, to beard this giant swindle in its den and expose it to th 2 gaze and the execra tions of mankind. The plot first is to raise some money* bv some means,—by borrowing it, by selling or mortgaging the State’s property,—by j **C’Bnd basis on which these projects stand, vending, if necessary, the very coats off i (be secret plot entered into by a few our backs,—to raise some money*, and pay j (o perpetrate a deliberate swindle, the interest on our debt accruing next i whoev’er shall still adhere to this scheme January*, April, and July. Thi.s will I‘'tud sui^tain this I shall, my'self, use make a show of honesty' and promptness j hard words about tlicm here, but 1 fear in p.ayraent, and will, it is hoped, put our ! world w'ill call ihetn all sicindlcrs. bonds up to a good price for several months i bu" be in my* power, I mean to come. In this condition of the bond prevent the consummation of the plot market, all these twelve millions new j which I have mentioned. Go ahead, yo boudj are to be issued and sohl prorapily. j and vote me down amid Then we are to stop paying interest for j laughter and jeers. This is y’uur day of the best of reasons,—nothing to pay with, j triumph, hut mine is at hand. The bond — no adequate tax possible to be collect-1 buyers ol the world are listening to this ed, no more State property* to sell, and .to-iI,iy, and they will heed it, though when these projected Railroad companie.s ^ ^ them to give j’ou a have pocketed the proceeds of this sharp ^ wide berth, and they will. These nexv operation, then we are to stand from uu-1 ^VddCat Bonds of yours, if they* are is- der, and let the crash come on the bond ! will not bring one dollar in thethous- buyers whom we haveentrapped into buy*-! and ; and I hope this fact will preveut ing these forthcoming new bonds ! Does (beir issue, and save us from this inereaso not every man here, with hi.s eyes open debt, i'ou are setting a trap for the and his intellect awake, see that this is bond buyers ; I warn them of it, and they the scheme t Is it not darkly whispered “ In vain is the net sprt*^ in avery corner t Certaiuly it is, ' sight of any bird ”

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